Scottish Laird Boasts vacious, American-born wife, a former fashion editor of Harp- er's Bazaar and Vogue maga- zines, have thrown themselves School Towel Ist Liner Arrives At Montreal Docks ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) enthusiastically into community Strangles Boy MONTREAL (CP) -- The affairs, hoping not only to en- rich their land but also bring) LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Ken-|nutch liner Ryndam i the first a new recognition of Scotland.|neth Hopper, 9, son of Mr. and|nassenger ship to amrive in Mrs. Kenneth Hopper of nearby|Montreal harbor for the 1064 Of Queen As Neighbor #35525 loving memory of @ Disted" way" Ai WP v0l32_Articles for Sale am mene yeer#!i960 GALE 60 HP outboard motor with! INVERCAULD (CP) -- Fewya blond giant of about 40 who,Castle sits on the 36,000 acres|have put a good deal of money teak. 700. King 'Street "West, men are quite so at ease withlowns so much of the heart of|she owns in Aberdeenshire in|into a glamorous, Scandinavian- ve Aig oe beg P acvet The 15,000-ton vessel docked . DISPLAY showcases, 6 ft. x 24" endithe possessivepronoun "my" as|the Highlands that he himselfladdition to the 11,700 she leases,.|style hotel and ski lodge called' Sentral Sa : rada'S!rriday with 800 passengers haberdashery furniture. Phone 725239. tare the handful of wealthylisn't quite sure of the acreage.| The leading landowner in|the Spittle of Glenshee. And Poli id Ide ;|from Europe and a shipment of OUTBOARD motor, 25 HP J ex|lairds and clan chieftains who} ajthough many Scottish land-|Scotland is the forestry com-|they built a modern chair-lift Pete ge Aye tage Herod ft Dutch tulips, owners have possessions farjmission, with about 900,000|"? the nearby mountain. the dispenser near the end of a IN MEMORIAM MILGATE -- in > i z E i g i g r Pi i i : i 3 i : i johnson, ceptionally ry condition, gir 3% HP own much of Scotland. |Johnson $65. Private. Also oa 4string . Meantime the harbor was bento, one veer old, $0. After 6 pm.) The word tumbles out casu-jgreater than Farquharson, hejacres, but the five biggest pri-| It is one of several new setups Fars, : Laced idence ally, in a manner that comes|has several '"'mys" tlfat make|vate holders between them havelin the area 'in an increasingly i weeelial Gea Ft bee s taken piaying host to an increasing BOAT, 15 ff. cedarstrip. No naturally only to one born tojhim unique. For instance, hejmore than 1,000,000 acres, Other|successful bid to win some of} | ¥ @!! number of freighters, some with offer refused. Apply §5 Montrave Avenve-lown just about everything in|uses 'my castles" in the plurallbig holders include brewery|the business away from the|*er. cars for Montreal ' and gloves,|sight, But for the chap whol|because he owns Braemar Cas-|firms and other companies. |more famous continental winter, wane 4 pgpirndl yg tye acral for other ome Bs 332 i 3 S33 i a ¢ ii uy 3 #8 z= j i 333 ii a 3 3 3 : | is i 5 i peineer sg dress, resorts. if . 4 z g eo headdress size 12. Original price $100. wil take $50. Telephone 723-9026. SEWING machine, desk, coffee. and end tables, bed, all modern, Phone 728-5463. 3 H i z. FLOAT, 30 ft. bed, 25 ton; float 15 ft. bed, 15 ton. Call Bowmanville 623-5756. property anywhere, versation punctuated with "my lands .. . my mountain. . . my it in i s ager j BROUGH, James Edwin Entered into rest in the Oshawa General pe ag on Friday, April 10, 1964, James Edwin Brough, beloved husband of Kath- feen Burras and father of Mrs. Orvil agg Mrs. George Twaltes (Kathieen), and Robert, all of Osh- @wa and 'intitoen 3 Brooklin, and ghia er of Mrs. Thomas Dester, sh William Pearson, who Mess|T1,_ 1963. : Margeret Brough, all of Orono, in his 63th year. eee a the Funeral Home, with memorial service in the chapel Monday, April 13, st 2 p.m. Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. fellows Service at the Funeral Home Sunday, at 7 p.m.) HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil- ances, Name brands at bi; it discounts anywhere, We carry Restonic and Bever- ly mattress furniture lines. Your author- lized GE dealer. Contact Honest ag oe on 424 King Street West, our new |e sipertig Avalon Dance Hall, 'Telephone 72-9191 game-k . my river..." wyn Farquharson of Invercauld, does't own a square inch of|tle as well as Invercauld, seat Despite the power of owner- three years, Ten-year-old Ger-|the St, Lawrence Seaway and there isjof the Clan Farquharson since/ship, Farquharson charm- something unreal about a con-jit was established in the 1500s. nip, ris is 8 ti QUEEN NEARBY But best of all probably is Just such a man is Capt. Al-|"'my nearest neighbor is the} Geoea." Hae y Balmoral businessman, as indeed he must ing, unpretentious, almost bash- ful man whose local prestige is immense, But he also has the reputation of being a shrewd be because mere ownership is not wealth in this neck of the CANVAS I curtal ns, woods where the land, pock- marked with great grey stones, OBITUARIES 'Complete service. Free waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. ver remembered and sadly missed by' wife Bs Etta, PEARSON -- In loving memory of Dad, passed away April deer father, gone to rest, Away from sorrow, care and pain, May you rest In peace deer father, Until we meet again. "SAILBOAT, International, 14 ft. Zephyr class, complete with 125 sq. ff. sall, main 'and ib, 32 ff. mast, 60" beam, Excellent condition. Reasonable. Apply after 6 pm. Apartment 7, 333 Gibb Street, Brooklin, 655-3976. BUYING or selling furniture or appil- ances. Call Elmer, Hampton, 263-2294 or 263-2695, lways r and family. 'ger PEARSON -- In loving PAINT 'special at Edgar's Paint end Wallpaper by Para Paints since 1915. 20 per. cent discount on semi-gloss, latex, f!high gloss, interior and exterior at ROBERT BENJAMIN KING min King, 550 Oxford street, 78th year, A native of Dartford, Kent, England, Mr. King was married in England in 1920 to the former Annie Inkpen. He came to Can- The death of Robert Benja-|"™ occurred suddenly at his home|... uiem mass Monday, April 13, Friday, April 10. He was in his Pa) a.m, interment. will be in St. Gregory's Cemetery. defies cultivation and is good only for sheep, grouse, deer and 'The funeral will be held from|*imber. lai FUNERAL OF JERRY FRANCIS DILLON The funeral of Jerry Francis That is not to say Farquhar- json is hard up. He has sheep, valuable stands of timber; a small mill, picks up a tidy sum from sports- men who hunt and fish on his collects rents and nd, SHOOT GROUSE Farquharson, like most land- STRIKING COUPLE occupations are the theatre they established several years ago in an abandoned stone church and ald ~. nell of Dorchester, 5 some 10 miles east of here, died Mrs. Farquharson's main pre- in a similar fashion in March on the Great Lakes. ; The seaway opened its 1964 loperations Tuesday. which annually draws bigger crowds of visiting tourists, and her centre of Scottish crafts. This started as a display centre OSHAWA TIMES PATTERN but orders for sheepskin rugs, bone-handled knives, knitted goods and the like poured in and now she is more or less full-time ' business. agent han- dlingsales to many part ¢! the world. Against the rugged beauty of , @ striking couple: He a magnificent figure in his kilt and other regalia; she a tall brunette, her flair for the dramatic demonstrated in a vol- memory Resi ia, reerso™ who Passed away iEdgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 4 King/ada and Oshawa that same year|Dillon, who died suddenly in anlowners, is reticent about this|minous sheepskin coat of her a tows ee Leche rip MLNCTRIC 30" GE stove 335) ergs of and was followed by his wife/accident, Wednesday, April 8,|last peng yng of his busi-jown design, a touch of green le wa OU a a head|two years later. was held from the Armstrong|ness but it is known that some|eyeshadow to match her green spring mattress, $15; 54' padded y' E gre veo tetas bare aan board, $5; TA I Garrard 4-speed turn-| Mr, King was employed in the|Funeral Home to St. Gregory/landlords ask £250 ($750) aloioves and hat. foyer lbh oc «lg iy oe ee Whitin, Geane °*"*"\General Motors body shop and|the Great Roman Catholic/week to shoot their grouse--and matiiniie ts Ma tae, We could not wish you back dear dad,/FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, freezer holds|Tetired in 1949. He was an ad- Church, Feiday, Apel! 10, atjget & without question, hotel, ved t we land To. softer iy ye sot 2 oy Ideal for cottage. $35, Tele- yang has the United Church. [10 Big os i is at a -- Sir ed -- nt9 el, i ng ' bag: 7 . . He survived by his wife e deceased was $ sev-\las-Home, another major land-jhis mountain, his river, Far- $0 He did what He thought best * ; He cane ond cheer uanles Yew Re tik cote a eres We eee:|Annie, and a daughter, Mrs. A.jenth year. lord with 30,000 acres, once/quharson chats enthusiastically Scott (Joyce), of RR. 2, Osh-| Mass was sung by Rt. Rev.jiurned down £47,000 ($141,000)! snout the success the-area has for two miles of salmon fishing hal in thactoariak industry, just rights on his Tweed River in iy You wished no one a last farewell, croft, Ontario, Paul D Inte SNACK BAR, fully erage (if needed),|awa. He also leaves a brother, Monsignor aul yer, tT On Highwa' ment followed in St. Gregory's neighboring Perthshire. about the only industry open to) Or even sald Ethel Terry, beloved wife of Christopher only three years old. ¥ No. 2:'Thomas King, of Oshawa, and Cemetery. . t Maple Gi Mr. G. Beech. Dial) de reurvay: tonas bernard ord. bon r vs remembered by daughter 3 Shirlange three grandchildren. Pallbearers were Glenn and ail, all of Oshawa, and sister of Char'es/!ey, 'son-in-law Bill and gr 'er WILLIAMS plano 'and bench, In very| The funeral service will be William L ynch and Mike and Edward Dillon. , In her 58th Rest- int Ine Armatong Fureret: ema, Cst-| RANE" In toving memory of ¢ tar 4 pm. Condition. Best offer. Telephone/ conducted in the Gerrow Funer- ee we char, heetey, Aor Ns silteoloven' ess see Fed) 5-apAcHe comping Waller, Excoleni|*. compel, Monday, April 13, at ge cot Saree at ond indy slanwene > rae who passed 'away April Pohl condition, used two weeks, $800. or near-/2 P.m. Rev. N. T. Holmes, min- FUNERAL OF Bunday, af 8.30 p.m. Interment at st. daughter-in-law trene and grandchildren.|est offer. Telephone Bowmanville 623-30%lister of Harmony United; ALBERT MICHALOWSKI Gregory's Cemetery. WASHER, Beatty, wringer type, stein-(Church, will conduct the ser-| the memorial service for Al- SAXBY -- In babi memory of a dear|less steel Coca - Cola pop cooler, vice, Interment will be in Osh- bert Michalowski 'who at the family residence, 465 Mon- trave avenue, Wednesday, April 8, was held at the Armstrong tub, father, Thomas Henry, who passed away|store type. Call 723-7119. April 12, 1962 at Romford, England. et wcTRIC Fender, Biuepoint, modern|2W@ Union Cemetery. Funeral Chapel, Friday, April 10, at 3.15 p.m. He was in his Your presence is ever near us v of SN er Ts eae ink) JAMES SENNOTT 60th year. Your love remeins SH ll A ah oxygen and acytelene gauges and hose. The death of James Sennott, The service was conducted by *¢-/Martin Sennott, he was born zierski, J. Liawba and B. Jan- bb adhyprniat yee ed Every item bought new in 1963. Best : Rey. P. F. Fiess, pastor of ed und" power, $28, Prone|Jan. 15, 1891, in Ottawa. Mr. kowski. KING, Robert Benjamin Suddenly at his home, 550 Oxford Street, on Friday, Aprii 10, 1964, Ben- er ssl In his 78th y beloved of Annie Inkpen, fovino father of Mrs. A Scott (Joyce) of RR 2, -Osh- s Oshawa. @wa, brother of Thoma: 5 Mr. King is resting at the Gerrow Fu- meral Chapel, 390 King Street West, for service in the Chapel on Monday, April 13, at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. NEATE, Mrs. Christopher Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, April 9 1964, Mary Now Farquharson and his vi-lit. There's Nothing Can Beat The COMFORT SENNOTT, ak @ntered Into rest In the Oshawa Generel Hospital on Ar ting Apel 10, 1964, James Sennott, beloved husbend of Kahtleen Poca cing and father of Mrs. Donald Seach (nerbers) eee ee Sennott,| in his 74th year. ing Funere! Home, Oshawa with High Requiem Mass In Holy Cross Church, Monday, April 13 at 9 a.m. interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. SMITH -- In loving memory of @ dear see brother, Ernest Smith, who passed eway/FOR SALE -- Two-wheel, garden trac- lon April 11, 1963, God knows how much 'yd Saga him, Never shall his memory ft Loving thoughts shall ever > wander LATE DEATH NOTICES may sppear en Page 3 of The Oshawa Times. Desth Notices are accepted until 9.30 a.m. for fication the same day In this reguiar Death' Notice order to lish. eer" faa woes te laid. egg - --Ever by sister Jean,|tires. Will consider trade for freezer. sided in Oshawa 'since 1998. He as brother-in-law' K Ken on and Family. also lived in Ottawa, St. Lam- MTN = In loving memory of « deer |33---Market Basket bert, Quebec, and Toronto. Fo Tage WhO Paseed aWeY! TR esH oops for sale at Laviers lan employee of General Nothing can ever take away Base Line, first farm east of Ajax. tors for 21 years, Mr, Sen- MAPLE SYRUP for sale. Taxe 35 high-/Nott retired in 1960. He was a way from 401 to concession 12 Manvers.| member of Holy Cross Roman Andrews Heaslip. Call Bethany, 17R11. Catholic Church. He was a veteran of the First/exander Mitchell who died sud- SiArtis in. vind enely @ o deer 34--Lost ~-- a ner World War, having served over- denly in East Whitby Township, brother, Ernest Smith, who passed away|Scrtiy Give Avene and Witson Roeg,(seas in France with No. 230/Tuesday, April 7, was held in April 11, 1963. male, name "King". Child's pet. Reward.| Forestry Corps. He was a mem-|the chapel of the Armstrong We othe pod pa od 723-9036. ber of the Royal Canadian Le-|Funeral Home, Friday, April A chalae Garantie wow dell, LOST Wallet containing very impor-igion, Branch 43 and a former|10, at 2 p.m. The deceased. was Our loved one's gone forever. Leal encelggere ll i sar agar Fier member of UAW, Local 222.' |in his 37th year. laemee na me ae Ave He is survived by his wife, the] The service was conducted by former Kathleen Chapman; a/Rey. Dr. Jong Leng, minister of daughter, Mrs. Donald Beamish|St. Andrew's United Church. In- (Barbara), of Oshawa and a soniterment was in Mount Lawn Robert Sennott of Oshawa. He|Cemetery. @lso leaves a sister, Mrs. Mary) Pallbearers were Jack Loge- Dudley of Ottawa and two broth-|man, Douglas Hodgson, Abe ers, Thomas and Edward, of Ot-|Taylor, Alex Nickiforuck, Bob tawa. Mitchell' and Joe Kovacs. Your loved ones would never --Lovingly by "Sy soni, otter. APPLY envied 'sun' ° $Y" /392 Vimy avenue, occurred sud- Grace Lutheran Church. Inter- i505, was marrieq Aug. 8,)ment was in Oshawa Union isachore sarseunere -- Chal Ie suite, peels, meee: Sone at Prides. Apet pays A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. TRAILER -- two-wheel, @ x 6 box, new|1923, in Toronto, and had re-|Cemetery. Pallbearers were T. Bartosik, A. Schatz, B. Kupcikas, K. Kad- Radiant Original ALL-ELECTRIC HOME HEATING For YOUR Home!! fn the Late Death Notices, Page 3 In the! present day's edition of The Times. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390_KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING ENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 FUNERAL OF ALEXANDER MITCHELL The memorial service for Al- The love a heart holds deer, Fond memories linger every lo Remembrance keeps him near, Pied " sidlagesag by mother, Dewne Don't have a home Thot's Obsolete Make It Modern with Electroheat! PHONE 728-4611 Detailed Information OSHAWA SMITH -- In loving memory of © dear 36--Legal |husband.and father, Ernest J. Smith, who passed away April. 11, 1963. He bade no one his last ferewell, He sald good-bye to none, The heavenly gates were opened, A loving voice said "Come", 1 often. sit and think of yous The things you used to say; | wonder why you had fo die Without @ chance to say good-bye. Though out of sight, you're ever Still missed, loved, still mine; 56 PRINCE ST. IN MEMORIAM @AY -- In loving memory of a dear| y, aT memory husband, father ond grandfather, Charlies Until the ete rt - Clinton Gey, who passed away April 12,/_Ever remembered by wife Beatrice and We cannot have the old days back, [laren 'We can see your smile no more, Uniti we meet you In God's mansion, Over on that peaceful shore. pod Always remembered by wife and fam- WHITBY PAVING CONTRACTORS ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.) on THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1964 for the construction of the Roads, Sidewalks and Drain- age ot the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. Plans, Specifications. ond Tender Documents may be .obtoined from, or viewed .at Room 1704 (Tower), Depart- ment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, (Tele- phone No, 365-1079), or viewed ot the Builders Ex- _ change, Oshawa, Ontario. A_ $2,800.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond ond a 50% Payment Bond will be required as speci- fied. Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on forms sup- plied by the Department. A Deposit of $25.00 CASH, OR CERTIFIED CHEQU made payable to the Treas- urer of Ontario, will be re- quired per set of tender do- cuments, which will be re- funded if documents ore re- turned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise for- feited. The lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted, J. D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Deportment of Public Works, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of FRANK GERACE, late of the City of Oshawa, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed, solictor for the Exe- cutrix on or before the 5th day of May, 1964, after which date the Estate's as- sets will be distributed hay- ing regard only to claims thot have been received. ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 17 King St. East, OSHAWA, Ontario. SMITH -- In loving memory of 8 dear brother, Ernest Smith, who passed away April 11, 1963, Peaceful be thy rest, dear brother, it Is sweet to breathe thy name) In Ufe we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. missed by sister je. HALL -- In loving memory of a dear father, John Hall, who passed away April Ti, 1956, We do not need a special day To bring fo our mind, For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. if all the world were ours to give, We'd give it, yes, and more, To see the face of our dear Dad Come smiting through the door. -- Always yemembered by sons end Gaughters. . Joyce SMITH -- In memory of a dear brother, Ernest Smith, who passed away April 11, 1963. In our heart, your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true; There's not a day, dear brother, 1 do not think of you. --Sadly missed by sister Helen, Shorty and family. --_In loving memory of a dear mother -- Modena Joynt -- who passed @way April 12, 1963. Piease, God, forgive a silent tear, A fervent wish our Mom was here, There are others, yes, we know, But she was ours, we loved her so, Deer God, take a message To our mother in heaven above, Teil her how much we miss her, And give her all our love. Lovingly remembered by : Jack, Arnold and Dorothy. SMITH -- In fond memory of a dear friend, Ernest Smith, who passed sway April 11, 1963. Loving end kind in all his ways Upright and just to the end of his days Sincere and kind In heart and mind What a beautiful memory. He left behind. --Lovingly remebered by 8 Harold and Helen Spratt and 'ney: friend Madeline, WALSH -- In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Thomas + who passed away April 13, 1961, 'ance is a golden chain Death tries to break, but all in vain, To have, to love, and then to part ts the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never-- The memory of those happy days When we were ali together. --Ever son Norman, and gr KELLAR -- In pet memory roi eli dear mother and Mart Kellar, who passed away April nh 62 --Lovingly remembered by daughter Mauda, son-in-law Malcolm and grand- daughier Joy. KELLAR -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Martha Kellar, who passed away April 11, 1962. Sadly missed and ever r by @aughter Zeta. KELLAR -- In loving memory of our Geer mother and grandmother, Martha Kellar, who passed away April 11, 1962. Calm and peaceful she is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain, We dear'y love her, and sadly miss her, But trust In God to meet again. FRY -- | would Heard fo express my --Lovingly by sincere preciation to all Wanda, 'son-in-law George a grand-imy friends, palate and neighbors @hiidren Brenda and Raymond. the lovely cards, flowers and gifts | re- ceived during my recent stay In the Osh- ied h-elyghend re bee Pal the nurses dear mother and grandmother, Martha|® 5 on 3 lon and Dr. Kellar, who passed away April 11, 1962. Richmond for their kind and to There is no parting from those we love, bad er H, D. Cleverdon for his No distance can wohl Lillian R. Fry. For today in -~ig gd We still walk side by side. FULFORD -- We wish to extend our --ewor Seovnneed | by. 6 thanks and appreciation to all our friends and neighbors of Port Perry and Scugog ed by wife daughter-in-law, Margaret CARD OF THANKS PRINTED PATTERN me = eer a eo aee ia at ay, 3 ars motte en 'ino ee eee Electric heating ELIMINATES THE FLAME... . provides a new standard of safety in home heating ... cannot create dust, soot or dirt of any kind. It's revolutionizing modern living and is within every family's means, For more. information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or: our hydro LIVE BETTER = J | KELLAR -- In loving memory of our laughter son-in-law Roger end grandchil- i Island for the many kindnesses, cards dren Bryan and Nancy Py binlia floral tributes received In the be- ®!reavement of a dear husband and father. --The Fulford Family. KELLAR -- In loving memory dear grandmother, Marthe Shea Kaiten who passed away April 11, 1962. Gone buf never forgotten: 'HAMILTON -- 1 would like to express --Sadly missed by Don, Hele and Don- my sincere thanks to all my friends, nile, Kerry, Timmie and Jeffrey. neighbors and relatives; also St. George's MILOATE in tone a Anglicen Church for veges grt and - memory prayers congregation during my dear wife, ina Delia Milgate, who passed! ecent stay in the hospital; also my @way April 11, 1962. grateful thanks to Dr. Fulton and Dr. 1 have lost my soul's companion, Shaw and especially the staff and nurses A life linked with my own; of C2 floor for their diligent and patient And day by day | miss her more, twenty-four hours care, rain or shine. As | walk through life alone. hus-|James 0. Hamilton, 64 Montrave. Ave- by a loving nue OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . . . ° AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION .. . ° PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . . ie Always remembered bend Maurice. MONUMENTS -- MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA OFFICE EVENINGS 723-1002 728-6627 TELEPHONE 668-5878 TELEPHONE 942-0500 TELEPHONE 942-2930 WILLIAMS -- | wish extend thanks fo Drs, G. D. Russel and W. ™. Hallett, nurses on 3C, 6F, and 4F floors; Canon F. Ongley, Revs. L. Ware, W. D, Hewton, R. Brooks, A. Woolcock; Branch 43 Royal Canadian Legion and Ladies' Auxiliaries of Zone F1; the many friends and relatives who sent flowers and cards etc., during my recent Jiiness in. the wa General Hospital. Willems. |