Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Apr 1964, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA Times, Seturdey, April 11, 1964 Call The Direct Classified on ber 723-3492 BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants |Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Rug-Upholstery Service 1 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing and! evastroughing, carpentry work, painting and general repairs. All work guaranteed, P. Nelles 728-2061. ,|PLASTERING, new and pens, so stucco, A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street, MANURE for sale, for gardening, $2 50 re oe or $6 per Ye-ton truck load. OSHAWA CLEANERS Instruction [eOmARD Janes SRooK Carr Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- FOR ALL YOUR carpentry ---- new homes, additions and alterations. ee boards a speciaity. Wm Vroom, 76 Mead- 725-0256. iow Cresc. Service. "s ONTARIO DRIVING Cartage JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Osh- awa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equipped and Insured. 728-3661. Accountant, as tenn alge North, Whitby. Telephone 668- YALE, FaiebUAnDEa aa Co., Char- fered In Dressmaking SCHOOL Learn to Drive 1964 Models PICK.UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED |. Trustees Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 728-7371 HIPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Chorter- ed Financial Trade Bulid- Ing, 187 King King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509; S$. T. gee CA. H. &. Mention CA? E. Lukow, ee i. J. Chartered al 205 F ty gaa Whitby, Ontario. Tele) SEWING, spring wardrobes, alterations. Den Berghe, 179 Oshawa . After 5 p.m., 728-1823. petielatclthhaas es nelind tdltth ceed antes, |EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cuff- Ing and alterations. Reasonable rates. Mrs. Harding, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. IDRESSMAKING and alterations. Mrs. J. Dual Control Cars LICENSED INSTRUCTOR Automatic and Standard 569 Ridgeway Ave. Oshawa 728-6934 Rug and Upholstery Cleaning. At Our Store, or at your home. 725-9961 RE-UPHOLSTERING .by experts. Estab- lished 17 years. Complete range of mate- rials, Workmanship guaranteed 5 years. Free estimates, Credit terms. Mattresses re-built, Furniture re-finished. Oshawa Upholstering Company, 10 Bond West, 5-0311. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates. eee q put : a NG MANUFACTURED CHESTERFIELDS -- re-upnolstered and restyled. Free estimate. See our mate- rial for re-covering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. iy ee 1K THE U.S, EACH PRINCIPLE YER 2 LEARNED 100 ' YEARS AGO, MORE THAM Sales and Service Goddard, 36 Sunset Avenue, Simcoe Street North. Telephone 726-8425. MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS and Co., Chartered Accountants, 728-7527; Oshawa a aula, 2156; Alex/Gardening and Supplies Shopping Centre, 942-0890; Whitby 668-4' E.Z.E. METHOD FERTILIZERS FOR EVERY NEED BULK GARDEN SEEDS SEED POTATOES LAWN SEED SO-GREEN MILORGANITE EVERGREEN TURF SPECIAL GARDEN SPECIAL SHEEP MANURE BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS INSECTICIDES FUNGICIDES Everything for the gardener ince 1909 Barristers MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soll- Notaries Public. Mortgage funds available, 36% King Street East, 723-1107. MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L. ao Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 263 King Street East. 723-4697. Residence, dial 723-4029. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, Solicitors, Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604. NH. mortgage funds available. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solicl- Street East. Dial hones: J. M. Greer, . Kelly, BA, BCL, HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barristers, Soli- cit 305, The Times Buliding, 86 King Street East. 723-1137. Clients' funds avaliable for mortgages. Louis $. Hyman, QC; Herbert $. Hyman, Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 JOHN BROUWER THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Suite 203, The Times Buliding, 96 King Street East, 728-6209. pee funds available. DRIVING SCHOOL Newest Oshawa Branch PHONE 728-0881 LEARN TO DRIVE ot the Oshawa Driving School THE VACUUM CLEANER KING Repairs to all makes. Pick-up and delivery. PHONE 728-7552 GUARANTEED repairs fo all wringer washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call 728-1742. reasonable rates, stondard and automatic cars. Professional Instructors. 728-009 1 OSHAWA AND WHITBY Surveyors 250 MILLION. By R J. SCO FE rasan a WORLD 1S 4HE FAMILY OF cathe FOUNDER OF. THE, CONFUCIAN RELIGION WHO LIVED 551 40 478 8c. HIS DESCENDANTS NUMBER MORE MAN 40,000, 70 GENERATIONS REMOVED FROM THEIR ANCESTORS en 1946 Woell ch reread 16--Female Help Wanted 7--Male Help Wanted Experienced Presser Wanted Apply *50 "Mill St. or telephone 8 A.M..to 5 P.M. - Bl et MIDDLE-AGED woman for hg al poanheld duties. phone 728- Tele- SONBTTTOUE 5 are girl for ladies' ready-' to-wear, Full time. Good salary for right person. Experienced ~<ipadilere App! Box 833, Oshawa Times. PART-TIME cashier. isaiy Mr. Camp- bell, Genosha Hotel, 70 King Street East. TWO GIRLS for Ree ectigl and motel, live in. Apply Nig ta Motel, 800 Brock Street North, Whitby. MIDDLE-AGED woman wented for sitting, we lage pe aged 5 Cg 3y 4pm, TeLEpnoNe glee salary 7. com- mission. Must have some experience, 12 y to Thursday RELIABLE geredygtn ced lady to five in and care for two young school children while widow works. After 4 p.m., tele- phone 725-8984. WAITRESSES, 11 p.m. to 7 a. Mr. Campbeil, Genosha Hotel, Street East. WOMAN or girl fo live In, mind two chil- dren. Light housekeeping, Telephone 725-5494, EXP m. Apply 70 King 7--Trailers 16--Female Help Wanted ED grill cook required. Ap- ply Genosha Hotel. WAITRESS, full or part-time. Must be neat in appearance. Apply Coachhouse FOR RENT -- Modern housekeeping cot- tages by the season, half-season or by two-week periods, All conveniences, won- derful sandy beach, safe harbor and boat with each. cottage at Jasper Park on Balsam Lake. Apply to Jasper Forman, Francis Street, 45 Lindsay. 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-6881. DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, MUSIC LESSONS, piano. Mrs. John Pearce, 45 Burk Street, Oshawa.723-3677. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, Tap, Rad Ballet, Highland. Register now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122. PRIVATE TEACHER, student counsel- lor, 15 years' tent gia By Interview only. Act now. 725-1054, LILLIAN MAB MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Character, Pre-School, Kindergarten. Fridays, Satur- days. Masonic Temple, 723-7253. BURNS Schoo! of Dancing CDTA. Tap, ballet, Jazz and baton. Knights of Colum- bus Hall. 728-7902. BASTEDO, Barristers, jBBON and Solicitors. Clients' funds available for Simcoe Street North, LANDSCAPING Mortgages Free estimates from an ex- pert and trained designer." 100% guarantee given on all planta. Inquire also about extra trees, additional ever- greens, fruit trees, sodding, seeding, shrubs, seed flowers. Pruning ond fertilizers FREE DELIVERY For more information 728-6392 between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. VERBY'S NURSERIES Phone 728-0896 378 Gibbons St., Oshawa Golden Weeping Willows 8 ft. high $3.25 each. first mortgages. 728-7336, Charies C. McGibbon, QC; son F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. Edmondson. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, @C, Solicitor. to loan. Office, Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce Bullding, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Sg ef T. K. a QC, or residences: G. K. Drynan, QC, 728- 9554; G. L. Mmordschs QC, 723-4768; J. C. Victor, bay td har Mortgages and Agree- ments of sale Soran, 14% King we available. 725-4716 or 725- DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers end Solicitors, etc. 69 King Street East. Telephone 723-2201 Building Trades CONSTRUCTION Backhoe, Dragline end Bulldozing. CALL IRA CARR PORT PERRY Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial bive prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land/stT LAKE, thr win- terized, furnished cottage, inside conven- jences. Asking $5,300. Terms. Less for cash. Telephone 7286-5536. BALSAM LAKE -- two-bedreem cottage and boathouse apartment, all conveni- TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBON ST. 728-8180 ences. Season or month. Fishing and swimming. W. Snowdon, RR 1, Fenelon Falis, Ontario. ACCOUNTING OFFICE Has Opening for an EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Competent typist' with LUXURIOUS, new three-bedroom sum- mer cottage, overlooking Lake Huron in beautiful Bruce Peninsula near Howden- vale, Ont. Owner-built, extras include winding driveway, treed patio, large picture-window, cathedral ceiling, fire- place, etc. Priced to sell. Reasonable down-payment, Private. Phone 728-0200 for further information. LAKE SIMCOE -- Three-bedroom, fur- nished cottage, 500 yards to beach. Hydro and water. Ideal for children. Call 725- 8013. 10--Summer Properties Wanted COTTAGE WANTED for season in Scu- area. Phone 725-1168, Mr. D. Thom- son, 536 Lorraine Street, Oshawa, TV TOWERS and Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-5143 SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 Forsythia Lynwood Gold with flower buds 3-4 feet $1.60 each First Grade Trees 985-7890 ALL TYPES of buliding repairs, routing, 5 ep! oops. Gordon May, 728-0394. ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing by abe and repairs. Large and small jobs. and H. Roofing 'and Construction. ian. ELECTRICAL wiring and repairs, con- nections for ranges, dryers, etc. Reason- able rates. gonad Electric, 62 Grand- view South. 723-31 YOUR LOCAL chine cleaner, Chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings In- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates. 723-2997. SAND AND GRAVEL for sale. Also dump truck for hire at a reasonable) rate. Telephone 728-4920. CHIMNEYS, new and re-bullt, roofing | and repairs, sidewalks and stoops. F. Mo Cann, Brooklin, 655-306). WELDING -- Ail metal fabrications. Re-| pairs, 24-hour service. Guaranteed. Gen-| eral Welding Services; 728-2525. Spring Clean-Up | raking, fertilizing, etc. CALL HOLLAND NURSERY AND LANDSCAPING PHONE 725-7442 CEDAR TREES FOR HEDGES Choice quality guaranteed. Free Estimates. Cedor fence posts all sizes. CALL 723-1303 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD MINIMUM Better describea offers get foster results, CASH & Consecutive days, original copy 3. Consecutive days, original copy 2.25 Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c While every endeavour will be made to forward repligs to box numbers to the advertisers as soon os possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise. Professional listings only, 3 lines per month .. Each additional line, per munth oa (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements). CHARGE $4.13 . 8.50 1,60 MORTGAGE LOANS TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 11--Articles For Rent matriculation or equival- ent and with accounting background desirable. Re- quired for May 4, 1964, Salary and benefits dis- cussed on personal applic- ation to Director of Personnel OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls - Coffee Urns Tables - Chairs - Linens Silver Candelabra and Tea Sets Sargeant's Rentals 463 Ritson 5. 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. Aid 'Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North. 12--Articles Wanted _ 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS CITY TV. Towers, antennae, aiso arepairs, All work guaranteed. 511 Telephone 725-0500. Dean Avenue. Moneys for first mortgages : Interest at 7% LAKE VISTA ice, 728. TV Towers, 184 King Street 6879. Aerial Serv- West. Telephone) Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations LOU'S TV SERVICE. Towers, 529 Emerald Avenue, 728-5804, SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wonts Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron. and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. GUNS WANTED --Old antique. Phone 725-8183, Oshawa. SALESLADY WANTED FULLY EXPERIENCED In all phases of Ladie's ready to Wear Good salary, benefits. Apply in writing giving length of former employment. All applications confidential. BLACK'S LADIES WEAR LTD. 72 Simcoe St. North Oshowa, Ontario. NO TELEPHONE CALLS PLEASE Mortgages and Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages. Fast service. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4 4679 WANTED AT ONCE Well Drilling--Digging WELL WANTED hand printing press with 5x®, or 6x10, Or 9x13 chase. Telephone Ajax, 942-3395. ~y 13--B ss Opportunities by In 30-Inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on special. P dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, 25-5363. Page Hair- Telephone Automotive Parts And Accessories Associate Store Dealer- 2--Personal $10,000 as second mortgage on a $60,000 Apple Or- chord Farm. Eighty ocres, Ten acres young raspberries, Thirty acres orchard. Income Ten Thousand yearly, Will pay up to Ten per cent. Please write Post Office Box 35 Oshawa, Ontario ' Farm.Has All Implements, Lovely Home etc. i FIRST MORTGAGE WANTED $25,000 needed on a three storey business block next to a Bonk. 3 stores, 7 apart- ments. Income $10,000 year- ly. Building appraised at $48,000, Please Write P.O. Box 35, Oshawa DEADLINES WORD ADS... 5 p.m. Day Previous. Card of Thanks . In Memoriams . 5 p.m, Day Previous .. 5 p.m. Day Previous Lost ond Found . . 9:30. Day of Publication. Births and Deaths 9:30 Day of Publication, Lote Deaths... 11:00 a.m. Day of Publication (Page 3). CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 2 Column or Lorger .. 1 Column Space SATURDAYS: Word Ads. Classified Display 10 a.m. Day Previous . 4 p.m, Day Previous 12 Noon For Monday . 10 A.M. For Monday Private Monies Available For 2nd mortgages, etc. Interested parties. WRITE BOX 826 OSHAWA TIMES PRIVATE and 'corporation monies ior all mortgages; mortgages and agreement of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan and Murdoch. (See "Barristers".) Musical Services i PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic shel tuning and repair, Instruments appraised. A, Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Concellations and Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M, Deadline will be processed for the following day's paper. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshowa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to. its proper classification. In the cose of display advertisements, The Times wili not be held responsible for more space thon 'that in which the octual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ali adver- tising motter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if ony inaccuracies in ony form are contained therein. Painting and Decorating Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, April 13th, 14th, 15th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Suits--Dresses--Alterations Invisible. Mending 10 Prince St. 728-5311 IF YOU have a drinking problem, write write Bo itby or call 668-30: THE HOLLYWOOD, Banquet and Dance Hall, 800 Brock Street North, Whitoy, caters to clubs, groups, receptions, stags, business meetings with luncheons, con- ventions etc. New hall accommodates 125. Mr, Mitchell, MOhawk 8-2067. . |bridge. Must be bonded. ship Town of Port Hope. Building includes store, eight cor service department, sep- crate metal warehouse. Ample porking area for 50 cars. Reasonable rental with ex- tended lease. Requires mini- mum $15,000 capital. APPLY BOX 737 Oshawa Times Classified BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES man- ager wanted to manage Superette gro- cery and variety combined store In Ux- Downtown |lo- cation, next door to a bank. Please write Post Office Box 35, Oshawa, Ontario. GROCERY STORE, corner Church and Colborne, formerly Kane's, approximate- ly $2500, stock and equipment. This small investment puts you. in business. Tele- phone Cal Blake, 728-9191, SNACK BAR and Variety Store on one of Oshawa's main street. Lots of park- ing, full line of equipment and mod- ern five-room apartment available on the lease. Asking only $6,900, Call Jean Pea- cock 725-4330 or je Realty\Limited, Realtors, 723-1121, 3--Pets & Livestock 14--Empldyment Wanted SIAMESE seal point kittens, nine weeks old, rte good coloring, $25 each. Dial 668-5916, PUREBRED poodle Puppies, white. Reg- istered, paper trained, Excellent temper- ament. Call 725-4858. PEKINGESE PUPPIES adorable pets. Reasonable. Telephone Whitby 668-3923 or Dunbarton 839-2516, BEAUTIFUL | baby "budgies, _ ready y. for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin East. COCKER spaniels, purebred American cocker spaniel puppies. Canadian Kennel Club registered. Excellent temperament. Delightful pets. Telephone 723-1739. EXPERIENCED \girl wishes full or part- time work. G typing ability. Knowl- oes = Sid ohtas 'and short hand. Phone: 725-3 WILL GIVE care to children of any age by my own home. Fenced yard with swings. McLaughlin Bivd. area. Tele- phone 725-7680. BOOKKEEPER, fi five years banking, two) years local iumber company, desires) full time position. References. Telephone after. 3 p.m, Be Bowmanville 623-2692. CLERK TYPIST For lumber Supply com- pany. Experience in this field preferred but not essential, Call W. F. SLEEP 728-4688 EXPERIENCED TYPIST To handle records, filing, correspondence, invoicing, telephone, for local cémpany. Grade 12 education preferred Apply in person to: D. A. HOULDEN General Printers Ltd., 57 Simcoe St. South WAITRESS, part-time for dining room. Must be experienced, quick and depend- able. No late night work. Apply Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street West, Oshawa, REGISTERED nurse or certified nursing assistant required. Part-time at Glen- cedar Nursing Home Ltd., Ritson .Road North, Call 655-4931 before 4 p.m. LADIES, have you ever thought about selling. Avon? It \costs nothing to find out the details. Write PO Box 512, Osh- 'awa or dial 728-5883. WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE -- if you would enjoy working three or four hours a day calling regularly each month on @ group of Studio Girl cosmetic clients on a route to be established In and around Oshawa - Whitby. and are willing to make light deliveries, etc., write Studio Girt Cosmetics, Dept. CD-44, 840 La Fleur Avenue, Montreal 32, Route will pay up to $5. per hour. DAY WORK wanted, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, Reliable lady. Telephone 728-0316. 16--F. Help Wanted '|PUREBRED poodie puppies, standard black, registered, six weeks old. Eccel- lent temperament. Telephone Whitby 668-3556, PAINTING AND DECORATING, interior and exterior, work guaranteed, reason- able, Free estimates. 728-2558. HOME DECORATING, furniture finish- ing, sign painting. H. Brown, 490 Drew, 728-0225. PAINTING, papernanging and repairs, 30 year's experience. A. Redknap, 342 Col- borne Street East, 728-9050. |phone collect. 5--Farmer's Column HAY FOR SALE, 40 cents one bale. Fred Schelderbaver, Raglan. Dial 655-3095, CASH on the Spot. Highest ¢ prices "paid for dead and crippled farm stock, Tele Hampton 263-2721. Marg- will Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64. FA Need tires? Call "Bill", Plumbing and Heating your Dominion Tire representative, 725- 6511 or evenings after 6, 725-7263. ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates, Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J. Foley. ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Starr, Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South. YORK PLUMBING and gable Specll- izing repairs, BALED HAY and baled clean oat straw. Near Kiwahis Camp, Ritson North. Call Brooklin 655-3666. ALFALFA SEED for sale, $28, per bush- el. Telephone 725-3710 after 4.30 p.m. MASSEY. HARRIS Pony tractor for sale. In good condition. Telephone Alax 942-5287 MIXED: BALED Telephone MIXED. BALED hay for sale. Brooklin 655-3691. rates. Free estimates, 328 Simcoe South, 728-1731. 7--Trailers For Classified Service ne the Direct to Classified Number 723-3492 For Ali Other Departments, Call The Times Switchboard, f Telepho Rug-Upholstery Service CUSTOMCRAFT's ~~ Upholstering Depart- ment. Experts in re-covering, re-styling. Chrome chairs a4 specialty, Free esti- RAMBLER Trailer Sales. 1964 Rambler sales or rentals, Durkee's Finacentre Station, 1101 Brock Street_South, Whitby. | 16-FOOT, self-contained trailer for sale, mates, Olal 728-7271, 1960 model. All-equipped. Sleeps five. 1668-4203. RAPIDLY EXPANDING EARN $23 WEEKLY plus a free ward- robe In your spare time. Just show Fash- jon Frocks to friends. No investment, can- vassing, experience necessary. Write: North American Fashion Frocks, Ltd., 3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept. P-5592, Mont- real 39, Que. RELIABLE housekeeper required to take full charge of home, 2 school-age chil- dren. Own room, ample time off. Write Box 339 Oshawa Times. Restaurant, 939 Dundas Street, Whitby. 17--Male Help Wanted JUNIOR FOR NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT This is on excellent oppor- tunity for a young mon over 18 years of age to lear ad- vertising and selling, and of- fers splendid advancement possibilities. The duties of the job ot pre- sent will include some office routines, checking ond hand- ling of advertising materials and servicing Advertisers with Proofs for publication and other details, A commercial High: School Graduoty will be preferable ond at least Grade X Education is essential. Typ- ing and previous experience in a business firm will be on asset. The young man we wont will be neat in appearance, ambi- drivers licence is necessary. Good working conditions, also Group. Life, Hospitalization In- surance ond other large com- pany benefits. Please apply in writing to: | Mr. kL. B.- LEITH | ADVERTISING DIRECTOR OSHAWA TIMES 86 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA , ONTARIO CANADIAN ALUMINUM PRODUCTS LTD. Need alert ambitious sales- men, Highest commissions paid. Must be self storters with transportation. Apply 299 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH tious ond eager to learn. A » PHARMACIST to take over opera- tion of a dispensary in. a_ small group practice. In City of Oshawa. Reply stating oge, sex, mari- tol status, experience and salary expected. APPLY BOX 932 OSHAWA TIMES SHORT ORDER COOK Fully experienced for modern hospital dietary deportment. Good salary, benefits health and medical plans available. Please apply in person to Director of Personnel. OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL ee am. WELDER " Required, Usual benefits. Apply INDUSTRIAL TOOLS BLOOR ST. W. COMPANY in Oshawa Has an opening for a young lady. CLERK-TYPIST Aptitude for figures and machines Permanent position all fringe benefits. Please write stating age, qualifications and particulars to CLASSIFIED BOX 435, OSHAWA TIMES |WAITRESSES wanted, fuil time, Apply Ajr. Campbell, Hotel. (No phone ealis please). and part-| el 17--Male Help Wanted [gentleman TAXI DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply MERCURY TAXI 725-477) PART-TIME driver for florist shop, older Preferred. Apply 24 King Street East. 'bride, CHAMBERS If you are bondable, own |Due to the rapid expansion and growth of the company, FOODS LTD. REQUIRE ADDITIONAL SALESMEN ? Large territory to cover with full company backing. a late model car and are willing to work, Call at 933 Ritson S. 9:30 to.5 p.m. or phone 723-1163 for an appointment. PSI, Blue Cross, Pension Plan Profit Sharing and a chance to earn better than average income with the oldest Food Plan in Ontario. "! OPPORTUNITY Local firm, has opening for a bright-young man, age 22-40, no previous exper- lence necessary, Starting salary $350-400 monthly with future increases starting in six months. Write, in own handwriting, stating exper- ience, marital status etc, to: BOX 730 OSHAWA TIMES BAKER EXPERIENCED PART-TIME Required for two, 8-hour shifts per week. Please apply in person to Director of Personnel OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL An excellent opportunity for experienced spray painters, SPRAY PAINTER Te 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 18--Male or Femole Help Wanted to take irge and accounts receivable. Secretarial and sales experl- ence 4 Furniture, 156 Simcoe Street South, ae 383 az ecessary training and Prd did opening for a ground in linking J Lon an appointment, pA 08 Realtor, ib athe 3 te R waa PRIVATE tutor, Grade ptr and A auth After 5.30, : ; 20--Room and Board COLBORNE todd 7 -- j ia CHURCH STREET, 217 -- for two gentle men, large front room, Faye} Gecorateds single beds, good meals. chats BLOOR EAST room and board men. Lunches packed, television, . pens, 5 day week. Telephone 723-1571, COLBORNE EAST ~-- Room and board for young lady, $16. weekly, inches packed ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen: 5-day week, single beds, lunches packed, 214 Clarke Street, 728-1721. ROOM AND BOARD, clean, home cook- ed meals, television, ee Near South General Motors, Sday week, $17. Tele phone 723-2786. ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, willing to 'share. meals. Home privileges. Near South General Motors. Call 728-2061. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, -- ing to share, S-day week, lunches pa ed, parking, Telephone 728-4) ROOM AND BOARD for one gentieman, 5-day week. Lunches packed !f desired. Telephone 725-3158. ROOM BOARD -- For two gentie- days 8 week, shift workers @, lunches packed, Phone 728-0159 ROOM AND BOARD for two young men, meals, lunches packed, cy to GM, $18 for Sday week, Call 728-931 q a to south "OM. Apply to: 'ats M. ROSENHECK Sklar Furniture Co. 617 Victoria St. E., Whitby 21--Room & Board Wented . BANK ACCOUNTANT desires room an@ board from Monday night to vig morning. Please telephone between am. - 5 p.m., SINGLE ROOM a witty "Board, preferably five-day week, rea preferred, Ref erences ovelleble. 7 725.2616, MAN for combined janitor and mainte nance job. Must be reliable and able to give good references. Steady employ- ment. 27 King Street West. wanted for groundsman's The Osnewe Tennis Club, 42-hour May to September. Box 111, Oshawa, Ont. bg nla fe STUDENT or similar per- duties at week, Apply Post Office 22--Offices, Stores, Storage MEDICAL OFFICE for rent, 700 sq. ?. eg Pc siceol particulars, telephone 23--Wanted To Rent THREE-ROOM furnished apartment for three gentlemen. Willing to pay up te $75 monthly. immediate possession, ern Petrol St., Fort Worth 1, Texas. THREE DAYS' TRAVEL -- four days at home. Man over 40 for short trips: near Oshawa. Worth up to $4,000 to $6,000 in a year. Write A. L. Swallow, Pres., South- west leum Corp., 534 No. Main Whitby or Oshawa. Telephone 668-8212. WANTED -- garage or suitable storage eld camping trailer. Telephone WANTED TO RENT In April, two-bed- Centre. CLERK for retail hardware store. Must have experience. Full time employment. Apply to Ajax Hardware, Ajax Shopping room unfurnished house, heavy wire ing, reasonable rent. Can furnish refere ences. Please cali 728-6535. WANTED -- Small bungalow, all conven> jences, for quiet, elderly couple. Phone resent H. Keith Ltd. in the Brooklin, Hampton, Uxbridge, Mt. Albert areas. Experience not necessary. Plea: ton East, Toronto 12 REAL ESTATE salesmen wanted fo rep se reply to Mr. O'Hagan, H. Keith Ltd., 181 Eglin- 723-2012, COUPLE would like peel or partly furnished _three-room betore April 18. Telephone 128-0995 , cavities TWO- OR THREE-BEDROOM house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished, by D 18--Male or Female Help Wanted couple with four chilares, Urgent. Tele phone 725-8608. BANK ACCOUNTANT three Manager for Smitty's Pan Cake House Opening soon in choice loca- tion in Oshawa. Preferably with small capital investment. Full Training Supplied Write Post office Box 21 Oshawa house by July 1. Please tele phone 723-9458. WIDOW needs two unfurnished rooms, heavy wiring or use bf rangette, or single furnished -- room. espectable _ distric? Telephone between 9 1c) ond 430, 728-1651, 24--Houses For Rent LARGE six-room home with two-bath- rooms. Suit family, $125. per month. Available immediately. North Simcoe Street. Apply 147 Brock Street East. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS HANDY HELPERS By ALICE BROOKS Old-fashioned charm to add warmth and color to modern kitchens, Fun to'embroider. Add a touch to a_ kitchen, make a hit at a fair or with a with one-a-day towels. Pattern. 7051: transfer seven 544x3%-inch motifs. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add 1c sales tax, Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 206 HANDICRAFT HITS -- 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys, fashions, crewelwork, bazaar hits -- crochet, knit, sew, em- broider, quilt. Send 25c. SOMETHING NEW -- RIG, DELUXE. QUILT BOOK! \16 complete quilt patterns--pieced and applique, for beginners, ex- perts. Send 60c now. rt PRETTY PLUS! By ANNE ADAMS Pretty plus! Sun .shift and petticoat -- see how pertly the - ruffle peeks out between side slits. Sew another version of shift in flowery cotton to wear alone as beach dress. Printed Pattern 4866: Chiir dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size $ dress 154 yards 35-inch fabric, FORTY CENTS (40c.) in coins (no. stamps, please) for this pattern. Ontario _--residents add lc. sales tax. Print plainiy SIZE, NAME, 'ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. DO YOU KNOW .HOW TO GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE- LY FREE! It's simple--order vur Spring - Summer Catalog including FREE COUPON. to get any one of 250 design ideas, Send 50c. today.

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