al ¥ { Ve OM SELLERS IN OUTING BEFORE HEART ATTACK This picture of British actor Peter Sellers, critically ill in Hollywood of a heart attack, was made last Saturday as he marriage, Sarah, 4, and Michael, 8. Sellers was strick- en early Monday. --AP Wirephoto and his bride, Swedish actress Britt Eklund, began a visit through Disneyland with Sel- lers' children by. a former THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Apri 8, 1964 29) STOCK MARKET Market Dips In Profit-Taking The industrial market suf- fered a loss almost across the board. Banks were hard hit with Imperial! Bank of Com- merce off % to 62%. In liquors, Distillers Seagrams dropped % to 55 but Molson B rose % to 3054. | Steels and utilities generally gained ground. Algoma and Do- minion Foundries and Steel ad- vanced % and % to 61% and 76%. Imperial Oil reached a new high of 49 near the close of trading by rising % and Oshawa Wholesale a reached a new high of 47% in mid-after- Inoon but closed at 47, ahead py 7/4 TORONTO (CP) -- Specula- tive action and profit-taking in industrial issues after the ad- vances of recent sessions high- lighted the stock market Tues- day. Bunker Hill dropped five cents to 55 cents on volume of 555,110 shares, as did Chimo to 93 cents with volume of 88,550 shares. Zulapa lost seven cents to 45 cents on 387,785 shares. Gordon Budget Assailed By CMA Executive LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The |assumption by Finance Minister 'Gordon that Canadians can af- ford the same tax level as Americans is wholly unjustified PACES INDUSTRIALS Massey - Ferguscn was the day's most active industrial and traded 37,239 shares. The stock closed at 21%, ahead ¥%, after reaching a high of 21%. The senior base metals list was weak. Consolidated Mining BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT |H,. Roy Crabtree, president of } Bank Loans Aid Oil Industry CALGARY (CP)--The oil in-; dustry is making greater use of| bank loans than any other in-| dustry in Canada, says the Cal-| manager of the oil-gas | ent of the Bank of Mont- real, R. C. Howard says this is par- ticularly true of the younger in-| dependent companies that have crude production and refining capacity below 50,000 barrels daily. ; | Bult of the lending is in Al-| Howard. says Canadian) ered banks are doing a| business with the young ypendents and that Canadian france firms have entered io long-term loans to the pe- Meum industry. | Yhe Porter Royal Commission / banking and finance was told pat $99,000,000 in loans had een made to the oil industry up June of 1962, This compares th $3,500,000 in 1947 during the_| "s early stages. | The independents use -- the) loans mainly for exploration. Secondary uses are for operat- ing capital and short-term loans in bidding on crown land. HIRES ENGINEERS | Since collateral for the bank| Joans is -company_ oil-gas reserves, there has been a trend among ome banks to hire professional oi a) Expect Date For Next U.K. Election { LONDON (CP) Straw- 'tching commentators are 'ssing that an announcement be made in the next few * to end the mounting sus- e over Britain's sixth 'post- general election. sion grew Tuesday night Prime Minister Sir Aiec "Doiltas-Home, back from a vote seeking tour, summoned leading Conservative colleagues for a clsed-door conference on election timing. Parliamentary correspondents reported that pressure is grow- ing for Sir Alec to announce the | polling date and thus, in the) ~words of Commons Leader Sel- | wyn Lloyd, "put people out of | their misery." Two coming events appeared | to make an early choice un-| avoidable -- Thursday's local elections in Greater London, a possible pointer to what might happen in a national poll. and the budget to be presented next Tuesday by Chancellor of the} Exchequer Reginald Maudling. The election must be held by November. In' recent weeks June 11 has been the most fa-| vored date, but adverse trends | | | | _BROUGHAM -- Reeve | Clifford .Laycox announced | to the Council of Pickering | Township recently that most |, .of the pre-election posters had been removed, thanks to the efforts of the Boy Scouts of the district, who are not permitted to accept any remuneration for their acts of kindness. The Reeve commended the Boy Scouts for this thoughtful project, and although members of Coun- cil noted that a few posters remained, they. remarked that the Township looked much better without the old and faded signs throughout the countryside. A number of complaints had previously reached Council, and suggestions made that all election post- ers be removed immediate- ly after each election. their oil - natural gas depart- ments. These experts make wide use of consulting engineers', reports) in evaluating an oil company's reserves for loan purposes, "If the report has proven out,| almost 100 per cent of loans are made," Mr. Howard says. "There's hardly an indepen-| dent in the country which has| not used bank money... . The theory is that if a bank makes a $50,000 loan to a young independent today, the company may be back in 10 years for $5,000,000. Loans of $15,000,000 to} $20,000,000 are not unknown. "To my knowledge," says Mr. Howard, "'no Canadian bank has lost a dollar on a_ production loan." | SCOUTS REMOVE ss "gs said Tuesday night and Smelting and Falconbridge both fell 3/8 to 35% and 69%. {Both International Nickel and e told the local branch of| Hudson Bay Mining dropped 4%, jthe CMA that "along with alto 84 and 69. jgreat many other people, I) Golds were also weak with found Mr. Gordon's -- Hollinger off 4% at 31 and Dome eee corporate 4 at ag Ps Yellowknife and personal taxes far from sell % Mids Ks. on i 3 convincing."' | On index, industrials fell 34 | 'Text of Mr. Crabtree's re-|t0 148.37 and the TSE index .35 marks was given to the press|to 139.00. Golds dropped 1.67 to before delivery 131.61 and base metals .f1 to} Mr. Crabtree said last|87.45. Western oils gained .09 to month's "ho-hum, stand-pat, as- 89.76. you-were budget, while not sur-) Volume was heavy at 7,385,- |prising, was certainly nothing to|000 shares compared with 8,543,- cheer about." 000 Monday. : "The thing that really amazes the Canadian Manufacturers As- i sleeves . . 25% Off! Reg. 3.99! MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Sport Shirts Neatly tailored from well known "Dan River' cotton fabric! Fashioned in breezy short sleeve style with - papier sports collar... full button front... single reast pocket. New-season patterns of stripes and checks in new, light tones of blue, beige or ie Sizes small, medium, large and extra large. ATON Special Price, i" Styled for the Hot and Humid Months Ahead! Men's Shorty Pyjamas Much Below Usual Price! Comfort is the Big Story with this warm weather sleepwear! Generously cut from 'Drip-Dry"" emboss-. ed cotton to'provide breezily cool comfort during the sticky Summer nights. V-neck jacket with short . bottoms are knee length with boxer , . sizes waist. Colours include blue, wine or brown. . A to E -- 36 to 44. EATON Special Price, each Low-Priced Warm Weather Sportswear! ' MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE 'Polo Shirts Usually Much Higher Priced! Well made in Canada from hard-wearing cotton yarns, ps do with the favoured polo collar, three button p' pr pod front and cool short sleeves. Solid shadings of red, blue, beige, green or white . ..,. sizes small, medium and large, EATON Special Price, each ............ 1.99 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 PHONE 725-7373 me is the underlying assump- jtion that our tax levels here in DIVIDENDS {Canada ought to - correspond | closely with those prevailing in| By THE CANADIAN PRESS |the States and the strong infer-} ence that we should be very| Loblaw Companies. Ltd., pfd. 60 cents, Class B six cents, eroates teat ee U8. eed June 1, record May 6. ers are still paying at a slightly) |higher rate than we are." Loblaws Groceterias Co, Ltd. He also criticized Prime Min-|first pfd. Series A 37% cents, lister Pearson for proposing to|second. pfd. 90 cents, common push the Canada Pension Plan|90 cents, June 1, record May 6. jthrough Parliament this session}. Turnbull Elevator Lid., com- instead of having it studied by|mon 15 cents, pfd. 27% cents, jan outside expert committee. |June 1, record Play. 1. Tender EATN TRUE- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, STEAK SALE SIRLOIN - T-BONE - WING STEAK Peameal Bacon ». 69° C ams "89° > pon i= End Cuts By the Piece LEAN SLICED SIDE PORK OR SHOULDER PORK STEAK END CUT TRIM BEEF ( EXTRA SPECIAL Y SPECIALS 7 A LEAN SHANKLESS PICNIC SHOULDER b SATURDA Fresh Ham ROAST ib. 99° 49 Freezer Specia BEEF HIND QUARTERS ib. Ho SPRING HATS EATON'S Largest Sale of Spring Hats PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, no Telephone or Mail Orders) Ordinarily 7.98 to 10.98! \ '\ \"s \ i \ X\ \\ AN \\ \\ \ \ ca 5 i Cut ' in the Tory party have led some} ' Coltervative MPs to plump for y Ibs. 1 a 00 EATON f CUT AND WRAPPED FREE \ 4 a later date. Peterborough | Mother Hunts For Daughter PETERBOROGH (CP) Mrs. Fred Crowe, mother of 15- "year-old Patricia Crowe who has been missing for 18 days, ' \says she fears her daughter has | "fallen into wrong hands." | Patricia, described as an at- tractive girl, was last seen| ?March 20 when she was hitch-| hiking on Highway 28 near} mere. ti The Crowes received a letter from their daughter March 28, ut it carried no post mark. Mrs. Crowe said: "'In the let- er Patricia told us she was) nely and. wanted' to come) Bome more than anything. "She said she spent her first ght in a coin wash, then went > a convent for the weekend, Bre said she got a job and has oved into an apartment with , 0 girls.' w bi A ' SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 2 ibs. 1.00 SHOULDER WIENERS VEAL : 2 LBs. 79° » "1 gg [CHOPS SKINLESS BUEHLER'S 12 Kinc st. LEAN SLICED SIDE BACON 2 ibs. 1.00 ib. 6 9: Try Our TASTY PICKLED CORN BEEF 723-3633 Special Price, O0en 63. France and New York, designed to take you head-first through Spring and Summer. Styles including the Bret- on, Padre, Profile, Fly-Away Brim, Pillbox and flower- ed hats. Fabrics include grosgrain, taffeta, rough and fine, straw cloth and Alpaca, in all season's fashion colours as well as black and Many are one-of-a- kind, also large head sizes in the group, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 204 3.49 Many beautiful bonnets, made in Canada, England, SLEEPWEAR In 'drip dry' Cotton Batiste Available Only at EATON'S! A--SHIFT--gently scooped neckline with softly tucked front yoke outlined with embroidery and cotton lace. Hem self-flounced. Sizes to fit 32 to 38. Dainty shades of pink, blue or maize. EATON PRICE, 2 99 s each straws of the B--LONG GOWN (not shown)--to match the above shift. Sizes to fit 32 to 38 in colours of pink or blue. 2 99 white EATON Price, each ..++.cee5005.. Mae B Oversize Gown-- EATON Price, each C--LONG PYJAMAS--neat, narrow stripes of pink or blue on white, Sizes to fit 32 to 38. EATON Price, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 209 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN DAILY 8:30 a.m. to 6-p.m. Thursday and Friday Night Until 9