As \ - 28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednessey, Ap 8, 1908 e with Keeping a common bawdy be had intercourse at the ters through two locks being; The opponents the locks PROJECTS DELAYED. Denies Sex house. elinie three times with the Lampreys May built on the Severn River. --_|will admit lampreys to prey on| PRETORIA (Reuters) -- A : Me. Seckwalrs testimony was oar of maps yet The letter, from W. A. Ken-/fish in inland waters such as hese poll. gp vey in ie' lcall for b under e nedy, director of the Fisherie been - Photo Typesetter Sets Used To Magistrate Edward C. Carter|Drugless Practitioners Act. Invade Lakes Rescarch Board of Canada, says} me ene laying the launching of impor - following the testimony of Gra-| Judge Carter said at the time there is no practical way of pre-| Department of Transport offi-itant projects and sending up the s . . ham Rutter, 38, who said thatjhe found Rutter's testimony venting lampreys from travers-|Ci@ls, responsible for the Trent-|cost of public works in South 7 Get Evidence as an inspector for the board|'hard to believe." roug i ing navigation locks. Severn waterway, have said|Africa. According to official es er u & he had been authorized to have) wr Stockwell said he had Several persons end organiz-|that every effort will be male figures, there are vacancies for OTTAWA (CP) -- George|iftercourse at Charette's Euro-lpaid Rutter expense money to-| _BARRIE (CP) -- Willard Kin- 46 electrical engineers, 71. civil Health Clinic, It was hi zie, an official of the Georgianjations in Ontario are attempt-|to ensure that lampreys arejengineers and 17 mechanical NEW YORK (AP)--An elec-|ter inscribed on a ghass disk|Stockwell, secretary of the On-|pean : 'S\talling $36 for massages, not for Bay Development Association,|ing to stop work on fwo locks|kept out of the system. cntadiek: tronie photographic typesetting that spins at 2, tario Board of Masseurs, de-|iformation to police that ledithe purpose stated by Rutter. a gystem sald to be S0-per-ceni|minute past a light source that{tied. Monday that. the boaral®? {R¢,Taid on which the Crown| nye" cose was adjourned to|made Public a, letter Tuesday|being bullt to replace marine pla lg Rae avail-|intermittently emits high inten-|ever authorized one of its in-|* 25in& Ms case. raham|4Prb 14. in de the Outarle's ho wa-! River. HE VER "Tl SAT : able was introduced Monday. ay flashes of one-millionth sec-|spectors to have sexual inter-|_1%¢ money I paid G y pai corte duration. course in order to gain evidence|Rutter covered only legitimate Harris-Intertype Corp. saidjond the two-unit system, perfected| Each character can be set inja gains t unlicensed establish-|massage treatment," said Mr. °, BOTH developmcat ata cat of 8.00 pint" type 'sed in" casited| "ey Stockwell "He has never io! Romanelli's || LOW PRAYING soi, at a cost of $2,000,-/point" classi He was testif in the case|¢? e a sexual act." 000, "empidys builtin digital|advertising to "72 point" inch-of Andre Charette' 24, charged! Rutter told the court Thurs-| RESTAURANT and --e IT'S SHEER Richard B.. yall Tullis, company ART GALLERY Ii] sHockinG! INSANITY! gens said gon de oo Famous For Fine -- SAVAGE! Billy Wilder's Be deen etn petctont ond Internationa SENSUAL! New Comedy rool od in a Printing Epc too nea $50,000 and oe 'i d '9 LUNCHEON SERVED OTHE "ONE, TWO rial and magazines. This repre-board units at $20,000. A "'hol Up Mon. to Sat. 11:30 ¢.m.-2 p.m, " " cents 22 lines a minute of stand-| Prototype systems have been that doe ie DINNER SERVED CEREMONY THRE. ard newspaper text one column|U™der field test for more than wide one Pt hat does Tues, to Sat. 5 p.m. = 1 a.m. --with-- --with-- 4 Lore a year at a book composition . _ ues. Som: 1 py LAURENCE HARVEY JAMES CAGNEY _ENTERTAINMENT >on 9:20 The system consists of a key-|firm, Graphic Services Inc., : board unit that prepares copy in|Pa-, and a daily newspaper, the youa favor ! GALLERY HOURS aseant Wate a ae biebomn pA tage vi SoosTEDD SHERMAN: ROBERT moe tape form and a high|South Bend Tribune. 11:00 a.m, - 9:00 p.m. TECHNICOLOR From WARNER BROS. punched speed print-out unit. The print- out unit is controlled by the FIRST HOT DOG 1 ee ee tape and {s capable of| Charles Feltman brought the ue 924-7339 sHow PLUS the output of six tape/hot dog sausage with him from : 518 CHURCH ST., TORONTO LTMORE 9 bata punchers. "This native Bavaria in 1871 and 2 Blocks North of ' M. 4M Cartoon The print-out unit can select/featured it at his famous Coney ; Mapie Leaf Gardens . PHONE 725-5833 from 480 alphabetical charac-'Island restaurant. Y a TREAT YOURSELF TO ot ey CANADIAY ALUMINUM PRODUCTS AN ENJOYABLE EVENING 4 ee i 299 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA AT THE CANADIANA! ann Only 20 ore from Oshawa . . . the pend Canadiana recommends Visit Our Booth at the in the magnificent Sanitone you with Dine i : Ps Sita | | '64 HOME SHOW ae LICENCED UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT. CAG cA) ; i e a 8, | XXYYXYY) te ca EXHIBITION PARK -- TORONTO} f2 poo 5 Peer 4 ucla Ph. 668-2692. c Canadiana ee 4 me#lning ew an xciting @ EXCLUSIVELY WITH CANADIAN ALUMINUM fa (MOTOR HOTEL PRODUCTS 'ot Kennedy Rd. Agincourt, Ont. \ re. OG asin die Gok ane @ STAINLESS STEEL WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINGS Suits really "hold up" with NOW ON DISPLAY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN CANADA our professional Sanitone drycleaning. Exclusive Sanitone ES ee ee NOW OPEN FOR '64 SEASON Soft-Set® fabric finish preserves i OSHAWA -- 728-7586 "ADVENTURES OF A YOUNG MAN" luxury looks and feel -- keeps PAUL NEWMAN RICHARD BEYMER ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE your fine suits as smart and trim as the day i A BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. SHOW STARTS 7:30 ONLY 85c FOR ADULTS ¢ CLOSE TO OSHAWA & WHITBY you bought them, cleaning after cleaning. Call CANADIAN ALUMINUM PRODUCTS @ FREE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS 9 : PLAYING TONITE on us today! epee 299 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA 900000000 0000600000000800: OUT SRES THE Sa Gin emer sccccommemacaimn SF By EE EMS a ---- OsHAWA TONIGHT ...2 FINE HITS JAMES STEWART, SANDRA DEE "TAKE HER, | SHE'S MINE" (Recommended As Adult Entertainment) ALSO HEMMINGWAYS' YYXYXUIIIIIIIY YY YYYYYIUTII TI "100 Ee -- ge CAN SEE THE NO.1 ATTRACTION OF ALL TIME = = IQLEZE "AT SPECIAL POPULAR PRICES! wore eres ee eee NOMINATED FOR 9 ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR" TWO SHOWS DAILY « MATINEES 2 P.M. EVENINGS 8 P.M. GIVE MOM A BREAK! | coy Take Home A Bucket of Chicken Every Ticket Holder Guaranteed A Seat! SCOTT'S CHICKEN VILLA 295 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 728-9487 COMING SOON ... 973 Simcoe St. North, Oshewe, "It's The Talk of the Whole City" Don't Miss The Oshawa Kiwanis Club 4A "DBT Monster Radio | yan cicopaTrA RKHARD BURR REX TARR MARK ANTONY* JULIUS CAESAR" PAMELA TW BROWN / GEORGE COLE/ HUME CRONYN / CESARE RE DANOVA / KENNETH HAIGH / RODDY t McDOWALL FREE LIST Over Radio Station CKLB on ENTERTAINMENT lf GE AOS MEM sO L MME SE MAA MOET «== SUSPENDED ADMISSION PRICES! : AFAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th || 28°") | aamnese BOX OFFICE FOR ALL EVENING PERFORMANCES See List Of Articles In Oshawa Times, Tuesday, April 14th EVENINGS