27--Real Estate For Sale {27--Real Estate for Sale (27--Real Estate For Sale 29---Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 8, 1964 2 25--Apertments 27--Real Estate Fot Sale (27--Reol Estate For Sale Geers. METCALF SCHOFIELD-AKER| GUIDE REALTY |Southwood Park) W. FRANK |". "ito fr Sela foe pe eg REAL ESTATE LIMITED 723-2265 723-1121 Ajax REAL ESTATE LIMITED cara" Sanway Mole UNt, 00 'Dundes WONEST EAL Furniure and basement apartment, ; anywhere. We carry Reston! unfurnished private home, private bathroom and en- 40 King St. E. EMERSON AVENUE--3 bed- 177 Church Street, -- r GIBBONS ST. room brick bungalow with | SAVE $500 NOW! Bowmanville poo rakes aa giana sale Gee or Bey Contact Honest Cats Shopping Centre. 728-1002. MARY STREET, 531 -- Netely fur- Dial 728-4678 : od pee _nished room apartmen' $15,500. Lovely low Pav! ive carport. rer is cit, nuke GA pte ranch with carport. Schools ore close and bus fa 424 King Street Wes bt spuleat TOOT YOUR | (ee'as same cpeeemene oe ee INVESTMENT SECURITY | Located cose to' several fine | service is in the area. Good Best Buy For Spring 6,000 Pome IN A'CHOICE AREA | per month Including » taxes. Member. Ontigwn. ond Pistrict 1 rites. Excelent conan 329." lo gl ent Wie age wide te gh i negro HANDY 10 CEVERYTHING Forty poensssion, : a ee jt Real Estate Board OWN HORN . a RAMBLER station wagon, classic Ww, BSI342 ater 5 p.m, wtle 98 -- A200 00: Sout Deas ST. NORTH--Zoned GET THAT NEW CAR NOW WITR|slon, radio' and tive' new tines, Tolono curtains, "canopies. $72.75 monthly P & 1. WILL te oe parcel a son, redo and five new tires. Telepnone 'cotimaies." He 350. acre stock form. Excel- 728- BACHELOR APARTMENT. furnihed | "ented as housekeeping units : A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. © te on ag (A gg gg Rg bss seal 2 SELL FAST. So give us a call 76 ft. frontage on Simcoe St. Full Down lent 8 room brick home with GMC two ton tow truck, good. condition. | BUYING or selling furniture or Cs lampton, 263-2294 Nea th 'or round, plus 3 cot- bus. nt loey or : gernieman. A Keatni pal genta on 'aan rates gael ay Seay ar store $980.00 i c Sf, ud ar seen aie a eae seond Winer Pie ad _--! April . ig porcel-- : " 1S- 3 Tresane Street, 728-6735. from May to end of Septem- ROSSLAND MANOR oe fond 190 ft, frontone New NHA 3 bedroom bung- cattle, Extra house for help. VOT PLAN sion, high performance engine, tow mile-| PAINT special at Edgars Paint ber. Ideal retirement business ; 3 springs with pond sites, 10 age. Private, Telephone 72 PY apartment, self-contain-| income or oblid NEW -6 room bungalow with by 166 ft. depth. Owner anxi- alow featuring clay _brick . LOAN by Para Paints. since ed, suitable for a working couple. Phone} W! . slg t level ¥ miles west of Port Hope. 1964 CHEVROLET aig Va Buto-|20 per cent discount on semi-gloss, 728-6070. investment. with living pro- attached A tha . Srey | ste aot. Let us show you aluminum siding, thermopane | ESTATE SALE. Asking only matic, low mileage. Will sell or trage for) high gloss, interior and exterior | af RENTING | NOW! | Two-bedroom apart-|. perty for an industrious design with L.R., D. "tri this property and make your front Wikia: Sidee: endl $48,000 -- terms. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA | [2fe mode! Corvair. Telephone 725-5029. |Edvar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King ments, $115. monthly. Call whitby| couple. Call right now for kitchen on main floor. Three offer. 4 i : 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, 27,000 sigan) ee ee 668-41 full porticulars. and o per- good size bedrooms with ATHABASCA: STREET -- o screens, colored bath fixtures 949 acre: Tébsato fF 5) miles. Excellent tires and running condi- eactane steel guitar, with amplifier, FURNISHED ROOM to Mr cooking} sonal inspection. ample closet space and 4_pc. ites 6 brick: burigolow and vonities. A few with mark a or k , ton. $695. Call 728-0796. Best offer. Dial Sonenanias faundry peivilages. Apply' 633" Car- bath with large vanity. Com- .| choice © room Dric i hacks Sad bull -- Ing rights. 7 kiins, ESTATE CAR, 195s Dodge automatic, tow coil "haste Avenue. Telephone 725-026 WANT TO TRADE? pletely decorated. List price in this growing area of East electric heat i pond, 7 room house, tobacco KELLY DISNEY "i ROOM unfurnished apartment! co. we'll trade a brand $18,500.00 N.H.R. terms. Oshewa. 3 large bedrooms, 4 woll oven. $133.50 extra snl born. $55,000 -- USED CAR LTD lin 655-3794, = fe on main floor, self-contained, adults agi immediate possession. pc. bath ond separate dining down, Carries os low as $99. terms. 1200 DUNDAS ST EAST eedlagiim ig a, fen ick cue i oe . motor, . '. Brook 79. . Immediate possession. Apply 180, mew home in Downsview Park room with built in cupboard : monthly _ includi toxes, if y ng 95 acre Highway corner farm WHITBY -- 668-5891 ida as FURNITURE: 3 rooms full, only Avenue East. (Jack's Bar). with Electric heat, fully land- 1 featured. An attractive scaped lot; and all the ex- LISTINGS rel with a good arrange- you qualify. with 1 mile commercial front- Cars bought and sold 1957 PONTIAC sedan, mechanically A-1, ete new EB ng 26--Rooms For Rent tras for your older home, ond 4 rf 1 Liens paid off $450. 739 King Street West, Sitter cuaity Caaete ba OUR SALES ARE RUNNING ment of rooms that you wi age on 115 and 35, 1 mile lens paid o ie) VOLKSWAGEN bus, nine Gassnge| weekly Bare aon a Mow sufficient time to i T 1960 VOLKSWAGEN bus, ni senger, ATTRACTIVELY -- | Si'etr'nm tame fire | HIGH AND, OUR LISTINGS | ke, Col oy Yer'on > JAAANIDER RAFUSE| St 2.0%, bald | ieaeap dorm [Sere gine, ae ete Bs et oe : top dollar for ' : t : " a a falda NEW 117 ff. plywood hardtop FURNISHED ROOMS vee ae oh all the risks HOME TO-DAY FOR THIS 75 ACRE FARM just north of AM 1-2309 or 942-4261 e: 1964 MGB, 2,200 miles, whitewalls, radio,|motor and BB as, og - Fee 'orn vailable in private home, ahminot Went to talk it ACTIVE MARKET. WE HAVE Newtonville. Raspberries, as- 156 ee te Se, 3S two tops, luggage rack, washers, plus roll|information telephone 728- Call between 5 and 7 p.m. evatceall this office to-night. BUYERS FOR SMALL AND paragus and 60 fruit trees set nc asamaces Call John, 723-3118 after 5/BUY NOW! Save up to oe om cant an , i RTIES. LL 'b. Toronto contract. 10 room door. 82 PARK RD. N. ee) oe Us FOR ARCTION "No SALE Mh Das Gaaheae sen RALPH VICKERY brick home, all conveniences. ae iad PR yao Parisien ourdoor; baad xamole windows $10 u om me Phone ee eet |__| $869 TOTAL DOWN stitanoae Schee) bae Lens door, Fan . aia, + dou Gan ee (Alt Makes ond Models) [rele in_ very goad Price 2520 Title end 90 pee yg La iy a Bg Md PAYMENT BROOKSIDE ACRES ise aili For Finer Homes is one "of Durhom County's CALL 725-6553 Aer 6 pr telphone 725-a8.__"|gmunc gmmunition. 1% good condita. nished bedrooms with kitchen, self-con-| py 5 roo lay brick bun- . towne tor 4 in wel om lew 5 room cloy | ' : hte ST. FRONTAGE with best producing farms. Locat- | 14 Albert St. 960 PONTIAC ertible, white with Telephone mao eee golows wil! be built to your = Sl cons to cies investment potential. CAN'T REPLACE FOR ed ot Neonaatle, $60,000 -- (~~ VOVve pari interior, Like new. Best. offer, Pee ye B= ggg a Bl pieces, ELOIN STREET EAST, 65 -- Single| SPecification in this conveni- eo by. Thi Suncolow ie ant onny 4 blocks from Simeoe St. $12,900 terms. " : Bowmanville 623-2377. ___--__|full particulars telephone days, 725-0930 bedroom, suit gentleman, day worker| ent south east location. Your go by. This is only Large 30 room apartment 7%: iy iene becioura SALES AND SERVICE 1960 MORRIS MINOR, good condition, ex-|evenings 728-1143, preferred. Telephone 7: bolonce will be one N.H,A. seven yeors old but modern bihtiig wii 7. cnoreents. ree only, ee aga 100: ceiws. shane 'sna JAKE and BILL'S cellent second car. Asking $450. Call eve~|TELEVISION tower special, 404, struc KINO STREET ait as Large mod-] Gov q ed 61%4% as to-day. Extra large living ; * | bungalows, Conant St., Wil- ; na GARAGE nings, Mr. Hewitt 668-2692. tre, including all channel' antenn, ernment oapprov: ne Substantial down payment re { gores in hardwood bush. View ernly furnished bed < siting roam, with mortgage. Only 3 left in this room,. dining area and ae auied son a, en ee Call oF lake Grtatie. Laced Geneial Renalr-ond 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air, excellent in| irglotiigad Loestaiaga big Z hase dvd : e . 4 Py ry 5 these , ex lence, and cold water in' room, Five minutes fo| section, scheduled for Spring thot will win the heort of the ae ; pik ee me miles north of Bowmanville. Auto-Electric Service hai min sale. Tele) aiephone TH-S10, eg se lady. Three bedrooms and an AJAX--5 room brick bunga- choice properties. ; Oshawa Shopping Centre. ae completion. To atl is yee ste sick bs with ti low wth gales $9,500 -- $2,000 down. 449 Ritson Road South STANDARD transmission a eae . . : a 4, i SOUTH Ban ill ee, chen Mew: ae haat reese some wash basins. Ample closet Large living room and separ- JUST LISTED Coll 623-3393 Dehawe /2bee) 30--A iles Wanted fon Racha, ri any er We enn a oss Up. Ing. Gentleman only. Telephone 723-1359. 4 BEDROOMS -- spose. A poturel Fach in ate dining room, Spotlessly eg aed buys 5 roo " Pinger ty gon $ ALL CASH $ Dial 6 200 KING WEST -- furnished light hi both the living room e cleon throughout. Close to rick, age years, comp! A BUY aes sell used furniture keeping room, refrigerator end. 'sink In NEAR NORTH G.M. large completed rec. room. school and bus at the door. with garage, storms, T.V. After 9 p.m. PARTS AND eae s For clean cars or trucks we pt oh eta "tocahies only. x 4 room. ult one or two. Telephone} Lorge 7. room_-rug brick home This bungalow is broadioomed Lot completely fenced and antenna etc., price only Pat Yeo 623-3077 All Foreign Make Cors deal up or down. Liens paid | Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. 725-9272. close to shopping, bus, throughout and the customed hedged. A truly lovely home $9,900. Jack Ricard 623-3154 STAT off. WALNUT bedroom suite, four poster bed CHURCH STREET, 217 -- for two gentle-| schools, etc. Four large be- decoration will win the most ond priced at only $13,300 Joe Barnoski, 2202 Newtonville HAM NICOLS MOTORS LTD, _ jend springs, dressing table, dresser, goad men, large front. room, newly decorated,| rooms on second floor. Listed discriminating buyer. The pry y ' : Call 728-5157 ; B.-A. SERVICE 146 BROCK ST. NORTH condition. Whitby, 668-59. sais beds, Good ments. 7252077. | at $14,000. A | FICE'S ROAD--1 acre lot Ritson Road and King faiths Real ictal LIVING ROOM suite, -- 3 end tabies, CINDEN STREET, 285 -- Furnished en . . -- bg With ew oveticking- Lake i natal mars Leen ATHOL STREET 723-4733 and 723-7712 Whit 668.3331 bookcase, plus lamps and drapes, and peiviiogen, "laundry 'eclives, 'St0. 'week. COUNTRY LOTS vocy, con us to-day 'eo Ontario, Priced right ot $1,- : my oe Lin hh ge a SPOT CASH hitby 668-333 -- le ee 3 5 ed highwa' Ath 800. ' ua ilson rt 4 caRbe Waited bedroom hein bams.| North of Oshowa, 240" front. | 'ol FULL PRICE $43,000--Large Ralph H. Vickery | Hove the home. of your choice PAID FOR _ - _VAB.CARS WANTED Slayer and tape recorder. $200, "Like Suit two ladies willing to share or one| age levelled and cleared ready For 40H. nerculaee: esl ahs ccs Chalo 46 King St. West Biult by Mike Zygocki atl ts aad cae r0. Ted" 'Apply 238 Dearborne Avenue. single. Near Shopping Centre. C8!) to build on, and you con sell | commercial lot on Ontario St. ing ot. Wes S. D. HYMAN Good clean cars. Trade up Yea, Hany Paris. ¥ : holf for another lot. This is 723-2265 Brick building presently being : REAL ESTAT! or down, Liens paid. off. Talk Com 10 ite yew BICYCLE, girl's, COM, 24" wheel, ea d add ob a foundry, Good Open Evenings. fakery DODD MOTOR SALES | "er Dealer and "SAVE". ITS tncydle: $750 Apply. sf" Chore TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.) --° choice country building OPEN DAILY pe gal Telephone 728-6286 ODD MOTOR SALE Tits CAMAPIN saciid ele kitehen and bedroom, with all utilities. Adults only. Apply 313 French street. opportunity. Price $3,500 and PRINCE ALBERT--j-room frame hou: 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, teat iad 723-9421 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 |WEDDING gown, size 011, full length FURNISHED BEDROOM and Kitchen, all| surely worth it. ZION -- 3 bedroom rancher OSBORNE water, heavy wiring, ga orgenze, with spplique bedin, conveniences, suitable for couple, no ; ; 725. ond 1% acres of land. Large Pane 57300. Very low down "peyment. |e xcEPTIONALLY Say, ines bail OSHAWA hate Parle Ghd lato Wradherk ivoutte beocks eflamne! coat $110, will seth children. Apply 141 Church Street. Taunton Areo--82' x 260' | Irene Brown 25-3867 | \ving room' ond. Hollywood par Eee ere. Air Chevrolet 4docr automtaticr Pricel 1178 Netoon' Street, wert cars for wreck? |somplete $40. Between 4 and 8 pum. cal tice ROOM Te Gulet home, furatahes ; + ng Berg aa Laschien' with souiteas vindew, OF Low, bow, Soe down payment, 3 bedroom|$1,100. Phone 725-5953. ing. Telephone 725-2165 or 723-4245, : hase." Teptene ' good $10,500 SHESTHRFIELD end easy chal Gal or unfurnished, near buses. Telep! cas ent STOOD. Fak vue 'Allan Thomoson 728-2870 School just 2 blocks oway. Kalth Peters Realtor, Bill Ratcliffe| 1955 CHEVROLET two-tone, white and CHESTERFIELD and ae Bs 725-0681. = 'i i | cond T Whi Jat Uy. Full 12,900. green, new tires. Must sell. Call Bow-/32----Articles For Sale itby GIBBONS STREET -- Single furnished) on this one. Margaret Lee 723-2894 riche OSHAWA Pavave Apariment, building, 5 suite eon MOTORCYCLE, Honda 150 touring, new, bedroom, suit gentleman day worker Maible Boudreau 728-2233 EARLY POSSESSION--3 bed- ty : % ft,|1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2 door hard- 964 model, , whitewall tires, mire only. T 725-5794, 10. Acres--Maple Grove-- Steve Macko 728-5868 room brick bungalow with OFFERS ; f we in top, automatic 6, radio, discs, 28,000. miles, SPRING SALE rors, signals. Many extras. Sacrifice $450 FURNISHED bedroom, shift worker) Terrific gorden soil, very 725-0201 aluminum storms and screens, 4 sider sive business section. 725-1565. cash. Apply 127 Park Road South, welcome, central. Gentleman only. Ap- ' : ah " ts ' an i MAN'S bicycle, Dutch meke. ii Nonone| scenic location--Asking $5, 725-1726 T.V. gerial with rotor control. | ¢ Hanmem ores $700 DOWN, nice 2bedroom bungalow, AG, | Sirato Chie NEW 1963 pices fe sagt eg ply. 73 Gladstone Avenue. Tel i aint , Post Office. {newly decorated, oll heat, . Central | cecal hearth anecattntatcnelBd A 723-9015. 000. Charlie Chaytor 723-2266 Schools, bus, | chure -- and shoppin. Only $11,500, [location 153, Wilson 'Road' South, Imme-| Phene Tao. OUTBOARD MOTORS |wotrssuron voicswecen car redio, In CLEAN ae bedroom, close to shopping are all within walk Could he i bu: diate possession. Owner 725-2539. 1958 PLYMOUTH seden, radio, whitewal! cludes speaker. Excellent condition. $78 "bus stop at door. Ladies! OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE 360 King St. West ing distance of this fine home. Vee 00, Sulnccia |FHRGE PARCELS oF provertyleRrtan|tires. WINl accept freds. S395, or maxe| 20 FP. Manual .. 439.95 [Gr best enter. After 5.30 pum. call 7251007 preferred. Call affer 6 p.m., 728-2622. ; Priced at $12,600 with pay- | 7 Property here too. Suitable "4 1 oie" lofter. Telephone 725-8132. 30 H.P. Manual .. 499.95 nee aggre mee MODERN housekeeping units in new Diol 728-4678 fees Tone ments of $95.00 per month | for, large family. Low taxes. 5705 iin eters, Realtors Ron Hether i863 CORVAIR converibley Iamaciian| 45 H4.P. Electric Long Shoft angus" char, ckersy piel across trom Spruce Villa Hotell Ken Hann Jack Osbome including taxes. Only $2,000 down. Balance |ington, Bowmanville, 623-3637. wheel discs, dual" exhaust. After 699.95 form rockers, occasional chalf, 'Telephone 668-4327, In Whitby. Reasonable rates for single or Bob Johnston: Dick Borrioge | like rent. 6 p.m. dial pa oo eae Let sot 'i Maga ii KEITH PETERS NORTH wag AREA me 4 | Dial 668-5431 - 668-5081 few tte. alicchied persue enn only $10,900 1953 PONTIAC, standard. in excellent BOATS 12' - 16' hardwood, one foot lengths, $7.78 27--Real Estate for Sale rdom__ bric By pane wi Dia K " e Phone Joe Crawiord, 623-3672, H. Millen condition. $170, After 5 p.m, call 7259284. Aluminum ond Fibregioss sa oe Call affor 6 pumas 723-2281, lovely hedg storm GUN WANTED -- Old antique. Tele : Realtor -- 728-7328 windows all around. Spot Evening 725-0303 Ike Perry $1040 DOWN, spacious five room "bu ae-|trom "the. west te 1 cana Excaliont eed ACCESSORIES phone Canawa TASES j P, AUL RISTOW CARL OLSEN en fH oi Finiatled patois Office: 218 Dundas St. E. tnd oven, Mast ct bes ie int PONTIAC Strato Chief, one owner, Me New. tales $190 aah a6 me nye Hi 'ing immaculaté, automatic, power steering. tate Ltd. T 723-4063. EA 723-1133 BELLWOOD DRIVE hommnent with glen cedar Whitby ga JUST LISTED Lovely five ' sa Lane eae he AJAX 29--Automobiles For Sale Ved tee ytd shea: Ceante, OSHAWA Easy washer) coal oll heater. All in goed ete ° : " e walls, r mileage, condition. Telephone Brooklin 655-3077. 728-9474 A BUYING OR SELLING whit lis, custom radio, low yo YACHTHAVEN toom brick bungalow just 5 i a friendly well kept neigh- A-1 condition. Call aieavs 728-4688 THREE ROOMS of furniture, only $298.50, Id idential boards, borhood. Built and backed b' tween 9 a.m, + 5 p.m, Discounts ANDERSON ST. -WHITBY | Sse gow Semana | WeTCarns emanate | |G Armco a Sing | TED CAMPIN iorttt rae cer aes LTD, Seale" Wa ret room home, 3 good size bedrooms, closets, shining hardwood ond 2 HARBOR RD. bs re gorage, paved pon living room, 14 ft. kit- tile. floors, attached garage, Taa-\\a) $950 DOWN: MOTORS W963 CHRVRDLET, 6 cyiinder, BIRYNS| | 709.1901 BOX 305 rerio yg Basket oe ord derived lak 66 chen, high dry basement, large lot close to town with o Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 607 KING ST. <- OSHAWA |fourdour, sede, eu eetient conattion, APPLES $1.25 per bushel "and up. Bring ; x 183, Down payment $2- tee ow Bhygorg -- country atmosphere. MORE end MORE One N.H.A. Mortgage Cut oe ot hig ong Telephone 725-3491. | HAVE A SECRET jainers, Mcintosh, . Coll Tim Vipond at Owne: itei i LSS 4978 ROS. 729-9275 __ 11956 PORD, 6 cylinder, motor A-1 condl- 728-9474 or 668-8562 ev- oting 313, 800, with $3,000 $8,900--NEW LISTING, 5 rs = Litsing Carries $79 Monthly 195 FORD sedan, V4, radio, needs|tion, blue and white, $175, Call. 728-4797. WE PAY MORE WAPLW SYRUP tor sale. Toke 35 hia enings. down. To see cali Henry Stin- room home with room finished 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows, |boay work; new licence, $195.) 1957 i967 CHEVROLET. BeLAir_herdion Vi CHEVROLET BelAlr hardtop Ve SELL FOR LESS. way $on at to ceaceaten son or 723-1133, evenings is he _bonemnent, $78.00 bar BUSY FRIENDLY OFFICE split level and 2-story homes, [Chevrolet coach, very good condition, New| Dower steering, power, brakes and radior| Buyj d selling used fure [Andrews Heaslip. Call Bethany, 17R11. $11,500 725-0243. month, Asking $1500 at the featuring storms ond screens, licence, $995, After 6 umn 720221. new tires. No. rust. Excellent condition,| Buying on cifras i F : Miche BUSY INTERSECTION hooded exhaust fons, vanity 195? CHEVROLET Impala, converfible,|728-6819. niture, ond' oppligrviens: Ollie i i ae 8 A Bhs aaged Wilt NORTH-WEST -- Spacious ; GUIDE REALTY LIMITED bathrooms, built-in. Ranges |/*, 1% engine. Mee wore cone. 1954 CHEVROLET convertible, good tires,| . Valley Creek Furniture LOST Golden Raislevers mele TeGoea No. 2 between Oshawa ond six room bungalow, attached | $1000 DOWN--3 bedroom | Realtors, 16 Simeoe St. $. | ond Ovens, : Good condition. Reasonable price. Bow: * $289 cash, Call before 4) 16% BOND W. 728-4401 _|in ear, 6 yeors old, "Indl". Vicinity King i seca for with low garage, large living room brick home: walking distance PLUS, PLUS, PLUS! manville 623-2488. --- scar ° AT con.|COMPACT vacuum cleaner, 9 months old,|East, 3 weeks ago. Child's pet. 725-2847. id y. Large | ; with natural. stone fireplace, to downtown, Asking $10,- H. GRIFFIN 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne; 1958 Pon-|W#85 CHEVROLET Yaton pickup, ict con-liike new. Private, $85. Phone WhitbY,|cost -- Boy's glasses, on Saturday, vice 'axes, walking distance from large kitchen, modem di . : tiac Pathfinder. Both 6 cylinder, mechan-|{lt/on, radio, new seat, painted Inside and ¢¢9.9567, one Shopping Plaza. Substan- chat n, modem dining 500. Try on offer. MAKE YOUR MOVE out. After 5 p.m. Call 725-5618. ity. King East and Division, Initial -T. tial down payment' required ges. tines lotus bexorne, ON THE CHECKERBOARD Real Estate Broker seariy pees MNS: Brtect. All Bree ee ea TYPEWRITERS, sdders, cashiers, dupl-|Galee_on treme, Call_ 7217218 ee : iece bath, lovely treed ity Ajax 942-3310 : linder engine and radio, Gleami spre *'S/LOST: German Shepherd dog, Sunday, Contact George Koon ot rece Whitby--Lot 50 x 140 ft. jax ins) FORD "station " Va, |Ecvlinder eng! ml three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, " 728-9474 or evenings 723- Yor ith plenty of shrubs, |) with sewer and water. BOLAHOOD |___ Whitby 668-5371 aviomatc and radio "One owner, lo¥| a0 "bundas_ West, ny, eave," [Teaser Hamion Ofce EaUbment man name *King': Ch's pet, Rewer handy to. stores and bus, etc. Seaway Motors, A t leaving city, priced t i ; indas West, Whi 1962 ECONOLINE pick-up, a actual 77, my ty, priced te 10 acres with spring creek. WHITBY pat Ned enna allt le mctan tt miles, Seaway Motors td, 200 Dundas: Macy hid Erle HO sell, reasonable down pay- Aski i sking $3700 with $1,000 j 1953 CHEVROLET castomnized, chopped % i nae SORNER 16 Sek call -- B R @) i H E R S Split Level -- $22,500 |top, many body changes. ed! West, Whitby 668-5893 BRUM SET, profertonel Lodwick -aupet 36--Legal roe -- built iis me -- at 723-1133, even- ' This is on excellent home |4_P-m._ 728-6912. ene Se ee classic, with cymbals, pearl blue, "nine fun tunwin | $500 DOWN--Lots in Homp- -- Real Estate -- for the person who wants [Jt BUICK Ue Sb ta rhe Ac condition. Seeway "Motors Lid 20|ran7re}_belweon <8 bin. ness. $5,000 down, balance | 299 KING ST. WEST.723-1133 | '"- -- Insurance -- something a |ittle better. 3 Inew, Telephone Whitby 668-8576, a we cian -Va-aate |PISPLAY tt. x ae" and eh ene open mortgage, For M a bedrooms, ultra modern kit. ligsyOLDSMOBILE 88, power _brakes| "957, PONTIAC tdoor sedan, Vt, auto lhaberdashery furniture. "phone. 7252390. further particulars 'call Tim |$14000. BARK BRICK bungalow. Sand BR ish ng chen, dining room and 19 [and steering, in excellent condition, $125.|™enc, radio. Rebuilt, engine. nmuey| reat Ticker sink unit S47, with tauceta Vipond at 728-9474 or even- |@ half rooms, garage. Kitchen and bath WILL BUILD! ft. living room, The lot is |jeash and take over payments. After 5) (69 seo, and sprayer, man's bicycle with lights, ings 668-8562. tied. Centrally located. 725-3773. : i z BEAU VALLEY | spacious, professionally land- |P:M~ Whitby 668-5725. A rr Ree rg ag TE Be bed size ttoel bed and new mattress, one |NEAR LINDSAY, 100 acres, suitable for| SWitzer Drive (south side) This home will please the | scaped ond well looked af- {1985 PONTIAC convertible, V-8 automa matic, radio, low mileage. Seaway Motors| nasscete gy Eg Ese ge pg ined -- PERTY.. |ancine & hunting. Meg esa most particular buyer! Three ter with on attached gar- |ic,new top, new tires, new Plates, $500.11 14. '200 Dundas West, Whitby, 668-5893. |King Street West. | Saturday, Sunday. Omemee, 799 After 4, call 725-1753. 5128. , , rs ; : F ea ein thd | Lots 60' or more x 200 bedrooms, 'beautiful family age for r car, The owners 1954 BUICK, standard shift; 1952 Meteor Two and a half storey with ([KINGSMERE GAR = | D t ge you: &@ JEEP CJ5 with snow plow. No mile 1960 GALE 60 HP outboard moter with three self-contained apart- |three bedroom Sr boteelos oni Ready for spring building. room, stone fireplace, two ore anxious to consider a bes. $500 below cost. oli sick. Bennett,| Mach ne "eaaion ang lceoed. tank. 739 King Street West. CITY OF OSHAWA ments and semi exposed (ng completion, bulider will consider! é : bathrooms, and mony, many reasonable offer. Marior Road East, Toronto 7./ ater 6 p.m., telephone 723 DINETTE suite, wainut veneer, small bosement suitable for retail |2a0" a Joseph Be fn rade: Eee porticuiars| Ravine Lots Available. extras. ie vghems efi sho, Call Leon Monitius 725-8068 Hy a mei Raval Var asic. |W CHEVROLET Impala sa cylinder, | ces, tavern pieces $55. Telephone Bow. TENDERS shop or repair business. List- |S ye-pe ---- aS riced to sell ot | or RHE TOME Washes tee Hiren any |2utomatic, power brakes, steering. Fully | __ ; . ed ot $20,000 with terms. |EIVE-ROOM bungalow. twobedrooms, To: 728-8882 Coll Mr. Rankine ot 728- | GUIDE REALTY LTD. --_--[ttras, undercoated since, new, immacu-|ewuipped- Exterior white, red trim. Low] iY TOMMRE special, 4 f. tower ste} = § REQUESTED FOR To i t call George Koor- |portation. Douglas J. M, Bullied 'Reciny 5123 or 728-3682. | 16 Simcoe St. S. late Inside and out, best offer, Call after) oe $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons rmeet ot, 728-9474 or ofter | 723-1168. builder Michael ZYGOCKI | Realtors. 723-1121 |S p.m, 728-6101. 1941 CORVAIR 700 black sedan, white-| street, 722-8100, REFRESH MENT six 723-2859. |$i5,300, "ASKING PRICES Three-bedroom| BUILDING LOTS for sale in Darlington) A TALKING HOUSE CUSTOM HOMES 1984 BUICK, 2- door, hardtop, automatic, Sener. Tevsenone tas. TYPEWRITER portable, $35; also stan- jbrick bungalow, ten acres, VLA mort-| Township, three miles from Oshawa. Dial So thi obout this new fires and paint. Excell typewriter. Electric | Ph mony. var , must sell, $395. Full price ior offer. 1as:| i956 DODGE sedan, standard, radio, heat- WHITBY LOT |sage._Phone 720-202 Whitby, ésb80e. ae ee teen mus m wrlGondcondin, $0; Con be oem il Gena Aeige" SERVICES ' 10 ACRES or iess of lard on Townline|10 ACRES on Maple Grove Road North. F H To Your Plans and ' Centrality focoted, serviced eae aa OW Blobel, "Can, thet we would like to just | PB 1180 Simcoe North, CHESTERFIELD. Oblast Dati gid sgh f Good building site, $4,300. with $1500. ' ee CHESTERFIELD, 2, tor building lot in fine older |six-room ranch house and two acres, For|down, Call Joe Barnoski, W. Frank Real] show it to you, 7 room tri- _ Specifications 28--Real Estate Wanted _ i955 CHEVROLET ree aaa eel cuctia. Viohe cottee tao ie Gees ate wie on Fig nt will be re- area near Henry St. High [private sale, call 725-5006 Estate Ltd., Bowmanville 623-3393. | level, 3 spacious bedrooms, Within Your Budget pla on coer, ust, good Hires, $350. matching lames, $200 complete, -Tele- ey "4 Mi cee a Clerk a phone 72 loon, Apri School. Open to offers. Call "apera huge living room with fire- Our Special ribeayg & : ty R HOM 1960 CORVAIR sedan, radio, floor shift, ST EDDING GOWNS ale ~a-- Tenis am i 17, bby +e for the Tim Vipond at 728-9474 or place, kitchen for a queen, IS YOU 4 E black finish, At condition. Telephone pearl and chistes aneietest vt f the R efreshment 668-8562. evenings. adequate family room with W. E. ROTH rie, ery: Booth ot Mi e U sto B U | lt Yt Sapcinl iO isch peg Construction Ltd. FOR SALE ? 2? i957 fon Station wagon, radio, good in Tes hk eee ae Meri ' . Lo , condition. Extras. or er. Call FREEZER, Chambers, 17 cubic ft. Like! freshment Service at Alex- PAUL RISTOW m See aise fes | 708.9691 caeditam ee RTE seta i eA , 4/ ot $22,900 the $0 con- '4 $1,150 cash, 'Call betot : HA will fight for the |a@-acka RARM wi radio. New. top. cash, Cal re PIANO, Ennis, 5 new, REALTOR By R yt a chores og ig Ask. for Mr. [garage and rem pg ED DISNEY 5.30 p.m., 728-4469. apartment 'size, $50." also '$ HP clinton Sepals Tender Forms ond i 2 8 miles from Oshawa. Asking price 1963 PONTIAC Strato Chief sedan, auto-joutboard motor 'with 3 gallon Crulse-a-| Specifications are i sie sg iy od ag Roy Yeo. ot 728-5123 oF |e, tio phone George Bivleven, 'Realtor, matic, $1,995, Will wecept trade. 'Can. be| day tank, $75, 725-3271, ot the' Rachocng Otten ing 5t, pucirwewans 7 REALTOR financed. 725-8132. we ARE MOVING, everything must _be| City Hall. Only Tenders pg -- venue, good full twe- 962 CHEVY I! ertible, white with is week. Serta chesterfield set, Ilk spec BAY ms Dunas Hal Vishny WE ARE READY NOW TO TAKE YOUR DUPLEX LOT -- $4,200 [storey brick home, three large rooms and 82 Simcoe St. South Mar interior, 17,000 miles, one oan. Pri-|new, drapes, 24' TV, tables, tea, roa, an le ed, 4 tender 'detect i elireass ORDER FOR 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS IN | Just west of Stevensons Rd. {separate dining room. Down payment of vate sale. Telephone 723-2747. bridge set, kitchen set, bedroom sef. Ex:| Conn Supplied, will receive Many extras. One 6 per cent mortgage. Pibeh See act bes sabe aloe nai oP os Sea Private sale, Call Dunbarton 899-1288, CHOICE LOCATION CLOSE TO PUBLIC AND owner will include 3 bedroom |For tg, 7Usa® J: M- Bullled, Realior.) Telenhone 723-2333 I CHEVY 11, fwodoor, she evlinder: contiisetal bea Qriny, cee cates SEPARATE SCHOOLS. duplex plons in purchase [capiinoTON BLVD. SOUTH = three: after 6 P.M. 728-6954 gd gd epg aga Po ated ian "cabinet, box spring and quilted mattress, J. J. Kennedy, price. $1,600 down payment |pbedroom ame, panelled living room positraction, washers and snow fires. Best|come high chair. Apply 597 Grierson P PRICED FROM $1 3 900.00 required. Coll Mr. Irwin With | Droadioom, large carsoe, asphalt cot WANTED » 70 to 1007 width or larg.| (ret Wl_finance. Phone 720-1468. plead Ratsocnion Cacrobotlonee WHITBY WITH ECONOMICAL DOWN Cratshonks ot 728-5123. wn br, esa", Oy mm a arate ater Sa Sa lor moa re --_ ing area ri s' t , , ' 3 x CLASSIFIED PAYMENT DOWN $2,000 DOWN SIX, ACRES: naw four-bedroom house, i |Caon. Telephone 725454, (age, white. with red inferior. "Whifoy.ig,c™ecrne, $i: Cet of rewers $10: AUICTION SALE 2 bedroom bungalow with ito Oshawa. Keith Peters Realtor, Rob-/ATTENTION Real Estate agents and pri-|-------- _|$15; other articles. 728-2525. 'dk Noor: ak ert Johnson, 728-2548. vate parties, duplex or duplex lot wanted,|USED CAR parts, wheels, spindles '0lsiMuLATED alligator over shoulder, swu-| Of case tractor, full line of MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soll- po $7,800 00. Corr ie $1200 DOWN, owner very anxious fo sell, Rhee are ete eae Samiti: S07 Sirest Bast atten six, 7232081, 509 Bloor! sin Girl cosmetic case (complete) $15, Modern form machinery. citors, Notaries Public, cone FEATURES: BUILT IN RANGE AND $70 00; y Call Me, Ed. |clean_one end one-half storey home with] <wo_streel_Easty Oshawa. 723-4494, : ts : Also quantity cosmetics on hand, at dis-| Household effects etc. aval " ing Str ast, montt . low taxes. Cl t 'hool and ti WANTED two or three bedroom home. count. Telephone 728-8642. aan anigiee Cacaca' craved ourvies SahAOS ORS ae ee ae De an at 728-5123 or 725- tation Contact. Sally. Wallace | 72546297|C8N pay cash. Private. Telephone 725-2539,|20----Real Estate Wanted --_|ane~cax aaubie bea, spring "and make re Selling pf i 4 4 | Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7277. tress, dresser with large bevelled mirror. - re~ Ti gg gt Were 204 Chestnut Street DECORATED TO CHOICE AND PLASTERED XCELLENT investment property, two PRIVATE Excellent condition. Rowrnetwiiie B52. serve on Saturday, April 11th VALANCE IN LIVING ROOM. COUNTRY LIVING NEAR Pm tencod two-storey units, six rooms PRIVATE BOY'S pants, size 46; Jackels, swesiers)| Commencing ot 1,30 p.m. at DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, each, four years old, close to school and also ladies' dresses, size 12-14. Phone} his late residence. Lots 25 specialty. Mrs. Toms, 6682972 Fitting' MAPLE GROVE [bus Could be bought separately or as one 728-6070. , . and 26.8 line Rd. Dor- spec ein sh ER 2 bedroom bungalow with 3 unit. Presently renting for $100 month FA R M BURROUGHS combinaii dai 7 , Ls gprs DRESSMAKING -- Ladies', children's ORDER NOW FOR EARLY otres of land. Just listed at bey cal NOT Cornlen sis ieth Jonah chine and Cay Nees i year pie a bg alga ge per wear. Quality work. Mrs, Vooglarv, 1110 $8,000:00 with $1,000.00. |Bocco Restor, Setar : ; ce Goke machine; Alemite overhead lubrica-| -SOUtM and one mile east Henry Street, Whitby, 668-8463. pete ' ol With or Without Buildin 5 tion equipment. Best offer. Call 725-1408,| Courtice. gg ORY ED 8 P SES | IN down. Full basement, forced [BEAUTIFUL ranch bungalow with al Hal g : yer RENT_--Furnishes Wont housekeen. air oil heat. Better hurry for: [tached garage. Rossland Manor. Full baiet BUY: sil aed axetiboge ues furnb For further porticulars see entran i : ing you have. e i 5a Mary Street Cast. 66ers. one 728. SiD3 ie (Weinberger 725-7044" Joseph Bosco. Reet West of 7 and 12 Highways (Brooklin) Trading Past Store, 446 Simcoe street nas Peco Mer ye : RENTING NOW! Twobedroom apart. PHONE 725-9991 or 728-7083 See ot 728- or - |tor 728-7377 25 will , é , Auctioneer, 'ments, $115 monthly. Call Whitby 668-4182: |$1600. DOWN. lO-acre lots. Choice, level acres or more, Will buy or rent or will trade WRECKING the following:. 1949 to 1956 ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, jgarden soll with everflowing stream. ; : mae Nak Hie Pontiac, All parts rea- Si | ith the h single room, all meals, lunches packed W. E. ROTH CONSTR UCTION LTD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD [Frese " poe See Ro ol os Commercial Property bedleninvd Mic a ing a ong wi the appy itby, GAN9, . : jou! perfect setting for OUTBOA tor, 25 HP ti - * Can Mrs. Rints, 'Whitey, 6 i 101 Simcoe Street North your n=" home. Located only 10 miles 3 ceptionally goed cancion ae or ne folks who have discovered Fen SALE -- Ud Creer 'gul CONTACT YOUR REAL ESTATE BROKER Open Every Evening paca, 370. Meo Real "Botate: Broker,| PHONE: Brooklin 655-3296 -- Toronto 363-0266 pani one yea #2. tier ¢'pm| what a Want Ad can do, 725-2217