THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 8, 1964 21| / CNR's Gross Revenues 3,5 paionist Hit $800 Million Mark Attacks Lakes spending,cient and economic a 'Peace Pact' tion system can be fulfilled| more satisfactorily "if the ac-| OTTAWA (CP)--Elroy Rob- counts are placed on a basis|5°", national vice-president of that will reflect the true story of|the Canadian Brotherhood of current eperations, so that the|Railway, Transport and Gen- annual results do not need qual-\¢t@!_ Workers (CLC) | charged ification and explanation in re-|Monday that the maritime trus- tees have surrendered to the spect of the past." i i u Recapitalization of the. CNR's Seafarers' International Union through its plan to ensure peace | | | may aR for a time--but a peace bought at a terrible price. The terms have obviously been dictated by. the SIU. They call for the retention of all the chief lieutenants of Hal Banks. . . . "Naturally, Paul Hall has agreed to a 'peace treaty' under these conditions. The agree- ment amounts to a virtually un- conditional surrender by the trustees. They have agreed, in effect, to give back to Paul Hall the absolute mastery of the Canadian Great Lakes which the formation of the Canadian Maritime Union had eroded and the imposition of the trusteeship was designed to eliminate, .. . "An essential prerequisite to lasting reforms is the removal of all the officials who helped Banks, vice - president Len McLaughlin and Paul Hall to operate the SIU as a job-selling racket instead of a union." | ; | OTTAWA (CP) -- The CNRjfinal supplementary j collected a record $800,000,000|estimates for the 1963-64 fiscal in gross revenues last year onjyear, Compares with the 1962 its biggest business year since|deficit of $48,919,454. it was established in 1923. » It was the seventh consecu- The money came into the cof-|tive annual deficit for the rail- fers of the publicly-owned com-|way system. pany from its operations on the CAUSE RED INK : railway and highway, as well The railway had a net income as in hotels and telecommuni-|of $21,190,774 on its over-all op- cations. erations, but debt charges|debt is said to be one of the In his annual report to Par-|pushed it into the red ink. main goals of Mr. Gordon be-|on the Great Lakes. liament, CNR President Donald) Mr. Gordon blamed the inter ove he retires from the $75,-| Under the plan announced by Gordon hailed 1963 as an "'ex-jest burden for the CNR's defi4000-a-year job as -head of the the government-appointed trus- ceptional" year for the com- CNR sometime in 1965--a date|tees and Paul Hall, president pany, citing higher gross sales, he himself set when the govern-jof the SIU of North America, greater work load, better effi- ment. reappointed him last Oc-|Charles Turner, who took over ciency and tightly-reined ex- tober; from Hal C. Banks as president es. of the SIU of Canada, will step down in favor of an'SIU mem- PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN OR WING STEAKS" BONELESS ROUND STEAKS: cit. The CNR president made an- other plea for a capital revi- sion to relieve the railway of the "crushing 'burden of debt) The annual report noted that the CNR met strenuous, above- But he confessed that much of this isn't apparent in the fi- nal "'on-paper financial result" charges which make the annual profit and loss account such an inaccurate reflection of man- normal demands for rail serv- ices last year--generated by an ber. The plan also involves an attempt to integrate Canadian HAS MOST COUNTIES ROAST ROASTS - * or RUMP ROAST 7 maritime unions "where it is in} Texas is no longer the biggest} the interests: of union stability." |state in the U.S., but it has the A statement Monday by Mr.|most counties--254, Georgia is Robson said: ". . Peace itisecond with 159. upward movement in Canadian business activity and an unex- pected push in grain shipments due to grain sales to Russia. agement and employee effi- ciency."" 2 He contended that the CNR's objectives of providing an effi- --a deficit of $43,013,517 for 1963. This loss, disclosed last month by the government in its SMALL LINK SAUSAGE | ECONOMICAL AND NUTRITIOUS TIME, Reader's Digest ----_---- eal | grees, a May Lose Tax Exemption | reveranitciennte TENDER, GARDEN FRESH us. No. 1 GRADE -- The fed-|Commons arch 11. Since then,| the exemption has been under|) bussrmeaneu ig ASPARA US - LB. fire from a number of Cana-| ; : oy RI I : A \L EASY TO PEEL JUMBO SIZE 90's ge JAFFA ORANGES... 69° FOAMBAC RU One source said the govern- ONTARIO HOT HOUSE o von 0" U.S. NO. 1 GRADE ™ SIZE 9 x 12 mnt is said to be looking for a CUCUMBER | New Crop CARROTS «.: 25° Serged on all four sides: Colors Green, Mocha, Beige. politically - safe method of with- FANCY CREAM STYLE : 2 > @ 3 5 drawing the proposed exemp- Ideal Floor Covering for any room in the House. cone RTE WE RESERVE | THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OTTAWA (CP) QUANTITIES. eral government is under strong ' pressure from within to with- draw its proposed exemption of Time and Reader's Digest from tax measures aimed at protect- ing Canadian periodicals, infor- mants said Tuesday. It is understood that govern- ment supporters as well as Op- position members will publicly call on the government to drop) the exemptions. The two publications, which have ian editions 'pre- paréd partly in this country, were specifically exempted from the proposal to protect Ca- AA ri Aicals intr A A Jast month and still before the Commons. The resolution proposing the tection and including the: Time and Reader's Digest ex- emption was placed before the Geco Mines Ordered To Pay $3000 TORONTO (CP) -- A Mani- touwadge miner, fired after tweaking the nose of his shift) , has been ordered rein- stated and paid about $3,000 in lost pay. Judge R. W. Reville, acting arbitrator, ruled that Geco wadige, 200 miles north of Sault Ste. Marie, was not entitled to} fire Uuno Nyrminen for tweak- ing his foreman's nose at a car- nival. Judge Reville found that the foreman, Hans Erl, had pro- voked Nyrminen on at least one occasion with offensive lang- uage combined with a domin- eering manner. The judge's award said Ny- rminen had been an exemplary 3-LB. BAG * PURE STRAWBERRY *¢ AQes nose TAM BB row | ® 9-0Z. tions. There is also said to be| SUNNY MORN a possibility of a revised plan.} HAS TWO PARTS JAR DERED o MILK 85° OF 100 65: CROWN CHERRY HILL ee CORN SYR There are two parts to the government's proposal to pro- ' BRAND SAVE 6c M : 4 YORK BLANCHED 3c OFF 12.07, EANUTS 42° ch Z tae BAG Hl seLL0 puDDING & w PIE FILLER 2 Sx HEINZ QUALITY PRODUCTS AT BIG SAVINGS One denies deductibility from , gy Unstant Pudding 2 Six 29° HEINZ 2¢ OFF MILK INSTANT =: 3-LB.. SAVE 14¢ BOX vertising directed to the Cana- dian market which does not. ap- pear in other issues of the same publication in its originating country. A Canadian periodical is de- fined as one which has its edi- torial 'type set in Canada, is wholly printed in Canada and is edited in this country by Ca- nadian residents. Such periodicals include those published at regular intervals of more than six days and less than 15 weeks and distributed as distinct publications. or as supplements to a 4 2-LB. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED BTL. 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN : OSHAWA - OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 13-0Z. BAG pap At Last! Power and comfort in the small car field... envoy e 10 0Z TINS from GENERAL MOTORS 15 0Z me ee ee me OTTILE 15 OZ. TINS corporate income for the ex- rected to the Canadian market. The other prohibits the im- O SOUP..2 at the mine before he went un- = peel | 4. der temporary supervision of HEINZ STRAINED OR JUNIOR that the off-hours assault could not be deemed grounds for dis- --_. lee TOTAL 0 IN IGA OF = pense of advertisements placed) periodicals and primarily di- portation of special issues of HEINZ HEINZ (IN TOMATO SAUCE ee a Geena: "69% Erl. oS Wy : Judge Reville' said the find-| os) ABBY ings were not to be regarded) § sei 4 = % ? 2. cat La tweaking incident, but rulde ; : : ' : mat SPAGHETTI arge. a a ae ¢ Follow Beatin g BONUS = HosprTALITY PUMPKIN PIE... 45° EACH Receive on Extra $2.00 Bonus Tape with DEMPSTER'S e SWISS ROLLS .... 43° "N SERVE BROWN DEMPSTER ROLLS xc. 35° PLAIN OR SALTED WESTON'S SODAS 'Pc after Dec. 31 in non-Canadian) foreign periodicals carrying ad- 5 02. ¢ as a tacit approval of the nose TINS HEINZ (IN TOMATO SAUCE) s ; Jail Terms TAPES Receive an Extra $10.00 Bonus Tape with ORANGE PEKOE - IGA TEA BAGS OKG. Receive on Extra $6.00 Bonus Tape with MAZOLA OIL porte DETERGENT 970'2rr - KING SIZE CREST--20c OFF ome TOOTHPASTE FAMILY Receive on Extra $4.00 Bonus Tape with HEINZ--2c OFF Vegetable Soup 2 Ot Principal PRESCOTT, Ont. (CP)--Five} persons were given jail sen- tences Tuesday in connection with the beating March 4 of Da- vid Johnston, 28, principal of) Algonquin Public School, five miles east of Brockville. Wesley Kemp, 44, his wife Pauline, 39, and their 16-year- old son Clifford were each sen- tenced to three months, Charles Hepburn, 42, of Kingston, a brother of Mrs. Kemp, and Da- vid Mawhinney, 21, of Brock- ville, got two-month sentences. Johnson testified he had been beaten by five persons: led by} Mrs. Kemp who had reproached} * him for strapping her 14-year-| » old daughter Melody. He had * spent six days in hospital recov-) + ering from cuts and bruises. * Mrs. Kemp and her son » pleaded guilty to charges of as- * sault occasioning bodily harm. * The others pleaded not guilty. Epic 2-door standard sedan pep as soon as you drive it--and you'll go on making discoveries. Like the sports-car cornering and handling --like the slick 4-Speed all-Synchro-Mesh transmission (so easy, the ladies will love it)--like the roomy four- passenger comfort, and the warehouse of a trunk, and the very, very low price your Chevrolet-Envoy dealer has for you on either a standard or Deluxe Epic. Like Epic? You'll love it--from your very first drive. Make | = HERE'S WHAT 7 IT COSTS! $1,788" 'suggested maximam retail delivered price of a standard 2-door sadna with heater and defroster at Oshawa-Whithy Price quoted includes deliy- ery and handling charges. Federal Sales and Excise taxes, Provincial and local FLEICHMAN'S CORN OIL MARGARINE OLD SOUTH FROZEN ORANGE JUICE CANADA No. 1 GRADE P.E.1. POTATOES TABLERITE SLICED COOKED HAM Ke. a, 8 : here's what It 182: . # the small- car field! If you're a small-car fan, you'll love Epic! If you're not used to small cars, you'll be surprised at Epic! And for the same reason--pep! Epic has the accel- eration you need for city bustle--the acceleration you want for highway hustle-- thanks to a lively 50-hp engine, that zips you from 0 to 50 mph in seconds, gives you up to 42 miles a gallon! You'll discover Epic's HERE'S WHAT IT HAS: 1.50-HP HIGH PERFORMANCE ENGINE. The peppiest in its class. Gives spirited acceleration in city traffic--high cruising speeds on the open road. 2.SMOOTH- RIDING INDEPENDENT FRONT SUS- PENSION soaks up those bumps . , . gives you road-holding you'll revel in. 3. EASY STEERING, FAST HANDLING. Epic's got rack-and-pinion steering--wheels you around mre like pobed) business. 4. FINGER- . 4 P-LIGHT 4-SPEED STICK. Fully- « England (CP) -- Six sheep synchronized on all gears--including first, * bought to keep the churchyard 5. SURE STOPPING POWER. Big 8" * grass down at this Dorset vil- drum brakes, with built-in anti-fade feature. * jage have done such a good job 6. INTEGRAL BODY-CHASSIS combines * that they are to be sent to mar- low weight with great strength and rigidity to * ke ~alise ote ; | give you a rattle-free body. 7. FULL-SIZE " fat 7 dele coed a | HEATER really gives lots of heat for front « place them with lambs. * TENTS FOR PETS = ROMFORD, England (CP)-- » Because of the increasing oum-| = ber of families who take camp- « ing holidays, a Rombord firm| "is catering for the pets who! * might otherwise have to be left! * behind in kennels. It is manu- ~ facturing tents exclusively for Y dogs, all made to measure. 12-02. TIN 10-LB. BAG TINS 10-02. NOW! REDEEM YOUR IGA TAPES "2 WAYS" forFREEGIFTS from the IGA CATALOGUE Brand New "IGA" CATALOGUE Now Available! COLLEGE HILL IGA MOTOR CITY IGA OSHAWA CUBERT STREET OSHAWA RITSON RD. S. BILSKY IGA LANSDOWNE IGA 120 WILSON RD. S. OSHAWA LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE DYL'S IGA SOUTH END IGA 166 ADELAIDE ST. E. OSHAWA BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY. > ee and rear passengers--tested in 40-helow weather. 8. REAL LEGROOM. Epic.actually has more legroom than many s0- called "big" cars. Try it! 9. ROOM FOR FOUR ADULTS. Two comfortable bucket seats in front tip all the way forward to allow easy entry to the back seat. 10. FAMILY-SIZE TRUNK. DID GOOD JOB | *" LANGTON MATRAVERS, Open that trunk lid, you'll be really surprised (and pleased) at the 10.76 cubic feet of room! 11. SUPERB ROAD-HOLDING, Epic handles like an expensive sports car! 12, GOOD VISI- BILITY ALL 'ROUND. You see all four cornérs of the car taxes and licence are not, with ease... drive with extra safety, included. } SMALL WONDER! IT'S "100 €= ppg MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED BY VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND, PARTS AND SERVICE FROM COAST TO COAST. See Your Local Chevrolet/O/dsmobile/Envoy Dealer Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE: 725-6501 BECKSTEAD IGA COURTICE, ONTARIO BRAEMOR IGA STEVENSON RD. & ANNAPOLIS AVE OSHAWA EP-464C Harry Donald Limited 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT, PHONE: '668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306