THE CCHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 8, 1964 1] Ol County Cb = OPEN DAILY Drunk Orn MISSES' COATS Popular styled Orlon- Laminated coats in solid shades of navy, blue, beige, yellow, aqua, pink and red. Sizes 8 to 16. Riley, Mr. Eugene Laszkiewicz, Mr. Rick Starzynski and Mr. John Donabie. | to 12, stuck to the bottom of the * geat. Prizes were available to all the people sitting on such chairs provided they sang a | song, if they didn't sing they | had to pay 50 cents for their prize. j This caused much amusement / among the members and prize winners were Mr. Donald Hard- ing, Mr, Jack Haywood, Mrs. Marion Kolbeck, Mr. Kenneth Wyrrill, and Mrs. Aubrey Gibbs. The following members paid for their prizes: Mrs. John Gas- kell, Mr. Arthur Watts, Mrs. Eric Hodgson, Mrs. Anthony Freeman, Mr. Richard Martin, Mrs. Martin Malloy and Mrs. Alfred Miles. During the interval members LADIES' ot the Hadley Group of the cit PACKAGED BLOUSES | j served ham rolls and coffee and sea-food "Eos gal ; t Cotton blouses are available in the following Veenhoff held a raffle in aid of oe | (oD styles: f Shirt style blouses with short sleeves. the building fund and Mr. Wil- \ ond Awagihoreg og " William j ' , d ' 4 4 Shirt with convertible collar and short sleeves. 1} | Clary. The next old Country a EE , ' | z \ Stripe shirt with button-down collar and short | Club event will be the St. sleeves. Check print blouses with roll-up sleeves, Assor+ | George's Dance, April 25 at the Kinsmen Community Centre. ted colors and checks, Sizes 10 to 20. 4 UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES PMA CLUB The Pleasant Monday After- versary recepti ' Mrs, Jack Jakes to be held on Saturday, April 11. At the conclusion of the meet- ing refreshments were served by Mrs. George Whitbread and . Leonard Fisher. TOPS LOSIN' LASSIES The Losin' Lassies highlights for the month of March showed 15 losers with a loss of 35 lbs. in one week. The total net loss for the month was 86 lbs. Meetings for the month have been very interesting as most of the girls have been making pledges to lose a Jb. or two. If a pledge was not achieved, they & NEW! SPRING'N' SUMMER FUN-WEAR | -- & LADIES' SKIRT | LADIES' SHIFT DRESSES Attractive Cotton Prints avail- able in Green and Orange, Pink and Tan, Brown, blue and red. Sizes S-M-L. ¢@p 47 H | LADIES' SURFER BAC 'Linen-look 3% length ponts to # motch the above skirt. Solid colors 2 of blue, pink, yellow ond oqua. Sizes 10 to 20. | jt SLIP and PANTIE x SETS Arnel half slip and pantie set with el- astic waist, Each set in box. Assorted colors. Sizes S-M-L. choice. JAMAICAS f Margaret Stauffer won a eae oa Vi ee : 'Tops" pin for being the most 5 ; 'e iscose, Linen. j :. Sconsistent loser since January 'ma, fobric with 2 pockets, front kick- Laney oe Nbc jometce shorts. 2%, and showing no gains. Me pleat ond belt. This is port of co- These jomaicos will match the ba od -- of Bag --_ 'er ordinote group, Solid colors of skirt ond surfer, Solid colors of q By Martyn Nash. with & iss ¢ § blue, pink, yellow and aqua, Si ibs. 'The runners-up were Eve| ayilhar'g yellow aqua. Sizes a ripe yellow and aqua. Sizes ig 3 Linen-look fobrie slims te metch skirt, surfer ond jemoice shorts. Solid colors of blue, pink, yellow ond oque. Sizes 10 to 20. a lyn Wilt and Marlyn Lavender LADIES' with 10% lbs. each. A buffet style diet supper was served consisting of four jellied Attractive Shantung - Slims with side zip- salads, cottage and yellow cheese, melba toast, cold slaw, per and button clos- ing. Solid shades of pink, beige, tea and coffee. The hostesses were Betty Harris, Marion Hos- white, gold, yellow and blue. Sizes 10 to 20, kin and Joyce Fulling. An ac- count of calories per dish and _ serving was discussed previous to the supper, Winnie Brillinger used her tal- ents in the designing and sew- ing of Losin' Lassies hats which will be the symbol of| . the club for the coming con- vention to be held in Toronto. She also created a game that will eliminate the gainers and the winner will receive a prize of $2.00 value which will begin in April. A letter was read from Jean Flatt (Tops Area Supervisor) thanking Winnifred Brillinger for her recording tapes of Jean's visit to Oshawa and as a re- im sult all the meetings at the a coming convention will be re- , corded with the outlook that some tapes might be sent to ya clubs that could not be visited fl # . * . LADIES' DUSTERS IP Cotton Cordana printed dust- ers with short sleeves and one pocket. Prints available in blue, pink, yellow and aqua. Sizes S=M-L. by the area supervisors. The club has been busy pre- paring for the convention in REMEMBER YOU CAN "Charge-it." WITH A » f } KMART GREDIT CARD HIGHWAY have their carpets ond uphol- stery cleaned e Safe Wey' DURACLEAN 728-8518