Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Apr 1964, p. 15

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 7, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | $52 Buildine Tredes TV--Radio Repairs WELDING -- All metal fabrications. 'Re- TV TOWERS Best. |petrs, Wéhour service, Guaranteed. Gen- Services, Tenner, and an CA: \eral Welding Roofi * Tecams|mvesrognia, capa, work patna Antenna Repair TRIO as Co nig iy by =i All work Guarentesd. TELEVISION 171: BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-5143 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS LAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aerial Serv- jice, 184 King Street West. Telephone 728-6879, . 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 23--Wonted To Rent '27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale L. S. SNELGROVE)} CARL OLSEN Co. Ltd. REALTOR 723-1133 REALTORS 43 Park Rd. S. 723-9810 725-8761 COMMERCIAL BUNGALOW Just a few yeors old, 5 room, eye i gp ond modern, forge lot goroge, fest Open to most lines of busi- ness, real value ot $10,500. _ Taunton Rd. E. WESTMORELAND AVE. | A good clean ond well kept home of 6 rooms in on ex- cellent location, good heat- ing system, agg cst ond screens, TV , complete for hela |. with terms, ANNIS ST. $1,400 Down, 5 room fam- ily home, cleon and well cared for, oil furnace, storm windows and doors, attached garage, $9,900. full price. VILLAGE FAMILY HOME Genuine value here, a better instruction E.Z.E. METHOD . DRIVING SCHOOL Newest Oshawa Branch PHONE 728-0881 IMUSIC LESSONS, plano. Mrs. John Pearce, 45 Burk Street, Oshawa.723-3677. Mortgages Mortgage Money ' Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 Accountants ise age Page Ronald F. Sener Burrows, CA, Chartered Swrari. Yeophene 'abate 0 Telephone 773-1221 Chartered Accountant, Suite 20SW, Oshawe 725-9953. ZONE WOVING AND CARTAGE, Osi r Whitby. Complete rear aa 'Sauloped and insured. 728-3661 ay tal North, 1 aprons tas 54a) Chartere Accountant, 906 Centre "lal eaabbed Whitby. Telephone 668-5447. Mrs. Van Den 1" Bivd. North. After 5 p.m., 728-1823. EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cuff- fl Reasonable rates. ing and Mrs. Harding, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. «-\Gardening end Supplies FERTILIZERS FOR' EVERY NEED BULK GARDEN SEEDS SEED POTATOES LAWN SEED SO-GREEN MILORGANITE EVERGREEN TURF SPECIAL GARDEN SPECIAL SHEEP MANURE BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS INSECTICIDES FUNGICIDES Everything for the gordener Since 1909 Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 JOHN BROUWER LANDSCAPING Free estimates from an ex- pert ond trained designer. 100% guerontee given on all plants. Inquire also about extra trees, additional ever- greens, fruit trees, sodding, seeding, shrubs, seed flowers. Pruning ond fertilizers FREE DELIVERY For more information 728-6392 between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. Spring Clean-Up raking, fertilizing, ete. CAL! HOLLAND NURSERY AND LANDSCAPING PHONE 725-7442 CEDAR TREES FOR HEDGES Choice quolity guoronteed. Free Estimates. Cedor fence posts all sizes. CALL 723-1303 MANURE for sale, for ger yerd, or % per 1343. WHAT WiLL BETHE POPULATION OF WE US, 1975 1 You GREAT: MAKE WHAT 1$ CROOKED RIGHT AGAIN? 15 THE PRAYER OFFERED Af THE Foot oF A HOLY TREE BY4KIS HATIVE OF FLORES WSLAHD. ¢ PACIF/C OCEAN) 190, 000,000, unfurnished -- heated modern conveniences, laundry and parking . infant four-room, apartments, all hot, cold water, . Beadle, cAi E. Lukow, CA. du ret er toh © Cg Fame Bees be tt meee eet posst weicome. 165. Verdun Road. T ROOM apartment, privele bath- room. Lights, water end. heat Included. Availabi: Call 723 ONE- and taoneaan apartments in new bul'ding, all modern conveniences. Telephone Whitby BBS. BACHELOR APARTMENT, furnished. athroom end entrance. Near bie. 'Suit lady or gentieman, Available) il 15. From 12 noon fo § p.m., 214 Tresane Street, 728-6735. THREE-ROOM apartment, _ self-contaln- ed, suitable for a working couple. Phone 728-6070. |RENTING NOW! ments, $115. monthly. 668-4182 FURNISHED ROOM to rent, cooking and laundry privileges. Apply 633 Cer- negie Avenue. Telephone 725-0284. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in triplex building, upper floor, stove and refrig- erator. Apply 589 Lansdowne Drive. Call 725-4183. 26----Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 ond 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH, 74 -- two fur- nished bedrooms with kitchen, self-con- tained for two people, willing to share. Telephone 728-0852. ELGIN STREET GAST, bedroom, suit gentlemen, preferred. Telephone 725-6146. BED - SITTING and light Roper rere room In private home. Close fo hosp'tal and downtown. Girl preferred. Call 723-7100. SINGLE room, clean, furnished. orttey man preferred. Bus af door. Apply | William Street East. |LARGE . furnished bedroom, twin beds. |Suit two ladies willing fo share or one single. Near Shopping Centre. Cel 728-6927. Chartered Accountant, Street, Whitby, Ontario, Tele- MONTEITH, RIBHL, Wee oe and Bison hartered Accountants, Senne Centre, a na; "alex 942-0890; Whitby 668-4131 Well Drilling--Digging WELL by machine in 30-Inch file, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut jatreet West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. 17--Male Help Wanted CUSTOMS MAN required by manufacturing compony. Must have good knowledge of all customs pro- cedures. All replies held confidential. Apply Box 829 Oshawa Times Classified Advertising ~ SHIPPERS __ REQUIRED Experienced only for Retail Building Supplv Co. APPLY BOX 926 OSHAWA TIMES TAXI DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 INSURANCE INVESTIGATOR Part-time. Must hove car. Be able to type. Must hove free time during the doy. Write P.O, Box 356 Oshawa DRIVER | For Local Delivery | HUNBRY DOWD Ha yden Macdonald DUNDAS STREET EAST | 39 yj, W7olesaler WHITBY + Wr. CLERK TYPIST .. |Suires Students, elther fo commence jcourse or presently enrolled therein, Single Young Womon Preferred Hours 8 a.m until 4:30 p.m, lGrade 13 required. Britnell, Moore and |Company, 130 King Street East, sod awa. Telephone 725-6451. SALESMAN two Kirby salesrnen Five day week. No Soturday Work. Fringe Benefits Apply in person to wanted. For Interview, apply to 111 Oun- des Street West, Whitby, or dial 668-2422. MR. J. S. EMMERSON Personne! Division GOODYEAR Opening in Oshawa area for man over 4, with: car, to take . Alr | Tire and Rubber Co. Bowmanville, Ontario CLERK TYPIST 70, Station R, Toronto 17, Ontario. EXPERIENCED service station with dictaphone experience for sales department. ant required immediately. Married man preferred with references. Write Box 928 Apply in writing only, J. P. RYAN Oshawa Times. 18--Male or Female Help Wanted SKLAR FURNITURE COMPANY + 617 VICTORIA ST. EAST WHITBY 13--Business Opportunities GROCERY STORE, corner Church and Colborne, formerly Kane's, spproximate- ly $2500. stock and equipment. This small| investment puts you In business. Tele-| _.. [phone Cal Blake, 728-9191. |14--}Employment Wanted |PETER PAN DAY NURSERY. Quail fied day care, 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m, 581 Sim-) coe North, 726- 2604 MOTHERLY CARE for children. In my| 'own home by day or week. Telephone! 728-1383. CLERK-TYPIST-receptionist requires tult|-- or part-time work. Call Whitby, 168-4641. | . Handy * $12,900. with cae down payment. Newt. ot 723- Fis. @v- Hodgson enings 728-6408. SHARBOT ST. -- Ava pal usual well built five room bungslow with walkout Bose- ment, three size bed- rooms, large L-shaped living and dining room, good kit- chen has cupboard space, Asking price $13,- 400. with $3,000 donw. To see coll Wes. Elliott ot 723- 1133, evenings 728-0581. 22 ACRES -- Thickson Rd. North, lorge highwoy, will sell 1 if required, 5 ane from Down ne $4,000. balance easy gg Micra Call_Henry Stineon 6 "773. 1133, evenings 725-0243. 299 KING ST, WEST 723-1138 AJAX Built and backed by G. Armstrong & Sons $950 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage Carries $79 Monthly _ 3 and 4 bedroom lows, split level and 2-story featuring storms ond screens, hooded exhaust fans, vanity bethrooms, built-in Ranges ond Ovens, PLUS, PLUS, PLUS! H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker Ajax 942-3310 Whitby 668-5371 BUILDING LOTS for sale Township, three miles trom 'Surewe Bok Whitby, $15,500, ASKING PRICE, Three-bedreom brick bungalow, co acres, VLA more gage. Phone KINGSMERE GARDENS -- two only-- three . bed home the extras including. double cement block garage, nice fot, commuting distonce to Oshawa, $9,900, full price with terms VILLAGE BUNGALOW Just a few years old, 2 bed- room brick home, fully mo- dem in every respect ond all the extras, wonderful spot for retirement, full list price pied extreme volue ot $8,- 0, PRINCE ALBERT VY, Acre land with 4 room bungolow, "a - kitchen with ond cold | --Women's Column _ | PERMANENTS on special. P. e dress} 396 ~Pine Avenue. | 725-536. |2--Personal Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, April 13th, 14th, 15th. Phone Hotel on these dates for appoint- ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 LEN PULLAN -- ENGLISH TAILOR Suits--Dresses--Allterations Invisible Mending 10 Prince St. 728-5311 1F you have @ drinking ype write) Box 333, Whitby or call 668-30. 3--Pets & Livestock BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for tralning, talking - strain. Apply Mrs, |Broad, 114 Elgin East. Barristers MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Sa eltors, Notaries Public. fund: avaliable, 362 King Street East, sae i07, MANNING F. SWARTZ AND ) RONALD L. 4) sw. WARTS. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Money to. loan. Henry Block, 26% King 793-4697 dial Two-bedroom Call apart. Residence, Whitby CHYN and HILLMAN, Barristers, Solleitors, 2642 King Street) ig 4 Oshawa; R. B. Humphreys, QC; 6. » QC; W.'H. Hillman, LLB. orice: 725-1177. Residence: 728-4326./ Whitby 668-2761, cm NHA and other mortgage funds av Ist Time In Canada 15 Year 2nd Mortgages CORONATION Investment Co. Ltd. The foremost Canadion Pub- lic Co. in the field, now introduces long-term 15 YEAR OPEN Second mortgages: Borrow whot you need on the security of your home - Repay in small mon- thly payments over 10 to 15 years. For full details, call 723-2265, (efter hours 728-3376) Schofield-Aker Limited 360 King St. West MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% og Tl Mortgages Ne pin for veluctions Mortgages ond Agreemen Moneys for second mortgages. Fost Me M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario awa 723-4679 PRIVATE and corporation monies for ell Veton truck. le0d.| i rigeuess morigapes. end epreement of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynen and Murdoch. (See "Barristers'".) EXPERIENCED girl wishes full or part-| time work. Good typing ability. Knowl-| édge of dictaphone and short hand. Phone} 725-3125. WILL GIVE care to children of any age in my own home. Fenced yard with) swings. McLaughlin Bivd. area. Tele} phone 725-7680 | |16--Female Help Wanted | CLERK-TYPIST Neat appecring young wo- man with good educational background ond previous ex- perience. Preferably a married woman with no pre-school age child- ren Good working conditions Fringe Benefits. 2 Bh thn GR aGER 7 AND KELLY, Barristers, Solict tors, m4 K Street Fa Dial janare, Resicence Phones: J. M. Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelty, oA BCL, 77-583). HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barristers, Soll- citors, ros ee Suite 305, The Times) Building, 86 King Street East. out cl funds available for mortgeg' ae $. Hyman, QC; Herbert S. aymnen, oma GREER, ge Barrister leltor, oles. Sulfe 303, rt ) 96 King Street tee ™ saa, gage funds aveilable. BASTEDO, funds page rst mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North, rns, charite ©. Moon Meatinen, QC; Edger . Bestedo, QC; Norman H. Edmondson. . MANGAN, = be Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14/4 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232.- TON, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, eeisers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of| Serrmercs Building, § simcoe Street| North, howe: ogt-tad T. K. Creighton, QC, or residences: G. K. Drynan, QC, 728 9554; . L. Murdoch, Ge, ra78s; 4, 6. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages and Agree ments of sale bought, sold and arranged BA, oui water, large th 2 bedrooms, $ price. 12 ACRE FARM Large 6 room home, new oil room and 900. full 4 piece both, new modem kitchen, barris, num- ber of apple trees, $10, 500. full price with $2,000 donw. 3% ACRES Portly ded, smoll creek, nice location, Tounton Rd. East ot Hampton, $2,500. full price. BUILDING LOT 66 x 660 Ft. east of Courtice $1,350. cash, SUMMER BUSINESS Store in summer resort area on Lake Scugog, $2,900. full price with $1,000 down. rooma,| PETERBORUGH COTTAGE | Barristers, for as Single sd worker' SIAMESE seal point kiftens, nine weeks jold, exceptionally good coloring, $25 each. Dial 668-5916. \F Poodle puppies, white. Reg- listered, paper trained. Exceilent temper- jament, Call 725-4858. | WHITE FRENCH POODLES, registered, trained, house broken, $150. | 728-8586 or apply 778 Hortop Street. COCKER SPANIELS -- purebred Ameri- can Cocker Spaniel puppies, Canadian Kennel Club registered, excellent tem, perament, delightful pets. Telephone! 720-1799. PUREBRED POODLE puppies, Kennel Club iy ora toy perament, Call 725-48: WORSE, chesnut and seddie geiding, sixteen hands, 'fén-yéar-old. Telephone Hampton 263-2138, MINIATURE POODLE puppies. Biack or brown, Males and fernaies. Very ree- sonable. Telephone Brookiln 655-4871. PEKINGESE PUPPIES adorable pets. Whitby 668-3923 For interview appointment Mr. Harry Donald. Telephone Whitby 668-3304 miniature, ES MACDONALD, LLB, por and Solicitor and Motary Pub- te, The canneraet Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking avaliable. 725-4716 or 725-4717. 66008 AND DOWALD, Berrlsters snd Solicitors, etc. @& King Street est. Telephone 723-7201. Building Trades CONSTRUCTION Backhoe, Drogline ond eet CALL IRA_CARR PORT PERRY ALL TYPES of buliding repairs, roofing, chimneys, firepieces, sidewalks, stoops. Gordon May, 726-0394. ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing our specialty. work and repairs. Cree and oral ab. "4 and H. Roofing 'and Construction. steers ~ alg oy wiring ma repairs, for ranges, dryers, etc. Reason able thie Toten, Grandview Tiectrie, 42 Grand- view South. 723-3125. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- repaired, ges linings in- acuurned. Free esti- TWO FURNISHED housekeeping kitchen and bedroom, with all utilities. Adults only. Apply 313 French street. dD cee it ct eh cide ONS PURNISHED BEDROOM end kitchen, all suitable for couple, no children. Apply 141 Church Street. |NICE ROOM in quiet home, furnished 'or unfurnished, near buses. Telephone! 725-068) GIBBONS STREET -- Single furnished lbedroom, sult gentieman day worker only. Telephone. 725-5794. 27--Real Estate for Sale MAKE YOUR MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- Real Estate -- -- Insurance -- --~ Mortgoges -- FURNISHED DUPLEX 6 room duplex with three cor garage. Two modem kitchens, 4 pc, ond 3 pe, baths, fireploce in living room room on main floor, separate ee oil heat, Monthly in- come of $195, Asking poe $18,000, including --furni- ture, Be the first to ving | ie make on Fae: Ask fo r, 8-5123 725-2217 ° TWO HOMES BROOKSIDE ACRES NO. | -- For the true ex- ecutive, very large with all the requirements of a de- manding _ executive's family and social obligations. List price $37,900. NO, 2 -- For the jr. execu- tive, A stepping stone on the way up to something larger. 3 bedrooms, List price $18,- 700 with excellent terms. For an appointment to discuss or see this property call Mr, Irwin Cruikshonks at 728- 5123 or 728-5205. 5 BEDROOMS bind 500 full price for this re- d home, $80 monthly, white, ts excellent tem flush 'toilet, furniture in- cluded. Asking $5,500. with terms. BEAUTY PARLOR BUSINESS Apartment included, central =. in- Whitby, $1,200. } | | | | or Dunbarton #39. 2516. TOY TERRIER puppies, 6 weeks old, mele $20,, female $15. Telephone Brook. fin 655-3244. 4--Sportsman's Column POR INFORMATION on the class-king of the corn field -- combines, write or call Hasson Machinery, 37 Coldsprings. Call L. S. Snelgrove Co. Lid. 723-9810 or 725-8761 Instruction LEARN ae) DRIVE Oshawa Saving School reasonable rotes, standard and ic cars. Professions! Instructors. 728-0091 Joseph Bosco, Realtor, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN Musical Services PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ tuning end repair, instruments appraised. A. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664. Painting and Decorating HAVE Ly A painting done now. Call eny- time for Abie J eksesnggg Re Mah guer- anteed. same 'ainting end De ww SES nel bok hasta Ton corating, 130 Colborne St. E., 728-9876. ballet, las "an baton. Kntants of Colum PAINTING AND DECORATING, inferior and exterior, work guaranteed, reason ebie, Free 728-2558. HOME DECORATING, furniture finish Ing, sign painting. H. Brown, 490 Drew. 72-0725. 5--Farmer's Column CASH on the spot. Highest prices for dead and crippled farm stock. collect, Hampton 263-2721. will Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64. FARMERS! Need fires? Call "Bill", your Dominion Tire representative, 725- 6511 or evenings sfter 6, 725-7263. BALED STRAW for sale. A. W. Martin, Bowmanville. Telephone 623-5158. WANTED -- 200 belies of hey or over, liane Telephone anytime. Whitby con Fiie|_ Marg- | HAIRDRESSERS, with and without expert- ence. For good established shop. Write Box 827, Oshawa Times, specifiving with or without clilentele. All applications con- fidential, 20---Room and Board BLOOR BAST room and board for gentie- men. Lunches packed, television, parking, 5 day week. Telephone 723-1671. 1N WHITBY, room and board for gentie- men, single room or room to share, lunches packed. Neer bus, parking space. 668-2109. 4 ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, will- Ing to share. Lunches packed. ye Bre bus Hail. PRIVATE FaaieR, student lor, * PP pvid experience. ed Interview | HOM! s . 725-1084, SAND AND GRAVEL for sale. Aiso Gump truck for hire at @ fF 'ste. Telephone 728-4920. a 1 MARSH, 0.8.A., Dancing $ehoa i Tap Acrobatic, Character,| PAINTING, hesernenanrg arid repbirs, 30 Mol PreSchool. Kinderdence. Fridays, Satum|yeer's experience. A. en 342 Col days. Masonic Temple, 723-7253. borne street East, 728-9050, and repsirs, sidewalks and stoops. F. Cann, Brooklin, 655-3061. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD MINIMUM Better described offers gét foster results. CASH & Consecutive days, original copy $3.75 3 Consecutive days, original copy 2.25 Count edch word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 5c While every endeavour will be mode to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon os possible we accept no liathlity in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such replies, however coused whether by negligence or otherwise. Professional listings only, 3 lines per. month 8.50 Each additional line, per munth 1.60 (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements) DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m, Day Previous. Cord of Thanks .. in Memoriams RODNEY seed oats cleaned and treated or uncleaned. Dial Whitby, 668-2992 or 668-4089. Plumbing and Heating len owe @ of repairs and remeseti and materials. Reasoneb rae. Estimete. free. Olel 723-1191, )|QUANTITY of Rodney oats. Televhone Bowmanville 623-5158. BALED HAY and beled cleen ost straw. Near Kiwanis Camp, Ritson North. Cali Brookiin 3666. WAY AND OATS for sale. For further Information call 728-8067. ALFALFA SEED for sele, $28. per bush- ei, Telephone 725-3710 after 4.30 p.m. 7--Trailers FOR RENT -- Modern housekeeping cot- fages by the season, half-season or by two-week periods. All conveniences, won- derful sandy beach, safe harbor and boat with each cottage at Jasper Park on Balsam, Lake. Apply to Jasper Forman, ..|45 Francis Street, Lindsay. Estab- lished 17 years. Complete range of mate- riais. Workmanship guaranteed 5 years. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses rebuilt. Furniture Teinished. Oshawa) Upholstering Company, 10 Bond West, 725-0311. Nfeom scape arypried women wanted - baby ing, lidren, aged § and 3 years. Telephone after 4 p.m. 728-9070. Simcoe Street South, Telephone 728- * WILL TAKE gentlemen boarders, five frien frongeeli beat es tee tocabs day week, meals and lunches packed. able. No iste night' work. Apply Hotel Central location. Telephone 723-2709. Lancaster, 27 King Street. West, Oshawa.;ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, willing to share. Good meals. Home WOMAN or couple with one child for! privi . ON motheriees home, with Iivsercid girl.|San versosh nn Sum General Motors. Live In. Telephone 723-3158, ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, will- WOMAN with cooking experience to work|ing fo share, 5-day week, lunches pack- in kitchen. Must be dependable and havejed, parking, close to south GM. good Digg be aa references. Steady posi-|T@lephone 728-4763. tion. No late night work. Apply Hotel OOM Lancaster, 27 King Street West, Oshawa. fon Rett yore' ited gilt RELIABLE woman to look arfer three-|Telephone 725-3158. year-old boy and do light housework. |Saags ann BOARD w Em tuo nantia Live in or out, $15. weekly. Phone after hpi dened ae. wnike aay erties waa mee lunches packed. Phone 728-0159 ERED nurse or certified nursing | SINGLE SINGLE ROOM and board | for assistant required. Part-time at Glen-\men in quiet home. Telephone Pet ¥ cedar Nursing Home Ltd., Ritson Road 21--Room & Board | Wonted North. Call 655-4931 before 4 p.m, RELIABLE housekeeper required to take BANK ACCOUNTANT des board t full charge of home, 2 school. chil- dren. Own room, ample time off. Write Box 339 Oshawa Times, morning. Please telephone between 9 am. = 5 p.m, 725-6529. SINGLE ROOM wiih boerd, preferably RESPONSIBLE young girl as mother's five-day week, north area preferred. Ref- erences avaliable. 725-2616, heiper from May vuntii October. Cail 728-0694. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage MEDICAL OFFICE for rent, 700 sq. ff. For further particulars, --_ telephone 725-5132. 23--Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT in April, three-bed- room, older type house, with garden, Lease preferred. In Oshawa city ilmits. Call Brooklin 655-4700. 4. ALC PLUMBING end heatin supplies. | Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd., Medineg ha Aly and Engineering, 255) YORK PLUMBING and Hesting. Specil- izing repairs, rates. Free estimates, 328 Simcoe South, 72-1731. Rug-Upholstery Service CUSTOMCRAFT's Uphoistering Depart- ment. Experts in re-covering, re-styling. Chrome chairs a specialty. Free esti- mates. Dial 728-7271. RE-UPHOLSTERING .by, experts. CHARGE $4.13 10--Summer Properties Wanted COTTAGE WANTED for season son in 90g area. Phone 725-1168, Mr. D, son, 536 Lorraine Street, Oshawa. 11--Articles For Rent Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls ~ Coffee Urns Tables - Choirs - Linens Silver Candelabra and Teo Sets Scu- Thom- |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. Cali 728-6451. Free CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and restyled. Free estimate. See our mate- ial for re-covering. pela Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-721: Seles and meng GUARANTEED repairs to ail wringer: bhp and ranges. Free estimates. Cail) ae poets ryt rom Monday nent to" Fridey m. Day Previous Lost and. Found .. 9:30 Day of Publication Births ond Deoths ........ 9:30 Day of Publication. Lote Deaths 11:00 a.m " Day of Publicotion (Pope 3). CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 2 Column or Lorger 1 Column Space .... SATURDAYS: Word Ads ' Classified Display . CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS RELIABLE women for housekeeping pesitinn. Live In. Private room. Must be fond of children, Phone 725-7704. SECRETARY for parttime. Evenings) -- oo -- only. Write stating age, experience and pariiculars to Classified Box 727, Osh awa Times. RELIABLE WOMAN to core for disabled lady, Practical nurse preferred. Apply $5 Kenneth Avenue. Telephone 723-7036. LADIES, have you ever thought about selling Avon? If costs nothing to find out the details. Write PO Box $12, Osh taxes, DOLL FASHIONS By ALICE BROOKS Costly to buy, pennies to make. Delight a child with new fashions for her doll. CROCHET varied styles for an 11%-inch teen doll. Pattern 15 Oshawa. Call Mr. Rankine to 728-5123 or 728-3682. TO HOSPITAL JUST LISTED 3 bedroom home modern- ized and very cleon, oil heat, many other extros. Don't delay. Cali Mr. Ed. Sargeant's Rentals 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies, Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. CHAIRS, card end banquet tables, church aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 _|Simcoe Street North. : 10 a.m. Dey Previous 4 p.m. Day Previous 4857 foie DIAGONAL DRAMA By ANNE ADAMS Surveyors |H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Onterio Land sure 11) Bigin Street East. Phone 25. DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, 12. Noon For Monday 10 A.M. For Monday eens theese 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Cancellations ond Corrections Deodline will be processed for received after the 9:30 AM || the following doy's poper REGULATIONS The Oshawe Times will not be responsible for errors, in odvertise- ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any odvertisement, nor beyond the orice charge for a single insertion of the odvertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawe Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification In the cose of display advertis held responsible for more space than that in ements, The Times will not be which the actual error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if ony. ineccuracies In any form are contained therein For Classif Telephone the Di ied Service rect to. Classified Number 723-3492 Fer Ali Other Departments, Call The Times Switchboord iA Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial bive jprints, 1) Ontario Street, 725-5632 |TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to sult your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBON ST 728-8180 LOU'S TV SERVICE. Towers, anterina 529 Emerald Avenue, 728-5804. All work neat S11 Dean Avenue.| Telephone |12---Articles Wanted SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wonts Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought, Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311--85 BLOOR E.. |WANTED to buy @ canoe in good con- dition. Please telephone evenings, 725-9619. |GUNS WANTED --Oid antique. Phone } 725-6183, Oshawa. | WANTED hand printing press with "xt, or 6x10, Or 9x13 chase. Telephone Ajax,| 942-3395, |REFRIGERATOR wanted, must be in good condition. Telephone 723-4941. | 13---Business Opportunities ------|RELIABLE GIRL lar | Street East. fer two children, one school age. lroom, liberal time off, $15, weekly, Tele-jroom awa or dial 726-5683, or woman to mind three children during day, no nights, 5- day -week, For April and May while mother works, .728-3660, WAITRESSES, 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Appi Campbell, Genosha Hotel, 70 King WOMAN or gifi to live in, mind two chile dren. Light housekeeping. Telephone 725-5404, jy|dren requires two or three TWO OR THREE-BEDROOM house wanted by April 30. Urgent. Oshawa or surrounding district. References. After 6 P.m., 725-4296, RESPONSIBLE COUPLE with no chil- bedroom home to rent and or with option to buy. Tele phone 728-9844 after 5 p.m. WANTED by couple with 'baby, four- aed spartment, private bath, heavy wir- Ing Telephone 728-5379. BABY SITTER wented to come In and mind one child, also prepare lunch for two school children, $10. weekly.-Whitby 668-5772 |CAPABLE WOMAN required to care for two young children, while mother works, |three days weekly. Telephone 728-9302. |RESPONSIBLE GIRL or woman to care Private phone 723-1236. RELIABLE middie-aged lady to live in and care for two young school children DRESS SHOP -- just 1'4 biocks from jcorner of King and Simcoe Streets, Price includes shelves, showcases and mir ene rors. Stock at cost. ideal for @ widow or|/EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER, CITY TV. Towers, antennae, also arepairs,jolder lady. Asking only $500. down pay-ior without 4 clientele, ment, Call Steve Englert, Guide Realty Lid. 723-1121, 728-5581 ' Realtors. while widow works. After 4 p.m. tele jPhon: ie 725-8984. with for a modern Telephone 668-3992 for interview. SCHOOL BOARD employee with family needs unfurnished five- or slx-room house with option to buy In Oshawa, convenient to school. Can furnish references. Will pay up to $100. After 6 p.m, 72B- +3007. WANTED -- garage or suitable storage space for camping trailer. Telephone' WANTED TO RENT in April, two-bed- unfurnished house, heavy duty wir- Ing, reasonable rent. Can furnish refer-' ences, Please call 728-8535, BUSINESS COUPLE desires two or fares three-bedroom home. Oshawa Immiediately. Telephone Whitby after § pm. 123 Drumm at 728-5123 or 725- 9345: BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED) 101. Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening "EARLY POSSESSION $13,900 with reasonable bri veneer home. Paved drive this home is only ears old and lo- = 1%. Docks from Boy's | This home is modernized with new kitchen, new 4 piece bathroom, all lorge bed- rooms, forced air oil fur- nace, Well landscaped lot. With possession May Ist, Interested perties call Jack | Osbome 728-5836 Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Ltd WANTED -- Smail bungelow, ell conven= or! Whitby Beauty Salon. Good commission,|iences, for quiet, elderly, couple. Phone 723-2012. BAR LINDSAY, 100 acres, suitable for ching or hunting. Telephone 723-4538, jay, Sunday. Omemee, 28, [LUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 com- 7386: directions lacy evening gown, 3-piece suit with cape, slacks, bermudas, jacket. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please)t o Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add ic sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 206 HANDICRAFT HITS -- 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys, fashions, crewelwork, bazaar hits -- crochet, knit, sew, em- broider, quilt. Send 25c. SOMETHING NEW--BIG, DE- New angle on the sheath slanted buttoning below an- airy, scooped neckline, Doubles _ iP ge jewel blouse ™m, Easy-sew in texture, cotton, , Ps 7 Printed Pattern 4857: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, Size 16 takes 3% yds. 39-inch. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for: this pattern. Ontario residents add 2c, sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Ti Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE- LY FREE? It's .simple--order plete quilt patterns--pieced and applique, for beginners, experts. 60c now. yur Spring - Summer Catalog including FREE. COUPON to get any one of 250 design ideas, Send Se, todav

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