Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1964, p. 5

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i? « eps ene ee « 4th. th WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Hureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-3703 Brock-Mary Intersection Revamped Thickly-congested traffic on Brock street north will soon be relieved as Whitby's Works De- partment labors to complete the widening of the road at Mary street. Brock street will be widened ' |to four lanes to allow traffic' which can not turn left at the four corners access to Highway 2 from Brock street. Councillor Harold Slichter said the area had "long been ' la bottleneck" and that the road- widening and installation of traf- fic lights would aid in moving traffic through the town at peak . |periods. MAKING PROGRESS AT BROCK 'N' MARY UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Missionary To Speak To Presbytery Ladies The quarterly meeting of Presbyterian Women of St. Andrew's Church met in the § dc, 001 room with Mrs. A. Andrew president in charge. "he meeting opened with prayer by the president, follow- ed by a hymn. Scripture read- ing was given by Mrs. David Kernohan. Mrs. McCann spoke on the work of the Women's Mission- ary Society, both at home and abroa" and gave a picture of what this 'aty is doing and what there is till to do. The correspondence was read and dealt with. It was decided that in future each of the newly-formed . groups within "Presbyterian Women" would take turn in going to Fairview Lodge once a month to help the Red Cross Society. The date of December 5, 1964 was chosen to hold the annual Bazaar. Plans were made ot have a speaker on April 13. Miss Gol- prayer. Refreshments were served, ST. MARGARET'S GUILD All Saints' Anglican Church meeting Thursday, April 2 at the parish hall. President 'Mrs: Ray Holmes opened the meeting with pray- er. All reports were read and approved. During the business meeting no. inating co .mittee was elected to presen' the slate of ne\ - officers. Election will be held at future meetings. Plans were dis sed for the pot luck supper to be h.ld June 4 at the rectory. Further ar- rangements were made for the group to serve luncheon for the Mission Day of April 27. A new member, Mrs. Evelyn Spartley, was welcomed. The meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs, Jean Ainsworth, Mrs. Babs Honsing- er and Mrs, Sheila Randall. The next meetii.g will be held Jon, a Missionary home on fur-/mpursday, May 7. will speak to not only lough, women of St. Andrew's but to|\parrH BAPTIST WMS other women of this Presbytery who have been invited to join in this meeting. Mrs. G. Thwaites gave x book review on Ernest Gordon's book "Through the Valley of the Kwai." A Lenten film strip was shown which brought he -neet- ing to a close followed by all repeating the Lord's 'Prayer. Refreshments were served by group No. 1 and a social half hour followed. REBEKAH LODGE Benevolent Rebekah Lodge held its regular meeting Wed- nesday, April 1, with Sister Gwen Halton, Noble Grand, in the chair, assisted by -Vice Grand Sister Wanda Tizzard. Final plans were made for April 15 for the visit of the Provir..ial President. Arrange- ments were made for the cater- ing for a wedding April 11. Sick committee reported sev- eral members on the sick list and unable to attend the meet- ing and also the serious illness| of Sister Kathlynn Brough's husband, who is now in the Oshawa General Hospital. The lunch committee served a lov-'y lunch and brought the meeting to + close. The next meeting will be held Wed- nesday, April 15. CWL EXECUTT.--~ St. John the Evangelist CWL executive members met Thurs- day evening at meeting room with 11 members present. Mrs. Desmond New- man chaired the meeting, Father Leo J. Austin was present and addressed the group briefly. The general meet- ing will be held Tuesday, April 7 at 830 p.m. in the parish hall with election of officers. All members are urged to attend. Various conveners submitted their yearly reports. Those will be read at the general meeting. The meeting closed. with the rectory | Faith Baptist Church WMS held its monthly meeting Thurs- day, April 2 at the Church. St. Margaret's Guild held its) questing Bibles. Most of them mention how they would like to be able to obtain them but they are lacking money. The Ladies Society will have boxes in Visser food store for jpeople to give their donations lof Bibles. The need is great. if lyou Have Bibles you can dispose of, they. would be greatly ap- preciated. The meeting closed with pray- er. The next meeting will be held Thursday, April 16. ALMONDS UCW Almonds United Church afternoon group held its month- in the Sunday School Hall Leader Mrs. F. J. Reed open- ed the meeting by reading an Easter selection and led in prayer. All reports were read and approved. A letter received from Mrs. Carl Pascoe was read express- ing appreciation for the chil- dren's entertainment when ap, proximately 50 children enjoyed supper and the showing of a film by Mrs. Chester Lee. It was decided- that ~a thank-you letter would-be sent to Mrs. Lee for her part in the pro- gram. Mrs. John Newton was President Mrs. Roy Fallow open- ed tke meeting with prayer. Roll cud and business reports were submitted. A letter received from Scar- boro Baptist Church was read by Mrs. William Wilde inviting) the local WMS members to at- tend a missionary meeting in Scarboro April 9. A letter was also read from Miss Bernice Lee, a missionary at Monrovia, Liberia. It was announced that the May 7 meeting would be an "Open meeting' with several Churches attending the Whitby Baptist Church meeting. | The meeting was then turned jover to Mrs. Glen Baker who was in charge of the devotional period, It opened with @ chorus time, followed by prayer led by some of the members. Easter picture was described by Mrs, Baker, the scripture was read by Mrs. Groat and Mrs. Devenish. A trio consisting lof Mrs. George Tracey, Mrs. L. Middleton and Mrs. D. Milburn sang selections. Scripture read- ing was by Mrs, Jean Shearer. Mrs. Fallow closed the meet- ing with a reading. Refresh- mittee in charge. CRC LADIES SOCIETY Christian Reformed Church Ladies Society Maria and Mar- tha held its meeting Thursday, April 2 at the Church. President Mrs. John Deboer ments were served by the com-) d to meet with a repre- sentative from the evening' group to discuss on the mater- ial for curtains for the Sunday school hall, Mrs. Elmer Harris reported on the recently-held meeting of the UCW Presbyterial held in Oshawa. Mrs. Reed read 'an interesting Mission story from Nigeria. they will be catering to Rotary luncheons for the month of May. Mrs. Reed spoke of the pur- pose of the UCW and it was res peated by all. Mrs. Percy Pas- }coe opened the worship service |with a poem "I Saw Him Raise |Again", The scripture selection |was read by Mrs. Cecil Pascoe jthis was followed by prayer. | Mrs. Pascoe then spoke on the message of 'Easter', Mrs Astley and Mrs. Bell from Audley Church sang two duets much enjoyed by all. Mrs. Pas- coe outlined the events of the Crucifixion and the Resurrec- tion, a number of the members took part, Rev. R. J. Reed closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Newton. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, May 6. ST. JOHN'S WA St. John's Anglican Church WA held its monthly devotion- al and business meeting Wed- tr March 18 at the Church all. opened the meeting with pray- er, Mrs. William Potter was in charge of the devotional period.| A short business session was| held. The ladies were asked to) support the "World Home Bible League Campaign'. During the campaign the ob- jective is to obtain 10,000 used Bibles for needy people in Af- rica. The World Home Bible League received 200 daily letters re- President Mrs. Martin Goul- burn opened the meeting with a prayer. Scripture reading was taken by seven members as was the member's prayer. The Dorcas reported that the sent to the Toronto Divcesan| Centre. | Mrs, John McKibbin, Girls') Auxiliary Leader, reported) members working on social ser-| vice badges. WHITBY BROCK Evening Shows Start at 7 and 8:20 Last Complete Show Starts 8:20 Mrs, George Page, Junior Auxiliary Leader, mentiuned a successful sale of boxes of pep- permint toffee. The Junior Aux- ly meeting Wednesday April 1, H Members were reminded that! bale valued at $120 hid been/ He added the total cost of the project was $16,725 of which 90 per cent will be paid by the On- tario Department of Highways, making Whitby's share ui 'he cost $1,673. The Works Department is doing all of the curb, gutter, and paving work with the De- partment of Highways installing the lights. Town Engineer Bill McBride said Brock street would be widened to four lanes for a dis- tance of 150 feet north of Mary street and 100 feet south of Mary street. Mary street will be widened to allow a turning easement. At the end of the four lane additions on Brock street pave- ment will be reduced to its nor- mal width in a bell shape re- quiring 25 feet. He added that the eight traf- fic lights at the intersection were the first leg in a planned master traffic control system for the more-travelled roads. Work on the project is expect- ed to be completed in one month in time to relieve much of the heavy summer traffic on High- way 12. er. Mrs. Dan Birbeck and Mrs. Sheldon Watson served Junch at- tractively decorated with Patrick's motifs. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, April 15. ST. MARK'S UCW NO. 9 St. Mark's United Church Unit No. 9 held its meeting Tuesday, March 24 at the home of Mrs. VanDeuren, 112 Bowman street. Leader Mrs. A. S. McLean opened the meeting by welcom- ing guests and members. Min- utes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. A. Volker, treasurer, collected the envelopes for March. Mrs. H. Myers, sick and sun- shine convener, reported one "Get-Well" card sent this month to Mrs. Volker. Members are happy to see her well again. United Church Women are holding a Daffodil Tea, Friday, April 10 and the group has been asked for a helper, as well as sandwiches, cookies and baking for the bake table. Unit Leader made a list of the volunteers, and announced that at the tea there would be an Art Display by Mrs. Molly Mitchell. During the month of April United Church will be collecting good clean used clothing and nylons for baling and_ sending |to needy families, All donations should be taken to the Church. Mrs, McLean read a poem en- titled "Of One Blood", which was followed by a reading by 'Mrs. James Goodlet called "Dif- ferent Skin". Mrs. Otto Jewell, who was in charge of the pro- gram for the evening, read a current events article on India. Pd St. informative and dealt with re- ligious differences, of the cam- paign of terror going on in that country, and how women are taking their place in public life, in business and also in high Government circles. Thank - Offering envelopes were collected and the benedic- tion given. The meeting adjourn- ed and Mrs. R. A, Phair con- ducted a series of games and brain twisters which the whole group enjoyed. A delightful luncheon was served by the hostess Mrs. H. VanDeuren. Mrs. McLean thank- ed the hostess for having the group at her home. The Unit's next meeting will be April 28 at the home of Mrs. Allan Creech, 401 Henry street. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper end Murels Custom Draperies Broadioom and Rugs C.LL. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points | DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. RALLY 'ROUND TOWN HALL The Legion will march on the 'Town Hall. They are unhappy, they Say, about the "flippant attitude" employed by Town Council in dealing wi" request to have the Red Ensign fly over the municipal offices. Referring to Councillor Harry Inkpen's designation of the En- sign as a "red duster stolen from the Merchant Marine, Vice-President of Local 112 Ed Brush, said: Bride-To-Be Feted At Showers Miss Beverly Moore, whose marriage will take place April 18 to Anthony Doleweerd, was feted at pre-nuptial showers. hostesses Mrs. Harold Moore, Mrs, Frank Sidler and Mrs. Don C.ant held a miscellane- ous shower at the home of Mrs. Jack Mothersill, The bride-to-be received many lovely gifts. A delightful lunch and a deco- rated cake made by Mrs. Ron- ald Childs was enjoyed by all. Assisting the hostesses were the Misses Kathy Mothersill and Christine Sidler. A pantry shelf shower was held at the home of Mrs. Ray- mond Balson, co-hostess Mrs. Earl Ormiston. The room was gaily decorated with confetti- filled balloons situated above the guest of honor. Many use- ful gifts were presented to Beverley. Games were played with win- ners Mrs.. John Doleweerd, Mrs. Keith King and Mrs. Howard Rahme. A_ beautifully decorated cake was cut by the bride-to-be and a tasty lunch was served by the hostesses. Mrs. Greta McDonough, Chestnut street, entertained many friends of the bride-to-be at a surprise miscellaneous shower Wednesday evening. A corsage was pinned on Beverly and a "Bride Book" was pre- sented to her along with num- erous lovely gifts. Games were played and won by the following: Mrs. Martha ray, Mrs. John Doleweerd, Mrs. Anthony Reimer, Mrs. Melville Moore, Mrs. Arthur Stanlick and Miss Lyn Mc, Pherson. Out-of-town showers were: Rahme, Mrs. guests at the Mrs. Howard Edward Power and daughter Corinne, Mrs. Frank Sedler and daughter Mrs. Jack Mothersill and co-|? 'We are not sitting back and allowing Council to hear one man's opinion on the matter. They just sat there and listened to him, and then voted it down." "We consider it a mockery," added F1 Legion Zone Com- mander Vernon MacCarl, "that a___technicolor-over-brown-over- blue-flag with a Canada Goose on it was even suggested as a replacement for the Ensign. "And it's pretty rough when it comes from a past president of the Local branch (Counci!'or Inkpen)." Councillor Inkpen had inform- ed Council at their March 1 meeting that the Red Ensign 'was "not a flag at all, but a prized red duster flown by mer- chant ships'. He said he was uncertain of the origins of the Ensiga as.Can- ada's flag, but felt that it was used as a substitute when the Union Jack was, one day, mis- laced. Slt the virtue: Other members of the Council]. . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 6, 1964 § hospitals, camps, headquarters Council Decision On Ensign Irks Legion desirab' nd even suggested that Councillor 'pen design one. He answered that he had: Nortl.:n Lights at the top; t-own mineral deposits in the centre, and the blue of the Great Lakes at the bottom... with a huge Canada Goos: flying LT A Ee | 9 Don.:......_.4 Provincial Commands of the Legion accept, and -re promoting, the Red En- sign as Canada's flag, it was learned, Mr. Brush indicated that a ¢legation wo..1 be sent to the} Co; cil meeting of April 20 to try » convince the Councillors f the Ensign, "since our requec' in wri was r 'e mockery of". Both men quoted from the February "Legionary" on the subject of the "Ensign vs. others" as the official flag. "The ensign flies over the main building of our Dominion Government . . . it is now used at cenotaphs on Armistice Day . covers the coffin of depart- agreed that a Canadian flag was ed veterans ... over military Appli-ations for fellowship grants totalling $400,000, to be awarded by Rotary Internation- al, are now being accepted by the Whitby Rotary Club, club president Bob Collins announc- ed Thursday. Students of the .ommunity in- terested in 1 ing more about the Rotary Fellowship before applying for an award are ad- vised to contact Don Dulmage, 102 Byron street south, Whitby. Phone 668-3346. Called Rotary Foundation Fellowships,. the grants aver- age approximately $3,000 each, and will finance one year of graduate study abroad. The awards,,for which applications may now be made, are for the 1965-66 academic year. Dead- line for applying is April 15. Rotary Foundation Fel- lowships are available to un- married men, aged 20 to 28, who hold a college degree or will hold one by the time the Fel- lowship is to begin. Each award will cover round- trip transportation, registration and tuition fees, educational supplies, room and board, and a limited allowance for travel within the country of study. A special type of Rotary fellowship, termed an "Addi- tional Rotary Fellowship," is Christine, Mr-. Lerry Craham, Mrs. John Conner, Mrs. Ben Lamers of Oshawa; Mrs. Sid- ney Elcombe, Ajax; Mrs. James Quinton, Bowmanville; Mrs. Melville Moore, Bowman- ville. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. William Stork spent the Easter weekend in Hamilton visiting friends. Miss Sharon McKay, Willow- dale, is spending a few days with her cousin Frances Parise. Mr. and Mrs. Avard Wagner's twin daughters, Donna Marie celebrated their first birthday. Friends of the family wish them and Donna during the Easter holidays visited Mrs. and also Mrs. William Sturgeon of Sutton, Quebec, and other relatives and friends. him a happy birthday. ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 18 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS 7% and 714% On Residential Property 'CECIL R. BROWN JIM W. JONES VICTORIA} and GREY | and Rhonda Marie recently| 1 w. C. TOWN | | Rotary Provides Grad Fellowships available to men and women not within maximum age limit for applicants. This grant is awarded for study only in cer- tain countries, and may aijso be applied for through the local Rotary club. Applicants sponsored by the Whitby club will be considered along with other candidates from this Rotary district. In some cases, a Rotary club may sponsor two applicants for a regular Fellowship and two for the special type. Begun in 1947, the 'Rotary Foundation Fellowship program has awarded more than 1,850 Fellowships to students in 70 countries. Total grants have been in excess of $4,809,000. Purpose of the Fellowship priz.am is the advancement of understanding and friendly relations between the people of different nations. Helps You Overcome: FALSE TEETH Looseness and Worry No longer be annoyed or feel ill-at- ane loose, wobbly false line (non-acia) powder sprinkled our plates holds them firmer so they eel oe comfortable. Avoid embar- ... over Royal Canadian ie- gion Halls in Canada and 'he U.S.A, ... over federal build- ings . .. flown by Canadian em- Ensign of Australia is -tolen. 'The Canadian coat of arms is on our Canadian flag." The Union Jack presently is flown at the Town Hall. ' bassies in other countries. "We fought under the Red En- sign, Mr. MacCarl. "Our comrades died under it. "So we don't feel the flag issue is much of a joke. The Red Ensign is our flag. It is not stolen from the Merchant INCOME TAX RETURNS PHONE 668-8252 Marine, no more than the White' starts ote eeacecceseessccescecossesstas, ° goceeecercencccovcesesees e eoee ooseree #0, rassment caused by loose plates. Get FASTEETH at any drug counter, Cat's Paw CATS PAW soft, resilient RUBBER HEELS Safety -- underfoot at the ° Peeccesccccsccecccccocccecsccens® e e e e e . Positive non- slip protection ... just like Mother Nature's! At the sign of the Cat's Paw cat, ask your quality shoe repairer for exclusive non-slip, twin grip rubber heels by Cat's Paw... the only heel which duplicates nature's own design for longer wear, cushiony comfort, sure-footed walking. For all the family's shoes, insist on Cat's Paw -- symbol of expert shoe repairing, By the makers of CAT-TEX SOLES, CAT'S PAW SOLES and CAT'S PAW ADIPRENE "TIPPS" for spike heels. Look for them on new shoes, too! Seevesccesssocccecoseseses, e. ° Pecesscee sooo? < weevcescescoccncesesseses®" S PORT CALENDAR -- of -- Weekly Events! This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! THIS WEEK'S ia FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. both many happy returns of the | This was both interesting and|day. | Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cour-| chesne and daughters Doreen) Adams of Cowansville, Quebec, | David Sorichetti is celebrating | his eighth birthday Monday, | Apr. 6, his companions of St.| Ample Parking Facilities You don't have to play a sport to be | '@ good sport } 110 Dundas St. £., Whitby 668-3410 GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports. HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL . SUPPLIERSOF = FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES | SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCY¥ ST. S, DIA 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT WANT ADS HOLD THE KEY TO EXTRA RTS EVENTS HOCKEY OMHA BANTAM HOCKEY LEAGUE, Set., April 11, ot 4 Final Gome for jionship. Whitby Bontc mingron All-Ston 'am All-Stars vs Leamington All-Stars, Whitby Arena. LACROSSE BROOKLIN SENIOR LACROSSE ASSOCIATION, Executive Meeting, Monday, April 6, at 8 p.m. Brooklin Arena, SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA Wednesday, April 8, 8 to 10 p.m., Adults Only. Friday, April 10, 8;30 to 10.30 p.m., Adults and Children Saturday, April 11, 2 to 4 p.m. FIGURE SKATING Final figure Skating tests wer , Children 14 years and under e held Seturdoy, April 4, no further figure skating this season, RIFLE CLUB Whitby Rifle Club meets Wednesdays ot 7:00 p.m, Ladies ot 7:30 p.m., Ne w members welcome. HARLEY'S Service Centre FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Licensed Mechanic Major and Minor Repoirs Rambler, Trailer, Seles and Rentals FINA CENTRE MERCHANDISE 668-8211 1101 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments .» . of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby For Home Delivery of Ontario County's Only Daily YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY A SPORT ... FO BE A GOOD ONE ! Newspaper PH. 668-3703 Port Whitby Texaco PETER HUBER, Prop. @ Tires and Accessories @ Free Pick-up and Delivery COR. VICTORIA and BROCK ST. S. PHONE 668-3471 \iliary hopes to be able to carry |their new business in the Rally, jApril 25 in All Saints Church The WA donated money towards the cost of the badges. | The 1964 Diocesan "Budget Fund" of the WA was discussed. \It was mentioned that an April 14 Oshawa Deanery meeting | would be held in Christ Memor- ial Church, Oshawa. A June 10, |Oshawa Deanery meeting at St. | John's Anglican Church, Whitby, jand the annual WA meeting is | set for Toronto in May The WA have donated 12 new books to the choir. Mrs Gould- burn gave a short and interest-| jing synopsis of the study book jentitled "Branches of the Ban- |" The meeting closed with pray- Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby TRUST] THEY SAY 308 Dundas St. 'W., Whitby CASH SHE USES MEN LIKE PEP-UP PILLS! nt HOOKER & SONS LTD. YOUR BEST DEAL ON NEW AND USED CARS No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE . CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Enjoy Carefree Holiday Driving PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY SUPPLY TEACHERS Required to supply in area comprising Ajax, Picker- ing Village, Bay Ridges, and Rosebank. If neces- sary, transportation may be provided. Apply by phone or in writing, stating qualifications to: MR. H. BURNIE, 739 Lublin Avenue, Bay Ridges, Ont. Phone Dunbarton 839-3890 10 BARBIGAN FMS SUSAN HAYWARD Hours: COLOR » OE LUXE Released thru UNITED ARTISTS Starts 8:30 P.M, ) ALSO--Second Feature Attraction "CITY OF FEAR" Storring--VINCE EDWARDS, PAT BLAIR BROOKLIN 655-4811

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