Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1964, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 6, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Num ber 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 20---Room and Board BUSINESS SERV Building Trades > Instruction Rug-Upholstery Service Accountants SAND AND GRAVEL for sale. A BURROWS, Chartered janis, 114 a Street ae dump truck for hire at @ Dehawa; Ronald F Wilson, CA:\|rate, Telephone 728-4920. Also reasonable E.Z.E. METHOD §. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554. YS, new and re-built, and repairs, sidewalks and stoops. Cann, Brookiin, 655-3061. FOR ALL your carpentry work, rooms, Cup a Call Wm. Vroom, 725-0256. HOSMAR, "Chartered Accoun- pod Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, |- 723-1221. TEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Shop- ro, Suite 205W, Oshawa rec, rooting F. Mo DRIVING SCHOOL Newest Oshawa Branch PHONE 728-0881 OSHAWA | CLEANERS Rug Snd Upholstery Cleaning. At Our Store, or at your home, 725-9961 @, 725-9953. aoe Saneys gy tee Hy Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond|neys Street West, 725-0397. Res. rests 8. PROSSER, Thartered Accountant, 906 Centre Street North, Whitby. Telephone 668-5447. YI mates. pairs, 24hour service. Guaranteed. PROSSER Sa eral Welding Services, 78-2525. a Bil thrwes 8. |, 906 Centre Street North, A ing, carpentry : Leta and general repairs. All work guaranteed, Whitby. YALE, FRIEDLANDER and "IP, Nelles 726-2061. tered 'Accountarits, Licensed. Trustees In YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- built and repaired, gas linings in stalied, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- WELDING -- Ail metal fabrications, Re- Gen- LEARN TO DRIVE ot the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars, Professional Instructors. LS cakabaite AND WHITBY CUSTOMCRAFT's Uphoistering Depart- ment, Experts in recparea re-styling. Chrome chairs a specialty. Free esti- mates. Dis! 728-7271, RE-UPHOLSTERING .by experts. Estab- lished 17 years, Complete range of mate- riais. Workmanship guaranteed 5 years. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses re-built, Furniture refinished. Oshawa eens Company, 10 Bond West, LESSONS, plano. Mrs. John Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 728-737! NS, BEADLE AND CO., Cartage JOHN'S MOVING awa, Whitby, Reasonable equipped and Insured.- 728-3661. Cherter- 'Accountants, Financial Trade Bulid- & 187 King King Street East, Oshawa, 725-3509; §. T. Hopkins, CA. ) AND CARTAGE, Osh- rates. Fully Pei HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122. , 45 Burk Street, Oshawa.723-3677, Baton, Register CHESTERFIELDS end old chairs re covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-6451, Free estimates. Ontario, H. E. pee CA; E. Lukow, CA. SKAIPE, L. Dressmaking Money To Loan Sales and Service (SEWING, spring wardrobes, siterations. to. Mrs. Van Den Berghe, Bivd. North. After 5 p.m., 728-1823. Chartered Accountant, 205 Francis sree Whitby, Ontario, Tole} phone 668-6197. ITH, Rien, WATER Chartered Accountants, 728-7527; Shopping Centre, Suite 2158; 942-0890; Whitby 668-413) £ ling and alterations. Reasonable rates. Mrs, Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. 179 Oshawa ceO dressmaking, | pant. cuff- } Borristers ; MACKEY snd BAILEY, Barriers sar Gerdening and Supplies Stettooaes aes King. Street" Gest 722-1107 # G ARDEN SUPPLIES DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and Solicitors, etc, 6 King Street East.' 723-2201. "Fertilizers" for the Lawn SO-GREEN, MILORGANITE, EVERGREEN 6-9-6, C.I.L. ]0- 6-4, C.1.L. 10-10-10, T' SPECIAL, POTTING SOF PEAT' POTS; . BEGONIA BULBS, VERMICULITE, DOR- MANT >PRAYS. Complete Garden Supplies since 1909, COOPER-SMITH co 16 CELINA STREET OSHAWA 723-2312 JOHN BROUWER LANDSCAPING Free estimates from an ex- pert and trained designer. 100% guarentee given on all plants. Inquire also about extra trees, additional ever- greens, fruit trees, sodding, seeding, shrubs, seed flowers Pruning ond fertilizers FREE DELIVERY and Solicitor and Notary Pub- lie, The Commercial Buliding, 286 King , West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking * available, 725-4716 or 725-4717. MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L.| SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Money to loan. Henry Block, 26%2 King Street East. 723-4697. Residence, dial 77-029. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, ge td Solicitors, 36% King Street Oshawa; R. B. Humphreys, QC; » QC; W. H, Hiliman, wos TAMES MACDONALD, 6A, LLB,| Be 6) coe available. ER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici Street East. Dial) @e, gpa Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, iivMaN AND HYMAN, Barristers, Soll- eltors, Notaries, Suite 305, The. Times Building, 86 King Street East. 723-1137.) ' funds avaliable mortgages. | Hyman, QC; Herbert S. Hyman, BA. Tuomas i. ER, Pag Bhp ced Solleitor, Nolery, ite Buliding, 96 King feet E Plug bin <m7.| Mortgage funds availiable. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers! Solicitors. Clients' funds avaliable for) first 20 Simcoe Street North,| ¥%-7336, Cheries C. McGibbon; QC; Seger) F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. Edmondson.| P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, | Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street East, Oshawa, 726-823: EREIGHTON, DRYNAN and "MURDOCH, | Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of! Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K, Creighton, QC, or residences: G. K. Drynan, QC, 728- 9554; G. L. Murdoch, QC, 723-4768; J. C. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages and Agree ments of sale bought, sold and arranged | Building Trades CONSTRUCTION Backhoe, Dragline ond Bulldozing CALL IRA CARR PORT PERRY 985-7890 EXPERT CARPENTERS Rough and trim. Kitchen Cabinets, Renovations, Re- creation Rooms. Free esti- mates to builders, etc. CALL 723-1303 WHITBY 668-5703 |------ ALL TYPES of building repairs, roofing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, sion | |BURNS School of Dancing CDTA. Tap, ion May, 728-0394. jballet, jazz and baton. Knights of Colum- ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing|(Us_Mell._726-7902. our specialty. New 'work and repairs. |PRIVATE TEACHER, 51 Student _counsel-| Lerge and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing|lor, 15 years' experience. By Interview ance Construction. 725-6937. jonly. Act now. 725-1054, SLECTRICAL wiring end repairs, con-| LILLIAN MAE MARSH, 0.8.A., Dancing | For more information 728-6392 between ween 6 p.m. cond | 10 ) p.m. Spring Clean-Up raking, fertilizing, ete. CALL HOLLAND NURSERY AND LANDSCAPING | PHONE 725-7442 CEDAR TREES FOR HEDGES Choice quality guaranteed. Free Estimates. Cedar fence posts all sizes } BERS. fections for ranges, dryers, etc. Reason-| School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character,! able rates. Grandview Electric, 62 Grand- |Pre-School, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur view South. 723-3125. 'days. Masonic Temple, 723-725: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD MINIMUM offers get faste Better described resu ASt ' Consecutive days, original copy $3.75 3 Consecutive days, original copy 2.25 Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c While every endeavour will be made to forward replies box ruumbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damoge alléged to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such replies, however coused whether by negligence or otherwise Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Each additional line, per munth (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements) DEADLINES Doy Previous. 8,50 1.60 WORD ADS . 5 p.m. Cord of Thanks Memorioms ost and Found Births ond Deoths Late Deaths 11:00 5 p.m, Day 5 p.m. Day Previous 9:30 Day of Publication 9:30 Day of Publication of Publication (Page 3 Previous om. Day CLASSIFIED DISPLAY lumr 0 Previous Doy Previous day do 4pm tr SATURDAYS: Word Ads Classified Disploy 12 Noon For Monday 10: A.M. For Monday CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Corcellations and Corrections received ofter the 9:30 Deadline will be processed for the following day's poper REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times wil be responsible f ments submitted otherwise than in writing ome incorrect insertion any advertisement, price charge tor a single insertion of the advert @rror occurs. The Oshawa Times eccording to its p In the cose of d ; héld responsible for more error occupies tising motter correctly, if ony inaccuracies in ony A.M not r errors, in advert not for more than beyond the sement which ise of nor advertising fy advertisements wi wt De octua adver of advertisement form are contained thereir pace than The publishers endeavor but assume no 1 the 'oduce all Direct to Clas 723-3492 Call the Number Telephone sified Por Ali "Other mer The Times Departments, witéhboa pS ------------s HATS OFF TO SCOTIA PLAN! | THE LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED WAY TO GET. A LOAN! Shotiaecan' LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA | j | | | Mortgages Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND R | Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario---725-3568 ~ Ist Time In Canada 15 Year 2nd .Mortgages CORONATION Investment Co. Ltd, The foremost Canadian Pub- lic Co, in the field, now introduces long-term 15 YEAR OPEN Second mortgages: Borrow what you need on the' security of your home - Repay in small mon- thly payments over 10 to 15 yeors For full details, call |723-2265, (after hours 728-3376) | Schofield-Aker Limited 360 K "MORTGAGE LOANS for first Vest mortgages No chorge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast service F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4679 PRIVATE and corporation monies ior ail mortgages; mortgages and agreement of sale purchased, Creighton, Drynan and Murdoch. (See 'Barristers'. ' ' Musical Services PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ tuning and repair, A. Hiddink, Alax 942-1664. Painting and Decorating DODD and SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON BT. Si WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 GHTS 725-7426 | painting ng done | ow, Call | eny- ime for free estim@tes. Ail work guar- janteed, Lloyd Simpson, Painting and De- j corating, 130 Colborne 9. E., 728-9876. |PAINTING AND DECORATING, | jand exterior, lable. Free estimates. 728-2558, |HOME DECORATING, furniture Ing, sign painting. H. Brown, 490 Drew. 728-0225 PAINTING, paper ing 'and "repairs, 7) |year's experience. A. Redknap, 342 Cok jborne Street East, 728-9050 [Plumbing and Heat ALL TYPES © new and used es. Estimate Foley ALL PLUMBING and |Telephone 725-3521, Harold H Plumbing, Heating and Engine Simcoe 'Street South YORK PLUMBING and Heating. Specil izing. repairs, remodelling. Reasonaole rates. Free estimates,\ 328 Simcoe South, 728-1731 lor work guaranteed, reason- nodelling,| Reasonable + a materials Dia tree eating s Ltd. 255 Rug- Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered: and e-styled. Free estimate. See our mate. rial for rec ng. Daiton Upholstering,| [76 Charles Street, 723-7212. nstruments appraised. ' finish] 728- _.|perament, : call Hesson Machinery, 37 Coldaprings. ~ THE VACUUM CE DIRECTORY |g ae |27----Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale CHURCH STREBT, | oar ' genfiemen,| BLOOR EAST room and board for gentie- men. Lunches packed, television, parking, 5 day week. Telephone 723-1671. IN WHITBY, room and board for men, single room or room to ei ERSON pas Be Sead ow FEDERACY name VE ADMIN Rees Ht |, Near bus, parking space. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, will- Ing to share. Lunches packed. Spply 562 Simcoe Street South. Telephone 728-7664, \ Aegle bag gentiemen boarders, five day meals and lunches packed, Central roan. Telephone 728-2709 [ag ROOM and bord, laundry lunches packed, home privileges. Dia "Whitby 668-4696. 21--Room & Board Wented ae ee -- room and board a for two pre-school sa aie diately, Call 725-8628 before 5. BANK ACCOUNTANT Galton room and board from Monday night to Friday morning. Please telephone between 9 am. ~- 5 p.m, 7! 22---Offices, Stores, Storage BARN -- 35 ft. x 40 ft. Sultable for gtor- age, etc., King and Harmony Road, $40. monthly. Telephone 725-4000. MEDICAL OFFICE for rent, 700 sq. ft. For further particulars, _ telephone/ 725-5132, OFFICE SPACE suitable for professional office or other suitable tenant. Avaliable April 1, 1964. intown location. For ENAS A LIEHERANS, i. MUSTERED m" and day imme CHILD IN THE US ABouT 246 Pou OF PAPER 1 Prepeerenirg YEAR, AK Iieralr oF ON "JON FOR BACK TWO FAMILIES W FAST CAM APROFES Macey a CHER WA BASE Bak ? 90 FEET A SECOND, CLEANER KING 5--Farmer's Column further Information, please call Mr. Dun- lord, Bata Shoe Store 725-3874, |16---Female Help Wanted | Repairs to all makes. : Pick-up and: delivery. | PHONE 728-7552 |SCHWARTZ ond Cotfrell c smiths Ltd., 18 Bond Street west, on 9731. Guns of ail types, ancient, modern,|s bought, _S0ld, exchanged, rep repal: Ired. |'GUARANTEED repairs |washers and ranges. Free Saw by to all wringer Call une your Di 6511 or evenings " er '6 'T5763 BALED HAY FOR BALED STRAW "for sale CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- phone collect. will Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64 FARMERS! Hampton 263-2721. Marg- ine tres? Call "Bill", 725- CALL TODAY, start earning "tomorrow, 23---Wanted To Rent with Avon Cosmetics, 728-5863 or write) r PO _Box 512, Oshawa | RELIABLE "WOMAN required to live in and care for two children, evenings.) IMMEDIATELY 25-5988. i W. Martin, 5158. | yoast742 /Surveyors -- 200 bales of hay or over, WANTE Inwmediately. Telephone anytime. Whitby 668-2067, IDONEVAN and) =FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Land Surveyor, pa bive |prints, WV } Ontario Street, 725-563; RODNEY seed oats cleaned and treated or uncleaned. Dial Whitby, 668-2992 or 668-4089 "SALE. Telephone} off. Call after 6 p.m., 728-0550 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM SUITES furnished or unfurnished, Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax Area Telephone 668-3336 Or 668-3319 GIRL REQUIRED for flower store with jsome knowledge of floral arranging. Ap-| ply in person. Ajax Flower Shop, ee Shopping Centre. } RELIABLE housekeeper required S| diately to take charge of home. One! school-age child. Own room, ample time off, Telephone 725-9374 | RELIABLE woman to look arfer three-| year-old boy and do light housework.! _ Live in or out, $15. weekly. Phone after |THREE- BEDROOM home required by by 5 p.m., 728-9257 |April 15 by General Motors foreman, in FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Lerrepeess 11) Bigin Street East. Phone | 725 6881, FOR "ENT -- 7--Trailers PART-TIME cashier wanted, Apply Mr.|Oshawa vicinity.726-3837, R: Campbell, Genosha Hotel. WANTED TO RENT in April, threebed- TV--Radio Repairs wes | TV TOWERS | 4 menos 7 ? Perma-|foom, older type house, with garden, BLY rege you ke & pinay experl- Lease preferred. in Oshawa city Iimits. Moder' cot. tages by the season, notfaeeson or by two-week periods. Al erful sandy beach, safe harbor and dost with each cottage at Jasper Park on |Baisam 'ste, Apply to Jasper Forman, 5 Francis Street, Lindsay Economy and 11--Articles For Rent enced stenographers, ren clerks, and|C®!! Brooklin 655-4700. Dicta typists. For appointment, call Whitby 668-8181, After hours, Ajax 942- 0655, Mrs. Hepburn, Secretarial Over- load Servic REGISTERED nurse or cerfified + nursing required, Part-time at Glien- wanted by Aprii 30. surrounding district. |p.mn., 725-4296 THREE-, FOUR-BEDROOM house or apartment. Hot water heating. Oshawe or ent. Oshawa or References. After 6 Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls - Coffee Urns Tables - Chairs - Linens Silver Candeiabra and Teo Sets Sargeant's Rentals 463 Ritson §. _ 725-3338 SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBON ST. 728-8180 ot |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, \reducing machines, sick room supplies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, CHAIRS, card and banquet tabi 725-1644. church 42 isle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, imecoe Street North. "TV TOWERS and Antenna Repair TRIO TELE' "SION 171 BOND t., OSHAWA 728-5143 | | \di \12---Articles Wanted SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wonts Cars for Wrecking Parts for sale, also'scrop iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. |WANTED to buy a canoe in good con- ition, Please telephone evenings, 725-9619. ~--T.V. TOWERS GUNS WANTED --Old 725-8183, Oshawa. antique. Phone cedar Nursing Home Ltd., Ritson Road North, Call 655-4931 before 4 p.m, RELIABLE housekeeper required to toke full charge of home, 2 school-age chil- dren. Own room, ample time off. Write Box 339 Oshawa Times. RESPONSIBLE helper from May until 728-0694, Whitby. No young. children, $120. to $150. Possession July 1. 723-1736. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE with no chil dren requires two or three bedroom ie to rent and or with option to buy. Tele phone 728-9844 after 5 p.m. s|WANTED by, couple with baby, four- room apartment, private bath, heavy wir- ing, T 728-5379. as mother's Call young girl October. ' Client waiting for homes to METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 $869. TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT New 5 room clay brick bun- golows will be built to your Specificotions in this con- venient south east location, sata bolance will be one Government opprov- a wre mortgage. Only 3 left in this first section, scheduled for Spring comple: tion, To wait is to risk price Increase. Enquire NOW! WANT TO TRADE Sure we'll trade a brand new home in Downsview Pork with Electric heat, fully landscaped lot; ond oll the extras for your older home, ond allow you sufficient time to sell your own home first, This way you can get top dollar for your home with oll the risks eliminoted -- Want to tolk it over call this office tonight, We'll fill you In completely. RALPH VICKERY. for Finer Homes $11,900 FULL PRICE Brick three bedroom. Large kitchen with custom built breokfest nook. Bathroom tiled with vonity built in, This semi-detached home is situated in the north west close to schools and hesp- itol, Reasonable down pay- ment $9,900 Storey and half brick home neor Ritson school. This home is spotless ond com- pletely renovated. Only $1500. Down and one open mortgage for balance. $20,500 BEAU VALLEY DREAM HOME This executive type bunge- low in the heort of residen- tiol orea, It has everything imaginable, built-in stove and oven, dishwasher, ex- houst fon, garbage disposal unit, vacueflo, just to name o@ few. Living room is large ond has comfortable fire- @ place.; Custom built recre- ation room complements this beautiful home with the add- ed feature of a separate bar room, Substantial down poy- ment required. CALL 728-5157 R. Vickery, Bill Homer Steve Lehon, Bill Johnston Ralph H. Vickery 46 KING ST. W. OPEN EVENINGS WILL BUILD! Switzer Drive (south side) 20 Lots for sale, for only $27,500 in a ted hot area. be this oreo. This is a ilder's ag rahe Don't delay ---- King St. INVESTMENT SECURITY '$16,000.00 And just look whet you get for the money -- a five- room bungalow, plus 4- cottages rented as house-- keeping units the year round, plus 3 cottages rented on overnite rate rates from retirement business with steady income or solid investment with living prop- erty for on __ industrious couple. Coll right now for full porticulars and o Per- sonal Inspection OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Dick Barriage, Joe Maga Ken Hann, Jock Osborne Bob Johnston RELIABLE woman, fond of total abstainer, live-in, references quired. Apply Mrs. W. Beasley, children,|SCHOOL BOARD employee with familly F®\needs unfurnished five- or six-room house d RR 1,|with option to buy in Oshawa, convenient Oakville, 845-6325. Meas |to school, Can furnish references. Will RELIAB woman for housekeeping|Pay up to $100, After 6 p.rm., 728-3007. position. Live In. Private room. Must be fond of children. Phone 725-7704 _|25---Apartments part-time, Evenin ings experience and|ELGIN STREET Three room apartment, mediately. Call 728-9028. SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, ¢ |SECRETARY for jonly. Write stating age, -- | particulars to Classified Box lawa Times | CHAMBERMAIDS |Fowler, Genosha Hotel, jand 4pm | 727, Osh-|UMfurnished, with bath. Avaliable im- 74: | Four- room apartment, partly furnished, refrig- erator and range. No children. Close to South General Motors. Apply above ed- | dress. "required. - Apply Mrs, *between 8 a.m. CUSTOM HOMES To Your Plans and Specifications e Within Your Budget Our Specialty W. E. ROTH Construction Ltd. 725-9991 Lots 60' or more x 200' Ready for spring building Ravine Lots Available. | 728-8882 | builder Michael ZYGOCKI PRINCE ALBERT--J-room frame house, town water, heavy wiring, attached ga rage, $7300. Very low down nnn, Port Perry 985-7765. be RELIABLE WOMAN to care for disabled lady. Practical nurse preferred. Apply |65 Kenneth Avenue. Telephone 723-7036. EARN $23 WEEKLY plus a wardrobe in your spare time. Just} dress, Apt. 5. show Fashion Frocks to friends. No in| wo, tour vestment, canvassing experience neces! partments, iv ig materh. pawentaing, sery. Write: North American Fash'o Minot, cold water, laundry and parking Frocks, Ltd., 3425 industria! Bivd., Dept, facilities, Immediat 1 " f@ possession. infant P-2672,, Montreal 39. |welcome. 165 Verdun Road, povdsddaralaes AVENUE, 219 -- twobed- 'com apartment, range, refrigerator, free Peold il business couple. Apply above ad- "unfurnished heated Installed, repaired, moved, Antennas and Rotors Easy Terms LAKE VISTA T.V, TOWERS n Teeswater wat eS WANTED hand printing press with. Sx@,| or 6x10, Or 9x13 chase. Telephone Ajax, 942-3395. WANTED -- used, refrigeration ammo- also valves and fittings. 'eamery, Limited, ia pipe coils; Ontario. Tees-|-- DUPLEX, Upper, three rooms, wall broadioom, four-piece bath, and refrigerator. Vacant. Adults. ply 324 Kingsdale Avenue. $70. THREE-ROOM, _ seif-contained| wall-to- stove) _ Ap- 17--Male Help Wanted SHIPPERS REQUIRED BUILDING Lots for sale In Dartington Township, three miles from Oshawa. Dial Whitby, 668-6062. ATHOL STREET N.H.A. Building Lots Situated ot Wilson Rd, South Have the home of r choice Biult by Hy. pec REAL Ba Alsy oy Telephone 728-6286 lemawa, duplex, two bathrooms, enly thousa: yl reasonable down pay» pare Phine Crawford, 623-3672, H, Millen Real Entate KINGSMERE GARDENS three bedroom brick nears Ing bulider will consider jer home in trade, For are Call Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 7377, $1000, DOWN. 10-acre lots. Choice, level garden soli with everfiowing stream. These lots are treed at the front, jus? enough to make a setting for your new home. Located only 10 miles = two only lows apartment, range and refrigerator, elder- ly couple preferred, close to downtown, . Experienced only for | AND ANTENNA. SERVICE 728-6879 13--Business Opportunities TV SERVICE DAY OR: EVENING |GROCERY STORE, corner. Church \Colborne, formerly Kane's, approximate- \ly $2500. stock and equipment. This smal! investment puts you In business. phone Cal Blake, 728-9191. Tele-|_. 8-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Ou's TV SERVICE. ine antennae.| Emerald Avenue, 728-5804. | 3 |14--Employment Wanted |PETER PAN DAY NURSERY, fled day care, 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. 581 Sim- _...| Coe LADY experienced In cierl many phases of office routine. Telephone) Greenwood 642-6808. Quail- North, 728-2604, al work and| leiry TV. Towers, antennae, also arepair: |All work guaranteed, 511 | Telephone 725-0500, Well Drilling--Digging -- Dean Aver, MOTHERLY CARE for children In my own home by day or 728-1383. eis _|SERRR-TVPIST-cocestionlst requires full] '< part-time work.Call Whitby, 668-4641, WELL DIGGING by machine s nh 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Cheta| Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. | 16--Female Help Wanted --Women's Column PERMANENTS on special. jressing, 396 Pine Avenue. 5363 Page Har Telephone | 2--Personal Removal of superfluous holr, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, April 13th, 14th, 15th. Phone Genosha Hotel on. these dates for appoint- i "ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 ~ LEN. PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Suits----Dresses--Alterations Invisible Mending 10 Prince St. 728-5311 1F YOU have & drinking problermy write Box 333, Whitby or .call 668-3034 | |3--Pets & Livestock [BEAUTIFUL baby bi budgies, Teady | for] jtraining, aiking strain. Appl }Broad, 114 Elgin East. ~ me SIAMESE seal point kittens, nine weeks oe, ber aid good coloring, $25 each. sana B pale poppies WhiteRose. Istered, paper trained, Excellent termper- arent. Call 725-4858. BOXER PUPS, female, ten weeks oid, $30. Also Chihuahua pups, $35. and $40, Papers available. Telephone 728-9122. WHITE FRENCH POODLES, miniaiure, aha trained, house broken, $156. apply 778 Hortop Street. SPANIELS -- purebred Amerl- can Cocker Spaniel puppies, Canadian |Kenhel Club registered, excellent tem iow delightful pets. Telephone PUREBRED POODLE puppies, |Kennel Club registered, Call 725-4858. HOR chestnut isl 1 nds, pton 263-2138. ., MINIATURE POODLE puppies or brown. Males and females. Very rea-|2! |sonable, Telephone Brooklin 655-4871, ui PEKINGESE PUPPIES Reasonable Telephone or Dunbarton 839-2516. TOY. TERRIER puppies male $20 lin 655-3244. white. excellent tem 'and saddle geil geiding,| ten-year-old. Telephone! T 6 weeks old,|E female $15. Telephone i 8. 4--Sportsman's Column FOR INFORMATION on _ the class-king| good of the corn field -- combines, write or! ti __ WAITRESS, Black|Must be experienced, 668-4538 for WOMAN with cookir ee in Lee Must be dependable and have| 20... Room and Boa d pos!- CLERK-TYPIST Neat appearing young wo. mon with good educational background ond previous ex- perience. Preferably « married woman with no pre-school age child- ren. Good working conditions Fringe Benefits. For interview appointment Mr. Harry Donald. Telephone Whitby 668-3304 HARRY DONALD DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY week. Telephone) | 725-4569 |THREE ROOM furnished apartment, 'private bath. Close to North GM. and Retail Building Supply Co. brick bungalow, gage. Phone 726 from Oshawa on @ Fult 15,500. ASKING PRICE. Three-bedroom| good new road, -- "pea McGill Real Estate Broker, ten acres, VLA mort- 8029. hospital. Reliable working couple, $85 monthly, avaliable penrieg ately: Call 725- 2540 or 728-6115, "| THREE- ROOM sparta B priveie bai bath- APPLY BOX 926 OSHAWA _TIMES OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS lroom, Lights, water and heat Included. Available immediately, Call 723-1378, |ONE- and 'two-bed TAX! DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply 'and 'two-bedroom apartments In new building, all modern conveniences. Telephone Whitby 668-6560. THREE-ROOM apartment, lights, water and heat included. Hardwood floors, tile in kitchen and bullt-in cupboards. Very reasonable rent, TV outlet. 481 Howard jerratte 725-7577, |26--Rooms For Rent | ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available In private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 CELINA STREET, 55 -- furnished "room, sult two gentiemen, willing to share. RITSON NORTH, 105--Room for gentie- man, willing to share, single beds. Call after 4,30 p.m, 725-1300, FURNISHED ROOM for rent, for work- ing lady, use of. kitchen. Telephone 728- 7120 BED - SITTING and light housekeeping room in private home. Close to hosp'tal and downtown. Girl preferred. Call 723-7100. TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, kitchen and bedroom with uftlities, sult able for one or two gentiemen or work- ing couple. Apply 313 Fr French ree SPACIOUS furnished room for two gentiemen, singie beds. Call after 6 aa "1728-4104, 4005|LARGE furnished room for rent, Apply 82 Nassau Street. Telephone 725-2198. SINGLE room, clean, furnished. Gentle- man preferred. Bus at door. Apply 160 Willlam.Street East. LARGE furnished bedroom, twin beds. | MERCURY TAXI _ 129-417 WANTED RELIABLE MAN For Service Station Married man preferred Call Whitby after 6 p.m 668-8501 [CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS?' office re- quires students, either to commence course or presently enrolled therein.| Grade 13 required, Britnell, Moore and| |Company, 130 King Street East, - Osh- | | | | $s. > Kirby salesraen wanted. For Interview, apply to 111 Dun- das Street West, Whitby, or dia! -668-2422, WHY TAKE LESS than $1,000. in month? Opening in Oshawa area for man. over 40, with c&ér, to take short trips. Alr mal! reply, Vice-Pres., Dept. BH, PO Box 70, Station R, Toronto 17, Ontario. OPPORTUNITY to sell the most com- plete line of Calendars and Advertising Specialties. Top commissions paid week- ly, Full time or part time. References are essential. Write for further particu- Jars to Postal Box 103, Hochelaga Sta- tion, Montreal. GOOD NEWS for older man. Real op- portunity for a profitable Rawieigh busl- ness In Oshawa and Durham County. Write Rawieigh, Dept. D-310-903, Richelleu Street, St. Henry, Montreal | |18--Male or Female | Help 'Wanted SALESLADY WANTED FULLY EXPERIENCED in all phases of Ladies ready to wear Part or, full time. Good sal- ary, benefits. Give length of former employment. All ap- plications confidential. Apply Box 828 Oshawa Times |MiDDL! E-AGED women wented for 4 sitting, two chtidren, aged 5 and 3 years.! 'elephone after 4 p.m., 728-9070 for dining "room. | quick and. depend. ble. No jate night work. Apply. Hotel ancaster, 27 King Street West, Oshawa. part-time adorable "pets. | WOMAN or couple with one "child for! jand - roll Whitby 648-3923) sears home, with l-year-old girl,| Live in, Telephone 723-3158. XPERIENCED hairdresser, with or without a cllentelle for a modern Whitby) Box 827. Oshawa Times eauty Salon Good commission: Phone nter experience to work character _ references, No tate night work. Steady ion. Apply Hotei Lancaster, 27 King Street West, Oshawa, man in quiet home. Telephone 728-3350, _ CONSULTANTS As a result of the growth in Oshawa area we are happy to announce that there are immediate openings for one man ond one womar, to train as consultants, The applicant chosen must have the following qualifica tions Suit two ladies willing to share er one single. Near Shopping Centre. Cal 728-6927. FURNISHED BEDROOM with single beds to sult two gentlemen, Quiet and clean with kitchen privileges lf desired. Tele- phone 725- 0782. BRIGHT bed-sitting foom, modern fur- niture, In clean home. One minute to shopping centre, Sulit gentleman. Apply 36 Fernhill Blvd. 725-7295, 27--Real Estate For Sale AJAX Built and backed by G. Armstrong & Sons $950 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage Carries $79 Monthly 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows, split level and 2-story homes, featuring storms and screens, oded exhaust fons, vanity bathrooms, built-in Ranges and Ovens PLUS, PLUS, PLUS! H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker Ajax 942-3310 Whitby 668-5371 TWO-BEDROOM brick | pi 1, Between ages 25 to 30. 2. Able to get along with older people Neat appeoranc pee initiotive ust have car CALL 728-0004 FOR APPOINTMENT PIANO PLAYER, male singer; organ player and sax player wanted for rock and Rhythm 'and bives group.) 3. 4. 5 e P: 1725-8824 |HAIRDRESSERS, with and without ti-| |eence. For good established shop. Write! specifiving with applications con. b } or without clientele. All fidential bungalow |Fagé, modern open dining room, BII1 gentle-| Ratclitte 655-3917, Keith Peters, Realtor. SINGLE ROOM and board sizes 32 to 46! jacket of knitting worsted. one 'at a 7089 : 44-46; directions; color chart. for this pattern (no The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft} Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add 1c sales tax. Print plainly NAME, 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys, fashions, hits -- crochet; knit, sew, em- > nj LUXE QUILT BOOK! Athol Street with paved drivé and ga-jplete and applique, for beginners, ex- perts, Send 60c now. SIZES 32 TO 46 By ALICE BROOKS Newest fashion success for Crochet cozy A-LINE FLARE By ANNE ADAMS The exciting, A-line flare~ an easy-sew. sensation to wear with verve day and night. Choose round or hateau neck, colors light or lively, Printed Pattern 4604: Misses* Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 requires 2% yards 35-inch fabric, FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 2c, sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYL LE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. DO YOU KNOW OH WTO GET A PATTERN ABSOLUE- LY FREE? It's simple--order our Spring' - Summer Catalog including FREE COUPON to tg A eh ane of 4 og design ideas, Jacket of squares -- crochet time, join into 3 flat sew together! Pattern 36-38; 40-42; leces, sizes: 32-34; THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) stamps, lease) to Alice Brooks, care of PATTERN NUMBER, ADDRESS. 206 HANDICRAFT HITS -- crewelwork, bazaar roider, quilt. Send 25c. SOMETHING NEW--BIG DE- 16 com- quilt patterns -- pieced

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