Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Apr 1964, p. 8

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Fe ek RD ok Om M.S ERS AO Rn BE A SBR eos MEXICALI DRESSING % cup French dressing 1. hard-cooked egg yolk 1% tablespoons Worcestershire) sauce % teaspoon chili powder 1 clove garlic, peeled Sieve the egg yolk into the French dressing. Blend the Wor- cicestershire sauce and chili powder and stir i dressing. Jab a toothpick into the garlic clove and drop into the dressing. (You'll remove the garlic before serving ). This dressing is best maue several KEEP IN TRIM "ea ies ed Mok : Show Girl Trains Herselt To Stop Smoking And Reduce By IDA JEAN KAIN | Dorothy Shay applied the Can you imagine yourself not|technique of visualizing herself smoking? Try it. Think of imag-|going through her whole day se- ination, not as make-believe,jrenely, wi hout a cigarette. but as sustained mental|/Each morning she practiced for imag-ing. It works! Imaging|20 minutes this "mental movie" your goal is a way of establish-|and step by step saw herself in ing a new habit pattern in yourjher mind's eye, going through mind, her routine. Entertainer Dorothy Shay| She started by visualizing her- used the mental picturing plan|self drinking coffee and reading with. phenomenal success. The|the newspaper, without a cigar- lester doctor had advised this singer/ette. She pictured herself talk- -- stay in good health ova fe aed the Psp tocgcdl gitar d VISITORS WELCOME voice, she must stop smok-/ golf, driving the car, and finish-| ing, This was quite a challenge|ing @ performance . . . all with' wr, and Mrs. Arthur Flinders, / Etobicoke. Wey Tae Stone Oe eee ae for four-pack-a-day Shay! jout smoking. She practised this| 5 okin, ham avenue, celebrated|grandchildren 13 great-| A coat of paste wax will pre- P ry In her usual bouncy way, she\"new performance'? mentally|""* e ty grandc.ildren. serve the rubber keep them decided to try something quite| for 20 minutes every night and|their diamond wedding on Good Mr. and Mrs. Flinders are(shining. extraordinary. Miss Shay hadjevery morning. |Friday, March 27, The day waS|members of Christ Memorial,~ Ispent quietly at the home of hours In advance so it . will have time to "ripen" Makes 4 servings. MAN-MADE FIBRES Export of British man-made «« fibres ran to about $187,000,000° in 1963, KAYE'S SPORTSWEAR -- LADIES' WEAR 68 Simcoe North OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, April 4, 1964 NU-WAY RUG eoeeeeeeeeeeeeseeenees Upholstery Cleaning --- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Soles & Service -- Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Parts Mothproofing end Deodorixi HONORED BY FAMILY AND FRIENDS p HOUSEHOLD HINT Keep galoshes clean and new- --Oshawa Times Photo i ga Serging, Fringing | " : ug Dyeing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Flinders Celebrate Diamond Wedding ine'mackine tor few mines OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT j Approved by the Nationa! Institute of Rug |Rinse thorough:y and dry in a There are seven warm -- not hot -- place. and REPRESENTING OSHAWA judged at a grand ball to be held in Toronto, April 24. The closing date for the contest is April 8. A Grade 12 student at OCCI, Miss Debicki is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Debicki, Centre street. --Mary's Studio just finished reading a book en-\pe asseRTS GOAL Church, Mr. Flinders was em- titled Psycho - Cybernetics by A their daught -in-l i i Her objective was to stop! r daughter and son-in-law,|ployed at General Motors until Dr. Maxwell Maltz, which deals dun Irs. D, F, Hare and Mr. Hare,|his retirement 11 years ago. He A , A smoking in three weeks, H with one's self-image. (If you! ry. set her mind on that goal.|Etobicoke, wit! only the imme-jreceived his 50-year jewel last diate family present. |January as a member of are stuck with the smoking) a1 during this time she faith: sen yeni rhage oan af yore tel, practiced her '"mental] }° °nd Mrs. Flinders were|Corinthian Lodge IOOF. _ peed ot vouraelt) Cybernet-| movie" but if she really wanted) married March 27, 1904 on Palm Among the many beautiful fa ts a Greek word meaning|2 cigarette, she had one. In| Sunday by the Re. erend Wins-|tributes, cards and messages steersman. You steer your mind| other words, she did not try to le, in All : Saints Anglican|from neighbors, friends and rel- toward the goal you want to| make this a tug-of-will by ex-|Church, Nottingham, England.|atives, were messages from the achieve: Fascinated" with the etting excess effort. But she/They came to Canada in 1912|)Right Honorable John Diefen- idea of applying the principles | Continued to practice the imag-jand have lived in Oshawa since/baker and Mr~-__ Diefenbaker, x that time. They have been bless-|the Honorable Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr, Prime Minister John Robarts ar Mr. and Mrs. rowned Miss Polonia of in a local contest last Miss Helen Mary received enough votes in the\national contest to place her\among the top eight contestants who will be UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES LEGION AUXILIARY of positive picturing to smoking, she set out to practice in her imagination. jrummage sale, May 20. Mrs. The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal|Alyn Elliot will be the convener Canadian Legion, Branch 43,|for this. held its weekly meeting with the] Zone Commander Mrs. Robert president, Mrs. Norman Mc-|Williams is still in Oshawa Gen (Green, Ky., she lit a cigarette. Right out of the blue her pre-set ings to check and take care of/after her recent illness. 1 she n goods brought in. It was drawn| 2 |wanted pounds. Keeping slim 1s/Mrs. Delbert S. Burnie, Oshawa, ALBERT STREET UCW 3 }important to this entertainer. | ang the late Mr. Burnie, to jing, and in this way she could ed with two daughters, Irene awa, and Ida (Mrs. D. F. Hare),|A. V. Walker. Evers, presiding. Bazaar goods Hospi P image went into automatic ac- iden ag Seg A asic tion. She put out the cigarette. to the members' attention that! | there was a noticeable differ-) The regular meeting of Unit 3 b/She has found that the ideal/~homas George Garth Douglas, jway to control her. weight and| son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas H. stOP | ve-assert her goal. | On the afternoon of the 21st)(Mrs, Edmund Plowright), Osh- day, driving into Bowling continue to come in for the|favorably. Mrs. William Evans : : SOCIAL NOTICES bazaar to be held April 28, la Past Zone Commander, whok-y G|That was it. This happened a} Conveners of booths were ask-| with her husband is in Florida,|iey : Hiyear and a half ago and she} MARRIAGE ed to attend the business meet-/js also reported much improved|iae |has had no desire to resume) The marriage is announced of | jsmoking. Nor did she gain UN-icatherine Marie, daughter of ence in attendance on social/of Albert Street UCW was held nights and business meetings,|/in the friendship room at the re-charge her energy is to eat/nougias, Oshawa. The marriage and that officers and executives|/church. Mrs. Arthur Allman! mal] meals at more frequent|took piace Friday, April 3, 1964. should be supported on all occa- ided ntervals. She never overeats at, --. | MARRIAGE WIFE PRESERVER | sions. jany one meal. | | One mew member was} initiated and welcomed into charge of the worship service. The scripture lesson was read Mrs. Mervin Morrison was in|i® A challenge is exciting. Pic-| The marriage of Mary. E. ture to yourself the satisfactions) Wijxing of Oshawa to Mr. Wil- jof going through your routine|jiam H. Meldrum of Port Hope Clean a glass teakettle by half filling it with water, then adding a few pieces of lemon. the Auxiliary. The Charter was draped in memory. of Mrs.| George Mason, who passed| away recently. At next week's meéting, April) 7, there will be a shower for|Present. tefiy the touch and take and sock and|., Mrs. Plancke spoke briefly on novelty booths, A night of cards| The Church Comes to India". will be held April 14, at 8.00)A Social half-hour was spent p.m. At the meeting on April 21,\over refreshments served by a shower for the country store|Mrs. Leon Parks and Mrs. Ed- booth, also names will be taken| Ward Simmons. Be for those. wishing to contribute| to the home baking and candy| JOB TOO INSECURE booth. | HAMILTON (CP)--Canada's| Wednesday afternoon. Mr. | The Zone Rally is to be held/first woman brokerage partner|-Lendi's presentation is more in Port Perry, May 12. The|said here brokerage firms are| than a travelogue. It is a mes- : chartered bus will leave the Le-|willing to hire and train women,| sage of international under- |Margarine or butter, gion Hall at 6.15 p.m., the price|but women are too timid to take| standing conveyed in a beau- Y%y pat 25 is 55 cents and seats are still|the chance. Violet Cook of Tor-| tiful portrayal of a country |Coffee, black 0 available. Mrs. Eric Jacklin isjonto said: "In this business,| and the pattern of life of its | Total % in charge of transportation.|you work basically on straight] people. Mid-morning pick-up: Members were also asked to|commission. It's tdo unstable Glass of skim milk keep anything saleable for the|and insecure for women." or buttermilk | Sis Toon Soule "ise by Mrs. Roger Plancke. Mrs. Morrison took as her theme) "How Jesus Faced the Cross". Roll call showed 13 members} without smoking. Use the plan) took place Saturday, February Let the water boil, pour off, to hold the weight line or re-iog 1964 at 7.00 p.m. in the|rinse in fresh water. store your slim good looks. Pic-| chanel of St. George's Memorial |-- , ae ne rrr as Church with the Reverend F. G tem. The plan really works! Ongley olficlating, AT HOME SLIMMING FARE | (5th day) | Mr, and Mrs. J. C, Jakes, 253} Calories|Eulalie: avenue, will be at home Mr. Mrs.\to their relatives, friends and \neighbors on Saturday, April 11, 50 |1964, from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. 80 land from 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m 60 jon the 'occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary | | Butter, 1% pat Fresh fruit cup Total Total calories for the day Note: Mr. may have extra serving of crab or chicken. CRAB IMPERIAL Clint Holl, 1¥ pounds prepared crab meat tol\'s Beauty Parlor, ee Turn this:..iato thjs LECTURER An internationally known commentator and traveller, Mr. Anton R. Lendi will show films of his native Switzerland at a dessert tea at North- minster United Church next Breakfast |Tangerine juice, | % cup ' Poached egg on 80 Toasted Eng. muffin 60 Mr.: Second half toasted muffin 60 85 colour technician at Grilled Velveeta cheese, 15 King} 1 07 85 on rye 55 Tossed green salad | French Dressing: Mr.: 1 Tbsp. 60 | Mrs.: % Tbsp. _ Large apple 100 'An Airy Dessert | Here's a puffy, light dessert that satisfies the desire for jsomething in keeping with the 2 teaspoons meat sauce 14 tsp. dry mustard Y% tsp. white pepper Y% tsp. salt Canned pimientos, chopped 2 eggs Street East, who has just returned! from Mexico where he observed the most modern techniques in Bleaching, Toning and Hair Col-| ouring. 'He states thot proper springtime mood and atmos- phere. The recipe makes four to jsix servings of ever-so-slightly| tangy baked Lemon Souffle. Brown % cup fine bread lemon crumbs in 3 tbsps. butter or pjinner |mangarine, Blend in 14 cup milk Grah Imperial-- jand Y% tsp. salt; heat to boiling,| (see recipe) ® \stirring constantly. Mixture will or- Roast chicken ® \thicken. Remove from heat. (200 cal.) | Beat 4 egg yolks until thick.) Jeg and thigh or 8 \Gradually beat in % cup granu-| slices white meat |lated sugar, then blend in the) (314 07.) milk mixture. Let cool. %4 cup Beat together all ingredients bleaching, 'toning. ond colouring except crab. meat. Blend in el crab meat. Put into lightly|0%* the most popular and techni-| greased baking shells. Bake at Co! services 325 derees about 30 minutes,| Salons today. Meantime, preheat the oven to) (touch of ginger) Serve hot 1325 deg. F. (moderately slow). String beans with : ')\Grease a 6-cup round' baking toasted almonds--(3) 25 25 oT 4 \dish. Blend 2 teaspoons grated;Bread, 1 slice 5 50 i e nl | OF '\lemon rind and % tsp.. vanilla {into cooled milk mixture. Beat EXCEPTIONAL VALUES 4 |4 egg whites until stiff but not From 9.99 up 4 \dry; fold them into the mixture Pour carefully ino the baking STARTS MONDAY APRIL 6th -- Hot beverage _-- Total 325 Mid-afternoon pick-up: Tomato juice with offered in Beauty DRAPERY MATERIAL \dish. Bake in the preheated oven bout 1 hour, until puffed and \firm on top. Serve at once, c iplain, or with stewed fruit or 98 yard and up whipped cream. | Compare at $1.98 yard - | M. & C. Dry Goods & Draneries 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 | TOUR BY TRAIN 4 Tours of school children--one _ |of the most popular facets of! * \education in Japan--have been ™ |facilitated by the construction jof a special train. | New Alcan Siding comes in white and all popular colours...won't require painting or maintenance of any kind for years...ups the resale value of your home, It's made specifically for the Canadian climate and it's the only siding In Canada that is double-guaranteed: Alcan guarantees the quality of the siding...we guarantee the installation. Improve your home now with new Alcan Siding--call us for free estimate, DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. "KARNS DRUGS LIMITED 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621 RITSON DRUGS 264 KING ST. EAST PHONE 725-5370 JURY & LOVELL LIMITED 530 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 725-3546 TO RESIDE IN WHITBY The Church of The Open rane, Enfield. The bride is the Bible, Peterborough, was the daughter of Mrs, Anne Sutton, setting, last Saturday, for the Warsaw, and the bridegroom marriage of Beverley Anne is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, Warsaw, Ontario, to Leslie Cochrane, Enfield. Kenneth Howard Leslie Coch- --Parks Studio, Peterborough. Celebrating 4th Anniversary 20 OFF ON ALL % COLD WAVES She Mayfarr Salon During Month of April (OSHAWA LIMITED) 27 CELINA ST. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Daily 9:30 - 6 P.M SSLLSERRESEERIL EAT E: 224 ia Thurs., Fri. 9:30 Pade e dees 4 DUMONT ALUMINUM - PRODUCTS LTD. 333 SIMCOE ST. OSHAWA TEL.: 728-1651 728-0662 728-0662

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