Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Apr 1964, p. 15

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30--Automobiles Wanted _ 32--Articles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 4,1964 1§ 145 CARS WANTED WAUKESHA GRA . : '|27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale |29--Automobiles For Sole '27---Real Estate For Sale [27--Real Estate For Sale DO AS OTHE CALL THE CHECKERBOARD BROTHERS BOLAHOOD -BROTHERS ae == REAL ESTATE -- ;. == INSURANCE -- ---- MORTGAGES -- ... AT SHOPPING CENTRE Duplexed bungolow, very "clean condition, hot water "furnace, 7 rooms, owner oc+ cupied. Open to offers, osk- 'ing $12,500 with $2,500 «down. Cali now to- inspect. Mr. Jack Appleby 728-5123 or 723-3398. . WORKING MAN'S SPECIAL Here it is! For quick sole, $9,200 full price. Monthly 'payments only $70 for this spotless 5 room 1% storey "home with garage. Don't de- lay on this, Call now, Ask for Mr, Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. BEAU VALLEY One yeor old brick and stone split level, extras in this fine home include fomily room, 2 bathrooms, built-in vanity. Attached garage. Asking $22,500 with $5,000 down. Coll Mr. Charles Rankine at 728-5123. GILBERT STREET WHITBY Three bedroom brick bunga- low with Hollywood kitchen 12 feet by 17 feet. Large living room and dining orea. * Nicely landscoped lot 50 feet "by 139 feet. One 6% fun till . paid mortgage with monthly poyments of $93 including taxes. To inspect this excellent home coll Mr. Irwin Cruik- OPEN HOUSE 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. SURREY DRIVE Two exciting new models, one with attached gorage. All fin- anced under N.H.A,. with modest down payments. Dir- ections: north on Wilson Road to Adelaide, turn right and follow signs to Models. KINGSMERE GARDENS Two storey home consisting of living room, dining room, kit- chen and four bedroorns, also included is a built in stove and oven, two washrooms and carport Directions: King Street East to Missionary Col- lege, turn right and follow the aD) yman 728-6286 $500 Winter Works Bonus Aleft-$14,040 . ™ shonkes ot 728-5205 or 728- 5123. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED! 101 Simcoe Street North | Open Every Evening - OPEN HOUSE "THIS WEEKEND ' 2 P.M. until 6 P.M. "New five room brick bun- galow with walk-out base- ment. Priced at only $15,600 Directions: Go East 6n King © Wilson, North on Wilson | to Adeloide, turn right and follow the signs. Built by Zygocki Financed through N.H.A, Sold by Exclusive Agents SCHOFIELD-AKER | Ltd Realtors Phone 723-2265 AJAX Built and backed by G. Armstrong & Sons * $950 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage Carries $79 Monthly 3 ond 4 bedroom. bungélows, split level and 2-story homes, featuring storms ond screens, hooded exhoust fons, vanity bathrooms, built-in Ranges end Ovens PLUS, PLUS, PLUS! H. GRIFFIN: Real Estate Broker Ajax 942-3310 Whitby 668-5371 $1000. DOWN. 10-acre lots. Choice, level @arden soli with everflowing stream These lots are treed at the front, just @rough to make a perfect setting for your 'new home. Located only 10 miles from Oshawa on a good new road frice $3700. McGill 728-4285, $15,500. ASKING PRICE. Thr brick bungalow, ten acres gage. Phone 728-8029 100 ACRES Christmas trees Wood bush. Gravel deposits fort racttrack entrance. Bargain at $14,000. full price, A. Frank Resi Estate Ltd., Bowmanville, 623-2393 id WHITBY Ful Real Estate Broker, ee-bed: VLA and hare Near Mo4-io od only 916,706 $1,040 DOWN Large 3 bedroom bungalow detached, immediate posses- sion. One 6%4% N.H.A, Mortgage; storms and screens, clay brick, electric clocks, fully landscaped, and decorated, mahy mote extras. Corries for $92 monthly, in- terest, principal and toxes, if you quélify. Located in Whitby. Shown by appoint- ment only. All homes ready for imme- didte possession or to suit. Save 8% tax. MANDER RAFUSE TORONTO 7AM 1-2309 MANDERHILL Real Estate Ltd. Over 30 years experience GRANDVIEW VILLAGE We are sold out of new homes in Grandview Village ot present, but we are talking Orders now for our new 1964 modeéls for Spring occupancy. As you know these homes in this choice location ore built by H. Kassinger Construction Ltd., and we believe are the best buys in Oshawa. We have all the new plans in our office for your inspection, Or givé us a cali and one of our courteous salesmen will be pleased to show them in your 6wn home, no obligation of course, down payments as low- as $1,200.00, one N.H.A, Mortgage for the bal- once. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 299 King St. West DIAL 723-1133 ATHOL STREET NLHLA. Build Lots tuoted ot W Biuslt your Mike Zygock HYMAN ESTATE rH 726.4786 $%. DOWN. 4 horrie, ie Pan syenar AA baa 4m wirey CLASSIFIED yale 6 ated « tias Gravel or Stone for Driveway, Sand for your Patié, you need ' WA per monte Prote 6h dib4 fst mortgage a! 6 par ¢ Merest, prine as Pee GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 JUST LISTED -- 5 room brick and stone with fenced yard and T.V. antenna, All aluminum storms and screens. and 2 storm doors, Patio et beck, Large kitchen, 4 pc. tiled bath and recreation oom facilities. Schools, bus and store all close, Full price $13,300. APPLE HILL -- You will enjoy this summer to the fullest éxtent in this 5 room brick. bungalow with ifs féne- ed rear yard, walk out base- tent and shade trees. Ail the homes in this area ¢@re weil kept and are close to schools ond bus servicé. Large living room, 3 bedrooms ond extra plumbing facilities in base- ment. All this for only $12,- 900. Call soon and let us make on appointment to show it tO you, PORT PERRY ROAD -- 7 miles north of Oshawa, 21 "acres of beautifully rdlling land overlooking the City of Oshawa, Call us regarding this choice property. NORTH EAST AREA -- 3 bedroom, 2 storey brick home with private paved drivé and gGoragé. Separate dining room and large entrance hall, New forced ait oil furnace, Taxes léss thon $200. Can be bought with $1,800 down payment with a full price of $12,500; EXEGUTIVE HOME -- Cus- tom built for the present own- er just 4 years ago. 7 room split level brick with attached gorage and paved drive. At- tractive entry hall, living room with stone fireplace, seperate dining r6om and ultra modern fomil kitchen, Family room opens onto out- side patio, Nicely finished recreation room and 3 gén- erous bedrooms. 4 pc. tiled luxury bath also 2 pe, pow- der ro6m. Let us show you this exceptional home to- night. FULL PRICE $9,900 -- 6 room brick home with double gorage, storms and screens for all windows, Hedged lot. 3 bedrooms and 3 pc. bath. Large kitchen. Make an ap- pointment to see this spot- less home today. THE OWNERS love their 5 room - brick bungalow and have put o lot of time and care to make a home but a relocation of employment makes it necessary fo move. The Hollywood kitchén has a lot of cupboards and will also accomodate a large family at mealtimes. All 3 bedrooms ore a generous sizé. They have fenced the rear yard put in o T.V. tow- er, added aluminum storms Gnd screens, (even on the ipa iene Gre willing to Sell for a low price o - 900. siineg eed FLOYD STREET -- Close to Oshawa Shopping Céntre. 4 Bedroom brick bungelow with basement goragé. Extra plumbing ond wiring in basement for kitchen and bath. Large living room, mé- hogany cupboards in the Hollywood kitchen. A well built home just a few months old. Priced at $19,900. Let us show you this well loéated home tonight COUNTRY. BUNGALOW -- Just north of Ajax, attractive bedr6om bungalow with breezeway and attached gar- age. Good well with lots of w&ter and modern 4 pc. bath with vanity, Schools are close Spring will soon be here and now is the time to look for that spot with just a little bit of land outside the city. BESSBOROUGH DRIVE -- 7 room brick 'ranch bungalow with ottathed garage and en- closed bréezeway, 23 ft living room and seporote din- ing room Gre all broadloom- ed, Kitchen has been re- modelled and features built- in stove and oven, dishwash @r and desk and still leaves eot. A family room Which has all the touches of oom to ved' in room. opens to a ord hedged lor for RALPH VICKERY for Finer Homes $9,900 FULL PRICE $1,500 DOWN Brick, Oi! heat, extra réorme in basement, garage. This home has beer completely renovated. Hurry. for this new listing. COMMERCIAL BUILDING WITH 6 ROOM APARTMENT $32,000 Lerge commercial corner store suitable for drug, grocery, restaurant, variéty outlets. Large three bedroom apattment above. Solid brick construction, Hot wéter héating, Age 10 years. Seperate garage. $10,000 Down or will toke house on trade. CALL 728-5157 728-9326 728-2236 or Steve Léhon ... Bill Horner TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up of down Always top quality Buying ao New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 32--Articles for Sale MARINE VOLVO SALES AN. SeRVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road ond King 728-1066 725-6342 Bill Johnston R. Vickery FARM LAND FOR RENT 50 acres plus 10 acrés Apples ot 723-4733 and 723-7712 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES FOR Johnson Motors Crestliner Boats -Cadorette Boats Tee-Nee Trailers Brydon Marine Supplies TRADE AND EASY TERMS USED MOTORS AND BOATS DEAL NOW FOR BEST SELECTION AND PRICE Richardson. Boats HEADQUARTERS MODEL 135 DKU DIESEL POWER PLANT New condition. Numerous John Deere 420 - 440 - 1010 crawlers and wheel tractors. CONTACT DON LEWIS EQUIPMENT Phone Peterborough 742-6333 "SPRING SALE NEW 1963 OUTBOARD MOTORS 20 H.P. Manual .. 439.95 30 H.P. Manual .. 499.95 45 H.P. Electric Long Shoft 699.95 BOATS 12' - 16' . Aluminum ond Fibreglass ACCESSORIES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims inst the estote of WILFRED JOHN LIFTLE, late of the City of Oshawa, are required to send full parti- culers of such cloims to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executrix, on or before the 22nd day of April, A.D, 1964, affer which date the Estote's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to cloims thot have been re- ceived. ERNEST MARKS, Q.C,, Solicitor, 17 King St. East, OSHAWA, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors ond others hevi claims against the estate FRANK GERACE, late of the City of Oshowa, ore required +} particulars of such claims to the under. signed, solictor for the Exe- cutrix on or before the 5th day of May, 1964, after which dote the Estate's as- sets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims thot hove been received. ERNEST MARKS, 0.C., * Solicitor, ¢ 17 King St. Bast, OSHAWA, Ontario, $5 PER ACRE Breoklin aréa, no buildings Call Toronto HU 9-6044 KINGSMERE GARDENS -- two only--| | fhree bédroom brick bungalows néar-\1959 CHEVROLET Bé! Air, éxcélient in! ing completion, builder will considerjevery way. $1,149. Private galé. Teéle- older home in trade. For porticulars|phone 725-0187. Call Joséph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377, | = aera aes - -- |1957 PONTIAC Station wagon, radio, good | 10 ACRES or ess of lard 'on. Townline|condition, Extras. $800 or best offér. Call) Road, south off Bloor East, Oshawa or|723-7441 | $ix-room ranch housé and two acres. For Private sale, call 725-5006 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 | ce biases aS CL |1955 CHEVROLET \2 ton; 1956 Chevrolet | | 1958 PONTIAC convérfible V8, automatic, | -|radio, New top. $1,150 cash. Call Before) TWO. brick 0n/5.30 p.m., 728-4469, | Athol Street with paved drive and ga- em - | rage, modern open dining room. Bi /{|1963 PONTIAC Strato Chief sedan, auto-| Ratcliffe, 655-3917, Kelth Peters,| matic, $1,995. Will accept frade. Can be Realtor |financed. 725-6132, | 10 ACRES on Maple Grove Road North.|1962 CHEVY {1 convertible, whife with| Good building sife, $4,300. with $1500.|red interior, 17,000 milés. One owner. Pri-| down. Call Jo@ Barnoski, W. Frafk R@al vaAw sale. Telephone 723-2747. |Estate Lid., Bowmanville 623-3393 - DARLINGTON BLVD. SOUTH -- three-/'743 CHEVY I. two-door, six, cylinder.| bedroom home, panelled living room standard ransmi ission, se@at s, wi with broedh large garage, asphalt) 1SC% radio, tinted glass, back-up lights, | |lanewa Her 'sere. $10,500 with $1500| Positraction, washers and snow fires, Best) pa Miicate phy Aida offer. Will finance. Phone 728-1468. |\six acnes, F iaurbed house, 1590/1963 VALIANT Signet 200 hardtop, bucket ei tae "Aoed Theatlen, ne. mile| Seats, standard shift, 145 HP. Low mile |f0 Oshawa. Keith Peters Realtor, Rob-/49¢. White with red interior, Whitby, ért Johnson, 728-2548. shal -- | |BUILDING LOTS for sale in Darlington|1951 CHEVROLET, can be repairéd or! | Township, three miles from Oshawa. Dial/ used for parts. Complete $30, 723-9429. | lens, ere. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, custom, Beige color, tired ~ euet, cnice for a four-room| whitewalls, back-up lights. Clean, A-1 con- |stueco home, loc | jonly $800. down. Call Bill Swarbrick,| phone 728-3693 | |S. D. Hyman, Real Estate Ltd., 728-6284 | | 3 77, 1963 PONTIAC convertible Super Sports, | HIGHLAND AVENUE -- fivetoom brick! oy and white, V-8 engine. Fully power |bungatow, two bedrooms, 16 x 20 g& ' Teleph Whitby 668-5170. rage, aluminum storms, and acreens,|@dvippéd. Telephone Whitby 668-5170 |Carriés for $56.17, principal, interest and Yo e faxés, 42 per cent. Substantial down Ped ash gg gO pata we payment. Phone 723-2455. Z a ai sa hte ncn Ue -------- | | 1963 HILLMAN, automatic, low miléage.! Must be sold to close estate, Telephone) 723-1709. |29_Automobiles For Sale custom radio, tour néw white-waill tires, | excellent condition. $550 or best offer. Be- fore 6 p.m. telephone 723-4233. | 1956 BUICK Super, new platés, new tires,| rebuilt motor, radio, $450 or best offer. Ajax, 942-6552. ; W tian ida hac ohess ce | Sper ere Roctiae: Sedat 1953 PONTIAC also 1958 Pontiac séden 1951 Mereury Sedan. delivery. Telephone Whitby 468-8533. | MECHANICS' SPECIALS 1963 SUNBEAM Alpine, color green, ex- cellent condition, with overdrive, custom 1959 Volkswagen, 1954 International 1 + ton transistor radié, wing mirroré é@nd seat belts, low mileage. $2,295 or nearest offer. dual, 1954 Austin, .1952 Ford 1-ton, néw tires, needs |Telephioné 728-574. | 92 VOLKSWAGEN Béluxe, fed, 21,000 motor repairs. 1959 Ford sédon, jrniles, radio, seat covers. Excellent con/ ldition. Télephoné 726-0785 "between 4 - 5 7 Tires, 825 x 20, 2-wheel trailer with stock rack pede as | ACKERMAN 1960 CORVAIR 700 Sedan, standard trans-| | BOWMANVILLE 623-5756 | GOOD USED BUYS | 1961 | tor, Chevrolet rebuilt mo- 1958 Chevrolet Station 2 - door, mission, fully equipped, low mileage, | payment. Dial Whitby 668-8122. i959 CHEVROLET impala, convertible,| power steering. power brakes, | Bow- interior, Réasonablé price. |Good condition |manvillé 623-2488. % 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne; 1958 Pon- tiac Pathfinder. Both 6 cylinder, mechan- ically good, bodies perfect. Call Brooklin 655-4651 |. BUYING OR SELLING | TED CAMPIN offer. Apply 57 Thomas Streef. | i 1955 CHEVROLET Bel Air V-8, with over- drive, power steering and brakes. Needs MOTORS 607 KING ST OSHAWA | Uust East of Wilson Road) | 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 1958 PLYMOUTH sedan, radio, whitewall/EXCEPTIONALLY good buy, tires. Will accept trade $495 or make|Air Chevrolet 4-door automatic joffer. Telephone 725-8132 $1,100. Phone 725-5953 |1963 IMPALA, two-door hardto6, -V8,.1957 MG (A) red sports convertibie,| jequipped, beautiful. metallic blue, low/radio, seatbelts, spokewheels. Best offer |mileage Balance new. warranty. Apply 808 Beech Street West, Whitby. | bent 1959 AUSTIN, A95, four-door sedan, Will] Station, Brooklin. Call 725-1862 | manville 623-3495. | 1960 Bel| rot qi o |USED CAR parts, wheels, spindies tojtrade for your 1959 of 1960 Volkswagen. /auy Now) Save up to 50 pér cent on sid-- TYPEWRITERS, adders, Imake trailers. Also used tires condition. Telephone Brooklin | Street East. After six, 729-2781 | 199 PONTIAC 909 Bloor | good 655-3720 PONTIAC automatic] Parisienne four-door,| 1961 Stratochiet, Price|Pnone 778-0892 North good condition Te Pork » Rond telephone 125-100 1960 PONTIAC maroon interior Like Rowmanville #2971) 1966 MOKHIS MINOR, good condition, ex Callen! second car. Asking $400. Call ave wifes, Me. Wewint sedov7 i nonce inalor, welly good, ", goed body tH Brown mew In very Apply 6 pf 1967 DKW, rund Ike few, 40 miléa per After $165 best offer, Caesarea, galior or 9b 4926 1956 PONTIAC delux@ sedan. Automatic, 4 cylinder, custom radio, Very Clean and good, $00. while with | Heal offer Convertible. mechanically Hivd, North 1964 CHEVROLET plekup truck, new! automatic er i alsa 1964 Chevro | equipped or white, réd trim, Low needs moter work, mileage, 728-5794 | 196) PONTIAC Laurentian, 2 door hard:| two door hardiop, top, automatic 6, radio, discs, 2800 miles lornatle fran | 778 9746. Apply 9/1 ang com inipala & cylinder,| ar tine DI, 67 sf tls 1964 BUICK, standard shift) 1992 Meteor | V8, standard anift, custom radio, $125 each Hoth in . 19 FOWTIAC Parisionne, ddoor hard-\Atier 6 pm, telephone 729-261 ae Burp pawer bIAKON and seers GuBUMOLET impel é 4 hardtop, automatic transmission, 1986 STATION WAGON, Plymouth, V-4,\der, And brakes, South between | condition -- and four-door SMITH SPORTS | MARINE PAINT COMING EVENTS BINGO ; AT U.A.W.A. HALL BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY APR. 4th' |standard six. Apply 248 Tresane Street. | __ in the northend, | dition, $695. 159 Easthaven Street or féle-|-- 1956 OLDSMOBILE, four déor hardtop, |RANGE, |motor and trailer 353 King St, West BOATS Traveler, Starcraft, OMC 17, Grew, Mason, Chestniut Can- oé@s. Evinrude, Peterborough, Evinrude Motors, OMC Mo- tors, and Gator Trailers, Open Evenings and Week- ends until 9 p.m. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY HWYS 7 AND 12 BROOKLIN 655-3641 SEWING MACHINE SALE Singer, Elna, Nordic from $19 UP Oshawa Sewing Centre 329 Simcoe S. 928-2391 | HAVE A SECRET: WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16% BOND W. 728-440] CHAMBERS QUALITY FREEZER 15 cu ft., reasonable Set Stonderd Car Roof Racks Apply 77 ARLINGTON AVE. 728-2531 RANGE, Gurney, four burner, 24 x 26; Sdard also high chair. Both for $65, 728-5266. RECONDITIONED © televisions, Telephone. 728-7341 HARDWARE OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD, HARBOR RD. 723-190) CANVAS awnings, _ curtains, canopies. | Completé service. Free tes. BOX 305 | | | No waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. BUYING or selling furniture or 4 ppt ances, Call Elmer, Hampton, 263-2294 or} | 263-2695. sepals eal alent TWO buildings, 8 x 14 at $35, ® % 12'! at $25; heater $5; well tile gorms $150. Aff evenings 728-1165. sump pumps,' $25 and $15; water aw 7 MOTORCYCLE 650 BSA, pertect cond tion. Apply 109 Alma Street, same street as hospital BUY and s good used furniture appliances. location only. mn. | Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. Paint since PAINT special. af - Edgar's Wallpaper by Para Paints and) 1915.) 20 per cent discount 6n semi-gloss, latex exterior 4 high gloss, interior and Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, West. at} King} SATURDAY, APRIL 4th 7:30 P.M. | 20 GAMES $10 A GAME | 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH 10 hams to be given as door prizes. BINGO TUESDAY, APRIL 7th 7:30 P.M. 20 reguior games $8 ond $10 Shore The 'Wealth $150 Jackpot 57 Nos. $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith ees. eee 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpot to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted ? Daffodil Bridge Christ Church Marthe W.A, 81 HILLCROFT ST, Thursday, April 9th 8 P.M,, -- Prizes -- Lunch Tickets $1. Call 723-2585 Northminster U.C.W. presents SWITZERLAND Land of o Thousand Valleys Wednesday, April 8th i 1) Dom, Dessert Teo Boby Sit' Tickets $1.00 __Bozeor Baking ting RUMMAGE SAL® Tuesday, April 7, 1.38 SCRAP hardwood, one Tor lengina, w775/0 P.M. Tuesday, April 7 \ gen: ama: Vale ma te Souths single cord. Call after 6 p.m., 723-228 CHESTERFIELD-BED with _matching| chair, beige, leather arms, $65. Good difion; also héavy dufy Moffat ELECTRIC steel guifar with ampli like new. Best offer. 263-2611. con- range, suitable for coftage, $30. Phone 728-7008. | Auspices Daughters of England fier, Dial Bowmanville, | HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appi-| ances. Name brands at biggest discounts) anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bevér-/ ly mattress furnifure lines, Your aut ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cat': 424 King Street West, our new home,| formerly Avalon Dance Hall, Telept 728-9191 turé with all channél antenna, ithor-| $ on} hone | instalied $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180. TYPEWRITER portable, $35) also afan- typewriter, Telephone! adding machine, $65. Two total cash régi- typewriter. . Electric ster. Telephone 723-4434, $25 up. FLEETLINE house trailer for sale, model is Monffay Néw televisions, $198 cash or $# monthly,|14 fully. equipped. "Apply 55 Applianicés, 424 King West, 728-9191; FANCY stones for rockery, particulars dial Bowmanville, 622-3263 CHINA cabinet, wainut finish, Avenue Acme heavy . duty, to stroller Whitby 668-3698 1960 AUSTIN 850. niet Re asteg DRUMS, complete set, seven ovieces, In|! bile, Mary extras. Fast and reliable. Bes!icocg ¢ondition. $200 or best offer. For| 725-7559 large and Telephone 725-8202 will consider trade for older car as part/smaill, all different shapes. For further, 1elePhone 725-8302, tg FREEZER, Chambers, 17 cubi¢ ff. Like In very zal lve, 348 engine, Black with white top, red/good condition, $18. Apply 225 Eulalle 7251272 Ra acuuiDonate Cece oe | PIANO, Ennis, one year old, iike new, electric) apartment size, $450. Also § HP Clinton Easy washer; coal oll heater. All in good Ovfboard motor with 3 gallon Cruise-a- |Condition. Telephone Brooklin 655-3077 : ~excéllent condifion. |BABY buggy, Gendron, can be converted VIOLA with case, excellent cond aft good condition, Felephone Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-2796. jat Honést Cal's Discount Furniture and Avenue. INGLIS sudsaver automatic washér, like ------ $95. Bendix dryer $70. Must new. $175. Apply 746 Phillip Murray. day tank, $75. 725-3271. 1500 USED cement blocks, 10 @ nlinches, 10¢ each, take thém away. sell.) CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE Prizes, Lunch, Admission 50c Articles of excellent qualify. Reasonable, |RUMMAGE SAL@, $f. George's Parish |Hall, Centre Street, Tuesday, April 7% |10.30 a.m. "FREE ADMISSION FREE KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5 -- $30 Games: 2 -- $250 Jackpots 20 -- $20 Jackpots JACKPO1 NOs. 51, 55 "EARLY BIRD GAMES --~ EXTRA BUSES -- 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. EAST AT FAREWELL FREE -- ADMISSION --- FREE full particulars telephone days, 725-0930; WEDDING GOWN, size 8 taille with evenings 728-1143 Spur| SIDEWALK bicycle, dark bive in color, Crown headpiece and veil, $135. repairs. Best offer. Can be seen at SPUrling new For further information cali condition. Telephone 725-7166. 723-9013, 1985 CHEVROLET two-tone, white andigng CHESTERFIELD and chair, $75. like, new. Private, $85. green, new tires. Must sell, Call Bow- Also oné S4-Inch béd, spring and. mat-;668-6567 cottage, | tress, $15. Ideal for 668-3260. TWO-PIECE summer chesterfield suite, Finucane Street SAVAGE 25-20 repeating rounds of ammunition Orono 36 Ring 3 Telephone 725-8220 rifle aluminum doors, windows, awhings, ing. For example: windows $10 up. Phone cators anytime 728-5253. rent |hardtop, automatic, transmission and|transmission, all in excellent cond'tion.|Weki cg moOK Encyclopedia representa 137. Brock. South, Whitby ; inquiries Telephone GUN WANTED Fetterly weicomes obligation tive J, € Positively 725-0619 BICYCLE, condition 124-7970. no In Grenfell very girl's Apply green. 25 mattresses, Cash only, Call 723-3797 brakes, steering, PUllY/ ye. eyISION,-.17-Inch Motorola, $25) mat Telephone 728-3506 NEW 17 ft sleeps 2 Information telephone 728-5732 FURNITURE; 3 rooms full, Hi Complete new bedroom, living room and Cent lleensed allt nsembles, Pay only $2.95 kitchen quality ensemble y 01 "aoa | 942-2375 weekly! Barons' Home Furnisnings, Simeoe Street South. S-cvliN' MOTOROLA CAR RADIO $25. siso man- |" Car, 6 years old, Soft-ball mask only suitable inet and living room drapes, for cottage or recreation room. Apply 615| Phone 728-8385. and 90 spring mattress, In 4004 condition. | board, Street pear! and rhinestone embroldery; COMPACT vacuum cleaner, § months DROP LEAF fable, all Duncan Phyfe style; also china ELECTRIC 34" GE stove, $25; large « $15; 54 padded $5; TA It Garrard 4-spéed table, $15. Telephone Whitby, 668-6724. chequewriters, three hundred new and used. We buy, also Perfect old, Phone Whitby, | "coffee table, end table! cab- 108 by 64. | erib, head turn- $15; 20W hi-fi speaker Coaxial,| sais cashiérs, duptl- comptom et érs,| sell, service Hamilton Office Equipment,/ phone Oshawa 725-6183. Telephone 725-2315. aneous dishes | Old antique. Tele- good MANTEL radio, also quantity of ve 19 OSHA) AGAT, motor and trailer. Picture window 33----Market Basket féent, smati tourist tent, picnic shelter, alr APPLES $1.25 per bushel and up. Bring! containers. Sples, C. Aldred, your own and Delicious. J jtress_ and spring, double bed size, $15. Nort, Bowmanville. Mcintosh, | 55 Liberty) plywood hardtop cruiser, 34__ Logt and Found For further LOST: girl's white gold, pear! ring, vi timental reasons. Call collect, LOST: Golden Retriever, | | | | icin- only $2991 \1t¥ Bo-Peep restaurant, Oshawa Shopping i re, Thursday, April 2. Valued for sen- Ajax, male, tattooed "tndi"'. Vicinity 'King ind 8 cal 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 | SNOWBALL -- $200 in 56 Nos, $20 Con. PLUS $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE REGULAR JACKPOT -- $100 in 52 Nos. 20 Con. SHARE THE WEALTH | GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE __NO CHILDREN, PLEASE WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO - MONDAY, APR. 6th Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. 55 and 58 1 -- $150 JACKPOT MUST GO Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20 GAMES AT $20 --- 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS, OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY BIRD:-GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA BOOK AND HANDICRAFT SALE SPONSOR: . The McLaughlin Public Library DATE: Saturday, April 4 to Saturday, April 11] In aid of the first Indian Library East, 3 weeks ago, Child's pet. 725-2847. power steering POS \He radio, like new. abn shnnia tees cident j ore / aulanalic, $100. Apply S47 Sharon Ave ltraetion axle, $1950. Téleptone 725-4275.) .4 Hockey equipment, new élbow pads Pe b 4 0 Heed 1946 FORD sedan, V-A, radio, needs|725-4959 nies Feacorn 1964 FORD, VA, Flainend motor. Good|hedy work) new licence, $195.) 1957lF4REE ROOMS of furniture, Oniy $298.50 rendition "CIS or best atfer, Telephone|Chavroiet coach, very good condition, Wing down payment. Discounts for cash. Lode dled lifence, $595. Affer 6 p.m, 723-2291 Honest Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191 tires and|1960 CORVAIR sedan, radio, floor shift.| we BUY, sell and exchange used furni- Talephone|biack finish, A: condition, Telephon@liyre. or anything you have. The City) 728-1020 Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street] South, 723-1671 | WRECKING the following: 1949 to 1956 Ford, Chevrolet, Pontiac, All parts rea- sonable. Telephone 728-1322. OUTBOARD. motor, 25 HP Johnson, ex-| ceptionally good condition, $200; 3¥2 HP Johnson $65. Private. Also Kay 4-8tring banjo, one year old, $30, After 6 pm telephone 725-5555 1963 MERCURY 60--6 horsepower 1963 MERCURY 650E-65 horsepower, controls 1961 MERCURY 200 22 horsepower, 1958 MARK 30--30 horsépoweér 1957 EVINRUDE, 35 horsepower, 1953 EVINRUDE, 15 horsepower 1956 JOHNSON .30 horsepower, 1952 JOHNSON 10 horsepower ., ($85 1957 JOHNSON 5'2 horsepower .... hag wa ben | OPEN MEETING es ee | U.A.W. WOMEN'S AUX. NO. 27 1962 GALE, 15 horsepower; new + 1956 ELTO, 22 horsepower, electric, remote controls ... U.A.W. HALL, 44 Bond Street E. Speaker: J. H. CRAIGS, 1962 SCOTT, 14. horsepower, like new Réseareh Director, Ontariéd Federation of Labor 1959 SCOTT, 5 horsepower worn 1963 MERCURY 500EL, electric, new, remote control Topic: ""SONSUMER BUYING" TIME: 8 P.M. TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964 1963 MERCURY 500SL, New, remote control. Coffee will be served--No Admission Fee GORD'S MARINE |OSHAWA, dupiex, two bathrooms, fniy fennanie An phy joe Crawlers, 1346/1, Fitate Concrete Mulch? Phone 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED Fuels and Builders Supplies 224 Brock St. § WHITBY, Ont MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soil-| Citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds! available, 36 King Street East, 723-1107, | SEPTIC TANKS cietned, prompt service 6n calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668: | at Curve Lake near Peterborough Purchase books at bargain prices from 5e¢ Choice Indian Crafts will also be on sale, CONCERT OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA UNION HALL AUDITORIUM _| TUESDAY, APRIL 14 - 8:30 P.M. Guest artist -- MISS PATRICIA FISHER, A.R.C.M. Musical director, EDWARD OSCAPELLA, Assistant DON PARKES ADMISSION $1.00 All musi¢ students of the city ond district admitted free on tickets obtainable through your own music teacher. Smart GUIDE REALTY LIMITED , Reniter 6 Simen Bien People * Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Classified Ads ¢ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or trucks we BRESSMAKING -- bulls, cobis, drasemi, l d iens pai Alterations; slip overs, drapes. Fitting! © Specialty. Mrs. Tors, 668-2372 TWO LOTS tor saie, Cochrane area. $5,000 Or best offer. Phone 668-5769 after six p.rh. BOYS' reversible spring top coats, light beige reversing fo check pattern, Sizes 8 to 16 years. Price $12.95. Basement : ee ee (Sommerville at Orchard View) FOR RENT: One and two-bedroom apart-| ments. Heated, central. Children wél- tome. Clésé to schools, Parking, jun Gry facilifiés. 300 High Srréat, 668-eal4 REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, 8/z@, good condition. D.m., Whitby 668-5918 $225 remote | ' .. $825 | remote contrél $325 oS 295 electric, remote controls $325 115 électriq, medium Telephone before 6 children's! 110 for gentlemen « lunches packed. | fiaven thousand, ment Prine Millen Maal NEAR LINDSAY, 100 aerate, wilabia tor ranching #f hunting, Telephane 77% 4498 ' | Saturday, Sunday. Omemes, 199 4) 78 " _ |108) METEOR. Licence new " hallary No suet Rellable Whithy bbb 1990 BUY NOW |1968 STUDEBAKER standard, 6 cylinder, |biaek finish. Good condition $400. or bes!| 20. Automobiles Wanted lotter, 712-4971 | c 1988 CHEVROLET Biscayne, good condi BEAT THE RISING COST| jilon, runs well, WII accept trade or best) |cash offer, Telephone 725-6132 | j 4 yeaniemitenrssannnnemntinnethinimanenesiioneaananrbinnadinnue deal up or down c r | Save $500. Winter Work Bonus 198----R off , |28----Real Estate Wanted f Save Approx. $350 (4% Federal Tax) lcay WANTED , 70' to 100' width or larg NICOLS. MOTORS LTD. er, Whilby, Pickéring-A lax or. sutround 146 BROCK ST, NORTH N O R 1 H R | D G fF S ling area district, Must be close to schoo! Across from Royal Hotel |Cash. Telephone 725-4548 Whitby 668-3331 AA Hd te La Lc Biel day Goer | OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings 725-| 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck- Two Storeys |0243. Carl Olsen, Realtor ing. Telephone 725-2168 or 723-4248, Tri Levels SIX-PLEX wanléd In Oshawa. Private, : Split Levels latter 4 telephone 725-46sh : 28--Real Estate Wanted : Bungalows ' : Three, Four and Five Bedroom Homes PRIVATE ie PRIVATE BRESSMAKING -- Ladies', ear. Quality work. Mrs. V: i j | i aran Wuny ike Available for Immediate Possession f A R M ROOM for rent. Centrally located) turn-| lsned spacious beating, "cesre' com | HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAILY With or With Buildi fortable, line plied, 668-8930 atte i . : 'eo iS "| 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ; ith or Without Buildings Room AND BOARD 4 ron 04? John iKtéhen 723-3788 Lortern Kellett 723-3770 Singleraém, mosis Sid. Goodiellow Nee S4Nk Grates Malt, 7288254 | West of 7 and }2 Highways (Brooklin) FOR RENT %room heated apartment , 20¢ Crawford 623-3672 Bowmonville | 25 acres or more: Will buy or rent or will trade Selt-containéd, private bath, fridge, stove supplied. Working Couple preferted adults, ft A 11) Palace Street a OH, OAAILLEN REAL ESTATE LID. FOR RENT --Furnished light housekéep 9 BAGOT STREET 728 1679 Ing room with private .entrance, Apply - Mary Street Bast, 668-2332, Commercial Property | Phone: Brooklin 665-3296 -- Toronto 363-0266 Mercury Sales & Service Claremont, Ont. tel. 649-2007 § miles north of Pickering on Brock Rd,

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