6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Apefi 3, 1966 igen pe + eg \32--Articles For Sate 32--Articles For Sale BUY and lig gg al gc iggy la |pecencee ne Seared ate Ses 444 Simcoe South. 5 WAUKESHA ata sili 3933 fia! = DOWLING Mary Eleancr At the ford Memorial Hospl- on Thursday, April 2nd, 1964, Mary Eleanor Green of Brooklin, beloved wife of the late Thomas Dowling, and dear sister of Mrs. Christina Mulholland , # Sam, Elizabeth and Agnes Belfast, ireland; and cherished aunt Peggy (Mrs. Jim Ballard) of Wark- worth; Sadie (Mrs. Bruce Hood) of Dunstord; Christine (Mrs. Victor Jarvis) Fikd | >o 3 3 MODEL 135 DKU DIESEL POWER PLANT New condition. Numerous John Deere 420 - 440 - 1010 crawlers and wheel tractors. CONTACT DON LEWIS EQUIPMENT Phone Peterborough 742-6333 PAINT special et Edgar's Paint and Walipsper by Para Paints since 1915. '20 per cent on "ge 9 interior and exterior aa Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King SCRAP hardwood, one foot lengths, $7.75 single cord. Call after 6 p.m., 723-2281. Mt alee gv taupe with matching chair, beige, leather arms, $65. Good con- dition; also heavy duty Moffat range, suitable for cottage, $30. Phone 728-7008. RLECTRIC. steel guitar with amplifier Ike new. Best offer. lel Bowmanville, 263-2611, HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appll- ances. Name brands at discounts. anywhere, We carry Restonic and Bever- Les mattress furniture lines. Your author- ee Contact Honest Cal's on ing St Wea Ger seu, bined ogee Protea Dance Hall, Telephone TAN TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc- ture with all channel antenna, installed $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180. TYPEWRITER pertetin, 32 $35; also stan- dard typewriter. SPRING SALE NEW .1963 '| OUTBOARD MOTORS . 439.95 499.95 45. HP. Electric lone Shoft 699.9 BOATS 12 - 16' Aluminum and Fibreglass ACCESSORIES MARINE PAINT HARDWARE OSHAWA adding ssa 'Ton titel cash rool ster. 723-4434, ieee a TORONTO 1) A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--April 3 (Qyotations in cents unless marked $. lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- Pa ty xw--Ex-warrants, Net change Is from previous board-lot closing sale.) _ INDUSTRIALS 1 Net Sales otis ie ac eNvge 2186 $14 «(13% 19% A, 26%, 24% Bowater Brazil Stock . BA Olt BC Farest Sales High Low a.m. ch'ge 582 $31% 31% 31%-- % 350 $28 $6 66 200 $424 42% 42%a-- Va $582 58Y%2 58¥a-- Vo si % ™% si0 610 (OO $2 2 2 1% 31% 31% + Ve 875% 75% 15\4 50 $954 95%4 95% Fie $10 % Ih-- $10% 10% 10% 75 1S 725 +6 S612 61% 61% $94 % % $13% 13% 1% $40% 402 $15% 15% 15% $122 2 WW $6%2 4a 6Ve 520° $35% 35% 35% + Vo 45 $40 40 150 $11% 11% 11% 70 $1 105 105 1 710 $144 144 14% 39% 7% 1250 610 $54% Ste Sé-- Vo FLEETLINE house trailer for sale, model Apply 555 14 fully 'Avenue. INGLIS sudsaver automatic washer, like COMING EVENTS new $95. Bendix dryer $70. Must sell. 'elephone 725-6302. FREEZER, Chambers, 17 cubic ft. Like new. $175. Apply 746 Phillip Murray. Call 725-1272, 110 LB. barbell-Dumbell set and courses. Phone 725-0567. PIANO, Ennis, one year old, tike new, apartment size, $450. Also 5 HP Clinton outboard motor tion 3 gallon Cruise-a- day tank, $75. 725-32 33--Market Basket APPLES $1.25 per bushel and up. Bring your own containers. Sples, Mcintosh, and Delicious, J. C. Aldred, 55 Liberty North, Bowmanville. FANCY MAC'S $1.50 bushel. Swoet cider BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY APR. 4th 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpot to go BINGO U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, APRIL 4th 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH Met Store p 7225 Mid-West 320 Milt Brick 137 Molson A 50 Sales Hie Lowa. ridge 0 $19% 19 = El pr To soas 103M 103%4 -- Ye Jasco 144 $75¥2 75% 15a-- Va 15% ARE, 2 19% 2 SF FFF SSS Ute + BS FFF Union Oil Un Oils Un Reef P 1000 cil Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 11% 11%e-- Ve wr 8 aB8Shsegssscs 2 8 nui+% «0 2900 220 2 240 $12% 12% 12%-- Ve 26250 207 03 205 Int Helium Irish Cop i so JSelex Joutel . Latin AM Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 500 110 Hd no 43 100 2000 500 77 $14 14 $28% 9 WY 25 $38. $10% 11500 1000 750 570 565 780 w va 21% 6% $30% 7 +1 4 +% 28% 9 +1" 1% 13% + 38% + Ye i0%e 10% + Vo we 570 +5 77 770 +5 oe 0 --% "5 47 «(+2 mn m%+1 4 WY 04+ 7 "4 % 270 $68 6% + % 2050 100 kL 189 0% 3 199 19 «+4 Sapper sp AI Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange i 25 A 2. 288 gksss t Bsagerysddes88e, Bssessctsss + * Je=Bzw * . shdUdagengsidestins 58 rs deseeldasdsesedsSaeeeesesetasvasd BisessSsssFsesassse88 PPP EP PTET] $8.=88=3 BES. sas FTVsagerGedsess8e, Wsszsrectsss 3 seth as BeSggeS5~2 1 ee te sz 8's 3*3 3 8 Ses Sh 4 Mh +h Sales fo 11 a.m.: 1,828,000. BISONS FINED CLEVELAND (AP) -- Buffalo Bisons were fined $1,000 by the American Hockey League Tues- day on a charge of violating the AHL's affiliation agreement 2000 4 M+ el with the National Hockey League. James Balmer, AHL ag ef Balleboro; and William Mulholland of Warkworth. Resting at the Robinson| Funeral Chapel, Brooklin. Service in the Chapel on Saturday, April 4th at 1.30 m. Temporary Interment in Mausoleum Cemetery Oshawa. Spring burial Churchill Cemetery. 'TRELEAVEN, Theresa Ann BUYING or selling furniture or appil- Suddenly at the Oshawa General Hospi-|ances. Call fel Thuraday, April 2, 964, Theresa Ann|260-26s ol 'Elmer, Hemoten, 26-2264 er Treleaven, jear' ed - id and Doreen Trelaven of 2 Cres- ny ont gas obi shiver, pee Ger y It Township, C irner; Kelvina re aren, wn, Toma and. Erie | gerator ai in 00d | condition. Call aged eight years. Resting at the W. C. Whitby 668-2308 Town Funeral chapel, Whitby. Requiem Mass in St. John the Evangelist Church, "Whitby, on Saturday, April 4 at 11 a.m. Temporary entombment Union Ceme- fery, Oshawa. Interment later in St. Catholic. Cemetery, YACHTHAVEN LTD, HARBOR RD. 723-1901 BOX 305 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO Comer Bloor and Simcoe FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd. 7:45 P.M. 20 games -- $10 and $15 Shore the Wealth $150 Jackpots to go Two $25 Gomes Special 26% |26¥4 264 --1 Mont Loco 360 150 150 Mont Trst 100 Moore 220 Morse A 200 Morse B 500 $8 % 8 Montex pr 300 $6 loranda 420 NO NGas 820 Oshawa A 150 $46 Pac Pete 967 Page-Hers 972 Pow Corp 150 125 650 50 300 125 $72' 300 222 ar 222 1000 «8 1100 165 6100 000 1 5000 2000 5500 +1 Leitch 75c gal. W. T. Cox, Bowmanville 623-2267. Lencourt 36--Legol ~ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE AF CHARLES EDWIN HAWKINS, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, RETIRED INSURANCE AGENT, DECEASED, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having cloims against the Estate of CHARLES EDWIN HAWKINS, of the Township of Whitby in the County of Ontario, about the Ist day of lggciet A.D. 1964 are hereby noti fied to send full porticulors to the undersigned on or be- fore the 15th day of April, A.D. 1964, after which dote the Estate 'will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED at Oshawa this 18th day of March, A.D. 1964. ELLA MAY HAWKINS, Executrix, By her Solicitor, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC. 14% King Street East 'a, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE EDMUND TURNER, DECEASED. MINES Accra 500 All Pitch 30500 22 Am Larder 500 Ang Am 3450 220 500 Ansil 3500 1320 Ares 200 7000 Arion 1000 29 Atlin-Rut 6000 7000 Base Mets 6000 1000 88 2000 1000 10 hams to be given os door prizes. SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO TO-NITE CLUB CAMELOT JACKPOT NOS. 54.55 FERNHILL Park Bingo, Tuesday, 7.30. 16 games $6; 4 games $10, $15, $20 and $30, Share the Wealth. YOU'LL find just the home to fit your family's needs among the many list- ings offered in the "Homes for Sale" columns in the Classified section. For a heppier tomorrow -- turn to Classified today. BOOK AND HANDICRAFT SALE SPONSOR: The McLaughlin Public Library 9% 52% -- vel 124 + Ve! +% president, also announced sus- pension of Gerald Melnyk, Buf- falo centre, for an indefinite pe- riod. The fine and suspension resulted from Buffalo's loan of Melnyk to St. Louis of the Cen- "\tral Professional Hockey, League during the 28-day pe- 24% + Ya\ riod before the end of the AHL 88 13. -- % Season. GLECOFE'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA. © Open Daily 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. © "Jots and Jeons" Shoppe ALITY FAMILY SIZE 1st QU PAIR Lies | 00 "= 1.49 "= 65° 1.00 Communion Veils °* 7c, 2.98 SHOES .. 1.49 RUNNIN msc 1 98 UNNING SHOES LL Lac Lorado Louvict Marboy 6 tA 45 --% y) ee ee | ve 21 4 +1% W% Price Bros QN Gas Rothman Royal Bank StL Corp 10 $101 101 Salada 640 $11% 1) Selkirk A 200 Shell Can 2322 Shell | pr 475 Silverwd A 125 Simpsons 335 SKD Mfg 900 Slater Steel 560 Shop Save 2100 Southam 25 Steel Can 2044 Suptest ord 1025 Switson 2125 B-Dug Belleterre Bethim Bibis Bralorne Brunswk ELECTRIC ue GE stove, $25; large crib, spring mattress, $15; 54" padded goad board, $5; TA II Garrard table, $15; 20W hi-fi speaker $15. Telephone Whitby, 668-8724. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll- cators, chequewriters, comptom eter s, three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. i wieby, Office Equipment, +h conciel $5V2 +20 $16% 16% $26% 267% $14% 14 $44 43% 44 450 440 440 sis 1 «618 $12% 12% 12% $2BV2 28% 28%, $23% 23% 23% $18% 18% 18% 175. 175 175 Buff Ank 200 1 Bunk Hill 112800 $1 14% + %) Cadamet 1500 Camflo 100 Camp Chib 400 cM oon 8B 1400 +6 500 45 #00 «57 7 (42 500 1 --"" 325 $10% 10% 10%-- % Texaco 25 $56¥2 562 Séa-- Ve ore ©1300 205 200 205 +5 Tor-Dom Bk 215 $61% 614 61% Chib-Kay 500 13% 13% h-- % DERRER SC OERTEESES TRENT: NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. 26% + Ye DEATH NOTICES may oppear 'a 3 of The te Me gong pe! 137 Brock South, Notices are accepted am. 3 sm the same day In this regular Level "lous ial -- antique. Tele-' Notice Column. in order to publish all Death Notices, as|TWO hyper gg ex re * 385. a oo nd $15; Sica 'other notices will be sump pov Hs ecter, $5; well the forms. S150. After? evenings 728-1165. CHROME SPIECE kiichen set $00. Chesterfield and chair beige $50., or best offer. ee ee Oe. Call Late day's edition of The Times. Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements floral requirements for all OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 aeTOREYELE 650 BSA, perfect condi- a Apply 109 Alma Street, same street as hospital. CANVAS awnings, _ 'curteins, canopies. ete service, Free estimates. waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 pon lig CHAMBERS quelify freezer, new condi- tion, 15 cubic foot, reasonable. Set stand- Fete car roof racks. Apply 77 Arlington venue. | esate TANK steel, 6 ft. 6 Ins. x 4 . 3 end water glass, $200. Telephone Port Perry, 985-2603. DATE: Saturday, April 4 to Saturday, April 11 In aid of.the first Indian Library at Curve Lake near Peterborough Purchase books at bargain prices from 5e Choice Indian Crafts will also be on sale. TONI Home Permanents JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER GIRLS' OR BOYS' STURDY SIZES 1 TO 3 YEARS ONLY PER PAIR Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service Genuine Hoover Soles, Service & Parts sad, fing end Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the National Institute of Rug Cleaners VISITORS WELCOME Why Toke Chances With Your Valuable Rugs and Upholstery ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH BUFFET SATURDAY, APRIL 4th SERVING 4:30 UNTIL 7:30 P.M. Tickets available from U.C.W. or at the door ADULTS $1.75 CHILDREN 75c¢ FURNACE converted oll ity furnace. Sulit five-room house. Telephone after 4 P.m., 728-5270. MOTOROLA CAR RADIO $25. siso man- tle radio, like new. Soft-ball mesk only $4, Lagu equipment, new elbow pads. THREE ROOMS of furniture, only $298.50. No down payment, Discounts for cash. Honest Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191. Wwe oe sell and exchange used furnl- ture anything you . The City Treding Post South, 723-1671. FINLAY METEOR wood or coal white enamel cook stove, $50. "burner Pro- IN MEMORIAM MONUMENTS -- MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS 152. SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA OFFICE EVENINGS 723-1002 728-6627 CHILDREN'S Srest West, Whitby or telephone 668-3482 WRECKING the following: 1949 to 1956 Ford, | Chevrolet, Pontiac. All parts ree- 728-1322. OUTBOARD ae ae HP Johnson, ex- $200; 3% HP Johnson $65. eng gh Key 4string banjo, one year old, $30. After 6 p.m. telephone 725-5555. RECONDITIONED televisions, $25 up. New televisions, $198 cash or $8 monthly, at Honest Cal's Discount Furniture and Appliances, 424 King West, 726-9191. VIOLA with case, Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-2796, 1,500 USED cement blocks, 10 and 8 inches, 10c each, take them eway. Call 725-7559. WEDDING GOWN, size 8, faille with pearl and rhinestone embroidery; also crown headpiece and veil, $135.: Perfect T 725-7166. All persons hoving claims estate of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario who died at the said City of Oshawa on the 26th day of December 1963, are required to file proof of ith the pal ggg on CARD OF THANKS ANDREWS -- | would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Sturgis, Dr. Rowsell, and Dr: Richmond, the nurses RENT A NEW SUPER-FAST CASCADE 40 ELECTRIC WATER HEATING APPLIANCE FOR ONLY 3] 5 A MONTH Fast recovery takes the "wait" out of water heating. Flameless--so safe and clean. Needs no flue--can be installed anywhere. 40 gallon tank-- guaranteed for 10 years. Purchase plan available. ..-and all with the economy of Electricity. Call now your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Oddfellows for their visits; my relatives, = hoe he nage for their cards, and visits during my stay in the Oshawa General Hospital. --Hugh Andrews. BARBARIC -- {| would like to thank my neighbors, friends and relatives for their many gifts and cheerful messages, fo Dr. Beli, the nurses and staff on 3C 2nd floor of the Oshawa General DROP LEAF fable, coffee table, end table all Duncan Phyfe style; also china cab- Inet and living room drapes, 108 by 84. Phone 728-8385. After thot dote the Public Trustee will proceed to distri- bute the estate having re- gord only to the claims of which he then shall have hod notice, DATED at Toronto this 31st doy of March 1964. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 145 Queen St. West, Toronto ADMINISTRATOR SKIGAN LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that Skigon Limited intends to surrender its charter. DATED at OSHAWA, ONT- ARIO, this first day of April, 1964. F.L. LUNN, Secretary COMPACT vacuum cleaner, 9 months old, like new. Private, $85, Phone Whitby, 668-8587. Steve Barbaric. SAGRIFF -- | would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Priests of Holy Cross Parish, St. Ger- 's, St. Gregory's and St. Mary's of eople for their prayers and visits; to TWO-PIECE chesterfield suite, suitable for cottage or recreation room. Apply 615 elephone 725-8220. Finucane Street. Tei SAVAGE 20-20 repeating rifle and 90 rounds of ammunition. In good condition. Orono ring 3. BUY NOW! Save up fo 50 per cent on aluminum doors, windows, awnings, sid- ing. For example: windows $10 up. Phone anytime 728-5253. WORLD BOOK Encyclopedia representa- tive J. C. Fetterly welcomes inquiries. Positively no obligation. Telephone) 725-0619. BICYCLE, giyl's, green, In very condition. Apply 25 Grenfell 723-7970. BOAT, motor and trailer. Picture window tent, small tourist tent, picnic shelter, alr mattresses. Cash only. Call 723-3727. GOLF clubs, gg ch ped ps ol hand, four Irons, putter, Bag and cart, $35. Good Costin 'eastss. TELEVISION, Mey Motorole, $25; mat- tress and eae double bed' size, $15. Telephone 728-3506. NEW 17 ft. a eaal motor and trailer, sleeps 2. Information telephone 728- ve sTint aur 89% a2 i . P. Maroosis, the nurses and staff ' for thelr excellent care and atine- iso my relatives, friends and neigh- for their cards, flowers, gifts and Hts during the time | was a patient in Oshawa General eae john Sagriff. Th ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) good Street. 32--Articles For Sale MARINE HEADQUARTERS FOR Johnson Motors Crestliner Boats "Richardson Boats Cadorette Boats Tee-Nee Trailers Brydon Marine Supplies TRADE AND EASY TERMS USED MOTORS AND BOATS Smart Business People Sing the Proises of Oshawa Times Classified ha Ag 3 crulser, 'or further FURNITURE: 3 rooms full, only pes Complete new bedroom, living room kitchen ed ensembles. Pay only 33 weekly! Barons' Home Furnisnings, 424 Simcoe Street South. 1963 MERCURY 60--6 horsepower 1963 a 650E-65 horsepower, 1961 MERCURY: 200 -- 22 'horsepower, 1958 MARK 30--30 horsepower 1957 EVINRUDE, 35 horsepower, electric, 1953 EVINRUDE, 15 horsepower $115 1956 JOHNSON 30 horsepower, electric remote neue: ye 1952 JOHNSON 10 horsepower . $85 1957 JOHNSON 5% horsepower . . 2, 1951 JOHNSON 5 horsepower . i. 1962 GALE, 15 horsepower, new | 1956 ELTO, 22 horsepower, electric, remote controls . 1962 scorT, Be horsepower, like fy .:.. 1959 SCOTT, 5 horsepower 1963 MERCURY SOOEL, electric, new, remote control 1963 MERCURY 500SL, New, remote control. GORD'S MARINE. Mercury Sales & Service Claremont, Ont. tel. 649-2007 9 miles north of Pickering on Brock Rd, OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM .. . : PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION... . DEAL NOW FOR BEST SELECTION AND PRICE SMITH SPORTS 353 King St, West Telephorie 728-7341 TELEPHONE 668.5878 TELEPHONE 942-0500 TELEPHONE 942-2930