eae ee Mie TE BET a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 1, 1964 929 V f : : a SURE! A PORPOISE TANK ON ONE SIDE, REEF FISH ON THE CONTRACT BRIDGE Tt E L E I S I oO N L O G be s $ OTHER. NOT EVEN THE SEAQUARIUM IN MIAMI HAS A BETTER By B, JAY BECKER CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Torpnto i cA ' " $ i ROOM THAN THIS, y 8, N THE >. sayy = (Top record-holder in Masters' WGR-TV Channel 2--Bulfaio WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo ay & \ ; Ze || Individual Championship Play) WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester WATCHERS' ; if uae 4 ph : South dealer. CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie CLUB g ; North-South vulnerable. ; @ South dealer, WEDNESDAY EVE. "9:00 A.M, 4:00 P.M. ius yabasat 7 pe arate * 4 z North-South vulnerable, 5:00 P.M. 11--Captain Anay. 9--Mickey Mouse Club 6) A ip : ." : 8--The Match Game VILLAGE ee | : = ; N = N=famiy nestre $--Remper Room /--Trailmaster HALL : Re , i ; a 1 7--Gourmet Kitchen 63--Mr. Piper j Ba tae x O7542 4--Popeye's Playhouse 4--Secret Storm if . > VF #76532 2--Mike Douglas Show 2--Captain Bob 9:30 A.M, 4:30 P.M, . ae Be Sc 6532 9--Playtime With Bobby; 7-- 7 Yornenes 'Ernie Ford firs it te better 4A10963 --_ ange 3--Popeye f y . ' : ¥s1094 == Hi--Eddie Allen . THURSDAY EVE, o--. 7~Girl Talk y ral iby oor The Count of 5:00 P.M. i #10976 6:15 "P.M. enieaser pet Ls ai 4 , + r ; : 4--Headline News #-2--Say When pa be be f CHIEF, WHERE 1% |) BUFFALO BAYoU....| | I'M GOING DOWN THERE. " 3-Qu7 7=The Early Show a THE STEAM p tt oe oe $ re + 710 sisas aia é ; RIGHT AT THE FOOT || SEE WHAT TAKES PLACE,.... IF aaa wae Me | Sees es || fe Wasserman runner hal] KAMP AC GFA ZIRE | og ANH : lara $2-Word | pl jor aesep ob Sigua Z rite OT pln o-- r 5 4 newer yiaay peed eimuale Hop , " / c onains lead -- ace of dias i ' ¢ ; monds, ' {M--Family_ Theatre 1100-AM. 2--The Rifleman | y / 7 } ; Dear Mr. Becker: Th 8-2--Huntley Brinkley 9--Morning Magazine 400 P.M. | . a strangest thin, s have oe ie vam vam | SE Coneeniton | g-the_ Observe : : ning tome lately. I don't 9--Best of Groucho 3-Tombstone Territory | , . - 4 lain te tab acl Ghieds ad 7-6---News, Weather, tw hater 2--Today, 1964 ; ( We ~ : claim to be a good player, and Sports *g:15 P.M, -- ' I'm sure I'm not, but the fact® 4--The Honeymooners 11:30 A.M, 4-Headline News ; is I usually manage to come out rs Valley Days 1i--Albert J. Steed Show 3--Candid Camera Alber voaeatt®, PM ne ; X : ene in the games I play in. -2-- 11-9-8-4-3-2--News: Wea 7, lia Rs owever, I have been in a" 7:30 P.M, Re 1 ry ii vere Be ciom vah es Ce eee Prt vs «i CROSSWORD Wit bad losing streak recently, and ® 8-2--The Virginian 4--Pete and Gladys 6:45 P.M. ae seca ca eam s a it is starting to get under my | ah itd 12:00 NOON @2--Huntiey Brinkley skin. I not only lose when I[- 4--Chronicle we Report 1 PM. ° have bad hands, but also when ; +---Phil Silvers Show | eee %--Donna Reed ACROSS 49. On the 16. Shore 1 have good. hands Wor ex: 4 F | impression 7-6--News, Weather 1. A strong- high ----~ recess t Jae) P.M. 7--Maverick Sports siya ing 50. Skips, as 18. Hauls Pan hs ee" M4 6--Mr. Fix-it | 6--Elwood Glover 4--Bat Masterson rs bl astone 20.A ai: i fy sy i ado pat rae or valuables stone, ae a. : ; T was South and opened with* 2--Bishop Sheen : on water ship TOME OIE] 7 three notrump. Of c I 1--Michael Shayne 4-Speaker of the House | cs eal i prison AR] amg yon bg se : ni ATT [4 |know it was ni a perfect bid 5 MIA oo WIND? : CHIMES! i " jeven with 26 points, since I had 7 \no diamond stopper, but it seemed to me it was the best bid to make under the circum- | stances, Unfortunately, it turned out that West had a string of dia- monds and cashed the first ten tricks as I unhappily kept on Gsearding one good trick after 30 P.M. | om Bri 8-2--Dr. Kild : ' 31, Perished . Guido's ' - PS J a | Pg another, Not only that, but when Bescratye | S--matine &3--The 'Serial % peor. wd a Banquets highest bide ra | . Pq | West led the last diamond, 1 ESET un conn | Taternzer shew Tay three bem - Roug eee oT pare Kote ; / CWT 041 ee ; Fs . m (had to choose a discard from a = «Show 4~Meet the Millers 9:00 PM, lava é Si : é é £ ' ye ; < = ; »> Idi 4---Divorce Court V--Desiiv Bites 22, Cease It. stir the air . Bark . , : bay - 1 fe <2 holding of K-Q of spades, ace « . 10:00 P.M, 1:30 P.M. 9--Zero One 24, To some | Tz + We e GY . 2 of hearts and ace of clubs. ete Pas. Sew Ni--Mid-day Matinee Riana extent 4, L, 4 pein were a ae Pong S0-rie Biever Hee i eey es lag -| 26, Humor ce o Vy, point were the A-10- of spades.) 4--Tha Danny Kave Stow) 4---As The World Turns | 'in eh 28. Recline hy it couldn't atterd | ts _-- oat have | seen", oe Desisted Y discard, which would allow East 9--The Twilight Zone | ¢--The Millionaire 8-2--Hare: from. : 4 : wy TG Bay E t gecevges Ge eo a eke rhe Twilight SThe Mitona ba--Hare) exertion ie LE FORT CATARAQUI £6T TERMIME EN quate | [TINA y} Ms I discarded the ace of clubs. In 11:00 P.M, 7-Day, In Court ia ogc | Serie JOURS AX GRAND EMERVEILLEMENT DES 1ROQUONS| _|1) LAME ¢ QUE LE COMMERCE DES FOURRURES | |high glee, West now cashed the -4-3-- -- n r é YY 4 i eg viens 2--Let's Make A Deal b2_Kraft "Theatre | Legh tine if iy ] wma ms AUK ANGLAIG,' ee eel 2 4 a j 7--M ick ; 115 PLM. Hel ieks é-Altred Hitchcock Hour | 35. Hewing This time I discarded the ace of hearts, for want of anything o--~ 1 Irbank: 4--The Nurses tool Hanypal: Bale Set. Coser as t-Naked City 36. Ancient cor via 1-Day In. Court | 10:30 P.M, Baya. city better to do, whereupon West , 63--Scatlett Hill ye 38. Meadow cashed the eight of hearts and 7-4--Late Show 4--House Party Biers led a spade to his partner's ace. The result was that I lost all thirteen tricks -- going down 11:00 P.M. 39.'Pastry 11:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. | 11-9-0-7-6-4-3-2----News, 41, Line of ay} nine, 900 points -- despite my 26 \ MY) p high-card points! [x tars [>10) i iS Ganea P9--My Favorite Mart! 7:30 P.M. : J Patty boxe" age 12:30 P.M. 9--\he Outer Limits 7 | DOWN 23. Abyss- -+3--Red River Jamboree 9-1 Love Lucy /--The Flintstones .¢ . Part of es 4:30 PLM. | &-2--Truth o- Cok. cares 11, Sweet- alight 25. Kind of Consequences 2--87th Precinct smelling fixture duck Rio PISS ia} [ja >|-- a g iC it te wie tL) Re TIRE aa fe [OIGIE --7 Mick 9--Movie 1--Father K Best 27.8 AMBER NAO' --Father Knows Bes ral irl' 7. Form- 7--Farmer's Daughter =| & Movie Matinee 8:00 P.M. flower es oa pal M 4--Search for Tomorrow | 1l--Fractured Flickers 13. Correct 8 hape y OF Gis 4-Susrense | &--Death Valley Days 14. Apportion . Sea eagles used in . Cut, as 9:00 P.M, es | /--Donna Rea 15. Confer 5, Of the side woolen boards 4--Gulding Light | &3--The Lucy Show « * ij Yesterday's Answer : 0.F i i 3. Cuck tori Vencin; 1--Naked City 3--Movieé | *-Rawhide knighthood . Cuckoo factories 40. Fencing 8-2--Espionage scene RL upon , State of for carding sword oan Rec HillbIn ee Pe i-handtaey as 17. A cherished temper 29, Knock abe persis puted instal " 1i--Trave'lers Preview 9--To Tell The. Truth animal . Yearly 30. Lives collog, MICKEY MOUSE Ber -cecnenssea POM, @i--Musie 9-~<Here's Looking At You! Sports junction y 7 © %Plerre Berton Show | &2--Loretta Young | 1:15 P.M. . Indefinite ' 5 P - : i his S . a tanga Mow | erik Tie | Bx Matro. Fina eal. A= SRE WINS H( | 6Viewpoint : i i =a a Z 2a Ke i | ' i 2--Sam Benedict | +To fell Tre Tru 44, Indian- j \ A d i * -- pe rare We iT | Of course, I realize you may THURSDAY 3:30 P.M. BP Hg Beye apolis = Fm CONFERENCE. ,FRONTENAC SE JOINT y { if a M4 h I : W |think this hand. never Segerred $:00 A.M. N--Randy Dandy pee 43 ital rea -- EST UN SUCCES.. > by AUX CELEBRATIONS Wy My Ws £4 at all, and I would not blame fe 4-Coptain Kangaroo | Sa-vou Dont Say |11--Muste go srombow 0 220narn wad? MLO "SNOW NIBRTAT NL WI 9MOT g"M497909 V51A7DBEHOD AML 7, signana 007 one sows yts |you one bit for thinking that. In £:30 A.M. 7--Queen For A Day 9--Plerre Berton Show 48, Send forth, FAVG BNI MI AIHSINIS 1 NOVEVLY? 1903 : JL LNaw32y IV MLM O90NAIK8 51 37VEdn |fact, if you look at the date, ee 6-3---Friendly Glant 6--Feature Showcase }) BENG SOc, you may h. ne * 9--Cartoons 4--Edge of Night 3--Thriller as rays you ay nave even more re \son for disbelieving my story. Cordially yours, Constant Read- - er, LES CANADIENS MR. JAMES McCANSH, * : Treasurer, Easter Seal Campaign, 20 Simeoe Street, North, q @ fave ie 9 OSHAWA, ONTARIO 'Ontarle Society for Crippled Children Do It Now...Without Delay? |", _ The University of California se- ismograph recorded a "'moder- ate to severe" earthquake at - - - : BeR um : m= 7 8S WA 1:05 a.m. PST today in the CAPER) OL SELL pices pase Bsr ikon wriar WarTERs 50, LOG oo ARE you W@ have parence? THEY / WONDER IF THERE'S A CONNECTION North Pacific near the epicen- MEMORABLE RUNTY LI'L WILLYO"MARRY ME? ALLAH / CABINS" $0 FIRED UP WANT WATER ~~ NOT : BETWEEN THE WATER DIVINER'S ARRIVAL AND tre of Good Friday's devastat-_ [AIS APPEALS GOT IS A BROKEN- DOWN ANS THe ee pemast NG \08 Alaska quake. : TOME. LOG CABIN, AN' TWO ; Seismologist Tom Tureotte ILLYUN DOLLARS!' Y7J 4 yyy, said the tremor was estimated wT Ls. to be about 900 miles northwest | CAG of Berkeley--placing it between the Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island. Turcotte said today's quake * registered between 6 and 6.5 on the Richter scale. The Alaska quake registered 8.6. Turcotte said it could not be determined immedi- ately whether today's earthe . quake had any connection with Friday's shattering tremor, LOOK, RELAX! SOME FOLKS { > There have been numerous. GET SPRING FEVER... YOU GET assess /# || |aftershocks since the Alaska ROBINS IN YOUR WATER-PAN ! quake. he Tun A check with Anchorage in- verage dames - | f ip |dicated the tremor was not felt --> £9 .1/, ss" ae . 4 ei Fed al vw é ip ™ THE IONE RANGER in populated regions of Alaska. SALLY'S SALLIES yan MUGGS AND SKEETER POTTER WAS RAISED BYA | B) MAIDEN AUNT IN EASTMORE I -THATS UPSTATE. THE OLD LADY SAID HE WAS A DREAMY| | ABOUT HIM IN TWO YEARS \ "TYPE. DIDN'T DO WELL IN UNTILT CALLED HER SCHOO THIS MORNING, IT'S NO USE! Z UST CAN'T ' Tights resarved. TAKE EDDIE HEARN SAYS HE HAS SOME MORE INFORMATION "George seldom gives me any pin money. But this is a wome THOUGHT YOU'D LIKE derful substitute." TO HEAR IT; EVE. WOULD, BEEN UPALL NIGHT - JULIET JONES Landscaping Call NOW 623-5757 AN BELLE GARDEN 3 Miles east of Pshawe Highway No. 2 Ze © King Features Syndicate, lnc, 1964. World. NI THINGS | TN (PE BEFORE WEWeRE "UII ] [7 Now vou Just "II! baal beast CERTAINLY CHANGE] { MARRIED, REMEMBER ) C ' : WELL, I - NLY C LIFT YOUR FEET = | TIME MARCHES }! GOSH, ALL THAT ) . p AFTER PEOPLE HOW YOU USEDTO .>,aa SOICAN y ik ON | COMMOTION ' SWEEP ME OFF Mes C "sweep rg ae, Ht Sas , f 9 LG e% ee CAL? Sie l > : "Are # ie } : y f oy! 7 AND JUST BECAUSE 1. AND SAID. SOMETHING \f MY LITTLE BROTHER SHE THOUGHT SOUNPED } LIKE "GRANOMA'/ oy 4 | @ Awnings | J A nn @ Patios || @ Siding ete. EXTRA SPECIAL | 1%4" SELF. |srorine" O95 DOORS Installation $6.00 Extre HOLGDY SALES | 30. GRENFELL 725-2431 ce Syecicate, ln. OA. Wath sight peeurved GRANDMA © Kins Fest: