{ } 11 THE OSHAWA Timds, ~Wedeesdey, April 1, 1964 NOXILUARIE , | " State Houn: 3 Open Daily SIMCOE STREET UCW 7 The "March meeting of the 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. fioodwill Unit 7 Simcoe Street United Church was held recently with Mrs. Everett Warne pres- ding. A short business meeting was held. Members were told of the Smorgasborg to be held at Church May 2, and tickets ---- for sale. | i proceeded to the chapel for the final mid-week jentel sg ne A film was shown by im e Reverend John . Moffat entitled "In the steps of 'the Master," and 'Triumph and f pet The members attended social reception for all new members of the Church. Several @f the members of the Goodwill a 7 helped to serve refresh- ents. i FIRST BAPTIST WA | The monthly meeting of the yA of First Baptist Church was eld in the home of Mrs, Gerald Barron, Burke street. ' The president, Mrs. Ralph opson, opened the meeting with a prayer and a hymn "The ©ld Rugged Cross" was sung. rs. George Hall was in charge f the devotional period, and gave a most interesting talk on Easter." Mrs, George Whit- read read the scripture from it. Mark 16 verses 1-14. The business period followed. : tters of thanks from sick and| : d a% co Ae ee . ut-ins vers read. The group| ! "One a , ee 1 ae pe? La 1 TOP! re asked to cater for al | . : ' : ' ee nquet, May 3, for the Brother-| _ a Y Gy y : od. Plans will be made at; (> _ es i is without Cash xt months meeting, which will Be held in the home of Mrs. 4 ' - ' i ss / ter Wellman, Jarvis street. er --_-- Ge ee e ' , SHOP ST. LUKE'S GUILD f : ¥ "FP i : By WITH A Luke's Ladies' Guild held} | ee : ee j ' ; K-MART montly meeting at the a : : j 56 we : @ Y | h recently. Due to the ab- i f , : ee j ' CREDIT CARD of the president, the vice- ya ' : uy 4 dent, Mrs. Melville Henry, le meeting opened with a followed by the Lord's . The scripture was read s. Donald Sinclair. §. Gilbert Brown and Mrs. i " . Stacey sang an Easter ™ ' steppe oo i New and eft, Ici ae any 3 ent blast; h Jac = OS ne : Plastic ¢ Besser. es] Be DURO-COTE PALLON "0 or Rol ia), were welcomed into the) | gy f COMPLET, be Dup, Sorrespondence was read| i: Pp Al N T H URRY! E ASSORTME d deait with. i. US NT OF Mrs. Harold Davidson and F Mant ONLY Ss A a Mxs. Adam Morris were ap- i $ 3 ; i olnted for the entertainment i High Quality, once a year 1 000 GAL ! tie the -- sup-} i sale. Take advantage of this 5 per being ne in April. rum- | '4 a inage sale would be held in the| | remarkable special. White AT THIS PRA Building on April 22 and) = { L.B, Interior Latex Paint and Ex- vihts | HE terior House Paint. SPECIAL PRICE ' Mrs, Albert Hambly, Oshawa, {vho has spent the past two sum- mers in Northern Quebec obser- ving the Eskimos, gave a most prone on age WOMENS: ALL-WEATHER GIRL"S AND BOYS' ALL-WEATHER * é slides as well as articles made fae by the Eskimos on display. At sini ei the conclusion a vote of thanks es | was extended to the speaker by \ rh Mrs.. Morley Johnson on be- j half of the Guild. Refreshments were served by ; g - GIRLS Ss. iel Park d Mrs. on ios em es All-Weather Pop-O-Lin 34 length or ! : : Reversible Heavy Poplin all-weather coats. | STORIE PARK AUX. ' full length styles. An assortment of beige, ' The Storie Park Ladies Aux- e Each one is fastened down front with 4 Hiary met for its March meet- brown, blue and navy colera, Colors é fF "= buttons, collar and 2 slash pockets, Choose dl ler gag eis as are not available in all styles, si "J from beige/navy, beige/brown, beige/ j ' The meeting was opened with ' Sizes 8 to 18, : teeta. Hii Mrs. Jerome Hickey, president, : prints and plaids/beig presiding. } . g : ; ' ' hn will be a plastic ware Ni 4 os f : COLORFUL demonstration held at the Club- house on Wednesday evening 4 ee we ? April 1. Refreshments will be Gis BOYS d donated by the members. iF i : : ps as , There will be a cosmetic dem- R ible H Popli onstration held at the Clubhouse eversible Heavy Poplin coats, on the evening of May 6. 4 q PA2 pockets with flaps, collar and Embossed metal waste baskets in attractive ! Mrs. T. H. Jollow was elected| ge F . corresponding secretary. | ve : La fastened down front with 4 but- designs for your selection, ; Mrs. -John MacDonald won the : ' i i Line setts _. o : | tons. A selection of navy/beige ' | Refreshments were served by Cs S j and brown/beige. ¢€ Mrs, Sargant and Mrs. Jollow. : i é ee ce | CENTRE STREET UCW ' a De Pe ' é EACH i Mrs. Peroy Fletcher presided at the monthly meeting of Cen- tre Street UCW held recently jn the chapel. ! Mrs. Eldon Southwell reported| lowers sent bereaved, sick and| fatin ig Bigg ng i Ny GIRLS' SIZES GIRLS' SIZES BOYS' SIZES Scag 1s puck cmd coding, hi 4 to 6x 4 to 6x Attractive crystal plastic in cut de- to the April, meeting for the! j 4 a Haze overseas bale and missions in| j y hee ': : i Western Canada. A bake sale is Fe : % S > ; ; fe sign -- Plate size planned for Friday, May 22 : a Loh, * t e & he # 1444" diam. and €entre Street UCW members @ ee " a ave been invited to Westmount} Le ee op Rese 4¥2"' deep cover. § for its UCW meeting April 21. A ; ide BEG: ei, \ | The theme of the devotional! Ce a edness La Spe : bss was "Darkness and --_ Xe! we ight', With blowing out and gay ' iting nee' te fe - BOYS' LAMINATED NYLON meaning was depicted. Those aking part were Mrs. Fred , ; vraham, Mrs. Leonard Rogers | rs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. Man- é gell Gerrow and Mrs. Cyril : Ties LADIES' STROLLER ' Mrs. Ross Stevens, Bowman- gla ee 27. A L L-WEATH ti COA T$ : . "a > Windbreakers with 2 slash pockets, knitted LAU N DRY TUB Ne ale p Regs fist de Conse: ; cuffs, collar and waistband, An assortment . Nace thas visited thelr mission. All-Weather Pop-O-Lin stroller length coats. Lange Deluxe Plastic laundry tub in thaea$ Sis Beige, brown, blue, navy, pink and green of sizes, Loden, brown and teal blue colors. gry daughter. anire fea: ae. ee an assortment of colors. Tub ' : ye ; CALVARY BAPTIST WMS ; . u "" ' The regular meeting of Cal- , Reg. $9.95 Value ' : size 20" x 10", vary Baptist WMS was held re- rently. The meeting opened with K-MART % he singing of Easter hymns and lhe scripture reading. SPECIAL Mrs. John Dugan brought an j PRICE . 3 saster message and Mrs. Car- men Westlake and Mrs. Thomas Grant sang a duet, 'Teach Me) io Pray". Mrs, Niven Aitken} bave a reading based on the unbelief of Thomas. j The meeting closed with a hymn and a prayer by Mrs Reuben Northey. I , TUFTS TIPS SF Te 8 ee oes 5