atfending our school? It could be, school, for.the sake of the safe- that part of the whole Township|ty of the children on a busy would be using our particular!highway. school," Similarly, since all softball teams in the Township are using the Brougham Park, because it is only one of the. two parks sold or given away, the villagers claimed, and must be maintain- ed throughout the duration of the tenure. And, they said, every public building must have facil- ities. A resolution was moved by Al sidewalk to the Brougham Park, both along Highway 7. The meeting learned that in 1961 the then Council approved a sidewalk to the park, that De- partment of Highways approval was obtained at the time, and 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, March 31, 1964 Residents To Fight For Future Of Brougham Hall RENOVATE STATION PORTESHAM, England (CP) . A Dorset railway station closed A rare kidney transplant operation was performed at St. Joseph's Hospital in Lon- don, Ont., Saturday. Dr. Lionel Reese, left, an urolo- gist, and Dr. S, E, Carroll, a vascular surgeon, prepare the kidney taken from a wo- LIVE KIDNEY TRANSPLANTED man donor for transplant to a 21-year-old man. The opera- tion took nearly five hours. --(CP Wirephoto) | Apple Growers Plan BROUGHAM -- A quiet and] Of late the South Ontario orderly group of ratepayers|Health Unit has declared the from the Village of Brougham/hall unfit for the serving of food and district gathered in the/until proper facilities have been Township Hall on March 25 to|jnstalled -- running water and discuss matters that concerned|proper washrooms. Pickering them and the future of their|/Township Council, in setting up community. its budget, has not provided for Ross Knox was appointed|these improvements. Chairman of the meeting, and; It was stated at the meeting Jack Shepherd secretary, that the old building was given The matter of concern to the;ic the Township by the citizens ratepayers was the future of the of Brougham long ago, that it Township Hall in Brougham, ajwas the property of the Town- sturdy building which has been|ship, and would be as long as used by Township residents, par-|there was a Township Council. ticularly those of the north part,) By reason of the Munijcipal for more than 100 years. 'Act, such a building cannot be ship Hall. Wilson and seconded by W. H. Pridmore that a delegation ap- pear before Council at the next meeting to ask that proper facil- ities be installed in the Town- If this submission fails, a fur- ther meeting will be held by the ratepayers, at which they will attempt in some way to save the life of the building NEED FOR SIDEWALKS For a- numberof years, the ratepayers in Brougham have been attempting to get a side- walk to the school, for the safe- ty of their youngsters, and a that an amount was budgeted for this purpose. No action has been taken on this, or a pre- vious request for a sidewalk to the school. down in 1952 verted into a spinsters, which has a lighting system, the meeting felt that the sidewalk should be a township-wide proj- ort building, has been con: home by_ two They spent. £2,00¢ decorating and furnishing the When Donald Gibson suggest-|_ A resolution was passed that Council again be approached for the building of a sidewalk to the park, and a sidewalk to the NEED... | FUEL OIL ? Call PERRY Day or Night 723-3443 ed that nothing seemed to be getting done about these mat- ters and perhaps the sidewalks should be a local improvement charge against the community, Mrs. Stewart McGuckin said: "Why. should we pay for the sidewalks because with the new Township Area School coming in 1965, we don't know what chil- dren of the Township will be 728-9474 THE KEY To The SALE LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 KING EAST, OSHAWA _ KODAK FLASH CAMERAS "a Vote On Advertising BOWMANVILLE During} Processors who buy apples di- the week of April 6, Ontariojrectly from producers will be r apple growers will vote on an/quired to deduct the levy from Apple Advertising and Promo-jmoney owing the producer and tion program. The program willjremit it to the Association. In provide for a levy of 3c perjaddition, the Association will] bushel of fresh apples, 4c perjundertake to contract with cold cwt. on processing apples, and/storages to add the amount of 2¢ per cwt, on juice apples. The|the fees to the growers storage money will be used to stimulate,|charge on the apples. In this 'increase, and improve the mar-| way it is expected that proces- keting of apples grown in On-|sors and cold storages will be tario by advertising, promotion,/the means of collecting a sub- publicity, marketing research, |stantial proportion of the fees. new product development, an") The producer will be held re- oy providing information serv-|sponsible for paying directly to ices to producers and others. |the Association the levy on any The program is being set. upjof his apples that are not levied under Section 12 of the Ontariojat storage or processor level. Farm Products Marketing Act.|The producer will be required to This. Section of the Act providesjremit on a quarterly basis for that where an Association of|Sales in each quanier, and at producers of a farm productithe same time, a quarterly re- wishes to improve the market-|port will be filed with the On- ing of that product by adver-|tario Farm Products Marketing} he Apple Section will be on/ 1and to discuss the proposed piogram and to answer any questions that growers may! |have, After this the vote will be} taken, It is anticipated that} either the local fruit or vege- table fieldman or the agricultur- al representative will be on hand to act as a returning offi-| cer. All apple growers present} at the meeting will be asked to} sign for a ballot certifying that they are app'e growers and have not voted at a previous meeting. The ballot will contain the} question '"'Are you in favor of the proposed Ontario Apple Pro-| motion Program?" the producer} will be asked to indicate' yes or} no. The producer will then' seal his ballot in individual envelopes provided with the ballot. and tising, promotion, and similar|Board giving the number' of/hand in the sealed envelope to means, the government, on the|bushels sold during the quarter|the returning officer. All sealed advice of the Farm Products|broken down into fresh, process-|ballots will be forwarded to the} Marketing Board, may establishjing and juice sales and also to| Ontario Farm Products Market- Such a program requiring elljstate how many bushels of un-|ing Board, At the completion of producers to pay fees to thejsold fruit are still on hand and all the meetings, the Board will Association, The government,|where these are stored or held.|count the ballots in the presence of course, will not establish a/This information will be con-|of representatives program until it is satisfied) sidered confidential by the from the Apple Section, I? a maiority of that a majority of producers|Boad and will be used in the|those voting are in favor of the want such a program. The Apple Section of the Qn- tario Fruit and Vegetable Grow- ers' Association has made a re-| quest to the Farm Products} Marketing Board for the apple program. The Board has pre-| pared a set of regulations in| consultation with the Directors) of the Apple Section and the) Board has now asked that the} Association conduct a vote of| enforcement of the program since this information will be checked against storage records,\~-- processor purchases, and the! growers own sales records in instances where there is any| doubt about full payment of the levy. CAN APPEAL In the event that a grower feels he is being dealt with un- justly for any reason, there will program it will be put into ef- fect for the 1964 crop 50 Tobacco Growers Fight Rights Transfers BURFORD, Ont. (CP)--More than 50 tobacco growers out ot! apple growers to determine {f albe a right of appeal to the about 250 present signed a pe-| majority are in favor. Further information on the apple advertising and promotion} program will be outlined at a} meeting in the Newcastle Town| Hall on April 7 at 8 p.m. Under the. regulations every} producer will be required to pay] the fees to the Association on all| apples produced by him at the| rate of 3c a bushel for fresh! market apples, 4c per cwt. on processing apples except juice| which will be at the rate of 2c! per cwt. St. John Corps Plans Ajax Program = AJAX (Staff) -- Since last year's course conducted by the! Ontario Farm Products Market- ing Boara, The collection program that is proposed has been developed by the Apple Section after careful study of plans elsewhere such as New York and Michigan, The proposed program is patterned fairly closely after the very suc- cessful program in operation in New York State. It has been estimated that the program will raise in excess of $80,000 based on average crops of the past five years and assuming the same break-down as between fresh, processing and juice as has prevailed in recent years. The money will be spen! to stimulate, increase and improve the marketing of Ontario apples using three main apnroaches.| first advertising, promotion and) publicity for apples. and apple products, This will include direct radio, TV, newspaper and maga-| zine advertising, point of sale} St. John Ambulance 'Associa-|material, package inserts, press tion was so successful, ajreleases to food edi'ors and similiar series of lessons are|commentators, contests, distri- being planned for April and bution of recipe book'ets, films tition Monday asking that trans- 'er of tobacco growing rights from one farm to another be stopped. The meeting was called by Edward Sevier of Princeton, a former director of the Ontario} Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers') Marketing Board. The petition] will be submitted to the board | Mr. Sevier said that last year} 2,000 acres were transferred to| circumvent a 40 per cent acre-| age cut. The. board has called for a 55 per cent cut this year in an effort to halt over-produc-| tion, Similar meetings have been called for Straffordville and Ayl-| mer but dates have not been| set | Freezing May | Hurt Early Southern Crops. ATLANTA, Ga. (AP)--Tender| May 'if sufficient interest is| shown. | The main features as far as industrial employees are con- cerned is the provision of du- plicate sessions so that employ- ees on shift work can attend as well as those on regular hours. The afternoon course is also attractive to housewives, al- though both sessions are open to the general public to whom the cost is $4.00 per person. The course is comprised of} one, two-hour session a week for eight weeks and will prob-| ably be held on Wednesday} evenings and afternoons, start-; ing early April and running to early June. In order to assist the Cham- and apple displays in suitable|¢atly crops of the southern and!| places; secondly by research Southeastern United States into new products, packages and faced the threat of heavy addi- marketing methods; thicdly by|tional damage Monday from an information services to growers|Easter weekend blast of freez-| and others on apple crop condi-/ing weather. tion. size of pack, storage hoid-| The cold air mass which top- ings, marketing and product re-|pled low temperature marks in} search developments, »romotion|14 states already had wiped out| and advertising programs and/Ppeach crops in sections of Geor-| any other apple industry in-/gia, Alabama, North and South| formation deemed important to/Carolina and heavily damaged| producers. budding orchard crop? in other| The Association will maii a/areas | copy of the proposed regulations) Hard-freeze and frost warn- for the Ontario Apple Promotion|ings were issued as far south| Program to all apple growers|as north Florida for Monday| on its mailing list towards the|night. end of the month. Apparently hardest hit by During the week of April 6)Monday temperatures was the! the Association will take a vote|Piedmont section of South Car-| among apple growers to see ifjolina which produces about 70| they are in favor of the Apple|per cent of the state's $20,000,-| ber of Commerce in organizing) promotion program. A total of|000 peach crop. Temperatures! the course, persons interesied|1¢ meetings, conducted by the/dropped as low as 12 degrees.| should telephone the secretary,|Joca] fruit growers' associations) The weather bureau warned! Mrs. Fallon at 942-6186 as early|wi]: be held across the Prov-|south Georgia farmers the tem- as possible in any case. before 'nce peratures could damage tobacco Monday, April 6th. | At each meeting a member of'plant beds and tomato plants. BROWNIE Siu CAMERAS These snapshot cameras make.color slides, too? STARMATIC makes good clear pictures automatically with electric eye black and white or color prints as well as color slides. Compare at 39.95 ....--.... BROWNIE FLASH 20 adjustable for close-ups, groups or scenes built-in flash. Compare at 19.95 STARLET Big eye-level finder makes black and-white or color prints plus color slides. Compare at 7.95 STARFLASH Built-in flash, makes black and white or color prints Bslides. Compare at 14.45 Pa COCO ORCC HOH OREO ECAC CHOCO COERCED COCO LOCO EEC oe Ce eCeS STARFLEX OUTFIT bd Big reflex finder provides perfect composition. Makes black and white or color prints plus color slides complete with flash, flim, and flash bulbs. Compare at 20.50. ....- SAVE $3.96 AND MORE EVEREADY LEATHER CASES FOR ALL KODAK CAMERAS eeeeececceseeceosoecs ide Cases to fit: Starflash, Starmite, Flash 20, Hawkeye, Starma- bax tic, Ony Il, Pony 1V, Brownie Movie Cameras, Automatic 8 Movie Cameras, Compare at $5.95 or more 1 99 PS all clearing at one low price + « ESAVE UP TO 64.55 MOVIE CAMERAS ARGUS CINETRONICM3 Electric Eye Turret 8 mm. Lifetime guarantee : . Compare at 139.50 FAARGUS M3 MATCHMATIC fz 8 mm. Turret with exposure meter. Lifetime 74.95 99.95 Guarantee. ... Compare at 99.50 BELL & HOWELL Triple Turret 8 mm Sunometer Model with electric eye....... Compare at 99.95 BELL & HOWELL Zoom Electric Eye 8 mm. full automatic. Compare 119.50 49.95 14.95 | @eeceoeveveveveoeaeeeoeTaeeeseeeneeeoee @eeeesdeod ON CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES Karn's Spring PHOTO EQUIPMENT SALE Starts Tomorrow SAVE ON ; AT SPECIAL, SAVINGS Minolta system of single-lens-reflex with famous red-green signal AGFAMATIC CAMERAS COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE MINOLTA SR-1 Treat yourself to the joy of owning this world-famous single-iens-reflex camera at an unbelievably low price. You get an f/1.8 Rokkor lens, one of the world's best; automatic diaphragm f/stop pre- selection and reopen; instant-return mir- ror; focal plane shutter with speeds to 1/500 ; FP and X fiash synchroniza- tion; depth-of-field preview; built-in self-" timer; shoe: that takes accessory meter, Cameras AGFAMATIC II complete with leather case. ; Compare at 103.95.....- Pe ere YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKES Mistake-proof 79.88 Ceoee ese eceseeoesreccesreeeseeeses with Eveready Leather Case | AGFAMATIC II1 complete with leather case. .. 'Compare at 133.50 159.00 r= of the many precision accessories avail- : 1 KODAK SLIDE PROJECTORS 14 interchangeable lenses Accessory lenses for the Minolta SR-1 range in focal length from the 35-mm., f{/2.8 Auto-Rokkor wide-angle to the 600-mm., £/5.6 Tele-Rokkor. Such ver- satile lenses as the 50-mm., £/3.5 Macro Rokkor and the 80 to 160-mm., f/3.5 Zoom Rokkor are designed for use with the Minolta SR-1, at amazingly low prices... Automatic CAVALCADE Model f 500 watt with automatic tray system remote 74 95 control feautres. Compare 189.50 . . ee 2 KODAK '500" Model B 500 watt with universal or famous "Airequipt'" Tray compelte with carrying case. Comp. 86.50 28 accessories Owning a Minolta SR-1 opens up many fields of photography to you by means 99.95 able. These include extension tubes and bellows for hyperclose-up work; micro- Scope adapter; copying stand; photo- oscillograph unit; and micrp photo unit, RADIANT GLASS BEADED SCREENS on sturdy tripod base 9.88 11.88 Save $10 ON THE Yashica EDITOR II 90% 80 .. 63652544... Mim... 2G... NEW ANSCOCHROME 50 Color Slide film 35 mm. Se a ce a PSG 3.19 20 EXPOSURE ROLLS ROLLS 88 3 FOR 8. UNIVERSAL SLIDE TRAYS Carsen Permaflex -- Reg. 3 1,49 SPECIAL AT KARN'S 28 KING ST. EAST 79 PHONE 723-4621 pelted diner tndh ddd tnt nade i i ee oe ar ae gr are ere are ahaa er er hae BIT