20 THEOSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 31, 1964 se Vatican Hardens | Attitude To Reds. MILLER ism, were aimed against a new By GERALD € VATICAN CITY. (AP) -- The|Soviet campaign to promote! p-ocident Johnson has called e framework of a tough new Vat-|atheism. le Gh jnvetigution: oF the Get place in the food industry. i : thein food prices' in the United after the first|Pope might be reacting to set states -- the spread between) Holy Week of Pope Paul's'reign.|hacks that many have arisen in what producers get and on-| The hardening emerged injnegotiations to settle the cases symers | speeches delivered by the pon-\of Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty' would be on meat prices toward communism; Other sources thought iian stood out t tiff during the week. He also|o¢ Hungary and Archbishop: Jo- again stressed the search forice; Beran. of Czechoslovakia. end press conferences, Johnson) Christian unity and closer ties)phe two prelates can't perform gjso: between the Roman Catholics) yastoral duties because of con- sy eed or eke wiiin flict with the Communist re-| By Ase y -/gimes. | ss oy 3 veg Aypatlingy vag Other sources thought the} emed Communist freatment|pope's new policy might be; ; concerned with halting) i nother | more W alti So lpaa ees \the growth of Italy's flourishing i S 5|C is rgest in n his first Easter spcech as|Communist party, largest, pore' Sen veeed atbelsts and| Western Europe. Italian Com- those who oppose re'ig:on to ac-|munists gained 1,000,000 votes cept God. lin last year's general election His Good Friday speech was|and many conservatives ey the strongest papal condemna-|Pope John. | LBJ Orders } American Pilots who were! shot down by the Russians over East Germany. Johnson covered these and an array of- other topics in the li- brary-office of the big LBJ, ranchhouse, | » 8 Meat Price | One announcement was that the president was preparing to. Probe In U S ask Congress for legislation to eeicreate a bipartisan commis- sion of 15 members to study JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP)--|changes he said are taking pay. The emphasis} At one of his surprise week-) --Took issue with Senator J.) W. Fulbright's criticai views . of administration policy to- a ward Cuba and Panama. --Said he is planning to visit) SMART WOMEN ... pockets of poverty and unem-| have their carpets and uphol- | ployment at some time notif stery cleaned. "The Safe Way' |) yet set. But he ec 'not in-/ by tend to make a flying trip to} DURACLEAN 728-8518 4 view Alaskan earthquake! areas. --Hailed the release of two} tion of communism since the | reign of Pope Pius XII, who died in 1958. | Paul's Easter speech from) the loggia of St. Peter's Basil- ica was taken as both an ap- peal and a demand to Commu-| nists to mend their ways. | His predecessor, Pope John XXIII, never wavered on doc- trinal opposition to communist philosophy and dictatoria! meth- ods, But John sough' to ease) world tension and improve the situation of Catholie; in Jron Curtain countries by showing patience and chartty in dealing) with communism. There was some speculation in vatican circles that new measures against Catholicism by Red regimes was responsi- ble for the Pope's attitude. } Some Vatican sourses consid- ered that the Pope's speeches, Return from Property Management Course Mr. Richard A. Young, Vice President and Mr. Steve Eng- lert, Sales Representative have been attending the University Extension Course for Property Managers provided through the Institute of Real Estate Management, in Pittsburg, Pa. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 16 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-1121 STEVE ENGLERT RICHARD YOUNG particularly his words on athe-/ Your Travel Agent knows a thing or two! He knows that TCA has a new daily non-stop jet service between Toronto and London--your fastest, easiest way to Britain this summer. He knows that TCA (with BOAC) offers you up to 3 jets a day to daylight flight on Saturdays! He knows all about TCA's one-stop services to Europe; and how TCA Toronto to France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Ireland without chan Britain--including a can fly you direct from ge of plane--up to 28 CAMPING FUN BEGINS AT EATON'S "TOUR-LITE" TRAILER Off-the-ground sleeping for six adults in a spacious 7 x 12' area. 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