THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Merch 31, 1964 17-- 32--Articles For Sale herdion, new! SEO CHESTERFIELD 'and chair suitable ~~ or recreation room, .$25. Tele - --Real Estate For Sale METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 27--Real Estote For Sale GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 27--Real Estete For Sele (2 L. S. SNELGROVE CO LTD. rtments UNSET _ »"" "GARDEN APARTMENTS 27--Real Estate for Sale {27--Real Estate For Sale |28--Real Estate Wonted 1 hi will 9A Imesiate occupancy. Write Box 771, Osh utomobiles For Sole 1957 CHEVROLET REALTOR, for client has large down payment. Cali|No. rust. qT i Finer Homes Bill Johnston of Ralph Vickery Real Es- 1953 CH JOHN F, DeWITH| RALPH VICKERY fis2=" en WANTED older home in fair tires, pig i slabagd ne, ee MOTOROLA CAR RADIO cally |tie radio, like new. Sethe seek Hi 945 Simcoe North BRAND NEW BACHELORS One Bedroom - Apartments Some with Balconies Some have Patios | - Controlled Entrances, Electric Heating. Drapes, Electric Renge 'and Refrigerator sup- ied. Each floor has Laundry foci- lities, locker and storage space. "Parking Area Suitable Adult Family. Rents $93 up Built by KASSINGER. CONSTRUCTION Leased by SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King St. West Telephorie 723-2265 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, possession| April 8 heavy wiring, central location. Apply 180 Bruce Street between 47. 26---Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 CHURCH Street, 174, two large furnished reoms, light housekeeping facilities, pri- vate entrance. Gentleman preferred. Ap- ply address above. CEDAR STREET, 1351. Double bedroom, for lady or gentleman, private home, home privileges, parking space, $8. week. 723-3326. DIVISION STREET, 25 -- dovble fturnich- edroom for two ladies or gentlemen, willing. to share, clean- and spacious, ample parking, main floor. COLLEGE HILL area. Furnished or un- furnished. Ladies preferred. Immediate possession. Private entrance. Telephone 725-3756. MITSON NORTH, 105--Room for yentle- man, willing to shore, single beds. Call after 4:30 p.m. 725-1300. FURNISHED bedroom, newly decorated, private bath, clean, in quiet home, Eng- lish sneaking. Abstainer preferred. Call 728-2124. LARGE singie room, in quiet clean home. Five minutes from downtown. Only: gen- JUST er en Reg Bi bungalow wi ly hedged storm windows ail around. Spotlessly clean and newly decorated ; od Just one block off si St. North in o Pratt well kept neighbourhood. KING ST. EAST--Desirable corner locotion with 249 ft. frontage on King St. Zoned R2A with a 2 storey: brick building on property, -Imme- diate possession. Priced at $29,500. GLENFOREST STREET -- 3 BUILDING THIS SPRING! We have a lot 75 x 200 ft. on Elizabeth Crescent. Builder is looking for someone to build a home for. Lots in this oreo are not very plentiful so if you have plans and are look- ing for o lot give us a coll today. COMMERCIAL LOCATION-- Bond St. West---40 ft. front- age with a 3 bedroom bun- gatow with good basement ond hot woter oil eee BW property. Full price $14,900. DREW STREET -- 7 room brick home in spotless condi- tion. Large modern kitchen with lots of built in cup- boords, double sink and tiled wolls. Storms and screens' for all windows and new garage. Close to schools. Full price $12,500. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-- T.V. Appliance soles and ser- vice business in Oshawa vicin- ity. No direct competition. Store with very reasonoble rent has good stock of well known brand applionces in- cluding. T.V. and Hi-Fi, health reason for disposing of business. Priced ot a very reascnable $8,000 including stock. OLIVE AVENUE ----- 4 room brick bungalow with gorage ond new furnace. Suitable for REALTORS 723-9810 - 725-8761 43 Park Rd. S. DUPLEX 2 self-contained i , both rented, income $1,440, good location, north west section, full list price $10,500, terms c 4 BEDROOMS Clean and well kept home, tiled walls in kitchen ond bathroom, 13 x 20: ft living room, play room in basement, central focation on Park Rd. N., asking $12,900 with 000 down. ANNIS ST. TV tower, complete for 900 with $1,400 down, SIMCOE ST. N. AREA 6 room famiy home in well kept condition, hot woter heating, gorage, asking only $10,500 with terms. NORTH CITY LIMITS 5 room, 3 bedroom bungalow, fully modern, nice location, clean condition, gerage, full price only $10,500 with terms. 4 BEDROOMS Brick and stone home, locoted just off Simcoe St. N. an ideol home for the growing family. in. one of. Oshawa's better locations, beautifully landscaped fot with double gorage, reasonable down pay- ment and ene monthly pay- ment on the balance FARMS 100 Acres, good clay loam land, tiled drained, clean form home with conveniences, good barn with hydro and water, located north of Sun- derland, asking $16,000 with $5,000 asking $24,000 with terms. 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 2 bedroom home North West aape nly ek BON i ores ion loys. rag aren bus, at your pong Be Listed for, only $70,900 with $1,000 down Full 2 storey 6 room house 11 yeors i Brick veneer, paved drive, gerage. Well re Teas od lot, lots of shrubs. Storms and screens complete. Modern kitchen, new 4 piece tiled both, forced air oi! fur- nace. Possession May Ist, and listed at only $13,900 with $3,900 down. CENTRAL Full 2 storey brick home. Close to ge ge mage S, block eset this home in very nice condition and priced at only $13,500. $2,000 down. May Ist possession. Hurry this won't last! LAST CALL For your benefit contact us mow to trade your home on a mew electric heated home with or without garage, fully landscoped lot, buy now be- fore April first and take ad- vantage of $500.00 winter works bonus, which will be returned to you so act fast. WANT TO TRADE? Sure--we'H trode a brand new home in Downsview Park with electric heat, fully land- scoped lot; ond all the ex- tras for your older home, and allow you sufficient time to sell your own home first. This way you can get top dollar for your home with all the risks eliminoted--Went to talk it over--call this office tonight --We'll fill you in complete- ly. NEW HOMES 1400 Sq, Ft. Where can you duplicate this offer? Luxurious new homes with double attached garage end completely decorated on large choice lots in prestige north end. Only $19,600. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE. Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. Phone 623-3950 50 Acres with house, barn stream. Locoted 5 Miles north of Bowmanville, All machinery included. Asking $15,000. Terms. 18 Acres with house and barn on paved road. Asking $7,500. Terms. ORONO, 8 Roomed bungalow in excellent state of repair. All) modern conveniences. Nice location. Asking $12,- Terms. ver, BLACKSTOCK, home in village. $5900. with $1,000. WHITBY, Centre street, 5 Roomed, nice clean bunga- low with garage. All modern conveniences. Price and terms arronged. AJAX, North, Harwood Ave. Nice clean 5 Roomed bung- alow with all modern con- veniences. Gorage. Anxious to sell, SHAWA, Lawson Road, 4 Roomed home on good size lot. Asking $6,500. with $500, down, SHARBOT STREET, 5% Roomed brick bungalow with all modern conveniences. Close to schools, churches, etc. Only $2500. down. HAMPTON, 10 Roomed home on Main Sfreet, 2 bath- rooms. Excellent income pro- perty. Only $3,000 down. HAMPTON, 10 Acres with house, barn, drive shed, etc. Price and terms arranged BOWMANVILLE, N. E. 5% Acres with stream, house and barn, Price and terms ar- ranged Donald Mountjoy Idso Wiersma - John M. Sandy 10 Roomed Aakioa - Guy LeBlanc FOR SALE Private playground or camp. North of Uxbridge in Scott Twp. 112 acres with barn only, wide bubbling creek runs through this nicely treed property. Full price $18,000 cash or terms. $13,300 Three bedroom brick bunga- low only five yeors old and COTTAGE NEAR ORILLIA $7,900 FULL PRICE Five yeors old, situoted on privote sandy beach, very safe swimming for children. Four bedrooms with Leoge liv- ing room and dining room. Asmure $3,900. i $11,900. $1,200 DOWN Extra income can be eam- ed from this one, Four bed- rooms, two kitchens, yes it even has gorage. Coll for appointment now, SPLIT-LEVEL $16,900. Custom built home with pav- ed drive and garage, This N.H.A, Resale corries for $102. per month including toxes. If you would like a home ona lorge lot with a reasonable down payment call now. CALL 728-5157 | Bill Johnston Steve Lehan Ralph Vickery Bill Horner REAL ESTATE 46 King St. W: Open Evenings fod, body far 89 aso, 197 Chevrole |29----Automobiles For Sale ppl. 506 Bloor East. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA QVust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 190 CORVAIR 700 sedan, stendard trans mission, will consider poet Ni A oll tot el 959 given A95, four-door sedan. Will trade for your 1959 or 1960 655-3720. 1955 METEOR, standard Ve, $125 or best tense . telephone 728-5968, | 728-0920. offer. Before § p.m. must be seen to be appreciated. » fuily equipped, tow mileage, trade for older car as part Dial Whitby 668-6122. 4 mon equipment, new elbow pads. 1961 THISTLE baby condition, and 789) TENT 9x12, two sleeping bags, Coleman I Also 12 foot flat bottom boat we motor. 723-7043. » wine, and and ler. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quolity 30--Automobiles Wanted VOLVO SALFS AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair ond Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or trucks we off ¢ NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Moke Cars STATHAM B.-A. bop Ritson Road and King 723-4733 ond 793. 772 OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, ing. 725-2162 or OSHAWA Avto Parts and Auto Wreckers, 1175 Nelson. Street, want cars for wreck- 723-4245. 7 RALPH H. VICKERY AJAX Built and backed by $950 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage Carries $79 Monthly bathrooms, _ built-in end Oven PLUS, PLUS, PLUS! H. GRIFFIN G. Armstrong & Sons TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS {All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. 145 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 STOVE, excellent 3058. Sell your used car to "Ted" time ELECTRIC 34" GE free 825; large Fae spring mattress, $15; " padded heed Telephone whi 7 with 3.3. deluxe, condition, sy Wexinghan, THREE i ROOMS $298.50. © deal up or down, Liens paid [No a prime i ig tN gy cash. x iodo ye Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191. I. other articies including @ 1951 Chevrolet, $25, Call any> 728-2525. " 'oarac forntable, $15; 20 w Hifi speaker, coaxial, ©" Hoag mattress, $12, « $15. 39" metal spring thy 668-8724, 1175 Nelson Street, waht cars for w 62 723-4248, ing. Telephone 725-2162 or Lost: old, white, brown and b reck-|34-----Lost and Found Persian cat, female, two 32--Articles for Sale SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good agi cars. or down, Liens paid off. oop MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 Trade up 1959 CHEVROLET four-door hardtop, V8 automatic, excellent condition. Lady own- er. Take over payments, 778-4817. 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows, split level and 2-story homes, featuring storms and screens, hooded exhaust fans, vanity Ranges USED CAR PARTS, wheels and spindie to make trailers. Apply 509 East, after 6, phone 723-2281. Bloor Street 1981 METEOR Licence new tires end batvery. No rust. Whitby 668-2920. Telephone 1956 METEOR Victorie two-door hard- top. Fully BOATS Traveler, Starcraft, OMC 17, Grew, Mason, Chestniut Con- oes. Evinrude, Peterborough. Evinrude Motors, OMC Mo- tors, ond Gotor Trailers, Open Evenings and Week- ends until 9 p.m. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY HWYS 7 AND 12 BROOKLIN 655-3641 Being Transferred Sell complete living room set Finest brocade, including coffee table, end tables, Hi- Fi, New condition. $450 com- plete. Call 728-8427 after 5 p.m. 725-5618. 1962 WILLYS jeep, CJ 5, with snowplough and towboy, first class condition, 7,600 miles. Call 723-9531. What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. For NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of NICK KRYWKO sometimes known as NYKOLO KRYWKO and os NYKOLA KRYWKO, deceos- ed: All persons having. cloim against the Estate of the obove-named deceased, lote of the City of Oshowa, in the County of Ontario, Retired Lobourer, who died on the 8th day of Jonuory, A.D. 1964, are hereby notified to furnish proof thereof to the undersigned before the First doy of May A.D. 1964. After the said date the Executor L distribute the estate hev- regard only to cloims: of be Bs notices have been filed, years - lack, vicinity Wik Streets. Reward! Call -- 60 Acres, located on north side of 401 Highway south of Courtice, large brick home with conveniences, asking $29,500 with terms and one open mortgage. 100 Acres, excellent lond, 2 duck ponds, one with canal into Lake Seugog, 55 acres workable, good 10 year old bungslow, ail conveniences and attached garage, good barns with hydro ond woter, Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, i? pales or March, A.D. your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture Ajax '942-3310 Mine a rollenae 728-4401 or call at the store Private, $1,750, Brooklin 6354870, 16Ya_Bond W. NEW 17-ft. plywood hardtop cruiser, Whitby 668-5371 WILL BUILD! Switzer Drive (south side) tres an ates in gional. Boy ter ifrmatin.Taepone" P87, BUY and sell, good used furniture and 728-7424, One location only. Pretty's 1963 SUNBEAM Alpine, color green, ex- cellent condition with overdrive, custom Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-0271. transistor radio, wing mirrors and seat|PAINT special at Edgar's Paint and belts, low mileage. $2295 or nearest offer.|Wallpaper by Para Paints since 1915. Telephone 728-5302, [4 Mags Kone barr on semi-gloss, latex, gloss, Interior and exterior at 1955 PLYMOUTH, six-cylinder, autome- 82 custom radio, 1952 Meteor, V-8, Esper' ron oe reneares ot ue ne tandard shift, custom radio, $125 each, M Both in good condition and licensed.|WRECKING the following: 1949 to 1956 After 6 p.m., telephone 723-2281. Ford, Chevrolet, Hill All parts rea- bt 28-1322. 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne V8, four-door hardtop, automatic, radio, ete., 10,000/WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- miles. 725-2069. ture or anything. you have. The City 1957 CHEVROLET two fone deluxe|span yas cst, Store, 446 Simcoe Street sedan, new tires, radio, front and rear - speaker, Excellent condition. Phone|INFRA red barbecue 18 chicken capacity, 728-3297, original price $1750. Best offer. Telephone st PONTIAC, 6 "Gylinger, automatic, eerciN radio, mechanically A-1. Good body. $895. iE house trailer for sale, model _ Call Toronto H HU 9-6046. _|witt accept trade. Brooklin 655-4651, _|14 fully equipped. Apply $55 Montrave PRINCE ALBERT--7-room frame house,| 96) VOLKSWAGEN, custom | Avenue. town water, iy wiring, attached ga-|Tadie, blue, low mileage, in good condi-/BOATS, motors, trailers, cars.furnaces, Hon -- Very low down tion. After $ p.m. telephone 725-5745. risa baths, beat i basins, sink cab- 'ort Perry 985-7765, iss PLYMOUTH V4 aulomatic, ene ee wat seen gee. eee in Village on Highway, brond |KINGSMERE GARDENS -- fwo only--|Owner. Telephone Whitby 668-49 en Wiis ine te new bungalow, lorge living {three bedroom brick bungalows near-|1957 DODGE V-8, standard ra room and lovely kitchen with [Ing completion, bulider will consider|sion, One owner, [eocigy eb bdo televisions, $25 up. Sad older home in trade. For porticulars 1, New $198 cash or $8 monthly, dining area, rooms, Ray at 728-919 ; ' Call Joseph' Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. at Honest Cal's Discount Furniture and lots of cupboard and clothes ne ¥ 1955 CHEVROLET % ton pick-up. Body|Appliances, 424 King West, 728-9191. closets, town water, H.D, hy- Te Pree ouovely five-room|in good condition, tires Ike new, $450.|HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appl dro, atteched breezeway ond liot, near' South' General Motors. Tele |e 62s 2a. ances. Name brands at bi discounts: gorage on nice lot. Full price [phone 723-2109. Le STUDS RAKED Saree, 5 eylteger, envemion e. We carry Reston cand Bever- -. nish. ion . or ly mattress furniture lines. Your author- plage ha pile $700, DOWN, 'fwo lovely three-bedroom, |otfer, 723-4971. ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on iis: is the y of yeor, homes, six years old, full price 424 King Street West, our new e, open for inspection at all $12,900. and $13,600. Cose to school and 1961 CHEVROLET BelAir excellent con- mer! Aval D n. ; dition, for ty valon Dance Hall. Telephone times. Call ot uor office, open lon, 6 cylinder sutematic Fourdoor, 728-91 everyday but Sunday MARGARET BALLARD parts, REALTOR, bis Free FULL PRICE $8,500. for cute four-room|'%® MG, very good condition, new tires)|rushes, hi rt bungalow, good location. Only $500. down| 4000 miles. Telephone 725-6974. chines. Rentals, guaran Se feb SUNDERLAND, ONT. PHONE 303. Diol 728-4678 Jack Osborne Ken Hann Joe Maga Dick Barriage Bob Johnston KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East 1957 CHEVROLET two-tone bive, two- door hardtop, custom radio, re-built motor, $500. Telephone Whitby 668-4896. ine PONTIAC convertible, low mileage, tlemen. Apply 135 Celina Street. on older couple os it is just 4 WARM clean single furnished bedroom| steps from bus and store. Real Estate Broker in private home. Very central. Suit gen- Full price $9,900. tleman, 102 Elgin Street East. YWO FURNISHED rooms, newly deco} LARGE BUILDING for oa Church or Scout Hall at rated, light housekeeping, private wash- room, near North General Motors, hospi- ibe bosement also algae room brick bungalow en- tal. Suit one or two ladies. 728-7283. FURNISHED bedroom with large kiteh- : trally loested with lots of parking. Priced reduced so @n, all conveniences. No children please. call today. Apply 141 Church Street. SINGLE AND DOUBLE furnished bed- For full particulors col! 723-1121 room. Apply 574 Crerar Street. asking $25,000. Open doily 9: a.m, to 9 p.m. FURNISHED ROOM, gentlemen pre- ferred, vicinity North Genera! Motors. After 6 p.m., telephone 728-2712. ished room for light house- Peed nr ae gentieman. Preis mn), Sibleck John Hutchuk 110 Acres, excellent location trance. Apply 66 Park Road South. ony. sibicc tt on . Highway near Lo a yr eee ee Steve Englert Roy Flintoff B ia oad } Lloyd Corson Jean Peacock 'ooklin, large frontage, g full basement, new heating Dick Young Lucas Peacock 8 room home, 3 barns, hydro system, private drive, sandran Steve Zurba Leon Monitius ond water, asking $39,000 on kitchen ond bedroom iraplement shed, ample water with terms. floors, paved street and side- | oe pressure through- IDE REALTY LIMITED walk close to school. Will | out ring possession, see ee acs gc | SMMER COTTADIS ED Seta en gga kitchen and bedroom with uiilities, sult- take low down payment. this one now, Asking price Lokefield, 2 yeor old 3 bed | Phone Bill Rotcliffe 655- $25,000.00 good terms REAL ESTATE LIMITED able for one or two gentlemen or work- ng couple. Apply n French Street. 3917. NORTH, WEST AREA 323 King Street West 728-6286 SINGLE furnished room, very central, ved casio bus, and downtown. Suit- we 'vechiaae Private home. Telephone 725-10; SPACIOUS nasiahid room for two goed suinming ond BRICK BUNGALOW, large asking only $8300 on ond va lot, _ finished family room, nich gclbas dead i dded poved street, best of school facilities. If you want some- thing extra good for the money call Ron Hetherington NEW BUNGALOW Five room brick bungalow lo- coted in. "'Winbrook Park'. Serviced lot, double storms ond screens, double sink, ex- haust fan, vanity and sodding gentiemen, single beds. Call after 6 p.m., 728-4104, 623-3637. are only a few of the extras. GARRARD RD. N LARGE RANCH BUNGALOW Buy now and save $500. Call Bill Swarbrick, with attached 'garage, 2 both with shower off master bedroom, close to separate school, lovely extra room for office or den. Call Earle Al- len 725-7782 for a showing. ATTACHED GARAGE New five room bungalow with terest, principal and toxes, attached garage located in if you qualify. Located in "Golfview Heights'. Save Whitby. Shown by appoint- $500 under the Winter ment only. Works Program by calling Doug Greenbank Village on High- way 12. 7 room home with conveniences on a large lot, opproximate 1/3 acre,, H. D. hydro, good well woter on pressure, aluminum storms and screens. Full price $7,- 000.00 cash or terms. THOMAS MANILLA, Exeeutor by his Solicitor, Z. T. SALMERS, B.A. Box 333, Oshawa, Onterie. Lots 60' or more x 200° Ready for spring building. Ravine Lots Available. 722 o builder Michael ZYGOCKI ~~ FARM LAND. FOR RENT 50 acres plus 10 acres Apples ot $5 PER ACRE Breotlin area, no buildings. SHOW PLACE, near Uxbridge on Highway, 80 scenic acres all workable, nice pond, up to daté 8 room brick home with conveniences, bright ond roomy, newly painted "L" shape barns and_ loafing shed, pig pen, garage and TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS WORK. FOR YOU WHILE YOU WORK, SLEEP or PLAY $9,200 FULL PRICE FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, 10 acre wooded lots with stream. Full price $2,000.00 low down payment. 27--Real Estate For Sale $500 Winter Works Bonus 4 left - $14,040 $1,040 DOWN Scugog Island, 4 rooms, fur- nished, lakefront lot, asking $4,975 with terms. Scugog Island, 4 rooms, fur- nished, hydro, bathroom with, toilet, carport, waterfront lot, asking $6,900 with terms. Coesorea, 6 room cottage, fully furnished, heavy duty electric stove, fridge, good well, garage, bargain price $3,500 with terms. Lerge 3 bedroom bungalow détached, immediate posses- sion. One 6%4% N.HA, Mortgage; storms and screens, clay brick, electric clocks, fully landscaped, and decorated, many more extras. Carries for $92 monthly, in- bus. To inspect call Doug Skinner, hand or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco, Real- lor. to reliable party. Call to inspect. Art|1956 PLYMOUTH. sedan six cylinder, Ex-|Call anytime 728-0591 Weinberger, 723-7244. Joseph Bosco, | cellent radio. Clean inside and out. Smart . Realtor, 728-7377, looking, economical transportation. Day- ive wit til chenocl ontennee wash ita TWO-BEDROOM brick Time. enly. 7294072. $50, Oshawa TV Supply Ltd,, 361 Gibbons ph pathy pel drive _ ye 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian automatic, | Street, 728-8180. 5 n Ining room, 11) four-door sedan, original owner, radio, Ratcliffe, 55-3917, " BUYING or selling furniture or appll- 655-3917, Kelth Peters,|white walls. A-l condition, Apply 24) ances call Elmer, Hampton, aeeome 263-2695. Caesorea, 9 year old, 6 room ecttege, decorated ond fur- nished, well, 100 x 200 ft. Jot, asking $5,900 with $800 down. Call L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd, 723-9810 or 725- 8761. INCOME HOME, 2 storey brick 11 rooms, private drive, moke an offer. Call Bill Irvine 728-2868 LONG LOW RANCH BUNGALOW 1% YEAR OLD, 5% large roms, attached garage, fully londscaped, stone planter, 20 14 ft. living room, 18 ft. hollywood kitchen, 4 piece both with vanity. Being sold for under $18,000.00. Don't miss this suburban home. Owner will trade for small COMING EVENTS | TYPEWRITER portable, $35; also stan- B | N G O Seding 'aching, 865, Two total vech regi| TUESDAY, MAR. 31st addin: | 723-4434, dwelling, located in city. Suitable for|len 'nS 086. Be 'burner, also Gur 7:30 P M 20 regular games $8 and $10 Hh i hart Tiitan eaten, eg two-door,|ney gas stove, 4burner; Kelvinator re- it? ACRE beet fi six, $1,050. Phone Jim, 723-7160, ieee. All in good condition. Call treat' end 'ponds oes aetied ra to|LATE 1958 VAXHALL Victor, four-door,|Whitty 660-2308. Share The Weolth # two-tone bive, matching leather uphol-| VIOLIN with case,.$40 or best offer; $150 3 on ockpot 56 Nos. $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION re lan Ot Coane paves (ones | girls' bicycles, peaciicaliy| new, * tach DNIPRO HALL stery, in large barn and water bowls. Two-storey Telephone 728-3978, Telephone after 7 evenings, 728-1047 Corner Bloor Street and Edith four-bedroom house, new kitchen and bathroom. Asking $35,000 with good down|1964 BUICK Skylark V8, 4-door sedan,|/BOAT trailer, Otaco, 400 Ib. with 1964 steering, | licence, $75. Telephone ane ss. OSHAWA LIONS CLUB payment and terms. Lawrence Tremeer,|automatic, power brakes and WED. NIGHT BROTHERS bungalow in Oshawa, Robert ie . $1X-ROOM brick storey and a half, large|19#0 RAMBLER station wagon Classicijand 35 HP se dei Seeie Urey, No lot, $10,700. For appointment to Inspect, | Super, offer refused. Financing can $1,200 in cash prizes Jackpot Nos. 55 and 55 Realtor. Charles. Street, Oshawa, prarghid gore PAS o bunga-/1956 BUICK, 2-door hardtop, car r. Yeo, new tires, outstandin: aan through- 728-5123. Bolahood Brothers. seg out. $495, Telephone 728-0838, $4,200. -- INDUSTRIAL lot with frame Herd hoch pad anon os SPS CENTRAL Gower, All homes ready for imme- diate possession or to suit. Save 8% tox. MANDER RAFUSE TORONTO AM 1-2309 MANDERHILL Real Estate Ltd. Over 30 years experience FOUR BEDROOMS Two storey home with cor- _ pert overlooking the City of Oshawe, two washrooms, built in stove ond oven, ser- viced lot, exhaust fon and many other extras. Call Glen. MacKinnon. ATHOL STREET Forty serviced lots being pre- pored for spring building. Have the home of your choice built. Phone today for more WO WEMIBETAENAD WCGaneS Gok information, ask for Howard bs 'ey units, six rooms each, four years old, close to McCabe schools and bus. Could be bought s rately or a3 one unit. Presently renting for $100. monthly each. down- payment. For information call ike say 725-0303, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 726-7377. WHITBY CLASSIFIED Do you need Gravel or Stone for Driveway, Sand for your Patio, Concrete Mulch? Phone 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED Fuels and Builders Supplies 224 Brock St." WHITBY, Ont. MACKEY and BAILEY, Barrisiers, Soll citors,, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds ms ane available, 36 King Street East, 723-1107, WKTRY, MHA approves Saar Bilal OSHAWA, duplex, two | bathrooms, only ' approv lof on 'ale ven fi sand, reasona ee MOTHER woul mind Goby ér child by Street, $2700 iertee Iran Crumarianea.[tneet Gis re Crowierds MEMIE. Ui shone 668-8399. Bolahood Bros. Ltd Millen Real Estate. H sieeneteitiadetinceneeie ORESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, staan -- INVESTORS ONLY specially. Mrs. T : . MOUSE WANTED 407 > --;~-| Here is an opportunity to grow with Oshawa. We have |, "nar mort home preterred.| just listed a 50 acre farm in the City -- and ripe for developing. Good locations in the North section are ect). 444-5166. | scarce -- List price $95,000. easy terms available. | | WILSON REALTOR apartment, " nested, recessed balcony, 26/2 KING STREET EAST Douglas J. M. BULLIED " REALTOR 723-1168 723-4391 333 King St. West $13,000 -- Full price for this lovely 5 room brick bungalow with finished rec- stainless steel sink ond ex- room, Fomily kitchen with houst fon. BUCKINGHAM AVE, storey brick home, large bedrooms, Douglas ie CHEVROLET Biscayne DO AS OTHERS CALL THE CHECKERBOARD HAVE this week's wash done free with an all new Hoover washer spin dryer, See WHITBY Two storey home in Whitby just listed, living room, din- ing room, tonnage Bylo four large bedrooms. price only $12,500 ar 1,500 down, Call Les. Holl. PARKLANE. AVENUE This ranch bungolow with ot- tached garage now avoilable BUILDING LOT In very good 723-1045, Elna, Sewing 200 ACRES Christmas trees and hard- |wood bush. Gravel deposits. Near Mos- port racetrack entrance. Bargain at |$14,000. full price. A. Frank Real Estate jLtd., Bowmanville, _ 623-3393. one with 3 rooms. with bath, -- Insurance -- session. Call Bob Johnston, Lioyd|cash offer. Telephone 725-8132. taxes, 4¥2 per cent. . ae "|i PONTIAC Parisienne, Sdoor hard |TYPEWRITERE," adders," couhiors" aupi- NIGHT OF CARDS n Metcalf, Real Estate, 728-4678 or725-9365, kitchen and separate entrance oo 1958 OL e r} thi 5 ah abil As $65.00, a -- Mortgages or 7 x ay wih veld No 2 ney hardtop, power brakes, power steering, owe home. For no aoileetien hones Trial with 2 uminum 'storms and sparen Asking S200 Telephon: bgt La service. see ives. Ooee oe $750.) and Ll Sey call =Ray seporate and good condition through- z dining room ond garage. Well out. Located close to: Mary paivare three bedroom rancher, L-|1958 PLYMOUTH sedan, radio, whitewall| ELECTRIC 34" GE stove, $25; large crib, . ped living and dining room, completely |tires. Will accept trade $495 or make + Bye locoted for ali schools, tran- St, Asking $13,'500. Call Ro- MEADOW ROAD finished basement, Including. rec room/offer. Telephone 725-8132. af ort: Sy gered Ud pesste tlpond sportation and shopping. lande Tierney 725-5207. } 80' x:190' on a built up {With bar. North-west location. 1958 PONTIAC va Standard, radio, white-|table, $15; 20W hi-fi speaker Coaxial, BROCK ST. W, -- Ideal street, just off Gorrard Road. Iberty Street, i" Ask for Mr. Ed Drumm ot payment. Phone 723-2455. 10 ACRES on Maple Grove Road North. power brakes and steer-jcators, chequewriters, comptometer s, Goed building -- $4300, with $1500. Hi Call 728-7466. three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, Wednesday Aoril Ist down, Cali'Joe Barnoski, W. Frank Real|i9s8 PLYMOUTH sedan, radio, whitewall|rent, service Hamilton Office Equipment, ' Pp Estate Ltd., Bowmanville 623-3399. tires. Will accept trade $495 er rmake|'7_ Brock South, Whitby. '8 P.M. #1000, DOWN. VO-acre lots. Choice, tevel| *fer.Tele rast GUN WANTED -- Old antique, Tele ; garden soll with everflowing - stream.| 1967 CHEVROLET oa pick-up, good|Phone Oshawa 125-0183. 690 King St. East TICKETS 75¢ Prizes ond Refreshments KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION May Ist. Call 728-7162 after 6 p.m. wall. Apev 46°C $15. Telephone Whitby, 668-8724, home for the growing fam- GRANDVIEW 728-5123 or 725-9345 These lots are treed at the front, just condition, radio. Call 728-0320. |RANGE 38-inch four-burner, two ovens, . EXTRA BUSES econ Ropar 3 completely separete| ville, 623-3463. Led ld complete set, seven pieces. In { and private apartments, partly I Vi ¢ 200 or best offer. For ily lorge bedrooms combina- good condition, well located. Paved park-|)fe_ CHE YROLER: four door Bind 4 full porticvlars telephone "days 725-0990; tion living ond dining, large ail for the first time, Home con- kitchen ond ania bate Ae VILLAGE $1,300 DOWN sists of three bedrooms, din- sony 18.9 ge oe | Six room frame home on ing room, lorge kitchen ond : We cre sold out of new Colborne Street, asking only or give us a cali and one of tor this one, Priced for c, quick enough to make a perfect setting for|;, good conait . Best offer. Tel Gur courout soles will | soi, Inspect now. Aue fr (yaa a Latics mi SONG aay Se Tore Mr, Roy Yeo at 728-5123 om Oshawa on cash offer, Telephone 725-8132. GENERAL Electric 15 ft. cuble freezer, Jockpot Nos. 54, 50 EARLY BIRD GAMES <INSMEN COMMUNITY: CENTRE Ing, Good Investment, $19,800. Terms./celent condition. $2,250. Telephone | evenings 725-3491. PIANO, Sis make, living room overlooking a tra_ washroom in besement. homies: In' Grandview 'Villowe $8,700.00. Call Mr._ Ed. wooded lot. Some of the fea- John Howson Bill Smit ot present, but we ore taking ee ot 728-5123 or 725- 4 good m your own home, no obligation | price $3700. McGill Real 'Estate Broker, se of conrad, down sevment | or 728-2217 728-4 1961 PONTIAC sedan, Laurentian, 6, auto-\Y%ed only four months, guarantee. Be- ' payments as matic, radio, it , tween 4 - 6 p.m, telephone 723-7945, 109 COLBORNE ST. W. TUCHRE at Harman Park Clubhouse BOWMANVILLE home, brick and stone,|i9%>-koRD star liner, two door hardtop, condition, Please tures are a-finished recreation orders now for our new 1964 GIBBONS STREET $12,500.00 low as. $1,200.00 | ior Tevel, tw jot with 30- 200.00, one -- Good level, two-acre lot w washers, padded dash. $1,825 or nearest|TWO bulidings, # x 14° at $35, 8 » 12° or cot very Wednesday, 8 p.m. sharp, Prizes, wood kitchens, etc. Only three availab + rey district, Lo be close to school.| Telephone Bowmanville 623-5357. 6 room, 2 storey home, 3 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, new oil fur- our office for your inspection, nace, choice location, . hurry SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompl service | on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563, separate bath and entrance, -- Real Estate -- model. Sold at $13,595. Thirty days pos-|matic. Priced to sell. Will accept trade or ST. GERTRUDE'S i nd Carries for $56.17. principal, interest an reaye sal C.W have all the new plans in aundry facilities. Available May |. Whit- custom radio, $14,190~SIX-ROOM clay brick bunge-| 28----Reel Estate Wanted te Mg Bd ol eee Dy 668-3981. WANTED: Cleaning lady, week, $7. Telephone 668-4104, "TWO LOTS for sale, Cochrane area, $5,000 or best offer. Phone 668-5769 affer six p.m. WANT to buy a bicycle, for boy or girl, small to medium size, Phone 668-4259. excellent condition. bog or best offer, Ch 5-1 |lows with garages In Whitby, fully deco-|; aad on eh ye 4 " fore 6 p.m. tel 5 ie rated and landscapped, colored fixtures, OT WANTED , 70° to 100° width or larg- reed Bt ahaa Leen Srrrseanrrt Chesterrield Som chair beige $90., or be one day per a twin sinks, clocks, separate DR, Holly.|¢ Whitby, Pickering-A lax 'or surround-|1949 MORRIS sedan, Good « offer. Excellent for home or cottage. Ce bungalow. in Osha BOLAHOOD =) . trans 2 APARTMENTS B R @) T H F R S telephone 725-6106. ree and five new tires. Telephone|be arranged. Telephone 723-1058. $13,000 -- OUR MODEL home being -- MACHINE shop tools fi ONE WITH 6 ROOMS with | sold. New homes ordered from this|1963 PONTIAC Strato-Chief sedan, auto-|evenings. Telephone 7252000" aul cep ee Hege _ioncecnoe' en ore Fhagtes ol, Oh : A rene, sawing sale. Singer, PAVI LION & le extras. Apply Nordic, fri 19 up. re evecare Sone Ritson Road South between 1 and 5 pm. (Centre, 329 Simeoe South. 728-2091. FREE CeMiecon HIGHLAND AVENUE, -- 5-room_ brick| 725-8614. ee FREEZER, C Toot, pagal, BRI casio tg a FT 1958 PONTIAC. converlible, V4, auto-lold. Like new, $195. Threrclecs. bord room, noturo 1 fireplace and models for Spring occupancy. Hiv Hood hent radio, a ee $1,150. Cash. Calllbedroom suite, $75. Apply 746 Phillip on air conditioning unit. For As you know these homes in more informotion call Jock this choice location are built Sheriff. by H.-Kassinger Construction Ltd., and we believe are the best buys in Oshawa, We N.H.A. Mortgage for the bal- | BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED ft. well, 1 Baer Sy ee offer. 725-9818. at $25; sump. pumps, $25 and $15; water ence 101 SIMCOE ST. NORTH GAY, 100 acres, sultabie for| 169 WILLMAN, eutomatic, low mulleage.|/ester $5, well tlle forms $150. After 7 NaAR R LINDSAY: 100 Ech en Must be sold fo close estate. Telephone) °¥° evenings 728-1165. | Li un! hone io OPEN EVERY EVENING Serurday. Sunday. memes, 7905170, "| 722-170? FRicvcug., 'iis 5 ihre wheeler, large i 956 OL Ez size; also girl's wheeler, side CARL OLSEN four coor hardtop. walk, small size, 293 Ritson Road Sout! REALTOR $70. 299 King St. West FANCY STONES for rockery, large ar | o"thly prize, door prize and lunch 192 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, red, 21,00"| Mall, all different shapes. For furth rved. DIAL 723-1133 Ca, oWer homes, large or| miles, radio, seat covers, Exee'lent. co: | @fticulars, dial Bowmanville 623-3263, IRNHILL Park Bingo, Tuesday, 7.30, nal, waiting. 'clients. Mr. Roy Yeo, Bola-| dition. Telephone 728-0785 between 4 - :| 1NING room suite, walnut, 9 piece. | games $6; 4 games $10, $15, $20 and hood Brothers \td,, 728-5123. p.m, good condition. Call 725-0367. 30, Share the Wealth, i' : hens 725- at $1078 down to one 6% per cent NH/ mortgage. Save $500. on the winter works bonus. Gerry Hill AM 1-2309. Mander- [hil) Real Estate Ltd. 725-6588