Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Mar 1964, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, March 28, 1964 WASHINGTON (CP) -- The big "sleeper" of the 1964 Re- publican preliminary bouts may take place in April in the hog- gressman John Bymes, a "fa- vorite son" with no presidential aspirations, Wisconsin will jmerely watch how the national A 5° RS FR, calee 2? "SAVED FROM FLOOD WATERS safety through water and underbrush. Linda McKenzie, 14, was drowned in the Wed- nesday night accident on the An unidentified teen-age girl, one of two who survived when flood waters swept their car off the road, is led to campus of Berry College at Rome, Ga. Kathleen Harwell, 18, and Patty Champion, 17, were saved. Cyprus Magic For Canadian Soldier | By REUTERS The Canadian soldier doing on festive occasions. United Nations guard duty in n : Cyprus will find in the pine and|square miles--slightly smaller Island men recite or mz'e up poetry;Greeks immediately went to the} aid of Serbia. Greece declined Cyprus has an area Of 3,572/the offer. Both Greece and Turkey rec- cedar forests of that Mediter-|than Canada's Cape Breton Is-jognized Britain's annexation of ranean island something to re-|!and--and is the third largest|Cyprus under the Treaty of mind him of home. island in the Mediterranean.}Lausanne signed in 1923. But it likely will be the is- The coastline is generaly in-/ There were widespread dis- land's old castles and customs|2¢"ted and rocky, with long/turbances on the ilsand in 1931 and wild flowers in village|S@%dy beaches and a few fairly/following demands by the Greek girls' hair that will capture his|/°*temsive costal plains. population for Enosis -- union eye. oo December, 1960, census/with Greece. In his off-duty hours, the Ca-/showed Cyprus's inhabitants] i es as nadian soldier fe plunge into|jnumbered 577,639, of _whom|CAMPAIGN BY EOKA the island's colorful and turbu-|about 82 per cent belonged to| In 154, the Greek govern- lent history or the usually calm|the Greek community 'and 18 ment took the question of Cyp- waters off one of the many\per cent to the Turkish. Hof self-determination to the sandy beaches that dot the| The island's religions are United Nations. The Greek-Cyp- coastline. Christian--mainly Greek Ortho-\Ti0t_ underground _ movement For a relatively small island,|dox--and Moslem. The Greek|OKA launched an armed cam- there is much to discover. and Moslem Turkish communi-|Paign the following year for un- One of the first things he will] ties cling to their separate lan- Ok with Greece Oe: learn is that the origin of the/guages. ah Weed state of emergency was de- word Cyprus is uncertain. Per-| Cyprus became a 'Roman|'lared by the British governor haps, under present conditions,|province in 58 BC and was soon after a ere conference in it will mot come as a. surprise.|converted to Christianity. But ected between Britaln, Some say the word Cyprus is|the island came under Byvan- reece and Turkey failed. aig from. the Greek word|tine rule on partition of the Ro-| r copper while others main-|man Empire. tain its derivation comes from} ie: jwa deported to the British. the: Gresk word "kyoros,"" a| CONQUERED BY TURKS ruled Seychelles Islands in the hi A In 1291, with the fall of Acre,|Idian' Ocean in- 1956 for com- ese pig ab sts ane Dae Cyprus became the outpost of|plicity in the EOKA campaign. The Canadian soldier will fing| Christianity in the Levant. It Agreement on independence a land of castles and abbeys fell to the republic of Venice for Cyprus was reached in 1959. dating back to the 14th century in 1489 and was conquered by Archbishop Makarios, released Assuming a return to normal,|'Me Turks in 1571. from. exile in the Seychelles in he can spend his free time tine Britain signed a convention|1957, became president of Cy- der an olive tree or in the plush with the Sultan of Turkey at)prus when it became an inde- cocktail lounge of one of the Constantinople in 1878 under|penednt republic in 1960. island's leading hotels jwhich Cyprus was transferred| The president's proposals late i to British administration. last year for a major revision BELIEVE IN LEGENDS This was in exchange for ajof the, island's constitution He will find it a land of people|promise of British assistance|brought to a head the already who still believe strongly injagainst Russian encroachment|considerable differences _ be- legends, who still pluck the|on Turkey's eastern provinces,|tween the Greek and Turkish- grape from the vine and crush} On the outbreak of the First/ Cypriot communities. it into the sweetness of Cyprus|World War, Britain abrogated) The republic's Turkish-Cyp- wine. |Turkey's formal] sovereignty|riot vice-president, Fazil Kut- In a land where terrorismiover Cyprus and annexed the|chuk, objected to the proposals, threatened te become an almostlisland, as Turkey had become|which included increased everyday occurrence, he canjan enemy state. Greek-Cypriot manning of the find that a man sweating to till) The following year the British civil service, police and army. unlikely-looking land is a poet.)government offered to cede Cy-| So did Turkey, which, with It is not uncommon to hear/prus to Greece on condition the Britain and Greece, is a guar- --------lantor of Cyprus independence junder the 1960 constitution. leader, Archbishop Makarios, | 'The Greek-Cypriots' spiritual) and-rail state of Illinois. It is'battle shapes up and decide there perhaps more than any|later which candidate to sup- other region where Henry Cabot port. Lodge's name didn't ap- Lodge's true popularity may be|pear on the New Hampshire tested. |ballot but voters were allowed Without a single personal ap-|te write in his name. There will pearance, the tall, husky U.S./be no write-ins in Wisconsin. ambassador to South Viet Nam) But write-ins will be allowed scored a stunning upset in thejat the April 14 primary in Illi- March 10 New Hampshire Pri-/nois where 58 delegation votes mary where he swept aside] will be the winner's prize. Only heavyweights Barry Goldwater|the names of Goldwater and and Nelson Rockefeller, __|Senator Margaret Chase Smith Lodge now has 14 of the 655|of Maine--who trailed badly in votes needed to win the Reput-'New Hampshire will be lican party's presidential nom-|printed on the ballot. A Lodge ination in July. As the figures | upset there could turn a re- suggest, the New Hampshire/gional favorite into a national victory is minuscule in terms Of| star. power at the San Francisco! {t was in Illinois that former convention. president Dwight D. LEisen- Goldwater, the Arizona sena-:nower showed his great vote- tor, can boast of assurances of|piulling power. He got about getting between 400 and 500/150,000 votes on a write-in votes from the western and|movement in 1952 after scoring southwestern states. Rocke-|heavily through a New Hamp- feller, the New York governor|shire write-in. whose White House prospects} Again, Lodge will be the) have been largely demolished, 'invisible' man, He remained| can say he has at least the New on duty in Saigon while zn it York delegation locked up. and| water and Rockefeller fought it that's 92 votes. out in New Hampshire. Lodge Lodge needs a lot more votes has shown no indications of re-| if he is to eliminate the widely;moving himself from Saigon at | held interpretation that all New this stage, although both Gold- Hampshire proved is that the)water and Rockefeller have party is somewhat fragmented; |challenged him to come back that a Search for a leader still and fight. | |goes on, with a lot of attention lon Pennsylvania Governor Wil- OTHER PRIMARIES | liam Scranton, who's playing From Illinois, the preliminary} lthe disinterested observer with|bouts move on to New Jersey |eool disdain, April. 21 and to Massachusetts . and Pennsylvania on April 28. WISCONSIN FORMALITY New Jersey, with 40 votes, may The next primary is in Wis- go for native Lodge, Pennsyl-' lconsin April 7 with 30 conven-|-- scat eidaeaeaionpaatcodia Illinois True Test For Invisible Man Lodge vania's 64 will be bottled up by Governor Scranton. Other gutstanding primaries will be May 2 in Texas, where for the first time the Repub- licans hold a state popularity contest for presidential nomi- nee. Lodge's name was entered but later withdrawn. His own men questioned whether he could capture the 56 votes from Goldwater who also maintains he'll get California's 86 votes June 2, when the primaries end, Other states select their delegations by state convention or party caucus. As matters now stand, some of the major contenders will enter the July 13 convention with a sizable block of votes, but not enough to assure a first- ballot victory. With each new Red China Mass Produces Fertilizers By ADAM KELLETT-LONG WUCHING, China (Reuters) Communist China has _ been making strenuous efforts to in- crease her output of chemical fertilizer to give more support to agriculture and raise vital per-unit yields of grain and cotton to feed and clothe her of this. ; tion; and extensive irrigation. Increased use of farm chem- cals is one of the four main topics in China's current plan to modernize its still largely primitive agriculture within the next 20 to 25 years. The others are: Mechanizaion; electrifica- The main emphasis is being put on the nitrogenous fertilizer nure is still much more widely) DURAN SCORES DECISION used than chemical fertilizers, and there is not always enough MILAN, Italy (AP) -- Carlos Duran of Argentina turned jeers to cheers Friday as he won a 10-round decision over Johnny Angelo of Nigeria. Three weeks earlier in Rome, Duran met world welterweight champion Emile Griffith of New York in a non-title bout that was stopped in the fourth round and called no contest when the fans threw industry, best suited to the erials available. natural resources and raw ma- _ | protesting the lack of action. shoes and bottles into the ring huge population. The chemical industry is get- ting priority in distribution of the state's limited capial con- sruction resources while for- eign trades corporations are being permitted to spend a fair proportion of China's valuable foreign exchange on importing up-to-date fertilizer plants from the West. | In. spite of this, however, of-| ficials said it would take a long time for China. to produce enough fertilizer to meet all domestic needs. Today, they Company use there are definite advantages when you lease a new... No insurance costs . . for full details. PHONE 723-4634 added, human or animal ma- There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN For personal use or tor @ ACADIAN Other @ PONTIAC °° e@ BUICK . No maintenance costs . . . One rete covers everything on one or two year lease itemr . . MILLS AUTO LEASE LTD. Request Models Phone or come io 266 KING ST. WEST round of voting will come shifts in state support, as candi jockey for the magic 655 votes needed for victory. In the end, the contenders who entered the arena with an assured block of vetes may find the endorsements had lapsed, with the possibility of a 'dark horse' contender emerging as the final choice. For fast relief from menstrual pain you can count on help from the 4 active ingredients " DR.CHASES PARADOL. tion votes but it will be a mere formality. because the delega- tion will be pledged to Con- Brooklin Group Will Debate 'School Dress By MRS. R. HOLMAN BROOKLIN -- Brooklin Home and School Association met re- cently in Meadowcrest Public | School. Pupils from the senior school were invited to attend this meet- ing. with their parents. It was felt the program of. films on water safety would be of interest to them, | The first film was on "Drown- proofing', a new method de- veloped to help keep oneself afloat. This is. used after a |water accident, while awaiting |rescue, Or as a means of rest- ling while swimming. | The second film was a de- lmonstration of the mouth-to- |mouth method of artificial re- spiration and its application. The April meeting will be the jannual meeting. There will also jbe a showing of school uni- forms with a discussion of the pro's and con's of the school uniform. ALL-ELECTRIC HOME HEATING For YOUR Home!! 56 PRINCE ST. There's Nothing Can Beat The COMFORT OF Don't have a home That's Obsolete Make It Modern with Electroheat! PHONE 728-4611 For Detailed Information AWA % - gj Cae eee eas: L.e G TO p YOUR FOOD DOLLAR tS / Bae | MONDAY: TUESDAY FEATURES ~~ MARCH 30th and 31st ONLY?7 2G HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 11-OZ. C SAVE BOTTLE 6c BRADFORD NO. 1 GRADE WASHED CARROTS ported in the 1961 Canadian visional outlook for 'the French} maintain salaries in state-run is considered: good here. | Social outlays -- the health | piale Labor Shortage sexo samo | More than 4,366,000 persons Plagues France tiie: Mon 'stent , school full-time some time dur- government's price - stabiliza-| enterprises and the administra- tion and anti - inflation cam-| tion within current government For the first time in many) services; pensions, and so on-- years, the French public is com| which are included in prices, LENSES CONTACT | - tion has come to stay aged five years or older re- PARIS (Reuters)--The pro-jhardly be possible, this year, to ing the previous year. -- paign, launched last September, | budget limits. fident that currency stabiliza- Until last September, the! French remained skepical about the permanency of the various efforts, made at irregu- lar interval\ {to consolidate the franc. Last June, a public opinion poll showed people believed prices would rise by another 25 per cent. The official statisti-) cians were then forecasting a) rise of eight per cent for the rest of the year. Now, some leading economic experts here think prices have been held sufficiently level since last September to break the inflationist psychology of th French people. But Finance Minister Valery Giscard d'Estaing has warned that the French economy is not yet immune to inflation. LABOR SHORT Two problems plague France economically: A chronic labor shortage which acts as a con-| stant inflationary factor to wages and salaries and the out- dated character of the French distribution syst-m The 1963 privae industry wage level is estimated up eight per cent over 1962, and it will! CONSULTATION by APPOINTMENT Payment pion includes one month trial period. PHONE 723-4191 rose by 14.5 cent from 1962 to 1963 Retail prices have been held more or less steady since last} per August but wholesale prices have 'risen by three per cent.| It seems unlikely that retailers) can go on indefinitely absorbing this increase without raising F. R. BLACK 136. SIMCOE ST. NORTH their own prices again. DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY and LOVELL LTD. 8 King St. East 723-2245 McCORDICK DRUGS 360 Wilson Road South 725-8717 LAW PHARMACY 1204 Wecker Drive 725-3525 ELECTRIC HEATING offers the custom-comfort of room-by-room temperature control. FLAMELESS electric heat is gentle and quiet--clean as sunlight. No new home should be without it. For complete information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or: your hydro LIVE BETTER -- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM . . . PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . .,. . .: TELEPHONE 942-2930 ELECTRICALLY TELEPHONE . TELEPHONE OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 668-5878 942-0500

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