CAPSULE NEWS Queen Safe In Que. Lib. Senator Says -- OTTAWA (C) -- Quebec will|can be kept at a level dosage receive Queen Elizabeth happily and thereby lead otherwise nor- next October, former mayor mal lives. Sarto Fournier of Montreal said Wednesday as the Senate con-| EXPEL QFFICIAL . :" cluded its throne speech debate.|. LONDON ) -- Wiadimir Senator Fournier, a Liberal|Solomatin,/for four years a said the Queen will require no|member of the permament So- more protection in Quebec than|viet trade mission' in London, lany place else. {has been expelled from Britain, | i ihe home office announced Wed- GET RECORD CROWDS _nesday. Other sources said Solo- OTTAWA (CP) -- Record/matin, 40, used his legitimate crowds have been surging into) pusiness connections in an at- the National Gallery of Canadaitempt to learn specifications of this month to see the Tutankha-'ceeret defence equipment. mun treasures, a display of 22) small articles from the treas-| TORNADO INJURES 14 ure hoard discovered 40 years) CENTERVILLE, Mo. (AP) -- ACCENT ON THE OU its member organizations. The group is now pushing for more outdoor recreation areas. Newcastle Sportsmen's Club secretary, Bill Welsh, is imen |drug addicts. Addicts are ; WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S, treasury suddenly halted! its sale of silver dollars Wed- nesday with 3,000,000 cartwheels still on hand -- to the constern- ation of a long line of waiting buyers left holding nothing but} paper money. The treasury ex-) plained that the big coins re- maining in its vaults have spe- cial value for coin collectors and there is no fair way to sell! them. JUDGE RESIGNS NICOSIA (AP) John L. Wilson, the Canadian president of the Cyprus High Court for the last two years, has sub- mitted his resignation for "per-| sonal reasons," it was an-| nounced Wednesday by a Cyp-) rus government spokesman, The 64-year-old chief justice, who was a judge of the Supreme; t being conducted in New Court of Ontario before accept-[joyd Aaarons, bearded mem- |York City in the treatment ofjing the Cyprus appointment inher of the controversial Ras ¢ February, 1962, asked that his/pafari.cult, thumbed through al |ceiving daily doses of opium de-|regignation become effectivetattered Old Testament in his Henry House in Lakeview Park is getting ready for an- other busy season. Located in HENRY HOUSE IS HISTORIC SITE torical structure has many in- trip there can be highly re- teresting exhibits of historical warding as hundreds of city interest from the past -- a. and district residents know full well. Follow Simcoe street south to Lakeview Park te reach Henry House, a picturesque setting, the his- Jamaica Negro Cult Worships Ethiopian By RUSSELL. ELMAN KINGSON, Jamaica (CP)-- ' Nasser Takes Over Shell Oil Company CAIRO (Reuters) -- Presi- dent Gamal Abdel Nasser is- sued a decree Tuesday nation- alizing the Shell and Anglo« Egyptian Oilfields companies, the Middle East news agency poor or wear beards) few, Many of the Rastas, Aarons whites or even middle - elass| said, are intellectuals who be- brown Jamaicans venture with-|lieve that material possessions out' escort day or night. defile a man's spiritual outlook. Last year an incident near|They accepted poverty because Montego Bay, involving Ras 'Ta- they didn't want to build up Ja- farians, in which several people|Maica, a country they didn't re- \s j}---- were killed, brought stiff action|84td as their own. from the government which| However, he feels that more called out the military, Since|recently many have become as- announced. A Shell spokesman here said he had no official confirmation of the nationalization move al- then few-violent incidents have|sociated with the cult b been reported. }of economic necessity. As Aarons talked--a conver-| 'They lose a job, lose friends, sation frequently interrupted by|lose their belongings and, be- pecking hens emerging from}cause it is known that Rastas beneath the. bed -- he offered|are a people who will share this reporter some '"'herb." |their food and drink, no matter The "herb" is the Tasta name|how little they have, they be- for "ganja" or 'marijuang."|come Rastas. Smoking of the drug, seen as a} He also considers that with a cure-all and gateway to wis-|little improvement in economic dom, is illegal but in spite of|conditions, many who now pro- the area's poverty and the high|fess to be Rastas will return to cost ($2 0 $6 an ounce) it is normal society. widely used in the Kingston) 'I have seen some with a lit- lums. j\tle money -and a job change Aarons said he had been ar-| very rested five times on ganja'peards and become sociable." charges but all were dismissed. | |SHARE FOOD | The present-day Ras Tafari| movement apparently springs} from social and economic) causes and from a_ cultural clash between the African and the European. | Auto Museum Open Friday | quickly, They cut off their though he added he had heard unconfirmed reports this was likely. Earlier, Industries | Minister Aziz Sidky said Egypt's na- tionalization of mines and the cancellation of private mining licenses did not include oli pros- pecting and exploitation. The Shell company referred to is a marketing firm while Anglo- Egyptian Oflfielde Company is an exploraiton or- ganization connected with Shell, Shell and British petroleum had a 62 per cent interest in the Anglo - Egyptian company until 1961 when it was 50-per- cent nationalized. This left Shell and British Pe- troleum with a 3l-per-cent in- terest in Anglo-Egyptian. Before the latest decree Shell had not been affected by naé6n- alization laws. | The Canadian Automotive Mu- /seum Simcoe street south, SHOWROOM CAR Friday trom 12.00"noon to 8.00 GETS PEDESTRIAD p.m. The hours for the balance jof the. weekend will be the BUFFALO (AP)--John N. Smith of Niagara Falls, N.Y., jsame as usual, Saturday 10.00 ja.m. to 5.00 p.m. and Sunday |from -12.00 noon to 6.00 p.m. in a $50,000 personal injury suit, claims a new automobile Started by itself in a show- | The Canadian Automotive Mu- jseum continues to attract visit- self | lors from distant points. Last room and hit him, it was |week visitors from Moncton, learned Wednesday. _ |New Brunswick; Columbus, The contention was dis- |Ohio; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Ed- closed when Justice Norman |monton, Alberta and many B. Fitzer of state supreme /oommunities in Ontario toured court denied a motion to dis- the Canadian Automotive Mu- miss Essex Wire Corporation of Fort Wayne, Inc., as a de- fendant in the case. seum. _| With the approach of spring, | Essex manufactures, a sole- noid starter which was in- +has come an increase in week- end attendance by visitors from stalled in the car that alleg- |the surrounding districts. Many edly hit Smith. people are including a visit to Smith, said the accident oc- |the Canadian Automotive Mu- curred Dec. 17, 1959, at Mac- |seum as part of their weekend| Kenna Motors Company in Ni- agara Falls. He sued Mac- outing. | Kenna Motors and Studebaker | EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R, BLACK, O.D. Corporation of South Bend, | In | a.) Studebaker brought a third- party complaint against Es- | sex. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Student Total At Universities Jump 12 Percent OTTAWA (CP) -- Student en. rolment at Canadian uwniversi- ties and colleges has jumped about 12 per cent in the cur- rent school year, the bureau of statistics reported today. There are an estimated 158,¢ 240 full-time students this year, compared to 141,388 in the 1962- 63 term. os HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS First Baptist Church 812 Hortop Ave. 11 AM. Rev, G. W. C. Brett, B.A. Minister of Knox Presbyterian Special Preacher Service conducted by the Oshawa Ministerial Association ALL CHURCHES PARTICIPATING YOU ARE WELCOME ago in the Egyptian Pharoah's|A tornado destroyed two small jtomb. Up to Wednesday, more) schools Wednesday, injuring 13! , than 55,000 persons had visited students and a teacher at one as the exhibition which opened jt slashed through -three south- TDOORS |March 5 and winds up Sunday,/east Missouri counties. No April 5. deaths were reported. Twenty- The accent will be on out- seen, right, giving one of the r : ' ANAGER 'four children is nes aon. door recreation April 5 to 11 coloriul posters to Paul Wysot- | NAMED MANA ee cP jhouse escaped. injury although when National Wildlife Week ski, an Oshawa sporting store _ PRINCE RUPERT, RO ( the school' was blown. down will be promoted by the Cana- operator. Charles E. Giordano, news edi- around them. dian Wildlife Federation and --Oshawa Times Photo |tor and advertising manager of; : sf ---------|The News, has been appointed ENDS COIN SALE |manager of the afternoon news- e e |paper with supervision of the tt Wd O ] t |business, advertising and editor-| ] lial departments, is z SEEKS INFORMATION OTTAWA (CP) -- The fed- n l T leral health department is seek- e an jing information from Germany in connection with the develop- oe : : ment of .an electro - magnetic| By ROBERT RICE aid Ontario is to open April ra cost of a dagen project./field as a means ne, ir : ae : g Shipping interests have gener-|yses and bacteria by Dr. Fritz cok in weer Tpe--tedéral goverment hasjally accepted the idea of pay-Hahn. Health Minister La- . 7 ., |been under heavy pressure|ing "user charges" to cover the|Marsh said that when complete oar at ioe lh 0 Ca: ifrom shipping lines, industries|cost of maintaining the Welland|information is available, it will rake Meas' ket nar oni the Ontario government to|Canal, but they have opposed|pe carefully studied to deter- paying 'tolls ore the Welland Canal free "(S"twe Canadian St. Lawrence mine ee ah aa has ; ; icin | Lolls. . st. Lawrence! worthwhile application in Cana- Ansouncement of this --- The pressure grew after Mr.|Seaway Authority plans to hold!gian hosptthls eae veneelm, & Pa the thier °'Mcliraith announced Dec. 23|public hearings April '30-May 2 7 re reimpose tolls on the . yoy that notes had been exchanged|in Ottawa to hear submissions) WATCHES EXPERIMENT re "6 e cee between Canada and the United|on the toll situation. It received) OTTAWA (CP) -- Health Min- eons ae! i Fansport) states approving the reimposi-|private submissions from inter-|ister LaMarsh said Wednesday gee ickersgt 'aid the gov.|tion. of Welland tolls effectivejested parties--shipping lines, in-|the government is watching ee "has 00t. vat f i ay April 1, \dustries and several provincial "with close interest" an exper- sa tet the st Lee so Baal The previous Progressive Con-| governments--last year. var Antbocity 'to claeobe tolis| Sevative government, living up| ; ; to an election promise, ha on Wotand trates feat iteg tls trom the Welland | BOO) Pupils (2%: om de een seaway agency. ges oye Well 4 Gane) ' p |rivatives to see whether ben Met ccs lege Thprer endant of Aaron A en the Welian anal) ' esc ! Hoven thougyiormer transport opened in 1932, Ships and car-| [ | of the ancient Hebrews," he minister Mclfraith announced) . 10 Nn orea id i he bi last December that tolls would|8¢5 moved through it without | War said, cupping the rown pom- be reimposed, a formal cabinet| Paying any tolls. Then in 1959,/ oooi cap Trenc m p pom cap which covers his long - to oblige|tolls were levied to pay off the), ." a (AP): --- More. than |hair -- unshorn and uncombed order was secrecy o BF ie of deepening the canal to 60,000 students demonstrated in for months. ne Bago Meta fo res ah TN seaway 'draught of 27 teet,|2 Korean cities today against ' "I wear my beard in. the Aa- Such ah order-in-councit was liye ghd ira ~ - hile nde py gr a or @) e n ron tradition. 'The Bible says never passed, sdurces said. [mponition _llednatge rand normal, but President Chun ; = ee, Cenaiiene Permit, tae ak oo oe uh Hee Park vowed to continue the PARIS (AP) -- The vote| As of now, they also expect Leviiens teat taunieas oss at the Welland Canal _ will pe 00.000 project to twin the Wel-|'@/ks in Tokyo no matter how doesn't take place until late in}him to win. iting the beard and allowing! opened pS ame ge ote wpe liand Canal, thus allowing yer | many turn out. _ |1965, but French politicians are) Several other candidates also\one's hair to grow long. | seaway een } fic to move in both directions| Park appealed for calm in warming up to their country's) may make the race, but it is) Aarons, 41-year-old father of jat the same time. The move| ne face of the biggest outpour-|first direct presidential election/difficult to say who or how|six, belongs to a Jamaican Ne- AW 195 Si was planned to avert over- ing onary since public ri-|in more than a century. |many. |gro cult that worships Emperor igns crowding of the Welland route ain rought down President) 4 constitutional amendment! 'The election will mark a turn-|Haile. Selassie of Ethiopia as a : and increase its capacity by 60) x reuen in rs 1960./nas eliminated the electoral col-|ing point in French political his-|living god and feels that salva- N A {Per cent. ri ' ol rid students they liege of some 100,000 notables |tory, The direct popular elec-jtion for the black man can come ew greemen | At the same time, Mr. MOiStaeamit "enteice en "oe Snares * eanatee will give the country a new/only through repatriation to At.) ' a Tiraith, now président of the) "mu . ,PeT-\in 1958. The. amendment handed) sort of campaign, rita," 5 | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--A new|privy Council, said that the one, aa the decision to the electorate! The simple fact of popular) On the wall of his hut, collective bargaining agreement/imposed Welland Canal tolls| i . rt 0 ay. \French 'politicians agree that! section puts a new emphasis\knocked together with old was signed Wednesday between! wiji he considered in the CUr-| nat th pel ent stressed/this alters the scene consider-/ 11 the office of president. The\boards, is a color portrait of fcnendn) Ciel "anu Ceca] Sti, seu wl otyg wil cette, 'and_ tule Sets" 10H Hew Ptlgrealy Increased' power of teal Sean, whos nase be sa | nents of the elland : ra 0 be . | sidenc stitu-|fore he ascended the Ethiopian 195, United Auto Workers Union ds arenes that it set a pre-| Promised to settle differences} Gaston Defferre, 53, mayor of gaged Fitth Republic is an. throne was Fas Tafari, which (CLC) officially ending lengthy|cedent under which they would) with apan, Korea's overlord/Marseille, got the ball ne other factor. So, too, is the tow-|means "Prince «of Peace." The ---- ~ Pica: pipe obliged to pay off the capi-| Pr ee wae . end as the Socialist ee baer ering personality of de Gaullejname Ras Tafari was given to -- period from Jan. 1,| prog sion feo 'ol onlyjcandidate. With the ig ee himself, if he faces the voters|the Jamaican movement which| 1964. S$ most. favorable to us." imaginative publicity, he hasio- the first time as'a candi-\began in the 1930s. Among other 'improvements, Tobacco Sells At \launched a "new frontiers" sort! date. | the contract provides wage in- FIRE REPORTED jot pitch with an "'association) "The amendment of 1962 pro-|'KING OF THE EARTH' creases of eight cents an hour | 43 36 C t 1) d Osh Fi Fi [for the horizons of 1980. Thel vides for a wide open initial) "Haile Selassie is the king of the first year, and five cents) i enis roun se 3 eee 'ighters Were association is designed to lure|.ace, then a-runoff between the|the earth," said Aarons, a for- in each of the two succeeding| jCaned, nesday, to'a fire N/support from young voters out-two top runners if no one gets|mer government trade instruc- years, plus a $25 bonus payable! TLLSONBURG, Ont. (CP)--|a tree on Townline road. Chil-/side the regular Socialist party], majority on the first ballot.|tor who has been a Rasta since immediately in lieu of retroac-|Sales of 1,279,383 pounds of to-|dren had been trying to build a/ranks, ___| Between the initial vote and/1952. 'He is the returned mes- tive pay. jbacco fetched an average 43.36 house in the tree and pieces of} The Independent-Republicats,|the runoff. any candidate canisiah, an earthly god." The ge gegen apply Sains a pane -- Soe ia can for 7 -- a minor segment of the presenti withdraw. The runoff is be-| "I feel I would live a happy hak sue of gia! to ase re ntario. Fiue-Cured' Tobacco|tion w a pet i spe was governmental coalition, are al-ltween the two top men left in|life in Africa. It would give me a an 0 $2.35|Growers Marketing Board ex-|soon under con rol = the tree ready urging de Gaulle to runitne running. In this way, the|a chance to teach and help the for skilled help. _ _\changes Wednesday. jhouse was a "'total loss'. Fire|for another seven-year term: AS/man in second place in the first,people in a new way. In The signing ended a brie So far, 128,717,550 pounds of|Fighters also answered sevenja practiced politician de Gaulle| vote could withdraw in favor ofJamaica I haven't got the| strike of. some 9) employees/the 1963 crop have sold at anjroutine ambulance calls duringlis hiding his intentions, but|the man who came in third. |chance." | Tuesday. average of 50.67 cents a pound. Ithe day. most persons expect him to run, Some politicians, mindful bee dulge ib ae sai (el os the Kennedy tragedy, have sug-|have much hope of getting to! gested that France elect a vice-|Africa unless the Jamaican gov- |president at the same time.| ernment launches a repatriation |This idea has encountered icy|scheme for Ras Tafarians. He} jopposition from de Gaulle, and makes a subsistence living do-| jso is ruled out. De Gaulle does ing upholstery work. | not want anyone else's name on Today, Ras Tafarians, who the same ballot, according to number only a few thousand out persons close to the president.|of a population of 1,600,000, pos- Others have suggested that the|sibly arouse more concern #nan pce resiaent could be namedjany other segment of Jamaican Jon a. separate ballot but this/society. could result in the election of) Certain extremist elements lan anti-Gaullist for the second/have resorted to anti-social be- spot. |havior, including use of foul ; jlanguage against unsuspecting PERSONAL VANITY |white tourists. Criminal ele- At present, there seems little ments, too, have adopted the chance for Defferre or anyone|Rasta bearded guise without ac- jelse to beat de Gaulle. But de/cepting the religious beliefs or| Gaulle sets his own rules, and/philosophy--in which non - vi-| his personal vanity is a factor./olence is a cardinal point--and | Some persons feel that if deiby their actions have brought Gaulle fails to get an outright|Ras Tafarians into disrepute. |majority on the first ballot, he; might decide he had been re-- NOT ALL POOR | jpudiated by more than half the! In the slum areas where most; jvoters, and then pull out. |Rastas live (though not all are! For this reason, the first alm |x -------- jof the anti-Gaullists is to force him Into a runoff. | Other candidacies are likely to bob up from old-line parties-- jhe Communists, the middle- roading and badly misnamed Radical-Socialists, and perhaps jthe Popular Republicans |\(MRP) and their allies. The candidates likely will be longstanding party leaders, en- jdorsed first by the party's na- jtional committee, and then by a national party congress. HEARINGS END WASHINGTON (AP) -- The) Bobby Baker hearings appar-| jently ended Wednesday with jtestimony by a government au- ditor that examination of the former Senate aide's 1959-62 federal income tax returns had) turned up only "a few discre- pancies."" Since Baker resigned) last Oct. 7 as secretary to the| |Senate's Democratic majority, the committee has heen~inves- tigating whether his. outside business dealings conflicted SPACIOUS GYM AT SIMCOE. BOYS' CLUB Simcoe Hal! Boys' Club. has. cated on Kulalie avenue. the "one of the finest gymnasiums. club ¢erves of the most in the district -- the spacious densely populated youth areas types of sport and entertain- ment for both boys and girls size. swimming pool which is one t popular with younz members The Salvation Arm : 133 SIMCOE STREET. SOUTH MAJOR and MRS. FRED LEWIS -- CORPS OFFICERS Yi The WORD is the WAY EVANGELISTIC BIBLE CRUSADE The SALVATION ARMY 133 Simcoe Street South CONDUCTED BY LIEUT.-COLONEL and MRS. W., BOUTERSE MARCH, 29th SERVICES SUNDAY ..: MONDAY to THURSDAY GOOD FRIDAY EASTER SUNDAY (SUNRISE SERVICE) .. OTHER SERVICES ALL WELCOME with his official duties or in- | --Oshawa Times Photo | yoiveq other improprieties. interior is shown above. Lo in the city, It affords many 1¢ club also has an Olympic. .- 15.00 A.M. & 7.00 P.M. 8.00 P.M. 11.00 A.M. & 7.00 P.M. 7.00 AM & 7.00 PM BRING YOUR BIBLE