Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Mar 1964, p. 9

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speaker; Albert Walker, MPP, Oshawa riding; and George Martin, president of the asso- ciation, Michael Starr, MP, night. Shown at the meeting, left to right, are Donald Bla' Dodds, vice - president of the OPCA; Thomas Wells. Scarborough North, the guest THE CITY OF OSHAWA PROGRESSIVE Conserva- tive Association held its monthly dinner-meeting at the Hotel Genosha Wednesday Somebody In Party Bungled But PC's Won't Fold--MPP 5 | i Iker stressed that it is] young level," he said, He point- Albert V. Walker, MLA for| Mr. Walker s see ict a6 treabers af te Oshawa_ Riding, Wednesday|*jnconceivable" to suggest that i : i cuses for last} " i ._ {Ontario legislature are age 40 eek renee Police Act the PC 'party would ever bring) or younger and that the average , nlin legislation destined to upset) age in the legislature is 49. Amendment bill as presented in| the Legislature. the Magna Carta. He added that| 'The secret' of success for our Speaking at the Progressive|he believes "some form of leg-|party is this new infusion of|/Verdun road, : Conservative Association of Osh-|islation" is needed to enable the| young people. It is going to en-|months on each of six charges Hotel! combatting of crime in the prov-|able us to be in government for|Of uttering and six charges of awa dinner meeting at Genosha, Mr. Walker said: "Our|ince. party is not going to fold up and Following Mr. Walker's re-| The two chief themes of the die because a bungle was aP-| arcs guest speaker Thomas|PC party should convince parently made. This isn't tne | wells, MLA for Scarborough|"young and old" that the party first time a mistake ted mahe| North Riding, presented an ad-jis worthy of their respect, and it probably won't "be. the dress entitled 'Youth and Poli-/said. These themes are: huma a7 his comments regarding| tics": betterment, and provincial de- the resignation of Attorney Gen-| Mr. Wells, 33, urged that one velopinent. eral Fred Cass, Mr. Walker saidjof the key areas of concentra-| 'Protection of the rights of he had done "a terrific job for|tion by the PC's should be the/the individual is included here,"'| the province" in two portfolios|recruiting of young members. |he stated, adding that the PC and added that the portfolio of} "If the voting age is lowered, jparty "stands for freedom and | 20 years longer." lit to have organizations at jcheques given to him by thelanother car forced his vehicle he} al Two Break-ins - At Plaza Oshawa Police are today in- vestigating two break-ins at shopping plazas. The front glass doors of Roxy Variety Store, Rosslyn Plaza, and L. and B. Milk Store, Hor- top Plaza, were kicked in leay- SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1964 The Oshawa Times PAGE NINE, ing a hole big enough for a} man to enter. | Managers from both stores have checked stock and report nothing is missing. Police believe two youths aged about 17, seen in the area of Hortop Plaza at the time of the offence, might be able to help in investigations. Two Cars In Collision Two cars collided at the junc- tion of King street.east and On- tario street, Wednesday, - caus- ing a total of $235 property damage but no personal in- juries. : The drivers concerned were Ontario Riding, was unable to get home from Ottawa for the |Reginald Wallace, 56 Church dinner-meeting. |street, erg pe cet aw << | Hamilton, enrush street. phe ee | Early today a car owned by Harold Audley and parked out- |side his home at 84 Gladstone avenue, was hit by another ve- jhicie that did not stop. Damage totalled $75. Emerson Helmer, 521 Fox Gets Term s Six Months street, was driving near. the junction of Simcoe street and An Oshawa man who forged|Wayne street, Wednesday, when Welfare Department to pay his! off the road and into a tele rent wag sent to prison for six' phone pole. The second car did] months, Wednesday, at Magis-|not stop and damage to Mr. Hel- trate's Court mer's vehicle totalled $150. Clarence Everitt 144; -- EDT AES REDO was six) Parents Cautioned Smith, given forgeny, to run concurrently. After passing sentence, Magis- trate H. W. Jermyn said he thought the Welfare Department) The Oshawa and District So- administration might very well|ciety for the Prevention of send cheques directly to land-|Curelty to Animals has issued lords rather than give them tolits annual message to parents those on welfare and put temp-|who are considering the pur- tation in their way. chase of pets for Easter gifts. Herbert Chesebrough, City It reads as follows: "A fluffy Welfare Administrator, s aid)chick, a cuddly bunny or a tod-| the Com- At the invitation of Oshawa Chamber of merce, Rod Thomson, left, | assistant director of the Canadian Tourist Association, Wednesday visited the Cana- dian Automotive museum. He is seen nere with Jack Mann, of the C, of C. Mr. Thomson Said .he was impressed with the many 'informative dis- plays and commented on the pleasant atmosphere of the . He will return to his office in Toronto, armed after the court, the department|qjing 'duck appeals to both chil-| gave cheques directly to people/dren and parents, Without rea- on welfare so they would notijizing such immature animals} lose a sense of responsibility) neeq a warm brooder and spe-| and still be able to pay their!cjal feed, people often buy them own bills. las toys, especially at Easter-| He said in some cases where|time. | the man on welfare was known} 'ost homes cannot furnish to be an alcoholic, the cheques ¢he necessary protection and were given to. his wife. often helpless animals are kill-| ~~ led by other family pets. Chil- dren see them sicken and die CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays today: Freddie Belliveau, 10 Rich- tourists. functions Tourist Association this year is to promote inter-provincial travel, said Mr. Thomson. --Oshawa Times Photo VISITS AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM with of information will be able to pass along to One of the which he the major Canadian Court Fines Total $600 Wednesday More than $600 was levied in fines by Magistrate H. W. Jer- myn, Wednesday, in Oshawa Traffic Court, against 39 offend- ers, The following 24 drivers were fined for speeding offences: Harley Liewellyn Hayes, 16 Reader avenue, Bowmanville, $100; Kenneth Koxnick, Toronto, $10; Raymond Holley, 804 Dun- das St. W., Whitby, $10; Er- cole Forest, 705 Stone street, Oshawa, $15; John Duffy, To- ronto, $10; Ambrose Freamo, Boprad avenue, Pickering, $12; Peter Dewhurst, Willowdale, $20; Roger Parker, Trenton, $20; Grant McInnes, Toronto, $20; Meyer Levine, Peterbor- ough, $10; John Churchill, To- ronto, $10; Leonard Wall, RR 1, Oshawa, $20; Jack Tickins, Is- Kington, $20; Roderick Thibo- deau, Don Mills, $20; John Perry, East Whitby, $15; Jerry Pazitka, 460 Eulalie avenue, $10; Douglas Morduff, Lakefield, $15; Beverly Kingston, RR 2, Oshawa, $20; Nalvin Kay, Don Mills, $10; Donald Hare, Dun- barton, $15; Beverley Cooper, \61 Stone street, Oshawa, $15; |William Robinson, Agincourt, $10; Loyd Dagg, Toronto, $10 and Maltcolm MacDonald, Brampton, $14. The remaining 15 offenders were fined as follows: Harold Ballem, 45 Division street, im- proper passing, $10; Percy Mer- Lumber Piled Up To Beat Tax Hike By ALAN DONNELLY | Canadian Press Staff Writer Mr. the tax. In a press conference, Gordon dismissed the The controversial sales tax on|Claims of builders that a slump) |building materials and produc-|in construction will result. rill, RR 2, Oshawa, failing to signal, $10; Lyle Lalonde, 328 Annapolis avenue, failing to produce licence, $10; George Clark, Bay Ridges, no front li- cence plate, $10; Arthur Olive, Hamilton, careless driving, $25; Roy Powell, Frenchman's Bay, no tail light, $5; Leroy Carleton, RR 1 Claremont, stopping in the wrong place, $20. Gerald Goguen, Scarborough, an offence under section 81 of land learn. to be careless of life land suffering. "Animal -- protective societies ask parents to buy stuffed ani- mals and candy novelties which will bring pleasure to children." past-president~ 4f "the rio Hospital Asséplation; Voluntary Hospitals, he said meant: 'People working to gether fot the common good. "It points out in no uncertain terms to government and to others who would have us liter- ally spoon-fed for the rest of our lives, that within reasonable limits, we are quite capable of charting our own course; not only in this hospital business but in other areas which some peo- ple are already inclined to write off to the ever widening} cloud of bureaucracy." It was, Jessup said, an ac- complishment that voluntary hospitals had been set up "with- dis- MONSIGNOR DWYER . Pays Tribute could say with greater clarity;may never come into direct con-) nti 50! stan-|attempted escape on Feb. 25 in T Di t cue ee deity hospital sye-| tact with the patient at all. Weeds cia: cindto i |which a guard, Harold Pattison, | 0 1rec ors tem had given this country. | "Yet all these people are €S-| chrysanthemums, carnations. |and laundry supervisor, Robert) kawa G 1 Hospital The advent of various govern-|sential to the provision of good| stocks and roses 'Drysdale, fractured) Oshawa G ' Dane "2 a ment sponsored medical insur-| hospital care and what is equal-| One novelty arrangement con-|Skulls when with a|president, T. L. Wilson, and the ance schemes had resulted in|ly important is the fact that cicteg of an Easter bunny with| broom handle. "more people receiving the care|they must receive salaries and), skirt made entirely of fowl Attorney General was "a very|it will be absolutely necessary this will remain the key corner- difficult one". i the|stone of the party." A : re Many Enjoy Hospital Plan any'njoy Is Approved FlowerShow City Youth Canada's voluntary system ofjnursing care. They must be 0 W er 0 W 7 hospitals received full backing|fully equipped with newly de-| _B ' Lobe from the guest speaker at Osh-|veloped equipment and drugs sotane Reed rrietigg nek os ets ears awa General Hospital's annual/which can bring about the re-\paster' flower show at their! | meeting Tuesday evening. tym, to _-- of epee pea store and: greenhouses on Bloor} Addressing: the-gathéring, was| Who formerly would have died. |street west. 'or Assau t | R. R. Jessueet. ray: Bee eee Pha -- eg sunny. second) .™, | "It has meant that more treat-/24¥ ring encouraged: thou-| ., mént methods for more ilinesses|949@ to. attend this traditional! BOELPH = Lanny Joseph, S H "i +18, of Oshawa, Wednesday was has resulted in an increased de-\9P@h house. sentenced to two concurrent mand for hospital facilities --| MBE morning, about 100 ee ene cine years! especially active treatment beds/CSmietA bugs with'all their os cating two Ontarie Re-| -- where intensive care can bes®ipment took pictures of the) ot : ds with sige t t given to help the patient return 7#eontiowse flowers as well as|{rmatory guards with intent to the various displays. 'The Orig- wound, .plus a concurrent term to a normal and more produc- ere) jy of two years for breaking prison tive life." jinal Beatles'? were especially] ih ibiones Se ay ae ee favored by the photographers. A ke ; war ald at Sorte etic The exhbition was opened to ,,"WOdeA Pentetiny terms some called "the high cost of{"%; ™blic at 1 p.m. ley Sem ee wee tad hospital care and featment" | Throughout the greenhouses,| seed as rary A "Par i Jessup said it was important the| many signs explained the var- 7 f otis é tl fold H tse. 17, public be made aware of tine |LOUs operations involved in the f'Silv Creek "NY ad :} aiwhy! GF each costs indoor cultivation of such a wide ie aad sa ago Nice ti : : variety of plants. Each type of Pl Raggl 18,: : of Ege To provide you with the per-|niant was labelled with its scien-| alls. The sentences will start) jsonal service so necessary toltific name. on completion of current re- your recovery," he explained,| At intervals, beautiful eae k ee i aaa samen ig lays were set up. A tg he, ; cohiiee We There was a running water 23é re WBS out any measure of authoritar-|and other workers, because hos-|fountain, a garden, a flowered Magistrate H. R. Howitt. One ian direction." pital care is a 24-hour-a-day,|trelis, a dream rose tree and|°% five Ontario Reformatory idl STANDARD CARE "ein actual fact, there are over|te® ,feauures. meets weuch he hele tes . Shon ual fact, ver) In the sto ct any 5 . WiC a | Canadians, he said, had been|two hospital employees required |ioyety Agwer artanuemieate police officer and signed, in- able to establish a standard of|for every Bg ell It :, true|were tastefully displayed. ai Prest in assault,| hospital care which was "'sec-;/many of the hospital staff are] There were several rrange-|Were lies ond to none". No other words| Working behind the scenes and| ments of four dozen rose in| -The charges arose out of an sustained beaten feel Hamilton Fund The John 'Jock'? Hamilton Fund jumped today to $399 on jreceipt of a cheque for $20 from St. Gregory's (Oshawa) Council of the Knights of Columbus. | | Hamilton, the sel-employed| r that/Toronto cabbie who burned out discrim inated|the engine of a car during a re- hospitals and by|cent mercy. drive here with anti-} nurses . in' hiring|toxin serum, was presented with} Cash practices and employment con-|a cheque for $313 of this amount 'ditions, Monday. | ie A jwages that are on a par with|.,<. ; | they need care which a few] ers. Another display attracted| 0 h Y th lbership meeting, Tuesday. ) awa ou | Msgr. Paul Dwyer, pastor of \St. Gregory's parish, speaking ' Federal | bi ilizes almost 70 per cent] jeg. s .. 'Another product of Federal|Dill utilizes Bese Pe chids in vials of water attached S W _ government hospital legislation! °f every hospital dollar to a white delicate tinted tree. aves oman | of thanks. ' nT ance ¢ a rd ¢ "ha '7 m4 2odayv « ; "hoy are now ftve to concen-| Meals, use of operating. room, unusual orange and blue bird)at Chatham, Wednesday, and|,, step aside from the presi- equipment, to be. used by our tory services, drugs and medica- rangements of every type ofia 45 foot high bridge into the contribution to community wel- frauis toring anead ath me,|been many achievements in shapes and sizes were on dis-|into the murky water. in their, own professions « and F A A "1 : 'on flo rizes i "lucky| a Sa ; is noted, had been 'conditional",|TePair is virtua'ty routine ut re Diieee in 8 ducky ane to safely ience and ability to serve the hi sti ; 5 ! lung machine costing $14,000 Mrs. Leonard Gannon, 2|the woman on the bank. He had|_.Y4 ", ' sums needed for buildings, land|: * sai I think Oshawa _ should machine -costing $30,000." | ; : ; . he, g § alth} Taunton road east; bowl var-/ering in the 40 degrees air, said, "who that the re- "If people were aware of this, | Hugh Finley, 25 responsibility of government. ns : a trend towards the true under-|Fetchison, 130 Eastmount av-|be staying with friends in the/°f , all 'previous directorates "Hospitals -- and this includés The great' amount of thought, valuable community institution Claims Nurses the extent of care they render |show was entirely rewarded not to muster." to the display. BREAK-IN AT WHITBY mittee for the Advancement of be termed "a medical revolu-| Never mihd that tion", ' Montreal semi-final Brock south, was broken into|Health Minister Dymond to or- Children's|during the night. A smallider an inquiry 'into the com- place to die to a place to get'fighters, among them - some was gained by kicking in a glass|n"rses are well seml-pro_ stars panelled door. Store Manager against by os |licly thanked for their efforts years ago they may not have that paid for other comparable|, great deal of attention. It! been able to afford," Jessup|Jobs within the community. The| consisted of several dozen liv-| from the floor at the close of F 7 Then, too, Jessup noted, there 5 -- passed in 1957 -- had been , , * oR Tver eee : oa ination of annual deficits, Were other costs involved in per- Rony arrangement of in A 15-year-old Oshawa youth, He noted with regret that Mr. trate on up-dating their facilities case room, recovery room, e'ec. of paradise flowers, rescued a drowning woman. dency, and praised his and the p-dating their fe fone flower from heather to yellow|river Thames, dashed to the % up-to-date physiciar- and sur-| oe . Gal oreatoas | he explained, |medical research, The fruits he play in the store. Seconds later Kostinka Ora 8 in ocees and yet have contin- ;\draw". The winners and their} When an ambulance arrive nai ; stating Ottawa would share hos- d hospital," he pointed out. = eee males caticet C82 Dl Amalia sirens, Picton; poyanthus|discarded all his clothing apart or equipment |note the great progress made "We have discovered he 5 ; great personal sacrifice he has Te rangement of daffodils -- Mrs.| The woman was admitted to " j sponsibility for the hospital's ad oe if everyone :really thought about|Willowdale> bow! of 25 better|Kostinka was treated for shock| Msgr. Dwyer noted too, in his This, of course, is not: true. standing of hospital costs. Mis-\°MU¢: hydrangea plant -- Rod /Chatham area. winen hed. done so much to your hospital -- are community) * _ jimagination, enterprise © and it is today." '222' Stars depend on the degree of com- St jonly by the great number in at- Are Exploited During the past 20 years, he 'Leaf: The Whitby branch of Jury Professional Nurses anounced "This revolution in medicine game tonight has added eight years to the} Go down to the average North American's life|Arena and watch the UAW-\amount of cash was taken but/plaints of rank-and-file -nurses. expectancy and has changed the|Local 222 All Stars take on a\valuable cameras and other| Officials of the newly-formed "This meant that hospitals) Fifty cents admission and its V. W. Evans declined to reveal | supervising could no longer be satisfied with\all for muscular dystrophy.|the exact amount of jat the institution's annual mem- noted result is that the hospital wage ing white and mauve-pink or- the meeting, proposed the vote in: hospital budgeting. sonal hospital service including: rest was composed of the very| Zoli Kostinka, dived into a river Wilson had found it necessary snd: dcautting new modern trocardiagrams, x-rays, lubora- Numerous other artistic ar- He saw the woman leap from board's work as "an unstinting E ing , j 7 a s i i . pa ge ec ts el There had, he emphasized, |" nculus and in different)bank, and fully clothed plunged "These men are all very busy is Sever yer appv neoodlel g . : y The government bill, Jessup noted were costly: ". heart everal very happy people|ged the woman onto the bank! od unseMistily of their exper- thanks. to an ificial t ; | ; ; : s to an artificial heart and) prizes were: potted 'mum plant|Kostinka was standing beside : pital service costs but not the Of Mr. Wilson, Msgr. Dwyer treated with a ioactive cobal . ; n a il Breads ve conait rose bush Grahame Fish,/from his trousers and was shiv- ; "There are still those," junder his leadership and the is purchasable," Jessup said.| ; 7 4 : D ! " P Links drive,hospital for observation, ™ade. capital expenditures is still the n it seriously; they would ail join|imes long stem roses -- Mrs./and released. He is believed ig Fat ae RENDER SERVICE abit UN fae 0, halt n Wake the OshaWs Coenen understandings would be cleared|>!™Pson, Enniskillen. i nese ue Ostawe General, the " institutions and their growth and jwork which goes into such a| munity support they are able tendance but by their reaction . Play Tonight TORONTO (CP)--The Com-! said, there had been what migh ' hockey and Lovell's "Drug Stores on|Wednesday it would ask gaged | concept of hospitals from 'a/pickup group of Toronto fire-|stock was left untouched. Entry;committee have charged supplying merely' beds and basicj|Game time ig 8 p.m. taken. Cancelled {Board of Directors were pub-| mond street east; Caroline Howard, 480 Jarvis street; Mrs. Fred Fishenden, 38 Wayne street; John Flemko, 339 Nipigon street. Congratulations also to Jackie (Cookie) Rogan, 386 Humewood avenue, 'who will be 18 on Good Friday, March 27. Phone 723-3474, jtion equipment doubles to eight) The cross - country survey |per cent next Wednesday, April| polled some suppliers and build- |1, and many Canadian builders|ers who said they expect a fall- and distributors have_ been/off in building activity after the stockpiling lumber in advance/April 1 tax increase. to avoid the higher tax. But some attributed this in Instances of stockpiling were | part to the March 31 closing out found in a cross-country bgitind bel the period ag federal incen- by The Canadian Press. It also|tives to, winter house-building. he found that most suppliers of} Not all of the building mater-|D€@", Brantford, failing to use [building materials plan to in-|ial suppliers plan to pass on the|? passing beam, $5; Carlo Ro- crease prices as soon as the tax|tax increase in the form SPT hia Toronto, no valid licence, increase takes effect. higher prices. /$10. | Since the tax is ier at " "We intend to maintain ser In two cases brought forward manufacturer's level, the result/prices despite the increase [for some distributors will be a/tax," said F, H. Sherman, pres- va the Department of Trans. |windfall from higher prices oniident of Dominion Foundries] Port, Mill Valley Lumber Com- lumber and other materials on/and Stee! Limited, Hamilton. | pany Limited, Whitby, was fined [ate » higher tax hasn'tiworK PLANNED |$20 for overloading a truck and WHITBY (Staff) -- Wednes-|Peen paid. : "The heavy equipment busi-\Jack Watson, Scarborough was day and Thursday hearings of -- igen Fe ha ness is such that work is planned |fined $40 for a similar offence. the Winter Assizes here were|8cneral. Moreover, :ers S8Y/ months and years in advance," cancelled after Mr. Justice R. I.|Stockpiling isn't grohenst for aid R B. Simpson, vice-presi- Ferguson was taken ill. saad commodities, notably ce-\aent of John Inglis Company It was the second time during|" Finance Minister Gordon an-|Limited of Toronto. "We have the three weeks of Ontario f "Ba jexperienced no great surge in County Supreme Court hearings|iect June 13. the Ai-per-cent|business as the effective tax In Baggage Locker that Ferguson has been unable! -- ; ( : |\date draws near?' meee ' to preside because of illness. Pitkc ale at aoa The president of Erie Floor-| MONTREAL (€P) -- Police satiate : ing and Wood Products Limited|said a time-bomb was found in a baggage locker at the CNR's Mr. Justice Samuel Hughesition equipment, and in a par-|\78 2 u e took the first week's cases in'tial retreat four weeks later|\) Toronto, hae G. Por, said | retail customers have|qowntown Central Station Wed- nesday. Ferguson's absence. lagreed to stretch out the im-|'> | " . Hearings at the Winter Assizes| pact with an initial four-per-cent|Stocked products out of all pro- Det.-Sgt. Leo Plouffe, Mont- real police department's explo- will resume Tuesday morning levy, rising to eight per cat urorler oe ae neem, 40) sives expert, was called by CNR police after the paper- under Mr. Justice E. L. Harris. | April 1 and to the full 11 Per ner cert," he said. "The tax| The naure of Mr. Justice Fer-/cent next Jan, 1. will have a depressing effect on guson's illness is not known. |UNDER PRESSURE the residenital construction in- Before his latest budget Mr./dustry, but it will be early May |Gordon was under heavy pres-|before we know exactly what|wrapped bomb was found dur- jsure from the construction in-|effect." ing a check of the lockers, Sgt, Plouffe dismantled the bomb made up of four sticks of dynamite wired to an alarm clock. the traffic act, $10; Lewis Nel- son, 53 Hillcroft street, passing within 100 yards of an intersec- tion, $10; William Brumwell, Bobcaygeon, passing within 100 yards of intersection, $20; Frank Pomery, RR 1 Janetville, park- ing on a highway, $10; Harold 'Winter Assizes Time-Bomb Found | Rand Formula |dustry and the Commons oppo-| In Montreal, Milton Orr, vice- jsition to wipe out the tax, orjpresident of Ottawa Valley at least to leave it at four per Lumber Company, said busi- cent. ness could be "abnormally But his budget didn't touch quiet" until about mid-May. Founder To Be ' Honored LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- One| -' jof the giants of Canadian juris- |prudence whose name has be- come a household expression in labor - management relations, |Dean Ivan C, Rand of the fa- jeulty of law at the University | of Western Ontario, will be hon- ored at-a testimonial dinner to-| 'night. The dinner, given by the UWO |Legal Society, marks the retire- jment of Dean Rand from the faculty June 30, He has held! jthe post since 1959 when he} oversaw formation of the fa-| culty after re.iring at the age jof 75 as a justice of the Su-| |preme Court of Canada. | | Dean Rand served the Su- |preme Court for 16 years but) }one of the climaxes of his car-} eer came in 1945 when he} |stamped his name to a vital) jprocess of labor - management jrelations -- the "Rand form-| jula,"' | The compromise formula he put forward in arbitrating aj dispute at Ford of Canada, |Windsor, has since gained wide . ® jusage in Canada and is used Knights Aid in labor disputes in the United| States but without the 'Rand' designation. In the Windsor dispute, mem-| bers of the United Auto Work-| ers sought to have all employ- ees join the union after a con-| jtract was signed with manage-| |ment. Management 'was ada- mant against this but the. then Mr, Justice Rand's compromise| OShawa St. Gregory's Coun- formula obligated non - union! cil of the Knights of Columbus members to pay UAW dues but this week presented a canoe not to join the union, Both dis-) to Simcoe Hall Boys' Club to putants accepted his arbitratjon.| help with a Water Safety SS PRESENT CANOE TO SIMCOE HALL CLUB Knight; Rev. Patrick Darby, of St. Gertrude's Roman Cath- olic Church; and Anthony Maringer, Grand Knight - of the Oshawa K of C's. --Oshawa Times Photo course conducted there by the Red Cross. Boys in the canoe are Bob Mitchell and Jim Berl, Also shown in picture, back row, are, left to right, Frank Shine, Deputy Grand

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