Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Mar 1964, p. 8

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"make several enemies. In addi-;band claims this looks bad toinviting your bose in to have , @ |tion to the long list of people} he neighbors -- especially since|a little drink when your hus- ANN LANDERS 4 who dislike her intensely, there/he my husband is out of town|band is out of town, I'd\say he . ' Bowling Club's . ' D . AG St. Patrick s Vance, are a number of individuals!a couple of nights a week. |was justified. I see no' harm, with whom she is not on speak-| Does it make sense to standjhowever, in being dropped off " , . j ; ing terms. 'on a street corner and wait for at your door--in full view of the Finances Hockey | Shameless Girl Still ) Our supper party set-ups are|a bus and then walk two blacks|neighbors or anybody else. The Westminster United ug fm jtables of eight. It is virtually|in the dark on a snowy night}----_____- Meo 'hurch Bowling Club's St. Pat-| . . . i ' impossible to find seven people|when I could be driven to my 'rick's Dance which was held Pla n With Fire [ ' who would be comfortable at ajdoor? We live in Grand Rapids, : m , ' ' yl g mae table with Auntie. If you have|Mich., and the winters here are 4 recently was a great success \ I ind green. flourished substan- ' | any suggestions Ronald and I\no joke. Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 ially in honor of St. Patrick. a ' b tyear Awe Manderes Last year last one. Plasse eine Whe? Abpea be grateful. -- 8-BALL) - --__----------| Thanks were extended to all lwe had to send our 17-year-old|do, Gloria will be 18 next week.|, pea! ® Why 'scramble your/terms but it's strictly business THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 24, 1964 nembers of the Bowling Club) daughter to a home for unwed|The boy is 19. Thank you. --|brains over this? Auntie sounds|/He is happily married and so and especially to Mrs. Tohni mothers. After all the unhappi-|p p Q \like Bad News no matter wherejam.I. There is nothing personal -orter who was in charge of : ness she went through I never! pou, p yy Q: Have a talk you put her. If she's not seated/between us. I'd like. to hear 'efreshments, Mr. and Mrs. j thought we would ever have to) it Gioria and the hoy. If they beside an enemy she'll probably|your ideas on this. -- HOME lugh Morrow who were the en- : worry about her conduct again.| | "' ae ree make ORE... FREE ertainment committee and the i fa Well, 1 was wrong Wan te mNAEKY perhaps you' Why don't you put her next Jnited Church Women whose! a @' Gloria returned in November Stould ee ed ~ This isn't'to a broom closet so she'll be acilities were used gs lafter signing papers giving her ay favorite kind of marrage/close to transportation -- and New for Easter is : ¢ ay ; _|but it beats what could be the/then forget it. Prizes were given for spot child up for adoption. She was aitemnative : : : lances and other various games CONVENER depressed, whi': was under- a Dear Ann Landers: My hus- 4 nd fit ka hold ithe wont : _ |standable, but she was pleasant] Dear Ann Landers: My hus-|band has been bugging me \ set @ arier _ sie a EA oy el Mrs. Albert Rose, above, is lang co-operative around the|band's aunt is a widow. She has|about some hing pretty silly. tic 7 5 ae O'Mall the convener of a Penny Fair |nouse. She talked about going been very generous to Ronald|Please be the referee. Bisa : . ae phage pce se sd to be held un -Suncne Hall |hack to shoo! 'next year." and we can't afford to offend) My boss lives about a mile " a For the finest brief appearance and provided! siedlakcgealt He poe Rid Yesterday we learned that) her. oe aes Te must in-|beyond our home, About three pe, - Bs . Hats Visit much humor to the already a ong oe ny the Osh- \Gloria has been secretly dating|®lude Auntie whenever we en-jevenings a week we leave the i cuncanaill' evening ? awa and District Cerebral [the boy who got her into trou- tertain. office within minutes of each f : : ucces ° Palsy Parent Council for Crip- ble, Our neighbors hated to tell It isn't too bad when we havelother. Often he asks me if I r : Viola Credit was given to the Rev-, pled Children as a fund rais- : > Ae rs ,/an open house or reception! yw. ik i : ; ' ; : us, but they felt we should know pion | would like a ride home. My hus- erend John Porter for the Irish, ing project. Articles such as |inat this boy has been coming|Where people mill around, but Re i | SMART WOMEN ... | : C | r hove -their carpets and uphol McDouga | : and accent made the group; household items, clothing, | qon't think we could live problem 'because we don't know KAYE Ss stery cleaned 'The Sate Way' foursome because his ability) jewellery, cosmetics, linens, to the house in our absence.|4 sit-down supper poses a real rank well up with the 'Bea-| toys and groceries will be on through another year like the where to seat her SPORTSWEAR -- LADIES' WEAR 7 re io " ' se ticles ' leay for _m. ; ; y strong S as liv f 4 | provided Irish selections.on the| of these articles may leave | before 1.00 p.m. the day of |mighty strong, She has lived in Eeoiy 'Thundéy aad Friday 728 8518 52 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 4O0- My boss and I are on friendly Dear Free: If you had. been ' by ltles", at least in the opinion of} sale as well as home-baking. Auntie is a belligerent, out- 68 Simcoe North + |the audience. Mr. Colin Brown) Anyone wishing to donate any | take then to the gymnasium |spoken woman who comes on OPEN 'TIL 9 P M DURACLEAN | . ' accordion. them at the. Simcoe Hall | the fair. All articles should be this community for over 50) Use Kaye's Budgat: Plon office with Mrs. McNeill or.' new and worth about $1.50. years and has managed to A presentation of the pro- ceeds was made to Mr. Cyril ao Campbell for the benefit of the WE : ... pat NU! On ™ ae Church hockey team. CL "i f sh ete 77 (] Cag iS : fi A ee Foe' - ia - AY ~ EXPLAIN SEX a am AWW VICTORIA (CP) -- Greater Victoria school trustees have approved in principle sex edu- cation for high school students. Among the means to be used in the education are films and lec- tures KATHY AND KITTY = = -- This dark-eyed lassie is molds, Orono, and Mr. and F Kathy Maye Alldred. She is Mrs. Merrill Mackie, Douro, i the one-year-old daughter of Ontario. Her great-grand- : STORE HOURS: Mr. Mrs. Murray All- t is Mrs. J ] ; 7] . ° ' r. and Mrs furray All- mother is Mrs. John Moffatt i Open Thursday and Friday Nights dred, Orono. Her grand- Orono 4 3 parents are Mrs. Ovid Rey- --Photo by Marian Manser Till 9 p.m, -- Closed Good Friday UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ST. GEORGE'S WA jwas decided to allow the Sun- (Afternoon Branch) day School committee to con- The Afternoon Branch of thejtact a suitable contractor for WA of St. George's Memorial the erection of the wall in the Church met for its devotional) Sunday School room. and business meeting, recently.. The members will cater to a The president, Mrs. Charles'hanquet for the Duplate Sports Gibbs, presided. The scripture and Social Club April 4. A card was read by Mrs. Thomas party for members and their Keast husbands will be held in March A letter of thanks was read|Tickets for the Spring Frolic from Miss Gertrude Jones, sis:'on May 16 will be available at ter of the late ig partner,' the following meeting by Mrs. Thomas Keast An invitation to a social eve- Mrs. Ernest Seeley, gave the ning was accepted from the Dorcas report, also had thelcanadian' Ukrainian Youth dresses, aprons and other af-| Association for April 1. Barvi- ticles on display for the bale nok members will reserve-aeats being sent to WA House, TO0-| 5+ the Don Cossack Association ronto, and two quilts being sent performance to a mission. The social service V Se ; report was given by Mrs. John Mrs. Grigorenko asked for a Sawyer. committee to prepare a Ukram- RIPPLE SOLEe ian exhibit at the Oshawa Folk BATHE PARK LADIES AUX, Festival. Mrs. Paul Plishka,| CASUAL sue Z _|Mrs. Robert Sholdra, Mrs, John A highly successful St: Pat-Dutchak and Mrs. Walter Kuch] BENDS OVER rick's bazaar and tea room was) ,. held. by the Ladies Auxiliary volunteered. BACKWARDS ; Mrs. John Kuney, Mrs. Joh at Bathe Park recently. The y, Mrs. John OMFORTI var@us booths were well-stock-/Sheremeta and Mrs. Michae. ron © 6s . ed and the conveners were as opt, were guests at the) yioht and flexible casual , Tailored Blouses follows: tea-room, Mrs. Cleve-|".) | ne a : " fi for light-stepping moments. Jand: McMann; candy, Mrs. need ¢ faves ot eeaincd Classic perfection in.a shirt style - : é gue of E ( Wilfred Ogden; home baking, by means of slides, The pro- blouse. 100% cotton. Neat pin Mrs. Stanley Hicks; aprons and , S ce Mrs. John Fisher.|8"2™ was most interesting stripes, roll-up sleeves and convert- = The hostess served a_ tasty ible llar. Col General convener was Mrs. Wil- : asty A ible collar, Colors liam Haight, the president, who pha gel Mrs John Dut tan, yellow, blue S| welcomed the guests. fe: Ea ere. 0 and red seas . umentay her home for the April : ik ' wv In the evening, the- regular i, Ee er DE <l <IE PRICE : a meeting of the Auxiliany took) _ renee 6 , : place with Mrs.* William Haight AT THE \ Sizes 12 to 18. presiding. Reports were. given SWINGING CARRIAGE including a financial report of MELVILLE, Sask? (CP)--Har OSHAWA SHOPPING < 3 the bazaar showing a substan- old Rendall..$0. sow of Caner, GENTRE . EASTER Luxurious Fabulous ial profit tial prof has invented a carriage with a New business included plans ,: : for the annual hockey team|'lfference. It can be used as a OPEN THURSDAY SPECIAL : banquet which would be held on ma or a stroller outdoors TILL 9 P.M. SS) New Textured ~onverted in ine Saturday, April 11. Invitations the ee d into a swing in CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY will be mailed by the secre- 2 ; tary to the fathers, sons and aren sence Hp ' z Matched Classic guests in the near future ' The next meeting will be on 2 , Tuesday, April 21 at the Park a \ building at 6.00 p.m. and wil¥] ' ! an go from there to the Southend restaurant for dinner, then back 2 dg park for a social even- Noe P p PULLOVER SET 4 Sy Ay SSSA ». Sern AS | ™, A contest was enjoyed with the winners being Mrs. Wilfred fa LAS: . et wction, en no lll YAK Sop Lg In beautiful whites, pinks, Byard King and Mrs \ p K blues, yellow or beige. . Aldred. Refreshments i in served by yp gue egg be a) Pulp, attractive M Lodies long sleeved. classic cardigans 1 x 1 rib. orig ang Mas." Hoy even: > : E box Round neck. 8 matching pearl buttons. Sizes 14 aia 4 4 \ eee, to 20. CALVARY BAPTIST WMS a . A ". The regular meeting of Cal- ice Be é a ' : 3 4 99 vary Baptist WMS was held-ré see i, é * ' rice cently. The meeting was opened ed with the singing of two hymns. The. scri re reading from Psalm 119 was read in unison Miss Margaret Imrie RN formerly a missionary in Africa OAS, P ' : and now at Oshawa General ' ; re y : we Hospital, was the guest speak introducing . Y WA - Price e a er. She was introduced by Mrs big aie ~ + é Niven Aitken. She spoke on her li A G E RT Y : J . é : work in Africa and the life ? : of Daniel oD E W E L 4 ; L EK A N The meeting closed with prayer Ladies Short sleeve texturized boucle pullover Round crew neck. Ribbed cuff and waistband Ladies': Spring . rece ¢ , Ladies' Celanese , Tricot This new liquid cleaner quickly restores : & 4 a4 ' BARVINOK BRANCH y ° , é ; seal ' Tig . r : 'icalaik Wolaeira Ausac.) sparkle and beauty to your diamonds or "avi if 4° Fashion : ; BRI EFS 3 \ ' Mrs. John Goreglad, Elizabeth precious gems, in gold or platinum settings. ( - j . cont nosing of es 'Uerain. ator sf ik baahasoterlan on pe wy Zz LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S ® 4 5 f : RI NG ; ws Foctic te °O ; ing cage aig ie rd with a soft cloth; each bottle is provided DRESS GLOVES ; OMe Rf 4 ; : Pet OM 'i ve vinok 'Branch, recently. with a soaking tray and brush. >, ia! 8 Bis i GD : ; tary, "Mrs. Steven Génta, and 6-07. size, nie Oe tales treasurer, Mrs. Nicholas Sem poo rp . EASTER PRICE nuk and Mrs. Lawrence Skira YN tow were read. From the cor * respondence it was learned that BIRKS _< rd fo - there would be a regional con (Not suitable for pearls, ference in St. Catharines April shinee Reckalhies JEWELLERS 5. Mrs. Walter Kuch will act as OF HORUS Je10er ery) delegate: from Barvinok Mrs Alex Stec read from the scrip ture OPEN THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M OSHAWA SHOPPING After -hearing estimates on, CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY ENT the cost of the folding door it| c RE

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