Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Mar 1964, p. 4

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arqHockey Group Fights Fluoridation OK &".""""* "For Arena In Ajax Ottawa Tells PC ganfue OTTAWA (CP)--The federal to fluoridation of communal wa- dated from underground depos- : 'government said Monday that|ter supplies and when a clear its of fluoride. No ill effects had AJAX (Staff) --- A delegation, "How is it, that, after listen-|Board had presented a brief fluoridation of communal water|statement of policy regarding been observed. 4 \of about 100 people appeared at\ing patiently for years to thejunder the Municipal Loans Fund supplies is' considered to be of "the favorable results of water) Asked by Mr. Slogan what 4\a meeting of the Ajax Town|stsry that the town could not/for a new library, but that there|"great importance' in the total/fluoridation on the teeth" could general health benefits have Council where the budget was|afford to debenture an arena,|had been no indication that !t/health picture of Canada's popu- be expected. |been found from fluoridation, brought down last night. jwe now find that the town is|would be built, lation. LIMITED TO 'RESEARC |the government said: i | -willi Sid | ! > ESEARCH te The group ha dnot, arrived fo) willing to debenture $175,000 for) Mayor Smith asked the dele-' It said no ill effects had been) Noting that the health 2 Ral BIB Ae aaa : uibble over the 12 million dol-|@ brary?" : _|gation to present a brief to the ob : : ' - ue budget, however, but was) "If the $175,000 library, which Capital Works Program Com: cate phere conten _ aon engaged in fluor-|that the adjustment of the fluor- é lwill not be self-liquidating, can| mittee meeting next moth. He , spb idation research for some 16\jde content of a water supply, composed of the members of the) | en ng moth. He tent adjusted to one part of # : r |Ajax Minor Hockey Association.|be debentured, why cannot an also pointed out that Municipal fyoride ser 1,000,000 parts of years, the government teply|whereby there is a concentra \"nyne Association is responsible;27en@ at approximately the Works Program funds were not), a¢ ee ion thous us |said the department's activities/tion of one part fluoride to lfor all minor hockey in. Ajax|S@me price, which would be grants but loans which have a ne es b dthakir ny S\from the beginning have been/1,000,000 parts of water, brings and is operated by a men's as-\S¢lf-liquidating, not be deben-i25 per cent forgiveness clause, Muoridated 'on undecground oe "g Senge ne err about an average reduction of ree _|tured?"' 'but that it was still borrowin : : cation of research findings and)6) per cent in the prevalence cpaegle composes Ot eociantion| "Why is an arena which at/at an interest rate. ¥ deposits of 'fluoride. the provision of technical ad-|of tooth decay to children con- lute ae of spe a 'oar 359 one time was approved by the Councillor 0. G. Ashley told However, the federal health vice and information. : suming fluoridated water since 8 | boys play under its auspices and Clectors of this town, consistent: the group, which filled the Coun- department has given no advice "No advice has been given birth. mm it a therefore. the largest or-|/Y dropped to the bottom of the] <j1 Chambers that he was cer-|{0% te specific purpogs of" in- for the specific purpose of in-| "No ill effects 'have been a iy jlist, while projects which were taj , ; fluencing policy decisions in re-fluencing policy decisions," it noted. nized group in town : tain that the two groups would |" Page) ee : gpraiy . : k jeither not approved, or not even! .ome to an agreement and that ation to fluoridation. \said. "This improvement in dental og ae aa Creat oa voted on, are either accomplish-'an arena was required in Ajax. A written government state- "However, fluoridation of health' of children, who will ity shy ae a Shere ue ed or in the planning stage? Councillor R. J. Wright said ment on fluoridation was readjcommunal water supplies is ofjlater be adults, ensurés an im- the elega ion was n : We want to know the exact! ,, taht the a ake to the Commons by.John C.|broad public interest and is con-|provement in general health, a pressure group 'and that they status of this proposed ldbrary that he thought the town should \ : ; | R vere not a group that wanted-to! the Ae ae: Ys reserve the $192,000, it could Munro, parliamentary secretary|sidered to be of great import-|dental health being an integral were not a 8 ma a ae tit that is, whether any formal ap-'horrow from the Municipal to Health Minister Judy La-\ance in the total health picture part of total health." mat hey din "ede tor Fecalve ore a Jel mage at 4 Works Program. Marsh in reply to questions by|of the population of Canada.""_)| -------------------- 4s answers i bir ane aa Ee ne Councillor D, Brunelle remind- Manitoba dentist Joseph Slogan} As of November, 1963, more MONGOLIAN LABOR some answers and, if their ques-\cluded in a capital works bud- buncitior VW. Bru \ PC--Springfield) | é tions were satisfactorily answer-|gte which has been submitted to ed the council that the arena ( fia e : {than 3,800,000 people, or 20 per) The Movement for Socialist ed, they would go away enlight-|the Ontario Municipal Board, or had been voted for by the peo- Mr. Slogan asked 'the federalcent of the population, ob 188 pat in Mongolia embraces ened and possibly resigned whether or not it has been. ap-'Ple of Ajax. government's position in regard: communities, were Consuming a out $6,000 people, Mr. Groves further told Coun- proved by council." : si il: "The Brief," Mr. Grgves in- "We have been dismayed, aS {med council; "is also meant have many others, by the news \tg announce that after years of that an already existing facility, standing on the sidelines and envoy A the library, is to be replaced at nf a cost of $175,000. Admittedly,/ Waiting for our elected repre-| SS our library is not what'we would sentatives to provide leadership, like it to be. However, it is ade-'the members of the AMHA are quate and it is able to serve MS now plunging into this issue in TE eteeiy lacking' faci. |TSet to AM the vacuum. are completely lacking a N te 5 : ity which would not only be use-|_ "We are willing not only to FROM GENERAL MO F ORS ful insofar as recreation is con- take a pas 'point, ss to leerned but would serve to keep * e ou ime and efforts on CLEAR WRECKAGE $10,000 per year in town. .This the leadership of a fight for ade- CLEAR WRECKAGE -- a day, killing a woman passen- that poured {nom the plane is the amount spent on out of quate arena facilities t/ alert and zippy. On the highway--a fast-stepping, easy- crane removes the remnants. ger. seriously injuring the into the house did not ignite. town bus transportation and Mayor-H. M. Smith told the going companion. Envoy's Epic is comfortable too! of a plane that plunged into pilot but sparing two occu- arenas by the Ajax Minor Hock- delegation, that the Library j #88. Smooth on any road. Really warm in winter. Now ask the roof of a house here Sun-, pants of the house. Gasoline --(CP Wirephoto) ley Association." ; 7 | At last, power and comfort in the small car field! your Chevrolet-Envoy dealer about Epic's price--and RN Sl ITE CO aE AS LEG AAS EEE SS ------ meta sara Tobacco Sells At | That's Epic ... drive it! Yes, drive Epic and feel it outdo you'll start thinking about a deal on either a Deluxe or | | | any small car you've ever driven. In traffic--fast-shifting, standard 2-door sedan. | Education, Police Salaries '4581 Conts Lb. TILLSONBURG (CP)--Sales| of 1,428,135 pounds of tobacco fetched an average price of} e e | 45.81 cents a pound at Ontario) OOS ] ad e or Jax |Flue - Cured Tobacco Growers! Marketing Board exchanges Monday. AJAX (Staff) -- A residentialjreceived. a cut in their bud-| RECREATION AND SER- expected to be $40,516 In 1964 as) To date, 126,058,714 pounds mill rate increase of 3.3 wasiget. VICE: An increase of $253.37/opposed to $39,537.07 in 1963. haye sold at an average 50.81 announced by Ajax Town Coun-' Deputy Reeve J. G, Hall saidj0ver last year brings the re- 'ENSES J : ng. cents a pound. cil at a Council meeting Mon- that Oh council wii always creation and community service LICENSES AND PERMITS; gaa ys 9 360 th . Revenue from licenses and per- day night. The mill rate for/ready to spend money on a toan estimated $9,3 Ag ERT itd da expected 16 foal $6500 7 77 re % } } " : a a ol . ik chibi ' - tea gg as compared tO! worthwhile project. COMMUNITY CENTRE: The this year compared to $6,159.35 DEATHS : : Following is a breakdown of Recreation and Community Cen- in 1963. The industrial tax rate was esjimated expenditures in the'tre Board will spend an esti- ee : on Hollywood--Peter Lorre, 59, | ta ee on mills Town of Ajax during 1964 mated $8,111 in 1964. Last year. INTEREST EARNED; this who won fame as a master of ast, year to 86.67 mills this year ene a, $6,748.63 was spent in this cate-|year the Town hopes to earn horror in numerous movies; of General taxes took an increase GENERAL GOV ERNMENT: gory. |$7,000 in interest of $444.11 less an apparent stroke. of 1.27 mills ove st year|An estimated $58,539 is expected ° * « than last year. Alert, N.W.T. Trostei while the Pick: .ny. District) to ent in this category as) PROPERTY: 'An_ estimated : Gare. tals acamice ax tn High School Board received anicompared with $53,491.14 last $8,515 will be spent by this de- TAX PENALTIES; last year och glee emiogaeylbact en ; : 99 ie er last vear maT ar % ee ey . ar- tg onalties vi Prose . a " , ee er o Seven extra 1.22 mills over last year./year partment this year, as compar-|tax penalties totalled $6,070.62. couthern Pacific and at his Mscorabntlad tots nseinrt a ic' school system ac- te ,775.52 last year. This year it is expecie : ' The public' school system ac FIRE PROTECTION: ed with $9,775.52 last year hay Feng it is expecied to drop geath a member of the Staib : A ; d er ea hike go highihied $43,806 is expected to be spent QONT' INCIES: An even polar expedition; of a heart at-| | sible for the remaining .69 mills\DY the Ajax Fire Department. $1000 ts expected to be spent on| OTHER REVENUE: Other '@ck- | i 5 : ! Th peta a increase. This represents an increase of contingecies in 1964, 1963\ revenue and taxation accdrding $2,144.58 over last year's expen- $15; 'was ent. Secti S54 Ke or re Finance Committee Cheirman hee: Egle Giles : FISE Sh wae spent 4 ree ne ms ha 4 rage F Li *Suggested maximum retail delivered price of a standard 2-door E. Wetherall told council that ____|* CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: |, 1963 they totalled $31,429.38 actory ine sedan, heater and defroster at the tax increase was unavoid-- PQ@LICE PROTECTION; Capital expenditures have beeNi Total revenue ncladkig: . tax able and due to an overall build- pis service will cost Ajax tax-|cut to $10,150 from $13,501.52.) ),.., rot : up of costs. He told council that ayae. 'eh abe a OKA re com- Wg - oie "ai oe Work Helps | Oshawa-Whithy e drs ses ) 402 In. ts s : ITS: Gre :. year 4. * was the capital works budget nage pared to: $67,870.62 in 1963. GRANTS: Grants this. yea $1,182,994.41 was | 1€ ose scent . coming up sometime in tt will be up $2002; last year $1,725 od M t ll Ill | sna pripews oy: $ ft | en a y | dling charges, Federal Sales and excise * | | 5 next month and that last year,, PROTECTIVE SERVICES: was spent. taxes. Provincial and local taxes and the tax rate went down approxi-|ther protective services will) PUBLIC LIBRARY: Last year| Expect Cut In mately tno malls, cost $17,950 this year as COM-/the jibrary received $12,292. In TORONTO (CP)--Elaine Bail-| licence are not included. that considering the increases AO Se er from a number of departments PUBLIC WORKS: Subsidized DEBT CHARGES: Temporary] Monday that work on a factory the budget was extremely good public works will total $39,150) debt charges are expected to! TILLSONBURG (CP) -- The aasemibly line has 'helped even i t | i iT this year this year, a drop of almost cost taxpayers $2,000 this year Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco (his most _ severely Featured H R S WHA HAS Counnillor: R. J: Wright: stated $3,000 from last year, Non-|past year it cost $2,791.40. Growers' Marketing Board will mental patients : see ° subsidized public works are alse meet Wednesday to set the 1964 che told th 'ano thly meeting She ¢ mOnUMS oh 1. 50-HP HIGH PERFORMANCE ENGINE. Gives spirited Councillor W."E. LeGros said pared to $14,846.20 last year. | 1964 jt will receive $12,667. 'lie. occupational therapist at the} i | Tobacco Acreage triste | Ontario Hospital in Whitby, said} | £P.364€ | that Council, really had control | |. Shoei oh 33,935.89 'ONSERVATION AUTHOR: | cr asin a: 3} of about four mills in. the tax dow es un y rei Lait spat ' wan . searigibe the Authority EOD | AERCA EE: expected to be of the Mental Patients Welfare : : d : ee structure and had the mill rat last year. to $20,0/0 ts year ss "0 ; year 4 "14. 548.20 \sharply _ reduced from_ this) acociation of Toronto that the acceleration in city trafic--high cruising speeds on the open " cherie asked a received »945.20.! year gure '7 9s ~ va Sac" taied" rode tant yeas, ~ wANETATLON. AND WAMYR: IGN Sune ther want HOTS. | gosh' Coubakes industrial therapy workshop at| | Toad. 2. SMOOTH-RIDING INDEPENDENT FRONT SUS c ght have been pre- seek Se REMC aR " , gis Joseph Csubak, a board direc- Whitby, about eight miles west PENSION ... gives you road holding you'll revel in. 3. EASY council might h " removal of waste and sani:ation ;, tor, said Monday he expected @ ee 3 TER " elin nin! ' pared for the extra expendi-| wit) cost Ajax $43,815 this year INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION: 0 oF 59 por ce A rs ae '® 4 of Oshawa, has had,a high rate STEERING, FAST HANDLING. Epig's got rack and pinion tures this year. He also said hej, increase of $714.14 over last here again an increase, this seveuee ia the ys we oa of success with all types of pa- steering--wheels you around curves like nobody's business, felt it was unfortunate that Shar time from $6,843.38 to $7,550. sora exeunG irst' three tients since its inception last 4. FINGER-TIP-LIGHT 4-SPEED STICK. Fully- : soa council had to reduce the parks" W ; July. synchronized on all gears--including first. 5. SURE STOPPING FOUR ADULTS. Front seats tip all th forward to all er eink ». PLANNING BOARD: th ag ith a yield of 1,700 pounds) ;; a Laggan gears--1 ing ones a ULTS. eats tip e way forward to allow budget HEALTH AND WELFARE: Pd Se ccsate feaek oan an acre, this would produce More than 140 patients have| POWER. Big 8" drum brakes, with built-in anti-fade feature, easy entry into the back seat. 10. FAMILY-SIZE TRUNK, Councijor 0. G. Ashley saidjaggin an increase, this time to spend $2,500, Last year they about 140,000,000 pounds of to- worked with us, with very, ad 6. INTEGRAL BODY-CHASSIS combines low weight with You'll be really surprised (and pleased) at the 10.76 eubie feet that in his eight years on coun- --_ oe ae y ear to = sent $1,362.25. , : bacco, about 40,000,000 pounds few failures," she said. ' | great strength and rigidity. 7. FULL-SIZED HEATER really of room! 11. SUPERB ROAD-HOLDING. Epic handles like ed he se yet to _ : B cr eat $33,3825 during this oes less than in 1963. 'The 65 patients now oy ladae: gives lots of heat. 8. REAL LEGROOM. Epic actually has an expensive sports car! GOOD VISIBILITY ALL 'etuaban Se ee pute FILM COUNCIL; this year, as : iM ial eget do nse shes y-line more legroom than many so-called "big" cars, 9. ROOM FOR ROUND. You see all four corners of the car with ease, last, the Ajax Film Council will FIRST FISH SALES CONTEREL WORK {0% YAHOUB: 10y, | sive grant of $150 from jy | ki'""son appliance and elec-| [TECEIVE & Srat © ro ASBON (AP) -- Fish from|tronie equipment manufactur-| fi | 2 "itiz " ; | = Supreme Court the Ajax citizens. South African waters have gone /ers, | Ce pPic SMALL WONDER...ANOTHER GENERAL MOTORS VALUE WINTER WORKS: A large, °" sale in Lisbon shops. Due to} The workshop stimulates a/ om ° cut in this department. Last Shortages elsewhere, Port u-lnormal factory environment. MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED BY VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND. PARTS AND SERVICE FROM COAST TO COAST, Upholds Firing year $6,067 was spent. This year guese fishing vessels turned ex [Supervision and discipline pre-| See Your Local Chevrolet | Oldsmobile / Envoy Dealer i it is expected that $1,450 will be ...; pes sent few problems, Mrs. Baillie} Lad Ld 4 : perimentally to the far soutl|--.; Fa SC REE | 0 t M t S | Lid H D ld. t ve ant October and "now bay. ig neato panes wut] VATATIO FAGLOF Oates BAG. arry Vonald Limited OTTAWA (CP)--The Supreme}Act. It said the union activity 1963 DEFICIT: The deficit in delivered the first frozen prod | n constructive tasks for which! 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. Court of Canada Monday upheld for which she was dismissed did.the 1963 budget amounted to ucts, : hey: are paid. PHONE: 725-6501 PHONE: 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306 the dismissal of Mrs. Barbara/not conflict with her duty to her'$1,964 which will have to be paid) -- motte : is ee cs 2 sas pstelgpe testes Baie 7 ake Jarvis by Associated Medical employer, this. year. | Services Limited of Toronto for. However, the board's order = ' site engaging in union activity while was reversed by the appeal), agit -- Nat employed in a managerial po- court which held that a person . i. Ha yale ed to : te sition who exercises managerial func-|200-15 in I 63. This year they) The court's 6-to-3 judgmentitions cannot be included within are expected to total $45,006. | upheld a ruling of the Ontario the bargaining unit and become COUNTY LEVY: Last year Court of Appeal which had re- entitled to rights under the La- (ptario County wanted $136 versed a decision of the Ontario bor Relations Ac'. 024.40. This year they'll receive Labor Relations Board ordering. Mr. Justice J. R. Cartwright $147,424 Mrs. Jarvis' reinstatement. The said the question to he deter- board found that she had been mined is whether the board un-- SCHOOLS: Public schools will discharged for union acttvity|der the Labor Relations Act had aoct taxpayers $313,077 this years a contrary to the Ontario Labor jurisdiction to order the rein- Relations Act statement of Mrs Jarvis, who ®5 compared 'to $308,432.42 last Mrs. Jarvis was employed as'@ the time of her discharge year. Separate schools will cost a clerk by En pang gn was not an employee of Asso-' $30,608 this year:in comparison Services in December, 1959, and' cjateq Medical under the provi- ae nea Leeann was a member of Oitire Em-|cions of the act MiSs to $26,844.36 LL DERE Secon- ployees Internationa] Ui'on, Lo 'It appears-to ms that the dary education will cost taxpay- cal 131. (CLC) appeal 'can succeed onsy if weltts ?2eL400. In 1964, up from At that time the union appli d aré able to consicue. the act 1s|$222,029.90 in 1963 for certification as bargaining givitig thé board power; in ap: a8 on agent for employees of Associ orobriate: circum " hi vee to TOTAL ASSESSMENT: Total ated Medical In Eeuruar 1960 compel the contin ation of the assessment for general purposes she was Ben, ye wy pada? oyment not only of 2 r- including all the previous ones tion of railway clavms supervie| on who are employees withintis $12,666,890 sor, a position in which she ex- ercised managerial functions The. labor relations board October, 1960, certified the t jon to represent. employe Associated Medical. Mrs , was discharged in February, tion' would be at variance| CRANTS: Federal grants are| ' i . . 1961, and asked the. board t fon would 'be at | sdgehad "th toe 9 hee GS track stars don't need one *. most people do: a kitchen extension] .,,,, HO : r h appear reinstate her this year compared witt ror ad t { a " a MG (- NOT IN CONFLICT a', at a inves nel last-year: Provincial g ee. BEL e The "board ruled thal Mrs. a é an'ns to the words! iast ye ol 1,403.5 & "ag save worry and hurry: call us for yours today! ee y the meaning of Tt as de series : nea Ih ThE get Wak cleo OF ail REVENUE persons exercising managerial) Following is a breakdown of Cart- the expected revenue for. ex- jpenditures during 1964: opinion such a con- ' Se Jarvis had been dismissed con- which 'the Jegisiat has emm-jyear they are expected trary to the Labor Re ationsi ployed." $70,613. Municipal grants '

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