THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, Merch 24,1964 19 CONTRACT BRIDGE . By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesters' Individue! Chompionship Pley) South dealer. Both sides 'vulnerable TELEVISION LOG 3HCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffato WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel $--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 8--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie be" OH, HO! Py WHAT'S THIS? MICROFILM IN THE LINING OF HIS AND ROLLS OF SOUND TAPE IN THE NOW SEE HERE, 7 HAVE A COAT POCKET OF THE SUIT HE JUST DIPLOMATIC IAMUNITY, Dye pay I--1 WHEN GLINKA, } CHAUFFEUR TO jf A FOREIGN oe EMBASSY IN WASHINGTON, PICKS UPA SUIT mA AND THREE 4:30 PLM. 9--Kiddo 6--Father Knows Best 4--Leave it To Beaver WEDNESDAY EVE. 6:00 P.M. \i--Family fneatre 9--Theatre 9:30 A.M. %-Playtime With Bobby 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 10:00 A.M. Vi--Ed Allen Show a NORTH 98643 953 oKs52 Sake TUESDAY SVR. 5:00 PM Family Theatre - 9--Theatre 8--Superman 7--The Early Show jazzie Darzie oR 4--Five O'clock 2--Woody Woodpeckers 0 PM 4--Come Listen A While e 2---The Rifleman 6:00 PLM. 4--international Showtime) Today, 1964 6:18 PLM, 4--Headline News 6:38 PLM. Monte Cristo 4--Caiendar 10:38 A.M. it--Super Bingo 8-2--Word For Word 7--Seven Keys 6--Chez Helene 4! Love Lucy 1:08 A.M. %--Morning Magazine 8-2--Concentration 7--Price is Right &--Loretts Young 4~The McCoys 11:30 AM. | 6:30 P.M. |11--Albert J. Steed Show! 11-0-6-3-2---News; Weather | 8-2--Missing Link T--M-Squad | 7--The Object ts | 6--Giri Talk 6--9ports Folio 6:45 PLM. | 4--Pete and Gladys | ti--Family Theatre 12:00 NOON i ¢ -Noonday Report 6-2--Huntiey Brinkley 7:00 P.M. | @2--Your First 9--Best of Groucho catarc an HB OBVIOUSLY ITS A MESSAGE OP SOME SORT mL WONPER WHAT IN THE WORLD ITS ABOLT? 2--The, Rifleman 4:00 P.M é--Live end Learn 2--Today 1964 ol PLM 4-Headline News | Qu WELL eNO MATTER, HE PAID FOR TLL PRINT re lead -- seven of -M-Squad ¢--International Zone es PM $2--Huntiey Brinkley Ni--Family Theatre 7:00 P.M. 9--The Littlest Hobe ¥-6--News, Weather, spades, Let's say you're declarer at three notrump and West leads a spade. You can't afford to take the jack, since West might have another spade, so you duck. East now shifts to the ten of hearts. There is no point in tak- ing the finesse, since West on the bidding is marked with the K-J of hearts in addition to the ace of diamonds, So you go up with the ace to keep the suit under control. You now play the queen of diamonds and West takes the ace. If West were to return a heart or a club now, your task would be easy, but West returns a diamond instead. You can count eight sure tricks at this point, and the question is how to get the ninth. - Apparently you must score four club tricks to make the con- tract, but it is by no means sure that you can get them by cash- ing the A-K-Q, since the jack may not fall. CROSSWORD | impression 7--Maverick 7-4--News, Weather, Sports 4The Phil Stivers Show! 6--Elwood Glover 3~Hennesey | 4--News and Weather Sports 2--Have Gun WII! Travel! 12:19 P.M. | 4--The Honeymooners 1 baw 3---Candid Camera 7:30 P.M. 4~--Speaker of the House | 2--Death Valley Days --The Flintstones 12:3 PLM. 7:30 P.M. %--Tuesday Nigh? Movie | a Bde Lucy | %--Dick Van Dyke i Nove --Truth or | #2--The Virginian Poa. Consequences | j--Oxzle and Harriet 3 j--Father Knows Best? 6--The Friendly inn 6--Toronto Fiis 7 6---Movie Matinee | 4--Chronicle 4--The Andy Griffith 4--Search for Tomorrow) 3phi! Silvers Show 12:45 P.M. 7:45 PLM. | 4--Guiding Light Mr. Fix-tt | i } | Movie | dite PL 11--Special Movie iB 5 H 63--Patty Duke Show 1:00 P.M. 111--Michael Shayne | 4--Red Skelton Hour | 1l--One for the Sonins | 9=--My Favorite Martien | @December Bride 7--Patty Duke | 1) PM. |. 8--Matinee 63--Red River Jamboree | %--~McHales Navy | 7--Afternoon Show 4--Chopin Singing Society | 63--Ben Casey | 4--Mee? The Millers 0:80 PLA H 2--The Lawbreakers | 3+Popeye | iene id 9:00 P.M. 2--Divorce Court | 9--Wovie AOKOSS 1. Rolls of cloth 6. City: Neb. 11. Expect A2, Rabbit fur 18. Thin mud Liquid 26. Tropical 14, Live part of fat fruit 15.Roman"X" 7. Boxer: 27. Native B 16. Greek letter ---- Baer of 18.Indonesian 6. South Seas Aca- 19. And: L. pulco 20. Reaches . Infants' across subject headgear 87. Impresses 22. Gold. Her. 10. Brightest . Cutting by 23."Witnesses star in repetition 24, Minute skin Scorpio . Come 7--Farmer's Daughter +2--Richard Boone Show 1:30 P.M. Sherry bbese opening 1?, Owns petent rr ¥--The Greatest Show On| 1;_ midday Matinee 4--Suspense 26. Correct 20, Dispatches . Born 9--Our 'House sik Bi | 98.Sounds,as 21. soe 3. Pithy 3. Past part. of "'lie" (to recline) |. Boy's nickname . Walked 23, Jap- anese *. coin 25.A sturdy tree Show Petticoat Junction 6:00 P.M. REBSIEIR| SITIOINIERESIL IA Yesterday's Answer iS INIT) port 9. School MICKEY MOUSE a 4--Petticoat Junction 9:30 P.M. $--Jdey Bishop 43--Fronr Page Challenge 4--Jack Benny Show 10:08 PLM. l--Route 66 $--Eleventh Hour #-2--Bell_ Telephone Hour 7--The Fugitive 6-3--Newsmagazine 4--Garry Moore Show 10:38 P.M, 4+3--Destruction of the Indian 11:00 P.M. )-9--7-6-4-3-2-- News Weather and Sports WEDNESDAY $:00 A.M 4--Captaln Kengaroe 8:30 AM. %--Cartoons 9:00 A.M. 4--As The World Turns | 2:00 P.M. | %The Millionaire | 6-43--Password | 2--Let's Make A Deal 2:30 P.M. | 9--Douglas Fairbanks | 82--The Doctors 7--Day in Court 63--Scariett Hil! 4--House Party 3:00 PLM. | #--Here's Looking Af | 'ou $-2--Loretta Young 7--Generel Hospital 63--Take Thirty | 4To Teli The Truth 3:30 P.M. /1i--Randy Dandy %---Peopie in Conflict 8-2--You Don't Say 7--Queen For A Day 63--Friendly Giant 4--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, 1i--Naked City | 8-2--Espionage | 7--Ben Casey 4--The Beverly Hillolilies | | 1:30 P.M. | ¢3--Festivel | 4The Dick Van Dyke | Show 10:00 P.M. |11--The P.M, Show | #-2--The Eleventh Hour | 7--Channi +4 | | 4--Tha Danny Kaye Show | 10:38 P.M. 9--The Twilight Zone | 4-The Hutterites 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--Newa Weather, . Sports ns PM Metro Final j Viewpoint 11:28 PLM | 7-4--Late Show a donkey 29. Sell 30. Drench 31. Farm animal $2. Shall not: contracted %. Seaport: abbr. saying 1 2 43 q 0 hero 38. Possess 39, Wine receptacle 40. Grabe seeds 42. Live coal 44. People of Co) 45. Highway charges 46, Start 47, Upright stone slab LES CANADIENS CREE [ak OT cw Sas ah tel However, there is no need to tacklé clubs yet, so you cash your diamond tricks first, East discarding two spades and a heart, and then take the ace of spades and A-K of clubs. When you now lead another club and East plays the nine. you are at the crucial point of the hand. Should you finesse the ten, hoping East has the jack, or should you go up with the queen, hoping to catch the jack? You know you can make nine tricks if you do the right thing, but how can you tell whether the ten or the queen is the right play? Actually, regardless of who has the jack, you can be certain of making the contract by play- MAA a , MOWDTAG IH HOBIONNIL VERY THA WARY Ne BVH OF DAV OSI AP IV SSTIOSERA on 9--Mickey Mouse Ciud 11:38 P.M DOWN The Match Game 1--Muslé L Sew 7--Tralimaster airoe hgh os Show porarily 63--Cisco Kid 'onight Show 2 Young ow! 'et Storm 4--Nightcap 2--Captain Bob 39am Benedict ing the ten. If the finesse wins, you have nine tricks, while if it loses, you also have nine tricks. This is because, if the finesse loses, West will be forced to lead a heart to your queen, since he is known to be out of spades, diamonds and clubs at this point. Tomorrow: The disappearing trick. SALA SWI B7ETIVIO TOG) war Om St SBTMANOD ANG WLIVBBIS $3593 we 'BAL INO) AMNTION Oey ALIVE SH 90 3145 Ply @ be lg Playhouse 2--Mike Douglas Show Have You Returned Your Pink Envelope Yet? MY NEPHEW, THE HILLBILLY "'W MILLIONAIRE, HAS Sg STACK OF STUDYING The technical manuals re- quired for the operation and maintenance of a jet transport make a stack 13% feet high. OLDER THAN PYRAMIDS LF NOT...Won"t You Please Do it Now... Without Delay: A pine tree in California's. White Mountains, at 4,600 years, GENTLEMAN !!=DONT SLAP WE a, POLBERS COME ateg peep ares,\ \is believed the oldest known HER ON THE BACK DONT | MOH capil living thing on earth, AND DON'T YAWN IN y-- SALLY'S SALLIES GRANDIAA! I MADE AN°A" IN ENGLISH igen We Sell Beauly Just drive 3 miles east on Highway No, 2°for Van Belle Gerdens . . . your complete Landscaping Centre. Phone 1623-5757, DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER [FIRST YOU SIDESWIPE ME AND NOW YOU PULL A, GUN! WHAT ete EXTRA SPECIAL | 1%" SELF. june" 99.95 STORING Installation $16.00 Extra DOORS HOLODY SALES 30 GRENFELL 725-2431 ia] Gs 2S S © King Features Syndiante, inc. 1964. World 5 pats JULIET JONES e *) a WELL, I'M MR, BUMSTEAD AND I LIVE IN THE MY, WHAT A LOVELY 4 WHICH REMINDS MB TROPICAL SCENE OF A SIGHT I SEE EVERY BAKING DAy... eee LOTR /, DOORS « SASH | "and ROOFING 1h ] FREE DELIVERY "IE it's LUMBER call our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. GRANDMA { J d Festeres Syadicais, Inc, 106% Wocld vighas OP Me ae eer CRIA ER I i