Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Mar 1964, p. 49

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A Only at EATON'S , Simulated Pearl Necklaces The lustrous beauty of simulated pearls .. . a tasteful accent at any time. . . a beautiful gift always. Complete in gift box. A--A popular necklace, approx. 16" in length, two strands of simulated graduated pearls, fastening with a sterling sil- ver filigree safety clasp. B--Three strands of uniform sized simulated pearls, approx. 15" in length and fastening with an adjustable rhinestone Pr : y a / 3 ] : bs clasp. f kA é Repeat Special Offer! EATON Price, fe 3.00 y ay wee } I ' : . f . ¢ " ' "Warner's" Foundations Matching button earrings. Not illustrated. Pair oe re UA: | ue % 'e Ny , & Th fos aad . MES " EATON'S MALL LEVEL, OEPT. 215 PHONE 725-7373 |. VAS ; path ree_popular_ designs incorporating "looked for features of fiaure control, * j . § PF 4 4 : é 7" ) r j J : j } THE GIRDLES AND PANTY GIRDLES ore fashioned from white "Lycra"~ G LEN FATON ' , gy , 4 4 j -and-nylon Power Net with o "Lycra"-and-stretch rayon. sotin diomond- i ™ a AY i shaped front panel. Small, medium ond large sizes to fit 25 to 30 waists. SEAMLESS MICRO-MESH (o PAY Oe 3 Ps : he ; ' ie : f » STRETCH STRAP BANDEAUX of "'Antron" textured nylon with comfortable N Y LO N S "'Lycra"-and-nylon Power Net back. Upper bust cups frosted with nylon lace, Available Only at EATON'S! 1--Bandeau -- A cup, bust sizes 32 to 36; B and C cups, 32 to 38, EATON Special Price, each ....-. 4 47 ' @ wl wat Dsisgee 2--Long Leg Panty Girdle. ; 8 47 EATON Special Price, each Ad see eeeeseee 3--Girdle. EATON Special Price, each . 6.47 Rae ei OO EOE se digi babihlapin Aintree Wve Leg flattering mesh hose. . * ' ye New Season og N New Look! ; lovely dress sheer weight . .« 'soins testing (QA FASHIONABLE BLOUSES freshness, Fine quality mesh nylons with looped and 'run i : By "Hornell" ene toes. Proportionate : A. A bell-shaped flipover tie at neck- C. Jewel-necked cotton sateen blouse lengths to suit the needs of i line details this imported acetate with the loveliest of delicate em- a mo x --. Henceg i i crepe overblouse. With short broidery on the front. Button back 8% he a i on i sleeves and button front. A floral and split waist. White only, in sizes . 2 ; tall, sizes 0 ; ; ae 4 ing i ete i rint predominates in pink or blue 12 to 18, Be Ready For Spring Plantin 11. Spring shades of Tender ch shia Sizes 12 to s -- i - e s Beige, Amber Beige, Taupe Py PLANT STARTERS Tint, Copper Tone. or Glace : e é , : 5 The "Maytime'"' planter consists of a foil tray containing a mixture Brown. B. An acetate crepe tuck-in blouse is . The in-or-outer blouse -- attractive ; of teil ood ped Each tray is planted with one pentinlor variety aoe8 featured with a lowered cowl tie bow neckline and 34 sleeves high- of ag Maphy Nd wanes i gy ia eg eg ane ' E H H . wis : Aster (large arf), Celosia, Carnation, Ponsy, Sn ragon, EATON Price, pair i ; neckline. Short - sleeved blouse light this linen-weave rayon blouse Zinnia, Solvie, Tomato (Bonny Best), Tomato (Red Plum), Tomato comes in splashy floral print -- splashed with coin polka dots. In (Beefsteak), Alyssum (blue and white), Coleus, Marigold (dwarf), Portulaca, Petunia (red, blue, white and mixed). pink, blue or yellow, Sizes 12 to red, navy or black'on white. Sizes i ' H : : EATON Special 1.19 Fi 4 ~ scoala : Price, <ak ew 2 we ae 1.00 BELGIAN TUBEROUS BEGONIAS ' ee EACH Start Them Now! ee} pairs % ; 2 a i These are the 114 to 2" bulbs, ready to start now, so that you can trans- iy = ; plont to the garden in the Spring. Excellent for the shady spots where other plants refuse to grow. Mixtures include: Double Camellia' Flowering (in EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 203 PHONE 725-7373 copper, crimson, orange, pink, scarlet, salmon, white, yellow), Double Fem- Sena a en Tae TT EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 PHONE 725-7378 / mm briota variety (crimson, orange, pink, scarlet, yellow, copper), Pehdula (Hangs wath oe aaa, i ia Raa morcommnatrnsnny Pree eee ERS Cie bestunusatone i ian Poe ing Basket) (orange, rose, scarlet, salmon, white or yellow.) : ; ; EATON ] cored bulbs gg a PHONE 725-7373 ifs Special: Price, for eg 2 ae = apie NR Sts EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 280 PHONE 725-7373 Starts Thursday EATON'S EASTER _ CHICK-ERY BLACK PATENT LEATHER HANDBAGS, SUEDE LINED ies a ae ee i A PAVOURITE FASHION OF EVERY SEASON EATON Special Price (except Sundays and Good Friday) un- . : till Saturday, April 4th. Specially Low Priced! each Sleek and shiny on the outside, softly suede on the inside... these rich-looking black patent leather handbags are in superb taste in ony season! Each of the four handsome styles which have been specially purchased is approx, 12 x 8" 'and hos an attractive and eye-catching metol frame. Theluxuriously suede-lined interiors have a handy zippered compartment containing mirror and comb. A smort accessory the yeor round! " EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 217 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN MONDAY to SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., THURSDAY and FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. io 9 p.m.

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