8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Meveh 18, 1964 EATON: SUPER VALUES Sports Jackets Ordinarily 45.00 to 59.50! Richly textured wool tweeds and light, luxurious wool worsteds from leading mills -- exception- ally well-tailored in new-season regular and natural shoulder styles for Men and Young Men! Choose from bold checks, diagon- als, herringbones, understated checks, solids, Spring '64 shades of brown, grey and blue. Three- button models. Sizes 36 to 44; some tall and short styles includ- ed in the group. EATON Super Value, each 4.99 Two Styles In Men's Rich Worsted Flannel Wool Slacks Ordinarily 18.95! Firm, shape-retaining wool worst- ed flannels . . . specially treated to resist wrinkles and hold a long- lasting crease -- seldom need pressing, 1964 shades of medium grey, charcoal or brown. Both styles have belt loops. Single rev- erse front pleat model in sizes 30 to 44. Plain front style in waist sizes 30 to 40. EATON Super Value, each mt fee a0 | ae = MEN'S RAYON Dressing Robes Ordinarily 14.95! Good quality rayon gowns in neat checks. An excellent choice for home, travel, etc. Well-tailored with matching tie sash. Choose from col- ours of red, grey, wine or blue. Sizes small, medium and large. EATON Special -- each ....... Handsome New Spring Sports Shirts Much Below Usual Price! Finely-woven cottons in new for '64 shades of blue, brown, grey or red. Choose from a wide variety of neat patterns! Some popular button-down collars and the trim tapered body fit styles in the group. Sizes small, medium, large and extra large in the lot. EATON ig Price, e Cotton Broadcloth Men's Pyjamas Good quality 'cotton broadcloth, Canadian made pyjamas, Lapel-col- lar style coats . . . trousers have full seat and. drawstring waist with an elastic insert at back. Choose from a wide variety of handsome patterns. Sizes to fit 36 to 44. EATON a Price, Men's White Dress Shirts "No Iron" cotton broadcloth which requires little or no ironing. Styled with short-point fused collar and convertible cuffs to be worn button- ed or with cuff links. Excellent for vines wear! White in sizes 14 to EATON Special Price, e h 2 FOR 7.75 a "ST ANFIELD'S WITH SECURITY" LABELS Men's "Double Seat" BRIEFS and JERSEYS "Seconds" . . . slight rhea in weave should not affect comfort or weoring qualities. Briefs have "double seat' for added comfort ond we come ore popular athletic style. White in sizes small, medium ® EATON Special Price, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 "DOMESTIC" Straight-Stitch Sewing Away Below Usual Price! Floor and Demonstrator Models Cabinets Are Slightly Marked Enjoy this versatile machine ot this special low price! Note the features for your sewing pleasure: Modern styling in an attractive walnut finished cabinet. PHONE 725-7373 EATON Special Price, Heavy duty model with full size round bobbin. each eee pap Dial tension control, PHONE 725-7373 Forward end reverse control. Hinged foot sews over pins and bulky seoms. Bobbin winds automatically. Variable speed knee control. Plus mony other features assuring you many yeors of satisfaction. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 429 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 570 ON SALE AT 7: 00 P.M. THURSDAY AND ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST -- PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Men's Sport Shirts Usually Much' Higher Priced! Ys to 2 Off Usual Price! Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders Reg. 3.99! Ends-of-lines ®@ Good quolity cotton broadcloth Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders pyjomes with lapel collor type @ Included in the group is a good jacket and bottoms hove draw- selection of sports shirts in a wide string waist. range of patterns, fabrics and @ Plain shades of blue, tan, grey or styles. mint in sizes 36 to 44; but not @ Sizes small, medium or large. colour in each size. Broken size range. Men's and Women's Billfolds Dr. Kildare and Ben Casey Simulated Pearls, Jigsaw Puzzles Bracelets and Earrings Specially Low Priced! Y2 Usual Price... - Please, No Telephone or Mall Orders Reg. 4.95 to 7.95! @ Choose from one-, three-, or four- Please, No Telephone or Mall Orders strand necklaces . . . graduated @ Good quality leathers include calf, in length, morocco and buffalo. ® Bracelets and earrings to match. @ Styled with change purse and card holders. Colours of red, brown or Limited Quantity tan in the group, Ends-of-lines. Special, each or pair Limited Quantity Special, each 20 2.4/3.97 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 208 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 217 Men's Pyjamas of the 'doctor' . . . approx. 12 x 14" and suitable for framing. Special Values © End-of-line Limited Quantity Special, each 2 Limited pe s Not Advertised! While Shopping VY Price Clearance! Reg. 1.49! @ Choose from a bedside scene with Sport cn" DOG soe a a ai 1.99 2.66 EAT N' Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders n @ Each puzzle consists of over 600 Dr. Kildare or a leaving the ép- EATON'S Lower pa Pt 227 interlocking pieces plus a picture erating room scene with Dr. Casey Toy Dep' RATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 STORE HOURS: 9:30 Pra to 6 = Monday to Saturday. Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9!