$4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 18, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | * Mortgages |2--Personal Accountants _[Gerdoning and Supplies -- fig 0 pa PRIVATE and corporation monies for all all, "GLAMORIZE your figure in. 7 min- mortgages; mortgages and agreement oflutes." Have a Spencer, made-to-measure A iL, W nd Db Coen chart Pp eccountants, 720-73 JOHN BROUWER sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan and garment or bra. Sure fit! Mrs. Plouffe, Co., Chartered "cone, 8 mia | Oshawa Shopping ag olte Murdoch.: (See "Barristers.'") 725-8169. pping. i | 725+ Ajax 942-0890; Whitby 668-4 LANDSCAPING | | ns mamove 2, rene, 'Musical Services Bolter as iy Tel |PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ ENGLISH TAILOR tuning and repair. Instruments appraised.| Specialist in garment altera- A. Hiddunk, Ajax 942-1664. | tions, etc, Invisible mending. dress alterations. Whitby. Telephone 668-5447, | LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Chartered 10 PRINCE ST, PAINTING, paperhanging and repairs. 30 years' experience. A. Redknap, 342 Col-| 728-5311 Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shopping borne Street East, 728-9050, HAVE your painting « done now. Call oo Pete & Livestock Centre, 725-9953. | BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. time for free estimates. All work guar: anteed. Lloyd Simpson, Painting and De- Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond! |corating, 130 Colborne St. E., 728-9876. Street West. Res. 723-7605. | YALE, FRIEDLANDER and Co., Char- PAINTING AND DECORATING, "Interior |; and exterior, work guaranteed, reason-) tered Accountants, Lcensed. Trustees in jable. Free estimates. 728-2558. ioe $50. Telephone 725.1424. Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 728-7371 SKAIFE, L. J., Chartered Accountant, 205 Francis Street, Whitby, Ontario. Tele-| phone 668-8197. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. i n |f ed Accountants, Financial Trade Bui | ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, Ont.,| DODD and SOUTER | BEAUTIF UL ~ baby | budgies, + PAINTING AND DECORATING |training, talking -- strain, CONTRACTORS Broad, 114 Elgin East. Painting, Paperhanging cocker gdodlgioe sapurebred Ameri: 4 | r pups. Canadian Kennel ub, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Registered. Excellent temperament, de- Spray Painting lightful_ pets." Telephone 723-1739. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY 725.3809; S. T. Hopkins, CA, H. Beadle, CA, E. Lukow, CA. | GUALITY POODLES at 'pet prices. Mini- DAYS 668-5862 ft dT Whi NIGHTS 725-7426 Barton s9-251¢ 7 DY (668-3923. Durr 16 _ Female Help Wanted WILSON AND BURROWS, < Chartered Accountants, 114 King Street East, Oshawa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA: G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554. barton 839-2516 |REGISTeR=D Dachshund puppies, fe HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged preferred,|WANTED IMMEDIATELY licensed Plumbing and Heating _ male, five months old, small standard|to live in, permanent, four. children, 2 at;mechanic, GM experience preferred. Good' breed, reasonable Diai Bowmanville home, 2 school age. Apply 321 Anderson|working conditions. and fringe benefits. YORK PLUMBING and Heating. Special 623-3430. Avenue or phone 725-7876 |Call Mr. D. Shields at 728-0421 izing repairs, remodeling. Reasonable ie | * H rates. Free estimates. 328 Simcoe South, MINIATURE poodle, white, KITCHEN HELP, experienced prefer--ADDITIONAL SALESMEN needed to sell 728-1731. male, approximately old, red. Apply Nick Lakas Coffee Shop, 53/seasonal fastesflselling items. Hungry ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, om Sasicasion stock, $100. Telephone King Street East, Oshawa $ Ha Solara willing to work, we will give new and used materials. Reasonable! Newcastle 987-4397 EXPERIENCED hairdresser for welijine sales trainind Must be willing and rates. Estimates free. Dial 723-1191. J. established salon, Wednesday and Setur-| ree to travel. Givd us a call at 728-3901, Foley. |5--Farmer' 's Column day afternoons off, all day sotepbaret dur-|WAITERS for byerages. Full or part- ng summer. All replies strictly confiden-|time. Must ha good character refer- acca leo gris Be amet ALFALFA HAY, 1000 bales, 45c. bale, tial. For an interview appointment, Tele-jences. Experjénted men preferred. Ap- a seven tons cob corn. Hampton 263-2473. phone 723- 9411. ply Hotel caster, 27 King West, Osh- Plumbing,- Heating and Engineering, 255 es |WELL ROTTED MANURE for sale. Tele TELEPHONE SOLICITORS "required, | 2™& |Simcoe Street. South. 16 CELINA STREET | |phone 728-8052 Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby and Alax|CLERK for retail hardware in Alex, Ex- ICASH on th t. High areas for Natural Gas appliances. is!perience required. write letter stating! OSHAWA |Rug- Upholstery Service oe hho Polog cripeled ipa Prices bs can be done in your spare time. Will be/age, qua'ifications and remuneration re- 723-2312 HAVE YOUR chesterfield suite factory Phone collect. Hampton 263-2721. Marg- trained. Highest commissions pald. Tele-\quired. Write Box 845 Oshawa. Times, z re-built. Low price. Telephone 728-3281;\will Fur Ferm. Licence 333-C-64 Phone 728-6440 pie Oshawa, Ontario. rings 728-2439. Kennedy Upholstering FARMERS! Need "Gai Bill", PLEASANT telephone survey, work with WANTED -- Grocery clerk, chain store, Limited. your Dominion Tire representative 725 large publishing firm, full or part-time.|experience preferred Good salary. | RE- UPHOLSTERING | by experts. S. Estab- 6511 or evenings after 6, 725-7 7 "No experience necessary. $1 per hour|Chance for advancement. Apply Store LILLIAN MAB MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing) !ished 17 years. Complete range of mate- : after four-hour 'training period. 728-0695.|Manager, Bassin's Food Market, Ajax School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character, io stan Cedi frm, Matirese 7--Trail WAITRESSES wanted from 7 @.m. to|Shopping Plaza, Ajax, Ont __|Pre-School, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur-/Free estimates. Credit terms --_ rat ers 4 p.m. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha|MAN wanted for work in orchard. Apply en see | 723-7253. re-built. Furniture re-finished. Oshaw. - - el i t ' THOMAS H. GREER BA, -Barrister,|days. Masonic Temple, : " MODERN d-bedroom trailer? Hotel Pollock Orchards. One mile north Whit- : ' selling yours this is the right pth Aas Sei ------- proistering Company, 10 Bond West, ailer for rent, i ; N Wr ome } > Suite 303, sohiga Latin, Fastin foll "or part. |OY. East side. Highway No. 12 Oshawa. Non smoker. Abstainer. Write) home. Close to North G.M. Solicitor, Notary, The Times! PRIVATE French and 795.93}) completely furnished. $97 monthly includ-| WAITRESSES : time to do it. And our office Building, 8 King Street East. 728-6209.|Mmathematics by London, England, Uni- cueSTaRPaiDe-- are --|ing hydro and water. Contact Bill Millar,|time for dining room. Must be experi-\ AMBITIOUS SALESMAN over 40 for Osh-|00% 748 Oshawa Times. - plant. Call Mr. Bill Jotinston is the right place to get age funds available. versity graduate. The lessons are special- "re-uphoistered and/795-1186, W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd.jenced, quick and dependable. No late|awa area. Same position pays up to, YOUNG man, GM office worker, desires 728-1066 of 728-5123. A-C-T-I-O-N! Give us a call work, Apply Hotel Lancaster, 27|$12,000 in a year in other areas. Air mailjroom and board in Brooklin or area . ON, tyled. Free estimate. See our mate- lly designed for high school students and/'e-* night CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND \ND MURDOCH, | rial for recovering. Dalton Upholstering,, WANTED: Used cabin "trailer, 16 to 20 "t you? Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of adults. in arrears | of their studies. 66 668- anes. | Charles Street, 723-7212, ft., older . model preferred. Telephone King West, Oshawa, oar fh tor pert: she PO Box. 70,\Bruce Winning 728-9620 after 5 p.m. won't your Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street) HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton. RELIABLE housekeeper required to take| Station 'oronto ntario. 22 Offices Stores Storage pesca? 7 e ---- | 725-3744, TOMCRAFT's holstering Register custo Uphoistering. Depart- FLEETLINE house trailer for sale, modei|{vll charge of home, 2 school-age chil- LICENCED mechanic required. Apply Al 14, Apply 5&5 Montrave Avenue. dren. Own room, ample time off. Write|Preston's Sunoco Service, 925 Simcoe 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 |25--Apartments _ |27---Real Estate For Sale [ONE-BEDROOM basement" apartment. rive-R Private entrance. Available Aprii 1, FIVE-ROOM bungalow, five years old, $55. thiy. Telephone 725-4054. |Brick veneer, in good condition. For inclusive, Apply in writing, stating ex- |further information, telephone 668-2125. |$600. DOWN. Lovely three-bedroom brick '\perience; name of last inspector &|26--Rooms For Rent ee me hig AB old. sand bos Ma salary expected to Mrs. D. Phasey.|suRK STREET, 55 -- Clean room gen inee 14 P Toe ' ~_ pect call Hh , . |Tyrone PO, Ontario, _|gentleman. Within - walking distance ol eR Sarr. yzac a |WANTED -- Experienced part-time hair| Shopping Centre and _-- 3 stylist or advanced apprentice. Telephone] cinicoE NORTH -- Very large, 728-1132. led or unfurnished room, diianieg rmatn| eres ore. gua fro te sar. SCHOFIELD-AKER SALESMEN & 723-2265 SALESLADIES 725-0575. CLEAN, FURNISHED room, central, close to North General Motors and hospi- tal. Suit one or r two, 723-9895. 0 $1000 DOWN Buys this tidy little 5 room home on Pine Ave.: Close to : ; Public school. Shoppi Part Time Evening or : 2 _ Saturday. Work in the Immediate Area. |18--Male or Female Help Wanted | PUBLIC SCHOOLTEACHER for SS No.| |18 Darlington Township. Grades 5 to 8 SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT | C300 4O MAKE A RICE PUDDING WH THE WORLD'S LARGEST Por. Free estimates from on ex- pert and trained designer. 100% guarantee given on all plants. Inquire also about extra trees, additional ever- greens, fruit trees, sodding, seeding, shrubs, seed flowers. Pruning ond fertilizers FREE DELIVERY between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. 728-6392 _ GARDEN SUPPLIES "Fertilizers" for the Lawn SO-GREEN, MILORGANITE, central. Apply 38 Nassau Street. two furnished housekeeping rooms, | built- In cupboards, stove and refriger- jator. Suit working couple. $15 per week. |728- 3420. |cozy single rooms, clean home, kitchen land TV privileges, ample parking. Close |to South General Motors, $8. Telephone |725-2915, ROOM for rént, near North General Mo- jtors. Apply 208 Division Street. Telephone |725- 1085, |FURNISHED room. Gentlemen prefer- |red; vicinity north General Motors. {After 6 p.m., telephone 728-2712. "ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 1 otion od _| 82 PARK RD. N. orrier oys In e@ improvemen Gt Torche hor Ne 728-8671 FOR APPOINTMENT 27--Real Estate For Sale Phone 728-7937 Between 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. nance room for gent! eman, abstainer, 'Centre and tronsportation. Taxes only $140.00. Pay $75, monthly P & |. Call now for appointment to see, NORTH WEST LOCATED CLOSE TO ST. CHRISTOPHER. A really fine large 5 room brick bungalow with Carport. Tastefully de- corated and nicely: lands- caped. Aluminum storms and Screens, patio ot rear. A good 3 bedroom bungalow in a desirable orea. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION New -- 6 room split level bung. with attached garage. A very charming | design, which you will be. proud to point out to your friends and say this is where | live. Living room, dining room, and modern. kitchen on main level. Three bedrooms and spacious 4 pc. bath with vonity on second level, Rec. facilities on lower level. Down poyment $4200.00. Balance N.H.L. financed. LISTINGS : | DO AS OTHERS--CALL THE | "MY KINGDOM FOR A OM AND BOARD for ft entiemen, ER R if "a spared packed, if desired. Telephone CHECKERBOARD BROTHERS HOUSE, 728-0159 | That's what lots of Kings and 21--Room & Board Wented | $1,000. DOWN Queens i this town ore. soy 5 soe ss pao h ing . » 'WE NEED HOUSES!" PRIVATE room and board wanted, office| ~"OT9e Seven room home wit If you've been thinking. of worker, five-day week only. Whitby or} garage Ideal for income aan rt ZEALOTS WHO RAYEL MUMDREDS OF MILES On HOLY PILGRIMAGES 'fo SACRED BUDDHIST |Painting and Decorating UREBRED DACHSHUND pup, "female, | five months old, needies, Telephone} 725-8766. } GENEROUS SALARY. PLUS COMMISSION (Cor required) FROM WHAT FRUIT 15 GRENADINE MAD! es POMEGRANATE. ~ ~| [MINIATURE POODLE, purebred biack,| jas permanent needies. To a good home} USED BY MME, COLOKISTS WTKE REVOLUTION WAS THE CONCORD FLAG, CARRIED Af HE BAMLE OF CONCORD, APRIL 3 or 4 evenings per week (6:30-9:00 p.m.) or Saturday morning. Apply Coaching and Training j ALERT [MOBNAR, Cwred Acown| EVERGRETN 699-6, © 10: Ontario. Telephone 723-1221. | 6-4, C.I.L, 10-10-10, TURF | SPECIAL, POTTING SOIL, PEAT POTS, BEGONIA BULBS, VERMICULITE, DOR- MANT 3PRAYS. Complete Garden Supplies since 1909. 17--Male Help Wanted, Barristers MACKEY and "BAILEY, "Barristers, 'Soll- citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage fonds | available. 3614 King Street East, 7%3- 1107. Soici- Oshawa's Largest Firm BOLAHOOD BROTHERS Reol Estote registered, four months GREER AND KELLY, | Barrister, tors, 'etc., 114 King. Street fave Dial 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, Qc, Msg Terence V. Kelly. BA, BCL, 20--Room and Board SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- Room and board for working girls, on bus line, home privilegse, $15. week, Telephone 728-9277. | ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, lunct¥®$ packed, parking, TV. Telephone 723-1671 | Barrister, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, 4% King Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, 728-7336. Charlies C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar, F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. LOUIS S$. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Solici- for, Notary. Suite 305, The Tim had | Building, 86 King Street East, 723-4943. Clients' funds available _for "mortgages. Insurance Mortgages tires? Instruction IMMEDIATE POSSESSION RANCHER 4 YEARS OLD Large. 3 bedroom with at- tached garage and fireplace. Only $3,500. down. Call Mr. Bill Johnston ot 728-1066 SPORTSMAN'S DELIGHT Room for 2 cars plus a boat-- even a shooting gallery in this spacious, gracious long low ranch bungalow. Truly * hiand. North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K. Creighton,|Tap, RAD Ballet, Highlan ment. Experts In re-covering, re-styling. ic Box 339 Oshawa Times, North, | , 725-6122. QC, or residences: G. K. Drynan, QC, 728-| now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6 pers pasts teen erie Cee ie REIGSTERED NURSE or certified nurs-| TAX| DRIVERS _ 9554; G. L. Murdoch, QC, 723-4768; J. C-/MUSIC LESSONS, piano. Mrs. John|mates. Dial 728-7271. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages and Agree- fr t, ha 723-3677. ments of sale bought, sold and arranged.|reerce 45 Burk' Street, Oshawa. CHESTERFIELDS end oid chairs re| 11--Articles For Rent EGR ae or. cortitiae fire, covered like new. Get the best for less! Hairs, ing assistant required at Glencedar Nu DODDS AND DONALD, at Modern Upholsterers, 142 * | Barristers and} card and banquet tables, "church ing Home. Ltd., Ritson Road North. Call Simcoe | aiste runners. Cleve Fox $ Rentals 412/655-4931 before 4 p.m. Solicitors, etc., 69 King Street East.| u Telephone 723-220 JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB,| Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic, The Commercial Buliding, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 26%2 King) ag East. 723-4697. Residence, dial 723-40; HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, | Barristers, Solicitors, East, Oshawa; . ; G. B. Boychyn, QC; w. H. Hillman, LLB. Office: 725-1177. Residence: 728-4326. Whitby 668-2761, eam NHA and other), jage funds availabi | E.Z.E. METHOD DRIVING SCHOOL Newest Oshawa Branch PHONE 728-0881 'LEARN TO DRIVE | ot the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standord and automatic cars. Professional Instructors. OSHAWA AND WHITBY |GUARANTEED "repairs Building Trades ALL TYPES of buliding repairs, roofing, | chimneys,' fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops Gordon May, 728-0394, WELDING -- Ali metal fabrications. Re pairs, 24-hour service. Guaranteed. Gen- eral Welding Services, 728-2525. ELECTRICAL wiring and repairs, nections for ranges, dryers etc. Reason-| able rates. agicinodotgl Electric, 62 Grand-| view South. 723-312 | PLASTERING, new work, repairs, re modelling. Free estimates. A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street. Telephone 728-3420. FOR ALL your carpentry work, rec.| rooms, additions. Cupboards a specialty.| Call Wm. Vroom, 725-0256. | YOUR LOCAL CHIMNBY cleaner: Chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings In- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates. 723-2997. Backhoe,' Dragline ond Bulldozing CALL IRA CARR PORT PERRY 985-7890 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING A AND CARTAGE, Oshaw8, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equipped and insured. 728-3661 Dressmaking -- LADIES plan your spring wardrobe for the family. Dressmaking, alteration serv- ice, 179 Oshawa Boulevard. North. 728 1823 after 5. EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cuff- ing and alterations. Reasonable rates Mrs Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. South. Call 723-6451. Free estimates. OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug ond Upholstery Cleaning. At Our Store, or at your home. 725-996 | __.| Simcoe Street North. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, Aid Rentals, Sales and Service SCHWARTZ and Corttell smiths Ltd., 18, Bond Street West, 728- Custom Gun- sick 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, Dishes Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls - Coffee Urns Tables - Chairs - Linens room supplies. sell fine products, | Silver Candelabra and Tea Sets Sargeant's Rentals 463 Ritson S$. 725-3338 9731. Guns of all types, ancient, modern, 12---Articles Wanted sold, repaired. to all |bought, exchanged, |washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call; | 728-1742. wringer \itortpegen MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages. Fast service, M. F. SWARTZ 26V2 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario---725-3568 CLASSIFIED. ADVERTISING RATES 5 WORD MINIMUM Better a scribed otte 6 consecutive days 3 consecutive dovs Count each word initial While every endéavour wil be numbers to the advertisers as figure or abbre IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: ts get taster results. Cash 3.75 225 2.48 tion as one word. RATE APPLIES. Charge 4.13 15c made to forward replies to box soon as possible we accept no n respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through re Be delay in forward jligence or otherwi only, 3 either foi whether Dy ce IStings ona! line per month ing such replies, however caused se ines per month 8.50 1.60 (Not applicable tor merchandise advertisements.) DEADLINES WORD ADS is of Thanks Memoriums Saturdays, Lost and Found Births ond Deot hs CLASSIFIED Soturc "CANCELLATIONS A 5 p.m. Day Previous 5 p.m. Day Previous 5 p.m. Day Previous 12 noon for: Monday 8: 30 am Day of Publication 8:30 a.m. Day of Publication p.m. Previous Day lla for Monady ND CORRECTIONS 8:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Cancellations and Corrections Deéodline will be processed for received after the 8:30 AM. the following doy's poper, REGULATIONS The Oshowo Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for mare than one incorrect insertion of anv advertisement. nor beyond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshowa Times reserves the right to classity -advertising accordin3 to its proper 'classification. In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeoveur to reproduce all adver- tising motter correctly. but ossu If any inaccuracies in ony form a Telephone the Di me no liability of advertisement re contained therein rect to Classified Number 723-3492 For Classified Services -- F Ca 'or All Other Departments. itehboord li The Times Swit | Surveyors Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. 725-6881. DONEVAN and and 728-2458 recent reasonable. used" 14 to 17 ft. 579, Bowmanville. H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land|GUNS wanted (Old antique). Phone! 725-8183 Oshawa | FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial bive prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. |TV--Radio Repairs LOU'S TV SERVICE. Towers, antennae 529 Emerald Avenue, 728-5804. television repairs, 184 Telephone 728-6879 ice and Street West. LAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aerial Serv- King Pho SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cars for Wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap, iron ond metals, etc. bought, Open Saturday all day. Phone SMALL SIZE 120 bass accordion or any- thing -from 48 bass up. Must be in good j condition |WANTED TO BUY cabin trailer, ne 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. 13--Business. Opportunities GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all makes TV, radio, car radios. Thompson tronics, 157 Elliott, 723-9792, Fred. CITY TV, Tiwers, Antennas, also_ pairs. All work guaranteed, 511 Dea Avenue. Telephone 725-0500 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TV TOWERS AND Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION BOND ST, E., OSHAWA 728-5143 SERVICE CALLS ONLY. $2.50 Fast by qualified techni Day, night. All work guaranteed DOMINION TELEVISION 20 BOND W. TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 171 service ans as EXPERIENCED part-time work, Telephone 723-2615, PETER PAN DAY NURSERY. none 723- will Ege rent for ee four months longer. Information Elec-/IDEAL SPOT for flower shop or garden pinky or tele- oe Wanted all-round cook evenings, ask for Ernie. requires in bake shop Quali- fied day care, 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. 581 Sim- coe North, 728-2604 TYPING AND SIGN writing, to do at home, needed by handicapped you ng man, commercial and art school gradu. ate. Telephone 725 mY WANTS 1634, small rk, reasonable tile. and rates Telephoi 728. 2047, LADY would like housework by the day, cleaning, baking, laundry. 725-5811. Carpenter ne Telephone WAITRESS WANTED. son 16--Female Help Wanted in Terrace Restaurant, Street North, Whitby. TYPIST for own handwriting, 728-5154 Well Drilling--Digging WELL 'DIGGING by machime specializ in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, Street West, Or 668-3809. ing 204 . Chestnut Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809, 1--Women's Column PERMENEDT? x 'on «special dressing, 396 Te Aver 725-5363 Page Je. Hair Telephone 2--Personal IF YOU 'have a drinking problem, Box 33, Whitby Or call 668-3034. write Removal oF superfluous hair, Marie Murduff Oshawo, March 18th. Phone be 17th, tel will 16th, Genosha ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 in 7 "plumbing office. Reply and qualifications to Box Times classified department WAITRESSES Full Time - Part Time Days Only! Apply: =ADEAL 744, per- Brock in stating age, experience Oshawa FISH & CHIP STORE 17 Athol St A&W Drive-In Requires Part time CAR HOSTESSES Earn extra during the evening for your summer va- cati West on. 2.% Free vate holiday poy per annum. uniform uppliéd. Pri- transportatior your midnight. Pleas- conditions. Ex ed, training Married preferred but not to home after ng t requir ont work per program ience r provided women es Niust be pleasant and Aces. 18 to 35 rone 'for appointment /28-573] 1327 Simcoe 'N. sentius enthus' years y 5 stic money or apply in person between 6pm. & 9 p.m. daily model Write PO Box AVON for fun and good | earnings. representatives will tell you it's easy to full or part time, It's profitable! Write P.O, Box 512 Oshawa or phone 728-5883 WAITRESSES PART-TIME FULL-TIME For Appointment Dial: Bowmanville 623-3373 FLYING DUTCHMAN "MOTOR HOTEL EXPERIENCED MEDICAL SECRETARY Required For Medical Arts Building Oshawa Salary Commensurate with Applications in to experience writing BOX 846 OSHAWA TIMES OFFICE CLERK Required immediately, A neat efficient office clerk to han- dle the following duties. BOOKKEEPING TYPING STOCK CONTROL Age 18 to 25 preferred. 52 day:-week. Company paid ben- efits and Vacation. B.F. GOODRICH | STORES 88 KING ST. W. SECRETARY EXPERIENCED Must be fast accurate typist with previous dicta- phone experience. Short- hand an asset but not es- ential. Applicants should have at least Grade 12 with commercial graduation Salary commensurate with experience. Life insuran- ce, hospitalization. P.S.1. benefits fully paid by the company, Vacation period this summer. Drew Chemical Limited AJAX. ONT. 942-0150 Tell it to the World with WANT ADS | Avon Apply to Mr. A. E, Robinson Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply MERCURY TAXI | 725-4771 NEED HELP 700 sq. ft., floor area, flor- escent lights, full basement with concrete floor, oil fur- nace.. Situated on 1. acre lot on paved 'road. Suitable for small factory or storage. PHONE 725-4912 OAA Supervisor Jack Cought- rey needs one or two full or part-time men to_ help him meet the demand for Ontario Automobile ASsécia- tion Memberships. ~ Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No experience necessary but a car is. For full information contact Jack Coughtrey, Gen- osha Hotel - Friday March 20th, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. HEATING and APPLIANCE SALESMAN Experienced. For Oshawa area, Salary and Commission Car necessary. Write: SHORGAS LTD. 31 Celina Street DRAFTSMAN INTERMEDIATE OR SENIOR by growing manufacturer, 23--Wanted To Rent WANTED 0 bed- room ,house or apartment, in or Port Perry. Telephone 985-2686. WANTED -- 2-bedroom apartment, or 2-| or 3bedroom house in Oshawa, Whitby area, Please call 728-7452 anytime. Have one small child. WANTED by steel company official by July 1 or sooner, three-bedroom house, adult family. Telephone Mr, Blake, 668-) 3336 from 8-5. HREE-ROOM cottage wanted to rent. Oshawa to Ajax area, by couple. Tele-| phone 728-0014. WANTED in Oshawa, room apartment, reasonable rent. phone Ajax 942-3043 collect YOUNG business executive with one child, requires three-bedroom house, with dining room and garage, for April 15. North or northwest area. Telephone after} 9 p.m. collect. Val d'or VA 4-6073. |'URGENT April 1 or sooner, lower two-| bedroom, in city or house. Mr. Wright (artist), 8 Watford Avenue, Toronto 10, or call collect 533-2069. RELIABLE General Motors office em- ployee requires three- or four-bedroom frame home, north of King Street, by References if required. 728-5184, TWO-BEDROOM house, 1, $80 to $90 price 728-5563. UNFURNISHED _ three-room Vicinity King Street West, Phone 728-2052 after 11 a.m BUSINESS LADY requires one or two! furnished or unfurnished housekeeping| rooms. Abstainer, Call 725-2484 after 6, | 24--Houses For Rent ALBERT STREET -- Two-bedroom house, newly decorated. Two children welcome. | Telephone 728-9846. [$85. MONTHLY, modern five-room a galow, all conveniences, hardwood floors) throughout, oil heat, In North Oshawa.) Telephone 725-3093 | near one or two bed-| Tele- May 1. possession May range. Telephone apartment. two adults. Required sheet metal Salary depending on qualifications. Permanent position Com- pany paid benefits and life imsurance, CALL FOR APPOINTMENT AJAX 942-6500 QUALIFIED WHITBY -- Available now, two-bedroom apartment In apartment block, range, re- Group of expanding com- [ffigerator, dryer and. washer supplied; panies requires recent {parking space, adults preferred. 668-8785. graduate to assist Comp- |FOUR unturnished rooms with separate : entrance and bath. Garage inciuded.| troller. Applicant should. 'Available immediately. Telephone 723-| be under 30. 1845. ONE: BEDROOM apartment in new build: An exposure to E.D.P, a oi would. be an asset. modern conveniences. Whitby | Write giving full resume of qualifications and experience to tadults preferred. Apply Superintendent, | BOX 947 321 Marland Avenue, 723-4368. | OSHAWA TIMES. \t7__Mole Help Wanted | VY WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR Expanding distribution company, with warehouses in 25--Apartments RITSON ROAD SOUTH main "floor apartment, private entrances, yard, rage, basement, refrigerator, $85. half fuel, After 6, telephone 723-2747. McLAUGHLIN Blvd, three-room furnish- ed apartment, close to hospital and north --~-|GM. Working couple preferred. $75 monthly. 725-2540 or 728-6115, EARN ESIE AVENUE, 708 room artment with bath. perseislen Drapes, heavy duty reasonable rent. Three- Immediate wiring, PARTMENT reasonable for ~ mature| jcouple or widow, large garden, Tele- phone 725-2915. | MODERN one- and two-bedroom apart-| ments, drapes supplied, elevator service, cities in Ontario and Quebec, has openings for a number of supervisors. All positions are in live ware- houses where up to 12,000 items are turned many times each year. These warehouses are fully inter- grated with computer systems; have up-to-date mat- erial handling equipment and methods. Aplicants 'should have supervisory warehouse experience includ- ing some labor relations experience. Promotional opportunities ond a good future is assured since this industry has stability of growth in keeping with the growth of the Camadian. economy. Full 'range of employee benefits -avoilable. Plea em- DELUXE |complete quilt patterns--pieced cluding FREE COUPON to get ployment exprience and personal history by letter to Box 601. immediately, one" "or two bed-; or 728-5123. . NORTH WEST $14,700. N.H.A. resale, 1 year old 3 bedroom bungalow. Spacious Hollywood kitchen with built in. stove and oven, exhaust fon plus other extras. Home newly decorated and in spot- condition, Be sure to inspect mow before it's sold. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. AT SHOPPING CENTRE Large 6 room brick older family home -- notural fire- place. Close to King Street. New oil furnace. Asking $12,- 500. With only $2,500. down. Call Mr, Jack Appleby now ot 728-5123 or 723-3398. less BOLAHGOD BROTHERS LTD, 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening. locoted in a superb setting, with a view for miles and miles. Feotures include: Loundry room off kitchen, L.R. 20 x 14 -- 2 natural fireplaces, professionally de- corated ---- Rec. room comp- leted with bar, "30 x 30.. A magnificent home. For full porticulors call -2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M, TO 9 P.M 723-2894 728-2233 728-5868 725-3867 725-0239 723-1358 728-2870 725-0201 Margoret Lee Maible Boudreau Steve Mack Irene Brown Pauline Beal Marg. Hall Allan Thompson Reg. Aker Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Charlie Chaytor 723-2266 360 King St. West Free Parking. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS ~|handy-dandy | * fers of gingham check. cross-stitch} potholders -- 7 checks lovely 7261 for please) to Alice Brooks, The Oshawa Times Dept., plainly |NAME, 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! fashions, hits broider, NEW-QUICK-GAY By ALICE BROOKS It's fun, quick Charming of. gingham to inch, Two hostess. gift New! chart; directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS this .pattern (no Oshawa, ADDRE HANDICRAFT HITS T 206 crewelwork, -- crochet, knft, quilt, Send 2 THING NEW QUILT BOOK! sew, SOME' to make 2 mitts plus 4 hold- make a Pattern course you want to look your best! otis) that's COS) /can sleeves to soft. skirt. stamps; care of Sizes 1414, 164 bazaar em-| Needlecraft |24%2 Ontario, Ontario,» residents add-1c sales tax. Print PATTERN NUMBER; coins this add two cents sales tax. Print plainly ~~ DRE care of The re) 4 rn on | BUSY-DAY GEM By ANNE .ADAMS No time to fuss, but of Choose this crisp casual comfortable from airy Printed Pattern 4580: Half 2, 18%, 2044, 22%, Size 16% takes 4 aids 9-inch, "FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in (no stamps, please) for pattern. Ontario residents 261 SIZE, NAME, , STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Oshawa Times, KNOW HOW TO AD- DO YOU GET A PATI®RN ABSOLUTE- BIG LY '§ our FREE! Spring ? It's simple -- order Summer Catalog in- or prplique, for beginners, ex-any one of 250 design ideas, peys. Send 60c now, \Send 50 eents today,