Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Mar 1964, p. 29

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. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Moreh 18, 1904 ~ QUEEN'S PARK TOLD 'Highways Department Robbing 401 Residents' TORONTO (CP)--A Conserv ative back - bencher Tuesday charged the di of high. ways with riding roughshod , over the rights of the people in " the widening to 12 lanes of high- way 401. Gordon Carton of the riding of Armourdale, in the northwest- em part of Metropolitan Tor- onto, said the project in his area was costing home-owners Wrong Man Serving Term Court Told TORONTO (CP) -- A man eerving a life sentence in King- ston penitentiary insisted under cross-examination Tuesday that he committed two robberies in 1959 for which John William Mc- Namara, 27, has served nearly two years. Gerald Arsenault, 31, told the "10 men and two women jurors - in county court that he had held up the two shops and committed two other robberies he had not revealed to police. Four Crown witnesses, who gaw the gunman involved in the two Dec. 19, 1959, robberies, tes- tified that Arsenault was too short to be the robber. McNamara, on trial for the fourth time for the 1959 robber- jes, testified before Judge W. F. B. Rogers that he was drinking in a downtown tavern with his brother and two friends at the time of the holdups. RELEASED ON BAIL McNamara was released from custody Jast Friday when his family put up $3,000 bail. At his first two trials in Jan- wary and February, 1962, the juries could not agree on a ver- dict. A month later, a third jury convicted him of the robberies and sentenced him to six years' imprisonment. A new trial was granted last month when Arsenault, serving a life sentence for 11 armed robberies, tolq the Ontario Court of Appeal he had com- mitted both robberies for which McNamara was convicted. The trial continues, Ottawa Eyes Scheme For Ombudsman © OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada ur- gently needs a public official who could protect individual rights in the field of taxation, Social Credit Leader Robert Thompson told the Commons Tuesday. In reply, the government moved that the subject matter of Mr. Thompson's bill be sent to the committee on privileges and elections for study This was an unusual step. Most privately-sponsored bills undergo an hour's debate and then lapse, usually until the next session of Parliament. The parliamentary commis- sioner, Mr. Thompson pro- posed, would be similar to the ombudsman in the Scandinavian countries and New Zealand. "The courts are no longer the bulwark of individual rights," said Mr. Thompson, "the pro- tection of citizens is rapidly be- eming inadequate." Mr. Thompson said the com- missioner he proposes would have the standing of a supreme court judge, but he could not overrule government decisions. However, he could strongly sug- gest that wrongdoings be cor- rected. He would report to Par- liament once a year. Free Legal Aid. For Criminals | Opposed OTTAWA (CP) -- An Ottawa jawyer said Tuesday he is "'vio- lently opposed" to giving auto- matic legal aid to persons with lengthy criminal records. Edward Houston told the On- tario joint committee on legal aid in its final session here that "criminals are becoming more or less sacred compared to po- lice officers." Mr. Houston also said that the legal profession "'has been pil- loried to some extent" in. re- cent press reports on legal aid. He said the present legal aid system should not be extended. H said most lawyers do a con- siderable amount of free work on an informal. basis and this was filling the need satisfactor- ly. In another brief the county of Carleton Law Association said the legal aid system now is un- satisfactory "because the serv- ice provided is inadequate and the burden falls on a@ small number of lawyers." William Greene, who deliv- ered the association's brief, said) a fulltime salaried director of legal aid should be appointed in larger Ontario centres. The directors would assign work where required to lawyers. thousands of dollars in property devaluation. Ee: no as- surances had been given him 3 highways minister Charles a' that any of the persons affected would receive any compensation, he said. Mr. Carton told the legislature that with the widening of 401, the department was utilizing lands formerly reserved for a greenbelt and safety area, It! houses sitting on the site of the future roadway. The result was that a "'hid- eous-looking, gargantuan mons- ter," was being constructed homes. No government should "'wan- tonly, shamelessly, recklessly, knowingly, deprive, yes rob, its citizens of their life savings," he added. lj EXTRA TAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS aD 2) EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS d) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS E ST t sT 'With This Coupon end Purchese of One 51 ox, Settle SHAMPOO: SILVIKRIN MS Comen Expires March 25 BRT t ST. One 14h. 4 ot, Tin PURINA CAT CHOW M3? Coupon Expires Merch 25 E 'With This Coupon end Purchase of One 48 fi. on. Tin BLENDED JUICE M49 = Coupon Eepires March 25 E s With This Coupon ond Purchase of One 7 ox. Tin KENT BONELESS M4t Compen boires Merch 29 t 5 E s WOODBURY'S PINK BEAUTY SOAP M45 Coupon Expires March 25 E s With This Coupon ond Purchese of One Plestic Cop PITTED TABLE DATES M47 = Conpon Expires March 25 2) EXTRA STAMPS t bf SPINACH Coupon Expires Mar. 25 t Any Too 15 0. on, Tis was expropriating only those| ab 2) STAMPS di EXTRA d Mr, Carton said he was speak- ing for the 401 Ratepayers As- sociation--a group that was not reconciled to accepting the op- pressive hand of this depart ment without putting up a fight. He said many of his friends tried to dissuade him from mak- ing a speech critical of the Gov- ernment, telling him "'this in- vites personal political suicide within my own party." However, Highways Minister | MacNaughton later said Mr. |Carton need make no apology hed stating his convictions. The minister said he was not insen- \sitive to the problem but there | ered. He said the department's con- cern was that if financial help ; were given to the home-owners | affected by 401, the same thing owners affected by other high- ways throughout the province. The department of highways also came under fire from Ed- die Sargent (L--Grey North), who said the department is placing advertisements in muni- cipal saying what '"oreat fellows" the highways | minister and premier are. | Mr. Sargent, who is also mayor of Owen Sound, said he wouldn't mind this but public funds were being used for the advertisements and this consti- tututed 'fa mild form of corrup- tion." Mr. MacNaughton denied the within 20 or 30 feet of private|were two sides to be consid-| charge, saying that of the thous- jands of dollars spent for pub- | licity during the fiscal year end- jing March 31, not one cent was used for promoting in a muni- cipal publication. proauce toaay # copy o: a pup- lication called Civic Administra- tion which carried a full-page ad over the name of Mr. Mac- Naughton in its February issue. The highways and tourism committee of the Legislature was told that fees for the use of campsites in provincial parks should be raised to equal fees charged by private campsite op- erators. G. B. Rumble, chairman of the Joint Board of Ontario Tra- vel Associations said in a brief to the committee that private operators cannot compete with what he called absurdly low rates charged by nearby public campsites in provincial parks. DENIES REPORTS Health Minister Dymond de- nied earlier reports that the government would not oppose compulsory arbitration in nurs- ing disputes. Dr. Dymond said: "I must deny this statement most em- phatically. The two nurses (rep- resentatives of the Committee for the Advancement of Profes- sional nurses) spoke to me about collective negotiations and I did state that if the nurses really wanted this the govern- men would not oppose it." He also said that matters such as compulsory arbitration would be policy and only government would determine policy. 'And any decision would for the (Hos- pital Services) commission to implement," he said. Diet Claims New Budget Irks Provinces TORONTO (CP) -- Finance Minister Gordon's budget was a slap in the face for the prov- inces, Opposition Leader Diefen- baker said Tuesday. Mr. Diefenbaker, who paid a courtesy call on Premier Ro- barts at Queen's Park prior to attending a Si. Patrick's Day dinner, said up until Monday he believed the forthcoming fed- 'eral - provincial conference would deal mainly with fiscal relations, "But after seeing the budget I can only conclude that the government gave the provinces a resounding slap," he told re- porters. 'That may be the rea- son the budget was brought in so early." The federal-provincial confer- ence is to convene in Quebec at the end of March. Mr. Diefenbaker saidthe bud- get included a large deficit and gave no indication the govern- iment would provide any extra |pie to be sliced up by the prov- inces. B And B Probe Finds . TROIS-RIVIERES, Que. (CP) man of the royal commission on and bicultural- ism, said Tuesday the commis- sion has so far found "some ig- norance" but no real indiffer- ence regarding the two subjects of its inquiry. Mr. Dunton made the state- ment to a press conference af- ter he and four other commis- sion members arrived to hold a hearing in this community, 100 miles northeast of Montreal, to- day. Similar hearings will be held in all 10 provinces during the next three months. Preliminary sessions were held in Ottawa in December. Mr. Dunton told the press conference there is interest in the questions of biculturalism and bilingualism throughout the country. SHERBROOKE, Que. (AP)-- Andre Laurendeau, co - chair- man of the royal commission on bilingualism and bicultural- ism, said Tuesday the commis- sion likely will not report its fi- Davidson Dunton, joint chair-jnal findings until late 1966. Tt was the first time the com- mission, appointed July 22 last year, has given an indication of the duration of its massive in- quiry. Prime Minister Pearson told reporters last July that the government was expecting the inquiry to last about one year. Mr. Laurendeau told a press conference here that the com- mission is dealing with human relations of unexpected com- plexity and scope and it was reasonable to expect a three. year investigation. He added that interim reports on specific issues and reports on special research projects may be published before 1966. Mr. Laurendeau, editor of Montreal Le Devoir, and four other commission members ar- rived in this city of 68,000 Tues- day to begin a three - month round of informal grass-roots meetings. OCTOBER START SEEN Mr. Laurendeau said formal public hearings likely will be- gin next October in the provin- Little Indifference cial capitals and last untt! the spring of 1965. Mr. Laurendeay said the pub- lic awareness of the "crisis" in French-English relations dimin- ishes in proportion to & commie nity's distance from Quebec. He hoped the regional meetings would improve communications between the various regions. About 460 organizations and individuals have indicated to the commission so far that they plan to submit briefs later. The co - chairman said the commission at this stage is in- terested in hearing the views of average Canadians, rather than attempt to educate public opin- ion. 'We are not crusaders, We are not preaching a cause." ELECTED PRESIDENT MONTREAL (CP) -- Claude Jean, a first-year law student at the University of Montreal, is the first French-Canadian stu- dent in more than 10 years to jbe elected president of the As- jsociation of International Rela- jtions Clubs of Eastern Canada 'and the New England states. 'would hav to be done to home-| But Mr. Sargent said he could One 14 on. Acrescl Tin FLORAL OR SPICE Coupon Expires Morch 23 XTRA AMPS bested al XTRA AMPS al EXTRA AMPS 'With This Coupon ond Purchose of One 20} ox. Tie CLARK'S ~ IN GRAVY wo MEAT BALLS AMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di XTRA STAMPS I XTRA TAMPS 2) XTRA TAMPS XTRA TAMPS PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! S.X. 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