Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Mar 1964, p. 23

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 18, 1964 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton | CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie WEONESOAY SVE. 00 FM. 2--Captain Bob 9:00 A.M, ' | 4:30 Pa. 1--Captain Andy | og! Bear 6--Father Knows Best 4--Leave It To Beaver | 3~Popeye THURSDAY SVE, 5:00 P.M. --Family Theatre 9--Theatre 8--Superman 7--The Early Show 6-3--Razzie Dazzie 4-Five O'clock Snow | Huckleberry Hound 5:30 P.M. 6~Music Hop 4--Popeye' 2--Mike Douglas Show 9:30 A.M. 9--Playtime With Bobby 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 10:00 A.M. li---Eddie Allen Show 7--Girl Talk 63--National Schools 4--Calendar 8-2--Say When 10:30 A.M, W--Super Bingo | .8-2--Word For Word 6:30 PM. ian ken 11-9-8-3-2--Newss Weather| 6--Chez Helene and | 4-1 Love Lucy 7--M- Squad : 11:00 A.M. Sports Folle | %Morning Magazine 6:43 P.M. | 8-2--Concentration Ni---Family Theatre | 6--Live and \earn 2--Teday 1964 18 PLM. 4--Headline News Quiz 3--Fury 2--The Rifleman 6:00 P.M. | 6--The Observer 3~Tombstone Territory 2--Today, 1964 6:18 PLM, | 4--Headline News 4:30 PLM. 119-8-4-3-2----News) Weather and 7--M-Squad W--Family Theatre 7--Price Is Right oretts ¥ €-2--Huntley Brinkley HE sone 7:00 P.M. 6--Li 4-The McCoys 9--Best of Groucho | 11:30 A.M. Ni--Aiber! J, Steed Show 7-6--News, ther, 8-2--Missing Links Sports 7--The Object 's 4--The Honeymodners 3--Cendid Camera | 6Girl Taik | 4--Pete and Giadys 2--Death Valley Days | 7:30 P.M. | 12:00 NOON | 9--Noonday Report 9--Dick Van Dyke 8-2--Hallimark Hall of %2--Your First Fame impression 4--Ozzie and Harriet 6--Provincial Affairs 4--CBS Reports 3--Phil Silvers Show 7:45 PLM. 6--Mr. Fix-tt 4:00 P.M. 11--Michael Shayne 9--My Favorite Martian | 7--Father Knows Best 7--Patty Duke 6--Movie Matinee 43--Red River Jamboree! 4--Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 6:20 PM. 4--Guiding Light mse Leg = a 3--Movie |--Farmer's Daughter % 63--Document 9 168 P.M. 4--Tell it to the Camera !!--Travellers Preview December Bride 9:00 P.M. | &Matinee Vi--Route 66 7--Afternoon Show 8-2--Espionage | 4--Meet the Millers 7--Ben Casey 2--Divorce Court 4--The Beverly Hillbiifies! 1:30 PLM. 0:30 P.M. 1i--Mid-day Matinee 4-3--Festival 4--The Dick Yan Dyke | Show | § #-2--Huntley Brinkley 7:00 P.M, 9----Donna Reed 7-6---News, Weather Sports 4--Bat Masterson | 3+Dr. Kildare 2--Bishop Sheen 7:30 P.M. 9--\"he Outer Limits J--The Flintstones 6--Candid Camera 4--PassWord 2--87th Precinct 8:00 P.M. i--Fractured Flickers &--Death Valley Days 7--Donna. Reed 63--The Lucy Show | 4-Rawhide 8:30 P.M. 11--Hennesey 9--To Tell The Truth 7--Maverick 6--Elwood Glover 4--NFL Football | 12:15 P.M, 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M, 9-1 Love Lucy 8-2--Truth 0: Consequences $-2--Dr. Kildare +} 63--The Serial 7--My Three Sons 9:00 P.M. 1i--Desilu Playhouse | 9~Zero One | 7---Jimmy Dean | 63--Grindi 4--Perry Mason 2:00 P.M. 9--The Millionaire 8--Home Cooking 7--Day in. Court : 6-4-3--Password | 1:90 P.M. | 2Let's Make A Deal | %--Jack Paar 2:30 P.M. | $2--Hazei 63--Parade 9--Dougias Fairbanks | 8 Home Cooking 10:00 P.M. | pee SEs 11--Have Gun Will Travel | 63--Scariett Hill | '9-2--Kratt Theatre j o-Nene Party | 7--Maverick The Doctors ie 6--Alfred Hitchcock Hour 3:00 PLM. 4--The Nurses | %--Here's Looking At You 3--Naked City #-2--Loretta Young 10:30 P.M. 7--Genera! Hospital | 63--Take Thirty 11--Official Detective 4--To Tell The Truth 9--Sports Hot Seat 3:30, PLM. | 1)--Randy Dendy | 9--People in Conflict | 8-2--You Don't Say rf 7--Queen For A Day ! | | | | 10:00 P.M. 1--The P.M. Snow $-2--The Eleventh Hour 7--Channing 4--Tha Danny Keve Show 10:30 P.M. %--The Twilight Zone 4--The Hutterites 11:00 P.M. 119-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather, Sports 1:18 P.M. | $--Metro Final | 6--Viewpoin? 14:20 P.M. 7-4--Late Show 11:38 PLM T1--Music %--Pierre Berton Show #2--Tonight Show 6--Nightcap 3--Sam Benedict THURSDAY 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroe $:30 A.M, %--Cartoons | | j | 11:00. PLM. | | 1-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News, | | Sports | 1S P.M. 1 9--Metro Final | éViewpoint | i | } 11:20 P.M, 7-4--Late Show 11:38 PLM. | 11--Musie | %--Pierre Berton Show | 6--Feature Showcase ) 3--Thriller 63--Friendly Giant 4--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M. %--Mickey Mouse Club ~The Match Game 7--Tralimaster ¢3--Mr. Piper 4~--Secret. Storm DR. SEED WAS A GENIUS. ALWAYS EXPERIMENTING WITH POISONOUS PLANTS 'THAT COULD BE USED MEDICINALLY FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND, BUT HE RAN INTO DEBT, HIS ONLY SON, WHOM HE WORSHIPED, WAS AWAY AT COLLEGE. WE KEPT WRITING FOR MONEY, THERE WAS NEVER ENOUGH MONEY, PERHAPS FRANGI PANI WE GREW AFRAID OF HIM, A THEN OR, SEED BEGAN SELLING His POISONOUS PLANTS To SMUGGLERS, SOMEHOW HE CHANGED, HE WAS A GOOD MAN WHO BECAME CORRUPTED, | CROSSWORD | ' AOROSS | 4, Fragment of earthen vessel 6. Penetrates, asa dagger 11. A hue 12, Exclama- tion of greeting: var. 13. Manila hemp 14. Girl's name 15. Craggy hill 16. Pocket- books 18. A relative 19, Grave 22, Heb, letter 23. Milkfish 26, First sign of zodiac 28. Slayer of Goliath 80. Jellylike material 31, Public notice JANE ARDEN : w 600D MORNIN; \ WITH BEN WISS'ARPEN? WHERE \ THOMPSON, IN THE WORLD PID You ME RUN OFF TO YESTERDAY? BY THDN {TH Poop Te aot GE N AFTERWARD FOUGHT EMPEROR MAXIMILLIAN IN (CO .+0., 5AY EAT SOLVIER 100 TH TUFF HERE THAT NO OFS ONE HAS HEARD ABOUT BEFORE/ F sand Al 6.Bombarded 23. Hail! IAIG(S MEY JE IAISIT IY} 7. Anet-like fabric 8. German river 9. Internal decay of fruit 10. One's offspring? Bi RESMMAISIEITIS! | 24, Humor Parieys iS MRle INO} MICKEY MOUSE ICE-CREAM - OH, BOY! CONES A DIMES LES CANADIENS NSIEUR DE NEUVILLE, FRONTENAC NIA PAS UN SOU,"L'INFORME LA GOUVERNANTE DE ANNE. "JE VOUS AIME, MON AMOUR, r + Ye 7 ; > . MARIONS-NOVS QUAND j SE F MEME" SUPPLIE FRONTENAC, = BMOK 'ney / BI, IVES BML Ty ERIIVW 137 3327 D¥EO NW AOA BOTT, Have You Returned Your -- Pink Envelope Yet? OSHAWA, ONTARIO AF NOT...Won't You Please Do It Now... Without Delay? TIME !! YAGOT LI'L ABNER BUT, READ IT ON YER DESE T'REE THE LONE RANGER AS THE GUARD OPENS THE BAGGAGE: Wy Sreemowsonaenas -- DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER HEY, JUNIOR! LooK OVER HERE! Vy, y. WELL, I ATE NEAR AS TCOULD MAKE OUT, HE'S GOING TO HIT CAL N\ [He comes to THe corner in Nimmnd (A) Ni¢ b ABOUT THIRTY SECONDS... \RIENT LOOKS BOTH WAYS, AND sil 1 ; | CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER -- (Top record-holder in Masters' \Individual Championship Pley) North dealer. Neither side vulnerable. 383 54 @AKQOT @AKQ _EAST eabeed 1854 North, 1 Diamonds; East, 1 Spades; South, Pass; West, 2 Spades, : North, 3 Diamonds; East, 3 |Spades; South, Pass; West, |Pass, ;_ North, Dble.; East, Pass; | South, 4 Hearts; West, Dble, Opening lead -- five of spades. It takes a certain amount of luck to win a national cham- |pionship> regardless of whether jor not you play well, and my 'partner, Mrs. Dorothy Hayden and I had a good share of it when we won the Blue Ribbon Pairs played in Miami Beach \last December. This was a new event re- stricted to the top 60 life mas- |ters and a limited number of other players who had done well during the past year in na- © tional or regional champion- ships, There were 84 pairs in the contest. | We were lucky on this hand jwhere South played at four hearts doubled. Mrs. Hayden (West) led a spade. I took the ace and returned a spade which \declarer ruffed. | Declarer led the queen of hearts which Mrs. Hayden took with the king. She led another spade which declarer ruffed, thus reducing South's trump |holding to the J-10-9, while | West still had the A-74. When declarer now played the jnine of hearts) Mrs. Hayden won the ace and exited with a diamond. Declarer took it and cashed three high clubs and an- other diamond, but, being forc- ed then to play a diamond, he could not prevent Mrs. Hayden from taking the setting trick with a trump. : Actually, declarer could have made the contract against any line of defense. Thus, when Mrs. Hayden led the third roung of spades attrick four and South ruffed, declarer could have made 10 tricks by cashing three clubs and two diamonds and then playing a trump from dum- my. This line of play could 'have been justified by assum- ing that West had started with four trumps. Nor could West a the con- hearts when it was ra te trick three. Declarer could make the same. assumption that West had four hearts, and could cash - three clubs and two diamonds and continue with a- heart to make the contract. | It was our good luck that de- clarer did not see the winning line of play. TOMORROW: SLAM BIDDING DEPARTMENT GROWS QUEBEC (CP)--The Quebee roads department is celebrating its 50th anniversary as an inde- jpendent government depart- ' |ment. Quebec boasted only a \few hundred miles of public highway in 1914, and spent about $5,000 annually on them, when roads were the responsi- |bility of the agriculture depart- ment. Today, the department administers 44,638 miles of high- way on an annual budget of $200,000,000. ARREST REFUGEES HONG KONG (AP)--Kighteen refugees from Red China were intercepted by Hong Kong po- lice in what the newspaper China Mail called the first 'Jarge-scale refugee smuggling attempt of 1964." SALLY'S SALLIES LUNCH ON MY COCOA BREAK TOOK PEDDY AND MAKE THEN CROSSES... (ae ON IT LOOK LIKE AN 1 s nf ~ or DENT. it NEED... FUEL OIL? PERRY Day or Night 723-3443 JULIET JONES OH, LEROV/..THE NEXT ONE WHO SPILL6 ANY- THING ABSOLUTELY GET6 NO DESSERT /, GO6H...AND THEY WERE HAVING )' ASK ME OVER APPLE PIG...MY OLD FAVORITE/ FOR LUNCH, JOY.' e@ Awnings @ Patios @ Siding ete. EXTRA SPECIAL 1%" SELF. 29 95 STORING Installation $16.00 Extre | DOORS HOLODY SALES 30 GRENFELL 725-2431 3

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