CROCHETED DOLL Girls of all ages will love this Bo-Peep doll and the dress and headdress is eas- ily crocheted. If you would like the instructions send a stamped, self-addressed en- 'Luxury Fabric Come in Vinyl Among the latest creations now making their initial ap- pearance on the market, are several vinyl upholstery 'fab- ries' which "combine a deluxe air with the easiest care possi- ble--and each type has the safe washability of all plastics. One of the new offerings is a semi-rigid vinyl formed like natural cane--and it has a wood stain sealed with a vinyl coat- ing. The popular' tortoise finisnes are also reflected in vinyl, notably in an outstanding, mot- tled tortoise shell effect shaded in muted emerald, ruby, and gol? as well as in the more traditional bronze. Then there are the luxurious, fabric effects, such as tapestny,| eeee with a jersey knit elas- i. And there is something that} fs always in demand--a hand-| some leather design. This one|soft brush to coax any vestiges miss ISABELLE SORLEY, RN "@tce, Mr. F. is done in a fashionable crushed! grain effect that is distinctive.' The provision of bedside nurs- ing care to patients of all ages * \continued to be the primary _|service of. the Victorian Order 'lof Nurses in Oshawa in 1963, | |the 30th year: of existence in the city. i| In presenting her annual re- 5 port' last week, Miss Isabelle |Sorley, nurse in charge stated \that in 1963 care was provided bed 274 patients who received 4$15 yisits. This was an Increase in visits jof 700 over 1962 to approx:m- lately the same number of pa- tients, Fifty-three per cent of the visits were to people. over 70 years of age. Service to ma- iternity patients accounted for /three per cent of the visits and 113 per cent of the patients. Ap- |proximaely oné mother in four required visits due to 2 medical condition, the remainder of the maternity patients requested visits to assist in the care of the baby. MANY CHRONIC CASES The remainder of the visits were medical and surgical »a- tients receiving bedside nursing care, Of these patients 7 per sjecnt had received continuous cafe for a period of one year or more as of Dee, 31, 1953 They|perience for public h received 40 per cent of the visits. Half of these patients re- ceived injection therapy. Two were unable to care for thein- selves in any way and had 'received continuous visits for more than five years. The re- mainder of these patients re- ceived supportive care due to chronic conditions, One patient has received continuous care since 1947 and periodically be- fore that since 1933. Co-ordination of Victorian Or- der service with other. health -- |agencies remains of primary im- |\portance. Pamphlets interpret- ing VON service were distrib- uted in the hospital. On Feb. 1, 1963 Oshawa and \Whitby branches inaugurated the plan to share velope, plus 10 cents for handling to the Needlework Department, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, and a request for leaflet No. C-8655. Effects Upholstery | Some of these beautiful up- holstery vinyls come in a dozen }or more rich colors, and all of |them, even those with the most ¢ fragile or luxurious appearance, jean be used safely anywhere in! 7 the house, because they are sturdy and have "built in" washability. | This makes it possible for any homemaker to indulge that yen for luxury in home furnishings, and at the same time avoid being one of those admonishing "don't touch" mothers or grand-| |mothers. | | Spills, splatters and little foot prints or paw prints on the sofa! present no real problems when they can be swabbed off so easy with thick suds on a cloth or sponge. Just remember that textured surfaces, such as matelasse or cane, should be scrubbed occa- sionally with a well-lathered of dirt from the crevices in the : (Nurse-in-Charge) designs. METROPOLITAN STORES | VON Nursing Service Tops ~ | 1962 By Over 700 Visits lagain assisted in the education gale School of Nursing: Toronto! work on week-! Green Is Prominent THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, March 18, 1964 3 At Old Country Club St. Patrick's Dance Upon arrival at the Oshawa and District Old Country Club St.. Patrick's Dance, although members were not greeted by wer Leprechauns, they did receive a He said, "Your hair looks like|'ay &reen shamrock pin. The a rat's nest, your face looks|dance was held at the Kinsmen ike Hallowe'en and that dress\Community Centre last Satur- nakes you look pregnant." (day, and in keeping with tradi- I was furious but changed/tion many of the ladies wore dresses, removed part of the seen dresses. make-up and modified the hair-| Approximately two hundred do. Sol is the only man I've|people attended and among ever wanted to marry. Do you|:ose seen dancing were the fol- think I will ever be able to edu-|!0Wing members: Chairman Mr, cate the clod? Shall I try2--No Leonard J. Riley, and Mrs. BUMPKIN Riley, vice-chairman Mr. David Dear No: Some men appreci-/Boakes and Mrs. Boakes, Mr. ate high fashion but most men|2"4 Mrs. Arthur Watts, Mr. and prefer the natural look. Mrs. Ernest Mellwraith, Mr. If you're smart (and I mean and Mrs, James Williams, Mr. for no appareht reason, it|in the head and not in the ward- " ue. ais aie poe comes back worse than ever,|robe department) you'll dress| ype opi Guilin ee pe works one weekend in four. This) Last week Hilda went to ajto please Sol and not try to re-47. Michael Zygocki, Building plan has worked smooth'y and/famous Clinic and spent three|semble some of the pasty-faced, Fund' Chairman 'Mrs. Edward has proved beneficial to both\days there. The doctor said the|consumptive-looking girls who Veanint snd. Mit Veanhot: branches since it made for|problem is emotional and un-|pose for fashion magazines. menheme Py Bowmanvils: greater stability. We have en-|less she resolves her problems} Dear Ann Landers: Myi ang Mrs, Vincent Myers, joved our association with the|she will have the eruption for-|daughter has two little girls, 11 ana Mr and Mrs Arthur Cover-| Whithy Board and Miss Bow-lever. jand 12 years of age. She willlj,. wr. and Mrs. Roy Mintz, | ring, the nurse in charge, His diagnosis made her furi-|not allow the Jittle darlings to 7}. 'and Mis) Sean McGrath, "In 1963 the Oshawa Branchious. She says the doctor is a) go to boy-girl parties. They feel yy, and Mrs. Walter Bonchek. quack and her real problem {s| very much left out and have Mr. and Mrs. Alan. Baron Mrs. an allergy which he can't track/appealed to me-to help them. Jack Howard 'Mr. Robert Wen. ldown, so he blames it on! . How will they leam to be at!ion Mr, and Mrs, Eugene Hack- made me ease with boys if they don't get! att' yr. and Mrs "Aoart Ben-| stu-/promise not to tell her mother|the experience in their growing nett and Mr and Mrs George stu-\(whom she hates) and she in-lup years? The: tell me all the Holiom . dents from Oshawa General Hos-|sists, too, that I am not to telljother girls in their crowd can eae NEY iota yi pital and two from the Nightin-jour friends. go and they feel persecuted Fe gli ee ia ss id Why is she taking on like|/Would it be proper for their Ms e Al Nee + gpliggess al spent a total of 28 days in the|this? What can I do to help?|mother to phone the mothers of aoe Pay? ~ so ss sin branch. Three public health stu-.--BEN the youngsters who are having dents spent a total of 43 days} Dear Ben: Hilda reacted an-|the parties and make certain gaining practical experience. |grily because she knows the they are well-chaperoned? In 1968 there were fewerdoctor is right. She is fighting' Everything seems to be going changes of staff than in 1962.{/his diagnosis because she'S| co fast these days that I don't Presently on staff are Mrs W.\ashamed of having an emotion-|;know the answers any more. Benson and Mrs. Flocence Lit-|al problem. She mona Thank you..GRANDMOTHER S ae a, ie | r s:-| "F _ ; ie ba ihc alegre yin) be moras aint ernie eae Dear Grandmother: Those lit-| ge prepared with safe first aid that brings rytck hued a ale ' tle darlings have a pretty sharp] fast relief... keep your medicine cabinet relief nurse. Mrs. R. Wrubel re-| Do as she asks in regard tO| other and since these are her| stocked with signed from the staff June 30,|friends and family. Stick to the | children, why Won't Vad ated Galt pre 1963. Miss Martha Drisco!l was/allergy story and urge her to) of it? The 'ids have enlisted appointed to replace her July/get psychiatric help. When she|Granny's help because they ap- ANN LANDERS members of the Committee of the club. The next Old Country club event will be a social evening called 'Surprise Night" which will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Saturday, jApril 4, Médley and many Old Country dances including the Palais Glide and Hokey-kokey. Mr. George Day was the master of ceremonies for the evening and presented the door prize, which was a set of glasses, to Mrs. Philip McChristal. Prizes for the Elimination Dance went to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Watts, Mr. Eric Lloyd and his partner Mrs. John Wihili- dal, and to Mr. George Holtom and his partner Mrs. William Vesters. The prizes were hos- iery hampers for the ladies and ties for the men. The Building Fund raffle prize wxas a pair of binoculars and was won by Miss Mary Ann Steskr. A shower of green and white balloons and streamers add- " 4 ed to the gaiety of the evening. "- During the interval sandwiches WIFE PRESERVER and coffee were served by mem- o bers of the Ladies' Group, Mrs.| Decals can be removed easily David Boakes, Mrs. Jack How- without injuring the paint be- ard; Mrs. Harry Davey and i Mrs.,Lawrence Robertson. a baal pe pat tbe ga and Mrs. Joseph Finch are re-| ba soak for a few minutes, thes : Buried Emotions » Break(Out in Rash Dear Ann: My wife and | have been married fouru years We have excellent jobs and we need them--to pay her doctor bills. Hilda has a rash on her hand: which drives her crazy. It started shortly after we mar- ried, She scratches her hands until they bleed. The doctor has kept her hands in bandages for -weeks but it does no good. She has taken lamp treatments, pills and she hzs used all kinds of ointments. The rash im- proves for a few weeks then, ii J. =. MRS, C. D. RUSSELL (President) ends and nights. Kach nurse sponsible for the organization of j this function together with other|rub lightly. e@eeeveeeee eeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. of nurses by providing field ex- ealth nurs- € ing students. and observation|"nerves." Hilda period for undergraduate dents. 12 undergraduate PHONE Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Seles & Service Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Parts Mothproofing and Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the National Institute of Rug Cleaners VISITORS WELCOME Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Rugs: and Upholstery 15 and was transferred to Kings-|jearns what has been getting|,q,. ! F ville, Ont., Sept. 30, 1963. Mrs.]under her skin and how to cope parently can't budge Mom Barbara Lewis reiieved during) with it, the eruption on her skin the summer months, one month) wi) probably disappear. in. Oshawa and one in Whitby.| Dear Ann Landers: | am 50 Clerical assistarice was employ-|maq you could fr yan egg on ed for 1556 hours in 1963 my face Disbrusements amounted to} Saturday night I met my fi $17,252 and with recvipts from/ance's parents for the first patienes fees and grants amount-\time. (They live out of town.) ing to $19,081, the VON was ablej] spent two and a half hours in to keep within its budget for|the beauty shop. My hair was 1963. ldone in an upsweep beehive!" "FICERS F with wispy bangs. The make-up DUACERS FOR int expert did my face and I bought The slate of officers adopted|, pew dress, which was a|. from the nominating commit-|pnockout. tee's report is as follows: Hon-| when Sol came for me he orary member, Mrs. Uriah) oon one look and said, "you Jones; gvcre ety Mrs. arn aien't going like that, are Russell; immediate past presi-| |. os a } dent' Mir. A. H Colligs; 1at\Zou2 1 seked what was wrong vice-president, Dr. H. R. Row-| . ' i sell; ond vice-president, Mr. N.| 'ity, -- a ad ogo nomin J. Moran; secretary, Miss Helen gg wk Oy the won: Me -: Whi ee E. F. Bastedo, Mrs, H. L, Don- Med i ie : Phd i Uve,) aid, Mr. D. H. Howe, Mrs. Lor-|_ ee eee ctia Laing, RN, Maj. F. Ji Chairmen of committees: Fi-)7 ewis) Mrs E. A. Mounce, Mr. A, Mcliveen;|G. L. Murdoch, the Rey. J. C. advisory, Dr. H. R.|Pereyma, the Rev. W. G. Solo- education and publi--niuk and Mrs T, D. Thomas. ¢ nen ' A NOTE TO REMEMBER!! THE FOLLOWING ETAIL STORES IN medical Rowsell; BONANZA Compare t MeGUIRE. SISTERS TRIBUTE to GL 1 SOR Pewesee.... » Ce ee BEATLE MANIA Tn Hetepetitony o 3.98 each Your choice of over 1200 popular albums to: SAVE on! wl Tl di keandideliel NOW 1.26 METROPOLITAN SOME OF THE OVER 1200 TITLES TO HOOTENANNY FOLK FESTIVAL DIXIELAND e ENN MILLER TRIBUTE TO GLENN MILLER OKLAHOMA MIDNIGHT IN WASHINGTON LAWRENCE OF ARABIA METROPOLITAN STORES 60 KING STREET EAST BLUE GRASS 5-STRING BANJO MOSCOW SQUARE PRETZELS MELLIS OF CANADA LTD. MOOD MUSIC FOR BEER & DANCE PARTY with JOSE DOWNTOWN OSHAWA WILL OBSERVE THE UNDER LISTED SALE STORE CLOSING HOURS MONDAY .. OPEN TILL 6 P.M. TUESDAY .. OPEN TILL 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY OPEN TILL NOON ' (Some Stores until 6 p.m.) eieree © © Ot THURSDAY... OPEN TILL 6 P.M. FRIDAY... OPEN TILL 9 P.M. SATURDAY OPEN TILL 6 P.M. IMPORTANT ee TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION YOU From our fully qualified and competent personnel, we have decided to maintain the above listed hours. Longer hours would mean periods where extra, unskilled help would of necessity be em- 'ployed to ease the work load. Such action would curtail the type of satisfactory service we so dilig- ently strive to maintain for you, the customer. EACH CHOOSE FROM: LIMBO GOSPEL HYMNS THE ROARING 20's COUNTRY & WESTERN JAMBOREE FABULOUS DORSEYS EXTRA SPECIAL -- A MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO J. F. KENNEDY JEWELLERY STORES @ Bassett's (Oshawa) Ltd, @ Burn's Credit Jewellers Ltd. @ T. W. Dobbie, Jeweller @ Horwich Credit Jewellers Ltd. ® Nash Jewellers ® Stephenson's Jewellers SHOES & LEATHER GOODS Burns Co. Ltd, Dancey's Ltd. Davidson Shoe Store (Oshawa) Ltd, Medel Shoe Store Saywell's Leather Goods | LADIES' WEAR STORES Berg's Ladies Wear Black's Ladies Wear Ltd. Evelyn Shop Fox's Ladies Wear -- Downtown Store Franklin's of Oshawa Jayne-Modde Dresses Millinery World Morrison's Fur Co, Nesbitt's Ladies Wear Sabat's Dry Goods Sally Shops Ltd, Scott Hats Ward's Dry Goods MEN'S WEAR STORES @ Al's Bi-Rite Stores Maurice Berg Men's Wear Black's Men's Wear Ltd. Cannings Ltd. Dunn's Men's and Boys' Wear -- Downtown Store Jewell's Men's Wear. Johnston's (Oshawa) Ltd. Kinloch's Ltd. People's Clothing Store Ltd. John Preston's Sam Rotish Men's Weor Doug Wilson Men's Wear DOWNTOWN OSHAWA sg eee SA EE NENG NRRL AE" Se, j - Pes ' Si