HOUSEHOLD HINT Next time you shop remember there's no nutritional or quality difference between white eggs and brown. The color merely in- dicates the breed of hen that producd it. properties of the hair follicle.,graph discussing Happiness. IT It has nothing to do with worry| quote from it: and often runs in families..So| "We must help our. children you can tell Harveys mother jearn that happiness is a by- that he probably got his gray product of other factors: (1) gg 1] P BS h f° hair from her. : self-respect; (2) service to e arty Tas er 4 Dear Ann Landers: We are omens (3) work well done; (4) wi aia group of Memphis mothers! accumulated skills. \ . ! Some Other Time' le 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 17, 1964 ANN LANDERS who meet at informal gather- 'Happiness-is a state of ings. We feel it is essential for|pheart. It is intangible. No mothers to know the standards amount of money or materia! of other parents so that we may' possessions can assure us of it. Electrolysis Dear Ann. Landers: I am 'shaken and I need your coun- |sel. Can you conceive any cir- cumstances under which. it would be proper for a casua! friend to telephone and say, "'I understand you are having 2 party. I'm sure my _ husbanc I were sent an invitation but it challenge with matching nerve. Sample reply: "No, you were not on the list this time, but we do hope to have you to another party." Dear Ann Landers: My. hus- band and I have been happily married for almost 15 years. We are both in our middle 30's. set up reasonable guidelines for|It is right for us to want our our own children. Out of our children to be happy, but we discussions came the enclosed cannot give happiness to them. little handbook entitled, Let's|They must earn it." Talk It Over. sf | If it is not against your policy, SALES SLUMP we would appreciate a state- ment which would endorse our efforts. -- PARENTS LEAGUE! REYKJAVIK (AP) --. Cigar-| ette sales in Iceland have Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair, Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe et the Genoshe Hotel, March 16, 17, 18 Harvey had a few gray hairs dropped sharply since the U.S. when we were married. Today his hair is completely gray and I like it very much. It has never bothered me. Fact is, I think it makes him look dis- tinguished. | Every time his mother comes went astray in the mail. 0! course we'd love to come." We had not invited this cou- ple to the party, but when she put me on the spot in this ruth- less manner I was so taken aback I didn't know what to say. So--I lied politely and re- plied, '"'Yes, we did want you|to visit us she makes some cut- but apparently there was aiting remark about how gray slip-up somewhere." Harvey is getting. This fries me We have been entertained by; because she puts it like _this: this couple and have had them| 'You must be worrying him to) lat our home. But they are not|death, Dear. | close friends and I am shocked| Incidentally, his mother's hair| by her behavior. Furthermore,|is snow white and she is in her I am annoyed with myself for|middle 50's. She was_ totally knuckling under. Perhaps she|gray when I first met her 18 |thinks more warmly of me than| years ago. |I think of her and I am too) Please print my letter and critical? Please set me straight.| your reply and explain if gray ithanks to all taking part in the} will have an award night when|--N D hair has anything to do with | program. groups. of poys and girls will) Pear N D: Warmly, my eye. worry. Thank you--NO SHREW) Refreshments were served by! try for broRze and silver med-|The colossal guts of this woman| Dear No: Gray hair is the PHONE 723-4641 For eppointment on these detes OF MEMPHIS Pe ere Dear Memphis: Your booklet) SUrseon-seneral's office issued has a great deal of merit. [its report on the effects of particularly liked your: para-|smoking. : cently. From the left they are Woiion, also ten years; and Miss Woodland, Miss Shirley Mrs. Thomas Pugh with fif- yt war- teen years. S. --Oshawa Times Photo lating the three Girl Guide Leaders who received Long Service Awards at the Girl Guide annual meeting held re- MISS .JOAN WOODLAND, Provincial International Sec- retary, Girl Guides of Can- ada, is shown here congratu- American Girl Scouts Program Explained To Oshawa Guiders Miss Joan Woodland, Provin-|da Risebrough, Patsy Campbell, cial International Secretary for Judith Dalton, Jacqueline Me- the Girl Guides of Canada, ad-|zie, Frances Sparkes. Jane Al- dressed the annual meeting of ker, Carolyn MacDonald, Carol the Oshawa Division of the Girl/ Gardner, Judy Aylesworth, Jane] Guides, recently. Miss Wood-|Holden and Sharon Hurst. | land has served as a Brown) pack Holiday Licenses were| Owl, a Guide Captain, and at)presented to Mrs: Gerald Mere-| present is a Ranger Captain./qith, Mrs. Ellen Wood and a She has made two trips over-|Campers License to Mrs. Thom- seas with the Girl Guides and|a; W. Daley. has visited 'Our Chalet' in is | Switzerland Miss Woodland told of her ex- periences as a guest of the Am-| erican Girl Scouts for three] months, recently, while they| were in the process of changing 6 . their Girl incu program. HUMORESQUE CLUB As a guest of National Head-| The Humoresque Club of quarters in New York, Miss the Blind held a business meet- Woodland toured Washington; |ing last Thursday evening at Rockwood National Girl Scout the CRA building with Miss Camp; sat in with the Cleve-/Vera Siblock presiding. land Council, where she learned| The meeting started by the their methods of training, camp-|singing of the club song and a ing and public relations. She at-/Bible verse for the blind. tended a training course for pro-| All standing committees gave fessional workers at Excelsior their reports Springs, Kansas City, where she) The next business meeting is learned that only one percent of/on April 9. Elections will be the adult members of the Girl/held for the executive and con- Scouts are professional work- yeners. ers. She also visited the Sante) 4 Jotter was read from thé Fe, New Mexico, Council and'ccB Ontario Division request- the national shrine at Savannah, ing member clubs and divisions Georgia, birthplace of Juliette t, 'send in a suitable project for Lowe, founder of the Girl Scout| Centennial Year, 1967 Movement in the United States. | Wherever she travelled, Miss Woodland said, she found the! people friendly, hospitable and anxious to know more about the) SIMCOE STREET UCW 2 UNITS, GROUPS | AUXILIARIES | Refreshments were served by Lionettes Mrs. Jack Anderson and Mrs. Edwin Wellman, intendant, evening, essai Church. Mrs. Charles Langfield Mrs. Arnold Duke and her als, at Cpntre Street group. : Church, April 10 WCTU April 29, in St. WCTU was held recently with a.m Mrs. Clayton Lee, president, presiding. Mrs. Lloyd Pegg was in charge of the worship ser- vice taking as her theme, "A Case of Emphasis". Thank you hotes were read § by Mrs. Frank Cooke. Mrs Fred Williams reported on the § quilts made at Simcoe Hall by members: of the Golden Ag Club. Seven are ready for camp use. Mrs. Harold Parrott still has flannelette for those who wish to sew. Mrs. Cooke turned in embroidery work and had remnants left which were given out to the members. This work is for the fall tea and bazaar, the date of which will be an- nounced later. Mrs. Glen Henry will look after the finished work as it is turned in A discussion. took place abou! the Roc Alpha work and it was decided to appoint .a committe: to report next meeting. The committee were Mrs. Henry Mellow, Mrs. Howard Brown and Mrs. Lawrence Muldrew Mrs. Pegg and Mrs. Cooke will bring in the report of the nom- inating committee at the April meeting Mrs. Howard Brown, Temper- ance in Sunday School Super- will have a special _award night, for the winners This will be March 31 in King Street United MEL KRUGER REPRESENTATIVE SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada RESIDENCE; 723-7900 BUSINESS: 725.4563 The -WCTU| you County convention will be held\- Mark's United The regular meeting of the Church, Whitby; starting at 9.30 United threw, you off balance. Too bad result of glandular secretions were unable to mect the which affect the color-producing Hats. For Easter Brims flipped up Priced from Edna Ann spring colours brims swooped and After down -- brims curving out in all directions. Lush-lush flowers, all mew $8.95. Hats OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Canadian Girl Guides, their me-| The regular meeting of the thods of training, camping, and|Commingle Unit 2 of .Simcoe all facets of Guide life. Street UCW met in the ladies' The American Girl Scout pro-|parlor with Mrs. Glenn Henry gram has "eight indispensibles"' | presiding -- the promise, law, service, pa-| trol system, citizenship, interna- tional friendship, health and The meeting opened with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer Faker ; F It was announced the general lal and vocational explora ineeting vol the UCW will. be % held A , at 6.30 . The She disclosed that the Ameri- neg "ea ly luck eae ake can Girl Scouts had recently di-'the speaker will be Mrs. Ross vided their girls into four age Stevens. groups: Brownie Scouts, for Higm girls 74 years old; juniors, 9-11; There will be a UCW church years. cadets, 12 - 14 years and service in the chapel March 15 seniors 15-17 years. A film was at 7 p.m. and Mrs. R. Standen, shown covering these four ormer vice-president of world groups and their activities, fol- YWCA, will speak. : lowing which, Miss Woodland) The: devotional period was in answered questions by the Guid- Charge of Mrs. Ethel Warne, ers choosing as her theme "Pray- Long Service awards were &r " Mrs. Warne opened with a presented. to Miss Shirley Tem-|Prayer and gave many refer- perton and Mrs. F. S. Wotton/ences from old testament about} for 10 years of warranted ser-\Prayer also a message from vice and to Mrs, Thomas Pugh President Johnston, "To never for 15 years. The awards were forsake prayer presented by each Guider'S Dis-- Miss Leah Garrow sang a trict Commissioner solo, "He Lives."" Mr. Harry Their respective District Com- M. Smith showed pictures of a missioners also presented Gold trip to England with his fam- Guide pins to the. following ily, highlighting interesting and ris: who had earned their Picturesque scenery and places Gold Cords during the year:|including Buckingham palace. Lind Linton, Karen Mosier, Lin-' Mrs. Thomas Adair expressed) Made in Canada by a wholly Canadian company to ruit Canadian conditions and requirements, RESILACRETE CONCRETE HARDENER For dusty ond porous concrete floors, steps, porches, 6 colours. 8 90 . LATE -- A versatile floor patios, etc - indoors or 11,50 Y SURFACE FIiL- ond stucce 4,00 to use ma- Excellent range n. tor - indoors or out | RESILACRETE FLOORP cooting for floors, steps wut. 6 colours RESILACRETE M.S.F. LER) -- A con bir coroting moteria (MASONR tion filler, nerete no waterpreoter brick or Wide range of. colours PAIL RESILACRETE WALLPLATE -- Ready onry point, or xf colours. 1 GAL. . | RESILACRETE MOISTURE-BAR -- Protect panels masonry Apply ture. out indoors outdoors on walls direct ly to base- 3,65 MILLWORK AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. ment walls, keeps mc They're Not Ask 1279 SIMCOE N. 728-6291 Open Doily:7 A.M. till 6 PLM Fri. Till 9 PLM BUY and USE... ASTER SEALS -- Sponsored By The -- Oshawa Rotary Club and The Ontario Society for Crippled Children ing For Your Pity ... JUST YOUR HELP!?! Derr mane} GAS FORCED-AIR FURNACES 7 TELEPHONE PER WEEK USING EXISTING DUCTWORK MR. BEST -- 723-3468 _(Consumers' "You'll always be glad you chose NaturalGas" 29 CELINA STREET THIS OFFER AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF CITY OF OSHAWA ONLY (das