Ralph E. Mason Eleanor McGregor Exchange Vows 'Centre Street United Church was the setting recently for the marriage of Donna Eleanor Mc- : Gregor to Ralph Edwin Mason, Bi hed > : A both of Oshawa. The bride is the Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 | cauchter of Mr. and Mrs, Don- : ald McGregor, Bethany, and her THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, March 14, 1964 J bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mason, Osh- PERSONALS ! "an Reverend A. W. Magee gg hg aa -- was 'Mrs, Eva Murray, Albany, Attending the Federation of|Mrs. Ronald , accom- street, was.the guest of honor|Women Teachers' Associations|Panied by Mr. Kellington. Jat a surprise party given byjof Ontario seminar in Toronto}. Given in marriage by her 12 of her friends on Thursday,|last weekend were Miss Helenjfather, the bride wore a full- on the occasion of her 76th}Pardon, Miss Barbara Elling-|length peau de soie gown with a birthday. She was presented|ham, and Miss Ann Hancox,|brocade jacket. Her self wed- with a birthday cake, a bou-|More than 250 elementary schvol|ding ring headdress held a bouf- }iquet of flowers, and many love-|women teachers attended the/fant veil of tulle illusion. She ly cards, seminar on salary. negotiations.|carried a bouquet of red roses : The noted Canadian salary ne-|and hyacinths. ' . gotiator, Dr. Eric G. Taylor,! The maid of honor was Miss Joni Morfison Wed Toronto' was the speaker. Jean McNeil and the bridesmaid Amidst a 'setting of spring)Was Miss Helga Mayr, both of To Allan Traynor flowers, a reception honoring|Oshawa. They wore blue bro- the Reverend M. J. Darby and|cade floor-length sheaths with "| the Reverend F. J. Smythe was|ovenckirts of matchin au de The Regent Theatre was arship fund - raising project. quancy to the final fade-out. "Grieve as they arrived. Door In St. Gertrude 8 held by the St. Philip's Altar se ; het ms i i icti soie and blue brocade jackets. yell-fill Thursday night 'The slick, sophisticated com- Séen left are Mrs. E, M. Culp, prizes were won by Mrs. Mary - Society, following benediction on 5 for the pol cog 9 Fie ey brought ripples of laugh- president, and Mrs. William 7.2 Columbus: Miss Genia Rig Mg es gy mer fe eo a geen thege lieiganed yore Their ' pine in ca HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ONE-YEAR-OLD! Mary" iversity t the two-hour Stirling, -chairman, 'greeting oO) = PRE a eet " rlec(and Father Smythe were intro-| peau de soie wedding rings, an ' me ' Wones's Club ry habuor unk ene. nad. "its Mrs. c. Be Vipond: Mom 3.4 Van Doren Bad Mrs. B a ren the bride fat a duced by the Reverend Mar-lthey carried crescents of pink Jaclyn raed -- ents are Mr.. and Mrs. Jack istrict as thei nual s , : 5 i- Vi . --Oshawa Times Photo |Traynor, son of Mr. an TS.|<hall Beriault and Mrs. Harr, : one year old tomorrow. She district as their annual schol- champagne sparkle and pi- Vivash and Mrs. James wa T Chaties Weaynor, ail sf Oshaws. cal peepee bt i id and. white carnations. y Barker, Oshawa, and Mrs, ro is the daughter of Mr. an 'i The ceremony took place Te-\ciety, A 'goodly number of| The best man was Mr.) Mrs, G. H. Stell, Simcoe Joseph Stell, Kinsale. Cedardale Church |centiy in st. Gertrude's Roman| parishioners met the - new|Edward Bathe and the ushers| street north, Her grandpar- --Photo by Sneyd Catholic Church, with the Rev-|riosts of Holy Cross and St.|were Mr. Bruce Travell, Mr. om erend Patrick Darby officiating.|pnijip's Churches. Lunch was|George Dowdle, and Mr. Robert} oprawA NEEDS THEM HIGH AND DRY urxey Supper | Given in marriage by her| enareq and served by the|0'Brien, all of Oshawa. MONTREAL (CP) -- Cana- pelo ig ; . father, the bride wore a beige| omen of St. Philip's Altar} For the reception at the Par-lgian women don't know much| Store onions in a cool, dry A turkey supper was held last|mohair suit with a black netisociety, ish Hall of St, Paul's Church,|about agriculture, but Ottawajplace; dampness or heat will | ; ' * eho Sunday evening in Cedardale|headdress, black accessories ; "\"needs them to get things really|cause onions to rot, Y: |The next meeting will be at/Guide Leader and this will belGniied Church with a capacity|and a corsage of pink cama-| hose attending the Grand|Bethany, the bride's mother re-|_TOr,! 0° tot, Roteay, Mrs. Clarke Sheppard readjthe home of Mrs. Earl Myers,|looked after. \gathering in attendance 'tions. Her matron of honor Was|orficers Reception at the Royal|ceived, wearing a pale gold and ; . h : pi A : i ; : , jtions, I , yal , iT ith the fed-|-- the minutes of the special meet-|March 25. This meeting will be) Mrs. Wallace Holmes was ap-|" rims were shown of the|Mrs. Joseph Gangemi, wearing! york Hotel, me Sunbeamlcream brocade suit, trimmed eral apiomire pith dise ing held to discuss arrange-|also a tea towel shower. Any| pointed to the nominating com- Pri : la yellow suit, white hat, black|, Onder. St the: Raitern : ' ments for the father and son'one who cannot attend the mee'-| mittee for the year 1964-65. te ceticvision of see. bee sekcusavies all a: corsage' (of aap a oe es Peak with mink, a brown hat and ac-|She is travelling across thejl sportswear -- LADIES' WEAR : gone hake! : : i try trying to interest wom- 68 Simcoe North banquet ing please leave the tea towels} The president, Mrs. Albert)c; cs ': ; |white roses. 4 : vryicessories and a corsage of deep}coun ' Parents' night is to be held at the club prior to the date. | Pritchard, introduced the speak.| Singer gf erga et ace et The best man was Mr. Robert . ee gated pink carnations. The _ bride- ose a Haste Penge: OPEN TIL 9 P.M. on March 17. The auxiliary will) srg SCOUT GROUP AUX, | Mrs. Dents tine clothing(under Mr. William. Henderson|Traynor, Oshawa. t the{Mr. and Mrs. William J. Scott,|groom's mother assisted, wear-lor these projects to men, shell 'jee Kepe"s Budset Plon, Tie wring Wasser tees dis] 'The 28th Scout Auxiliary held|Gemonstration. with about 70 pupils. | For oe oe ed at (Mrs. Richard Williams, Mrs.ling a light blue lace jacketed|saig, ss é cussed "a Pisavenen ced, its monthly meeting recently in : It was announced the junior| pores the bride's "manor i. Sydney Lang, Mrs. Esther! sheath, black ies and a eSigyt wah ee gedit Ro the First) ALBERT STREET UCW 5 __ choir, under the new leader Mr.\~.."' ast 'aa , |Lane, Mrs, Henry Davies, Mrs.| orcage of light pink carnations, date will be announced later he ladies' parlor at ; : . F ceived, wearing a beige suit, corsage of light p Refreshments were served by|Baptist Church. Unit 5. members of the UCW|Thomas Fitches, will sing atitiack hat and acéessnrios aida Jack Young, Mrs. Arthur G. For leaving on a wedding trip 'Saggy Posto see sip : se aatbsial Mrs. William| of 'Albert Street United Church,|family worship evening service ae "|Bent, Mrs, A, S. McLeese, Mrs. 3 Mrs. Stevyen Hercia and Mrs.) The president, Mrs. i | ~"\corsage of yellow chrysanthe-|,/..); i. Mrs. V. Samp.|t0 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pepe . -esided, Business was\met recently with the leader|March 22 at 7.00 p.m. The resig- ; ; .| William Dodwell, Mrs. V. Samp ; John Romanchuk. Blight, presided. Siamnt sai ; ; mums. The bridegroom's moth-| . . ; q\the bride donned a_ beige discussed and plans for a rum-|Mrs. Gordon Shemilt presiding.|nation of the former choir lead- er assisted, wearing a gold son, Miss Sybil 'Langmai Hl tnacade: guilt, HROWiL atheeunites CALVARY BAPTIST YWMC lage sale was made for some-| Mrs. Clarence Ellis had/¢r, Mrs. A. J. Barrison was ac- vent: white hat, white chrysan- Miss Florence Langmaid, Mrs. aon « corsage of bronte. and The regular meeting of Cal-|time in March. charge of the devotional period,|cepted because of ill health. themum corsage and black ac- Cecil Elliott, Mrs. George Mc- gold roses. On their return the vary Baptist YWMC was held! Refreshments were served by with the topic, -"What Is! Films wére shown of the Unit- i Kinstry, Mrs. Garret Beerthu-|7 ee will reside at 5% William at the home of Mrs. Leslie eek ais ' | Prayer?" : Yhure hi The on fding injzen, Mrs. Robert Smiales, Mrs. erect. Gray. Mrs. Harry Grant pre|"* "=* §* | Bintan ed Chureh, Women which meet! The newlyweds are residing inns, Curry, Mrs, Thomas Han-|Steet west, Oshaws. | ' Discussion of futuré events ey, d Wednesd: jy Oshawa, sided. The opening hymn was PMA' CLUB ne : "every secon nesday each) na, Mrs. George Taylor, Mrs. ie gee Thel and ways of getting new mem-| nonth at 2.00 p.m.; of the Boy UNIVERSITY WOMEN HOLD SUCCESSFUL THEATRE PARTY UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES 15TH SCOUT GROUP AUX. Mr. Schoonbroodt donated ten, The committee have been ask- The 15th Scout Group Auxil-|wall planters for the new club,|ed to donate $10 towards baby- iary held its March meeting re-|which the members appreciate.| sitting and. carfare for the new KAYE'S 4 t "Jesus Calls Us O'er The] 'The Pleasant Monday After-| hors took place. Tumult," followed by the scrip-/ noon Club met for its weekly ture reading taken from Acts) meeting in the Legion Hall with '22: 1-17. the president, Mrs. Geonge V. Mrs. Shemilt gave an interest:| SOUS under Scoutmaster Jack ing paper on "Growing with the/L€?; and of the: cubs' under | Years". |Akela Ross Godfrey. There is a HOUSEHOLD HINT try reinforcing and mending the To repair tears under buttons, _-- Alpin and Mrs. Albert|] Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. Z CHIROPRACTOR Mrs, Elwwod Rahme is in Athletic Injuries in a hundred x fae ee , t ; A ie ae tok ot tars raictarl tha' naamat wating was dis: Mrs. Charles Boyle and Mrs.|Brownie Pack and a youthjunder-button area with iron-on aaron page -- ng 7 Nervous Skin Disorders Henkelman, 756 Glencairn,| eyssed and June 15 was the) Shemilt served refreshments. group is being organized bylinterfacing of appropriate! te eae Miss Gathering 100 King St, E. 728-5156 _ March 23. Guest 'speaker will|date 'set. Members must de-\"_ ee, |Mrs..A, M. Butler for all teen-|weight and color for the gar- weabingg ond Rehmé ts acon be Mrs. Walter Lane from Oak-| cide next week when they wish) [yarR Sb facers who wish to attend, which|ment. Then sew the button on/panied "py her daughter, Mrs. ville. to go so that arrangements can | y The devotional part of the|be made for transportation. | iz, will meet every second Tuesday |again, drawing thread through|Gordon Jubenville, and Mr. Ju- meeting was spent in prayer,| Favorite hymns were sung each month at 7.15 p.m, |the fabric and interfacing. benville, all of Oshawa. for the different needs and re-| and readings given by Mrs.| SASL OIE wore quests from the church family] George Hall, Mrs. Edward Jor- Camp Ocont aand the missionaries, Thej|dan, Mrs. Albert Morphy and) Established 1925 group also wrote letters to all/Mrs. George Cox. : | 4 missionaries, representing! '"Wfs?Mason Chamberlain was) For Girls -- 5 to 17 Years Riding, land sports, safe waterfront, Resident , |reported ill at' her home, and} graduate physician and two nurses. 40 MILES NORTH OF KINGSTON | Directors -- Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Labbett, oe Age signal Auxiliary was on come aes was| them on a large safety pin $0} ne ee bee completed 3-Pine Forest Rd., Toronto 12 eld at the home of Mrs. Ear!/held last ednesday at e ind ' with several numbers from the)" Myers. home of Mrs, Lloyd Pigden. ai deen Lege ig once\ Barber Shop quartette "Four In} FULLY ILLUSTRATED BROCHURE SENT ON REQUEST, Mrs. George Preston presid:|. The treasurer's report was) * 7 9°0U Want tem. |Accora"', | Peowcoen SA OE LISTER ed. | given by Mrs. James Grandison, | eco eUDRE Refreshments were served by| showing a bank balance of $37.) TREAT CHILDREN | Mrs, George Stonebridge, Mrs.| It was decided to hold the) In South Africa's Northern) ear gt ong ng hep Her- mother and daughter banquet Transvaal, 60,000 school chil- ert Maynard. e lucky. prize; May 8 instead of May 13. The! , ; ae was donated by Mrs.G tare e| Division Coveinlaaioser Mrs,|2ren have been Heated for tras Preston and won by Mrs, Ever-| Donald Fox was to be invited to\choma, with, the disease drop-] : ett Bowhey attend, \ping 86 per cent in five years.|. + [fiONDAY & TUESDAY, MAR. 16,17 SUPER SAVINGS ... Actually, less than one in a hundred diamonds suitable for jewellery meet the rigid quality tests of Birks' gemologists. Did you know that Birks buy directly from the diamond-cutting centres of the world? Present at the supper were| i two former ministers, the Rev-|_ erend John Porter and the Rev-|" erend: James Young. The gen-|~ RR eral 'chairman was Mr. William): 4 . " : : "d enning who organized the pro- |? wane ge 'Lord Dismiss;:Us ft se anys eee ri : ~ tine mepter. rues a y Blessing' was. sung.|the Oshawa General Hospital./ Zia Pe: ei : 1 le The' hortens served "refrat| etreaments were served by WIFE PRESERVER |ters ienartt'ne tain: hort ments assisted by the social) Mrs. Norman Hodgson and Mrs. : hmuch spiritual fellowship Arig committee. | Phillip Bell. | If an old dress has buttons} ceived and old friendships re- NAVY VETERANS' AUX. | 2iST PARENT COMMITTEE |Y°u're especially fond of, save/newed 'at such a gathering as| | The monthly meeting of the) The 2ist Brownie and Guide| them for future use by stringing|this". : $6369 9S0863 898822642 SSSSHSDIS SOO SISVSSegeene SSSSSHSSEOPOSQSSH eve SOOO OOOO OOSCOOOCCCCOCE . S8O2O OS S989 8998098 SMART WOMEN . ,. have their carpets and uphol- stery cleaned 'The Safe Way' by DURACLEAN 728-8518 JEWELLERS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE eRe 'eee GUARANTEE all the hot water you need at the lowest cost with a superfast, 2-element CASCADE 40 | ELECTRIC WATER HEATING APPLIANCE. : | Flameless and safe. You can't beat - electricity. To rent or buy, call: your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY. Yoon te et . Carnation Evaporated . . . Save 5c 4 ILK 2 16-02. , 29° a TALL TINS ._ Canada No. 1 Grade '. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND : POTATOES *: 23 Eg Choice, Tender-all meat PORK . TENDERLOIN a ~<a: A Saving of 20c per Ib. me wv &@ & & wb Sore a sos BiPrarers OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM... . ne PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . Weill be " : N => PHONE 668-5878 . PHONE 942-0500 PHONE 942-2930 cGuacea ae e