Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Mar 1964, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, March 14, 1964 Canadian Pro Football Title Payoff Raised, But Still Below Rest By JACK SULLIVAN Canadian Press Sports Editor Now, whoever said the nine- team Canadian Football League is a penny-ante outfit? There's nothing wrong with our $8,000,- 000-a-year pastime that a few more bucks thrown to players in the Grey Cup final wouldn't cure. This has been a touchy sub- ject for years, specifically since 1960 when the Grey Cup cham- pion Ottawa Rough Riders of that year hssorgpen ed $300-a- yer payment was ridiculous. veel said one Rough Rider at the time, 'I lose money by get into the Grey Cup. That three hundred bucks is a quar- ter of what I made per game during the season. So why should I or any of my team- mates take a big cut in salary hopes of getting the other clubs to follow their example and eventually make it a national organization. Nothing came of it -- except that the Ottawa players got through to the CFL. Grey Cup payments gradually were increased and last year players on the champion Hamil- ton Tiger-Cts got $800 'each team will receive $1,250 and each on the losing team gets $500. | This, with playoff player pools jin the Eastern and Western Conference, means a maximum of $2,350 to each player on the cup-winning team. The losing | team's players' share is $1,600 each. Horatio Luro Reinstated In Drugging Case MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -- Trainer Horatio Luro was exonerated in a horse-drugging case Wednes- day and the Florida Racing Commission prepared to erase from its books the rule under which he. was suspended. The Gulfstream Park stew-| ards hastened to reinstate Luro,| trainer of Canadian-bred North-| pel mente rd a__ surprise) ciel . |disclostre that Florida's trainer ish, $1,500 for {ts semi-final win responsibility rule had been! over Chicago Black Hawks and)knocked down by the state Su-| $1,000 for its appearance in the|,.ome Court 17 years ago. | final. ; The rule, similar to those in) Gross gate in the Stanley Cup! ctrect in every racing state ex-| playoffs totalled $845,000. Gross| cont New York, provided that a gate in the Grey Cup final atitrainer must be automatically Vancouver was close to $500,000.) <uspended in a drugging case,| In the world series members even though evidence proved of the winning Los Angeles'him to be personally innocent.| CANADA OUTDOORS ontreal Suburb Protects Swallows STE. GENEVIEVE, Que., Rivard has been an observer, (CP)--When spring comes and|of Ste. Genevieve's wildlife -- the swallows again dot the skies|and a lover and guardian of it ove Ste. Genevieve, a, short,|--since a hot summer day in) stout, red-faced man with white|his youth when he climbed a goatee will watch through bi-|tree and found a bird's nest. noculars, "From his work of recording In pairs and in droves, the|What he saw and did, we have birds will descend on Zotique/been able to compile a pretty Rivard, 62, their benevolent) complete record of wildlife pat- caretaker for four decades. terns on Montreal Island in the As many as. 125 pairs will) past half-century," says Courte-| find shelter in the aviary he Manche. 'His records are' the) has built over the years in his only ones we have." | back garden, only 125 feet from! Rivard springs into action at the fast - flowing Riviere des) the faintest bird-call, racing for and the losing British Columbia} Not bad, but let's take other Lions $500 apiece. | big league sport. That proved the CFL was lis-, In 1963, the Stanley Cup-win- tening. ning Toronto Maple Leafs re- TO INSURE PLAYERS ceived $5,000. a player and De- Then, just a month ago, the|troit Red Wings, defeated in the league set up an insurance plan|final, $2,750 each. Here's how for its players that will provide it worked: each with a $20,000 life insur-| Leaf players received $1,500 ance policy, including a year-|for their National Hockey round disability clause, . This| League first-place finish. They will cost the CFL an estimated|got another $1,500 for beating $25,000 a year. | Montreal Canadiens in the semi- At the same time the league|final and an addition! $2,000 for playing in the, Canadian final?" Rough Riders formed a play- ers' union and they had high announced it would throw anjfor beating the Red Wings in | additional $25,000 into the kitty) the final series. \for the Grey Cup players. Now,| Each Red Wing received $250 jeach player on the winning|for the club's fourth-place fin- Dodgers received $12,794 each and the losing New York Yank-| ees $7,874. Gate receipts for the) four games were $1,995,000 and) the players' pool was $1,017,546.| In the National Foot ball! the winning Chicago Bears re-| ceived $6,000 and the losing | New York Giants $4,200. Gross ada totalled about $1,500,- The CFL could go further to- wards player payments in the |Grey Cup final. After all, they jare the fellows who attract up \to 34,000 fans at seat prices jranging from $5 to $12. Frank Robinson Is Determined To Regain S TAMPA, Fila. (AP) -- All of Frank Robinson's wounds have healed except one -- but you can't patch someone's pride with a row of stitches, Ask the Cincinnati slugger what happened Jast year when his batting average plummeted more than 80 points to .250. He thrusts forward a left arm that reveals scars from being stepped on by Milwaukee cat- cher Gene Oliver and a 30-stitch cut from being spiked by Ron Hunt of New York Mets. Ask him what he feels about QUEBEC (CP) -- A com- puter is going to pick the 1,020 hunters who will go after tature moose in a controlled hunt next fall in three provincial parks, it was disclosed Thurs- Robinson has set his sights not} day night. The dates are yet at bettering his 1963 batting) to be announced. i j Lionel Bertrand, minister of marks but at" séxpassing his) tourism, fish and game, said 1963 levels--a .342 average, 39| in the legislature 600 hunters homers, 136 runs batted in and) would be allowed into La Ver- the National League slugging! endrye Park, north of Ottawa; title for the third consecutive! 399 'into Laurentides Park year. north of Quebec City and 120 Robinson, who threatened to} in the Matane Reserve, in the quit baseball after the 1962 sea-| lower St. Lawrence. son because the game was tak-| The computer method was ing so much out of him physic-| chosen to avoid any criticism, WILL USE COMPUTER TO SELECT MOOSE HUNTERS the minister said, although in two other controlled hunts --where hunters submitted their names and choice was anade by picking them out of a hat--everyone involved felt the draw had been fair. Maurice Bellemare (UN-- Champlain) suggested the draw should be televised. He said some people had their names drawn twice in one year and that many of the same people were picked to hunt in both 1962 and 1963. The controlled hunt is de- signed to keep the moose herds down to a size that can be supported in the parks. ally, made no mention of the beating he took last year when he did manage to lead the this year, and he thrusts for- ward his pride. "I feel I have something to prove," said Robinson, "and the quicker I can the better off I'll be. Everybody's going to be league in one department--hit SPORT FROM BRITAIN by pitches, 14. Despite that and the Oliver and Hunt wounds, Robinson said his only concern was with a self-inflicted injury. "Early last season I tried to hold up on a pitch, and I guess watching to see if I had an off year, or whether I'm beginning to slip. I have to come back and have a good year." | With his pride admittedly flagging his natural ability, I tried too hard and strained my left wrist,' he said. "I'm still worried about it, but it hasn't been bothering me, so it must be okay." man is a slave to her avoca- SPORTS IN BRIEF | tion. The brilliant sprinter lives jin the drab Yorkshire mining village of Cudworth, works days in the mine office and trainis Mine Office Gal Eyes Gold Medal LONDON (CP)--Dorothy Hy-| Her only comment was typi- eal: "This would have made dad terribly happy." |TRAINS IN GYM | And now she is at it again, HAMILTON WINS | NICKLAUS TOP WINNER LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Jim) DUNEDIN, Fla. (AP)--Jack Dynia's 41 points and a hustl-\Nicklaus holds a slight lead ing defence helped Hamilton|0Ver Arnold Palmer in money Quigleys to the Ontario Ama-|Winnings so far this year, the) teur Basketball Association Jun-, Professional Golfers Association | ior A titke Wednesday as they|reported Tuesday. Nicklaus has} defeated Windsor AKO 86.68,,¥0" $12,100 in three tourna. Hamilton won the. best-of-three|ment while Palmer has earned) | evenings at the local soccer|'Taining nightly over a circuit field or, when cold 'weather|course laid out in the school finally drives her indoors, at/8¥M. Despite the cold, she and Luro had given such evidence! after the presence of the drug procaine was found in a urin- alysis of his horse, Gay Loth- ario, following a victory in the 10th race at Gulfstream March League final, each member of/4 The trainer's veterinarian, Francis Southard, said he ad- ministered the drug to the horse the morning of March 3 without Luro's knowledge in treatment of a throat infection. WRESTLER DIES DETROIT (AP).-- A 36-year- old Canadian profe:sional wrest- ler collapsed and died Saturday follov'ng a benefit match at su- buréan Garden City. An attend- ing physician said the wrestler, Lou Papineau of Windsor, ap- parently died from a stroke or a heart attack. Prairie. his binoculars. love for Rivard, muskie fishing) is his obsession. : 1 Rivard has caught 148 mus- kellunge in his lifetime, and Courtemanche says this must) make him the all-time Quebec) muskie champion. | "There are two ways-to go crazy," Rivard said with laugh. "Marry the wrong girl,| or fish muskie."' | Ten of his prize catches are) mounted 'in the general store) he has operated for 50 years.| His father ran the store for 40 years before him. One of the fish is a 23-pounder, the first of Montreal Island that flows into Lake St. Louis, a of the St, Lawrence. He uses a rickety outboard motor and a trolling rod he fashioned from a mop handle. "It's more solid than the ones you buy." In thumb-worn notebooks he scrawls the hour,~ date, length and girth of every fish he has eevr caught. In 'one 1948 entry he lists four muskellunge caught at 10:20 a.m., 11:20, 11:30 and 11:40; which must be some kind ru record for catching fish. ° His brother, Rev. Adrien Ri- vard of the Holy Cross Order, founded the Qu Association of Bird Lovers. ; Zotique has _ five Fs , children, three of them boys, but neither they nor his wife share his en- thusiasm for the outdoors. "They have other faults," he says with a grin. CLEAN STREETS JAKARTA (Reuters)--Police Other swallows will flock to, 'But today, civilization is other backyards where the peo-| killing bird-watching," he says.| ple of this quiet northwest Mont-| 'Birds have no more place to) real suburb--following the ex-|go. Where once there were) ample of Rivard -- have pro-|fields and forests, today there vided similar if less extensive are none. The fields are getting he ever caught. |have rounded up 389 prostitutes s jhere during the last five days FAVORITE LAKE |of an operation to 'clean up" Rivard does all his fishing in| the Indonesian capital's streets, Lake of Two Mountains, a broad) the official news agency Antara expanse around the western tip|reported. | accommodations. filled up with: buildings. There The story. of Ste. Genevieve's|are trees here and theré, but swallows is the story of an un-}man is. nature's enemy. The} usual man, Zotique Rivard -- children go around with rifles} who looks like the typical Ken- shooting birds." tucky colonel--is an amateur naturalist described by Mont- BLUEBIRDS GONE real wildlife. director Albert), Zotique hasn't seen a blue-| Courtamanche as "one of those bird in Ste. Genevieve for 10 very rare persons." years. When he was young, they : were plentiful. He believes that! LIFETIME HOBBY only man can save the birds, Observations put down on pa-|by doing what he and the peo- per by Rivard in 50 years of|ple of Ste. Genevieve have following the fish, birds and|done--building places for them animals of his area are in-files| to live. that take up a corner of Courte-| But if observing nature and There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN For personal use or for @ ACADIAN Other Company use there are 6 definite advantages when @ PONTIAC scat you lease a new... @ BUICK Models . No meointenance costs . No insurance costs . . +.» One rete covers everything on one or two year lease itemr .. .Ph come for full details. sect! * MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE 723-4634 LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST manche's Montreal office. keeping records is a labor of the school gymnasium. But all the time, she has her ye on the glitter of a gold e medal in Tokyo. Miss Hyman, 22, is the fastest woman in Europe and has a trunk full of trophies and med- | her small circle of helpers also jturn out Sunday mornings for a session on the colliery pitch Usually it is cold and grey and damp and Dorothy admits it is "often very hard to tear yourself away from a. nice fire new: his 2" win a ERIN Fag P SARS POORER TS IT NET series 2-1, after losing the first|$11,850 in six touraments. Ma-| 1°"co fa: the Olympic gold|JUSt, 0 go out plodding around game, Quigleys now meet Mont- so" Rudolph is third with $11,-|" 044) has evaded her but she)! the cold and wet. real for the Eastern Canadian'**?. is one of Britain's brightest] But this is the kind of self- championship. FORMER COACH FINED hopes for the games this sum-| discipline that has moulded her sbi ~p,_| mer. into one of the most consistent TO RAISE PRICES -- pug i na ie More than: 'wo years ago women sprinters: in the world. . Nati jay Ss ormer he a 4 7 : ' : ; Geary Lon Bhp ag ga phod-ope the B.C, Lions of the| after winning silver and bronze| Soon she will quit the gym Giheas on does er an) Western iootball Conference|medals at the Rome Olympies,| and do all her training at the Stanley Cup sapatt 'games, it) Was fined $25 Friday for failing) a thigh injury and the have geet sis capi was learned Wednesday. Maple|t0 file a 1962 income tax return| breaking death of her father Ae pretty eager to get out Leaf Gardens confirmed that| requested by the income tax de-| seemed to write finish to heron the org" and soon T'll be prices for seats will be .raised|Partment. © Magistrate A. .E. track career. Pbelsigg Frsted hy a week," she $1 to range from $3 t» $6, Poole imposed the minimum) It was more than a year be-| say. th e the racing begins Standing room tickets wall be|fine after accountant Gordon) fore her spirits revived and, re-| 4 cut the training down to four increased 50 cents to $2.50 and|Pearmain netered a guilty plea|calling the words of her father lays a week. : $1.50. for Robjpson. Robinson did not!-- "Keep at it, lass" -- she re-| . At Tokyo, she will be entered apper in court. turned to the sport for which|in the 100 and 200 metres and) CAPTAIN RESIGNS . s |he had scrimped. shillings to! also the 400 metres relay. LONDON (AP) -- Mrs. Bea) ,GRANT FOR OLYMPICS. | pay for her training One thing sure, the folks back Walter, non-playing captain of , LONDON (AP) -- The Brit-| Her first big challenge after/home will be rooting for her Britain's Wightman Cup tennis| 'sh government Friday an-/her recovery came in the Euro-|| Every time she comes home team, resigned Wednesday af.| nounced a grant of $56,000 as @)pean Championships in Bel-|from a triumph abroad, the ter being criticized by her play-| U>S!dy for. the British team at) grade where she beat her great-|neighbors hoist the flags and ers. Mrs. Walter took over from| '"® -- Games in Tokyo/est rival, Jutta Hein of Ger-|turn out to cheer as she walks Mrs. Mary Halford in 1959 and| "C%t October. It is the first time) many, in taking gold mdals in/down the street from the tiny i vandals .,q| Britain's Olympic team 'ever| the 100 and 200 metres. |railway station t in the following year guided)},. received government aid. ada ie | y nto her home Britain to victory over the) the team plans to send 300 com- : 4 SHORGAS "| onisieeinnll United States at Wimbledon. j ; Since then, the British giris| Betiors and. team officials to HEATING & APPLIANCES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE have lost three times running. : KIDD WINS AWARD WINNER CONFIRMED TORONTO (CP) -- Bruce Industrial and Commercial 109 COLBORNE ST. W., OSHAWA FE A Good Place For } NEW YORK (AP)--Art Wall/Kidd, top Canadian middle dis- Jr., 40-year-old golf pro from|tance runner, Thursday won the The established, reliable Gas ler in your cree. BANQUETS--DANCES RECEPTIONS---MEETINGS Pocono Manor, Pa., was con-|/Thomas R. Louden award for firmed Thursday as winner of outstanding performance in the| 31 CELINA ST. 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