7. For _ brick, west cenfr: h andhian, Price 421.90, dow 45000, It Real Estate Broker Tae Ree PORE | Bae ko PS KEITH PETERS Reqltor -- 728-7328 103 King Street East BASEMENT APARTMENT basement oportment with modern kit- chen and bathroom = with eg ce oo LIBERTY GARDENS BOWMANVILLE--Future exe with homes ity in bathroom, pierson type double windows. bey r Joy 0 uuality home for the low price of $15,390.00 with terms INCOME HOME 9 BEDROOMS --- Brick con- struction, bathroom facilities on 2 floors, forced air with pet heoting, located near north G.M. Inspect ond try on offer. ATHOL -- CHADBURN DISTRICT $14,900.00--Spacious brick -- with 4 pc. tiled bath, paved drive, garage, secluded bock yord. 43 ocres about 32 miles from Oshawa, 1050 ft. road _frontoge. Asking $10,000.00, _ METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 HOMES TO SEE THIS WEEK-END Built by Goloxie. Const. ot Rossland Road & Gibbon St. - split levels with 2 car gar- ages - Also bungalows with attached garage priced ot $19,600. early. possession. Adeloide Ave. Eost at Downs- view Park -- built by Blok Const. all electric heat, with ond without goroges priced from $17,450 up under win- ter works bonus, early pos- ession. Estotes - built by Construction $13,- 495. - $869. Down, also model $13,595. May 31st. possession. cleo hove some good re- ot good value. Building lots - ready for Spring building atu very Harmony Jeffery lond for 159 Aportment suites. Very well located. One property - King St. East ~ R4 zone ~ For small opart- ment - club - Almost any out- let - well located. You nome it - we hove it - phi us a call for further in- OPEN. EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Jack Osborne Ken Honn Joe Mage Dick Barrioge Bob Johnston WHITBY CLASSIFIED SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service on calls. Walter ¥ Were, 204 Chestnyt Street West, Whitby, 668- FURNISHED ae gentieman, ab stainer, clean, quiet, adult home. Quite preys 4 parking facilities. Telephone oR RENT -- one-bedroom heated, central. Children welcome. Close to schools. wae eee any facilities. 0 High Street, pe tiny A and se BAILEY, Barristers, Soll- citors, Public, Mortgage funds renal' % 6 King Street East, 723-1107. DRESSMAKING --- Suits, costs, dresses, emma See te tee mn ALBE mye 'vache ge ri a (oe. Sime. Very" tow Bown pevment JOP pecry 9716. 'house, | 56500. good area. Exceptions! buy for Jy Real Estete For Sale iEDROOM Lye l In wey Douglas M. Bull *eetner Magen; Weave yg, kiteh- po Ba ge gone ot So on McGill eee Reel Estate fa id 78-4285. GUIDE REALTY OPEN HOUSE Beau Valley This Weekend 2 P.M. Until 6 P.M, Schofield-Aker 360 King. St. West Telephone 723-2265 'twood ki 2 27---Real Estate For Sale 9--Automobiles For Sale 32--Articles For Sale. 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 13, 1964 7 31000. DOWN, 10-acre lots. Choice, leve. handy} jerden soil with crenata stream 'hese lots are treed at the front, lus snough to make a perfect setting fo your new a pee ply ny w oe 'rom O:hawa 8 good new orice $3700, MaGill Real Estate gg 728-4285. clay lo8m, cession of Whitty. 195 workabion 'about two acres "ag pif Rite ie bank. barn, Sater ic ailing spr Yi stable, niine-room ire house, ne property. timc MEN REREAD ne ATTENTION! Excellent 155 be farm | on 8th Con copa oo! bl ton. peas Saath | ae 'onis, 72-6359. 196 a CHEVROLET Belair, two + power ing, radio, aster "excellent condition. Telephone 125-2647. 10 pag ahd Belvedere, lige hy viens spnginion. will ta trede. 'elephone 725-6 5 oF CHEVROLET Beralre 6 cylinder,' scr new lates, $48 Tele a ect, new vats. Telephone 725-8085 roughout 5$5-3966. WILSON ROAD souTH = Tet for Sele Aa by 100 ff. water and sewer, $2,500 956 OLDSMOBILE, four-door Ligne ustom radio, four new white a sxcellent condition, e best offer, 3efore 6 p.m, telt E INCOME 1 HOME. Two-storey brick, 99 e@, central, near school, park, con mane T THREE-FAMILY home near large lot, North Oshawa aree e tving quarters also one apartment, bed- rooms, and basement ppneth Bny with two bedrooms. $3,500, down. Rents willl, carry. Write Box 630, Qshawa Times. $14,190 -- §ix-room | lay brick bungalows |; with garages, in Whitby, fully decorated and landscaped, colored fixtures, twin. sinks, clock, separate dining rooms, Holly- tchens etc., only three available at $1078 down to one 61% per cent NHA mortgage. Save $500 on the winter works bonus. Gerry Hill, AM 7-9712 Manderill $87.00 per month including toxes on one 512% N.H.A» mortgage, DRESS SHOP---Just the busi- ness for a couple to hondie conveniently. Close to Four Comers in odwntown All shelving, showcases, mirr- ors ond racks included in the price. Asking $500 down pay- ment, DOWNTOWN---7 apartments with 4 cor gorage on a pro- minent location right on King St. All opertments have pri- vate bathrooms. Lorge lot. EARLY POSSESSION--3 bed- room ick with i storms ond screens. T.V. Aerial with rotor control. Schools, bus, church and shopping are all within walk- ing distance of this fine home. Priced ot $12,600 with payments of $95.00 per month Principal, Interest and Taxes, ANNES STREET, WHITBY-- 8 room home with privote drive and large fot. Upstairs hos 2 kitchens and call gy ag entrance. 4 pc. 2 pe. washrooms. $2, 000. down -- We sholl be happy to onrange on inspection on this fine income home today. FULL ial! $7, gp soattgpleones room $14,700. Full price for this bungalow aur Wee Pickering / 101 New N.H.A. Bun lasire and Split Levels From $13,950 $920 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage Carries $79. Monthly 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Vanity Bathroom. Built-in Oven and Range. Storms ond Screens, Shown by appointment H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER Ajax 942-3310 Whitby 668-537) GRANDVIEW VILLAGE We ore sold out of new homes in Grandview Village ot present, but we ore taking orders now for our new 1964 models for Spring occupancy. As you know these homes in this choice location are built by H, Kassinger Construction Ltd., and we believe ore the best. buys in Oshawa, We have al] the new plans in our office for your inspection, or give us a coll and one of our courteous salesmen will be pleased to show them in your own home, no obligation of course, down payments as low os $1,200.00, one N.H.A. Mortgage for the bal- ance. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 299 King St. West DIAL 723-1133 priced at omly $13,300. For full ' 723-1121 toyd Dick Young 698 SIMCOE ST. N. This home well appointed and landscaped with gorage. Very close to transportation . Main floor con- sists of living room with nat- urol fireplace, full dining room kitchen and one room with adjoining bath. Second floor has two nice bedrooms and four pre both, Call John Kitchen 728-1679 evenings 723- 3788. CAMP SAMAC AREA (North Entrance) Excellent 6 room ranch bun- 1679 evenings 723-3788. HARRY MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. 9 BAGOT GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. 5S. 728-1679 Real Estate Lt Estate Ltd. ~~ ATTENTION COMMUTERS Bargain for quick sole. Good five room, storey and one-half house in: Brooklin, bathroom, oil furnace. Good size lot, shade trees, goroge. Price $9,500 Terms William S. Peag Stouffville 640-1303 Thomas N. Shea Bey _ Realtor | | Oshewa's Largest Firm BOLAHOOD -- BROTHERS -- Real Estate -- -- Insurance ---~ -- Mortgages -- DO AS OTHERS CALL THE CHECKERBOARD BROTHERS $12,200 FULL PRICE 6 years old, this 6 roomed brick bungalow. Mony extras, such as T.V. antenna, storms, and screens, ceramic tiled both. Only $1,500, down, Call Mr. Rankine ot 728- 5123 or 728-3682 CLOSE TO ST. GREGORY'S DOWN $1,500 DOWN Six room home, oil heat, low toxes. Call Mr. Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening '28--Real Estate Wanted APARTMENT building wanted. Oshawa or Whitby. Up to 60 suites. Modern. Mc- gin Real Estate Broker. Box 220, 720-4285 PRIVATE -- will pay cash for five-room bungalow, two rooms, garage, not over bei or fifteen years old, In Oshawa. UPLEX BUILDING LOT North of Bloor and East of Simcoe WRITE BOX: 851 OSHAWA TIMES 29--Automobiles For Sale 196) AUSTIN 850 station wagon, two tone, low mileage, excellent condition. $695. Offer . 728-0404. 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, hardtop, automatic, radio etc. miles. 725-2069. 1953 MG - TD, recent motor job, ---- body, stored all winter. T Vi, four-door 10,000 of four-room and Sree reer epart-| 2.m. 725-1904. terior. Excetient condition, $650. Tele 956 MERCURY, anal window Kegs bt radio, good ang $298, Affer 5 i BUICK, frie ee equipped. | adio, A-1 eenenee ly, ae late con: jit lon,. Best offer. Telephone 1955 ig oe nda six cylinder au! custom fi condition, 'icenee, vr aix 723-2281. 1962 PONTIAC Parisiénne six, st wo-door, green, four good white ren Tem , bike new, s75. i automatic, $150, new i res, Phone 1958 METEOR, 4door automatic, redio,| 4 new tires, body good. $650 or best offer, Call after 4.30 p.m., 723-2644. 1959 RENAULT Dauphine. radio, ha ------ jcondition, no rust spot po boty wl Paid Hurley Road, Alex, after 6 with white top, seat speaker, wheel discs, whitewalls,| back-up Tights, windshield washers, four-|colporne teen thousend miles. After 0 te! lophane | comerne 728-4373, 195? RENAULT, seat beits, low mileage, good mechanical condition, After $ p.im«) call 728-4944, 2--Articles For Sale k 1963 CHEVROLET wean Sage Te ae automatic, radio, ip 'ENDER 1963 model, | My 725-0641, |tor Seed Soa if see comiion Aor #6 | Ane ot Sega w sang' tans, be lean oe Tele SIU Trustees Order ELL ROTTED ed Be Toe 728-0052. TYPEWRITER portable, $40; alse 'Stan-| - dard, $40 register, very aa 131 Pine Cig gh WRECKING the fol! I ¥ Ford, chevrle Fore : sonable. Cail 1322, 1 EXTRACTOR, brand new, Aeeonsble; Telephone. 7aseas8, mote 33-----Market Bosket '{REPRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, medium' ize, In_Gend coneition. 88, 720-2006. |21 bi IN, very good . buy, sel ne Or ote poss ail wang Fg SEES cate Toe tee ota] T alee Trading Post 'See erry yo ve. ie ery South. 723-1671, ( CA CABIN' TRAILER (onal Ne organ, owien $18) Underwood Poon A a 725-4948, - ioe TIC wet ory , like new. 900d condition, Muitaeiver, For torte' tormafon lei Whitby 668-3842. BUY your potatoes by the 75 Ib. bag and seve. Also Cortland and Spy apples by 655-4983. Ithe bushel. Fir free delivery telephone) Rules Investigation MONTREAL (CP) -- Hat Cc. Banks was sent to trial Thurs- day on the second of three con- spiracy. charges laid against most |him by the federal justice de- Iberty|partment following ment of a federal board of trus- tees over Canada's five mari- time unions last fail. At the same time, the trustees ordered the Seafarers' Interna- 36--Legal vacuum) 7 Cresendo electric or- or aeins : one Sunbeam 34--Lost and Found cleaner. tine ne hew, Best offer. ¥ i) Gou' plano. lworking condition. Reasonable. 8 Whitby 668-3795 affer 5 p.m. ' "tena }ten markings, no tall, 725-3228. [LOST -- Fox terrier, female, vicinity]! |8imcoe and Albany Streets, white with 1, JOHN M, EMBURG of 4 Cochrane 'Street, wpe will not ony ea' coivectea hs ee ee or after this date, March anyone, on OM wan chest of drawers, Wan tal com rd ia bicycle; MS Fase lon. Apply 1a COMING EVENTS VACUUM CLEAWER Tepeirs, all makes. Free estimates, parts, sttachments, colnet hertok. Weloes Useuven Sorvick, Call anytime 728-0591. BUCHRE -- North Oshawa Park club: house, Nonquon Read, Saturday.night at 8 o'clock. Admission 50c, lunch and prizes, i958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, four-door st@ndard transmission, six cylinder, cus-idi tm radio, good condition, $895, Call after 4 p.m, 723-9096. 1962 CHEVROLET "impais. sedan, V-8 engine, automatic transmis- four-door SLactale roves, heavy duty, good con ion, Va HP electric motor, $5. THE WESTMINSTER Telephone 720-4197. GiRUT spring coat wer coat, tur trimmed $12, size 7; boy's top coat, re- versible, $5, Rg} 10; like new. Four 'wath sion, power steering, radio, pos' back-up lamps, windshield washers, seat belts. After 6 call 723-2466, tires 670-15, 800-14, $2 each. 1951 Chev- rolet parts, very reasonable, 309 Gueiph Street, 725-5268. 1986 OLDSMOBILE Holliday, 4door hard- top, automatic, radio, blemish free, 2-tone finished with matching red and black In- phone 726-0558, 1950 CHEVROLET half fon Ton panel, Ai Al) mechanically, good tires and body, $75.| A\ Telephone 728-0846 between 3-9 p.m. 1957 OLDSMOBILE ~ Super, , four-door, atomatic, A-1 condition, radio, show tires. $795. Telephone 725-8671. GURNEY 21" gas range, cen be used for propane gas, used only one year, $75. Telephone 728-7174, NEARLY new refrigerator, stove, 5. dining room sulte, ki chrome suite, and ibedroom suite. Terms may be arranged. After 6 p.m., 728-2949. KODAK 8 mm automatic movie camera In case, 'screen, projector, fleodiights, view finder with splicer. Complete $160, Telephone 725-5787, 1955 METEOR, Rideau, V-8, standard transmission, boby Is exceptional. $550. Telephone _ 725-5015, CHESTERFIELD, refrigerator, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, table send chairs, Telephone 728-4391, 1953 PONTIAC coach, body felr, good mechanically, snow fires, radio, $75. Be- fore 3 p.m. apply 135 Elgin | Street East, NEW -- Beautiful cabinet doors and matching drawers, covered in vertical formica. Four colors. Perfect for kitchen, recreation room, ete. Differ- 1961 FORD Falcon, er, excetient condition. Telephone 790-7028, ent sizes. Never needs painting. Price $1.50 each. Apply Whitby Woe sibe or 710 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 "GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars AM B.-A. SERVICE need Road and King 723 4733 an ond 7 723-7712 7712 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Mdkes ond Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quelity BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 30--Au*omobiles Wanted Maria Street, Whitby, Saturday 9-5. TYPEWRITERS, ona cashiers, du- UNITED CHURCH WOMEN WILL HOLD A ST. PATRICK'S TEA 2 P.M. MARCH 17th. In Lower Church Hall Baby Sitting Provided. Modern and Old Tyme DANCING * 9 Until Mid-Night Every Saturday CLUB CAMELOT Formerly Vorcoe's King Street East $2.50 per couple SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO CLUB CAMELOT formerly Varcoe's Pavilion FRIDAY, MAR. 13th. $1200 in prizes. $250 Jackpots Nos, 52-53 plicators, three hundred new "and. used. We buy, se'l, rent, service. Hamilton office Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whithy. CHINA cabinet, corner 'type, walnut, three months old; Kelvinator refriger- ator, 31 by 63, 2-door, also three months old. Sacrifice. Gurney range, 24", Ike new, Phone 725-2316. SINGER automatic zig-z8g console mea- chine In perfect running condition, Does fancy stitches and button holes without attachments. Original price $260, will sac- rifice for $67 cash er $8.00 per month for 9 months, Dealer. Write Box m a3 Oshawa) Times, CONTINENTAL bed, bed, 'Tike new; studio couch; washing machine, electric water heater attachment heats the water; Thor electric Ironer, floor model; set of weigh scales, All priced fo sell, Phone 725-0243, USED set of harness; antique buggy; small English saddle; new summer horse blanket. Call Whitby 668-4767 after 6 p.m. iTIMBER for sale, 30 pines, 50 feet long; 40 ad trees, 30 feet long. Telephone the. AES OREM TSE) ONE CHESTERFIELD, two chairs, good condition. Telephone Whitby 648-7455. SILVERTONE sccordion, nearly new, list price ery teke $125, With case. WEDDING dress, street length, size 10 to 12, Scout uniform, size 16. Four stan- dard hub caps, Telephone 725-8747. USED car parts, used tires, wheels and spindies to make trailers. Scrap herd- wood, one foot . hehe single cords. Call after six, 723-228 What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone Valley Creek Furniture 728-440.) or call at the store 16% Bond W. Early Bird Games 7:45 p.m. Door Prizes Admission 50¢ Transportation to Four Comers if needed. ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO Corner Bloor and Simcoe Friday, March 13th 7:45 P.M. 20 games -- $10 and $15 Share the Wealth $150 Jackpots to go Two $25 Games Special BINGO » ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, MAR. 14 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth .4 -- $40 Jackpot td 1 -- $150 Jackpot hed Children Under 16 Not Admitted DANCE and BUFFET DINNER MARCH 14, 1964 AT 8 P.M $2.00 Per Person St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church Comer Bloor and Ritson Rd. ADMISSION MONSTER BINGO Over $500 in Prizes SATURDAY,MARCH 14th AT 8:00 P.M, ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH Includes tickets on 10 homs to be drawn March 28th. AN prizes doubled on admission ticket. 50 CENTS : i 2 a 1c gaze = Le 8 : £3s : --_ cs a ed said the rules "in certain spects, isting collective agreemen| gotiated by the line with the rt b: tice T, G. Norris'. fe bor violence, which ng i = FE gE i 7? i are in conflict wi 3s #53 Siu," The trustees' ba gulp Pg 7 Fi quiry report on Great ai lists which meant on get jobs 'on trolled union halls. The trustees' directive said Into Death Of Woman HAMILTON (CP) -- An ine quest was ordered into the death of Mr. Olive Mutch, 94, who died foll treatment for a dis) shoulder. Police said Mrs. Mutch was taken to Hamilton General Hos- pital after' found on the floor beside her in Macassa Lodge for the tak Following treatment, she was discharged from the hospital, but when nurses went to take her out of the ambulance at the home, she was dead. DEPOSIT DISCOVERED Hope 885-2560. 1956 CHEVROLET, dard transmission, wall tires, no rust, 728-4357. Ne . 1954 MONARCH, standard transmission, custom radio, two-tone, red and black. In 1m good « condition, $125. f Dial 728-8590. 1958 OLDSMOBILE, fully automatic, Power brakes, power steering, radio, silver-grey, A-1 condition. Best offer. 723-1272. 1962 FALCON station wagon, two-door, standard shift, large é6-cylinder engine, .in. perfect condition. Telephone 726-6837, 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, in fair condition, good radio. Telephone Whitby 668-2090 or apply 601 Euclid Street, POR SALE -- 1962 Ford Angii@, Excel-| --__ lent condition. 13,000 miles. Sacrifice $900. T Ajax 942-6604 after 6.30 p.m. 1957 PONTIAC, deluxe coach, six-cylin- der automatic, radio, new fires, clean six-cylinder, stan- radio, new white $595, Telephone alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. THREE ~ house, section. Private = substantial payment. Apply Cochrane Telephone po ad MOTHER would mind baby by th@ dey or week, Good care. Telephone down Street. ive bed-sitting room for or gentleman. Private en- trance, kitchen facilities, hog 7 avd lo cated. Apply' 406 treet West. Do you need Gravel or Stone for Driveway, Sand for your Potio, Concrete Mulch? Phone 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED Fuels and Builders Supplies 224 Brock St. S. WHITBY,. Ont. March Specials Buy Now and Save |: 14 ft. fibreglass, windshield, steering, lights, seots $595 11 ft. purt .. $60 72 Westbend 64 .... $219 45 Westbend electric 64 $612 40 Gole electric 63 .. $515° 25 Gole eletiric 62 ... $425 $225 » $200 $100 $159 canoes, 5 Gole 63... 3 Gole 63 .. 500 Ib. A. Troilers .. Used cortop boats, motors 'ond trailers. WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dumdos St. East ON NEW EL DOWNSVI (Adelaide St. E., ju NOT For a limited time we will give * This woy you can't get cought fairest and best trade-in policy now. : spection of these homes ot any (THIS WEEKEND - Whitby -- 668-3226 HEATED HOMES, Blok Construction (Oshawa) Ltd. and Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Ltd. Are pleased to announce a NEW TRADE IN POLICY ECTRICALLY IN BEAUTIFUL EW PARK st West of Wilson) 8 New Homes Nearly Completed NEW PHASE OF DOWNSVIEW PARK -- now open ond all services ore pre-paid, even to paved streets and underground wiring. Enquire about the efficient ond low cost of electric heat- ing from any one of our satisfied customers in these quolity built homes, electric heating costs only $100 this yeor to dote. ICE any purchaser of one of these tine homes a GUARANTEE to take their home in trade ot on appraised price ond also we will give you until the day you move into your new home to put your present home on the market and realize top morket value for it. If you ore not able to sel{ your home by the time your new home is ready, then we will. take it in trade on your new home with two homes, This is the ever offered in Oshawa, so oct Contact ony of our salesmen for more particulars and on in- time or come to our OPEN HOUSE -2p.m. to 6 p.in.) Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Ltd. 40 KING ST. E. OSHAWA, -- DIAL 728-4678 needs paint. Must sell. $375 full price. Apply 329 Oshawa Bivd. Norm. 1956 DODGE, six cylinder automatic, new or" TaKEaHOR Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 Wentworth East, 725-1181. OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck. ing. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. CASH for 1958 to 1961 Station wagon. Telephone 725-2044, 3 ML CAS For clean. cors or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 ~~ 145 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'SAVE', TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 a and battery, in good t/a body 32-- Articles for Sale a PONTIAC roving stick shift, very good 725-468. 1952 METEOR V8, 2-door, standard, 1964 plates, good tires. Excellent transporta- fion, $125. Apply 49 Orchard View Boule- vard. 1958 METEOR V8, sedan, stick shift, re- built motor, refinished body, radio, heat- er, Best cash offer. Consider trade. 15 Mill: Street. "|TELEVISION fower special, 40-ff. struc- ture, including ali channel antenna, In- Stalled and guaranteed by experts with 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television, telephone 728-5143. TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc- ture with all channel antenna, instalied $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, black, cus- tom radio, new whitewall fires. In ex- Dial Whitby 668-3446. 1957 CHEVROLET, V-8 coach, standard transmission, new motor and tires, $550. After 2 p.m., dial 723-3039. 95S PONTIAC V8, stick shift. Good rear-end, transmission. Needs tune up and some body work. 725-3915. VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 KEYED UP TO BUY A NEW CAR? BUY ONE WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED CfeottivPAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA | NEW boat trailer, 14', at cost; 24" chain saw, 1.5 KVA Kohler generating unit 110 volts 60 cy. 4 cylinder. 74 Barrie Avenue, 1%" DOOR self storm, complete instaila- tion $50, plus $25 grill absolutely free One per customer. Save up fo 50 per cent on storm windows, aluminum siding and awnings. 728-5253, UNIFORMS for the lady in white, new- est styles, for nurses, be@uticians, wait- resses. Delivery service or free catalogue without obligation. Nesbitt's Ladies Wear, 33 King Street East. 725-0532 ap- pointments after 6 p.m. 728-5623. FLOOR covering 'bargains. Brighten up your home or coffege for spring! Many icheerful colors. Ciear-out of -discontinued jpatterns from 23¢ per ft. Wilson's Furni- jture, 20 Church Street, |BABY BARGAINS 1 New 1964 model baby {carriages. From $39.88. Playpens, $8.88. Full paneiied, farge sized baby cribs lfrom $24.88. Chrome highchairs, $10.88. New Lloyd, Gendron and Thistle strollers. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances, One location only. Prefty's | Furniture, 444 Simcoe Sobth, 723-3271. | REFRIGERATOR, "yangette, heavy duty range, dressers, china cabinet, bookcase, kitchen cabinet, sewing machine, wash- ing machines, beds, cedar chest. Call 728-7629, PIANO, upright, good mechanical condl- tion, beautiful tone, nice finish, Apply 246 Wilson Road South. FURNACE, | boiler, radiators, bath sets, ge cabinets, pressure sys- tems, sump pumps, fanks, boats, motors, trailer. Pontiac '57, Ya-ton truck. Harry Chinn, Hilistde, Park South. EASTER GIFTS Confirmation, First Communion off | NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | KXXKXKXKXKXXKXXKXX 20: HALF MARVEL Regular Price 93¢ eX KKK KKKXXKXKXX XXXXXKXXKXXX XXRXXKXKXKXXXX Regular Price 99 XK KKK XK KX KKK XXXXXXXKXXXX Rosaries 25c to $18. St. Joseph Missals $4 to $15 Bibles*$3.95 to $20 Other Religious Articles PARKVIEW Variety Store 98 OLIVE AVENUE | OSHAWA 1150 Simcoe N. % This Coupon Good to Saturday Night - March 21st ECONOMY SIZE CREST TOOTHPASTE This Coupon Good to Saturday Night - Merch 21st REDEEM XKXKXKXKXKKXXKXXX OFF GALLON ICE CREAM Price With Coupon 68c *xXXXxXXXXXXXXXXX XXXKXXKKXKXKXXXX XXXXXKKXKKXKXXXX Price With Coupon 74c * XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXKXXXKXXKXXKXXX OSHAWA 501 RITSON Rd. S. XXXXXXXXXXXXKX ROAST 0 «Me KKX KK KKK XK XKXKK XKXXKXKKXXXKXXXX 20° OFF. ANY SIZE This Coupon Good to Soturday Night - Merch 21st THESE COUPONS AT YOUR A&P STORE Coupons Good to Saturday Night March 21st XXXXXXXXKXXXKX F PORK *XXXXXXXKXKXXKXXKX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXKXKKKXKKKXXKXXKKKXKKXKXXKN Regular Price 89¢ x XXKXMXXKKXKXKXK KK X WHITBY 223 Brock St. N. 22° Orr GILLETTE -- 6's STAINLESS STEEL BLADES. This Coupon Good to Seturday Night - Morch 21st XKXKXXKXKXKKKKKKKKXKKKKXKKXXXX Price With Coupon 64c x beiicxecxc REDEEM COUPONS AT ONE OF THESE A & P STORES BOWMANVILLE King St. E.