Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 School Association. Parents and friends were welcomed at the door by Mrs. Walter Kuch, Sg ge of the association and r. E. K. James, school prin- cipal. § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 11, 1964 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES A large number of parents and friends of the pupils visited the classrooms to see the work being done by the students. Grade mothers and teachers MISSION CIRCLE The Mary Elliott Smith Mis-jhan, welfare convener, Church met in the home of/locally. Mrs. Walter Sewall. Mrs. Dennis McAuley, Mrs. Th3 president opened the)/Frank Hoar and Mrs. William | Patterson volunteered to help The devotions were in thejin the tuck shop at Hillsdale oy. subjects are taught. meeting with prayer. charge of Mrs. Robert Moon| Manor this month. who read the scripture from St.| Luke, chapter 10 and also gave| party March 10, an interesting talk on the his-|hall with Mrs. members. Mrs. Joseph Calla- stated sion Circle of First Baptist/113 articles were distributed It was decided to have a card) in the parish} | j H. T. Anthony|varied. Some of the younger} con's classes tory of the missionary work of| and Mrs. J. H. Lyons convening. pupils made a display showing) -- . were in each room to greet the visitors from 8.00 to 9.00 p.m. played work books of the pupils. These books gave the visitors e method in which | The craft exhibits children were. very colorful and Miss Kate McLaurin, Baptist!|A home bake sale will be held)«joah's Oark' with animals missionary. |March 21, An invitation from King Street! phe members held a raffle United Church to attend a mis-| on 2 fancy cushion. The Rever- sionary meeting was accepted) Ee pt pee a for March 12. Next month's ~ i eg ei a ao meeting will be held in the| winning ticket, held by Mrs. t the meeting and drew the made of class clay. Another awa-Zoo" -- complete with ani- held at the home of Mrs, Jo- Meeting Features At Duke Of Edinburgh H&S "Open House" was held aty Duke of Edinburgh Home and Many of the classrooms dis- an opportunity to see what the children are studying and also) the var-|cards would be issued, March 0. showed a replica of "The Osh- mals, cages and spectators. The Open House older children showed fine ex- amples of penmanship and more advanced crafts such as weav- ing and art work, Science and social studies projects were also displayed, These covered a wide range of subjects being studied by the children in the various grades, Following '"'Open House", Mrs. Kuch conducted the busi- ness meeting. Several resolu- tions, that will be presented at the convention to be held in Toronto from March 24 to 26 were discussed. The skating this year because arrangements \for ice could not be made. Mr. |James announced that report of the) Refreshments were served by e mothers of th Morris and pupils in | th | ss Patter- Mrs. party has been cancelled for]: TCA Silver Dart--only non-stop jet to Vancouver! FASTEST, TOO...YOU'RE THERE IN JUST 4 HOURS, 40 MINUTES! Travel across Canada on TCA's DC-8 Silver Dart--daily service! Or take your choice of other frequent daily flights. Fly First Class or Economy.,.Economy Fare: $218 return. AIR CANADA T CA § ih ' SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT FOR COMPLETE DETAILS OR CALL TCA 925-230 TRANS:-CANADA AIR LINES DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE home of Mrs. Angus Barton.|George Carey. The next meet- The nominating committee will ing will be held April 7 in 'the bring in its report. parish hall. The hostess ser :d_refresh- | NAVY LEAGUE AUX. ments. The regular meeting was held HOLY CROSS WA recently at the home of Mrs. seph Cassidy. Refreshments were served by social convener. Mrs. David O'Flynn, and her committee. ss 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN y fe SMART WOMEN ... | have their carpets and uphol- . The Wom2n's Auxiliary of p Cima Holy Cross held its monthly Fred Kunkel, Simcoe south. meetin, recently in the parish| The president, Mrs. hall. Mrs. A. L. Hanson, pres-|™: ident, opened the meeting with|With prayer. prayer. | Mrs. Frank Sheppard stated|by Mrs. Fred' Kunkel. she sent several cards to sick' The next meeting will | George} |Luhtala, opened the meeting) A draw was held and won) be! | Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR | Athletic Injuries Nervous Skin Disorders 100 King St, E. 728-5156 stery cleaned 'The Safe , Way by DURACLEAN 728-8518 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE. 723-9441 INSTAN SOUP MIX ....: MIXES TOILET TIS CHOCOLATE BARS MARGARINE SALAD 2. ........ SLICES FRUIT CHEES 20¢ 0 CHICKEN NOOD! TOMATO VEGET. DUNCAN HINES EARLY AMERICAN or DELUXE SUE MONARCH PARCHMENT PACK LOBLAWS PROCESS Eee Ee eee - RESIDENT'S SPECIALS! T COFFE MAXWELL HOUSE FF REGULAR PRICE LE or 'ABLE Cea eeeeenes DELSEY ASSORTED COLOURS WILLARD'S 5c ASSORTED OZ, TINS 8-SLICE 8-OZ. PKGS, Peer ereeres aoe AYLMER CATSUP....... PARTY CRACKERS ....... MADEIRA CAKE ..... . .. 29 12-02, PKG, CHOICE ASSORTED «ovresereess AYLMER PEAS SUGAR CRISPS ... ve OF ROM] wscanon ond secur ta Bread « Butter P ICKLE wa tts OF SOMBRERO "= , ORANGE Juice 4% 99 Dinners' Zc: BY PRESIDENT'S SPECIALS! Boneless PORK LOIN »59- LAMB LEGS on we SAUSAGE LOBLAWS COUNTRYSTYLE PURE PORK S.X. BRAND SIDE BACON :: 63° SEE STAMP COUPON SLICED @ FRESH FROZEN FISH -- PAN READY FOR A LENTEN TREAT @ KILTIE BRAND IMPORTED RINDLESS STEAKETTES . 55c Shopsy's BOLOGNA 49c SMOKED KIPPER Uae ee eee enersennsares FROZEN URKEY - BEEP FRIED CHICKEN SOLID MEAT ROASTS IMPORTED MEATY SHORT SHANK WHOLE or HALF LOBLAWS PROTEN* BEEF CUTS! ALL DELICIOUSLY TENDER AND FLAVOURFUL -- COMPLETELY BONELESS AND EASY TO CARVE! @ BELMONT ® PENTHOUSE ® MANHATTAN @ DENVER @ KEY CLUB @ NIAGARA BROIL. @ BOSTON BROIL 1-LB. * REG'D USER OF T.M. PKG, 12-02 PENNYWISE PKG HOPPED, BEEF 1-LB. PKG. 35¢ ' 33c 29: CHOICE " SOLE FILLETS ........... CELLO 1-LB, ; WRAP LB. PKG, ALL STORES OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M.