UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES At H&S Council In obsecvance of 'Founder's poo ars, Carl Creamer, ex- ak Pry, ; ia : abel ST. GEORGE'S GUILD The regular meeting Guild of St. George's Memorliai Church was held recently in Cowan House. Mrs. L. F.-N. Hind opened with the prayer. It was announced that a mam-|and opened the meeting with moth bake sale would be held,|prayer. A.! April 17, in the parish hall. The annual fall luncheon was discussed and Mrs. W. R. Ham. bly and Mrs. Donald Fox wil]|set for April 17. act as co-conveners. It was announced that the|the direction of Mrs. George Guild would serve refreshments|MacGregor. in the parish hail following the confirmation service, March 22.|will be under the direction of 2 Mrs. Lloyd Saunders. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA through good programming in Home and School meetings the year. Mrs. Moss mentioned that as yet, some associations had not ' forwarded their bylaws to Mrs. G. W. Goyne for approval by Council. She also reminded the members that the annual meet- ing will be held in April, not May, for associations this year. The president drew special attention to the wording of Coun- cil's new name. It now reads "The Oshawa and District Coun- cil of Home and School Asso- ciations'. (Previously it was "The Oshawa and District Home and School Council". _|vancement indicated in July ie anda Rn mlbenry rail and September. Creative work- each association forward to her|°™S will be star-blessed with an several names of eligible can- additional fine cycle in July and didates for election to Council,|AUsust. : by March 15, if possible. Ontario Federation has sug- jown, by sending to Council, the various ways by which they honor their | ested that associations make|0f this month, the latter half of "top _students"', or awards. Mrs, G. W. i} \t Webster, awards chairman for|matters will be under generally } 'council, presented her reportifine influences for the next 12 from the awards committee,|months, with . r The awards are to be presented|cially stressed in late April, mnually to students graduating|May, early July, August and tom Crade 12 or 13 from the|the latter half of October, : sur Secondary Schools in Osh- wa, intending to go on to high-|be endowed with great faith and * learning. The d 'isions are|compassion; will be a true hu- "t entirely to the principals.|manitarian. FOR TOMORROW | through scholarships, bursaries. December, however. Good planetary influences now encourage all matters re- pokes! vigor and energetic en- with Mr, Peter Muzik presiding. e. This is a time to put over new ideas, programs deal- ing with future security. Also, it's a good period for widening your horizons through travel and-or education. FOR THE BIRTHDAY Tf tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that the next 12 months should bring satisfactory achievement. Busi- ness and career matters with which you are presently occu- pied should take an upward spurt during the latter part of this month, with still further ad- Best financial periods for all Pisceans: The last two weeks April, May, July and Septem- ber. Be cautious in monetary matters between October and Domestic and sentimental romance espe- A child born on this day will Refreshments were served by of the|the Margaret Hart group. meeting Lenten|George's boulevard group was p> Bry followed by the Lord's|held recently at Cowan House. Mrs, John Keays 8ST. GEORGE'S GUILD (Boulevard Group) The regular meeting of St. Mrs, Gordon Brough presided Plans were made for cater- ing, for a wedding in April. The date of the mammoth bake was A work period was held under The next meeting March 23, during the evening a number of attendance prizes will be given out. Next general meeting will be April 12 at 1 p.m. at the club- house. CALVARY BAPTIST WMS The Calvary Baptist WMS meeting held recently was open- ed by singing the hymn "Lord Jesus. I Long To Be Whole". The scripture reading was taken from Psalm 34, followed by prayer. The hymn "More About Jesus" preceded Mrs. Arthur Alloway's message on the "Birthright of Esau" based on Hebrew's 12. The meeting clos- ed with a hymn and a prayer. Members were reminded to at- Refreshments were poe by. tend the meeting Thureday, Percy Summerville. March 19, when Miss Margaret Imbrie will be the speaker. STORIE PARK ASSOC. Storie Park Neighborhood As- sociation held its regular meet- ing recently in the clubhouse Mr. David Bayers gave the sports report. Pee wee hockey; playoffs will start this Satur- day, March 14. Mr. Peter Muzik gave his report on the teenage dances, which are. still going well, Opening day was p d for June 10 at 6 o'clock. There will Be prepared with safe first aid that brings fast relief... keep your medicine cabinet stocked with R.CHASES Antisoptic owereaner Botty Haydl INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM CUSTOM MADE DRAPES 15 King Street East Phone 725-2686 When It's a Question of Store Personality ... We Really ond Truly believe thot we ore different. Our Dresses Coots & Suits are different ond exciting Each ond every one of our Soles Stoff knows ond is troined to suit you and your personality. Pleash drop in te see us to-day. Find eut for yourself. FOR PERSONALIZED SERVICE DN eabitt's 33 King Street East Phone 725.0532 P.S.--This week we have @ Rack of Dresses thet we ere clecring. Reguler $25.00 end $30.00. oncy 10,00 Will we see you to-dey? 3. udents receiving the awards ist have attended elementary wols which hav. contributed the fund. vere will be no meeting in sh, owing to the Home and 1 convention being held « Yegulmr date. A workshop of April 28, at E. #vell School at 8.00 p.m. AKEN FOR GRANTED TCHENER, Ont, (CP) -- pers have become too ac- omed to inefficient sales ks, says Bette McCracken of mto, a national officer of Women's Advertising and s Club. "They have become acclimatized to rudeness, hy and lack of product vledge on the part of clerks . they take it for granted."| <]- ; u 3; Tame' a '?) JIFE PRESERVER | Cats need grass to be healthy. u can plant some in a flower wt and keep it where pussy | wn help himself when he likes, Germs collect by the millions around the bathroom ... spray -- kill them your home, "epringiima flesh DEODORIZING SPRAY DISINFECTANT Kills Germs, Kills Mildew, Kills Odors. Not Just a Cover-Up ... It Eliminates. There's nothing like it. New Lysol Spray eliminates the germs you can't even scrub away. Kills smoking and cooking odors ... replaces them with a light, fresh scent. Makes your home so pieasant to visit. 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