f yaaa item A Division of the S. S. Kresge Company Limited For Your Shopping Convenience OPEN NIGHTLY UNTIL 10 Sundays Excepted » P.M. K-MART OPENS TOMORROW OSHAWA K-mart S. S. Kresge Company Limited Enters Department Store Field ; -mart, the big modern depart- K ment store opens on Thursday at K-mart Plaza at Highway No. 2. Since the firm opened its first-Can- adian variety store in 1929, it has expanded to a network of more than 100 Kresge stores from coast-to- coast -- and now launches its first department store operation in this area. "Is K-mart a discount store?" "No, says H. C. Starkweather, vice-president and managing direc- tor of S. S. Kresge Company of Can- ada' 'K-mart is a department store offering the same facilities and wide selection of quality merchandise as the traditional downtown store -- at greater savings." Mr. Starkweather adds that there are marked differences between K- mart and downtown department stores. "The location of K-mart makes for greater shopping conven- ience for suburban, urban-fringe and rural communities. Also, a large free parking area for hundreds of cars adds to the convenience of shopping at K-mart. Most import- ant, the modern design of the store, as well as its convenient location makes it possible to operate on a much lower margin, thus leading to lower prices throughout the store," As well, K-mart will be competing on a price level. Says Mr. Stark- weather: "We will try at all times to maintain a consistently lower price on all our merchandise, including a few well-known brand-name prod- ucts. The public wants quality goods at a.true-value price, and we're pre- pared in every way to satisfy that want."" "Can items found defective or un- satisfactory by the purchaser be re- turned?" "Most certainly. We will stand behind all products sold through K- mart stores. Satisfaction is guaran- teed or money is refunded." "K-mart has announced that charge accounts will be available in the store. Isn't this a costly proced- ure?"' "Yes there are some costs involy- ed in offering credit to our custom- ers,' Mr. Starkweather says, "but we feel credit is required by cust- omers when shopping 'in a depart- ment store and is another of the many conveniences in K-mart."' "How many persons will be em- ployed at K-mart?" "We require about 200 for the Oshawa K-mart. With few excep- tions all of the employees are from the Oshawa area. By the way, we are extremely pleased with the quantity of applicants. From those we were able to select an experien- ced, qualified staff for the stores." Mr, Starkwather added that K- mart will be open daily except. Sun- day, from 10 a.m, to 10 p.m. ib " K-Mart Features Credit Plan -- All K-Mart shoppers are given the opportunity to open a charge plan which enables customers to. acquire needed merchandise when ready cash is not immediately available. There are no fixed monthly pay- ments, and credit card users are invoiced only once every 30 days. A K-Mart time payment plan is also offered, with 24 months to pay on large purchases. MANAGERIAL APPOINTMENTS W. NEIL KENNEDY Manager A Kresge veteran of 17 years, Mr. Kennedy was chosen for his wide train- ing and mature experien- ce in the retail field. Born: in St. John, N.B., Mr, Kennedy served with the R.C.A.F. during the war and joined the S. S. Kres- ge Co, in 1947, Prior to his appointment as man- ager of the K-mart-store, Mr. Kennedy served as a District Manager with the S, S. Kresge Co. THE UNIQUE MONEY-SAVING, ALL-PURPOSE CHARGE PLAN -- Now you can shop the modern way with a K-Mart Thrifty Charge Plan. You will i find the K-Mart Credit Card System Is Simple, S. S. KRESGE Company Founder, Chairman of the Board S. S. Kresge opened his first store in Detroit in 1899. His genius has been responsible for the large growth of his com- pany in the United States and for the growth of the Canadian com- pany. Although he is now 96 years of age, he is still active in the business, being man of the board, chair- H. C, STARKWEATHER Executive Vice-Pres. and Managing Director In July, 1929, seven years after he joined Kresge's, H. C, Starkweather was transferred to the Can- adian division. He man- aged Kresge's in Winni- peg and in 1932 was appointed superintendent of stores for Eastern Canada. He became a buyer in 1946 and in 1953 was appointed di- rector of store operation and personnel. In 1958 he was appointed man- aging director of the Canadian company. x 2 * "Buy Canadian" Policy Helps Boost Economy "Made in Canada" labels appear on 90 percent of the merchandise In the new K-Mart store. The merchandising policy of K-Mart requires buyers to seek out Canadian products where available ond -- with other factors being equal -- give first choice to those items over imported goods. The K-Mart shopper will be pleasantly surprised at the quality and diversity of Canadian-made prod- ucts on display, This policy is not simply a reflection of the com- pany's patriotism. It is part of a continuing endeavor to help stimulate the economy of our nation and, in turn, the economic health of the community in which K-Mart is located. Economical and Flexible. HERE 1S HOW IT WORKS: K-Mart Thrifty Charge Plan has no fixed monthly payment. Once' opened, it runs from month to month, You never have to pay the balance in full. As your balance increases (whenever you make more pur- chases), your payments increase; when your balance reduces, your payments reduce, too. You always know what you are paying and you adjust it yourself to suit your own seasonal needs, HERE IS WHAT YOU DO: When you receive your K-Mart Credit Card, you are ready to shop. When shopping, simply present your Credit Card to the Cashier who will imprint your name and address on the sales check. You can then take the merchandise with you. Each month you will receive a statement along with all the original sales checks for the thirty-day period ending with your state- ment date. This makes it easy for you to check your bill, A -small service. charge based on last month's balance, less payments and credits, is added to each monthly statement, There- fore, the more you pay, the less your ser- vice charge will be. Should you choose to pay your account in full within thirty days of the billdate, you pay no service charge. Payments on the account can be made at your K-Mart store, or mail your payment with the stub to the K-Mart Credit Office. K-Mart Time Payments Plan is also avail- able for large purchases, where you can have up to 24 months to pay. MR. RENE GOUR, Merchandising Manager A native of Three Rivers, Quebec, 33 year old Mr. Gour joined the S.S, Kresge Co, in 1949 where he has gained a wealth of merchandising experience serving in several Kresge stores. Prior to his K-mart appointment, Mr, Gour served as Manager of Kresge's in Dorval, Que, ' WHO IS K-MART ? © supersize 'depa store with more tha LAST NAME HUSBANDS FIRST NAME WIFES NAME RES. PHONE 'BUS. PHONE SSCS? ADORESS city PROV. SINGLE DIV. NO OF A, wipow ser. CHILOREN Si Own RENTING WITH ROOM PARENTS suyine ("J HOW LONG CJ NAME OF MORTGAGE COMPANY OR LANDLORD ADORESS MONTHLY CosT FORMER ADDRESS (AT LEAST TWO YEARS) HOW LONG Bae RENTED [_] owneo [_]} NAME OF BUSINESS OR EMPLOYFR ADDRESS HOW LONG POSITION OR BADGE NO, MONTHLY INCOME FORMER EMPLOYER (AT LEAST TWO YEARS) ADDRESS HOW LONG OTHER INCOME WIFE'S EMPLOYER ADDRESS HOW LONG POSITION OR BADGE No. MONTHLY INCOME BANK BRANCH ACCOUNT NO. K-MART THRIFTY CHARGE TERMS CREDIT REFERENCES © FINANCE CO, OR STORE ACCOUNT NO, OPEN La 1. Paip [(_] WHEN BALANCE 18 $5-$50 |$51-4100|$101-4180]$181-4200| $201 AND over open( 2. palo (_] MONTHLY PAYMENT $s $10 | $15 $20 1/10 OF BALANCE NO SERVICE CHARGE IF ACCOUNT PAID IN FULL WITHIN SODAYS FROM BILLING DATE oren| | 3. Pain (_} PERSOWAL REFERENCE ADDRESS 1. 2. NEAREST RELATIVE ADDRESS IN SIGNING AS AN AUTHORIZED AGENT OF MY HUSBAND, 1 AGREE THAT ALL PURCHASES TO BE MADE BY ME ON THIS ACCOUNT WILL BE MADE WITH HIS AUTHORITY ON WIS CREDIT, WIFES SIGNATURE 1, t (WE) AGREE TO MAKE PAYMENTS IN MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE ABOVE, 1 (WE) UNDERSTAND THERE WILL BE NO SERVICE 18 PAID WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER BILLING DATE, BUT IF § (WE) CHOOSE THE OPTION TERMS AND USE THE INSTALLMENT PLAN, f (WE) WILL PAY A SERVICE CHARGE OF 14% ON THE UNPAID BALANCE CARRIED OVER FROM THE PREVIOUS MONTH'S STATEMENT, LESS ANY PAYMENTS OR CREDITS. 1 (WE) AGREE TO SURRENDER CREDIT CARD UPON RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PURCHASES THROUGH ITS OR UNTIL THE COMPANY HAS BEEN NOTIFIED OF ITS LOSS OR THEFT. HUSBANDS WAME OR SIGNATURE IF SINGLE. CHARGE IF MY (OUR) ACCOUNT REQUEST AKD TO BE USE UNTIL SURRENDERED STORE ACCOUNT NO. Shaan Limit gam, BPPROVEO OY i eo ate K-MART'S POLICY K-mart policy is simply better quality products at lower prices, At K-mart you. will find the goods you want at the: price you want to pay. K-mart will not atany time be knowingly undersold, SHOP ano SAVE IN ALL THESE K-MART DEPARTMENTS WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAE GOAT YRESSES # MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAF SUITS « CO © St INFANT'S WEAR LADIES' ACCESSORIES MILLINERY DEPT LINGERIE DEPT NOTIQNS DEPT SEWING NEEL ART GOODS RIBBONS © FANCY DECORATIVE FLO HORTICULTURE Ff PLANT FOC STATIONERY DEPT & OFFICE SUPPLIE CHINA & GLA TOYS & GAME PET DEPARTMENT FISH © BIR ° PPLIE Hosiery pert LADIES' * MEN'S * CH SNACK & FOOD BAR CIGARETTES * NOVE HOBBIES * W PICTURES & FF AUTO ACCESSORIES BATTER © EQUIPMEN SPORTING GOODS PORTS & ( JEWELRY RIN TOILET ARTICLES * BEAUTY & HEALTH HOME IMPROVEMENT PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPT CAMERA © FILMS © SHOE DEPT LADIES' © MEN'S ¢ HARDWARE DEPT TOOLS * KITCHENW RECORD DEPT DRY GOODS DEPT TOWELS * DRAPERY « ELECTRIC DEPT LAMPS © SHADES « FI¥ FURNITURE DEPT RADIO © TV. © AF LEATHER GOODS CANDY DEPT DRUGS & PRESCRIPTI