3 a a ad Ce eR a ee a daar a ee eee sh attains iti ed: aisha 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 11, 1964 "OPEN DAILY 10 20.10 10ra. (Except Sunday) GILLETTE SUPER - BLUE A Rivilon of tov 8 © Biaeas Company tilled ceudleeeneiceeeasd DENTAL CREAM with GARDOL For cleaner, brighter teeth, Refreshes the mouth. FAMILY € SIZE BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSING 39° WITH FREE COMB We carry a full line of quality Cosmetics by FAMOUS MAKERS DuBarry--Max Factor--Maybelline--Hazel Bishop we Guerlain--Shulton--Y ardley--Chanel ULTRA MODERN PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT complete with REFRIGERATION Give us THE PRIVILEGE of ATTENDING to all your DRUG STORE NEEDS. It is OUR AIM, as Pharmacists, TO RENDER SERVICE in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. PHONE 728-5651 BLADES HAVE YOU TRIED THEM? HERE IS SHAVING LUXURY THAT YOU NEVER HAD BEFORE SHARPER EDGE! LONGER LASTING! DISPENSER OF 15 ONLY and many others. HOME TONI PERMANENT The quick, easy way to a lasting Permanent. NO MESS and NO MIXING REGULAR, $1 Oo SUPER or GENTLE. JOHNSON & JOHNSON Guards against DIAPER RASH. Absorbs and neutralizes IRRITATING MOISTURE. Operated by G. Tamblyn. Ltd. STOP! Shop without Cash SHOP WITH A K-MART CREDIT CARD RESDAN Hair dressing Pag conditioner. moves aaa 10-oz. size ... - VASELINE White Petroleum Jelly. Soothing dressing for burns, "scalds, and chaffing. 8-oz. .... ENO FRUIT SALT Effervescent saline, Relieves indigestion and upset stomach. ( E 7-oz. AGAROL Mineral, Oil Emul- sion for the gentle relief of -constipa- tion. 16-oz. NOXZEMA Medicated to soothe, soften and heal the skin. Prevents roughness and NEW LIMMITS Saloric meal pion for weight control. Tasty, nu- tritious biscuits. Choco- late orange, cheese flavors. chapping. 6-oz. ti @ Tablets. An idea| nu- MISS CLAIROL Creme Formula Hair 1 36 Color Bath. Simple to- apply. .No bleaching. PARAMETTES ae tritious supplement. 25 extra with 109. BAN DEODORANT Rolls on cleanly and evenly. Stops odour for 24 hours, -Anti-perspirant # 12 hours LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC Mouth wash 'and gargle. Kills germs instantly, Retains antiseptic effect for hours, Takes away bad breath in seconds. 22 OZ. SALOTYN ¢ TABLETS => Bc WOODBURY SHAMPOO =: §3c HAIR SPRAY SATIN SET SA, == $4.97 TOOTH PASTE Economy Size PEPSODEN 19 HUDNUT EGG CREME 16-oz. $1 Y a SHAMPOO Fast Service on Quality DEVELOPING and PRINTING and Batteries WE WILL GIVE A FRESH KODAK FILM AT NO CHARGE WITH EVERY ROLL OF FILM -- COLOR OR BLACK AND WHITE -- LEFT FOR PROCESSING. PHOTO DEPARTMENT Camera - Flash attach- - Film, Flashbulbs '9.99 Black & White 8 Expos. Complete 94c WILKINSON STAINLESS STEEL RAZOR BLADES SUPER SWORD EDGE. The smoothest, sharpest, longest lasting blade. BLADES FOR € BAYER ASPIRIN Fast relief from pain and discomfort of headaches, colds, neuritis, neuralgia and rheumatism. ECONOMY SIZE FERRANIACOLOR FILMS 8 MM MOVIE Artificial or Outdoor 4 54 35MM. 20 Expos......... 2 FLASHBULBS AG] & M2 T AGIB & M2B 12 for $1.19 12 for $1.39 Complete 1.23 4.24 5.25 7.55 2.25 2.25 Black & White Kodacolor e Kodacolor 12 Expos. 8 Expos. 12 Expos. Kodacolor 20 Expos. Ektachrome 8 Expos, Complete Ektachrome 120 620 127 only 12-Expos. Complete Complete with the added feature ment Complete 126 Minox and Movie Film excluded