ee EO 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 11, 1964 LASERS OSES ee ER twere the main targets. | Rose acted as counsel for the ROBARTS TELLS QUEEN'S PARK | 'Liquor Hike Not * For Part TORONTO. (CP) -- Premier Robarts said Tuesday it was "absolute nonsense' to connect a recent increase in liquor prices with contributions to Pro- gressive Conservative party funds. He was replying in the legis- lature to charges by Kenneth Bryden (NDP -- Toronto Wood- bine) that the government's de- cision to increase liquor prices represented a payoff to distill- ers for their contributions to the Conservative campaign fund. The premier said the five- cents-a-bottle increase for dis- tillers was under negotiation be- fore he became premier and the decision to grant it was made on thé recommendation of tht Liquor Control Board of On- tario. y Costs' He said that before the elec-| tion the distillers were told that! if they wanted a price increase} they would have to contribute) to the Conservative war chest. | ASKS OMBUDSMAN In other business, Andrew Thompson (L--Toronto Dover- court) said an ombudsman, to consider complaints from people} who felt they had been dealt with unfairly by government, agencies, should be attached to) the citizenship branch of the provincial secretary's depart- ment. At present new Canadians and others have no process of jappeal from decisions of about 190 government commissions in the province, he said. | two men at the inquiry, and the 'other two lawyers were em- CORRECTION tas * Two Law yers ployed by them in various ca- pacities earlier. | The society announced Mon- Must Pay lday that all hres "had 'been |guilty of conduct unbecoming a Costs 'barrister and solicitor." Humph- rey was reprimanded "'and re- . uired to pay part of.the costs TORONTO (CP) -- The Law of the proceedings in the Society of Upper Canada has) mount of $1,500." Rose was re- reprimanded three lawyers for| uired to pay part of the costs their dealings with gamblers' + \roceedings to the amount of Joseph McDermott and Vincent $500. Gebirtig was reprimanded Feeley, and has required two of withut costs being assessed them to pay part of the cosis of ae ue the society's inquiry into their conduct. The lawyers, David Hump rey, Walton C. Rose and Sol) e Gebirtig, all of Toronto, figured SHARE LIFE prominently in the Ontario} The African nations, of, Bur- government's 1962 royal com-|yn@i and Rwanda share the mission inquiry into crime, injcame currency and a_ single which McDermott and Feeley] aystoms service. eously referred to the assess- n-; ment of costs as fines.) The Canadian Press erron-| | Bank Issues Stage Strong Comeback clines. TORONTO (CP) -- Chartered banks issues staged a drama- tic comeback om. the stock mar- ket Tuesday after weeks of de- Leaders were Royal and Tor- onto-Dominion, both up 1% to real rose 1% to 6214, Nova Sco- tia 14% to 68% and Imperial Bank of Commerce % to 61% after reaching 61. Golds were another feature, rising 1.25 on index at the close after being down .16 at noon. Dome and Giant Yellowknife both advanced 1% to 30 and 11% respectively and Holliger was ahead % to 295. Or the industrial board gener- ally, steels were stronger, Do- minion Foundries and Steel up 1% to 71% and Steel Company|cents to 78 cents. of Canada % to 23%. Pipelines} Oil generally were dull, ities easier. cents to a low of 36 cents. close at $9.95 among juniors. steam during t' were mixed and papers and wilt Base metals moved to higher ground with Hudson Bay min- ing up 1% to 65% and Falcon- bridge % to 645g among seniors. Lake Dufault added 20 cents to Speculative trading picked up afternoon, Northcal leading with a turn- over of 180,175 shares, ahead 13 000 Monday. LIVES BY COTTON Chad, a dity. The exchange Index rose .35 |to 132.64, industrials .33 to 141.47, Leland publishing tumbled 17\western oils .30 to 83.10; base metals .48 to 65.48 and golds 1.25 to a 1964 high of 136.07. Volume for the day was 3,174,- 000 shares compared with 2,786,- landlocked North African republic, has no rail- roads and few roads, with cot- ton as its main export commo- _ KILLS INSECTS LONDON (CP)--A paint that kills insects which land on it has been developed by a north- ern wallpaper and paint firm. The effect of the chemical in the paint lasts for several years. DEVELOP PASTUR? BROADVIEW, Sask, (CP) -- Two pastures comprising 45,000 acres are being developed in four Indian reserves in south- eastern Saskatchewan under the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act. Officials say they will pro- vide pasture for 5,000 animals. 73% and 62 respectively. Mont- Bios he # A Note Jo Remember! ie POEL TPMT Te eR The government, played no| Leo Troy (L -- Nipissing) part in the negotiations, hejasked that signs along the said. The fact the increase was|Champlain Trail, an_ historic granted after the Sept. 25 Pro-\ioute between Mattawa and| vinc:al election was not signifi- : Lee Georgian Bay, be erected in cant. MADE ACROSS CANADA both French and English since .The premier said the increase the area is visited by many was made across Canada. _| French-speaking tourists. The NDP charges were '"'a di-|) ------ --__-- rect accusation that this govern- ment is dishonest,' said Mr, INCOME TAX SERVICE | Robarts. Ti SHORT FORMS | "I don't know where these| contributions (to the party)) COMPLETED 3.00 come from, who they come} U.A.W.A. HALL Ansus-(;RAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ®@ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tiie-Linoleum professional Rug Cleaning SS A PNP Ne ETO RIN Er ere ET ca from, or what amounts, and I don't want to know." | Mr. Bryden's charges, con-| tained in a statement released) to the press before he read it, in the house, were that the in-| crease would bring the distillers| enough money to recoup in one/ year their contributions, which he estimated at $1,500,000 to) $2,000,000. | YOU GETA FS THE FOLLOWING RETAIL STORES IN DOWNTOWN SHAWA WILL OBSERVE THE UNDER LISTED STORE CLOSING HOURS MONDAY .............. OPEN TILL 6 P.M. TUESDAY .............. OPEN TILL 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY . .. OPEN TILL NOON THURSDAY .... OPEN TILL 6 P.M. FRIDAY ....... OPEN TILL 9 P.M. SATURDAY ...........; OPEM TALL 6 EM SSeS ceo ee nme IN ORDER TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION YOU EXPFCT... From our fully qualified and competent personnel, we have decided to maintain the above fisted. hours, Longer hours would mean periods where extra, unskilled help would of necessity be employed to ease the work load. Such action would curtail the type of satisfactory service we so diligent- ly strive to maintain for you, the customer. JEWELLERY STORES Bassett's (Oshawa) Ltd. Burn's Credit Jewellers Ltd. Horwich Credit Jewellers Ltd. Nash Jewellers Stephenson's Jewellers LADIES' WEAR STORES MEN'S WEAR STORES Al's Bi-Rite Stores Maurice Berg Men's Wear Black's Men's Wear Ltd. Cannings Ltd. Dunn's Men's & Boys' Wear - Downtown Store Jewell's Men's Wear Johnston's (Oshawa) Ltd. Kinloch's Ltd. People's Clothing Store Ltd John Preston's Sam Rotish Men's Wear Doug Wilson Men's Wear Berg's Ladies Wear e Black's Ladies Wear Ltd. Evelyn Shop Fox's Ladies Wear - Downtown Store Franklin's of Oshawa Jayne-Modde Dresses Millinery World Morrison's Fur Co. Nesbitt's Ladies Wear Sabat's Dry Goods Sally Shops Ltd. Scott Hats Ward's Dry Goods SHOES & LEATHER GOODS @ Burns Co. Ltd. ® Dancey's Ltd. ®@ Davidson Shoe Store (Oshawa) Ltd. Model Shoe Store Saywell's Leather Goods Call for Brading-the quality Ale that's strong on flavour