Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Mar 1964, p. 9

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ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I have slaved over this letter for: three hours, 'trying to find words to convey the idea so that it will be printable, Please for the sake of ALL young and innocent people try to get the message , |across, somehow. The letter in your column which triggered mine was from a young girl whose fiance broke Husband's 'Best Pal' Wrecks Family Life riage and children as a' cover-- it provides them with a cloak of respectability. : What are the danger signals? How can a girl tell? Theré is ia 100 per cent foolproof. way ito tell. But a girl should be |wary of a fiance who night after night would prefer a gleesome threesome to a coosome two- some, She should also wary tioned the party. We are begin- ning to wonder tf we only imagined they had a good time. COLORADO READER MALES BARE CARES jf GUELPH, Ont. (CP)--Thirty| males competed in the fourth annual take-baking contest held Dear Reader: It is not essen-|@t Macdonald Institute, The tial to phone or write to. the hostess followying a party, but men, veterinary and gricul- turl students, supplied their it is indeed a hallmark of good|°W" ingredients and borrowed manners, Don't be. too hard on the lazy or socially imperfect. The test of a party is not how many people wrote or called to say 'thank you," but how. they respended when they were there, Dear Ann Landers: There is trouble in our family. Mom took a 10-day vacation with 'wo married women who work in the same office with her. (Their husbands could not get away.) Dad wanted to go but mom the institute's kitchen and equipment. Some spent as Jong! as four hours concocting their! culinary treats. | MAKE UP THIRD j | About 320 of every 1,000 stu-) |dents who receive engineering | ped in the Soviet Union are! BOYS' LAMINATED SPRING ~ + | WINDBREAKERS :. oe said he would be out of place | d their engagement because hbis\¢ q fiance wo insists on several) with three women. | Colours and. Style t lease an "best pal" kept filling him full/nichts out with "the boys'--or) Now dad wants to go on al : ic aaah' tase teh ; three of BOYS SIZES A106. oye, aaa @ of lies about her. The girl fi-|«the boy," ishi i ri nally told her fiance to choose) pei Landers: We moved sonic hay Biting os to g0 PLAID JACKETS RUNG CANE 05 ass Vesa eek Canes Us vib o beac aS 8 BOYS' SUEDINE JACKETS SIZE 24.10 Sos eh ee eae hese ] , |between his "best pal" and her.| says "Nothing do- SHOP KRESGE'S FOR EARLY SPRING VALUES jinto a large new home several/along, He The chose the pal. You replied) onths ago and were able tojing." Mom is making a fuss; For the best in quality and savings see our complete assortments. (and correctly) "Consider your-|antertain 40 friends at a sit-|it's a mess, What should bé self lucky. You nest this guy'down supper New Year's Eve, done?--TROUBLED SON ow t prane. Dee AER We went to considerable ex-| Dear Son: Your mom owes, vee pena ; pense and invested a great deal your dad one fyishing trip. They How I wish "my niece _ of time and energy in the party|should have .an- agreement, written to you BEFORE s e| plans, After the last guest had/however, that from now on all married a man who also had a left my husband and I agreed'vacations are taken together. * "byest pal." Two children andiine party was a huge success. : - jthree years later my niece's\we felt sure everyone had a jhusband left her, heartsick and)» ongorful time. ANTICIPATION pecsigyre hes nor id igen | Of the 20 couples, only one ,,|woman, but for a "best pal."| .ated to say "thank you." Two Eastwood avenue, and their! How could this girl have! wrote nets have seen almost grandparents' are Mr,» and |avyoided the tragedy. What are|all the others at one time or Mrs, Edward Beavis and Mrs. |the danger signals? And please|another since New Year's and Russell Sandercock, all of |explain to me why a homo-not-even one person has men- Oshawa. sexual would WANT to get --Ireland Studio married?--SANTA FE sis MAPLE GLEANERS enn tae ain Dear Santa Fe: Your | question first: Some homosex-|] 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA RECEIVES GRANT woman scientist to receive alyals marry because they x) VANC CP) -- Prof, basic research grant from the/yearn to be normal and they Free Pick-Up and Delivery Pokeate nr og ' ) =e see U.S. Alfred Sloan Foundation, |m istekanly believe mar- "Your Family's Friend : e Froese, university che will do research on atomic|riage will "straighten them | PHONE 725-0643 mathematician, is the first!structure theory at Harvard. 'out'; (2) they embrace mar-/ Monks' Bread- Now Available In Canada! BIRTHDAY John Jeffrey (Jeff) is four years old today. Helping him celebrate at a small party, is his little sister Lori Ann, two and one half years of aze. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. John Sandercock, How's the Time to Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED ) 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PRESIDENT'S SPECIALS! LOBLAWS PRODUCE IS SPARKLING FRESH! NEW BRUNSWICK'S FINEST POTATO! CAN. No. 1 GRADE! RUSSET BURBANK! POTATOES saunc.. : 39 PREMIUM QUALITY! INDIAN RIVER! RUBY RED! _. LARGE SIZE CALIFORNIA! No. 1 GRADE! : BARLINKA VARIETY! LUSCIOUS NEW CROP! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE 39 p + Bl APPLE PIE ...... 3: 4% EXTRA 10-Ib, BAG STAMPS I) EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS fal aU EXTRA STAMPS [alk LARGE SIZE ALL PRICES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVE MAR, 11, 12, 13, 14 One 6.3 fl. on, Ort, HAND LOTION NOXZEMA One 12-08. Phy. 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