wna Tscsdez, Ms: i Ttaeeee 4 Sent 15 ist ta. [HS Cou; venn 27--Keai Estate For Scie tae 1984 Htiman. Both ins affer 6 B.M.15.m, lante: ie tile bath sce Ce plorier, . Caremnle town water, heavy wiring, attached ge 19% BODE, six evlinder plit Levels From $13,950 $920 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage - Carries $79. Monthly 3 ond 4 bedroom homes. Vanity Bathroom, Built-in Oven and Range. Storms and Screens. Shown bk_appointment H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER Ajax 942-3310 Whitby 668-8751 L. S. SNELGROVE cA TA REALTORS 43 Park Rd. S. 723-9810 725-8761 TAUNTON RD. EAST 5 room, 3 bedroom bungalow just a few years old, city . conveniences, fully modern, large lot with garage, com- mercial "location open most any kind of business, full price $10,500, with terms. 4 BEDROOM HOME About 15 years old brick 'and stone home for the grow- ing family, clean end mo- dern, excellent north location, well landscaped and hedged lot with double garage, ask- ing $3,000. down, one. mon- thly payment on bolance. SIMCOE ST. NORTH 6 Rooms, 1% storey home in good location, clean ond mo- dern, hot water heating, alu- minum storms ond screens, built in garage, only $10,- 500. full price with terms. CENTRAL BUNGALOW Newly reconditioned, very clean 3 bedroom home, lorge kitchen ond living oom, © forced oir oil furnace, laun- dry tubs, aluminum storms médefn bed-sitting room for oné or two and two-piece washroom. Gentlemen, vanity cabinet with sink, hot and cold waler In room. Refrigerator. Finished recreation room, nicely decorated and very Two. minufés to Oshawa Shopping Centre. clean, $13,500 Full price. SINGLE dom for gentleman, abstainer. Central. soon 38 ak Sires Older two storey brick house, duplexed, Separate entrances. Hot water heating. On. quiet street with trees, $14,500 with terms. Three bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage. L-shaped living room, very convenient kitchen, finished rec room, built-in bar. Oil heating, flagstone patio, nicely landscaped, BOWMAN and GIBSON 145 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-5823 SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 wrecking. 'six cylinder, stan-| Wentworth East, 725-118). new white: 'OSHAWA Auto Parts and Wreckers: Telephone | i7s Nelson Streets want' cars' for ii ton oe 725-2162 or 723-4248. | $ ALL CASH $ >" For clean cars er trucks we °\ one oe. Liens paid». NICOLS MOTORS LTD, ° 146 BROCK ST. eer Ks Across from ao Whitby" 6683331 T45 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used to " Talk eiCosh™ engin "Ted® = gentle Kind erect ROOM and man. pakien." Apply oi East. DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR» 333 King St. West 723-4391 -- 723-1168 FURNISHZD: room with two beds for two gentiemen or brothers to share, cen- tral, $7 weekly each. Telephone 728-6697. pe ccilgy le near south | Motors, lady, dy. Parking avail vik 30. weekly. Telephone 723-4525. LARGE front bedroom, suit two gentle men willing to share, single beds. Park- ing space. Apply 574 Crerar Avenue. 723-7136. NICELY FURNISHED bedroom for lady or gentleman, in private home, Immedi- ate possession. 728-0852. ONE Ee FURNISHED |i light ght housekeeping room, suitable oné person, very central. Apply 163 Simcoe Street South, near Celina Street. FURNISHED room, in private home. . Suit gentleman. Apply 313 Arthur = Street. 728-2249. gorage ' "Golfview Heights' on servic SiR ed lot, ready for spring occu- pancy. Save $500 under the Winter Works Program by calling Doug. Gower. FOUR BEDROOMS Two storey home with car- port ovérlooking the City of Oshawa, two washrooms, built in stove and oven, ser- viced lot, exhaust fon and mony other extras. Hurry on this one by calling Glen Mac- Kinnon. SEVEN ACRES Located within City Limits on King Street East along with a large home, vendor askng $28,000. For more detoils phone $1,000 DOWN 3 bedroom brick bungalow with finished Rec. room. Home is 5 years old, nicely decorated ond landscaped. Must be seen to be appre- ciated. ANNAPOLIS AVE. Neot 2 bedroom bungalow, desirable location, very suit- oble for older couple. Rea- sonable price. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL $6,500.00 for 2 bedroom bungolow on nice lot, lo- coted in excellent area, close to schools and shopping. RESIDENTIAL 4 yeor old, 3 bedraom brick bungolow. Oil heoted,. alu- minum storms ond screens, Divided basement. Quiet lo. cation, John Howson 4-d00r window fon, Rea- FURNISHED single room near ar south General Motors for lady. agile B per able. $10 weekly. Telephone 7 723-452 LARGE "front bedroom suit two iis men willing to share single beds. Park- ing space, Apply 574 Crerar Avenué. 723-7136. ATTRACTIVELY _ FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 27--Real Estate for Sale SIX PLEX apartment, Montrave Avenue, 5. two-bedroom, one-bedroom suites, equipped with electric stoves and retrie erators;. automatic washer and dryer, Macadamed yard, television tower. Ask Ing $55,000. Investigate this income pro- CRACKLING LOGS kery, Reak ru hie reat West phone Youasr. In the cosy wood-burning wo| fireplace. This fine 6 room racnh bungalow in the North West section has the Hearth and that's only the beginning of its charm. It also has one ~4-Bedroom Bungalow | of the finest locations -- i hondy to everything. If Recreation Room y verything. If you wont to oo to public seporate or High school. Call $2,000 Down Basement of this bungalow us now on this one. is in order enough to live in, NEW HOME Spotless home with walk-in A desirable home in o fast closets in all four bedrooms, ing residential orea in oposite Doctor Cannon ost end. Lorge 5 room School. Phone Bill Miller : TNCOME home, 12. room semi-detached, SPECIAL bachelor apartment," in rari |Peguires some some work. Live in ond, rentltrial land on Stevenson's Reed. least end of eity and built by with private drive, close to ment. Three bedroom , decorat- eal val 5 and Small creek on property. Call Les Hell your : Al 26--Rooms For Rent brick and stucco, six rooms and, 92996, |47a DOWN, lovely six-year-old, Gait etaph Bosco, eater. 78 7377 galow, near shopping and|Oshawa. Three apartments)! ee In FORTIAG cmv, "0m Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. oe, be excel IdINgS.'1943 PONTIAC station ARTHUR STREET, 292 -- Furnished | BUILT BY OWNER 3 Bedroom brick bungalow--- Ruddy 8 ie buildh ccepal ald ls tht iad son? $11,000. full prices six-room living 956 DODGE Vi asphalt drive. $7300, low "down ptyment.ltires snd battery, in goed eondifion, weey REAL ESTATE: LIMITED TELEPHONE 725-2( 2064 peggy pyre gee Rage 4 1999 CHEVROLET oe a Air ee 323 King Street West CARL OLSEN cory ne Tow. So 0 oe any extras. Apply 1430 Colmar A\ at corner Corter Avenue, Bay Ridges,| 1" 900d condition, $125. Dial 728-6590. family home -- containing --|ment. Just west of the Shopping Centre,|1961 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, black, cus- large kitchen, dihing room |s79 monthly including faxes. Full Price] tom radio, new whitewall tires. By J hondy to down- |Thése, lols are treed at tne front, lustligsg OLDSMOBILE, fully automatic, ugg x. $11,500, niet enovgh fo make a perfect setting forlsover brakes, power steering, radio, Cor Dealer and aver x 725-4285. 1961 PONTIAC, automatic V-4, THREE-FAMILY home near hardtop, power steering, radio, WEST END -- Spacious six toom brick bungolow with . down, Rents wililcar, excellent motor. Best offer. 1084|BUY and sell, good used turn carry. Write Box 630, Oshawa Times. |Simcoe North, 728-6504. appliances. One location aa Close to the Shopping Céntre A lovely bunaglow priced at 25--Apartments 27---Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale. |27----Real Estate for Sale {27-----Real Estate For Sgle sik ACRES " boguitusy located indus-|NEW, only two left, nearing completion, SOUTHMEAD -- 5-room mics Bi god PRIVATE sale. reasonable down pay- rene Dowel seine oly $7900. pig : te Hogenboorn » shep- bungalow, room ja in north peng cin, Ast yaa deige Bgl ue "at" $10,500 "with '81/800|s7m" yon frontage. For, Information call Sixcroom| lng and schools, 'Modern: kitchen, 'Medled througheut, broadloom, many extras. & fey ses sar For Sale |29---Automobiles' For Sele paren Call 728-9672. . down. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. like Perry 725-0303, Joseph Bosco, Real- ed Pi age sae Bethrocn. Full price $12,300. Tele-|Close to schools. 723-2109. __Jat S. D, Hyman Real Estate Lid. 88, fully avto-|1960 PONTIAC Sfrate Chief, two-door exe. $10,800 full price, one and one-half storey|tor 728-7377. ree: nite. see ipnene 436. $8,500 full 'uaa price for fiveroom bun- TRIPLEX -- solid brick, west central] mat See aticelient condifion. Call Whitby 668-8756, ; taxes $178 and terms fo brick hi full price only an eel i a ncheole' and: bus. 14 Uh NEW HOMES WILL BUILD! denoole $000 down, tenes "only $17.|in excelent condition, rice $2190, downliyga CHEVROLET, : org vi in, a } Hemen, single 'beds, lunches packed, ane at 72-6297, Joseph Bosco, ReAl-| spect, cail Doug Skinner, 728-4900. Joseph ' s¢¢ cai Nell Comet 725-1015, jen , tr F H tel y tor 728-7377. $869 -- DOWN: ; i H 200-ACRE farm, 'suitable for beet cattle, NO". Telephone 723-2484. deta ttkors plant. 7259000,\ "0° gS HARMONY ESTATE Switzer Drive (south side) |Bosco,. Reaitor 728- grounds, Vi, radio, elephone ™ eee tor. pentioenes Goud: wcatien, THO . Ajax - Whitby - Pickering i A Lots'60' or more x 200' Meet tid Adina iow mileage. 72751 or 168 FarewollliNS CHEVROLET r Bel Air sedan, oho. ee ere ST aetna I Boor yp k 101 New N.H.A. Dies ts bl ence Attractive 5 room bungalow |mom area 'gewn, Io sereorebne ber eee "a vs Kine ING STREET WEST, 460 rg¢} bungalow. Large living B d oo with large L-shaped living ra alows an A and dining room, divided by |qu2rters. Bowmanville 623-5427. Myer room. Four - piece bath ' pers AT 728-8882 ed 4 PRINCE ALBERT--7-room frame cot fetal ed builder Michael ZYGOCKI WILSON RD. NORTH ee ae ery 3008 conden, A Neor King Street 22 ACRES on Highway No, 2, near Cour-| 1986 ie armacay, HYMAN 1 TERMS [frame nouse, '1h000,- terms. W.rank,|wall fires, "no roel. 598 5. D. $11,900 Reel Estate, Lic Bowmrarvilies "623906. | 90-057. ieee Ss asenenees landscape le hen io4.shhs plete with bullt-n stove, rafrigerater, 6, 1 MONARCH sharia rd Wrananvieslen.| ATTACHED GARAGE. REALTOR -- 723-1133 [ontario 1957 CHEVROLET, V4 eotch, stendera T ; a new motor fires, CENTRAL -- Two lasiow, ith Swe Poors finished In. Goss: After 2 p.m., dial 70-009, ond living room on mein |$11,700. 723-4312, ceptional condition. Dial Whitby floor, three bedrooms ond |$1000. DOWN, 10-acre fots. Choice, level|1961 FORD Falcon, automatic, one own- both up, hot cir oil heating, |98rden soll with everfiowing stream. jer, excellent condition. Telephone 728-7826. home. Located only 10 mil $1,500 down. Phone Henry Trorh/Oshaws. on 4 Good new rod. "rull ee Mt ey, See eee, Stinson ot 723-1133, even- price $3700. McGill Real Estate Broker, ma TED CA MPIN MOT! RS ene ings 725-0243. 0 lace ty ROG, ane schools, | washers, white walls, At condit! 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 nie auariers "also. one aoarteect 3 og: |e Ali 7, Tore 32--Articles tor Sale te ae 4 ' gered, living Or Se apartment with 1984 CADILLAC, sélling parts or whole peut 'ache ' room two rooms. ,: with notural fireplace, nice " kitchen and dining room. $14,199 -- Six-room clay brick "bungalows| 1963 RAMBLER, 2-door sedan, finished In) Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. with garages, In. Whitby, fully decorated |gleaming white, new car condition, S¢a-|REPRIGERATOR, rangette, gv od and landscaped, colored fixtures, twin way Mofors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whit- Heri ed dressers, china cabinet, $17,500. with terms. rH 3. Newt, Hodgson at 723-11 evenings 728-6408. sinks, clock, separate dining rooms, Holly- iby: 668°: kitchen cabinet, sewing machine, hea wood kitchens ete. only three available) gg CHEVROLET Bel Alt, 240° aulo- rop-7409, beds, cedar chest, friorigage, Save $500 on the winter works lg ates Bag fs Jone | PIANO, "upright, good mechani bai Real Estate Le puatetAUmemianelt A Wilson Rosa' South, nice finish. Apply 246) 1957 CHEVROLET, two na r-d60r, Bungalow with Garage ;# six: finger sana ranean, $695.|FENDER | Bassman Ma a Tie 5 |i986 CHEVROLET conch, just 6 p.m. | Perfect cond a After 6 p.m, Selling For sharp $595. after 5 p.m. Telephone 723.|0 ORESSES and oat, Apply 523 King $7000 $7900 (Se excellent conaiTOR..' FINAL eae: Clearance ONLY 12 Lower Priced Cars Sorry, since we 'only had 12 cars left at such low, low Prices on the Big Lot, we could not wait to of- fer youd... 20 ACRES -- Thickson Rd. N. forge frontage on High- woy, will sell 10 ocres if required, 5 minutes -- from wo, Asking $22,000. down payment $4,000. To sée coll Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, evenings 725- 0243. 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 Howard McCabe. SAVE $500 We have several new homes being constructed under the Winter Works Program, phone today for. more infor- mation while they are. still available, ask for Bill Swar- brick. POWER hack saw, 4 HP, bench compressor, torch and gauge, sander and vibrator, "new. 1951 Chevrolet, | 728-2525 anytime. |RED frieze bed chesterfield, 36" wider be i ol B ad bicycle; td 7 \Cotberne 'street East. is BOOKS for readers, bought and sold. Nationa) |Magazines, maps, prints. ae Trawairan jard, i electric addi machine, register. Price very ng, mach 793-4434," WantKinio the following: 1949 te ua, 'ord, rolet, Fentiee. All: parts tom" sonable. Call 728-1322, KENMORE vacuum, like new, $20; alum inum hothiestine, $7; Junior beds $7) V@* Buick motor, $20; 1949 Mercury Pick-vpy* $75 or best otter: Catt 725-9946. TV TOWERS special, @ ff. tower : ture with all chafing! antenne, Installed > $50. Oshawa TV Supply, Ltd., 361 ¢ Street, 728-8180. 0 Loge lL "extension $35. If you like: country living this will suit fine, forced air oil heating, god size lot, low toxes, Hurry before it's 'sold, Call Bill Millar - 725-1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Limited detoctied garage in excellent |28--Real Estate Wanted condition, Burton Rd. Hord- |oipER TYPE three or four-bedroom wood floors, modern kitchen [nome. Have cash buyer. Call Bill John oil heating, low taxes. Eco- | ston, Bolahood Brothers Ltd, 726-1066, nomical, cosy, comfortoble |WANTED -- Private three-bedroom brick living for small fomily or |bungalow, close to public and high schools tetired couple. Asking $8,- 15 fo 10 years old. Box 514 Oshawa Times. 500 open to offer, less for cash, $10,500 Five room frame house with gorage in basement located just outside. of city limits on 3 hoo. size lot. Asking only $15 00 down with one mort- goge. Call Les. Holl, COUNTRY LIVING This five room brick bunga- low available for the first time, located on Seneco Street in North Oshawa, ex- ceptionally large kitchen is but one of the mony feo- FIVE-ROOM bungalow, living, dining, two bedrooms, garage, very neat. Full price $9,900. Down payment, $3,000. Taxes only $157. Call to inspect Arthur Weinberger 723-7244. Joseph Bosco, Realtor 728-7 7377. $1500 DOWN, four room in- tul brick with rear porch, Bill Smit APARTMENT | 'building wanted. Oshawa or Whitby. Up to 60 suites. Modern. Mc- | Gill Real Estate Broker, Box 220. 728- | CASH for duplex or income property, area east of Simcoe, north of Bloor rect! Give full detalls. Write Box 627, j awa Times. JOHN F. DeWITH. REALTOR Bowmonville, 14 Frank St. Phone 623-3950 $2000. DOWN four bedroom 1% story brick with double brick ranch bungalow with 725-1186. W. T. Lamson attached garage. Locoted on Real Estate. a Ravine lot 50 x 160'. Fea- KEITH PETERS Realtor -- 728-7328 103 King Street East QUIET ELEGANCE Imagine yourself in this pic- ture, btight sunshine, white birch setting overfooking open green beyond ovine treed lot, ge fow ranch bungolow with 3 lerge bed- tures include storm windows throughout - completely de- corated - balcony off master bedroom and walk out base- ment, Immediate possession. LISTINGS SOLD OUT -- AGAIN We have. buyers waiting for homes with 2 or 3 or 4 bedrooms . . . for places with @créege . , . for duplex and triplex properties, ete. Whot have you f6 sell? Call today -- we'll stort work on it at and screens, reasonable tax- es, $9,500. full price, easy terms. $500 DOWN 5 Rooms, winterized cottage in Bowmanville, clean con- dition, modern kitchen, good size rooms, smoll workshop, full price $4,500, easy poy- ments on one opén mort- gage. $1,000 DOWN Small home, low taxes, easy to héat, oil furnace, cén- tral location on Gibb St, asking $7,500. FARMS HAMPTON, 10 Roomed home, with 2 bathrooms, oil furnace, barn on Main street. Orly $3,000 down. BLACKSTOCK, 6 _Roomed home in village. Asking $5,- 900 with only $1,000 down. BETHANY, 6 Roomed home, new oil furnace. Asking $4,- 500 with $1,000 down. BLACKSTOCK, 5 Roomed bungolow with double gor- ege, barn, on 4 acres. Price $10, 500. Terms. tures. Coll Jock Sheriff, GUIDE REALTY © 723-1121 NORTH WEST AREA -- 5 room brick bungalow close to playground area ond schools. Aluminum storms and screens and storm doors. Lot hedged with patio. 18 ft. living room with attractive stone planter, With substantial down poy- ment carries for $90 per month including taxes on one 6% N.H.A, mortgage. ottached gorage, Phillip Mur- roy Ave. four piece ond three piece baths recreation toom, potio, storms, screens, forced gos hegting. Your fomily will enjoy a lifetime of comfort, convenience and happy living in this attrac- tive sturdily built home, Ask- ing $14,500. WE HAVE HOUSES TO SUIT EVERY FAMILY -- CALL RALPH VICKERY, REALTOR 46 KING W. 728-9571 ~ Cash for Duplex Residence. In North Osh- Or Income area East of Simcoe, of Bloor Street . East. owa. Give full details: WRITE BOX 729 OSHAWA TIMES WANTED Gobd 1Y% or 2 storey homes, central location for good cash buyer. Call Henry Sine son at 723-1133, evenings 725-0243, CARL OLSEN, Realtor Friday 13th Sale No Need to Wait -- Better Hurry Now, Pick Your Lucky Buy! 1959 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN License B93764 . 695. 1955. PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Licence 691718 Pre-Spring Priced ot GUN WANTED -- Old antique. Tele phone Oshawa 725-6183 4 BEAUTY salon équipmnent for sale. ws Pekin er barium te manta nings NEW boat trailer, 14', & costs 24" saw, 1.8 KVA Kohler generating unit volts 60 cy. 4 cylinder. 74 Barrie A 1¥e" DOOR self storm, compléte tion $50, plus $25 Utd absolutely One per customer. eo up cert on storm windows, aluminum and awnings. 728-5253. UNIFORMS for the lady in est styles, for nurses, résses. Delivery service or or tre coh without ébligation. Nesbitt's Wear, 33 King Street ed fase |peintments after 6 p.tn. ry gh jew s' $198 ly at Cal's Appliances, 424 King Wést, WE buy, sell and exchange used ture or anything gD eg The Trading Post Tasedeian dae Simcoe | South, 723-1671 ide A ge " mon Original ele $199.50. Sale price aia. After 6 p.m. only 728-0208. i» FURNACE, boiler, ashore sien, re sets, sinks, cabinets, pressure trance. "Pantlae sf, sete i a Chinn, Hillside, Park Tom. we VACUUM leaner, Eureka with Vitra. Beat and attachments, Euréke . brush polisher, A-) condition, pricéd for quick sale, 669 § A REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, size, in good condifidn, $50. SAVE up to 50 cent on néw, fied and used fires at General Tint Ritsén Road South, Oshewa. 29--Automobiles For Sale _ $ 5 1958 EDSEL SEDAN 1959 RENAULT Dauphine, radio, good Licence B85994 condition, no rust spots,$500. Apply 97 Fully power equi. A * $445. Hurley Road, Ajax, after 6 p.m. 1957 OLDSMOBILE 1963 CHEVROLET Biscayne, saddie tan Fully Prod e720 once! VERY WELL--GROUNDED) Perhaps you'd like a home with spacious grounds - BOWMANVILLE, north, 6 Roomed bungalow, modern conveniences. Asking $8,500. BOWMANVILLE, 7 Roomed comfortable home with 6 ex- tro lots. Very anxious to sell. BOWMANVILLE, 7 Roomed brick home, modern conveni- énces. Only $1500 down. BOWMANVILLE, West, 8 Roomed brick home, all mod- @rn conveniences on 10 acres. OSHAWA, Highland Ave., 5 roomed: well kept bungalow. All modern conveniences. Asking $2500 down. SHARBOT STREET, 514 Rooméed bungolow, birck,. al- most new. Asking $12,500. rooms, lovely bright kitchen with open fire ploce, walkout basement. with lerge windows leading onto finished patio. Lot size 86 x 255' close to 100 Acres, clay loom tiled drained, about 80 acrés workable, good creek and spring, 40 x 60 ft, bern Blenty of play-spacious for with hydro and water, clean youngsters . . ideal - for a 7 room home, oil - furnace, lovely garden . . . ample hot and cold water on tap, erea for a pool. We got what large garage, asking $16,000 oe or for. Location with $5,000. down. 'ost quiet street, clo: i to schools, 6 room rch Beis % Seighi id peli bungalow with ottached gor. ee eae ee ge. Call today. land and barns, good 8 room - home with conveniences, ex- cellent location with future ii gptcgy ig A possibilities, asking $39,000. 2 storey home now under with terms. construction in North End. 401 Highway, 60 = acrés, Prices on new homes will be large brick home, hot water up this spring. Buy now and heating, 3 piece bath, open save an additional $500.00 to offer with terms, fe WINTER WORKS BON- | Bloor St. £. and Grondview GROCERY STORE with living quarters. Hot water oil heat- ing. Located in a good area With good potential. All equip- ment included in the price of $12,900. Vendor will consider © trade on a DESIRABLE LOCATION--In Whitby just a couple of blocks from Henry St. High School. 3 bedrooms split level brick with extra large kitchen and 4 pc. tiled bathroom. Divid- anor Full price $12,- WHITMAN CRESCENT -- 7 year old split level with large living room feéoturing fire- place, separate dining room and large modern kitchen. 3 For service thot satisfies evenings phone Jerry Borrow ... 728-3852 Steve Lehon .... 728-9326 |with white top, avtométic, radio, réar |seat spegker, wheel discs, whitewalls, R. Vickery .i.2. 725-6342 | back-up eh, windshield washers, four- |teen thousand miles. After 5.30 telephone 728-4373. 1959 RENAULT, seat belts, low mileage, good mechanical condition. After. § p.m Call 728-4944. 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, syne, four-door, Standard transmission, six eylinder, cus- tom radio, good condition, $695. Call after) 4 p.m., 723-9096. |1962 CHEVROLET ~Tmpala, sedan, V-8 engine, automatic transmis- |sion, power stéering, radio, positraction,| back-up lamps, windshield washers, seat' |belts. Affer 6 call 723-2466. { 1956 OLDSMOBILE Holliday, 4-door hard- top, automatic, radio, blemish free, 2-tone finished with matefiing red and blatk In-; gon 728-2548, SUBDIVIDER OR BUILDER About four acres between Somerville ond Mohawk thet ¢on be subdivided making excellent. building lots with 60' frontages. There will be @ definite shortage of lots for building this yeor so make sure you are not caught short. Coll Earle Allen at 725-7782. Oshawa's Largest Firm BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- REAL ESTATE -- -- INSURANCE -- 1959 NASH RAMBLER AMERICAN Two door model B92616 $285. 1956 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR four-door 8. F. es = teriés, WHITBY $11,900.00 $1500.00 DOWN carries for $88.00 P.1.T. 5¥2 rooms brick bun- gatow, lovely lot, privote drive, éluminum storms, screens, A- | condition throughout, recreation room 12' x 24', T.V. antenna; neor school, bus. Call Bill Irvine 728-2868. SUBURBAN Rench brick burigatow with garoge, notural stone fire- place, stove and fridge, also living room drapes and T.V, tower with rotor. Must be seen. Phone Bill Rotcliffé 655-3917, FAIRLAWN ST. Good brick bungalow in éx- ceptional condition, 3 bed- rooms and finished family room on good let, if you have down payment see ~ a good this by calling Ron Hether- ington 623-3637, . 4 BEDROOMS BRICK AND STONE CON. STRUCTION, spacious rooms thréughdéut, Norden cupboards in thé kitehen, mahogany frim tiled Béth with vonity, attach- @d goaroge. $2500 DOWN. Make on offer ond coll Ro- tonde Tierney 725-5207. US. Price includes 2 baths, Gttachéd garage, double win- dows throughout, Don't wait, Call to-day. For full warticulors call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 725-3867 725-0239 723-1358 728-2870 723-2894 728-2233 728-5868 725-0201 725-1726 723-2266 Irene Brown . Pouline Beal ... Marg. Hall . Allen Thompson Margaret Lee Maible Boudreau Steve Macko ... Reg. Aker .. Bill McFeeters . . Charlie Choytor . 360 King St. West. Free Parking St. S. 41 acrés, great future possibilities, creek, open to offer. COTTAGES Caesarea, 6 rooms, just @ few yeors old, furnished, 27 Ft. Well, 100 x 200 ft. lot, asking $5,900. with $800. down, Caesarea, 6 rooms and gar- oge, fully furnished, well, ie 500. full price with $1,000 down. Scugog Island, two to choose from, water front fofs, fur- nished, asking $4,975, and $6,900, with terms. Call L. S. Snelgrove Co, Ltd. 723-9810 ot 725-8761. BUILDING LOTS TOWN AND COUNTRY Still a few lots left in Westdale Estates -- 90 ft. troniage. Close to all schools -- just off Garrard Road, More lots now available in Hillsdale Terrace -- excellent building sites in the select North section. WILSON REALTOR 26% KING STREET EAST 725-6588 Or call your own Realtor WHITBY CLASSIFIED SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, prompt sérvice on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soil- citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds available, 36 King Street East, 723-1107. DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, ¢ dresses,| siterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting! specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. FOR RENT: One and twobedroom | apart- ments. in Whitby. Avaliable now. Aduits only, Telephone 668-8785. THREE-BEDROOM house, residential section, Private sale, substantial down payment. Apply 408 Cochrane Street. Telephone 648-4303. Do you need Gravel. or Stone tor Driveway, Sond for your Patio, Concrete Mulch? KOWAL REAL ESTATE 52 KING STREET 623-2453 BOWMANVILLE $1000 down will give you the key to this 2 bédréém bungalow on Taunton Rood West. Oi/ furnace, garage, Ya acre lot, low taxes. All this for only $8500. Call now! 7 room 1% storey home.on large lot near Hampton on poved road. In top condition. Low taxes. V.L.A, Totel price $13,500. $1500 down for 2 bedroom bungalow on Church $., Bowman- ville. Garage. Nice lot. Clear as 4 pin. Rancher 'ot Courtice! Absolutely immaculate 6 room ranch bun- golow on large lot. Attoched goroge. Enclosed patio. Heated breezeway. Moderate price and terms. Call now. Vocent land near Courtice: rod road frontage. $20,000. 60 acres choice, fértile soil, 120 Terns. WHITBY, 5 Roomed, nice oleon, 3 bedroom bungalow in excetlent conrdition. Open for offer. Donald Mountjoy, Guy LeBlane ldso Wiersma John M. Sandy METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED AO King Street East Dial 728-4678 LAST CHANCE WINTER BONUS Just one left--Asking $17,- 900 less $500 bonus of coutse--Beoutiful new ranch ee with attached gar- in new and very smart jocetion. Call right now! BUILDING LOTS Full price only $3,600--14 serviced ravine lots in Downs- view Park--Special terms to builders. Call now for full porticulors, ALSO IN DOWNSVIEW PARK First stage completed and sold OurSecénd aréa now open ond réady to sell with com- plete services including paved rads and underground hydro. Builders enquiries invited now! Call tedey for full par- ticulors. TRI-PLEX Modern 3 suite aportment-- 3. stoves, "3 fridges--two 2- bedroom suites and a | beéd- room suite, lot fully landscap- ed, building in excellent shape poved drive, good income. Asking $25,000 with réason- able down payment DUNKIRK AVE. Just Look! A quiet street close to schools ond shopping --a real family home with 3 bedrooms, Tiled both with vanity, extra large living room and kitchen plus attached Qoroge ond lots of extras. Of course, its brick and lovely handscaped too --~ Priced at $14,900 with a reasonable down payment. Call us to- fight to inspect this qudlity home. bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Lorge picture window in re- creation room, Walkout base- ment. Full price $18,500. FICE'S RD.--1 acre lot with view overlooking Lake On- torio. Priced right ot $1,800. JUST WEST OF WHITBY in a well developed subdivision --3 bedroom brick and stucco bungalow with breezewoy ond attached garage. Lot 78 x: 200 ft. Living room has fires place and dining orea. Pric- ed ot $11,400. COUNTRY LIVING -- Just outside the city, a beautiful 6 room brick bungolaw with attached garage. 4 pc. tiled bath with vanity. Recreation room partially finished. $2,- 500 down payment and the batonce on one open mort- gage. BOWMANVILLE--3 bedroom winterized home at East Beach. Large living room with fireplace, kitchen has built in cupboards and héavy duty wiring for dryer and stove. Sunroom across entire front. Priced at $5,200: NASSAU. STREET--Close to King St. West--older home just the ploce for the larger family, 3 large bedrooms and 4 pc. beth upstoirs. Down- stdirs has large living room, ktehen. Home has beén com- pletely remodelled inside in- cluding new plester and floors, Double gorage and large lot. Early possession. Full price $13,200. DR. PHILLIPS SCHOOL AREA --6 room brick family home with paved drive and garage. Large kitchen, separate din- ing room and 3 bedrooms up- stairs. Located on a quiet street ond ideal for the family » with smoll children. Full price $13,500 with. $4,000 down poyment. For full 'particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Jean Peacock Lucas Peacock Leon Manitius Lloyd Corson Dick Young Steve Zurba -- MORTGAGES -- DO AS' OTHERS CALL THE CHECKERBOARD BROTHERS RANCHER $16,500 FULL! PRICE This home is better thoh new. Completely decorated outside and in. Lovely fireplace, din- ing. area, éxtra large bed- rooms, dttachéd garage, com- pletely londscoped. Call Mr. Bill Johnston ot 728-1066 or 728-5123. 15 PLEX Almost néw, well tenanted, terrific returns. $25,000 will handle. Call Mr. Ronkine at 728-5123. $12,100 FULL PRICE 2 bedroom bungalow in spot- less condition. Large rooms all attractively décorated. Asking $2,000 down with low month- ly poyments. Inspect now, Its a pléasure to show this well kept home. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 or 725- a2zl7. BEAUPRE AVENUE $12,200 Three bedroom ranch bunge- low with family size kitchen ond large living room situated 6n nicely landscaped lot. Complete with storms, screens, and oil heating. Monthly pay- ments $95.00 including tax- és. One 6% mortgage. To in- spect call Mr. Irwin Cruik- thonks 6t 728-5123. 12 ROOM DUPLEX $14,500 7 rooms with 5 bedrooms in oné partment, 5 rooms with 2 bédrooms in éther opart- ment. Two meters and two few. forted air oi! furndtes. This con be yours with $2,000 down. Coll Mr. Ed. Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345. DUPLEX COLLEGE HILL Two séporate apartments, 2 bedroom suités, only 9 years old, very good construction, owner built, just listed, first time offered 'for sale, Call Mr. Bill Horner ot 728- 5123 "or 728-2236, terior. phone 728-0558. 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne six, two-door, tires, Phone Orono 241, 1960 CHEVROLET, shiff, take over payments, and bodywise Al. 728-4920 affér 5.30. 1949 CHEVROLET plates. phone 668-8398. 1951 CHEVROLET haré top, automatic, custom $95. Telephone 668-6398. 1959 CHEVROLET sedan delivery, "$125; 1107 King Street, Whitby. 668-5271. 1950 FORD, tires. $100 or best offer. 725-5934. 1958 METEOR, 4 new fires, body good. $650 or best offer. Call affér 4.30 p.m., Excellent condition, $650. Tele green, four gdod white wall custom radio. ei 'six-cylinder dfick michanically 1964 Tele radio, transportation. $95. Sedan, Good radio. No rust. Lady driven. mechanically good, good d-door automatic, radio, 723 2644, TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All. Mdkes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. ~ GENERAL REPAIRS _ ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down * Always top quolity "BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 SPOT CASH. | PAID FOR Like new, $2175.' standard," V-8, standard transmission, 890261 $245. 1956 METEOR FOUR DOOR SEDAN $185. 1959 SIMCA FOUR DOOR SEDAN Priced to clear B74261 fa 1957 NASH RAMBLER Good transportation, B89936 65. 1958 VAUXHALL SEDAN Good condition throughout. 874782 50. 1955 OLDSMOBILE HARD€OP A good runner B87327, $1 45. 1952 CHEVROLET Be79%0 If you are in the market for a better cor, we have them, mény makes, mony médels or prides ond terms to suit your personal budget at the home of OK Used Cars And Trucks Three-Way Purchase Plan Guaranteed Warranties 17 Soles Representatives te serve you. 9 A.M. until 9 P.M. Saturdays 9 until 6 ONTARIO MOTOR RICH Kélvinator rgriewre vision. Thrifty Budget Plan BED chesterfield, 21 inch TV, field and chair, washing machine, chi set, two fables, dresser, six 16 ~. one double continental bed, small . erator, three stoves, two light, one heavy duty. 147 Brock Street East. We VACUUM CLEANER repairs, 4 Free estimates, parts, brushes, Noses. Gudrafitéed rébuilt rte chines. Rentals. wallace Vacuum MRA Call anytime 728-0591. é 1 BUYING or selling furniture or 'oi ances. Call Eimer, Hamptén 263-2994 r-« 263-2695. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, GB" cheaquewriters," comptemeterts plicators, ' fhrée hundred new and used. We Buys sell, rent, service. Hgmiiten A at Equipment, 137 Brock TELEVISION fower special, -- StUGre? ture, Including all channel antenna, In stalled and guaranteed by experts with # 10 years' experience, $50. Trié Televisiony * telephone 728-5143. CHINA cabinet, corner type, walnut, three months old; Kelvinator refrigér- ator, 31 by 63, 2-door, alsé three months old. 'Sacrifice. Gurney range, 24", like new, Phone 725-231 SINGER automatic zig-t8g console ma- chine In perfect running condition. Doés fancy. stitches and button holes without attachments. Original pricé $260, will sac- rifiee for $67 cash of $8.00 per month 9 months. Dealer, Write Box 836, Oshawa Times. CONTINENTAL bed, like new; studio couch; washing machine, eléetrie watér heater attachment heats thé water; electric ironer, floor model; set of scales, All priced to sell. Phone | What's My Line? Buying dnd selling used fut- niture and appliances. your. needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call ot the store 16% Bond W. Used Garage Equipment BEAR Front End Ls itaial Machine WOLF Valve grinding machire Welding Torches 2 sets. complete floor jacks, 4 vises Battery Chargers STARTER: CAR Spark Plug Cleaner Drive Sockets set, three-quarter inch Automatic Transmission Testing: Equipment * Stor Motor Crane Dual-Wheel Tire Chenger Jock. Floor Safety St ' Body read hired Executive Desk ond Chair Filing Cabinet OPEN EVENINGS TILL "NINE Dial 728-4678 Dick Barridgé Bob Johnston dock Osborne Ken Hoenn Joe Maga Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 Phone 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED Fuels and Builders ee 224 Brock St. S: WHITBY, Ont. ¥ John Hutchuk Roy Flintoff SALES LTD. 140 Bond St. West Oshawa 725-6501 = Telephone 728-9955 Evenings 723-4406 (Continued oh Page 18) , Tony Siblock Stéve Englert GUIDE REALT LIMITED Reoltors, 16 Simcoe $t, Provincial Police Premises in Bowmanville To be sold Subject t6 ledse. Idéal investment, $$000 down will handle. . | BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North | Open Every Evening ry? ]