Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Mar 1964, p. 7

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TREASURED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Mrs. John MacDonald sadly contemplates the card of ack- nowledgement she has recei- ved from Mrs. John F. Ken- nedy in Washington, D.C. Mrs. MacDonald lived in Washington before coming to Oshawa and when the late President was assassinated ON alpen gre, eer » Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 she wrote a letter of con- dolence. The black-bordered card and envelope is Mrs. Kennedy's personal station- ery.and reads 'Mrs. Kennedy is deeply appreciative of your sympathy and grateful for THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 9, 1964 7 Margaret Bray, Wed Leap Year In Holy Trinity Church, Ajax, on Saturday, February 29, Mar- garet Mabel Bray became the bride of Derek Clyde Newman, in a ceremony performed by the Reverend A. C. Herbert. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Bray and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur New- man, all of Ajax. Given in marriage by her Derek Newinan Day In Ajax corsage of baby pink roses. The bridegroom's mother chose navy blue and white for her ensemble with a corsage of baby white roses. As the couple left on thei honeymoon the bride wel Wear ing a pink suit with black ac- cessories, Mr. and Mrs. Newman will make their home at Regency Towers Apartments, Oshawa. father, the bride wore a full-| Toronto guests included Mrs.| length gown of carnation white| Ross Winn, and daughter and brocaded satin with lily-point| son, Penny and Ross Winn; Mrs. sleeves and a sweetheart neck-| ct John and son, Vernon> Mr. line lavishly trimmed with seed| and Mrs. Robert Patterson. pearls, The gown was styled-on)From Scarborough were Mr. a princess line front to contrast| and Mrs. Stanley Horler and| with a bouffant back, accented son, Larry: Mr. Ernest Har- |by a cascade of self bows. A) mon and daughter, Ruth -Anne; tiara of seed pearls held her) and Mr. and Mrs. James shoulder-length veil and she car-| lies and from .West Hill ried red roses and white carna-| and Mrs. Frank Delavigne. tions. Miss Charlotte Coeleman and) Miss Helen Visser, both of Whit-| by were maid of honor and) bridesmaid respectively. They were dressed in light blue chif- Gil- Mr. Bechamel Sauce | { your thoughfulness."' LODGES AND SOCIETIES -- | | REBEKAH LODGE NO. 222 The regular meeting of Sun- shine Rebekah Lodge No. 222 was held in the IOOF Lodge rooms. Lodge opened according t' ritual with Noble Grand Sis- ter Elsie McKee presiding, as- sisted by °Vice Grand Sister Frances Cornelius. The flag of the country was presented, and visitors wel- comed, The. charter was draped in loving memory of Sister Emily Booth, also in memory of the past president of the Rebekah Assembly, Sister Middleton. In the absence of the secre- tary, Sister Victoria Magee, gue to illness, the correspond- ence, cards and invitations were} fead by Sister Lillian French. Sister Ruth Leavitt, who had| moved from Oshawa several years ago, was welcomed back by re-installment. Vice Grand Sister Frances Cornilius gave the report on the sick and shut- ins. Sister Hazel Waring is still confined to Oshawa General Hospital. Officers' and committee re- ports were given and discussed. A representative and scholar will be appointed at the next meeting to attend the Rebekah | |Eachern the negative. The mem-} bers voted on the material for the debate itself and the nega- tive side went on to victory. Several minute debates were} held between members such as| "Should a girl propose to a fel-| low during leap year" | The next meeting will be the first model meeting hegl at the home of Mrs. John Beaupre Florrel street. DISTRICT COUNCIL COF On March 4, Kingsway Dis- trict Council, COF held their regular meeting at the home of Sister Jean Devitt, Jane street, Bowmanville. In the absence of Sister Helen Twining, Sister De- vitt presided. | The following committee was set up to arrange the dance to be held April 18 in the Badmin- ton Hall, Bowmanville: co- chairmen, Brother Harold Wil- son and Brother Leonard Bar- ker, court representatives, court Venture, Sister Betty Westlake, Court Charlene, Sister Evelyn Clarke, Court 501, Brother Leo- nard Barker, Court 1871, Bro- ther Harold Wilson. Courts Bow- manville and Whitby will _no- tify Brother Barker later ag to! | | tinted chrysanthemums. fon over satin with lace jackets. Adds Relish | TWeir headdresses were shoril; 1O Fish Sticks veils falling from a tulle flower} in blue and their flowers were| Today we present the recipe blue and white chrysanthe-|for the basic fish version mums. Bechamel Sauce, plus several The flower girl, little Miss)variations. Armed with these} Pamela Delavigne of West Hill,|recipes; and a few packages of| was in pink nylon with a match-|fish sticks in the freezer, you'll ing headdress and carried blue-| have the beginnings of many en-| |ticing dinner features. Mr. Allen Giddings of Oshawa| Prepare fish sticks according was best man and the ushersitg package directions. Serve! MR. AND MRS. JOHN JOHNS Couple Receive Royal Greeting On Their Diamond Wedding A message of congratulation; Besides th essage of con- from Queen Elizabeth was. the) sratulation the Queen highlight of their diamond wed- 3 end «id Joh 2 '¢ d ding anniversary for Mr. and|"~' ms Lailll desauade Mrs. John Johns of Cordova/messages from the Prime Min- road last Thursday. Both born|lister of Canada, Lester B. Pear- in St. Ewe in Cornwall thelson, from Mr. Michael Starr, couple have lived in Canada for! wp for Ontario riding and from 55 years, l Acti They came to Oshawa in 1929| Acting Page foes aggro Pi : fetades doch from Manitoba, their first des-\(0). , tination, where farm work was|°all was received from two of grand ont oa gee ae ye Their cheerful disposition cat- 4s Mrs Gord "4 vege ss ried them through the years of|2" Pa ordon Bowker, Saw- depression and .they have no|yerville, allowing a three-way regrets. ;conversation. A telegram from | matching blue accessories and a) were John Newman and Harry) Newman, both of Ajax. | Receiving guests at the Le-| gion Hall, Ajax, after the cere- mony, the bride's mother wore French blue chiffon over: satin; Honored By Friends; Mrs. Robert. Bravener of Whitby was honored at a tea at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Down and Mr. Down,| yesterday to celebrate her 90th) birthday. A life-long resident of | Whitby - Oshawa district, Mrs.} Bravener is the last surviving] member of a family of eight. | She has two daughters; Mrs.) Frank McIntyre (Marion, Dun-| dalk; and Mrs. Wilbur Down| (Mildred), Oshawa, There are) two grandchildren; Mrs. Owen! Stevens, South Berwick, Maine, | who their representatives will be| and Mr. Douglas Brown of Win-|finely chopped parsley Flavor,| | tablespoons butter | | | Salt and pepper On 90th Birthday lomered, lent with basic Bevhamel Sauce or| Ten years ago they made aj one of the following vartations,|return visit to their old home in BECHAMEL SAUCE |England, spending three months over there. They have one son, Fred; jfive grandchildren and eight jgreat - grandchildren, Their jdaughter, Mildred, died a num- ber of years ago. ' Mr. and Mrs. Johns were the guests of honor at a sur- in fish broth |Prise party given them by their Gradually add milk, stirring,|S0" and his family and their and cook until thickened andjson - in - law at the Christian smooth. Simmer about five min-|Youth Centre, Warren avenue, utes and season to taste with|!ast Saturday night. Approxi- salt, pepper and nutmeg. Makes|mately forty-five people were about 114 cups sauce. |present 'to pay tribute to the Milk may be used instead of| bride and -bridegroom of. sixty fish broth. years, . | A grandson, Mr. John vials lager Ada 3 table-|Shreve, wag master of ceremo spoons of tomato paste jnies and Mr, James Young Tomato-Curry. Sauce: To the/'livered a resume of ' the tomato sauce add 1 to 1% table-| Couples life as seen by others, spoons of curry powder aie bang raged lt sport Parsley Sauce: Add 1-3 cup ofi,a5 shown. Mr. James Aldous, their son-in-law, presented them 3 tablespoons flour ¥% cup fish broth 1 cup milk Nutmeg Melt butter. stirring, Blend in flour; | until -- slightly St. David's Day AtOld Country Club Marked By Dance The Oshawa and District Old Country Club held a St. David's Night at the Knights of Colum- bus Hail last Saturday evening. Approximately 150 people at- tended. Each lady was present- ed with a corsage of daffodils one -of the emblems of Wales in honor of the occasion. The daffodil was far more appreci- ated than the leek which is the other national emblem. The master of ceremonies for the event was "The Singing Bus Driver' Mr. William Smith and music for dancing was provided by Mr. William Fullerton and the Embassy band, | During the evening a soprano Mrs. Edward Mitchell and a popular tenor Mr. Larry Rob- ertson entertained by singing several songs. The 'Anniver- sary Waltz' was played for Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McLeary who were celebrating their 16th wedding anniversary. During the interval Cornish pastries and coffee were served by the women members of the) club. | The building fund chairman Mrs. Edward Veenhoff organ- ized a pool of prizes. First prize a pole lamp went to) Mrs. Ella Long. A "Beatle" cake was won by Mr. Patrick) Campbell. } The social was organized by) Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Finch and) their entertainment committee. The next date a St. Patrick's! dance will be held March .14 at| the Kinsmen Community Centre. | in British Columbia, flowers from Trenton and many cards of congratulations were re-) ceived by the couple. | | LADIES Ne boby sitter, no cor fare Mr. Bernard Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 728-9317 a niece, Mrs. Ronald McKinnon, -- SAVE! GLECOFF' On Quality MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR , DURING ENGEL'S WALL-TO-WALL Going-Out-Of-Business Brother Michael Ridley is look-|nipeg. There are five greatiif you wish, .with 1 tablespoon Bes A ing after the printing of tickets,| grandchildren. of onion juice _ i at from their fam- which will be done by the Re-| Mrs, Bra Piquant Sauce: Add 1 table-|!!'¥ ana imend's . tarded Children in Oshawa. East! widow since 1955. a *| spoon of finely chopped onion, 1|,,The Reverend William A. Me- Court in Kingsway District is] gy» received a number of cal-|finely chopped hard-cooked egg,|Millan of the Free Methodist being asked to donate prizes) | Church, said Grace prior to the | .|1 finely chopped dill pickie, and dh for this dance. : poidgg te yg od sod A nai tablespoon of finely chopped|>uffet supper served from a The spring dance is to be| daughter in Maine Guests in-| Parsley. daintly decorated table center- held at the Oshawa Airport.|cluded a cousin, Mr. Arthur| Dill Sauce: Add 1 teaspoon of/€d with a wedding cake. The March 28, sponsored by Courts| Thomson of Pickering: the Rey-| chopped fresh dill. wedding cake was cut by Mr. {501 and Charlene erend and Mrs. \,. ot YO eraceaae - and Mrs. Johns and. delivered | The following officers were|Clure of St. Andrew's Presby- WAGE GAINS persoonally by them to each} |nominated for the forthcoming] terian Church, Whitby, and Mr.| Average hourly wage. for guest from a basket carried by| jterm: past president, Sister|and Mrs. Frank McIntyre, Dun-\adult workers in Swedish indus- their great-granddaughter Dawn} degree practice Monday ey-| Helen Twining; president, Sister|dalk. Assisting the hostess in|try in August, 1953, was 6.5 per|Collier. | ning, March 9, at 7 pm. Jean Devitt, vice-president, Bro-| serving afternoon tea were Mrs.|cent _ higher, but for female | ther Leonard Barker; setre-|Frank Sullivan, Miss' Bonnie|workers alone 8.8 per cent more DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND | tary, Sister Edna Baker; trea-| Sullivan and Miss Rita Salonen, than the previous year. The gegular meeting of the|rer, Sister Evelyn Clarke; |------ Daughters of England Lodge 26/ auditors, Brother Clifford Bran- was heldin the Orange Temple} ton and Brother Douglas Vice. on Tuesday. W. President Sister), The April meeting will be Kate Glover presided with/held April 1 at the home of Sis- Vice-President Sister Nance|ter Evelyn Clarke, 95 Oaks av- Murrall assisting. enue, 'Oshawa, hosting for Sister Doreen Ladd led in the| Court Charlene, devotions. Sister Sarah Van De} Refreshments Walker reported on cards sent|by the hostess to the sick and ewer # Son Re aNELS secretary, Sister' Doris McDon-| HOUSE"OLD HIN ald, read correspondence from) gholiac makes Pes Pasi aa. SUPERMARKET 174 RIJSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. Assembly. An invitation was received from Joy. Rebekah Lodge to attend their birthday party, March 23. Several other invitations were received and will be dealt with at the next meeting, March 16. | Sister Irene Willis made sey- eral suggestions re the coming bazaar, and asked for the con- tinued co-operation of the mem- bers. Officers and degree staff wer reminded that there will be a OU BROKEN YOUR GLASSES LATELY 1292.2 were' served) INTERIOR DECORATOR Grand Lodge. : Grand Lodge sessions will be held in June at Fredericton, New Brunswick. Discussion was|---- held for sending a delegate. A euchre will be held Tues- day, April 7, at the Orange Hall. Sister Nance Murrall is ticket convener for the draw. Birthday greetings were sung fof' Sisters Ethel Cockerham, Ada Morgan, Florence Greene and Edith Taylor. The lucky prize was won by Large and Sarah Harmer. Next regular meeting is Tuesday, March 17. BETA SIGMA PHI (Ontario Gamtha Epsilon) The regular meeting of the Ontario Gamma Epsilon Chap- ter of Beta Sigma Phi was held at the home of Miss Vera John- son Bowmanville. Mrs, Harold Bell president presided for the business meeting. Mrs. Dalton Platts of Whitby was the chapter's guest for the evening. It was decided that members would visit with the residents of Hillsdale Manor rather than serve in the tuck shop. Miss Vera Johnson read from the chapter manual Beta Sigma - Phi. Mrs. Harold Ball was speaker of the evening having the cul- tural program "Let's Match Wits". Participants had been briefed ahead of time and both sides were prepared for a de- bate on: Resolved: That the divorce 'laws in Canada should also include (A) desertion (B) incurable mental illness. Mrs. Kenneth Young and Mrs. Mur- ray Fraser made up the affirm- ative side and Mrs. Campbell Moulds and Mrs. Ronald Mc-) Sister Kay/ter. jhesive, especially for such ce- menting as glass to glass or jleather to metal, MEET BY LETTER | SCARBOROUGH, Ont. (CP) There are 60 'lone' Girl Guides jand Rangers in Ontario, says their volunteer commissioner, jMrs, E. P. P. Russell, Most of |them are girls. who live in re- }mote areas and whose monthly jmeetings take the form of a let- Mrs. Russell, mother of eight, began working with them lafter her marriage ! W00 Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM CUSTOM MADE DRAPES 15 King Street East Phone 725-2686 [WORTH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN ! ! SPECIAL | This Week Delicious Banana CREAM ROLL 65: Home Style APPLE PIE Mode with Flaky Pastry SPECIAL € This Week Two or three tler wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead : . BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 < ¥ Get that EXTRA PAIR ROW At One Eow Price Single Vision 1 1.99 Complete With Frames Lenses and Case HOURS: . 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, Daily Closed Wed. All Day Phone: 728-1261 17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor Tired of being handicapped because you lost, broke, misplaced or mislaid your glasses? Sun bother you when driving, golfing or iust walking? Why not solve your problem in the easiest and most inexpensive way. Get that EXTRA PAIR NOW. Let us accurately duplicate your present lenses with a similar frame for only $11.95. No examination needed or required, We simply take the reading of your present glasses in a matter of a few minutes with the aid of high-powered, scientifically accurate lensometer, There is no loss of time or inconvenience to you. Now compare our $11.95 glasses with-those for which you paid much more. WE FILL ALL P.S.I., OCULISTS' AND OPTOMETRISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS AT SAME LOW. PRICES duplicated. repaired; frames re- ploced while you walt. Lowest prices. Broken Frames BIFOCALS '1 7.5 Lenses and Cose IN FULL SWING! Reductions of 907. AND 0 % MORE | on quality Men's & Boys' Wear It's the biggest sale of the year! It's Engel's selling- out sale now in full swing . . . don't miss the savings on men's and boys' wear . . . big savings in time for your spring wardrobe, Hurry -- Hurry -- Hurry to ENGEL'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 16 Simcoe N. . Downtown Oshawa

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