Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Mar 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St, West Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-3703 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Whitby 'Unit Program' System Satisfactory Eager Public School pupils in Whitby won't fettered by the conventional grading system. The percen of the town's achool chidren in the first eight grades now stud) under the Unit Acceleration Program" (178 «per cent) exceeds Provincial figure by 6.8 per A tthe 35 out-of 202 grade eight Whitby pupils studying under the program since its 16val inauguration seven years ago have attained an average of 76.8 per cent to date this year, revealed Public School Superin- tendent Earl Fairman. He deem- ed results of the system as "Generally satisfactory." The 'Unit? system adopted in many Ontario 'centres in recent years was described by Mr. Fai years was described by Mr. Fairman as 'Progression ac- cording to the individual capaci- ties of each child," "The child misses no school- work while following this plan. The studies of each primary grade are divided into a maxi- mum of four units, and each child proceeds at his own speed, completing one to four units, in a given year, according to his rate of advancement." "The only real acceleration comes at the end of the eighth grade, when the child working under the unit system will have completed eight normal work years in a seven year period. Average age of Public School Graduates is about 14; grade eight pupils presently working under the system are aged 12 or 13." Pointing out that a large ma- jority of the pupils in grade eight this year had easily at- tained passing grades to date, find their progress |p! the|would be compelled to repeat he added that more fiexible| ro 4 was made under the system for. failure. "Some children may progress rapidly one year and(then reach a plateau, falling by the way- side the next." "Formerly, a child who failed the work of the entire year. Now each child proceeds at his own rate, by units, and never fails a complete grade." "There are other advantages to the system. In many cases a child° would perhaps loose in- terest in his schoolwork if held o the normal rate of progress. his program formulates a challenge to the more advanced pupil, one which we hope will continue through high school." He explained the basis of sel- ection as follows: 'In each fo the primary grades, the class is broken up into two or three reading groups. The more ad- yanced group in each class is observed for possible candidates for acceleration, The final deci- sion is made on the basis of gen- eral intelligence, work habits Course Planned By St. John Ambulance The Whitby Corps of the St. John Ambulance will conduct an eight week-course in first aid instruction. The course will start 7:30 p.m. Monday at King Street School under the direction of Corps Supervisor Ron Hawkins and an assistant, Int.rested public are invited to attend. WHITBY PERSONALS Out-of-town guests attendin the Rayner-Ross wedding whic' took place in St. John's Anglican Church, Whitby, were: Mr. and Mrs, Edward Roberts Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roberts Jr., Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mann, Mr. and Mrs, Larry Phillips, Toronto; Miss Beverley Rayner, Mr. George Rayner, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Scrace, Mrs. Agnes Bastedo and Mr. Andy Bastedo, Pickering. H. Frick is celebrating his sixth birthday, Monday, March 9. His companions of Hillcrest school and friends wish him a happy birthday, Mrs, Alex Ingram, 117 Pine street, is opening her home Mon- day, March 9 to the executive members of Viscount Green- wood IODE Chapter. Real, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Bergevin, is celebrating his first birthday, Monday, March 9. Friends of the family wish Real many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. William Lund- mark and daughter Debbie, for- merly of Bell drive, Whitby, will be living in South America for the next two years. Mr. Lund- mark is with McNamara Con- struction. Mrs. Herbert Cole, 12 Valley Court, is opening her home Monday, March 9 to the House of Windsor IODE Chapter mem- bers. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Audrey Ferguson, MSW. Her topic will be 'Emotional Prob- lems Facing Women Today". Angel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mal Femia, is celebrating her llth birthday Monday, March 9, Her companions of St. Theresa School and friends ex- tend their best wishes on this occasion. Miss Nancy Allard recently celebrated her 16th birthday. For the occasion a family din- ner was arranged. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Osborne and family, formerly of Fred-| ericton, New Brunswich, estab-| lished residence on Centre street north. Their friends wish them happiness in their new surround- returns of the topher Kathleen Waish, St. Berna-|trell, Whitby. Corporal James Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs, R.|dette's School, Ajax, winners of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Munroe and gon Bobby, spent last week- end in Kingston visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Munroe. Wendy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John DeGeorgio will be two on Monday. Friends of the family wish vou many happy ¥. Robert Bryden, St. School, Oshawa, and the Ontario County South Re- gional CWL Public Speaking Contest will compete in the Archdiocesan final competitions Sunday, March 15 at 2 p.m. in Loretta College Schoo] auditor- ium, 387 Brunswick avenue, To- ronto, All those interested in the con- test are cordially invited to a- tend, Mrs. Keith MacDonald, 308 St. John street east, entertained members of St. John the Evan- gelist CWL traveling bridge and euchre. Present for bridge tests. ; "The average of our accelera- ted pupils indicates we have made few mistakes."' Primary Consultant Miss Win- nifred Campbell, who is assis: ting in the reinitaliaton of the unit system in grade one, ex- plained that the program hi been temporaril suspen from first year Public School students jpeeaeee ye va Ae. the pupils were not mature enough in the first grade to profit from the system." "An enriched program was substituted and extended to kin- dergarten. The unit system will be now reapplied to grade one students, whose work will be divided into four work units as other primary grades." "We are also planning a series of tests, to be taken by every child on the completion of each unit of work. These tests will be used as advancement criteria." Ross-Raynor Nuptials At Port Whitby St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby was. the setting Friday, Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. for the marriage of Esther Ann Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas Ross, Whitby to Benjamin Allan Rayner, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rayner, Pickering. Rev. McGibbons officiated at the ceremony. Robert Nichol- son played the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white peau-de-soie straight gown with semi-full train and three-quarter sleeves, her shoulder length bouffant veil was held in place by a mother of pearl headdress, she carried a nosegay of red roses with ivy vine, including a rosebud from her mother's bri- dal bouquet of twenty years ago. Maid of honor was the sister of the bride, Barbara Ross, who was gowned in semi-formal length asqua lace-over- a dress, her headdresg was an acqua circlet with matching Chris-/ veil. Best mat was Terrance Cot- Barter of the Whitby Police De- partment ushered. The wedding reception was held at St. John's Anglican Church and catered by Senior ladies Auxilairy who served a beautiful buffet lunch. For their honeymoon to United States the bride chose a choco- late and beige rib knit suit and chocolate brown accessories. Her corsage was of golden roses, Mr. and Mrs. Rayner have established residence at 112 Athol street, Whitby. were: Mrs. Gregory Carter, Mrs, Joseph Corrigan and Mrs. Maurice O'Connor. The hostess served a dainty lunch. CLUB CALENDAR land health, and after various|@ Almonds United Church Women held its monthly meet- ing Wednesday afternoon in the Sunday school hall with a very good attendance. In the absence of the presi- ent, Mrs, F. J. Reed, vice- president' Mrs. Orval Atkinson opened the meeting with a poem itled 'Spring'. A hymn was sung followed by the business session. Uusual reports were read and} in A letter received rom Mrs. Tonge, mis- sionary in Hong Kong, was read Mrs, Norman Wood thanking who sent children's clothing to her. : Brief reports of the recent Presbyterial meetings held at St. Mark's United Church were given by those who atended. Plans were. discussed for a speaker and soloist for the Unit- ed Church Women Sunday to be held in May. It was decided to haye a spe- cial treat for children of the Sunday School during Easter holidays, A committee consist- ing of Mrs. Loyal Pogue, Mrs. Imer Harris and Mrs, Orval Atkinson consented to look after the program and refreshments for the children for this spe- cial project. Mrs, Atkinson then turned over the meeting to Mrs. Percy Pascoe who introduced the wor- ship period by reading a poem entitled 'Thankyou God", She then read an interesting article on "How to Keep Lent All Year Mrs. Isabel Hall read a se- lection entitled 'Sharing the Cross". She also read an essay written by her son, John Hall, on the subject 'The Passover and the Last Supper'. Mrs. Atkinson thanked Mrs. Pascoe and Mrs. Hall for their art in the program and asked ts. Pascoe to close the meet- ing with prayer. | social time was spent with Mrs. Somers serving refresh- ments. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, April 1. REBEKAH LODGE Benevolent Rebekah Lodge held its regular meeting Wed- nesday evening March 4 with Noble Grand Sister Gwen Hal- ton in charge assisted by vice grand Sister Wanda Tizzard. Sister Dulmage DDP of Dis- trict No. 7 was brought in and introduced by Sister Mabel James, also @ sister from Na- panee Lodge was welcomed, The charter was draped in memory of Sister Middleton, past president of the Rebekah Assembly. Sister Stella McLean was in stalled in her office of conduc- ter by Sister Dulmage. It was decided to hold one euchre in March. Sister Mildred Smith and Sister Gladys McCon- nell to be in charge on Friday, March 13. A report of sick com: members on the sick list. Report of the CP and T was ge and plans are being made for a "Tag Day" May 29 after- noon and Saturday morning May 30. Also plans were made for a bake sale to be held the first Saturday in May at Simp- son-Sears, Oshawa. Invitations were received from Brooklin Lodge, to their "County Fair'? March 21 and to Oshawa Lodge birthday party MONDAY, March Miss Donna Courchesne is cel-| ebrating her 13th birthday, Sun-| day, March 8. Her friends wish} her a happy birthday. Mr. and Mrs, Eddy Poirier of Timmins were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. 0. Mitchell, 1128 Byron street south. The following members of Vimy Ridge LOBA, No. 639, attended the Victory LOBA| Lodge, Oshawa, Thursday,| March 5, for the official visit of} Most Worshipful Grand Mistress} Sister Addie, Most Wor- shipful Past Grand Mistress Sis- ter Hamilton, Most Worthy County Grand Lecturer Sister Arnold, all of Toronto; Worthy Mistress Sister Goodman of | Mary LOBA, Oshawa; orthy Mistress Sister Evelyn Weeks, Whitby. Others from| Whitby were: Sisters Dolly An-! derson, May Lintner and Lila Wilde. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Explorers lst Whitby Scouts Salvation Army Brownies Whitby Baptist Church Explor- ers Pentecostal Church Women's Missionary Council St. Mark's UCW Unit No. § St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 7 House of Windsor IODE Chap. TUESDAY, March 10 Faith Baptist Church Jr. Young People Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Red Cross work room Salvation Armay Cubs 2nd Whitby Royal Canadian Legion LA All Saints Anglican Church Afternoon Guild Whitby Chapter Order of the Eastern Star No. 248 i St, Mark's UCW Unit No. 10 - WEDNESDAY, March 11 St, Andrew's Presbyterian After the meeting a penny sale) was held and a delicious cold) Children of the Church Whitby Kinette Club Unity Club Past Noble Grand plate served. | BROCK nee WHITBY Feature Starts 7:15 and 9:40 Shows Start 7 and 9 p.m, SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY "Pirates of Tortuga' Color This Feature Not Shown | at ! Saturday } Matinee | i (Rebekah) THURSDAY, March 12 Whitby Baptist Chureh Cub Packs Salvation Army Women's HL Christian Reformed Church La- dies Society Work and Pray Whitby Garden Club St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 2 St. John's Anglican Church Parish Helpers FRIDAAY, March 13 Red Cross Senior Citizens' So- cial Club Pentecostal Church Young Peo- ple's' Christian Ambassadors SATURDAY, March 4 April 8. Degree practice was held af- ter which lunch was served by the committee in 'charge. TWO-BY-TWO CLUB St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Two by Two Club held its monthly meeting with nine couples present, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mac- Naughton and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rodman opened the meet- ing by conducting the worship service which was followed by games period. Mr, Carman Sarles introduc- ed a film entitled "Willie catches on". This film con- cerns segregation and how it can be so easily bred into the mind of a small child through the carelessness of speech and actions of parents, and other teachers of children, The film provoked a very in- teresting discussion under the leadership of Rev. W. J. S. Me- Clure. During the business partion of the meeting it was decided that the next meeting would be held Thursday, March 19 with the theme being "Irish Night'. Members of the congregation be invited to attend. The choir had been approached earlier and they agreed to help the Almonds UCW Ladies Treat Kids At Easter Club sponsor the "Irish Night" festivities. Rev. and Mrs, McClure and Mr. and Mrs, Keith Hooper yol- unteered to convene the pro- gram and luneh in co-operation with the bs 9 4 P A good attendance is for Thursday, March 10 wt Andrew's Church Hall at 8 p.m. "Irish Night", Everyone wel- come, The meeting closed with lunch served by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Redman and Mrs, Aubrey Mac- Naughton, ALL SAINTS GUILD All Saints Anglican Church Evening Guild held its bi-month- ly meeting in the parish hall, Bresident Mrs, Ralph Stratford opened the meeting with prayer. : Mrs. C. E. Smith, Mrs. Wiliam Allan, Ming i , Mi. fenentt M at W Mis. Finnegah, irs.'C - Appreciation was expressed to Mrs. T, Hughes who had cas the CWL in the soseat Cc rmed the nomination ballots aed A oe maile month, to be return- a specified date. The nom- It was urged that annual re- ; ports be ted by ali con- veners to submitted at the next meeting. : i Mrs. J. an read the cor-| Guest speaker for the evening ce at the general be. Rev. Leo J. Austin, Spiri- mi the absence of Mrs.|tual Director of the , In B. . The treasurer's re-|his talk he urged the mem- ie was 4 by Mrs. R. Mc-|bers to initiate customs which onagie. Mrs, Frank Canzi| would incorporate the liturgy in ave a report on the successful/their homes, such as fr t £ Cards which she con- ve February. The 8. rt of Mrs. Bronishewski, yisiting convener, recorded that three visits had been made to the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital this past eg | Names in the report of Mrs. Dan O'Hagan, citizenship con yener, were the following iadies who have seryed at Fairview Lodge in January and Febru- man. He Ogi m my lier the ent changes in the liturgy. rhe imootthe closed with pray- _ Whitby Pentecostal During the business meeting plans were discussed regarding a "Square Dance Night", Fur- ther arrangements will be made at future meetings, A millinary fashion ghow was announced for April. Definite date will appear in the press. The Evening Group will be catering to the sidesmen supper March 12, The meeting clased with prayer and refreshments were served by the committee in charge. The next meeting will be held Monday, March 16. 8ST. JOHN EVANGELIST CWL The executive and general meetings of St. John the Evan- gelist CWL were held Tuesday evening, March 3. There were seven members present at the executive meeting presided over by Mrs. Desmond Newman, president. Reports were read by Mrs. T. Hughes, convener of the Girl Guides, Mrs. J. Parrott, social action and welfare convener, Mrs. W. O'Neil, press convener and Mrs, J. Mackey, telephone convener. INCOME TAX RETURNS PHONE 668-8252 FC WILLING: READY= UR SERV Church 307 Brock St. N. "CENTERVILLE AWAKENING" 75 minute sound film THIS SUNDAY AT 7:30 P.M. "The Story of a Modern Day Revival' ALL ARE WELCOME Family Monuments Created To Individual STAFFORD BROS, MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS GAST 668-3552 Please ... This year, when the, Red Cross canvasser asks you for a donation, dig deep in your pocket or purse and give as much as you can, mittee showed a number of|f YOU DON'T DRINK . +. pay less for your auto insurance! Insure with ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, the one insurance company in Canada that issues poli- cies only to non-drinkers, We will be glad to give you full information, without obligation. RIEGER and OSBORNE INSURANCE PH. 668-5431 -- WHITBY 218 DUNDAS STREET E. Representing the \ ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY c sete 1 ere MOODIE'S RESTAURANT PICKERING VILLAGE, HWY. 2 AT DUFFIN'S CREEK © PHONE 942-1012 @ _ Every Sunday BUFFET 2P.M, TO 8P.M, olerlecfocfeclocfonfeafoofesleafeoteats agesfeofes Featuring: e Various Salads e ® 26 DIFFERENT SELECTIONS ® ALL YOU CAN EAT Only . .. 1.75 Per Person iene ene = sam se | reading of the sacred scriptures. | TV GUIDE with $3.00 Gas Purchase AL DEARBORN'S SHELL SERVICE STATION HIGHWAY NO. 2 & THICKSON RD. 728-1849 LICENSED MECHANIC SPECIALIZING IN Board of Police Commissioners TOWN OF WHITBY Applications for the position of radio dispatcher and desk clerk in the police office will be received up to and including Friday, March 20th, 1964, Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 20, also state when services are available. Address all applications to the undersigned. R, Rankine, Seer. ankine, onstable, Whitby, Ont. _ DEBENTURES é FOR SALE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY Township of Whitby Debentures doted April Ist ond bearing interest ot 542% per onnum ere pre- cently being offered for sale at the Municipal Offices, Brooklin. Telephone enquiries are invited-- Cell 655-3351. MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk, Box 160, Brooklin Pentecostal Tabernacle REV. M. CASE--Pestor ALEX BEDFORD--Agsr. 7:30 P.M. "Centerville Awakening" A 75 minute sound film TH A ConMUNITY MUCH LI "This Film Cen Change Your Entire Life"!? 11 A.M.--*"Anybody Can Join This Regiment"-- (Series on Hebrews) HERE 16 THE ANSWER TO--How you can be relieved of life's Tension, --How you can make your merria: --How you con raise How you ean be Healed of serious People of all walks of life findi love in the followshis of bellovers In POWER OURS. heppler, ren. Ulness, warmth and Christian rist ot the Tabernacle. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE A GREAT MISSIONARY SUNDAY FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK ST. N. with REV. LEANDER ROBLIN, Gonadien R epresentative, Association of Baptists For Werld-Wide Evangelism AT ALL SERVICES 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST C.K.L.B. Oshawa 9:45 A.M.--OUR GREAT BIBLE SCHOOL CONTEST in Full Swing. 24% increase last Sunday. 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.:-- Missi Music and Message That Will Thrift, Colored MAlssionvory Film of South America ot 7:00 p.m. "COME AND BRING OTHERS" WHITBY CHURCHES ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN . Corner Byron et St. John Rey. W. J. S. McClure, B.A, Minister Mra. P. N. Spratt, Organist 9:45 A.M.--Sunday Schoo! 11:00 A.M. "A LOAD OR A LIFT" Nursery Care and Junior Congregation WHITBY EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OFF HIGHWAY 12 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M, ENGLISH SERVICE §VERYONE HEARTILY. WELCOMED ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rey, J, M. Smith, B.A., B.D. Mrs. J. Lb, Beaton, A.R.C.T. Miss Ila Newton, Deaconess |St. John's Fellowship Group |Salvation Army Timbral Brigade {Salvation Army Young People's | Band. iSt. Andrew's esbyterian Church Jr, choir BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister; REV. JOHN McLEOD Organist Me. W. E Knmere, A.T.C.M. L 11 AM, "THE DIVINE ASSURANCE" Sunday School 9:45 "A.M, FIND RELICS | NAHA, Okinawa (AP) -- Ar- cheologist Shinjin Tawada: re- ports finding two wall murals, earthen vessels, mammal bones and shell mounds believed to | bel to the Ryukyu Islands' SI era 3,500 years ago. 11:00 A.M.--The Background, of Failure 7:00 P.M.--You Can -- If you Will 9:45--Bible School Classes for all ages. 8:15 -- B.Y.P.U. ntalogue -- write by frouse of Ke tac7cmote at leading stores everywhere ingold Avenue, : Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors ~ 11:00 A.M. Beginners, Kindergarten, Primary hots Junior Congregation. Infant Care.

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