Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Mar 1964, p. 2

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mareh 6, 1964 THe SOHAWA Ties, Fess, ih. HIGH WINDS SMASH SMALL PLANES -- were mooréd at Montreal In- ternational Airport in subur- ban Dorval. Power lines were Queen To Visit Quebec City Despite Separatist Threats OTTAWA (CP) -- A spokes-;the government--having invitedicurity officials man for the government reiter-\'the Queen on behalf of Char-' their plans ated Thursday the government lottetown and Quebec City--has Details of the royal itinerary;as Britain--and that if Canada expects the Queen's visit to pro-- made no change in its plans. (for the Queen and Prince Philip feels she should not visit there ceed in October without inter-- Other high - ranking govern- are still very much in the draft-\the government will so inform rupion or incident. ment sources have taken the ing stage. They are not to be her. _ The Queen is to fly to Char-\yjew that before October, the:presented to the Queen, for ap- lottetown about Oct. 7 to mark agitation in some quarters in,proval until after she gives the 100th anniversary of the pre-\Quebec province against the/birth to her fourth child, within Confederation conferences there Queen's visit will have: died 4 few weeks and in Quebec City. Later she| down, and that it will go ahead Offsetting the threats to the toy sail aboard gt do yacht without incident. Meanwhile, se- pc ly visit oe ~ ritannia to visit Quebee City aratist group is the knowle The spokesman said the gov- in the mind of, Roya] visit ernment's invitation and plans planners that on her last tour of are unchanged, despite renewed DEATHS Canada, in 1959, one of the most suggestions that harm may be z cordial receptions given her was done to the Queen by Quebec| By THE CANADIAN PRESS |in the province of Quebec. separatists in a demonstration Paris -- Raymond Saulnier, ' : % of their political views. 83, French aviation pioneer who ee naive es Sabah : s ' The Rassamblement pourjhelped Louis Bleriot build the Elisameth will cinesl her sohed: ; V¥Independ ance Nationale, a aircraft with which he made the aléd visit next. Fa (t6 Canada Quebec separatist group, sent a first cross-channel flight in }909 Secaline of opposition of Quebec cable to the Queen Wednesday Rome -- Pietro Palmieri, 29 separatists. cidents ee. eens ge Rod one-time automobile racer who Buckingham Palace declined fortunate but inevitable,"' to em- wurned to breeding rnee, POreees any hand piel bic phasize their political com- killed in an automobile colli- latest statement by Le Rassem piaints sion erie po a Pore argc 'Prospects seem to be look- at ' os eo Nationale Montrea at the ing EONS " +] Pry} The view of the government is Winter Haven, Fla. -- Mapor einer an guia: cresle une ph Hy et Bi chee bet appareftly that the real Earl Dinsmore, 54, of Seaforth, fortunate incidents. The palace re 'old 'auparters Melisa ued visit may have to be limite Ont.; while on vacation even declined to discuss whether Several hours before that. Lo- to tight security and restrictions . : at, Lo on public displays that might Regina -- Mrs. David B. Mus- @ ne received a cable from the ney had announced failure in a . . Pe se , ' uedec group. surnrise CZ sig ry ae For- otherwise be arranged, but will S¢!man, 89, daughter of the late 'Ue surprise campaign'to get For go on as he ollie demonstra- David Bean, former publisher The attitude, it is understood, eign Minister Subandrio of <In- tion of the Crown's role in Con- of the weekly -Waterloo, Ont., taken by the palace is that the donesia and Deputy Prime Min- federation. Chronicle. Queen is to be the guest of the'ister Tun Abdul Razak of Mal- WON'T ADMIT IT e The Rassemblemént's cable said "we will never admit that it O] le I i ] the founding of a colonialist re- gime that we do not recognize is being celebrated in the heart e , Of our country." i rte'inn oom oe AGAINSt Power Llreaty pleased to reconsider the use- fulness of such'a visit to Que- OTTAWA (CP) bec, and to tranmit to you, if/posed views of the occasion arises, the homage of our people,' the cable said. The prime minister's office had no comment on the cable itself. bec is independent, we will be However, downed and trees uprooted in These small ptanes were suddenly with winds over 100 ( t the brief period. torn to pieces Thursday, dur-. miles an hour in the west-end ing a wind storm that struck..of Montreal island. The planes are tightening|Canadian government -- she is the Queen of Canada, as well She is to take part in the cer- emonies in Quebec City and Charlottetown commemor- ating the 100th anniversany of consultations that led to Con- federaion. in 1867 BANGKOK (AP) -- The Phl- ippines fried again Thurs'ay revive the foundered Malaysian crisis conference in this Thai capital after failing in one medi- ation effort. © -- Sharply op-\a against! the Columbia River treaty were expressed in the COmmons Thursday H. W. Herridge, veteran New Democratic Party member a spokesman said, from Kootenay West saw it "as WEATHER FORECAST Light Snow Tonight Clearing Saturday Forecasts issued by the Tor- onto weather office at 5:30 a.m Synopsis:-A weak disturbance éentred in northern Iowa is ex- pected to move across the lower Great Lakes area tonight ac- companied by some light snow énd a slight mofgleration in tem- perature. Tims will be followed by colder air Saturday. Lake Erie, Windsor: Cloudy *this afternoon with a few snow- flurries. this evening. Saturday mainly sunny and -coel. Winds north 15 Saturday: Niagara, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, London, Hamilton, Tor- onto: Clouding over late this afternoon wifh occasional. ligh snow toight. Saturday mainly 'sunny. A little milder tonight then. turning <cooler Saturday Winds becoming light south- westerly this. afternoon and northwest 15 to 20 Satur- * day. Georgian Bay: Cloudy with Occasional light snow tonight Saturday variable cloudiness with snowflurries in the south and clear in the north. A little milder tonight turning cooler Saturday. Haliburton: Cloudy with occa- sional light snow tonight clear- Sault Ste. Marie.. ing Saturday morning. A little Kapuskasing milder tonight turning cooler! White River political blasphemy the works of création." James Byrne, Liberal MP for Kootenay t, saw. the treaty as a good document that "is go- ing to.rebound to the prosperity of every living soul in Can- ada Mr, Herridge, who has lived beside the river for 58 years and who has been one of the most pefsistent opponents of the treaty, made a stirring 30-min- ute speech in which he charged that the .Canadian negotiators were taken in by the Ameri- cans. The whole project is a se!l-out, he charged. The only difference between the present treaty and the one originally negotiated by the previous Conservative govern- ment "'is that we get a bit more money for selling Canada. out." Anyway, he said, a statesman can always chafige his mind. It's only a politician who can't. He predicted that the devel- opment would result in great industrial expansion in the Koot- enays and "the people are very happy now that a decision has been made." While spokesmen for the NDP party have made it clear that the 17-member group will fight the treaty, all other parties continue to give it general ap- proval, thus assuring its eventual passage. Jack ano), an earlier opponent of the joint treaty, changes had been oct Davis (I--Coast-Capil- enough in the make it worth the benefits. it The partia- to the changes tl Said Saturday, Winds becoming tonight and north Timagami, ght 15 Saturday Algoma, North Bay, Sudbury: Clouding over this afternoon. with occasional light snow then:clearing late to- night. Saturday sunny and cold Winds light becoming north 15 Saturday : White River, Cochrane sional light snow this afternoon and evening clearing night. Saturday mai made new treaty to for bestows on Canada supporting Canadian negotiators were thrown up against some of the ; : + "Mie Vises minister said the most brilliant legal and techni Wied" winane athe ay s -d, among other cal brains in the U.S., he said 3 »/|Canada would be able to con- While they were "nice chaps, : , . ; trol the use of the Columbia they couldn't compete. There a ae po 4 River water in Canada for jirri- was a lack of planning on the 3 c z and. 4 "fect gation power development, sunny, |Canadian "side, and, in effect, and consumption. The entire Turning colder avain 1: the whole scheme should have : pte ' urning colder again late to- heen acranped project now was being handled night. Winds light. becoming . in a "business-like way."' north 15 Saturday - Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Saturday Windsor 28 St. Thomas 2 London | Kitchentr' . Mount Forest. mentary secretary prime en- 1g5, gs, that Occa- Among the Liberals and Con- servatives lending their: voices to the treaty's support, Mr 3vrne was one of the strongest cates NDP Leader T. C. Doug- las recalled that Mr. Byrne used to support the plan advanced by Wingham Gen. A. G. TL... McNaughton Ilamilton ' When did he change his mind? St. Catharines.... 28 ' I Toronto 32 Peterborough Trenton Killaloe .. é 5 2 sy Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton advoc 3ut have never said categori cally that we must have the Mc plan," said Mr so would have meant extinction for me in the East Kootenays,"' Naughton rne. "To do political But he said there was a time when, "'like my honorable friend from West Kootenay, I was *-al- lowing in ignorance." At sea and ashore! ames RUMS | NAVY RUM (Dark) PALM BREEZE WHITE CAP (Very Light) (White) British Strengthen Malaysian Border to suming OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WASHINGTON (CP) -- Trade |Minister Sharp conferred with authorities} a- number of US. Thursday, expressing criticism of U.S. flour export subsidies and higher American tariffs, on a number of automotive parts affecting Canadian shippers. "We take very serious 'excep- tion to the American flour sub- sidy which puts our mills under a great handicap," Sharp told a press conference after separ- ate meetings with Agriculture |Secretary Orville Freeman, As- jsistant Commerce Secretary | Jack Behrman and 'Interior Sec- retary Stewart Udall. | In addition to an export sub- |sidy on wheat, the U.S. pro- lvides a specific flour subsidy jequivalent to eight cents 'a |bushel of wheat. This "exces- |sive' assistance to U.S. flour shippers is a detriment to Ca- nadian flour exporters,'"' .Sharp said, He also touched on this flour complaint during a _ luncheon speech to the National Associa- tion, of Grain Dealers where he emphasized that the Canadian government does not subsidize Canadian grain exporters. "Not only so, but when Ca: nadian flour exporters encoun- tered difficulties in competing against flour subsidies paid by competing countries, including the U.S., the Canadian--wheat board introduced an export ad- justment for flour exports paid by the wheat producers them- selves , the government was not a party to it." aysia to join with him in negotiations that lapsed Wednesday. A Philippine delegation spokesman said Lopez framed a three-point proposal intended to break a deadlock between In- donesia and Malaysia about the presence of Indonesian guerril- las within Malaysian Bornco. The spokesman said this ap- peared acceptable to the Mal- aysians and that the Indonesian delegation had cabled it to pres- ident Sukarno's government in Jakarta for instructions Razak said Malaysia was will. ing to talk about political as- pects of the crisis provided In- donesia agreed to withdraw the guerrillas, But Malaysia re- jected the Indonesian position that a withdrawal of these fight- ing men must be linked directly to the politicali talks and. that the progress of the withdrawal must depend on the progress of the talks. Abroad there were these de velopments: A dispatch from Sabah's capi- tal, Jesseltown, announced Brit- ish - Malaysian defence forces were strengthening border posts and increasing air patrol activ- ity The Indonesian news agency re- col- D Plywood Pane cellent Saving MILLW 1279 SIMCOE Ex a oxi With Detachable Foot Bands Colors: -- Pink, Turquoise, Black, Yellow, Aqua, Brown, . Green, Beige, Sand. PRICED FROM 3.98"6.97 AA. Shop Early For This Complete Assortment -- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA' Hurting Canada Mills | Little Men Twisting ls 3-9 Hours Only UN Peace Force Will Face Armed Citizens During the association meet-|is keeping the Canadian situa-| ing, Erwin Kelm, president of|tion under careful review. « By CARMAN CUMMING . | The lines in question say sim- Cargill, Inc., one of the largest} "What he told me didn't sur-\Canadian Press Staff Writer|/ply that the council "recom- U.S, grain shippers, said there) prise me," Sharp said. The Turkish representative) mends that the function of the " appears to be something wrong) fe described the Canadian glanced around the circle of re-|force should be, in the interest with the U.S. system when Ca-| automotive industry, which is porters, tapped his fingers on/of preserving international nadians, with a shorter grow-|mostly under U.S. control, asthe desk and mused: "But/peace and security to use its JU © psiaies ling period, "'can profit from un-|*just beginning to respond' to What do we do about 30,000 ri-|best efforts to prevent a recur- in the hands 0 ~ irregu-'rence of fighting and, as neces- sary, to contrfbute to the main- tenance and restoration of law. and order and a return to nor- mal conditions." The youthful Greek - Cypriot |foreign minister of Cyprus, /Spyros Kyrianou, immediately called a press conference and laid stress on the word "con- tribute." He indicated this subsidized sales at world prices the Canadian automotive incen- fles while our own farmers, even/tiye program. Some companies /ats?" : with sizable export . subsidies, were more enthusiastic than. The reporters gathered in the must submit to severe produc-| others, he added. press conference room. at tion and market limitations?' | However: he nolett that under United Nations headquarters Sharp said he took up with|th. U.S, iariff reclassification had no ready cna Nor, : Freeman the question of how program, which went into sega have ¢ ao to make Canadian - U.S. wheat fect last year, some Canadian teat up a peace force for Cy marketing 'consulfations more auto parts manufacturers were * -7)., ; we fruitful. These quarterly consul-|'sdversely affected." ig gsi " ps Pees tations broke down last Septem-| For. example, under the old al ot hp pt : night-|meant the UN force would hel ber when the U.S. accused Can-itariff schedules, the duty on im-imares for the dip ro mat sjexisting Cypriot forces to keep ada of following unfair wheat! ported automobile headlights chased with "rales Mod a pees & UypP' Pp marketing. practices. Sharp said) was 814 per cent; now the U.S.| pervising the force to keep) The Turkish representative he is nat sure whether the quar-|qescribed. them as_ electrical Lech aL ean the Greek- and Turgut Menemencioglu, called ee re-|lighting equipment, raising the "Turkish-Cypriots. in the press the following day : new/duty to 17 per cent. and said that, as he understood channels wouid be developed. | Behrman indicated to Sharp) VAGUE MANDATE atainiany the primary function When Canada introduced a that the U.S. may be planning " The operation was" author-| of the force was to "use its best tariff incentive program to en- some. action that may not be ized by the UN Security Coun- offorts to prevent a recurrence ee ens beneficial to Western countries|/cil Wednesday in a resolution) of fighting." courage expansion of automo- doing trade with certain Com-|worded with. sufficient vague-\" a. neutral observers see it tive production in Canada, the munist countries, but Sharp said/ness to enlist at least partialline nub of the problem is that U.S. commerce department said he was not at liberty to go into|support from all the countries! Gree, Cypriot "irregulars" this would hurt U.S, exports to getails of this discussion, and factions involved. \have been "regularized" by the Canada, 2 He emphaized that Canada's} Qnly four lines described Cypriot government--in which Sharp said his discussions shipments to Cuba con ist what the force should actually the Turkish-Cypriots no longer with Assitant Commerce Sec- mainly of foodstuffs and as far'do when it go to Cyprus, and participate. retary Behrman broke no newas the future is concerned,'these lines already have been ground. He aid Behrman in- "that is all that seems in pros-|interpreted, in. various ways to DISARM ONE SIDE? formed him the department still pect." suit various interests. The question is whether Pres- : 4 aus jident Makarios will expect she FAVREAU TELLS EMPIRE CLUB {UN Yorce to help his own men }disarm the Turkish-Cypriot '"'ir- jregulars'"' while the Greek-Cyp- jriots, now with official status, |keep their weapons. | The Turks aren't likely to buy jthis. There are 100,000 Turkish- Cypriots and more than 400,000 Greek-Cypriots. "The UN force is scheduled to stay only three months. The UN force, no matter how the situation develops; is al- most certain to be accused by one side ort he other of mis- using its mandate. Under these circumstanees it isn't surprising that coun- tries asked to participate--Can- ada among them--are asking serious questions about what the force will be expected to do. But, as one Western diplomat 'French Canada Hope that Ottawa is as truly their Minister Favreau Thursday de-|capital as it is yours; that they nounced "'little men who twistiare full participants in Can- French - Canadian aspirations"|/ada's politica' and economic and use racist overtones in an/destiny and that their fate no attempt to divide Canada. longer depends--or appears to Speaking to members of the depend--on extraneous forces. Empire Club, he said: :"Divi- Mr. Favreau said French-Ca- sive tactics being employed to Nadians believe it is their duty create ambiguities and suspi- to achieve "economic libera- cion are srfall, mean, hypocri-\tion" and social equality. tical and dangerous to all Ca-| French Canada finds itse'f al- nadians, most economically subservient "French Canadians . don't to the English-speaking major- want to impose bilingualism on ily. all Canada or make it a the . WOODSTOCK (CP) Leon quirement for promotion in '° pacer, leader of the national civil service Conservative party in Quebec, "They do want to feel they Thursday coupled an attack on are fully participating in Can- ceparatism with a call for clear ada's economic' and political tederal policies on provincial destiny." rights, when he spoke to the an- The justice minister outlined nual meeting of the Oxford conditions on which French-Ca-|County Progressive Conserva- nadians. must base their cont n- tive Association, uing destiny in Confederation. He charged that Quebec pro- "They must be made to know, vincial cabinet ministers who is- to feel deep in theif hearts, that sue ultimatums about the state they are at home in Canada; jof Confederation are guilty of pata i --- -|"cheap politics." POWER 69: POWER PERFECT GRAIN FED BEEF STEAKS and ROASTS Boneless @ Round @ Sirloin e@ Wing He also criticized federal cab- inet ministers who talk "about the breakup of Canada." In nei- ther case did he' mention names. Mr, Balcer said it is the re- sponsibility of Quebec and' fed- eral leaders toe nsyre that ex- tremists don't destroy the up- surge of vitality and energy oc-| put it, - 'someting has to be curring in Quebec. done if we're interested in pre- Mr. Balcer deplored what he'serving the southern flank of termed the Liberal federal gov--NATO--and we are." ernment's failure in provincial - relations, described the govern- ment's "co - operative federal- SHORGAS ism" as backtracking in the face of public pressure, HEATING & went APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, relioble Gas Decler in your eres. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Ath, 728-944 TORONTO (CP) Justice THE KEY To The SALE - LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW RE AAT. OR 728-9474. WY Sa ANTA said thousands of youths demonstrated at the British con- sulate in Su:abaja, Java, de-| manding the withdrawal of Brit- ish troops from Malaysian Bor-| neo. 4 PURE WHITE GRANULATED | 5-LB. BAG (LIMIT 2 BAGS TO A CUSTOMER) & BUILDING ORK SUPPLIES LTD. NORTH -- PHONE 728-6291 e@ Rump Square and @ Sirloin Tip. "s. GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS «. 10: @ee@@e@e@eeeeede@eeeete POWER NO. 1 GRADE CREAMERY Light FREE Butter ™@ ONE POUND PRINT AT REGULAR PRICES ANY

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