16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 6, 1964 29--Automobiles For Sale |32--Articles For Sale 32--Articles For Sale 3z--articies for Saie 33--Market Casket te a j t j : Meeting closed with prayer. - 190 AE Sivato Chiel, wodoor er |UNIFORMS for the lady in white, new-|rWELVE foot aluminum cartop bost.|DOUBLE dresser, chest of drawers, twol APPLES, fancy Macs, $1.50 per by. Sweel |folowed by lunch and social cellent condition, Call Whitby 668-8756.Jest styles, for nurses, beauticians, wall-| Five HP Gale motor. In excellent condl- night fables, spindrift finish, condition|cider, 75c per gal. W. T. Cox, Bowmen- time. 29---Automobiles For Sale' resses. Delivery service or free catalogve| tion, offer 3. Tele-\like new. Call 725-7202. ville, 623-2267. . | 1963 GHEVROLET, 4door, | Biscayne lwithout obligation. | Nesbitt's, Lad!©$iphone 725-6757. a nit CANDACE UNIT 1963 RAMBLER, 2-door sedan,.finished Injauiomatic transmission, Excellent Wear, 33 King Street East. 725-0532 ap- TOR, Leonard, medium size|CAPONS, dressed, oven ready, 5' Ibs, leaming white, new car condition. Sea-|tion. TM. after 6 p.m. 728-5623. jie Beg dag ae -- (goal fur|65. Perfect condition. Telephone 728-6302.|and up. $2.50 each delivered. Telephone Mrs, Harry Vaz Camp was ey cies, anaes a CREEESS end conte, eoceliont corgi trimened, sit+ 7) DOs, TOP Seer' 47: |BEDROOM sulle, six-piece dining room,|------ Holds Meet hostess for the Candace Unit Sangeeta ays walls, $1,550 cash. 723-4052. be -- -- mn ly See aire aes Sa Ae ey ween how 88 hee Oe BUY your polaiess by the 73 B. bee 80 which met at her home. OLET Be! Air, 2door auto- POWER hack saw, ; bench grinder, " : 725-8934. : 1963 CHEVROLET oe radio, tow mile-|1960 RAMBLER Classic 660, TWo-do0r.|-omnpressor, torch and ghuge, alr hoses,| BABY carriage, Gendron, $25) baby Sirol |FINDLAY 90,000 BTU gf Taare |the, busnel.. For free delivery felephone| BILACKSTOCK -- Mrs. Ken-| The worship was given excellent condition. Telephone/sparkling soft white finish with beautiful] ander and vi Jer, $10; both blue and wit small baby Me rel gg bladed gas forced air ho evenings, Brooklin 655-4983. neth Samells was hostess for Mrs. Marwood McKee and Mrs. blue interior, equipped with the very pop-|.,, 4 nacooaeDles pe: WP ds, . ve seats, This Is a very low) new Lis I ad rolet, $35. Telephone! crib, $5. 120 Barric Avenue, 'Telephone 7257783, |FREE DELIVERY in Oshawa. Solling|the Anna unit which met recent-/Gordon Strong. . .|1961 CORVAIR four door sedan, standard,|miteage car and owned and driven by WRECKING a brick house and service --| fowl your fréezer, average 3¥2 Ibs. : 1781 Corian 'radio, heater, weshers.|Mr. B--, (name on demand), of the|USED TV Specials: Marcon! combination) station, eS Brice rove Siencae ena| HURRY for thie specisl sale! Women's|No order under, 1. Fow! $1 each. Sew: ly at her home. , |. Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and Mrs. wnite wails, $1,350, T ne P iecae -\aeurence Meo og WL radio, 21" television pac age Cond All inaterials for sale. Poa econ 2 Oc 8, Commo Shea eee . Mrs. Roy McLaughlin gave|Gordon pay Pov ne ge the - We 2" 4 cll posi egg ale pas ay Jocatton. floor up). 725-9356. APPLES Baldwin, good cooking and\the worship and dedicated the|Program on the of women inal list' $2,796. Selling $1,995. Seaway|s47.95. 21" Admiral console, $7995. WelceieRAL electric refrigerator, auto- --leating. $1.25 and $2. Whitby 668-2088. le 623-2656. Motors Lid., Dundas Street West,/have lots of others. pen offering. : in India. defrost, $125; Gurney SAVE up to 50 per cent on new, Whitby, 668-5803. West, 725-1685. natic Cerro ning room suite, formicalfied and used 'fires at General Tire, 534/34 Lost and Found Mrs Lorne Thompson took| The Dorcas Unit is to be in-. 1960 en" haar ou ee bagel EASY Spiralator ®utomatic washer, A-l\top, 6 pc., $185. Phone 723-9033. Ritson Road South, Oshawa. chapters 7 and 8 of The Word vited to the March meeting CHOJAK (HOIAK) Josephine pond Sarcsavil 623-3619. . Street ast. = es nee re a oe on mat fiona ria a Area skater fein A u fal Shr' serordy. et Culrer's 'rena: and.-the.Way...and_.a..question which is to be held at the home " tered into rest in the Oshawa Generel bh bgp hgenr te os, Mater 5 om. 4 Both in perfect condition. Also play pen.|Apply Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond East,|Reward. Telephone after 4 at 728-1578.|and answer period followed. of Mrs. Ivan Thompson, ee So? : cs. CRUISER 728-1240. Open evenings. : ; Black end Yen Beagle, femaie,| Mrs. Russe! Mountjoy gave a|_It was recomrzended that Hospital on Thursday, Merch 5, 1964, Whitby 668-2826. u Josephine Robel, beloved wife of Walter USED CARS 7955 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, excellent con- ROGERS Malestic comunnation radio, ond) s. F. CCODRICH STORES -- Tiss Bat ee woe Fp oh gene song on The Study Book of|Rev. Romeril be asked to con- 2029. a. ecord player, console; ern dining|teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele Holak) and mother of Mrs. dition, radio, low mileage. $650 or best j " tied duct a study class on The Word Too. ae inant _ |Offer. Telephone Whitby 668-4994. 19Ft, Custom built needs |fom suite, girls siotine. ge 2B hg deanna dtl Mote el MA Eadoacr -- Neat ois "bu and The Way. each Monday. Chester Holak, T In her 1959 FORD, four-door sedan, finished In Soni: ; A ; # BED chésterfield, 21 Inch TV, chester- Le: al ext unit meeting to at i cae Resting a te pied Ponerel 1961 CHEVROLET [raven black, eavippea 'with VB, engine oe -- yee, Tee etewetn ib. ted coutior aoa fleld and chair, washing machine, chrome s Mrs. Jean McLaughlin's, March Hore, Oshawa, with High Requiem Mass| Sedan, 6 cylinder, standard -- |automatic frenepruasion, radio, one own} 40 HP. Evinrude Electric solid wood mest block, electric Cree! NO aol ea ee emi cetrig{ ARTHUR S- BROAD, 17 Brock Streeti17, Some ladies handed ip MANY ARE OLD W St. Hedwig' Church Monday, March| , transmission, discs ond wash- -- |way Motors, Lid. 200 Dundas west! Start Motor. Plus Tee-Nee |moker. Canales motor, ete. Very reason-leaaie var gta Bip eden eg ip anilel . oe blocks for afghan: also enongh) A large stmber 9 (ie 3,00 9%_at 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's} FS Color fawn. Zs - nina teh bys my name by|flannelette blocks for a quilt,|hospitals in Britain's National Whitby 668~ Tard h d boat: able. Cali 728-0529. . : i955 BUICK special, four-door hardtop, andem heavy duty 0 ee a ara aay Se vacuum CLEANER repairs, all makes,|2"vone on or after this date, March 5)which Mrs. Johnston offe: ealth Service were built in the - stom radio, A ts, 1964, . wi consent, -- 1960. CHEVROLET [contact '2s-7i trailer. cash or $15 monthiy. Nov down payment. \brushes, hoses. Guaranteed re-built ma soehgege AB yea put together. 19th century. COACH ae 'al ge gee er ve West, : chines, Re=ts!s. Wallace Vacuum Service. WRAY, Isaac * 1955 METEOR, nine passenorition and| A boat enthusiast's delight. King West, 720-7191 Call anytime 728-0591. I, ORMAN L. HESS, RR 3, Oshawa, will unity Hospitel, , . _ |wagon, : . > ae ig ol gg an ont oe a trans- |qood 'tires, $200. Telephone 725-3271. Best offer will be pted, | RECONDITIONED Televisions: ee nthr|BUYING or selling furniture or appii-|not be responsible for any debts contract: mission, two tone jue and 1960 CHEVROLET, 2-door sedan, finished ly at Honest Cal's Discount Furniture andjances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 orled In my name, on or after this date, beloved son of Mr. oe Wrey| white. Low mileage. in Oshawa blue, excellent condition. See- 728 9783 Appliances, 424 King West, 728-9191. 263-2695. March §, 1964, by anyone without my and brother of Fred, Toronto, Kenneth, eo 200 Dundas WE buy, sell and exchange used furni-|TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du-\written consent. -- ©. L. Hess. Seagrave, Lillian (Mrs. M. Sleep), Bow- a ture or anything you have. The City/plicators, iters, Sale in the of Know ' ; ; ' r ; Street|three hurd 5 "% manville, Florence (Mrs. Bert Buett), and] 1959 CHEVROLET 1954 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 2-oor hard PIANOS Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street\three hurdred new and used. We b B | N G 0 PAS eee ote eee AT Helen, Oshawa, Ida, Seagrave, in his 67th top, very clean, automatic transmission, South. 723-1671. sel, rent, service. Hamilton Office Hob , ues ch tes chapel of tithormnet s x : custom radio, tutone blue, $200 cash. AT BUY and sell, 7 used furniture and 137 Brock South, Whitby. lay, March 9, at 1 O'clock Fecbuckas, "port Perry. tor. service. qni Or, CUNITIORS, rodio, white | Teeshone 72277 appliances. One location only. Pretty's|TLEEVISION tower special, 40-ft. struc- LAND TITLES EUCHRE -- North Oshawa Park club saseréey © tment Pine Grove) WOW tires and woshers. 1955 DODGE parts, reconditioned V8 Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. |ture, including all channel antenna, In- house, Nonquon Road, Saturday night at my as oe a motor, $70 or offer. Telephone Whitby SALE PRICES DIAMOND necklace and dainty e@rrings|Stalled and guaranteed by experts with 8 o'clock. Admission 50c., ene Cemetery. 668-3053. fo match, original price $125. Asking $50.|10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television, prizes. 1958 PONTIAC i961 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, finished In] CCLLBERT fo match, origina ree 'sliver set with| telephone 720-5143, De : ACT U.A.W.A. HALL Mod: 7 Old Tine LOCKE'S FLORISTS SEDAN turquoise with toh vinyl prtok P Pa tack Gali Se stones, best offer. Telephone 728-3793. WATCH, man's, Gruen wristwatch, | 25 $ SATURDAY MAR. 7 ern an ym equipped with radio. Seaway Motors, iona a inch. ly 36" $$ ewes, self-winding, water proof, white | ' . Funeral arrangements and 6, automatic, radio. Here is Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 668-5893. high. Deluxe Mahogany fin- B Sh Equi nt gold, extension bracelet, guaranteed seven IN THE MATTER OF:2 Parts | 7:30 P.M. DANCING f| ts for all f ile in. bei are era an ota , V8, radio.) ish : eauty op Equipme months, $0 or best offer. Telephone 'ort pace gy sesamin ee amend Hie Peoges 7337827 Or 188 Farewell Bl aes. i lig "whet 2 Hair Dryers, 2 Setting 723-7207. of Lot C-1, Sheet 3, Muni- 20 GAMES $10 A GAME OSHAWA SHOPPING ona! avee™ includes bench' Chairs, Shampoo Chair and PROPANE gas stove, suitable for home| cipal Plan 335 for the City CENTRE 1958 OLDSMOBILE _ |plack. clean "Inside and out, $575: oF or cottage. Excellent condition. Safety| of Oshawa, lying west of and 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 9 Until Mid-Night 1957 OLDSMOBILE deluxe, gleaming Bosin, Dresserette with mir- trois, tank tubi d Reach $599 ror, 2 years old. Some. beauty 1 a prick. Rony 181° CuSuune Oshawa Boulevard $40, $50 Every Saturday 24 HOUR Fane vi Sedon, twdromatic, one est offer. Apply before Sm St 8) ENS supplies. $425. Co aes North JACKPOTS | owner, in A} condition. 1956 DODGE V8, 1954 Hillman. Both In| Small size, only 36" high. 100 Cromwell Ave. Apt. 4 [BICYCLE, girl's, Leslonl Plt alae medium! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ONE GAME $150 Kindness beyond Price, yet fair. condition, Telephone after 6 P.M] Srmortly styled with round Pee sik ae - = site in gi condition elep! thot WILLIAM TONNO, the SHARE THE WEALTH goicloonaelegs H |fecrauier fluted legs, Deluxe Satin What's My Line? se GTOROLA TV. Toor model biond| purchoser undef on agree- 1958 PLYMOUT 1956 BUICK hardtop, all gee alge Walnut finish. Sale price in- Buying and selling used fur- | Cabinet, $75. Telephone 668-2680. i ment for purchase and sale, SUNNYSIDE PARK : GERROW 6- cylinder, dtondord, shorp. | sufomatic, good, conte ov cash Apply| cludes bench. niture and appliances. For |ceeciine-ine following: 198 to t9s1| fs made an application to P Formerly Vorcoe's RA throughout. White with blue = /235 Euialie Avenve. $639 your needs phone eee cl thevrolet, Pontiac. All parts rea-| the Local Master of Titles ot . FUNE L HOME trim. 1959 CHEVROLET, three-ton, 16 foot plat- : sonable. Call 728-1322. Whitby for a certificate of MONSTER BINGO King Street East 390 KING STREET WEST form truck for sale. May be seen at 405) SHERLOCK-MANNING Valley Creek Furniture ROuRburner, heavy duly electric Hove,| title to this land of which ie fi TELEPHONE 728-6226 1957 FORD ert A ll pede Whitby. Rebuilt new)" Beoutifully styled and in 728-4401 or call ot the cssactiee rteo ag Te ag een gs Tagnied bg gen a he ol CLUB CAMELOT per coupl - i ee 16} i sink OD a OR cist Abela in fee simple ' ae DAN ar WONTiRe Uniaana tomer bere] ew, deslon, ormy 40 Bai TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc-| encumbrances, on the com- formerly Varcoe's Pavilion NEW SEDA\ 1962 PONTIAC Ultematicr radio, Immacu-| high. Smooth flowing lines. ture with all channel antenna, Installed i i chose ate cond ) 5 Plain round tapered legs. $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons pletion .of the soid Pu FRIDAY, MAR. 6th. In good running order. late condition, Offers. Dial 655-4476. n A IN MEMORIAM s_coation Ofer. Gal Sate --_| Enoaptional tone, Sove $74. Used Sr Hci ord Se ime' inte oe dio, electric tailgate, washers, clock,| on this better quality instru- ipm PARTS for 1956 Monarch power-equipped hen other person G ex histng ihaniery: of eur 1956 MET EOR cer hale, padded sd2sh, good condition.| ment. Sole price includes Garage Equip ent convertible, white wyion Ve in good 'con ee aeiming Fi glare $250 Jacki Nos. 51, 52 D | V | N DICKIE -- In ing b 403 Gilbert Street East, itby. h,, dition. After 6 apply 15¢ Ibert Street. ' A 4 Bi 7:4 .m. c : mother, Ella May Dickie, whe pase] 2 Spor hardtop, \V-8, cute Te om oiinder wiendera tee] $795 Front Erid Alignment \craeh our carisck aia aaa be bes] (rive fr erat ns hay Oi Sane Ee CLASSES hough her smile is gone forever, f gs er he sont ees. to front Machine veriee into stroller. Good condition, $15. rg ee id gtd heir abog f ine Door Prizes Admission 50c Mer teuch H ' . Telephon § Call 723-7172. req i F 'sell oe 'eg SS any mernoriet Price $295 a SHEVROLET ai Air sedan, equip- The above pianos ore but WOLF nae F x 10", Harding, $157 drapes lined, 18th day of March 1964 to Tror sportation to Comers START THURSDAY : three of the mony excel- Valve grinding machine J ted sae (fer f his clai if needed. Of the one we loved so much. ped with automatic transmissiin, snap- picture window, $25; 3-cushion chester- ile a statement of his claim Merch 5 et The Boy's Chub Is our keepsake, " V8, custom radio, new tires all around.) lent values mow in stock Welding Torches field $10. 723-7240. : "i the f » i 1955 CHEVROLET Py way 'Motors. Lid 200 Dundas West, sd in my office at Town © Pool. Air and aqua lungs v-8 ready for immediate delivery. 2 sets. complete WALNUT veneer dini vite, teble,| Whitby, and to serve a copy , ; Whitby 668-5893. Any of the above instruments 3 floor jacks, 4 vises WALNUT eer a ening cabin Mater | on thie Apaiiconk, pate yg Oo P| Auatomotic, 2 door hordtop, |i anchpeectage ng saday ey er may be purchased with .o 2 Battery Chargers lent condition. Telephone. 725-1837. : ak " radio, etc. : pray Coty etree. Phone 728-018. '| reasonable down poymént STARTER CAR Lore mpagitoe aoe ol Duos, ve = Phin address of the Applicont . $350 1959 CHEVROLET convertible, V-8 auto. -- monthly .payments. Spark Plug Cleaner 728-1336. deaacttenistiey meron ORANGE TEMPLE 723-2284 matic, power steering and brakes. In A-l t forget our RENTAL- Drive Sockets pith Parkhill & Yanch, 5 @ERROW -- In loving memory of our condition. Telephone Brooklin 655-4946. PURCHASE plon if you have set, three-quarter inch yeaa? Leies Pasi Were tee | Baines, ot SATURDAY MAR. 7th dear mother, Marie A. Gerrow, who pass: i956 FARGO, halfton pick-up, mechani-| youngsters wonting to stort Automatic Transmission rebhone 723-3185. } .| Barristers, etc. \ . ee 01 ; finished In pal ; : : L in FORD a-oor sedan, tnised tr oslel WILSON & LEE | Dust Wheel Tire Chonger Jock |corpination. Aply 235 Eulale Avenue. | Dated at Whitby, this 2nd 20 Games -- $8 People 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 668- 87 Simcoe St. N. 725-4706 Telephone 728-9955. |wit mirror, box spring end spring filled $150. Dundas West, Whitby. 668-5893, Sadly missed by loving wife Dorothy i Bowmanville - 623-3671 Please God, forgive a silent tear, -=Sadly missed by his femily, Mr. and GARAGE $350. ane Wests Whitby. -- LTD. Body Part-A-Power CHESTERFIELD suite, 3. pleces,| day of March, 1964. Share the Wealth Sing the Praises 7960 METEOR Rideau, 2-door_ sedan,| Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings Evenings 723-4406 Se Children Under 16 Not Admitted Ads Hic gr } 1956 MERCURY, 6 cylinder half ton, cettee. ROY W. NICHOLS = = SNOWDEN -- In loving memory of 2 MOTORS 5 Gust East of Wilson Road) + Oe ere cinerss Yes, we bnew, PRE-SPRING 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 : Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 4 , oe WP oe wor ee an eee|, BUY TODAY -- General Repair and : fy jj/ Sedan, V-8, ati aes Wert, Whitby, 660-8879: Stor Motor Crane condition, $65; Filfer Queen vacuum| Oshowa, Ontario. , Business snowD eer husband, Alan Snowden, who passed : Fili Cabinet March 6, 19 ,1954 OLDSMOBILE Be einen: oi eee Uns ee WALNUT bookcase bed, double dresser} Deputy Local Master of Titles 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Times Classified Runs good. 5893. sharp "ey: A-1 condition. Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Ht five: with ih memory BUYING OR SELLING Unt" the end of fe, COURTICE 728-6206 | TE) "CAAAPIN ear Lay hong gions 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA i Dear God, take @ message TGTINT ents To our father in Heaven above, SALES AND SERVICE : 5 Ra8 ats 462 y MIR Zed 'uve 'nim al cor loves SALE JAKE and BILL'S ae YY) Y : La Y yy pede wid ee a baaitel memories, 1955 PONTIAC cally A-l, Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dun-] piano lessons. Testing Equipment INDLAY render aperiment" size, new 8 Simcoe Street, South, 7:30 P.M. re EN -- In loving memory of 8 7958 MERCURY, 2door hardtop, finished Eastern Ontario's Largest Executive Desk ond Chair hesaock, fg Hap ieebag ara W. H. MOOREHOUSE 4 -- $40 Jackpot to go of Oshawa with radio, , loved, still mine, father, Alan Snowden, who passed he was ours, we loved him so. VOLVO Hagedorn, Mr. and Mrs. John Aitchison, Auto-Electric: Service Mr. end Mrs. Ron Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. 449 Ritson Road South Me, Stodmurphy, Mr and nis. Roderi| SQVe Many Dollars Oshawa 728-0921 Gcodmurphy, Sam, David and Jim. SNOWDEN -- In loving, memory of «| 1962 MERCURY = Monterey SPOT CASH dea tandfather,, Alan Snowden, ake wha pend Suey See arta. could bet Ma gg lg ng PAID FOR O00 ot ie ined "smile your heart of| Brakes, Power Steering, Radio. Good clean cars. Trade up gold, "A Luxury Cor ot Working or down. Liens paid off. Always so good, unselfish and kind, Man"s Price Level'. DODD MOTOR SALES sat oo ata memories you left 314 PARK RD. SOUTH ; 1962 CHEVROLET Bel-Air ) heart is kept, 723-9421 bg toved you "oo dear Yo ever forget Two Door Hard Top -- Au- ed fe tomoti ronamisel " . Bae" pony, Poul \ Brians. Vickle, Carer ple ee" A |30--Automobiles Wanted Steven, Billy, Donna, Nancy, Tammy, LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars Laurie, David, Roy and Diane. 1962 CHEVROLET Sedon -- . |for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 MONUMENTS -- MARKERS Automatic transmission, pow- ---- East, 725-1181. er Steering, Tires Like New. Ts Mets ligt Parts and Auto bikbeonetsd RIMAR Ma Lovely Cor ag ae 1960 CHEVROLET Bel-Air NIEMORIALS | eosrtingg io | Sat CAS S$ OSHAWA a si deal up or down. Liens paid OFFICE EVENINGS 1960 CHEVROLET Sedan off 723-1002 728-6627 Excellent mechanical condi- NICOLS MOTORS LTD, tion. "An Original Type Car' 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel 1959 CHEVROLET Cooch-- Whitby 668-3331 * EE. Mai i as ie. Alay a, ULASSIFIED prone aS om ase 145 CARS WANTED ADVERTISING 1959 PONTIAC Sedan -- Buying a New Car? Radio, Automatic, 'Good Sell your used car to "Ted" (Continued from Page 15) Car'. Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". . y 1959 CHEVROLET Sedon-- 29--Automobiles For Sale} patio, Stondord Tronsmis- TED CAMPIN MOTORS pn Se tidied 9962 CHEVROLET BeiAir, two - door Cc Cor'. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 cellent condition, radio, new wail re. errr. TMS WEEKS 32--Articles for Sale 1950 WILLYS .Jeepster, original, good RECLINER chair with vibrator, beige condition. Telephone Port Perry, 985-2807. SPECIALS and brown; 17 Inch Phillips television, 9 ® Once seen, always re- , misting on other windows , supple vinyls and fashion- ; priced car. These are just <a VOL KESWAG a blond, console cabinet. Telephone 723-2052. U disappear. 'brics, way reasons why nl $795, private. one 728-8283, 1962 CHEVROLET Bel-Air FOR sae ne Dark ae aaah Meteor S$ Ow rice pcoitg el oped < ger espe -- --<' a toute ; Coach. Radio, Automatic, |eavipment. Call Tom after 5.18. p.m. styling--from its hand- | won't obscure your rear | Meteor's larger doors let Meteor isso popular. Your automatic V-8, Rardin, jen rcalgh al Ronee hag sl White wall tires. Like new. was! " walls, A-1 cond 5 ers, le 5730. ion. ea- Upholstery some to its elegant ision because the wind i prolate culote Ones $5800 phone. Oshawa 725-8183. grille poveren = yen ont and out grace- Mercury dealer can show Oe Breezeway Rear Window | slopes away from the wea- | fully. Meteor gives youso {| you many more. Come in ee wee, ree vs, ks eRe Cone = CTE vee eee eee ne isn t hew. a it's the --is immaculate and re- | ther. Meteor's the only | many extras for a low ! andenjoyatestdrivesoon. Mr. John Bolahood, 728-5123. 'a ; Ss BEAUTY sal i tf le. For . ' '4 9954 CADILLAC, selling parts or whole nin ga oe rid further varticulars telephone 728-6861 eve- fined. You'll drive Meteor | car in the low-price field car, -excelient motor. Best offer. 1084 nings only! distinctive new styling and the with increasing pride mile that offers you this beauti- In size, performance, luxury and value _-- me 1955 CHEVROLET Sedon De- after mile, day after da fully practical feature. 4 *| tivery with Station Wagon *- TIRE Eg v iti Lady toe Here's the next best | Meteor's extras are Work" $365.00. 1 ge ARANCE many extra features that have min to air-condition- | designed for your com- VP Rvemate woraniaaen -- | SALE captivated so many people ralicl mac wiskcl ts '| You'k ove Oo ga es nes, Bea onde e perated rear window! In | You'll love the padded holstery Only. $1095. Save 60% On New summer it lets fresh air | arm rests, the crank-oper- & @ 9 Other cars to choose from a P flow through; in winter | ated vent windows, the} ak tb f 64 KEYED UP TO i ca aids je pooh ha open it just a touch and § deep pile carpeting, the m es | ig or: BUY A NEW CAR? "TED" Used tires from 99c up : 5 i All sizes -- All Mdkes BUY ONE WITE A LOW-COST D CA p | Trick ond Possurier _Meteor Custom 2-door hardtop--one of the Ford Family of Fine Cars made in Canada. Whitewall tires and wheel covers are optional at extra cost. TE MPIN COME IN AND SAVE AT a ouarenaalace moat o -- extra cost, | Sti Pnn MOTORS GENERAL TIRE | im Baran MOTORS | ERE | >, BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. Gj OSED CARS GUN WANTED -- Old antique. Tele THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA | t East of Wilson Re 534 RITSON SOUTH o| 723-4494 - Res, 725-5574 | 728-6221 1271 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE: 723-4675