@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 4, 1964 UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES 21ST SCOUT GROUP The 2ist Oshawa Scout Group Auxiliary held its regular meet- ing in Kedron Lower Hall re- cently. Mrs. William Elliott, 1st vice-president, presided. Mrs. Fred Densham gave an account of the regional confer- Gite, Mrs. Bruce MacDonald, the Akela of "B" Pack, gave an informative and amusing ac- count of Cub Camping, STORIE PARK AUX. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thomson, Mr.|Mrs. R, McRobbie, Mr. and and Mrs. R. Jones, Mr. and|Mrs. J, Catalano, Mr. Rick Mrs. R. Dougherty, Mr. and| Dingman, Mrs. Gwen Read, Mrs. Bernard Muzeen, Miss! 'yr, and Mrs. J. L. Powell, Barbara Hooey, Mr. Larry|yr and Mrs. John. McReelis, Spires, Mr. and Mrs. R. God-| yr and Mrs. G. Lines. Mr. and dard, Mr..and Mrs. D. Garrow,|Mrs. D. Corby, Mr. and Mrs, C. : _|Mr. and Mrs, D. Pringle, Mr. vs Mr. and Mrs. A. F.\" , Mr.|Hawbolt, Mr. and Mrs. D. Col ee ie, san jand Mrs. C. A. McPherson, Mr | borne, Mr. and Mrs. O. Imeson, Mr. Mrs. C. L.| ig gage Ny 4 Noland. |2"4 Mrs. J. D. Nafris, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hawholt, ' \Mrs. B. Grace, Mr. and Mrs. D.| vir. and Mrs. Donald Christian Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Attersley,| Hurst, Mr. and Mrs, A. Hamlyn,| Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, Mr. Miss Jean Russell, Mr. Kenneth] yy, and Mrs. .R Whittaker, Mr.| w. p. Redpath, Miss Jessie Pat- Skerratt, Miss Lisa Feldberg,|.n4q Mrs. J. Meringerery. idk. ang Rogge Mr, J. Prusinski, Miss Mary| : , ' |. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Walker,| Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole, Lou Belloredke, Mr. Seo Stone Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McAvoy, bright, Mr. Bruce Colewell, Miss|Mr. and Mrs, L. Walker, Mr.) Tr. an t Marilyn Hardy, Mr, and Mrs.|and Mrs. John Matthews, Mr. hen a ee are tig, John Dewsbury, Mr, William| and Mrs, Ronald Flintoff,¥Mr.| (on tise' flinor Wilson, Mr Lundmark, Miss Hatty B. Scott,| and Mrs. Murray Bradley, Mr.|;ar+y Flintoff er oe Miss Susan Joy Powell, Mr.| and Mrs. R. Templar, Mr. and y : . : Eric Mudd, Mr. and Mrs. G.|Mrs. M. Ball, Mr. A: Johnson | Mr. Donald Luonde, Miss Mudd, Mr. and Mrs_C. Bovair,|Miss M. Dewdney, Mr. and Diane Bunn, Mr. and Mrs, W. Mr, and Mrs. James Phalen,|Mrs. Thomas Wolframe, Mr.| Rurinski, Mr. and Mrs. S, Fry, Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Cunning-| and Mrs. D. M. Cooper, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gould, Mr. and Donald Brunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dove;|) Mr, and Mrs. C. Brown, Mr., and Mrs. Bert Engley, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hew-| ° ett, Miss JoAnne Rospond, Mr. Michael McRae, Miss Barbara Foote, Mr. Brian Gould, Mr. Robert Fraser and Mr. John Francom. The orchestra of Jack Shearer supplied the music throughout the evening, both round and square. Door prizes donated by Oshawa businesses were drawn for during the evening, with Mr, Charles Bovair acting as master of ceremonies and Mrs. Robert Brandt, president of the Y's Menettes Club of Oshawa draw- ing the lucky numbers. WORKING WOMEN VANCOUVER (CP)--The two- Second Annual Y's Men's Ball Attend By Many Couples Potter, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mc- The Y's Men's Club of Osh- awa recently held its second an- nual ball at the Kinsmen Com- munity Centre. - Guests in attendance were as follows: Mr. and Mrs, Barry Cockburn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowler, Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Bathe, Miss Marge Lutton, Mr. Gilbert Graham, Mr. and Mrs. C. Merlin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cole- shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones, Mr. Ewald Thiele, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Jones, Mr. and Mrs. .F. Charlormear, Miss San- dra Thrasher, Mr. Wayne Bruce, Mr. Boyd Richardson, WIFE When hanging blankets to dry, use two tight lines about a foot apart, When blanket is half dry, turn so other two. edges hang down, ' "MAPLE CLEANERS | The Storie Park Ladies' Aux- fliary held an enjoyable pot luck supper recently followed by an election of officers for the 1964 season. The president, Mrs. Jerome Hickey, presided. A one minute silence for the late Mrs. George Bell was ob- served. Mrs. Hickey thanked everyone for making the Valen-} tine Tea such a success. Mrs, Peter Muzik and Mrs. Arthur Sargant who were in charge of the home bake table at the tea thanked everyone who donated home baking for their table. Mrs. Albert Crowells, dent of Rundle Park, installed the new officers for the com- ing year as follows: President, Mrs. Jerome Hickey; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. William Dowd; trea- surer, Mrs. Joseph Parsons; secretary, Mrs. John Wyatt; so- cial conveners, Mrs. Albert Fry, Mrs. Kenneth Code; press reporter, Mrs. 'Arthur Sargant; ba convener, Mrs. Reginald His. | | Pel ANTICIPATE ANNIVERSARY . Pictured on the occasion of ieir golden wedding, 10 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans of Oshawa will cele- brate their diamond wedding, next Tuesday, March 10, while vacationing in. Florida. They are residing at 1237 North At- lantic avenue, Daytona Beach, where a celebration will be | held in their honor by the local with a gift on behalf of the as- sociation, ¢ New business was a rummage sale to be held at the club- house. There is to be a plastic de- monstration April 1, to be held at the clubhouse.. Opening Day | is on June 10. Mrs. Crowells drew the win- ning ticket for the knitted baby Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges. Mr. and Mrs. Evans have lived in Oshawa for 54 Mr. ham, Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs, R. Erratt, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Snelgrove, Mr. Fred job woman is re prone to mental illnes an the woman mi Miss Marilyn Copeland, Robert Strult, Miss Ruth De- Boski, Mr. Thomas Seton, Miss Marie Keuski, Mr. and Mfs. Fred Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Russnel!, Mr. and Mrs. _L. Booth, Miss Doris Widish, Mr. 'Robert Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. F. Grasjeue, Mr. and Mrs. N. Col- lins, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Velser, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kilburn, Mr. years. --Oshawa Times Photo and Mrs. A. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. E. Redman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones,| Hubert Mr. and Mrs. E. Bailey, Mr.|Laucks, Mr. Gordon Curl, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cummer, Mr.| and Mrs. Howard McCabe, Mr. .jand Mrs, B. Mackey, Mr, and Mrs. B. Pascoe. Waite, Miss and Mrs. B. M. Lapa, Mr. and Sharon Snow, Miss Eve Brandt, Mr. Earl Foster, Miss C. Ulrich, Mr. D. D. Pickering, Mr. and Mrs, L. Abramoff, Mr. and Mrs. who stays e, says univer- sity professor Dr. Alex Rich- man, He will use a $25,000 re- search award he has won for further studies in this field, Miss Jacqueline Marlow, Mr. John G. North, Miss Dorine Capel, Mr. Kenneth J. Hickey, Miss Shirley Garveath, Mr. Charles Debona, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Hopps, light sunny flavour BRANVIN SHERRY AND PORT WINE isi JORDAN BRANVIN Sherry FACTORY CLEARANCE MARTEN'S FURS TS KING STREET EAST Opposite Hotel Genosha ENU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. Upholstery Cleaning -- Home er Plant 504 SIMCOE ST. $. OSHAWA Cosh & Corry -- 4 Hr Servies tng, Seb, 2 Bc "Your Family's PHONE 725-0643 Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Ports Mothproofing and Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the Nationa! Institute of Rug leaners Visrrors WELCOME Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Rugs and Upholstery Mrs. Hickey thanked Mrs.joutfit, Mrs. Jack Anderson was Crowells and - presented herjthe winner. PRESIDENT'S SPECIALS! ALWAYS TENDER FRESH GRADE "A" -- 3-LB, AVERAGE. CHICKENS FRYING or ROASTING CHICKEN cuts: COTTAGE ROLLS *: 3 'BREASTS ooo eee A PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS ... . 45: PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! S.X. BRAND 2.89 IDEAL FOR ROAST BEEF DINNER -- HOT - IDEAL TO HAVE ON HAND FOR ANY OECASIONN ne LOBLAWS -- SMALL LINK Pork Sausage. .. 52+ FREE! ONE, 3}-OZ. PKG. BUDDIG SMOKED SLICED CORNED 69: ALL PRICES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVE MAR, 4-5-6-7 PRESIDENT'S SPECIALS! 3° MONARCH 43° 32: 7-LB, BAG PASTRY FLOUR... AJAX CLEANSE 2. SWEET 4c OFF REG. PRICE GIANT TINS SEE THE FINE SELECTION OF LOBLAWS PROTEN* BEEF CUTS! ALL DELICIOUSLY FLAVOURFUL AND TENDER -- COMPLETELY BONELESS AND EASY TO CARVE @ MANHATTAN @ DENVER @ PENTHOUSE @ BELMONT @ NIAGARA.@ BOSTON @ KEY CLUB *REG'D USER OF T.M FRESH FROZEN FISH -- FORA LENTEN TREAT! CHOICE @ Haddock Fillets ...... :: Ai- ig 45 3-LB. TIN BEEF WITH EACH 2 PKGS. SMOKED SLICED BEEF PURCHASED Smoked Beef ::::: 2 SEE STAMP COUPON & » sey Portions :!:2::. 314-02. SLICED With This Coupon ond Purchase of With Thos Coupon ond Pur One 50's Bottle PHILLIPS TABLETS Milk of Magnesia Coupon Expres Mar It With This Coupon end Purchase of One 24-0n. Jor Merrie Englond with Pectin RASPBERRY JAM STAMPS Tall Coupon Expres Moe hase of One 10-02. Jor EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS Gi This Coupon and Purch INSTANT COFFEE NESCAFE Coupon Expires Mar 11 1h This Coupon and Purchase of Any Bor, Phy. PLAIN or ASSORTED SWISS GRUYERE Coupon Expires Mor 11 se of LOTION DETERGENT VEL Cour on Expires Mor VY This Coupon and Pi Two 6 H. ox. Tins 'TREESWEET FROZEN ORANGE JUICE ee EXTRA STAMPS Coupon Expires Mor, 11 al EXTRA STAMPS di 2) EXTRA STAMPS One 14-08, Twin-Pock Bog MAD HATTER POTATO CHIPS «23 Coupon Expix a DENTAL CREA WITH TOOTHBRUSH With Thws Coupon oF One 20-01. Phy. RUPERT FROZEN HALIBUT FISH and CHIPS Kz hase of Coupon Expires Mor. 11 With This Coupon end Purchase of One 7-or. Bottle SHAMPOO -- REG. or DRY ALBERTO V0.5 Coupon Expires Mar. It | mK EXTRA STAMPS mK EXTRA STAMPS val With This Coupon ond Purchose of One 8-02. Pkg. BONBEL Can) Coupon Expires Mar. 1 With This Coupon ond Purchase of One 20-02. Tin 1. D. SMITH CHERRY PIE FILLING KIe Coupon Expires Mor. 1 | EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS § EXTRA STAMPS With This Coupon and Purchase of One 60's Pkg. MOTHER PARKER'S TEA BAGS K2 Coupon Expires Mor. 11 With This Coupon ond Purchose of Twe 3j-02, Tins CROSSED FISH BRISLING SARDINES kNna Coupon Expires Mar. 12 With This Coupon and Purchase of One 12 HH. ox. Tin REAL GOLD ORANGE BASE K20 Coupon Expires Mar. 1 EXTRA STAMPS With This Coupon and Purchase of One 7 fi, ox. Bottle ORAL ANTISEPTIC Coupon Expires Mar. 11 'With This Coupon end Purchose off One 7-on, Phg. HYGRADE CHEESE PRETZEL STICKS K24 'Counen Expires Mar. 1 a0 EXTRA STAMPS ks EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS With This Coupon end Purchose of Any Six 15-0n. Tins ROVER PET FOOD «3 Coupon Expues Mor 11 'With This Coupon and Purchose of Any One Tin Mery Miles Mexican or Mild Chili Con Carne K16 Coupon Expres Mor 11 With This Coupon ond Purchase of Two 13 fl, ox. Ting SUN-RYPE APRICOT NECTAR «21 Coupon Expives Mor 11 a0 EXTRA STAMPS mK EXTRA STAMPS 1 With This Coupon ond Purchose of One 3-Ib, Phg. SKIM MILK POWDER Coupon Expires Mar 11 With This Coupon and Purchove of One 7-02. Pkg. GRAY DUNN Caramel Wafers KIS Coupon Expires Mor 11 With This Coupon and Purchase of One Pkg. PLASTIC FLESH COLOURED Curad Bandages