Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Mar 1964, p. 7

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MR. AND MRS. CH ARLES McDONALD Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 4, 1964 7 A touch of spring was the atmosphere last Thursday night at the Kinsmen Community Centre when the Oshawa Kin- ettes sponsored a rather unique evéning, appropriately called "Ladies' Night Out." Following the opening re- marks by Kinette president, Mrs. Morley Robinson, Mrs. David McCann, convener, in- troduced Miss Elizabeth Wilson, home economist with the On- tario Hydro. Kinettes' 'Ladies' Night Out' Proves A Successful Event yy Miss. Wilson cortfucted a cooking demonstration with emphasis on quick tricks, us- ing small electrical appliances. At the close of Miss Wilson's presentation, the various food items which she had prepared were drawn for and won by Mrs. Doreen Wilson, Mrs. S$ and Mrs. Russell Shane. While desserts and tea were being served, the audience was treated to a spring: hat fashion show under the capable direc- UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES TOPS CLUB . Long-Time Residents Robson St. [ie TORS, ci Meanints the- ORC, The meeting opened with singing the TOPS' song. tion of Kinette Mrs. Bruce Williams. The able commenta- tor for this event was Kinette Mrs. Archie Hubert with Mrs. Albert Watkins of Peterborough, Kinettes Mrs. Ronald Wilson, Jr., Mrs. Bruce Caverly, Mrs. Lloyd Pigden, Mrs. Robert Sledziewski and Mrs, Earle Southern as models. The winner of the door prize was Mrs. Joseph Catalana. Sutton, Mrs. William De Long) Principal Explains Work with Retarded To Lionettes Mr. John Liptay, principal of Glenholme School addressed the Oshawa Lionettes at their regu- lar meeting held recently in Simcoe Hall. He discussed the work being done with the mentally retarded children. Oshawa has had its own association operating for ten years while as recently as fifteen years ago there were no schools for the Retarded in Can- ada. While cause and cure are as yet unknown much can be done to help the mentally re- tarded live happy lives, he said. Mr. Liptay showed slides of the children at Glenholme school showing that they were happy and capable of doing many of the Sheltered Workshop where the- young adults engaged in employment suitable to their capabilities and were kept busy. Mr. Liptay was introduced by the president, Mrs, Raymond Stephenson, and was thanked by Lionette Mrs. Norman Gower. An invitation was read from the University Women's Club to attend their theatre party, March 12. It was decided to affiliate with the Lionettes in in District A. The secretany was asked to invite the Bowmanville Lionettes to attend the April meeting. A special trip to the Automotive Museum was planned before the next meeting. Each Lionette is hoping to have a money-making project and Mrs. Wolfe Miller took her turn, holding a silent auction which provided much fun and helped the club funds. Lionette Mrs. Edwin Wellman and her committee served handcrafts, He showed pictures refreshments. IS COMING TO OSHAWA | Kresge's Heritage Yarn Excellent Quality All-Purpose Yorn for Children's, Ladies' and Men's Garments. Good assortment of colors. Comparable Value 33c. : SPECIAL FOR WED., THURS., FRI., AND SAT. 1 OUNCE BALL Blends with your fabrics Only 2 for all pats -- for all materials. Light and Dark to. spools. SPECIAL FOR WED., THURS. FRI, AND SATURDAY ONLY . Sewing Tray with Free Scissors Handy 10-section sewing tray with FREE 6' Utility Sheffield Scissors. Compareble Value 1.59 SPECIAL FOR WED., THURS., FRI. Celebrate 61st Anniversary Ltd., is a life member of Tem- ple Lodge AF and AM. Both are members of the Presbyterian Church. Ladies' Section OGC Elects New Officers The ladies' section of the | Various contests were discussed to encourage weight loss. Ritual) As a finale, Kinsmen Presi- was held with nine losers, two|dent Mr, Bruce Mackey an- turtles and six pigs. Highest/nounced that the winner of the loser for the week was Shirley|Kinette Spring Wardrobe was Smith with a 5% pound loss.|Mrs. Lloyd Horner. June Deveaux was presented) It was unanimously agreed with the Queen's six - week/that the large attendance at trophy with a loss of 14%4|this first "Ladies' Night Out" junds. |confirmed advanced _ billings The highlight of this month's/that it would be a novel and meeting was having Mrs. Jean| most enjoyable evening. Flatt as the guest speaker. Jean) is area supervisor for Canada.| AND SAT. ONLY 66c COATS A family dinner party: held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ohamberlain, Churchill avenue, on Sunday evening marked the 61st wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald. : The couple, both originally from Glasgow, where they were married in the Congregational Church, February 28, 1903, have LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE IN OSHAWA KK STANDS FOR SERVICE OFFERING EVERY ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR SHOPPING PLEASURE KK STANDS FOR SELECTION OFFERING THE WIDEST CHOICE OF GOODS UNDER ONE ROOF KK STANDS FOR SATISFACTION OFFERING GUARANTEED SATISFACTION WITH EVERY PURCHASE BELDING-CORTICELLI interesting| made their home in the same house on Robson street for the past 53 years, coming there directly from Scotland. Mrs. McDonald is the former Isabella Horn Brown, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Colin L. Brown and Mr. McDonald is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald, all of Glasgow. The Reverend John Mathieson Forsan offciated at the marriage; the bride being then 18 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald have six children: Charles Jr., Colin, Isabel (Mrs. Roy Perry); Jean (Mrs, Edwin Drinkle); Hazel (Mrs. Jack Chamberlain) and Ruth (Mrs. Ivan Parrott). There are six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Mrs.. McDonald is a Past Noble Grand of Rebekah Lodge No. 3; Past Matron of Sun- beam Chapter; Order of + Eastern Star, and a member of the Lend-a-Hand Club. Mr. Mc- Donald who retired in 1952 from he Rib Leather" Cénipany Oshawa Golf Club met recent- ly to elect a new executive to plan the summer's activities, The new officers are: presi- dent, Miss Gloria Robson; 1st vice-president, Miss May Rob- son; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Edward Reed; secretary, Mrs, Sydney T. Hopkins; treasurer, |Mrs. Ross Gibbs; captains, |Mrs. John Kessler and Mrs. {Duncan -Brodie; handicap man- agers, Mrs. Merlyn S. Corrin, Mrs. Morley D. Jacobi; _ busi- ness girls, Miss Madeline Tubb, and. Miss Madeline Gus- cott; house committee chair- tan, Mrs. Stanley Boudreau; publicity chairman, Miss Dor- een Dobbie; junior development chairman, Mrs, 'Charles Clif. "rd and Mr Ross Gibbs; rules chairm:.., rs, William Murphy. Tea and served. sandwiches were She gave a most talk about Tops, after which fol- lowed a question and answer period. Tea, coffee and foods were served. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD Mary Parker Group of St. George's Guild was h-ld at the home of Mrs. E. P. Bathe, Rit- son road. Mrs. O. C. Richardson presided. The treasurer's report was given and arrangements made to have a bake sale at the next Guild meeting. During the evening Mrs. Rich- ardson interested the "members with remarks from a vestry' re- port of St. George's during the Reverend Mr. Talbot's incum- bency. This report was sent to Mrs. Richardson before she left England, over fifty years ago, and which she has kept through the years, Mrs. Bathe served the re- freshments. -- | | attend. March 4 March 11 March 18 Please make free reservation for me at the new Chambers Schoo! of | Cookery. | have checked the Wednesday evening in March | wish to attend. Also please reserve free copy of the 48-page full-color book "Preparing Foods for the Freezer" which will be given to me when | March 25 Mail coupon to: today. 933 Ritson Rd. South, Oshowe 723-1163 'How To Save Money~On Your Food Budget » diet) J The regular meeting of the) | Be prepared with safe first aid that brings fast relief,., keep your medicine cabinet stoc KK STANDS FOR VALUE OFFERING THE TRUE VALUE THAT ONLY THE EXPERIENCED SHOPPER CAN RECOGNIZE WHEN K COMES ked with FS BDR.CHASES. Antisoptic ouetmenr THE BIG K STANDS FOR ALL THESE THINGS -- AND MORE! YOU CAN DISCOVER IT FOR YOURSELF YOUR WAY--SOON || 1 | | TAMMY SHOES 1 This is one of many helpful subjects discussed by food economists at the new Chambers School of Cookery. Also learn how to select best cuts of meat and watch meat- cutting demonstrations. You can attend without cost or obligation. Mail coupon or phone for free reservation This new School of Cookery is organized by Chambers Food Club. EVERYONE is wel- come. You needn't be a member. Well-k food ists will demon. strate how it is possible to save money on your present food budget. And how te pick out the best cuts of meat. You will also see meat-cutting demonstra- tions showing how to save money by cut- ting your own meet. (It's a lot easier than you think!) A wide range of home-freezers and retrig- erators wil be on display. Their proper use will be di d and d d. You'll be surprised at the variety of foods thet you can now buy frozen or FREEZE AT HOME, 933 RITSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA YOU WILL BE GIVEN an informative book, "PREPARING FOODS FOR THE FREEZ- ER" published expressly for Chambers Food Club. It's 48 pages, lavishly illustrated, all the information you need to know about preparing and cooking frozen foods. FREE DOOR PRIZES and lucky draws are also part of the evening's entertainment. There will be appetizing refreshments and coffee for all attending. To be sure of your reservation, mail coupon or phone today. NOTE: if you can't attend the new School of Cookery, visit our Open House every Tuesday, Thursdey end Friday evening be- tween 7 and 7 p.m. Also Saturdays until 6 p.m., 723-1163 'LAST DAYS DOORS CLOSE -- SAT. MAR. 7th, 6 P.M. FINAL REDUCTIONS ALL HEELS REG. TO 9.99 4,90 Narrow Widths Included 2 Pairs Only 9.00 SPECIAL! Balance of broken lines of JET -- MID HEEL -- ond HIGH HEELS reduced to cleor ot 2-88 MANY NARROW WIDTHS AND LARGER SIZES THIS GROUP DISPLAYED ON STANDS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE TAMMY FASHION SHOES 79 SIMCOE NORTH OSHAWA WHITE RAYON ELASTIC J: tee eee. ¥%"" ... 15¢ 34"... 26¢ Ye" UNDERWEAR REPAIR ELASTIC 15c Lightning Slide Fasteners We carry a complete assortment of Light- ning Slide Fasteners to meet your sewing needs, including the New Zephyr Nylon. SCISSORS By Richards of Sheffield, England. 6/4" 'SPEEDWAY' improved model with double finger bow ond razor-like. hollow steel blades. Fully chromium plated, insuring a lasting bright finish. Chrome Plated Steel Scissors 5" Household 49c Pr. 6" Household . 59c Pr. 4Y2" Blunt end for children 29c Pr, 3%" Embroidery 2 7%" 'Golden Age' Scissors with Stainless Steel insert blade. a 1,00 7" Imported Pinking Shears. Guar- anteed Quolity, PAIR Simplicity Patterns No. 5355 Pattern 65¢ Each We carry a complete assort. ment of printed Simplicity Patterns with the lotest styles added monthly. 45c 50c 60c 75c WHITE AND BLACK THREAD 600 yords of first quality cotton thread. Comparable Value 75c. SPECIAL FOR WED., THURS., FRI. AND SAT, 5 ¢ ONLY esse New Cool White Buttons 12 styles in assorted sizes. Ideal for Spring sewing. Comparable Value 27° 39c SPECIAL CARD © Seam Binding © Blas Tape © Skirt Facing © Rick Rack PLUS many other Trimtex quality items to help you put the finishing touches and trims to your sewing. We have an excellent selection of shades. All colorfast .... COVER YOUR OWN BUTTONS and BUCKLES Flat or Half Ball Shape Buttons card 35¢ Assorted shape-/buckles card 29¢ Slim buckles card 25¢ and 29% Slim buckle ond belt kit Kit 45¢ IG GAUGE FULL 6 INCH TRACING PAPER TRACING WHEEL SEAM RIPPER AND BUTTON AOLE "CUTER eit ciceees BELT AND BUCKLE KITS yr" ' RULER DRESS SHIELDS BY KELTON Pin-in, double covered nainsook, 45° waterptoof centre, PAIR... Adjustable style; no sewing requifed. PAIR seees PLASTI-STITCH . IRON ON PATCHES {ron-on Mending Aids for every purpose. No told, . » Sanforized . . . Washable... Dry-cleanable, ~ KNEE AND ELBOW PATCHES Polished Cotton, Det Patterns, etc. 5 lors .. 25¢ Pkg. v 'ape ... + -28e Pkg. soft Knit Patching Fabric, assorted colors 25¢ Pkg. PLUS many other materials for repairs and 'einforcement of linens, clothing, etc. Available n all colours. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED | 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA _. SHOPPING CENTRE XX

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