Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Mar 1964, p. 5

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Mm wi ay Manager: John Gault TBY And DISTRICT Whitby Wureau Office 111 Dundas St. West uae Dymond Tel, 668-3703 k HOTEL WINS NORTHSIDE TROPHY standings after amassing more points than did the other five league teams. The Northside First. place honor in the Whitby Industrial Hockey League were capturetl by the At a general meeting of the Ontario Riding (South) Young Progressive Conservative Asso- ciation on March 1, Dr. M. B. Dymond, the Minister of Health, outlined the government's Medi- cal. Services Insurance Plan which is now before the Investi- gations Committee. As the orig- inator of the bill, he is the authority on the subject. Dr. Dymond said. that the plan would be universally avail- able on a voluntary basis from the carrier of the insured's choice. The insurance will be available to the already sick and bedridden and will be non- cancellable so long as the premiums are paid. There will be a ree sign-up period during which ediate coverage will be given en the plan is first put into effect? will be waiting ing lengths, Dr. Dymond pointed out that the institution of the plan would not greatly affect the insur- ance industry since -a_ vast majority of the service plans now in existence are from the 447: non-profit onganizations operating in this field. He add- }ed that the plan was drawn upy jafter exhaustive consultation }with doctors, insurance men, }and accountants. Maher, manager of the Hotel e Dr. Dymond contrasted this| and sponsor of the winning | plan with the Hospital Services| team. The club enters final | Insurance which, in spite of the) Chrysler Trophy was pre- sented by Jules Rusonik, right president of Northside; to Jim team sponsored by Whitby. Hotel. The. Hotel team cap- tured the first place in league UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES -- St. Mark's Ladies See Film On India, Hindus St. Mark's United Church|"Faith'. A hymn was read by|business meeting it was an- Women Unit No. 9 held its|)Mrs. McCarty. Mrs. George Mc-|nounced that the work meeting meeting Tuesday, Feb. 25 at the|Quade gave a short report of|will be held Wednesday, March home of Mrs. Keith Lunney, 404\two of the addresses given at/4 at the Sunday School Hall. Dunlop street. the Presbyterial, | The meeting was then turned Leader Mrs. A. McLean open-| Mrs. G: Sawyer had prepared|over to Mrs. Everett Pogson ed the meeting by welcoming|a very thoughtful and interest-|who was in charge of the study members and prospective mem-|ing program on "India". 'She|book, her topic was "Home Mis-! bers and guests. was assisted by Miss W. Boys,|sion". Mrs. R, Pickering led Minutes of the last meeting)Mrs. J, Gartshore, Mrs, Godden, |the devotional. plaf action this weekend. --Oshawa Times Photo | rated as to their premiums? increased premium? will s till) cost the government about $60 million this year. The Medical | Services Insurance will cost the government nothing since, un-| like the Hospital Insurance, it| will be implemented through} and by private insurance com-| panies. Following his address, Dr,| Dymond answered questions) from the floor. A sampling of these were as follows: Q. What will be the premium?|Months was imposed on two|ley had passed the cheques, A. Only the maximum prem- ium on the standard plan is established by the government. This will be about $192. per year for bad risks. Q. Will people be individually, A. Yes. The maximum pre wl . Outlines PC Pension Plan ium is established by the gov- ernment for the standard plan, but for the remainder of the population the premium struc- ture will be set by the insur- ance companies. Once an indi- vidual has been giving a rating, he will pay the same premium for the rest of his life. Q. What is the 'standard plan'? 5 A. This plan will cover all medical expenses likely to arise for the average person. The standard plan can have riders attached to it. Q. How will this affect. people on welfare? A. People on. welfare will be covered completely by the stan- dard plan either totally or par- tially at the government's ex- pense depending on the case. The estimated cost to the gov- -|ernment dung the first year is $30 million. Q. Will the doctor be allowed to bill the patient in excess of the plan's benefits A. The government does not want extra billing under the standard plan. Q. Who will absorb the loss on the "bad risks" A. All participating insurance companies will set up a pool to dissipate any such loss. This | pool should be administered by! some organization such as the Medical Association. Probation Ruled On Car Thett A suspended sentence of 18 youths who appeared in Whitby Magistrate's Court Tuesday «charged with possession of a stolen car. Kenneth Isaac Scarborough, Morris, 17, and Gordon |James Pollock, 16, West Hill,/had been given a facsimile of m-|Were each charged with posses-|Caddisy's signature by Huntley, sion of the car. Pollock faced an additional charge of thef tof a 'transistor radio, and Morris. answered to | producing a driver's licence not|, 12-month period and made belonging to him. LAST Bantam TEAM LEFT coe By CLIFF GORDON Whitby Bantam All-Stars won the Eastern Ontario Bantam A minor championship on Monday night with a 7-4 win over Port Hope, The win gives the Whitby team the home-and-home total goal series 13-6, and the right to meet the winner of Midland and Richmond Hill in the all-Oritario semi-finals. In the game on Monday night Neil Gibson paced the Whitby attack as the big blue liner scored two goals. Larry Horack, Erie Sandford, Brian Sorichetti, Peter Vipond and George Town each fired one in a. winning) cause. Boundy, Hood, Smith and) Hodgson scored for the losers. The local entry carried a four- goal lead into the second game of the series that was played in Port Hope, they soon increas- ed it to five goals as Horack opened the scoring at the 3.45 mark of the initial stanza. This must have shook the Port | 'Convict Man For Forgery | All-Stars Oust Port Hope Hope team somewhat as: they bounced back with three goals and took a 3-1 lead on the game and cut the local lead on the ser- ies to iwo gadis, It was at this stage of fhe game that the Whitby team started to roll. Sandford scored on a pass from Town and Pritchard and the lo- cals now led by three goals on/ the round. : | In the second period the Whitby team fought tooth-and- nail with the Port Hope team and outscored, them 3-1 to' in- crease their lead on the round still further, In the third and final period the Port Hope team just did not have the finishing kick that the fine Whitby team had. The local entry continued to gfe! the Port Hopers up and fired home two more unanswered goals, to run their total to 13 on| the series while the best the) boys from down east could .do was put six by the agile local) goalie. | At time of writing it was not} known just when the next ser- ies would start, but it is not ex- pected to be for at least a week. | The big win on Monday must} be very pleasing to the local) team who now are the only) Whitby team left in the running) for all-Ontario honors, as the) Dunnies now have fallen by the| were read and approved. Mrs. An inspiring film was shown} Volker, treasurer collected* the) envelopes for February. Sick and sunshine convener Mrs. H. Myers suggested that the group purchase cards to be sent to sick members, this was agreed and members contribut-- Mrs. McCarty served lunch ed towards this. assisted by Mrs. \W. E. David- The group had been asked to son, and all enjoyed a social provide pies, desserts and cas-/half hour. seroles for the Presbytery Din- ner. Mrs. McLean reported that SA~HOMRE LEAGUE this had been done, and thanked) Salvation Army Women's all the members who had con-|Home League held its weekly tributed. .\meeting Thursday, Feb. 27 at The general meeting of the|the Citadel with Mrs. Captain United Church Women was/Miller and Mrs. Shawnaman, held March 3, at 8 p.m. at Home League secretary, Mrs. the Church Hall. The speaker | Nicholson and Mrs, Heads from was Mrs. C. F. Coates. . Her| we -- Lights ree ibe " sion|t®- ey were introduc y pg la My Impression Mrs, Captain Reed and then Program 'convener Mrs. m. | took --- of the devotional © "|period.. ee comp toke part ie he Mrs. Captain Reed chaired the program sometime during the business meeting. She thanked year and asked for suggestions.|*he ladies who catered to the 'A discussion ensued and the| Women's Institute dinner recent- group was divided into three|!y held. Also the newly-purchas- with approximately five mem-|°d Silverware was on display bers in each group, each group and thanks were extended to taking care of two meetings ob League for their gen- possibly three. Mrs. Jewell's|"*0™*'- - group being responsible for the|,, Next Thursday, March 5 is an Ollen-Bittle,; Mrs. E, Fairman and Mrs. Whitehurst. The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Sawyer, 408 Fairview drive, be- ~-nning at 2 p.m. Mrs. W. E. Davidson, Mr. F.| s Tried To Cra . La on the work of The Grande Away: Caught; Crown Attorney Bruce Ligne Mission in Quebec. The |Affleck said the two boys had jmeeting closed with prayer by G 14 been stopped in the stolen car lites. Boston, ets ays lin Pickering Feb, 29, Tea hostess Mrs. Murray Det-| | The stolen radio was found in lor was assisted by member Arrested after. failing to|the car and the boys were in in serving. The next meeting/negotiate a slippery, snow-| Possession of several lengths of |will be held Tueday, March 24/covered bank on his hands and/copper wire used. to lin the Sunday School Hall. knees, Windsor Eric Mallinson,| ignition systems, the.Crown add- | 22, Wasaga Beach, appeared in|d. WHITBY WI | Whitby Magistrate's Court Tues-| Magistrate Jermyn sentenced Whitby Women's Institute held|day and was convicted of drunk|the boys to 18 months proba- a dinner meeting at Salvation) driving. \tion and imposed a set of strict Army Hall with, 13 members| Constable Harold Hawkins of|tules to govern themselves by and six visitorsenjoying a de-|the Whitby Detachment OPP/during that period. een Rong od Morya bio the court he had investi-| ot sane sere serve y the Salvation Army | gated a single car accident Feb.| : ladies. 129 on Hehway 7: | Family Monuments | Mrs. Earl Ward, president,, 'I saw a vehicle in the south) opened the meeting which fol-/ditch and the driver had taken| officer} lowed with the Ode Creed andito the woods,' the the Lord's Prayer. | stated. | The theme of the meeting was| "I followed his footprints in| \"Agricultural and Canadian In-|the snow, and after about a justries". Mrs. Ward gave ajquarter of a mile I caught up jbrief explanation of the motto|with the accused as he was \I think that I shall never see| attempting to crawl up an em-| ja poem as lovely as a tree"'.| hankment. | Several matters of business! "He appeared to be intoxi-! Creored To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS "Sump" | © were dealt with. Members were reminded of the March meeting at the home of Mrs. Earl Ward, 1105 Mary street west Wednes- day, March 25 at 7.30 p.m | Mrs. Frank Roberts presented cated and smelled of alcohsl") The officer concluded: "Fur-| ther down. the road from the} ditch Mallinson had swerved on|- to the shoulder of the road and| 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Of 15 Cheques wayside. A tip of the hat is also) frora Warnings forged)in line to managers Town and! | cheques totalling $4,042 supple-| partington along with their fine!" |mented Ronald Nelson Huntley's income during the past year 7 "Huntley appeared in Whitby] | Magistrate's' Court Tuesday and |was convicted of 15 counts of| |forgery and 15 counts of utter-/ ting the forged cheques. | Crown Attorney. Bruce Affleck told the court that Hunt- RETURNS PHONE 668-8252 |which were all drawn from the) same account, using the name "George Cassidy." Mr. Cassidy, 61, of the Royal |Hotel, Whitby, had a bank ac- count in Ajax and the 'cheques The Salvation Army THRIFT SHOP" Whitby Again Featuring 10c DAYS Thurs., Fri., Sat. Mar. 5-6-7th 10 a.m, to 5 p.m. the court learned. The. cheques, ranging in jamount from $390 to $123, were cashed on this account during payable to several pesple, in- cluding Huntley and his wife, the Crown concluded. Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn commented that the bank would e ltake the loss in the case of their] Plen to get in on the Bargains jaccepting forged cheques. } THE THRIFT SHOP Huntley was found guilty as| jcharged and the case was set) Dundas St. W. jover for sentence at a future) : \court date. Whitby 7) "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, March 4,1964 5 FIRST PERIOD 7. Port Hope: Hodgson . Whitby: Horack, Town 2.45| 8. Whitby: Vipond, G! |. Port Hope, Boundy, Hodgson "Pritchard, . Port Hope:- Hood, Hodgson ..... 8.45 ies -- Hodgson 7.47. . Port Wope: Smith, Boundy ... 11.05) ere THIRD PERIOD 3 . Whitby: Sandford, Sandford 9.58 Town, Pritchard Penalties -- Pritchard 16.00. as SECOND PERIOD 6. Whitby: Gibson, Reeson, Vipond 5.25 WHY PAY MORE! Buy the Best FOR LESS An Early Spring means Higher Prices Take advantage of our prices now! FOR YOUR FREEZER -- (Cut, wrapped and marked) Red Brand HINDS OF BEEF LB. @ LOINS OF PORK e RIB END LB, 59° LOIN ENDLB. 49° CENTRE CUT OR CHOPS ioceevcces LB. LEGS OF LAMB LB. @ PEAMEAL BACON @ SLICED eo © FRESH FISH @ SOLE FILLETS ............ is, 69 e Fill Your Freezer Now e@ TROUGHTON Meat Market . 104 Lupin Drive q Blair Park Plaza WHITBY -- PHONE 668-4633 , ue Ibsen, Keenan 15.05 : Town, : Gibson, Vipond W185 4.47, 48, 10, Whitby: 1.90) 11, Whitby Penalties. -- Boundy 12.43, Hood 1 Town 16.40, Boundy 16.40, Horack 18. ------ END CUTS es CENTRE CUTS OR snettes One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper ond 'Murals Custom Draperies Broadioom and Rugs C.1.L. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. . Phone. 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby We'll Bring Your TV Back to Its Peak Performance Pronto! i Getting xebra stripes, "snow"? Picture fading or shrinking? Whatever's wrong with your TV, we'll make RIGHT. Our 1 'ic 4 jest. Pragram for the next medi en eect aaa Paper on the story af aulmcked, down @_tne of seen © THURSDAY, MAR. Sth at 8 P.M. : : d sts. on "True Brotherhood" and al8t¥: Pictures of Mission work|Saints Anglican Church, estab-| Hote trate ° ° e Missionary Night ; ; te yey Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn ; " » |will be shown, jlished in 1866. Mrs. Ward gave PR ag Vantaa ae sel Ts meeting closed with pray-|an interesting talk on Canadian tad {he last word in the gs With: Captain and Mrs. J, Nelson Returned missionaries from Central America wi Lid our prices mod L. G.S. ELECTRONICS Blair Park Plaza--Whitby PH. 668-8311 Servicing - Whitby, Ajax, Pick- ering, Brooklin, Oshawa and | ' Ss Aetial | **14 days.' " ogent-(@t) Mrs. C. Earle and her|Industries describing a number eo edo most interesting. film on|fup were In charge of re-/of industries Ios of talcum pro-| RECORD AUDIENCE "Hinduism" and the "In dian/'reshments. showing samples of talcum pro- YORK a al " l|eessing, magnesium, gold and) NEW YORK (AP)--An esti- People". Also a short film on'sp, MARK'S UCW NO. 1 silver ores, processed steel and| mated 75,395,000 persons _lis-| Family Life". A discussion fol-| st Mark's United Churchiseveral others. {}tened to the radio broadcast | of sg 2 Lipoeg given. |Women Unit No. 1 held its| A brief history of farm ma-| the Cassius Clay-Sonny Liston Mrs, Vanduren for he thanked Mrs.|monthly meeting Tuesday after-|chinery covered the topic of| heavyweight title fight in Mi-| esting evening. The meeting ad-| FILMS -- SINGING and a SHORT TALK At.. The Salvation Army F most inter-/noon Feb, 25 at-the Church par-lagriculture. A pocm by Mrs.|ami Beach Feb, 25, Robert Pau-| journed and luncheon was sery-| Mrs. A. lor. . sail Fergus Cur, a paper "A «trip seader Archibald|to Florida by bus" by Mrs. Wil- ed by Mrs. Lunney. lopened the mecting with peepetsimra Pellow, and a chapter ira | Unit No, 9 will hold its next/Seventeen members answered| Ethel Chapman's book "From meeting Tuesday, March 24 at|the roll call. Mts. I. Leathers) Roadside Window' by Mrs. the home of Mrs. P. Vanduret,|was in charge of the devotional.'R. A. Smith concluded a most 112 Bowman street at 8 p.m.| Mrs. Archibald was in charge|enjoyable meeting. 2 TT, of the program and gave a brief BR . Serapg te ucw NO. 4 ,, outline of the study book on ST. ANDREWS WA St. Mark's United Church Unit coun pag? Asia. The final meeting of St. An- No. 4 met Tuesday afternoon at "4" social hour was enjoyed,/drew's Women's -- Association home of Mrs. M, G. Me- tea hostesses were Mrs, P.|Presbyterian Church was held Carty, Euclid street. Roper and Mrs. D Shortreed. at the home of president, Mrs Owing to the absence of the The next meeting will. be George Stott, Brock street Leader, Mrs, R. W. MacCarl,| aq Tuesday. March. A south the meeting was led by Mrs. held Tuesday, March 24. | The 4 7g 4 | Pvdees : The meeting was opened with the roll call and reported 39 CHRISTIAN SERVICE SOC. the Lord's prayer, roll call was! Fred Ollen-Bittle. She welcomed) Whitby Baptist Church Wom-|taken with 15 members present.| the members and the Lord's en's Society for Christian Ser-| The secretary's report was} prayer was 2°" in unison. vices held its monthly meeting! read and approved. The treasur- Sixteen members answered Tyesday evening Feb. 25 in theler reported a very. successful) calls. Ons new member was re- Sunday school hall Valentine Tea and Bake Sale, ceived, Mrs. John-Taylor. President Mrs. Kenneth Cul-!jt was decided to give the bal-| Worship service was led byjlen opened the meeting with alance of the account to the Board| Mrs. R. G. Grobb who spoke on'hymn and prayer. During the |of Managers toward purchasing ~ ~'a piano for the Sunday School. . ' . The meeting closed with the BROCK. Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:25 Miah prayer: A bet feck sop] WHITBY Complete Show at 8:25 per was enjoyed at which time : Mrs. Stott thanked the members) Seven Heroes! Get- Ri for their support and co-opera-| THEY FIGHT WITH THE FURY aod tion during her term as presi- OF THOUSANDS! dent. In conclusion she asked) Rafael Mrs.. Roberts to cut the cake! M-G-M Presems | and the which represented "Happy Me- eas mories'"' and in doirig so made girl with a past! a very suitable reply »stating| that 'Down through the years the members of the Women's Assoication felt' a close Chris- tian Fellowship. working always! to further the true work of the Church", ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Whitby Chapter 248, Order. of) |the Eastern Star, held their! regular meeting Thursday, Feb. 27, in the Masonic Hall with! Sister Margaret Mustard, -Wor- thy Matron, presiding "in the East assisted by Brother Jeff Martin, Worthy Patron. The flag was presented and LORIDANA src) 4 seme oe ae BNL | - BARBARA LUNA: ROGER MOBLEY RAFAEL, LOPEZ | ley, president of ABC, © said) Tuesday. The total surpassed| the 67,783,000 who listened to the | first Liston - Floyd Patterson} 122 KENT ST. Surrounding Area. WHITBY fight, which ABC said drew/ the previous high for a com- | mercial entertainment. SWAN HAS MUSCLES The trumpeter swan, world's largest waterfowl, could break a man's arm with a single blow of the wing. ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 26 escorted : to the East by Sister sther Hood, Marshall and min- utes of the last meeting read! by Sister Julia Thomas, secre- tary. Sick and sunshine was re-| ported by Sisters Mary Inkpen) and May Conibear. After opening. the meeting the worthy matron gave a warm welcome to Sister Tena Roberts, PDDGM and honorary member | of Whitby Chapter and to Past Matrons, Sister Elsie Goose, Sis- ter Pearl Roper, Sister Grace Blow, Sister Kathleen Brown, Sister Louclla Cook, Sister Mae Phair, Sister Anna Patterson, officers and members of Whitby Chapter, A speedy recovery was wished to members who were sick and sympathy expressed to) those bereaved of loved ones. There will 'be no meeting on Tuesday, March 10, A card party has been planned for that! evening in the Chapter Room and it was hoped many mem-| bers and their friends would at-| tend. The next regular' meeting will be held on Thursday, March 26, f After the close of business Sis- tex. Margaret Barnes and her jcommittee served refreshments.' 115 BROCK STREET NORTH We Have A ARNOLD'S OPEN THURS. & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. - WED. ALL DAY e EXACTLY AS ADVERTISED e JUST NORTH OF THE FOUR CORNERS Good Supply of These Items! BLADE OR SHORT RIB 49 | BONELESS MEALED SIRLOIN OR WING COTTAGE STEAKS ROLLS 69: | 39° Cooked Ham *"" Side Pork ;rtr Polish Sausage FRESH BUTT Pork Chops Breakfast Sausage "(;' 39° NEW BRUNSWICK POTATOES 50-LB. BAG ° IMPORTED" . ts, 39° LB. > Cello Tomatoes 19° Fresh Spinach 2... 35° is, 49¢ Mac Apples 6-QT. 69° HAMBURG STEAK FRESH WEINERS BRAISING RIBS 3»: 1.00 .BSKT. CHUCK OR PRIME RIB SHOULDER Roast Beef u 39° Great delights for Junior babies Gerber Junior Fruits and Desserts Utter bliss for your little man or miss. Gerber Junior Fruits, including the NEW APRICOTS, are extra-pleasing, appetizing, altogether wonderful. Made from choice varieties, they're flash-cooked in a matter of seconds to preserve the ultimate in natural flavours ... the utmost ia nutritive values. Twelve lip-smacking choices. For wee ones: fifteen strained fruits, Happy endings to mealtime stories. Gerber Junior Desserts, including the NEW VANILLA CUSTARD PUDDING, are wholesome, toothsome, delicately flavoured and dreamy-textured. Like all Gerber Junior Foods, they're packed in large-size jars. Four delightful varieties. Seven strained desserts for young babies. >» Cereal cue: Gerber Cereals, tike all Gerber Baby Foods, are notable for delicate flavours and a smooth-to- the-tongue texture, Babies are our business... our only business! Gerber Baby Foods wniacara FALLS, CANADA Ad No, NC64-11C Roast Beef 59° LB, Tak Gisies aeae eens ee

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