in INSTANT | nN ,| aj) Cash Prizes - | | | --_ TWO CONTESTS IN ONE It's easy to win, it's 'fun to play'sall youdo.. @ Get a free 'RING THE BELL AT POWER' @ If your card rings the bell, you win Card from your. friendly Power Cashier "INSTANT CASH" plus a new card... @ Place your card against the game board * Holders of winning cards must answer @ so that the two metal points on the board qualifying question... pass directly through the holes of your j card .. 564 KING STREET EAST * 500 ROSSLAND. RD. WEST ... POWER Zifect GRAIN FED BEEF . Tender Succulent Boneless Round Sirloin or Wing Round Rump Square Rump 4 Sirloin Tip ele ol toa CANADA PACKERS JUBILEE BRAND RINDLESS POWER PERFECT GRAIN FED BEEF, FRESH MINCED : Here are just a few of hundreds Cod Filles . 9 | BACON --i* 55e Hambu rg Steak ». 39¢ of winners from last week:-- CHOICE NO. 1 ' PETER POWER BRAND BREAKFAST ' SHOPSY ALL BEEF CELLO Mrs. Hilda Terrell, ww aie *100 'setts. it] SAUSAGE --, 45¢_~-FRANKS ss 49c cumin' aii FEO! FarNE TT sen ee OR Senescocsocsoosoonvernnrs. otoeer. t tis, Kal tenella laa e . »POWER NO. 1 GRADE CREAMERY With The Purchase Of gv, ie ci Donal Se, d ANY Evelyn Janes, Joan Mroezeck, FOUR QB LOT ta de yy oc Petar e BULBS nieces sg mm tons Mrs. S. Sangster @ ~~ ONE POUND PRINT AT REGULAR PRICES Toss CaenAv. -- erck Ae MUNUGLE 1 7666b0bbbdbecceeese bes euGssebedeboenoteoes ie, Sante Sing -- FROZEN FOOD FEATURES -- DOLE PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT rt 17¢ GERBERS STRAINED SAVE 4¢ Weston, Ontario Don Mills, Ontario BLUE WATER COD SAVE 6¢ BABY 4Ye07. s Mr. L. Kenny, FOODS JARS 9 Minnie Ave., Downsview, Ontario, FISH & CHIPS oe," 0° D 4 i it K 48-OZ HIGHLINER OCEAN PERCH SAVE 46 5% FILLETS 6-02. 9g¢ | TINS HIGHLINER HADDOCK SAVE 4¢ POST ASS'TD. SAVE 17e FISH STICKS me, 00° 4.YNN VALLEY SAVE 8c BREAKFAST 3 1 00 LADY Pucca: oy wae ae EAC M4 F Halves in 10-OZ. CER EALS cs. " Second Contest SHAMPOO RINSE cme, 18% Heavy Syrup TINS c PURITAN IRISH OR SAVE 13¢ TOOTHPASTE Sis" 19° rt eect ? 5 5: RING THE B LL --DAIRY FEATURES-- AYLMER FANCY SAVE 8c ST EW * GOLD SEAL PARCHMENT SAVE 7¢ j - MARGARINE 2 37% 99° P EF A S 2 tego 2 c YORK CHOICE SAVE 4¢ JACKPOT INGERSOLL : MIXED 1 CHEESE Spread y] ie y, bs | GOUDAS NATURE'S BEST CHOICE CREAM STYLE SAVE 2c Vegetables CONTEST YORK CHOICE a SAVE 4¢ if dé , i, 2 5. . PEAS AND 6 nes gies aha: sade: poe tae C ARROTS aK phone number on your card and dep- POWER PLUS Save 10@ DETERGENT 2c 89° JAVEX 7c OFF SAVE i0e osit it in the ballot box. YOU MAY BLEACH CONTAINER © ' TREND LIQUID SAVE 4¢ AYLMER BOSTON BROWN SAVE 4c WIN FROM $J0 to $100 in CASH DETERGENT *irsith'® 68° . = BAKERY FEATURES -- PRIZES. YORK BREAD & BUTTER SAVE 4e with ing . PENNY POWER : SAVE 10¢ io PICKLES lar an" PORK € CHERRY PIE a and remember folks « . , YORK WHOLE Deep filled with plump red cherries, baked to crusty perfection, DILLS ra FACIAL TISSUE WHITE & COLORS imei 6A vats a N EW CARNATION INSTANT MASHED SAVE, 4¢ SAVE " : JELLY ROLL €ACH ai' NTEST ae. <8 KLEENEX THREE MINUTE POPPING SAVE 6¢ : CORN 2exas, OO OF 400 57. FRUIT CAKE "Bt ; | MILLIONAIRE BRISTLING SAVE 3¢ ts EVERY WEEK! SARDINES eS ah LYONS DISCOUNT SAVE 10¢ MEN'S INTERLOCK eo03 TEA BAGS 269. 7H. (armmma TOILET TISSUE 4,2" 9 "3 few . 196 as | =H reer PURE WHITE GRANULATED i __PETER POWER | ey jon hei) PRODUCE gor FIESTA vores | Meshreses wt GOLDEN RIPE : Sy \ Ri KITCHEN KNIFE SALE Florida's Finest, Indian ye . = ---- tes ee Grapefruit 10 S<? Qntorio Grown, Feney Grode , Fifth Wook : c 6 qt. basket Northern Apples 69c SWEET, JUICY CALIFORNIA NAVEL : CHIEF KNIFE 3 "a _ | 5-lb. E ¢ Look at Firm, Ripe, imported, these features No, | Grade : Cc @ Rust and Varnish Proof Bag 14 ox. oll view corten i ; Rocke Cotein tend, 4 juine in my 2s Tomatoes 25¢ 3 Se ee WITH $3.00 ORDER a ps eee = a ae 2 fl G , ee pom cote LIMIT 2 BAGS PER CUSTOMER