' Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 4, 1964 | THE ST ARS S AY can age Bod lore Feel ae Best periods for romance: Late|/Riding of 'Yorkshire to teach made and be ready for further) April, May, early July, Augustjchildren safety drill, A lockin 7 % , of| and the latter half of October.|device prevents the tigure-from| : LADIES bed DA expansion in late January, By ESTRELLITA 1965. : gene born .on this day will|being taken across the street) Both July and August will be| be loyal, conscientious , and de-| until it has been put through the : eo prey enna rae exceptionally good months for voted to home and family. |correct curb drills--look right, | | ° : jleft and then right | with creative and business af-| tose engaged in creative all WATCHFUL WILLIE ioe etn ot | fairs under beneficient auspices,| suits -- either vocationally or) LEEDS, England (CP)--| PEERS' PRIVILEGES | : iP make the most of all opportuni- avocationally--and personal re- |Watchful Willie, a wooden fig-| The privileges of Britain's | : ties and forge ahead with long- lationships will be generously |ure eight inches high, is being| House of Lords include freedom # | postponed plans and new ver governed for most of the year,'introduced by police in the West' from civil arrest. f\tures which can materially af-| fect your future, Don't scatter enengies, however. Stick to es-| sentials. | © | FOR THE BIRTHDAY | :| If tomorrow is your birthday, | s|your horoscope indicates that] you can make fine headway in| the coming year if you concen- | trate on your most ambitious) "herney' Ss ' Y goals and are willing to assume} H TH is WEEK ONL g § 3 some added responsibilities, ih hg 1 hee igen WE APOLOGIZE ! INTERESTED IN HIGHLY STYLED GLASSES? sceans have a tendency to} oi aml coed avoid extra burdens, but it! | Now every woman.can look like a Queen in the new HELENE' would prove detrimental te doll. i offered to you by King for THIS WEEK ONLY at the low sale so this year when so much is price of only $11.50. This aluminum frame, custom-crofted SARDINES AU GRATIN promised in the way of ad- with its delicately engraved adornments combines boca and vaneement if you accept them.) 10 cuena shopping Cherney's Furniture World last agit COMPLETE with the lenses you need, in the color SINGLE VISION $44.50 ae rae : | Sardines in Cheese Sauce | Occupational headway and. fi- Friday night and Saturday for the first time . . . to regular cust- . |nancial gMns are eeerttees dur- |} * omers who have shopped "'Cherney's" regularly for the last 6 ALL GLASSES ONE F T ing faye i ~ this | ° ears we apologize. Le mon e latter half of April, : Or a asty nten Lunch |May, July and Septeniec." Bel be eae creeetening semis 0 COLORS Toc NOOSE PROM ee Gra conservative during the first! ounge Sell-Out was most gratifying, but caught us momentarily : HOOSE FROM Lenses and Case Just reach for a can of sea-pared -- by combining bread|half of April, however: also in| off guard, unable to look after customers, the way we want to You. may chiete the HELENE. Gi -asiect a. are ts ut i food and you're headed for some|crumbs and melted bet mid-June and late August. : and the way we should, pears ary teat rapa ye eo oe | uss i mou! is in various s -- Se tae 7M the Sot ating bor 0 cater wate breed ae re If in the hustle and bustle of the busy Weekend, we have neglect cll ot the same ONE LOW PRICE | an opener, the catch from twojcrumbs are brown. Makes 2 along 'ones no further, ont i Ap i gh whe ee iia } NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY oceans is available for instant/servings. fs : Tier ae ont to you, please give us a call. If we were unable to wait on } | you last Friday and Saturday, we would appreciate the opportun- plete With Frames use. | < SPEEDY SALMON BAKE ity this weekend. ep * i s r BY, jd Lenses and Cose Silvery sardines from the chill con 0% % ounces waters of the north Atlantic and nef 4 ces) canned iwi he a We have increased our sales force and service facilities in an : ' : : : he ae ive par count % cup 'dairy sour cream | ee ae sexs effort to keep up with our reputation -- quality, service, selec- | tion and satisfaction. For friendly help and advice ask any sales- } OPTICIANS -- OVER 3.000,000 SATISFIED, CUSTOMERS STYLES FOR MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN fish varieties. Both are delicious] teaspoon salt eit : served bubbling hot in a cas- Y% cup chopped green onion READY "MADE man or saleslady to assist you. BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED serole dish as the following two| _ 2nd tops | : | oe ag og ik a forks Divine cuentas iets DRAPES 17 Bond Street Hours: WHILE YOU WAIT, LEKSES DUPLICATED tures of these recipes are that|with a fork. Divide equally into} | : they are quick to sake andjtwo greased ramekins. fay M. & 6, Dry Goods ! East 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily casts, »fucaeaieniens FILLED AT can easily be adjusted to serve|bine sour cream. sali, and fine-| & Draneries 2 " is Closed All Day Wed. any number of diners from one Ish Bake, onion. Spread over} Phage | ; nl Fiaer visas: Yeu inl ae to'one hundred. ake uncovercd In mod CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD -- 80 KING ST. E. OSHAWA |] erate oven: 380 dex. F.. for! PHONE 723-7827 ; 728. | 28-1641 | Branches in Many Principal Cities of US. and Canado--Founded 1904 SARDINES AU GRATIN about 15 minutes, or until cans (3% ounces each) Ca-| jhot, Makes 2 servings. piping nadian sardines nS le a 4 two-thirds cup (1 small can) evaporated milk 1 cup (% provid grated | Seti Gos'aee | | SELL-OUT SALE NOW ON AT : AS MERCHANDISE I$ SOLD 2 tablesvoons melted butter Drain sardines and break into) ; bite-size chunks. Place contents CH ER N E 9 ° of each can in a greased individ- i 80 King St E OTH ER LEAR T : ual casserole of about 1 cup) Ly . , capacity, Scald milk. Stir in} . -- - . a sain cheese. Heat gently and_ stir - until cheese is melted. Pour sauce over safdines, adding cup of sauce to each caserole. | Top with buttered crumbs pre: | i i a ae 3 UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES SCOUT GROUP AUX. | (District Committee) | | How well do you know the Scout and Cub Group necker-| chiefs of Oshawa? This was the highlight of the District Com- mittee meeting of Scout Group Auxiliaries held recently in Ist) ; Scout yo yg ge canes | SB own a p TO 50. EVEN MORE ies shown during the program. ON SOME ITEMS To commemorate Boy Scout and Brotherhood Week, which) co-incided this year, the thirty) Pet Scout Moers promise. twas 5 : . r : | a tees 2 'Sale Continues all this Week. . . al CHERNEY'S Furniture World tional Headquarters Building Fund in Ottawa. A report from the District is 4 j busy spring, for, Cabs, Seouts, ne FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - RADIOS - TELEVISION - STEREO ; sea! eon . a . ie Re busy spring for Cubs, Scouts, Leaders and all persons con- f re fate note registration fr l, ee HI-FI - MATTRESSES - CON TINENTAL BEDS=-EAMPS ff fi | ' eh ae 7" = : - take note -- registration for swimming and lessons at the H f 1 Gi . : ae Boy Scout: Office, Camp Samac, J f 32 ¥! T April 18 and 14 from ee y CHAIRS nes ABLES PICT UR ES PLAQU ES GIF } WARE = = = to 9.00 p.m A new green felt tablecloth has been purchased for the meetings. A vote of thanks went 7 to Mrs, Morley Genge, president onbarh® ENTIRE STOCK KELLY'S DECOR LOU NGE ON of the 15th Auxiliary, who so ~ capably applied-a yellow Scout Emblem and Scout Motto to it. ' Next meeting is March 26. *; : FRIGIDAIRE - KELVINATOR - ADMIRAL - MARCONI - SIMCOE STREET UCW (Fidelis Unit) ie sir ates CLAIRTONE - PHILIPS - ROGERS MAJESTIC a -_ os Fidelis Unit of Simcoe Street BOFFT puso UCW was held recently in the y church parlor. The program for 'peves . por re i ae SELIG - TROISTER - RESTONIC - HEPWORTH - the afternoon was in charge of Mrs. Jack Young and her group, ¥ Mrs. Robert Cowie, Mrs. Wil- ot grist DEILC pas sites et ss Ms RAFT - ELMIRA - FERMOS - SOUTH SHORE - BRESLIN - liam Bannon, Mrs. T. L. Wilson, Mrs. Lloyd Whittington and Miss Mary Murphy goon EEE ne " erie Mrs info Bet, president, a ae TE eds COOEY - HAUSER - KNECHTEL - PREMIER - CORONADO AND welcomed the guests. gach Mrs, Young conducted the de- cee on gventon? votional period; reading scrip- 1D STE 0g a oe is : MA F ture and a selection relating to : ¥ pore nm ° ; WALL-TO-WALL CLEARANCE the passage. cuaireons? of ee a : b] . ' The various reports were or 3 given and correspondence read ene b ee ae te . oe . QUALITY FURNITURE, NATIONALLY KNOWN APPLIANCES : . 3 : maze sale be held early in the spring Mrs Boddy announced a smorgasbord supper, a project j : : a oan Beak Thousands of dollars worth of fine quality furniture, appliances, television, stereo and tation from the afternoon auril giftware from Kelly's Decor Lounge PLUS factory clear-outs, one-of-a-kind items, atten eir meetin, 1s ' a 4 ary to g : floor samples, demonstrator models, shop worn merchandise, customer returns, odds week. I r Smith showe $ z f cae * _ Mt. Harry | Smi h sho ' od a . and ends as well as reconditioned TV and appliances from our own stock ,,. every by -him and his family while on 3 , item priced for quick. sale! a tour of Europe. This trip was | . made by bus through Luxem-) bourg, Switzerland, Italy, and : France, Mrs. Boddy thanked Mr Smith for an enjoyable hour. The group in charge served e refreshments. - HOUSEHOLD HINT To cover scratches on ma- mi Tone wan," ps oe AIS t : . | weno os xm} NO HOLD ORDERS ames, Ne Oo RNITURE WoRLD BD